Download - pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

Page 1: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

peacethe 2019

Amanda Dzimianski


pinpointing what ma�ers making it a priority

Page 2: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

My goal for you with this workbook is to zero in on what these upcoming holidays represent for you and your family, so that you can make these values a joyful priority.

In the stampede of celebration, it is so easy to go through familiar motions, only to find that we haven’t engaged with the things we actually care about. We leave the holiday

season feeling empty, exhausted, and aching for what we may have missed.

I want you to walk away from this workbook with a solid understanding of what will serve you, your people, and your relationship with the Creator in this busy season of life.

I want you to identify what you actually want to hold onto, and what you desire to release, instead of simply participating in holiday happenings by force of habit.

You’ll pinpoint what matters to you through a series of journaling questions centered on identity, creativity, and community.

Why these three things? Why not focus on time management, organized list-making, or budgeting in order to prepare for a peaceful holiday?

I believe embracing identity, creativity, and community is essential for the health of our souls. We are meant for relationship with God, relationship with our gifts, and

relationship with one another. Paying attention to our soul’s health opens the door wide for a peaceful holiday.

On the next page you’ll find a manifesto of sorts. Identity, creativity, and community are defined for our context, and celebrated! This manifesto lays the foundation for our work

in this planner, and may be something to refer back to as you fill out the questions.

So, friend, grab a pen, something comforting to drink, and a cozy seat. Allow yourself time to linger with these questions—but pay attention to the very first answers that come

to your mind. What surfaces first is usually what matters most.

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Identity- We embrace the truth of who we are in Jesus—forgiven, complete, pleasing to God, and Beloved.- We know that this identity supersedes all else that we are, and everything we do.- We recognize that what we believe about this identity shapes every area of our lives, by informing our trust in God, our acceptance of ourselves, and our love for each other. - We embrace our identity by faith, because of grace, as we have received it by faith, through grace.

Creativity- We explore our creativity because we are made in the Image of God.- We know creativity is not limited to the arts or to mere pockets of inspiration in our lives. - We recognize our creativity at work when we bring order to chaos, solutions to problems, and beauty to our surroundings.- We choose to express our creativity as an act of worship to the One who made us in His likeness

Community- We acknowledge our intrinsic need for deep community, and we know our craving for connection comes from God’s design.- We believe community is important because people are important.- We choose to invite community in because God builds and strengthens His Body through our contribu-tions to one another.- We commit ourselves to community with our presence, not our performance, and through openness, not obligations.

Page 4: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

1. What does the Thanksgiving holiday mean to you, and your family? (Though the meaning behind the holiday is important, that isn’t what this question is about. It’s about what you and your family celebrate and want to embrace through this holiday.)

2. How does knowing who you are in Christ affect this holiday for you?

3. What do you most want to remember about your identity in Christ in the midst of this holiday?

4. What simple, intentional steps can you take this Thanksgiving to remind yourself of the constant presence of Christ in you? (A note on your mirror, a song you listen to every day, etc.)


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7. Many times, things that stress us are outside of our control—plans are changed or people make choices that affect us. We usually cannot do anything about these stressors. But was there anything in your previous answer that was inside of your control?

8. What creative ways can you employ this Thanksgiving to avoid or eliminate these stressors?

9. Who do you want to include in your celebration of this holiday? Who can you offer community to? (Perhaps someone who cannot offer it in return)

10. List any and all traditions you observe during this holiday (family functions, decorating, Black Friday avoidance/observance, etc.)

5. Think back to a Thanksgiving you love and remember. List what stands out in your memory.

6. Think back to a Thanksgiving marked by tension, anxiety, and stress. Describe what happened and why it felt this way.

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12. Which, if any, of the traditions in question 10, do not bring you joy, remind you of your identity in Christ, build community, utilize life-giving creativity, or uphold the values you listed in question 1?

13. If you are hesitant to say no to any of the traditions you just listed, ask yourself why. Ask yourself whether you would participate out of guilt or a sense of unhealthy obligation. Write out the worst possi-ble outcome if you did not observe this tradition.

14. List the tradition:

Circle the best option: feels free / feels like guilt feels joyful / feels like drudgery builds community / is mere form upholds our values / upholds expectations

List the tradition:

Circle the best option: feels free / feels like guilt feels joyful / feels like drudgery builds community / is mere form upholds our values / upholds expectations

11. Which of these traditions brings you joy, reminds you of your identity in Christ, builds community, utilizes life-giving creativity, or upholds the values you listed in question 1?

Page 7: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

16. How will you choose peace through your identity in Christ?

Through creativity?

Through community?


15. Describe what would bring you peace this Thanksgiving.

Page 8: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

1. What does the Christmas and Advent season mean to you, and your family? (Again, this isn’t about the technical definition of the holiday, but about what you and your family need and cherish during this season.)

2. How does knowing who you are in Christ affect this holiday for you?

3. What do you most want to remember about your identity in Christ during this holiday?

4. What intentional steps could you take this Christmas/Advent to remind yourself of the constant presence of Christ in you? (Choose something simple and non-stressing)

5. Think back to a Christmas or Advent season you consider your favorite. What made it special, memorable, or meaningful?

Christmas & Advent

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6. Think back to an Advent or Christmas marked by tension, anxiety, and stress. Describe what happened and why it felt this way.

7. What part (if any) of the stress was in your control, and not the result of unexpected events or the choices of others?

8. This Christmas/Advent, what creative ways can you employ to avoid or eliminate these stressors?

9. What sort of creativity fuels your soul? (This is not limited to artsy type activities —this could be journaling, cleaning your home, planning a gathering, brainstorming special activities for your kid/friends/peers, or anything that fills your cup.) How can you make space for this kind of creativity in this busy season?

10. Who do you want to include in your celebration of this holiday? Who can you offer community to? (Perhaps someone who cannot offer it in return)

11. List any and all traditions you observe during this holiday (annual parties, tree trimming, special church services, Advent candles, Christmas cantatas, etc.)

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12. Which of these traditions brings you joy, reminds you of your identity in Christ, builds communi-ty, utilizes life-giving creativity, or upholds the values you listed in question 1?

14. If you are hesitant to say no to any of the traditions you just listed, ask yourself why. Write out your answer. Then, write out the worst possible outcome if you did not observe this/these tradition(s).

16. Describe what a peace-filled Christmas/Advent would look like to you

15. List the tradition:

Circle the best option: feels free / feels like guilt feels joyful / feels like drudgery builds community / is mere form upholds our values / upholds expectations

List the tradition:

Circle the best option: feels free / feels like guilt feels joyful / feels like drudgery builds community / is mere form upholds our values / upholds expectations

13. Which, if any, of the traditions in question 11, do not bring you joy, remind you of your identity in Christ, build community, utilize life-giving creativity, or uphold the values you listed in question 1?

Page 11: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

17. How will you choose peace through your identity in Christ?

Through creativity?

Through community?


Page 12: pinpointing what ma˜ers making it a priority

1. What does New Year’s symbolize to you and your family? (If New Year’s is no big deal, and you like it that way, great! You can either skip this section or scan the questions for anything you’d like to consider or implement.)

2. How does knowing who you are in Christ affect this holiday for you?

3. What do you most want to remember about your identity in Christ going into 2020?

4. What simple, intentional steps can you take in this new year to remind yourself of the constant presence of Christ in you? (It may help to not think of this as a goal to achieve, but instead as a practice to enjoy.)

5. Think back to the start of a new year that stands out in your memory. Describe what marked the beginning of the year, or the year itself, in a special way.

New Year’s

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6. Is there anything you listed above that you have the power to repeat this year?

7. Will you celebrate the beginning of 2020? If yes, how?

8. Who do you want to include in your celebration of this holiday? Who can you offer community to? (Perhaps someone who cannot offer it in return.)

9. Do you tend to start a new year feeling pressured and anxious? If yes, describe what makes it feel this way to you.

10. What can you do to eliminate or counteract this pressure/anxiety?

11. What sort of creativity fuels your soul? What creative rhythms can you commit to for this new year? (This can be as simple as taking five minutes per day to write a line in a journal, or deciding to finally replace that picture frame that’s bugged you for years. Ambitions aren’t the goal—soul health is)

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13. How will you choose peace in 2020 through your identity in Christ?

Through creativity?

Through community?


12. Describe what a peace-filled 2020 would look like to you.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to work through this journal. I truly hope it has helped you design a plan for peace in your busy holiday season.

If you’ve found it to be of value, I’d like to invite you to point others to this resource. Just let them know they can access it through my website:,

or you can forward them this link:

May your holidays be filled with the peace of Christ.

- Amanda

design by Jenny Cross instagram: @jennydcross | website:

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