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PixNet: Interference-Free Wireless Links UsingLCD-Camera pairs

Samuel David PerliCSAIL, MIT

[email protected]

Nabeel AhmedCSAIL, MIT

[email protected]

Dina KatabiCSAIL, MIT

[email protected]

ABSTRACTGiven the abundance of cameras and LCDs in today’s environ-ment, there exists an untapped opportunity for using these de-vices for communication. Specifically, cameras can tune to nearbyLCDs and use them for network access. The key feature of theseLCD-camera links is that they are highly directional and henceenable a form of interference-free wireless communication. Thismakes them an attractive technology for dense, high contentionscenarios. The main challenge however, to enable such LCD-camera links is to maximize coverage, that is to deliver multipleMb/s over multi-meter distances, independent of the view angle.To do so, these links need to address unique types of channeldistortions, such as perspective distortion and blur.

This paper explores this novel communication medium and

presents PixNet, a system for transmitting information over LCD-

camera links. PixNet generalizes the popular OFDM transmis-

sion algorithms to address the unique characteristics of the LCD-

camera link which include perspective distortion, blur, and sen-

sitivity to ambient light. We have built a prototype of PixNet

using off-the-shelf LCDs and cameras. An extensive evaluation

shows that a single PixNet link delivers data rates of up to 12

Mb/s at a distance of 10 meters, and works with view angles as

wide as 120◦.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.2.1 [Network Architecture and Design]: Wireless com-munication

General TermsAlgorithms, Design, Experimentation, Measurement, Per-formance

KeywordsOptical Links, Camera, OFDM, Perspective Distortion

1. INTRODUCTIONCameras and LCDs are abundant in today’s environment,

both in stand-alone form and embedded in laptops, smart

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.MobiCom’10, September 20–24, 2010, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0181-7/10/09 ...$10.00.

phones, and PDAs. This abundance creates an untappedopportunity for using these devices for wireless communi-cation. In particular, LCDs can encode data into visualframes, allowing camera-equipped devices to download thisinformation. These LCD-camera links are highly directionaldue to the short wavelengths in the visible light spectrum.Hence, they can provide a form of interference-free wirelesscommunication, that is a multitude of LCD-camera links canoperate simultaneously in a dense area without interferingwith each other. Consider for example a trade show, wherecompanies demonstrate their latest products. Thousands ofparticipants tour the booths, exchange business cards andbrochures, and come back loaded with handouts and book-lets. LCD-camera links enable any pair of participants touse their smart phones to wirelessly exchange brochures andeven videos of their products, without having to worry aboutinterference from the hundreds of concurrent communica-tions going on simultaneously in the trade show. More gen-erally, LCD-camera links can potentially evolve into a newwireless technology that is useful in dense high-contentionscenarios, similar to how Bluetooth targets low-power sce-narios, and whitespaces target long-range communication.

While they offer new opportunities, LCD-camera linksbring about new challenges. Specifically, an LCD-cameralink exhibits three main types of distortions:

• Perspective distortion. Since they operate in the vis-ible light spectrum, LCD-camera links require line ofsight. This requires the designer to pay special atten-tion to where the LCDs are placed in order to maxi-mize coverage. If an LCD and a camera can commu-nicate only when they are perfectly aligned, the re-sulting system is less likely to be broadly applicable todifferent usage scenarios. In contrast, if an LCD anda camera can communicate in the presence of view an-gles, similar to how a human sees a screen even whenhe looks at it from an angle, coverage is significantlyextended. The challenge is that the image of a rect-angular screen becomes a trapezoid when viewed froman angle, as shown in Fig. 1(a). As a result, some pix-els on the LCD screen expand at the camera, whileothers shrink. The more coverage one would like froman LCD-camera link, the greater perspective distortionthese links must be able to tolerate.• Blur. Any handshaking or movement while capturing

an image or a lack of focus can introduce blur in theimage, which causes the pixels to blend together, asin Fig. 1(b). An LCD-camera communication system


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(a) Perspective Distor-tion

(b) Blur

Figure 1: Example distortions of the LCD-Camerachannel.

must be able to deal with such blending and still suc-cessfully recover the transmitted bits.• Ambient Light. Ambient light is a source of noise for

LCD-camera links because it changes the luminance ofthe received pixels. This can cause errors in the infor-mation encoded in the pixels, resulting in informationloss at the receiver.

Thus, the LCD-camera channel needs a new transmissionscheme that can handle the above distortions, that are sig-nificantly different from the distortions seen in RF wirelesschannels.

Past work in the area of computer graphics has lookedat these problems in the context of 2D barcodes, e.g., QRcode [2] or Data matrix [3]. These codes are printed on wallsor objects. Users with a camera phone can take a pictureof these barcodes, decode them, and obtain a description ofthe attached object or surrounding space [37, 38]. Barcodeshowever have relatively low information density and mustbe read at close proximity [18, 30]. In contrast, we aim todevelop an LCD-camera link that supports high data ratesat multi-meter distances and wide view angles.

This paper presents PixNet, a system for transmitting in-formation over LCD-camera links. In contrast to all pastwork on 2D barcodes, which encode information directlyin the visual domain, PixNet encodes information in thefrequency domain. Such a design is inspired by the pop-ular OFDM transmission scheme, widely used in modernRF technologies. However, unlike existing RF-based OFDMschemes that encode data in time frequencies, PixNet en-codes data in two-dimensional spatial frequencies. More im-portantly, PixNet generalizes OFDM receiver algorithms todeal with the unique distortions of the LCD-camera link.Using PixNet we show that such a generalized frequency-based design provides a unified framework to deal with thedistortions in the LCD-camera channel.

PixNet has the following three components:

(a) Perspective Correction Algorithm: A picture takenby a digital camera is a sampled version of the captured ob-ject. Perspective distortion occurs when the sampling fre-quency is irregular. For example, a rectangular screen be-comes a trapezoid if the columns on the right are sampledat a lower frequency (i.e., with more pixels) than those onthe left (Fig. 1(a)). Since PixNet operates in the frequencydomain, it naturally addresses irregularity in the samplingfrequencies. Specifically, PixNet generalizes the OFDM al-

gorithm for correcting the sampling frequency offset (SFO)between sender and receiver to allow it to work with irregu-lar sampling offsets. Once the receiver knows the samplingfrequency offset in each part of the image, it re-samples theimage at the right frequencies to correctly recover the bitsencoded in the frame.

(b) Blur-Adaptive Coding: Approaches that encodebits directly in the visual domain, like 2D barcodes, failquickly in the presence of blur because the bits blend to-gether. In contrast, since PixNet encodes information in thefrequency domain, it is more resilient to blur. Blur, in thefrequency domain, translates into attenuation in the highfrequencies while the low frequencies remain intact. There-fore, PixNet naturally identifies the frequencies affected byblur and prevents the error from spreading into other bits.PixNet treats different frequencies differently: frequenciesthat are badly attenuated due to blur are not used for trans-mitting information; frequencies mildly affected by blur areused for transmitting information but protected with a highredundancy error correction code; frequencies not affectedby blur are used for transmission and protected with a lowredundancy error correcting code.

(c) Ambient Light Filter: Approaches that encode in-formation directly in the visual domain have to perform aspecial preprocessing step referred to as light balancing [22].In contrast, PixNet operates in the frequency domain. Sinceambient light changes the overall luminance, it only affectsthe zero frequency (commonly referred to as ‘DC’) that cap-tures the average luminance of pixels in the image. Thus,PixNet can filter out the impact of ambient light simply byignoring the DC frequency.

We have built a software prototype of PixNet and eval-uated it using commodity LCDs and cameras. Empiricalresults using Dell 30 inch screens with consumer camerassuch as Casio EX-F1 and Nikon D3X reveal the followingfindings:

• Using PixNet a single LCD-camera link can deliverdata rates of up to 12 Mb/s, at a distance of 10 meters.• PixNet’s links support wide view angles. Specifically,

PixNet delivers 8 Mb/s at view angles as wide as 120◦.• We also compare PixNet to a baseline system that uses

the popular Quick Response (QR) 2D barcode andstacks as many of them as can fit in an LCD frame.Our results show that in comparison with QR codes,PixNet delivers up to 2x − 9x higher throughput de-pending on the distance and can also tolerate 3x widerview angles.

1.1 Contributions

• To the best of our knowledge, PixNet is the first sys-tem where LCD-camera links are shown in a workingdeployment to deliver high throughput data rates overmulti-meter distances and wide view angles.• PixNet presents a novel OFDM-based receiver algo-

rithm that addresses perspective distortion.• PixNet presents a blur-adaptive error correction code

that is robust to distortions in the LCD-camera chan-nel.• We present an extensive empirical study of data com-

munication over LCD-camera links that addresses dis-tances, view angles, camera focus, and different ap-


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Figure 2: A few examples of 2D barcodes used inmobile tagging. From left: QR Codes, Data MatrixCodes, Shot Codes and EZ Codes.

proaches for encoding information, e.g., 2D OFDM and2D barcodes.

2. RELATED WORKCommunication over visual channels has intrigued peo-

ple for the last two decades. For instance, in 1994, Timexreleased the Data Link series of watches embedded with pho-todetectors to capture information transmitted visually viaa CRT monitor [23]. This product however delivered onlyvery low data rates (up to two bytes per frame). More re-cent forms of visual communication have employed barcodes,which are visual markers printed on commercial goods forstock control or painted on walls or roads to convey locationinformation. Barcodes are typically decoded using flyingspot scanning lasers and a single photodetector. This min-imizes perspective distortions and blur [35]. Recent workon pervasive computing has developed a new class of 2Dbarcodes that are captured and processed using cell phonecameras. A few such barcodes are shown in Fig. 2 [2, 3, 4,1]. Today there is a spectrum of 2D barcodes. Some 2Dbarcodes have been proposed for information storage [15].Though they advertise high information density, due to theirproprietary nature, little is known about their tolerance toblur, perspective distortion, and distances. Other 2D codes(e.g., QR codes, Data Matrix, and BoKodes) are shown tobe robust to visual distortion and blur, but are limited interms of their information density [27]. There has also beensome work on time-multiplexing such 2D barcodes to al-low decoding across multiple frames [19]. However, theseschemes deliver only a few hundred characters per minuteand do not deal with large distances or wide view angles.PixNet’s design differs from all of the above as it encodesinformation in the frequency domain using spatial OFDM.As a result, it can achieve higher data rates and wider viewangles as shown in §8.

PixNet builds on a proposal by Hranilovic and Kschis-chang [16] that also advocate using OFDM to transmit be-tween an LCD-camera pair. Their approach however usesOFDM as-is and does not deal with perspective distortion,blur, or frame synchronization. As a result, it applies only toscenarios in which the camera and LCD are perfectly alignedand perfectly focused. Additionally, the work in [16] is basedon emulation, i.e., the channel function is measured empir-ically but no data is transmitted. It is then applied to theOFDM encoded data in simulation. In contrast, PixNet gen-eralizes OFDM’s sampling correction algorithm to addressperspective distortion, and augments it with a blur-adaptiveerror correction code. PixNet also presents the first imple-mentation of an LCD-camera communication system thatdelivers high data rates over multi-meter distances and wideview angles.

PixNet is also related to work on free-space optics (FSO)and visible light communication (VLC). Free space optics

(FSO) use laser beams that transmit light in the atmospherewithout the use of physical fiber. This technology was orig-inally developed by the military but has since been used inoptical interconnects for on-board and cross-board commu-nication [14, 25]. FSO, however, is not applicable in the enduser scenarios we are targeting, because it requires almostperfect alignment of the transmitter and the receiver.

For indoor environments, visible light communication (VLC)has been proposed [29], where light sources (e.g., light bulbs)are modulated to enable data communication in addition toillumination [21, 26]. Such light sources are highly diffusivein nature, resulting in very low throughput communication.Although there has been some work on specialized sourcesand photodetectors [26] that address this problem, funda-mentally VLC is not appropriate for the high bandwidthscenarios targeted by PixNet.

Last, there is extensive work by the imaging communitythat has looked at the problem of perspective distortion inthe visual domain [10, 11, 41]. PixNet takes this work a stepfurther; it shows for the first time that wireless transmissionalgorithms can naturally address the problem of perspectivedistortion. In particular, PixNet exploits OFDM that op-erates in the frequency domain to detect and correct suchdistortions. This approach is not only novel but also compu-tationally more efficient when compared to existing perspec-tive correction algorithms proposed in the literature [10, 11,41].

3. PROBLEM DOMAINPixNet focuses on information transmission over LCD cam-

era links, i.e., the development of modulation and codingschemes that provide high throughput over large distancesand wide view angles. To put the scope of this work intoperspective, we start by listing the assumptions under whichwe have developed PixNet.

• We consider scenarios where the camera is alreadysetup to take pictures of the communicating LCD screen.In static environments the user may focus the cameraon the screen. In dynamic scenarios, one can leverageprior work on steerable projector-camera systems [12,34] and use automatic focusing. Note that this doesnot mean that the LCD and camera are aligned; thecamera can still be viewing the LCD from any viewangle.• We focus on one-way communication from an LCD to

a camera. Higher layer protocols and applications mayrequire two-way communication (e.g., TCP Acks). Afull-featured integration of LCD-camera links into ageneral purpose networking framework has to considerthese issues in more detail. In this paper however weassume that Acks and uplink traffic are sent over theRF WLAN and focus only on one-way transmission.

4. PixNet’S TRANSMITTERAnalogous to the way that a standard OFDM transmitter

translates bits into voltages, the PixNet transmitter trans-lates bits into pixel luminance values on the LCD. There aretwo important differences however. First, RF communica-tion uses high frequency carrier waves to transmit both realand imaginary components whereas pixel luminance valuesare purely real and support no imaginary components. Sec-ond, traditional OFDM is one dimensional but in contrast,


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LCD screens are two dimensional (3D including the timedimension).

To handle these differences, PixNet generalizes the stan-dard OFDM algorithm by making some key modifications.In the modified algorithm, bits are first modulated into com-plex numbers and then broken down into symbols just likestandard OFDM. However, instead of feeding these into aone dimensional IFFT, each symbol is first arranged into atwo dimensional Hermitian matrix. This matrix is then fedinto a 2-D IFFT. The special properties of the Hermitian ar-rangement ensure that the output from the IFFT is entirelyreal. Additionally, by using a 2D IFFT we also get a twodimensional output appropriate for display on an LCD. Toactually transmit the data, the transmitter stacks in eachframe as many OFDM symbols as the LCD can support. Itthen transmits frame after frame until the transfer is com-plete.

4.1 ModulationPixNet uses 4QAM modulation which produces a complex

number for every pair of bits. Fig. 3(a) illustrates this pro-cess and shows the four complex numbers that correspondto all possible values of a sequence of 2 bits.

4.2 Maintaining Real OutputAs mentioned above, PixNet ensures that the output of

the transmitter is purely real by taking advantage of theintrinsic property of Fourier transforms, which says that ifthe input function is Hermitian, its IFFT is real.1 To turnthe modulated bits into Hermitian matrices, PixNet firstbreaks the stream of modulated values into symbols. Forexample, say we have a transmitter block of 5 × 5 pixels.We can use it to transmit 12 real data values as follows:We first organize the values into a Hermitian form, i.e., weassign to pixel (−i,−j) the complex conjugate of the valueassigned to pixel (i, j), as shown in Fig. 3(b). We then applyit to a 2D IFFT. The resulting 25 values are all real and canbe sent as pixels’ luminance. We refer to such a 2D block ofencoded pixels as a 2D OFDM symbol.

One may think that, by transmitting only 12 complexnumbers in 25 real values, we have reduced the efficiency to50%. Recall however that each complex number is composedof two real numbers. Hence, 12 complex numbers alreadyhave 24 real values. As for the center frequency, OFDMnaturally does not transmit data in the DC frequency. Fur-thermore, in PixNet the DC frequency is the average pixelluminance (by definition of IFFT). Upon reception, the av-erage pixel luminance typically gets badly distorted due tothe ambient light in the environment. PixNet filters the dis-tortion caused by ambient light by simply ignoring the DCfrequency.

4.3 Lack of pixel-to-pixel matching betweenthe LCD and Camera

In addition to modifying OFDM to meet the special re-quirements imposed by the LCD-camera channel, PixNettakes advantage of the standard properties of OFDM to solveproblems created by the LCD-camera channel. Specifically,there is no one-to-one mapping between the pixels on the

1A Hermitian function is a complex function with the prop-erty that its complex conjugate is equal to the original func-

tion with the variable changed in sign, i.e., f(−x) = f(x).










Symbol i Symbol i+1

Figure 4: Inter-pixel and Inter-symbol interferenceencountered in the LCD-camera channels. Eachpixel at the transmitter is shown to interfere withits neighboring pixel at the receiver. After the in-troduction of the cyclic prefix, the Inter-symbol in-terference disappears.

LCD and the pixels on the camera. Each pixel on the LCDis a light source and light is diffusive in nature. The cam-era’s lens attempts to concentrate the light from each LCDpixel onto a small region in the image. In practice, focus cannever be perfect and hence, each camera pixel receives lightfrom multiple nearby LCD pixels as shown in Fig. 4.2 As aresult, the transmitter pixels bleed into each other at the re-ceiver. This bleeding of the pixels creates two effects on thereceived samples: First, pixels are subjected to interferencefrom pixels belonging to neighboring symbols (inter-symbolinterference). Second, pixels from the same symbol interferewith each other creating a blur effect (inter-pixel interfer-ence).

The above problem is analogous to multipath in RF wire-less channels. Specifically, in environments with multipath,multiple copies of the signal traverse different paths and ar-rive at the receiver with different delays. As a result, eachreceived signal sample is a linear combination of a few con-secutive transmitted samples. RF transmitters deal withmultipath by employing OFDM and appending a cyclic pre-fix to their signal [8]. We adopt a similar approach in PixNet.Adding a cyclic prefix (CP) means repeating the first fewsignal samples at the end of the symbol [8]. In PixNet, weappend the CP around the entire symbol, as shown in Fig-ure 3(d). Specifically, we copy the first few rows from thetop of the symbol to the bottom of the symbol and viceversa. We also do the same for a few columns at the leftand right edges of the symbol. Since the cyclic prefix in-troduces a separation between the two symbols as shownin Fig 4, it prevents pixels belonging to different symbolsfrom interfering with one another. Inter-pixel interference isdealt with by the fact that OFDM transforms the samplesinto the frequency domain. The seemingly complex opera-tion of pixel bleeding which is a convolution in the spatialdomain turns into a simple multiplication operation in thefrequency domain. This makes it easy to address blur frominter-pixel interference as described in Section 6.1.

The operator can pick the size of the OFDM symbol andthe cyclic prefix length. The cyclic prefix length chosenshould be greater than the amount by which pixels bleed

2The pixels on the camera (RX) and the LCD (TX) areshown to be spatially aligned only for demonstration pur-poses. Typically, the number of pixels on the camera andthe LCD are different and the pixels are not aligned.


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(a) 4QAM maps a bit pair toone of four complex numbers

(b) A Hermitian OFDMsymbol

(c) IFFT maps modulated bits topixel values

(d) An OFDM symbolwith a Cyclic Prefix (CP)

Figure 3: Components of PixNet’s Transmitter.

into each other. Empirically, we found that an OFDM sym-bol of 81×81 pixels and a cyclic prefix of 5 pixels (introducedon all sides of the symbol) works reasonably well.

5. PixNet’S RECEIVERPixNet’s receiver works by first extracting the LCD’s coded

frame from the frame captured by the camera, using a cornerdetection algorithm. It then corrects for perspective distor-tion present in this extracted frame and obtains the rightsamples to be passed through an FFT for normal OFDMdecoding.

5.1 Corner DetectionBefore the receiver can start decoding, it needs to separate

the coded frame from the background in the image. Thisrequires the receiver to detect the four corners of the codedframe. Corner detection is a widely studied problem [33].In particular, the literature on 2D barcodes has a varietyof corner detection algorithms. PixNet can work with anyof them. Our implementation uses the Data Matrix cornerdetection algorithm described in [3].

5.2 Perspective CorrectionWhen a camera takes a picture of an object, it projects

that object on to the plane of its sensors. This projectionincludes shifting the object with respect to its surroundings,scaling the object, and in general, distorting the geometryof the original object. This problem of perspective transfor-mation is widely studied in computer vision [5]. Our contexthowever differs from the traditional context studied in com-puter vision. On the one hand, our constraints are strictersince we cannot use offline algorithms or tolerate minor dis-tortions which are typically acceptable to the human eye [5].On the other hand, we have more flexibility in our designsince we can encode the imaged object in a manner thatsimplifies correcting for perspective distortion. Because ofthese differences, we do not use traditional perspective cor-rection algorithms. Instead we develop our own algorithmwhich generalizes the OFDM sampling correction algorithm.

The intuition underlying our approach is simple: We ap-proach perspective distortion as a sampling problem. Specif-ically, the LCD pixel values refer to the signal samples at thetransmitter. The camera pixel values refer to the signal sam-ples at the receiver. When the LCD and camera are at anangle, some parts of the LCD are closer to the camera, andhence occupy a relatively bigger space in the image. Thisemulates the effect of sampling these parts at a higher rate.Parts of the LCD that are further away from the camera,occupy a relatively smaller space in the image, and hence itis as if they were sampled at a slower rate. To correct forperspective distortion, PixNet needs to find the relationship













(a) A 2D OFDM symbolwith shift offsets


3S S























(b) A 2D OFDM symbol withperspective distortion

Figure 5: Example distortions of the LCD-Camerachannel.

between the sampling points on the camera and those onthe LCD, and re-sample the received image at the locationsthat best reflect the original LCD samples.

Sampling differences between sender and receiver occur inRF channels too. The DAC at the transmitter and the ADCat the receiver are not synchronized to sample the signalat the same instants. Furthermore, they typically differ intheir sampling frequency. As a result, the receiver’s samplesare different from the transmitter’s samples. To decode thesignal properly, the receiver needs to resample the signal asclosely as possible to the transmitter’s samples. However, inRF channels, the sampling is regular and hence there is noanalogy to the case of geometric distortion.

In this section, we build on this intuition to provide a gen-eralized OFDM sampling correction algorithm that workswith perspective distortion. Before dealing with the generalcase of irregular sampling, we motivate our approach with asimpler special case, where the samples at the receiver areall shifted by the same amount with respect to the samplesat the transmitter.

5.2.1 A Constant ShiftConsider a 2D OFDM symbol sampled with shifts ∆x on

the x-axis, and ∆y on the y-axis, as shown in Fig. 5(a). Abasic property of the Fourier transform is that shifts in thesignal domain translate into phase offsets in the frequencydomain [8].3 Given this property, it is relatively simple tofigure out how a constant sampling shift effects the encodeddata. Specifically, since a 2D OFDM symbol is generatedby taking a 2D IFFT of the complex numbers, sk,l, thatrepresent the modulated bits, a sampling shift introducesphase shifts in these complex numbers as follows:

3This argument is subject to the shift being less than thecyclic prefix of the OFDM symbol since any larger shiftscause interference from nearby OFDM symbols.


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Proposition 5.1. Let ∆θx be the difference between thephase shifts experienced by sk,l and sk′,l, and ∆θy the dif-ference between the phase shifts experienced by sk,l and sk,l′ .Then:

(∆θx,∆θy) =

„2π(k − k′)∆x


2π(l − l′)∆y



where Ls × Ls is the size of the 2D-FFT.

Proof. The proof is relatively simple. Specifically, the2D OFDM symbol can be expressed as:

Sm,n =



sk,l ej 2πkmLs e

j 2πlnLs

If The receiver samples the OFDM symbol with a shift(∆x,∆y), the resulting samples are given by

S′m,n =



sk,l ej

2πk(m+∆x)Ls e



To decode the OFDM symbol from these samples, the re-ceiver takes a 2D FFT. Given however that the samples areshifted, the FFT does not reproduce exactly the originalcomplex numbers; it produces a phase shifted version zp,q ofthe original complex numbers as follows:

zp,q =1



S′m,n e−j 2πmp

Ls e−j 2πnq






sk,l ej

2πm(k−p)Ls e


Ls ej 2πk∆x

Ls ej





sk,l ej 2πk∆x

Ls ej











sk,l ej 2πk∆x

Ls ej

2πl∆yLs δ(k − p)δ(l − q)

= sp,q ej 2πp∆x

Ls ej


Thus, each complex number, sk,l experiences a phase shift2πk∆xLs


. Thus, the difference in phase shift between

sk,l and sk′,l is 2π(k−k′)∆xLs

and that between sk,l and sk,l′ is2π(l−l′)∆y


The above proposition allows the receiver to estimate thesampling shifts (∆x,∆y) from differences in the phase shiftsof the modulated complex numbers, (∆θx,∆θy). But howdoes the receiver obtain (∆θx,∆θy)? To enable the receiverto compute (∆θx,∆θy), we transmit a few known complexnumbers in each OFDM symbol, which we refer to as pilots.Since the receiver knows the original phase of each transmit-ted pilot, it can easily compute the phase shift experiencedby each pilot. The receiver then computes differences inphase shifts between two pilots in the same row, ∆θx, andtwo pilots in the same column ∆θy, and substitutes themin eq. 1 to obtain the sampling shifts. Once it has the

sampling shifts, it resamples the OFDM symbol at the cor-rect locations, and computes the FFT again to obtain thecorrect modulated complex numbers. Finally the receiverdemodulates the complex numbers to obtain the bits usingstandard 4QAM demodulation.

5.2.2 Perspective Correction AlgorithmWe now consider a general case where we sample a 2D

OFDM symbol with a perspective distortion as shown inFig. 5(b). Following from the observation above, we sus-pect that these corner shifts should similarly result in phaseoffsets at the receiver.

However, unlike the previous case where we needed toestimate 2 unknowns (∆x,∆y), in this case we need to esti-mate 8 unknowns (Ax, Ay), (Bx, By), (Cx, Cy) and (Dx, Dy).If we consider any particular symbol we would have only 2equations, one for phase shifts θx, and another for θy. Butwe need at least 8 equations to estimate these 8 offsets. Wesolve this problem by considering a super-symbol consistingof 4 symbols as shown in Fig. 5(b). Now, we can generate 2equations for each symbol, resulting in 8 equations overall.In the Appendix, we prove the following:

Proposition 5.2. Consider a 2 × 2 2D OFDM super-symbol generated by taking the IFFT of the complex num-bers sk,l,r, where k and l are integers between 0 and Ls − 1and r ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} denotes the symbol index. Let us assumethat this symbol is sampled with relatively small x and ycorner offsets of (Ax, Ay), (Bx, By), (Cx, Cy) and (Dx, Dy)at its four corners, as show in Fig. 5(b). Let ∆θx,r be thedifference between the phase shifts experienced by sk,l,r andsk′,l,r, and ∆θy,r be the difference between the phase shiftsexperienced by sk,l,r and sk,l′,r. Then:





1CCA =2π(k − k′)


0BB@9 3 3 13 9 1 33 1 9 31 3 3 9







1CCA =2π(l − l′)


0BB@9 3 3 13 9 1 33 1 9 31 3 3 9



Proof. Refer to the Appendix.Note that eq. 2 is a generalized version of eq. 1 for (Ax, Ay) =

(Bx, By) = (Cx, Cy) = (Dx, Dy) = (∆x,∆y). After estimat-ing the offsets (Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx), (Ay, By, Cy, Dy) with thehelp of eq. 2 using the pilot bins as described in sec. 5.2.1,the receiver re-samples each OFDM symbol at the correctsampling points and computes the FFT again. The resultingcomplex numbers are demodulated to obtain the transmit-ted bits.

6. PixNet CROSS TX-RX TECHNIQUESPixNet takes advantage of two techniques which are im-

plemented partially in the transmitter and partially in thereceiver. These are blur-adaptive coding and frame synchro-nization.


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−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 400



Frequency index








Moderate Moderate Low

Attenuation High




Figure 6: Received signal amplitude across differentfrequencies with a DELL 30”flat display and a NikonD3X camera at a distance of 2 meters.

−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 400



Frequency index









Moderate Low

Attenuation Moderate


Attenuation High


Figure 7: Received signal amplitude across differentfrequencies for symbols that are in the focal planeand out of the focal plane.

6.1 Blur-Adaptive CodingBlur eliminates sharp transitions in an image and causes

nearby pixels to blend together. Thus, its impact is similarto that of a low pass filter, i.e., it attenuates the high fre-quencies in an image. Fig. 6 shows the signal amplitude asa function of the frequency index for a transmitted signaland its received version. The transmitted signal is chosen tohave the same energy in all frequencies. We can see from thefigure that the high frequencies (i.e., those above 20 or below-20) are heavily attenuated. Thus, these frequencies cannotbe used for transmitting information. Conversely, the low-est frequencies (between -10 and 10) are mostly preservedand can deliver information with almost no error. Finally,the frequencies in between, experience significant attenua-tion but can still be used to transmit some information.

Since PixNet operates in the frequency domain, it cannaturally deal with different frequencies experiencing differ-ent attenuation. PixNet completely suppresses very highfrequencies, and does not use them to transmit information.Frequencies that experience low or moderate attenuation areused to transmit information, but protected with a ReedSolomon error correcting code. An error correction code ischosen for each frequency with redundancy commensuratewith the attenuation that frequency experiences.

We find that the amount of attenuation varies not onlywith the frequency, but it also varies with the position ofthe symbol in a given frame. Specifically, cameras focus ona particular plane. Objects that are either nearer or fartherfrom the focus plane experience blur (this is typically knownas limited depth-of-field (DoF)) [36]. Thus, when the LCDand camera have a view angle with respect to each other,only the center of the LCD will be in focus. Symbols awayfrom the center of the frame are not in the plane of focus andhence experience increased attenuation due to blur (in ad-dition to perspective distortion) as shown in Fig. 7. PixNetexploits this information while optimizing the redundancyin the error correcting code. Specifically, the symbols atthe center of the frame will have lower redundancy and thesymbols away from the center of the frame will have higherredundancy.

Figure 8: Experimental Setup

The configuration of the Reed Solomon code in PixNet isas follows: The code operates on a block size of 255, whereeach element in the block is 8 bits [6]. Based on empir-ical calculations, PixNet uses codes that correct up to 3%(weak), 7% (medium), and 15% (strong) errors. Frequencieslabeled low attenuation in Fig. 6 are always coded with theweak code. The moderate attenuation frequencies, however,are coded with the medium code for symbols in the focalplane, and with the strong code for symbols out of the focalplane.

6.2 Frame SynchronizationUnsynchronized operation between LCD and camera can

cause the camera to capture an image while the LCD is inthe process of rendering a new frame. We have performeddetailed experiments to identify specific distortions arisingfrom the lack of transmitter-receiver synchronization. Weobserved the following two distortions:

• Frame Splitting : This distortion causes two consecu-tive LCD frames to form the top and bottom parts ofone frame captured by the camera. This occurs be-cause the graphics card writes the next frame to theLCD’s frame buffer while the LCD has not completelyrendered the current frame. This is the so-called ‘ver-tical sync’ problem that occurs when copying of framesby the graphics card is out of sync with the renderingof frames by the LCD screen.• Frame Shadowing : In this case, the image captured by

the camera is a linear combination of two consecutiveLCD frames. Specifically, camera captures light forthe duration that the shutter is open, and integratesover this time period. Thus, if the LCD moves fromrendering one frame to the next while the camera’sshutter is open, the camera integrates light from bothLCD frames. The net effect of this integration processis a shadowed frame.

PixNet tackles these problems as follows. For frame split-ting, we leverage the OpenGL graphics library [32]. OpenGLprovides the GLFlush and GLFinish interface commands aspart of its API to force the graphics card to wait for theLCD screen to complete rendering of the previously copiedframe before the next frame is copied to its frame buffer.This effectively eliminates the frame splitting problem. Totackle frame shadowing, we calibrate the shutter speed toensure that the camera’s frame rate is at least twice thatof the LCD. This configuration ensures that each frame dis-played by the LCD is captured without shadowing in at leastone of the camera’s frames. Note that it is common in com-munication systems to run the receiver at twice the speedof the transmitter to improve robustness to synchronizationerrors [7].


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7. EVALUATION ENVIRONMENTHardware: For our transmitter, we use a DELL 30” flatdisplay at a resolution of 2560 × 1600 pixels. At the re-ceiver end, we experiment with a Casio EX-F1, which has aresolution of 6 megapixels, and a Nikon D3X, which has aresolution of 24 megapixels. In some experiments, we use aNokia N82 phone, which has a 5 megapixel camera.

Compared Schemes: We compare two encoding schemes:

• PixNet: We have implemented a prototype of PixNetin C. All our experiments use a symbol size of 81× 81pixels with a cyclic prefix of 5 pixels.• QR codes: We experiment with a baseline scheme

that encodes data using QR code. Our experimentsuse the open source reference implementation of QRcode from [42].

Experimental Setup: Fig. 8 illustrates our experimentalsetup. We fix the location of the LCD and move the cam-era. We experiment with different distances between theLCD and camera as well as different view angles. We packas many QR codes or PixNet OFDM symbols that can fiton the screen. We set the camera exposure time to 1/60seconds, hence allowing for a frame rate of 60 fps. Since atmost half of the frames show shadowing (see §6.2), the effec-tive frame rate is 30 fps. We use the autofocus functionalityof the cameras, except for the blur experiments in which wecontrol the focus to show the impact of different levels ofblur.

Metric: We compare PixNet and QR code schemes in termsof their throughput, that is the number of correctly receivedbits after Reed-Solomon decoding.4 The throughput is com-puted as the average per frame throughput multiplied by 30frames/s. In all experiments we use a shutter speed (expo-sure time) of 1/60 second, which corresponds to a frame rateof 60 fps and an effective frame rate of 30 fps. The CasioEX-F1 has a burst mode that captures 60 fps. The NikonD3X FX does not have a burst mode and hence cannot de-liver 60 fps in realtime. However by setting the exposuretime to 1/60 seconds, we obtain the same quality as if eachframe lasted 1/60 second. Our intent however in presentingresults for Nikon D3X FX is to show the effect of differentsensor types on the performance of PixNet.

Ensuring Fair Comparison: For a fair comparison be-tween PixNet and QR code, we need to ensure that theyboth have the same upper bound on the amount of infor-mation they can pack in a frame. To do so, we note thatcameras and LCDs have three color channels: Red, Green,and Blue. QR codes are monochrome and hence set all threechannels to the same value. To ensure that PixNet cannotpack more information by using colors, we have PixNet usea single channel, which is the green channel. Also, QR codesare black and white and do not use grey levels. Thus, theyallow a maximum of one bit per pixel. PixNet also allows amaximum of one bit per pixel. Specifically, the combinationof 4QAM modulation and a hermitian structure results in,on average, one bit per spatial frequency. The number ofspatial frequencies is the same as the number of pixels (theyare the input and output of IFFT). Thus, both PixNet andQR code can transmit at the same maximum data rates.

4For QR code, we use the default “L” error correction level,which allows for maximum throughput per code.









1 2 3 4 5 6


n D


ed B










Figure 9: Impact of QR code’s granularity and ver-sion on its performance.









0 20 40 60 80 100 120


n D


ed B







Angle (Degrees)



Figure 10: Impact of angle on throughput achievedwith different QR Code versions and granularities

The actual throughput they achieve in practice depends onhow many bits/s they can deliver reliably.

7.1 Calibration of QR CodeAs mentioned earlier, we allow QR code to transmit one

bit/pixel, i.e., to use a granularity of 1. In practice, however,such a granularity suffers excessive errors and reduces thethroughput. Thus, we take an additional step and calibratethe QR code parameters for optimal performance. The QRcode [2] has two parameters: granularity and version. Thegranularity defines the number of pixels used to convey asingle bit. For instance, a granularity of 2 means that eachbit is expressed using 2 × 2 pixels. The version defines thenumber of bits encoded in a single QR code. For instance,v5 encodes 864 bits per QR code.

Method. For each version and granularity, we fit as manyQR codes as we can on the 30” Dell 3007WFP LCD screenwe use in all our experiments. We perform two types ofexperiments. First, we study the interaction between theversion and granularity. To do so, we align the LCD-camerapair (i.e., ensure zero view angle) and fix the distance be-tween them to two meters. We take multiple pictures of thescreen using the Nikon D3X camera and decode each frameusing the QR code reference implementation [2]. Second, werepeat the above experiment but with different view anglesand distances.

Results. Fig. 9 shows the effect of different QR code gran-ularities and versions (For clarity, we plot the subset of theversions that showed better performance). In principle, in-creasing the version or decreasing the granularity increasesthe data rate but decreases robustness to errors. The fig-ure shows that QR code version 5 with a granularity of 2represents a sweet spot in this tradeoff, and yields the best


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2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16





t (M



Distance (Meters)

QRCode (v5,g2) - NikonPixNet - Nikon

QRCode (v5) - CasioPixNet - Casio

QRCode (v5,g5) - Nikon

Figure 11: Impact of distance on throughput ofPixNet and QR Code

performance. Higher versions pack too many bits in a singleQR code, and hence fail to support the fine granularities,resulting in lower overall throughput. Lower versions packtoo little information in a QR code and hence are not effec-tive at amortizing per QR code metadata (e.g., corner andsynchronization markers).

Fig. 10 shows the performance of different QR code ver-sions and granularities as a function of the viewing angle(again, we plot the subset of configurations that showed bet-ter performance). It confirms that version 5 at a granularityof 2 performs the best independent of the viewing angle.

We also study the impact of distance and find that there isno clear winner. Specifically, the optimal QR code granular-ity increases with distance. For the distances that we exper-iment with (i.e., [2m-16m]) v5 with granularity 2 works wellfor the shorter distances and version 5 with granularity of 5works well for the longer distances. Hence, for our distanceexperiments, we show results for both in §8. Finally, notethat though we allow QR code to use both configurations todeal with distances, all of the experiments in this paper usea single configuration for PixNet (a symbol size of 81 × 81pixels with a 5 pixels cyclic prefix).

8. RESULTS(a) Impact of DistanceFirst, we examine whether an LCD-camera link can deliverdata over reasonable indoor distances.

Method. In this experiment, we keep the transmitter andreceiver aligned but move the receiver away in increments ofa meter, each time allowing the camera to refocus beforecapturing the frames. This experiment is performed withNikon and Casio cameras as receivers. For each location, thecamera zooms to fill the camera’s view with the transmittedframe.

Results. Fig. 11 shows the throughput of PixNet and QRcode as a function of distance between the transmitter andthe receiver. We show results for QR code v5 at granularitiesof 2 and 5. We observe that in comparison with QR code,PixNet delivers up to 2x− 9x higher throughput dependingon the distance. We also observe that PixNet continuesto achieve throughputs of up to 12 Mbps at a distance of10m which is representative of a large open space, such asa conference room or auditorium. In contrast, QR code(v5,g2) fails to work beyond 5m. QR code (v5,g5) howeveris able to support distances comparable to PixNet, but withan order of magnitude worse performance at short distances.

Interestingly, the figure also shows that while PixNet achievesa higher throughput with Casio EX-F1, QR code achieves










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160





t (M



Angle (Degrees)

QRCode (v5) - NikonPixNet - Nikon

QRCode (v5) - CasioPixNet - Casio

Figure 12: Impact of viewing angle on PixNet andQR Code

a higher throughput with Nikon D3X. This is due to thetwo cameras having different pixel sizes. Nikon D3X has aCCD pixel size of 34.46 µm2 where as Casio EX-F1 has aCCD pixel size of 193.54 µm2, which is around 5.6 timesbigger than that of Nikon. Having a bigger pixel size al-lows the pixels to gather more light quickly, and reducesthe amount of shot-noise (noise that arises because of smallnumber of photons being incident on the sensor). However,bigger pixel size also means that the light being gathered ateach receiver pixel is potentially a combination of light frommultiple transmitter pixels, and hence images from Casiohave higher blur (inter-pixel interference).

As described in section 6.1, PixNet has an effective way ofdealing with blur. This, combined with the fact that Casiocan collect more light makes PixNet perform better withCasio. QR codes on the other hand are highly sensitive toblur and hence perform poorly with Casio when comparedwith Nikon.

(b) Impact of Viewing AngleWe evaluate PixNet and QR code with perspective distor-tion.

Method. In this experiment, the distance between trans-mitter and receiver is maintained at 2m and the view angleis changed to span the range [0◦, 140◦] (view angles are mea-sured as solid angles, where 140◦ refers to −70◦ to 70◦).

Results. Fig. 12 shows the throughput as a function ofthe view angle, both for PixNet and QR Code. PixNet isable to provide up to half its peak throughput (8 Mbps) atangles as wide as 120◦, corresponding to a 3x gain in viewangles compared with QR Code.

We note that while PixNet achieved longer distances withCasio, it achieves wider angles with Nikon. The reason forthis behavior is that at very high angles, the transmittedrectangular image becomes a trapezoid at the receiver. Theimage size shrinks heavily on one side. As a result, only afew camera pixels are available to sample that portion of theimage. Since Nikon has smaller pixels and a higher resolu-tion than Casio, it can sample much more finely and retainmore information. The performance of Casio is once againinferior for QR codes because of higher blur and coarsersampling.

(c) Impact of BlurBlur is a common distortion in LCD-camera channels. Itoccurs because of focus imperfection, jerks while capturingimages, or low resolution at the camera [36].

Method. To measure the throughput achieved as a func-tion of the level of blur in the image, we use the same setupas in the previous experiments. We ensure that the frame


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60





t (M



Distance from Point of Focus (Cm)

QRCode (v5) - NikonPixNet - Nikon

QRCode (v5) - CasioPixNet - Casio

Figure 13: Impact of Blur on throughput achieved,using PixNet and QR Code









t (M



FlourescentDay Night

QR code


Figure 14: Impact of ambient light on Throughputachieved, using PixNet and QR Code

displayed on the LCD is in sharp focus when the camera is ata distance of 2m from the LCD. We then progressively movethe camera back away from the plane of focus. We take mea-surements at increasing distances without re-focusing thecamera before capturing frames.

Results. Fig. 13 shows how PixNet’s throughput changeswith the amount of blur. PixNet provides constant through-put for distances up to 40 cm away from the plane of focus.On the other hand, QR code is highly sensitive to blur andrapidly deteriorates in performance even with a little amountof blur. More importantly, this result shows that PixNetdoes not degrade in performance even if the image experi-ences a reasonable amount of blur either due to handshakesor because it is not perfectly in focus.

We once again find that Casio performs better than Nikonfor PixNet and performs worse than Nikon for QR code.The reason for this behavior is the difference in pixel sizesfor Nikon and Casio as discussed before.

(d) Impact of Ambient LightFor an LCD-camera link to provide high throughput in avariety of settings, its performance must remain stable overvarying degrees of illumination.

Method. We fix the camera at a distance of 2m fromthe LCD. We keep the LCD and camera planes at zero viewangle. We experiment with this setup for both PixNet andQR Code, under natural light, fluorescent light and in a darkroom.

Result. In Figure 14, we present the throughput achievedby both PixNet and QR code. We observe that PixNet’sperformance is independent of the ambient light in the en-vironment.

We observe that QR code’s performance is also stableacross different lighting conditions. QR code achieves this byemploying a histogram based light-balancing technique thatcalculates an optimal intensity threshold in order to distin-guish black pixels from white pixels. QR code’s techniqueinvolves binning different intensity values and finding succes-sive peaks and a valley in an intensity histogram. PixNet’s

Camera Model PixNet QR code v5, g2 QR code v5, g5Nokia N82 4.301 Mb/s NILL 1.544 Mb/sNikon D3X 15.28 Mb/s 7.6673 Mb/s 1.55 Mb/s

Casio EX-F1 15.15 Mb/s 3.47 Mb/s 1.539 Mb/s

Table 1: Nominal throughput in Mbps of PixNet and

QR codes (version 5, granularities 2 and 5) across differ-

ent receivers.

scheme for light balancing however, is much simpler and re-quires no additional computation. It comes as an addedadvantage of operating in the frequency domain. Since il-lumination changes only effect the DC frequency, PixNetdoes not transmit any information in the DC frequency andsimply discards the DC frequency at the receiver to preventthe variation in illumination from effecting the transmitteddata.

(e) Smart PhonesSmart phone cameras have smaller apertures than standardcameras [36]. This implies that the amount of light reachinga smart phone camera’s sensors is typically an order of mag-nitude low (the intensity of light varies as a square of theaperture’s diameter). And hence, the picture quality is usu-ally poorer and has a lot more noise. Here, we would liketo see what performance can be achieved by smart phonecameras.

Method. We use the setup in Fig. 8 with no appreciableangle between the camera and the LCD. We use Nokia N82as our receiver. The LCD and the smart phone are separatedby a distance of 2m.

Results. In Table 1, we show the throughput achieved forNokia N82 for PixNet and QR code. We present results forNikon and Casio receivers as well for comparison. Note thatdue to increased noise in the images captured by N82, QRcodes yield no throughput at a granularity of 2. However,N82 is able to realize the maximum possible throughput thatcan be achieved with QR codes at a granularity of 5. We seethat PixNet performs well even for smart phones. Also sincesmart phone technology is rapidly evolving, we can expectto see smart phones equipped with higher quality camerasthat will yield even better performance.

9. DISCUSSIONSo far, we have shown that PixNet links can deliver mul-

tiple Mb/s over significant distances and wide view angles.While the full potential of these links is yet to be discovered,in this section, we discuss possible applications and generaltechnology trends.

9.1 PixNet’s ApplicationsPixNet is useful in scenarios with high user density. Tra-

ditional RF-based communication performs poorly in suchscenarios because of increased contention between a largenumber of co-located users. In contrast, the high directional-ity of LCD-camera links enables a multitude of such links tocommunicate simultaneously without interfering with eachother, and hence allows the throughput to scale with thenumber of communicating entities.

• PartyNets: In a congested party, business reception,or trade show, tens, hundred, and sometimes thou-sands of pairwise communications occur simultaneously,in which people exchange business brochures, photos,video demos, etc. A technology like PixNet has two ad-vantages for such scenarios. First, it allows all concur-


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rent pairwise communications to occur without wor-rying about interference. Second, it provides a pri-vacy similar to that of standard human communica-tion, that is only nearby cameras looking directly atthe screen of a smart phone can capture the informa-tion.• GalleryNets: In a museum, gallery, or a mall, there is

an interest in providing additional information aboutthe displayed objects. For example, in a museum orgallery the user may access an audio or video presenta-tion about the artifact she/he is viewing. In a mall, auser may see pictures or videos featuring the cloth sheis interested in buying. These applications challengeexisting RF communications, since at any point in timethere may be many users who are interested in learn-ing about different objects. LCD camera links, withtheir contention-free nature, can address the challenge.Specifically, each artifact in a museum or window in amall, can have a small LCD screen that transmits videoand audio about it. A user who is interested in learningabout the object can simply point her phone’s cameratoward the screen and obtain the desired information.• VANETs: In the area of Intelligent Transportation

Systems (ITS) there have been proposals to modulatetraffic lights with driver assistance information suchas current traffic conditions, distance to destination,GPS coordinates, etc. Low cost cameras mounted oncars are used to capture images and decode the infor-mation [17]. There are also proposals to do the sameusing automobile head lights that display informationcomprised of driving speed, collision warnings, driverintentions etc., [31]. Neighboring cars use cameras tocapture this information. This approach is particularlyuseful on congested highways where the traffic densityand the resulting contention challenge traditional RFcommunications.• Augmented Reality: The applications above require

the use of active transmitting elements such as an LCDor a projector. PixNet also works with passive sourceswhere encoded frames are painted as 2D barcodes.Digital Lane Marking is a development in this directionwhere information comprising road curvature, high-way numbers, GPS coordinates etc. are painted onroad lanes. Cameras installed on automobiles can de-code this information as they drive along the road andthereby provide a safe and enhanced driving experi-ence. Another application lies in stock control whereinformation about each item is encoded in the formof 2D barcodes printed on the product. Today suchbarcodes need to be scanned at a close distance withno view angles. With PixNet these barcodes can bescanned by a camera at large distances and view an-gles.

9.2 Current trendsMost experiments in this paper use standalone cameras

and LCDs. These devices have better capabilities than cam-eras and LCDs embedded in cell phones and PDAs. How-ever, the cost and specifications of digital cameras and LCDsare improving at a fast pace. Specifically, digital cameras aregetting cheaper every day. The number of “pixels per dol-lar” has been growing exponentially over the past decadeand is expected to continue along this trend [20]. Further,

new technologies such as microlens arrays provide sophis-ticated optical capabilities in significantly smaller form fac-tors. Hence, even advanced cameras would no longer requirelarge optical separation between the sensor and the lens,making them more compact [40, 39]. Also with the adventof electronic shutters, cameras are now able to support up tohundreds or thousands of frames per seconds [28]. Even con-sumer cameras support a range of frames per second from10 to 1000 fps [9], and these values continue to increase.

Not only are image sensors becoming increasingly cheapbut the LCD market has also seen a sharp decrease over thepast decade, primarily due to the demand from the TV mar-ket. Furthermore, with the development of pico projectors,large area displays are not only going to become cheaper butalso embedded on handheld devices [13, 24].

10. CONCLUSIONSWe present PixNet, a novel approach to transmit data

from an LCD to a camera, and show that such links can de-liver high throughput over multi-meter distances and wideview angles. LCD-camera pairs provide a new point in thedesign space of wireless communication. On the one hand,visible light signals cannot traverse walls and physical ob-stacles, thus limiting their communication range. On theother hand, LCD-camera links are robust against interfer-ence, making them attractive in scenarios with dense pair-wise communications. We believe that spatial OFDM andthe suite of tools introduced in this paper offer a new per-spective on the capability of these communication channels.LCD-camera links also enable an exciting array of applica-tions ranging from using large LCD displays for broadcastingdigital content to supporting point-to-point data transfer be-tween handheld devices such as smart phones. We believeour work merely scratches the surface and a rich body ofresearch lies ahead in this new and exciting field.

11. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Prof. Ramesh Raskar for his insights on optical

systems. We also thank the reviewers and our shepherd,Alex Snoeren, for their comments on the paper. This workis funded by an NSF grant.

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