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Romance Genre


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Romance films are based around the passion and emotion of two or more people. The films are based around the

characters journey to find true and pure love. Typically the characters are faced with obstacles such as illness, family

that disapprove of their love and other forms of discrimination. Romantic films often explore the themes of love at first sight, obsessive love, forbidden love and tragic love. In the end the two characters manage to over come their difficulties and experience a “happily ever after”.

There are different types of romance films such as: romantic drama, chick flick, romantic comedies, romantic action comedies and romantic thriller each with their own

different conventions.


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Forbidden Love Love At First Sight


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(Present day) A young girl gets set a history project in

which she has to write about someone from the

past. She finds a diary in a library written by a girl of a

similar age and begins to read it. The diary contains a

love story of a young girl who falls in love with a

solider who has to go off to war. The story of the girl in the diary will parallel and have a similar story to the girl reading the diary in

present day.

American style - Set just before the male character leaves high school. He is

friends with the older brother of the main girl character and begins to

spend more and more time with her even though they

dislike each other. Eventually they grow closer and fall in love. The older brother is disapproving of

them and tries to break them up.


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An example of one of the soundtrack’s I would like mine to be similar to is The Fault

In Our Stars. Each song had a significant meaning in the film and related to the plot and genre. I would like my soundtrack to

also create the same meaning and emotion when people listen to it.

This is a very different example of a soundtrack as the music on this album is all the different scores used within the film. Although the music has no

words it still crates a specific meaning which tells the audience that it is a romance film. Within my

trailer I would like to use a similar score of relaxing and soothing music which will set the mood of the



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Each of these locations will create the atmosphere to show the audience that this is a typical romance film. They are also important to one of my plot ideas as the story will be told from the point of view of a girl in a library. These locations are realistic possibilities as they are accessible and local. In most romance films they are used specifically for main points in the plot. For example in ‘About Time’ the main characters meet in a restaurant so that setting was significant in their relationship. I hope to create the same meaning in my trailer

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Cinematography – A lot of close up shots will be used to show the emotion of the characters and their reactions to

situations in the trailer. Eye level shots to show the realistic sense and so the audience can relate to the characters. Two shots to show the closeness of the main characters and to

give the audience a sense of their relationship

Editing – The editing transitions that will be used are fade to white and dissolve to show the passing of time and the

parallel of the narratives. Lingering shots on the couple and the settings will be used to give the audience a sense of the

romance within the trailer


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Using plot 1 I have come up with the idea that for my film poster I will use a photo of the young girl reading or

holding the diary and then a silhouette of the couple faded out of the diary. The main colours of the poster will be oranges and yellows to give the effect of the narrative

being set in the past/war times.

For plot idea two I will have the two main characters close to each other to show they don’t want to be apart. The

colours will mainly include red and whites so that it shows the innocence of the main character.


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• Camera - To record all the clips and scenes needed to create the trailer

• Camera recording skills – This skills will needed to be developed and learned so that the camera work is steady and in focus

• Garage band – Used to create and record any sounds needed within the trailer

• Final cut pro – To edit the clips and sounds together to create the final trailer

• Suitable Actors/Actresses – Depending on the plot idea certain looking actors will be needed to set the atmosphere of the film

• Appropriate sounds – These can be recorded using a recorded in a museum or memorial space to create an authentic sound