Download - Piramid constraction

  • 7/29/2019 Piramid constraction


    Pyramid construction stages Pyramid construction - phase 9

    Winter and spring 2009 brought us a lot of new things. One should admit that all the problems

    which we faced in the process of the pyramid building opened our eyes on the difficulties, which in

    their time the builders of the ancient pyramids used to face. Undoubtedly, this a huge experience

    which has allowed to understand the nuances and to analyze some technological decisions used by

    our predecessors. At this time we researched the energy sources, which planned to install in the

    pyramid. And in summer2009 we started to implement our plans. At the first stage it was necessary

    to install 8 energy sources into the caves specially prepared for this in the pyramid floor. On the

    first picture made at the very beginning of the building one can see well 9 square openings in the

    pyramid basement.

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    But under the cave which is in the first chamber there is a well. The water from the well will be

    given to the reservoirs, which are in the pyramid walls. Then after long exposition it will be shot

    into the special pools for water procedures.

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    In the realization of this most important stage of forming the pyramid energy structure such people

    took part as Andrey Korman and Ilya Korman from the Crimean Regional Centre of the Human

    Development, Boris Kiselyov and Valeriy Uvarov from St. Petersburg.

    The whole winter of 2009 we were manually creating the energy sources. The source itself, the

    structure of which we managed to understand due to the researches of the ancient monuments, is a

    very complex and multilevel construction. It took us a lot of time to prepare the whole system

    which then will be installed into the floor, walls and ceilings of the pyramid. In the process of

    making we were sure that something absolutely special was waiting for us. And we will tell you

    why: when in the premises of the house, where the sources were being made, one had assembled

    15% of the device, at night in the house the object appeared, which emerged from nowhere and

    hovered above the windowsill. The witness, who was Boris Kiselyov, literally lost his tongue. As

    he says himself, there was the feeling as if a multi ton flagstone had fallen on him he could move

    with neither his arms, nor his legs. He was very frightened. With a slam-bang effort he tried totouch the switch, but when the light was turned on, the object disappeared. The next night the

    object appeared again. It looked like a silver vertically standing metal rod of 30 cm in height which

    had in the upper part three short antennas diverging into different sides. But this time it was

    surrounded by a shining cocoon, which looked like a web from pentahedrons. And again Boris had

    a fear, but after this visit strange unpleasant states appeared in the brains. No, he was not ill but he

    had a feeling as if his brains were boiling. For the whole next day this feeling exhausted Boris very

    much and he started to complain of it. On the third night, as Boris says, in the room, in which he

    was going to fall asleep, a figure appeared which looked like a person. Someone came up to the

    sofa on which there was Boris and took Boris for his head. To be more exact his hands penetrated

    deeply somewhere into the brain after what all the unpleasant feelings in Boriss head disappeared.

    The next day it was decided to disassembly the unit. At the house together with Boris his wife andtwo daughters live and he did not want them to experience something like it. But it became clear to

    us that the source is able to distort the space and time field, and this is the reason why the guests
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    from the parallel world started to appear. This is not the only case of the unusual behavior of the

    energy source. Another case happened on September 16

    2007 and also at night. The source wasassembled in the wall. Approximately at 4 oclock in the

    morning in complete darkness there appeared a green ray. It started to grow, and then on the wall

    there appeared the glow in the form of the spiral, also of green colour. In the room at this momentthere was a man. Having seen it he jumped up from the sofa and came up to the window to see

    what was happening at the street at this moment. But it was empty and dark there. Then the

    eyewitness took a telephone (Nokia) and made a picture, which can be seen below.

    The size of the glowing spiral was about 3 metres in diameter.

    In several days on September 25 at 21.40 a small energetic object flew out from the same "energy

    source" and started to rush about the room. The same eyewitness took the same telephone and

    recorded the object to the telephone video camera. Here is thereference to this file. The quality of

    the record corresponds to the class of the telephone. Having flown about the room for several

    seconds, the glowing ball flew to the crystal, situated in the wall, touched its top and entered it.

    But the most interesting thing started further. The eyewitness, who watched everything described

    above, was a young man, who fulfilled the works connected with the flat refurbishment and

    temporarily spent the night in that room. Being a person far from esotery, he did not have the

    slightest idea about the ancient Egypt. But it was him who spending the night in the room near the

    source started to complain of bad sleeping. When he was asked about the reasons, he answered that

    every night when he went to sleep on the sofa near the source, he was twirled into the spiral and hewent along the spiral into the wall. There he found himself in another world, where he saw a desert,

    pyramids and priest wearing white clothes. They met him and started to talk to him.When he was

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    asked about the language of communication, he answered that they spoke neither Russian, nor

    Turkmen, nor Uzbek as he knew these languages. They spoke into the head so, that the words

    sounded inside the head, and the sense of the incomprehensible speech became understandable. The

    fact itself opens slightly the mystery how or by means of what the priests got an opportunity to

    communicate through the pyramids with the representatives of other worlds and spaces. But let usreturn to our pyramid.

    By the beginning of August 2009 all the elements of the energy system for the first level of the

    pyramid had been prepared and delivered to the pyramid. Special boxes had been made. Inside

    them the devices will be assembled.

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    Inside the boxes have mirrored surfaces.

    After we took the boxes into the pyramid the mirrors were wiped from the dust.

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    Then the box was put into the cave in the centre of each resonator chamber.

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    Further we started the installation of the elements of the energy source. The important thing is that

    in its nature it is something like a perpetual motion the continuously operating machine. Despite

    the fact that it is physically connected to nothing after the assembly it starts to actively and

    powerfully shed energy currents. These are expressive vibrations. Amazing states appear during the

    presence in the field: arms grow numb, the whole body becomes heavy and one has a feeling of theenergetic overfilling, and then a striking vitality appears. From nowhere the strength and the feeling

    of delight appear.

    All the elements are installed into the system the carrier frequency of which is adjusted strictly to

    the own frequency of the Earth planet in the low-frequency range.

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    After the installation each box is thoroughly and hermetically closed for the dust not to penetrate

    there later on. On the picture Boris Kiselyov closes one of the boxes with the sources.

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    After the installation each box was thoroughly aligned. On the picture there is Valery Uvarov at the

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    moment of checking the quality of the installation.

    Andrey Korman. One of the pyramid features which amazed Andrey is the pyramid acoustic

    properties. Even a barely heard sound made by voice in the definite place of the pyramid literally

    winds it up, and it starts to sound loudly with a prolonged period of attenuation.

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    Ilya Korman. After the source installation Ilya made a map of the zones with maximal and minimal

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    energy saturation in the pyramid chambers. Inside the pyramid the field is not homogeneous, there

    are several focal zones vertically and horizontally.

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    After installing the energy sources of the first level, and this is only 30% of the planned, we waited

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    a bit and Andrey Korman decided to make a row of measurements by the means of the GRV device

    (gas-discharge visualizer). Everybody took part in the experiment. After the source installation on

    the place 12 day cycles are necessary for them to integrate into the Earths energetic system at this

    part of the geoid surface. The sources as if pricked the membrane separating the worlds, making a

    connection to the energy source of the Universe and in 12 days and nights start to work at fullpower. Burt Andrey did not have these 12 days and nights and he decided to see what it will happen

    to the persons energetic system in an hour after the device installation into the pyramid.

    The aura to the left is the state of the energetic coat before the pyramid impact, intensified by the

    energy sources. To the right there is the aura after being in the pyramid.

    It is obvious that the aura density and size have increased.

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    Our particular attention was drawn to the upper part of the aura above the persons head.

    This pictures indicate the abrupt activization of the energetic channel going from 6 and 7 chakras

    up. The level of human parapsychological or sensitive abilities depends on the height of this energy


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    This is the picture which fixed these energetic columns above the peoples heads.

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    These light formations photographed by accident are those very energetic currents (Ra), which

    concentrating crowns of the ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs focused on the hypothalamus

    and hypophysis.

    Pyramid construction stages Pyramid construction - phase 10
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    The next stage will be the erection of the quartz pyramidion. But before this the pyramid will be covered

    granite which is as white as milk. It will allow to get the surface even as glass and to more exactly adjust th

    energy currents of the definite frequency and wavelength.

    At first one laid the ceramic granite planches around the whole pyramid along the marks, indicating the pyramid basement width. In a way, th

    the same thing. When marking the pyramid basement they made the line on the basement surface to orient on it when laying the
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    At this rare picture of the basement corner of the pyramid Snof-Ra in Dashur one can see the line well.

    The ceramic granite planches are laid with the minimal gap, and then they are covered with polyethylene film to protect them from precipitati

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    The planch laying was started from the pyramid south side.

    The work is in full swing by the weekend the whole south side will have been covered with the planches to the basement of the py

    At the same time they started the ceramic granite laying on the pyramid eastern side.
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    The most difficult operation is the edge joining and precise planch cutting along the pyramid edge.

    The erection of the framing scaffolds on the western and northern pyramid sides.
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    On September 18 the southern pyramid side was completely covered with the ceramic granite to the level of the pyramidio
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    On September 19 the framing scaffolds will be taken down and removed to the eastern side.
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    The rainproof film was taken off the surface. On the picture one can see well as the pyramid sides reflect the light of the day
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    Along with finishing the works on the south side there are the works being done on the ceramic granite laying on the western and norther
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    On September 19 according to the plan the framing scaffolds were taken down from the pyramid southern side and removed to the e
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    The planches on the southern side have been laid to the level of the pyramidion the erection of which will take place after finishing the worksgranite on all four sides.
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    On the western side 7 rows of the planches have been laid.

    On the northern side almost 5 rows of the planches have been laid.
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    On September 27 the eastern side was covered almost to the pyramidion.

    The northern and western sides have risen even higher the last step is left. By the end of the week all the pyramid sides will be covered with th

    we will start the pyramidion erection.
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    On October 5 the pyramid building will be covered with the ceramic granite completely.

    The preparations for the pyramidion erection have started. But even now one can note the dramatically increased pyramid field. The vibrat

    considerably stronger than even on the day of the autumnal equinox.
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    The field power increase is the evidence that the pyramid has been built in the right way and that it has pierced the current. Now this effect wil

    the pyramid will gain power, joining the Earths energetic field.
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    On October 15 the upper area for the pyramidion was prepared after what the quartz pyramidion was erected itself.
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    After the pyramidion erection the framing scaffolds were taken down.
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    The pyramid outer contour is prepared. The next stage is the works on aligning the resonator chamber walls inside the pyra

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