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INT. JEPETTO’S HOUSE - DAY The fire burns peacefully in the fireplace. The floor, the walls and the ceiling are dotted with golden, yellowish and orange flecks of fire. There are many wonderful things in Jepetto’s house that were made by his hand: puppets, decorations, ship models etc. We can see the pictures of MASTER JEPETTO, PINOCCHIO, TYBALT and BRONTALONE, THE CRICKET hung on the walls. A beautiful music is heard. BRONTALONE, playing the violin, appears on the mantelpiece. He stops playing and looks in the camera.

BRONTALONE Greetings, dear seigneurs and senioritas and greetings to your children and pets. I’m very glad that you all could finally gather together! It was a long time ago that I told this story to one man. However, you people are such tale-tellers! You begin retelling the story and mix it all up! As far as you know, once upon a time master Jepetto cut a wooden puppet from a log and named it Pinocchio. Everybody knows the beginning of the story and it isn’t of big interest to anyone. But what happened next... I think the time has come to tell you the real story of Pinocchio!

The cricket puts the violin on his shoulder and continues playing. EXT. IN FRONT OF JEPETTO’S HOUSE - MORNING We see a house on the edge of the forest. It’s not big but very beautiful, with a small tower and golden clock hands on it. The windows of the house are twined with vines covered with green leaves.


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It all started on a day when a good Fairy Lucilda was passing by Jepetto’s house.

There is a horse-drawn carriage at Jepetto’s house. MASTER JEPETTO, a thin man with glasses on his nose, comes out of the house. He carries an arrow-headed carved wooden wand of an unusual beauty. A good-looking woman, FAIRY LUCILDA, smiles at him. A WHITE PARROT CARO is sitting on her shoulder. Jepetto holds out the wand, she takes it and examines.

JEPETTO Here, dear signora Lucilda. I’ve repaired your wand, as you asked.

Lucilda takes the wand in her hands and waves it. The cones of the pines that grow near the house turn into jay birds who immediately start singing and fly away.

LUCILDA Thank you, dear master Jepetto! You really have a magic touch. How can I express my gratitude?


Your word is enough, signora. I really don’t need anything else.

Lucilda smiles cunningly as if she knows much more than she should.

LUCILDA Well, my dear master, good bye then!

CARO Bye-bye!

Lucilda mounts on the high-bench, takes the reins, and the carriage draws away. Jepetto watches it go and then enters the house.

LUCILDA Well, Caro, shall we make a surprise for our master?


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Of course! Will it be..?

LUCILDA Oh no. Something more exciting!

Lucilda waves her magic wand. A burst of golden particles flies out of it and moves towards Jepetto’s house. INT. JEPETTO’S HOUSE - DAY Master Jepetto comes into the house. Motionless Pinocchio is sitting on a chair at the table. His face is settled into a mask of surprise. Through the window the golden particles fly into the house and hit Pinocchio. A soft chime is heard.

JEPETTO What’s that? A chime? Or do I have my ears ringing?

Jepetto bends to Pinocchio, adjusts his hat that has slipped to the side. All of a sudden... Pinocchio blinks! Jepetto blinks back in bewilderment. And Pinocchio smiles and laughs! Jepetto shakes his head in disbelief.

JEPETTO Pinocchio! My boy! Are you alive? It’s a miracle!

Pinocchio repeats after him as if he tastes a new word.


Pinocchio jumps off the chair and makes a step but falls down.


Jepetto scratches his head, looks at Pinocchio with a thoughtful expression and smiles.

JEPETTO Lucilda..!

EXT. ROAD - DAY Lucilda’s carriage crosses the field.

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CARO But what good will it does?


Believe me, Caro, it will be an outstanding story.

The carriage moves further away. TITLE: PINOCCHIO. A TRUE STORY.

EXT. GARDEN AT JEPETTO’S HOUSE - MORNING A HORSE CALLED TYBALT gallops round the garden as if on the circus arena. Pinocchio rides Tybalt with his feet on the saddle, hands spread to maintain balance.


Pinocchio jumps, makes a somersault, lands on the saddle and now rides on his hands.


Pinocchio holds out his left hand and continues riding on one hand. Jepetto breaks out of the house and watches this performance in terror.

JEPETTO Pinocchio, you’re going to crash!

Tybalt halts and Pinocchio sits in the saddle.

PINOCCHIO How come I’m going to crash, Daddy? You told me that I was made of an unbreakable material.

Jepetto sighs.

TYBALT Don’t worry, seigneur Jepetto, he is with me.


That’s what scares me the most, Tybalt!

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Daddy, when will I be able to go somewhere? I want to travel around the world, to meet other people.


That’s impossible, Pinocchio. You’re too unusual.

TYBALT I’d rather use the word “special”.

JEPETTO Thank you, Tybalt. You’re too special, Pinocchio. Too young and naive. Someone may hurt you. I’ll let you go but only when the right time comes...


It takes it too long to come. It could get lost on its way, couldn’t it?

* PINOCCHIO’S SONG Pinocchio sings a song about his curiosity. He sings that he would like to see the world and in Jepetto’s house he feels like a caged bird. Yes, it’s a cozy cage. It’s warm and safe but freedom attracts him more and he dreams about adventures. While singing Pinocchio rides prancing Tybalt round the garden.

Jepetto watches Pinocchio sing and sighs. Pinocchio finishes singing and Jepetto hears a knock at the door. EXT. GARDEN AT JEPETTO’S HOUSE - MORNING Jepetto opens the door and sees DETECTIVE BRIONI, an impressive man in blue uniform, and TWO GENDARMES next to him. Gendarmes are dashing young men with gullish faces and moustaches parallel to the ground. They have rifles on their backs.

BRIONI Good morning, seigneur.


Let me pay you my respect, dear seigneurs. My name is

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master Jepetto. Who am I speaking with?

BRIONI I am the royal detective Brioni. Have you seen anyone suspicious near here?

Jepetto smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

JEPETTO No one except you seigneur Brioni.

The Gendarmes chuckle. Brioni gives them a threatening look and their laughter turns into cough.

BRIONI Wind your neck in! The case is no joke! I’m searching for a gang of robbers!

INT. HORSE STABLE - DAY Pinocchio peeks out of the half-closed gate, Tybalt staying above him and watching.

JEPETTO I beg your pardon, seigneur Detective. I swear there are no robbers in my house.

Pinocchio splutters but notices Brioni glancing at him and hides behind the gate together with Tybalt. EXT. GERDEN AT JEPETTO’S HOUSE - DAY Brioni looks at the stable, and then shifts his gaze to Jepetto.

BRIONI Don’t you find it suspicious?

JEPETTO What exactly seigneur?

BRIONI The fact that there is no one suspicious in your house?

JEPETTO Absolutely not, seigneur!

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Well then, we must check this out.

Jepetto’s face contorts with confusion.

JEPETTO But I swear you...

A gun shot is heard in the distance. Alerted, Brioni turns to the forest. He must have heard something.

BRIONI (to Gendarmes)

Did you hear that? Follow me! EXT. EDGE OF THE FOREST - MORNING Brioni walks along the edge of the woods inspecting carefully some trails beneath his feet. Suddenly he stops and the Gendarmes run into his back, shrink back, loose balance and with full force sit on the ground. Brioni turns back and looks at them rigorously. Brioni points at the trails on the road coming out of the forest.

BRIONI Look, a wagon passed here... Lots of wagons! That’s very suspicious! Where did they go? Into the forest or out of it? Obviously, out of the forest! Follow me!

Brioni runs along the road moving further from the forest. The Gendarmes jog after him. EXT. IN THE FOREST - MORNING A few wagons of a travelling circus are located in the forest like a gipsy camp. We can read “PAPA JAFO’S FAMOUS CIRCUS” on the side of each wagon. On the high-bench of one of the wagons there sits a very pretty 12-year-old girl with blue hair. It’s BELLA. She is reading a book. In the background, next to the wagons FANTOZZI, THE CLOWN is telling something to two Chinese acrobats, ZHAO BROTHERS. He has got huge butterfly wings attached to his back. While

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speaking, Fantozzi jumps pretending he is a butterfly. The acrobats laugh. They go to a teeterboard and a platform with small stairs. One of the brothers climbs up the stairs and another one stands on the edge of the board. The first brother jumps off the platform and onto the high edge of the board. The second brother is thrown up in the air. He makes a triple somersault and lands exactly on his brother’s shoulders. At this time Fantozzi goes to a meadow in blossom and starts running here and there pretending to pollinate the flowers. We approach the biggest wagon with a sign “Circus Director, Seigneur Mojafocco”. INT. IN MOJAFOCCO’S WAGON - MORNING The interior of the wagon looks like an office furnished in an old-fashion style. The obese seigneur Mojafocco is sitting in an armchair at the table. The CAT and the FOX are sitting in the armchairs for visitors in front of him. They both are dressed in style but both have faces of gangsters. The Cat holds a gun. He fires in the wall drawing a heart with bullets.

MOJAFOCCO Enough shooting! I’m about to go deaf here! We must discuss our business! Less and less spectators visit our show.

FOX We need a new attraction!


Think then, if you’re so clever.

FOX We can turn off the lights in the circus. I’ll sneak through the rows and will tickle the spectators.

MOJAFOCCO That’s not gonna work! The spectators will run away in fear!

CAT And what about this one? I’m the best shooter in the world.

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The Fox throws his hat up in the air and I shoot it. Many times. The hat is wambling in the air. The Fox cries: “Oh, my hat!” He catches it and finds it untouched. He goes round the rows and spectators put money in it!

(to the Fox) It’s just you’ll secretly replace the shot hat with a new one, you’re good at such things.

MOJAFOCCO Nobody will pay for this, Cat!

CAT Well then, I don’t know what else to say.

The Cat takes his gun and shoots in the wall in despair, finishing his drawing. EXT. IN THE FOREST - MORNING A bullet hits a cone on a pine and it falls down. The cone falls in a burdock bush causing a bunch of burrs scatter in all destinations. One burr hits the croup of a horse harnessed to Bella’s wagon. The horse neighs in pain. At the same moment Fox’s hat falls on the horse’s head and covers its eyes. The horse neighs again, now in fear, rears up and breaks into a gallop up hill and down dale, shaking its head and trying to take off the hat. The wagon speeds after, bumping on each hillock. Bella pulls the reins to stop the horse.

BELLA Whoa! Whoa!

Mojafocco dashes after Bella’s wagon with the Cat and the Fox following him.


Catch it! Catch it!

Acrobat Zhao jumps off the platform. The second brother goes up flying in the air, his arms spread. He intents to land on the wagon, however the horse swerves and Zhao misses the wagon falling and rolling on the ground. The wagon rolls on the meadow and heads straight to Fantozzi.

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Fantozzi spreads his arms and moves right-left as a goalkeeper. The wagon approaches, Fantozzi closes his eyes tight... But the horse swerves again and bypasses him. EXT. FOREST - MORNING Pinocchio rides Tybalt through the forest.

PINOCCHIO Why doesn’t my Dad want to let me go?


He just worries about you. You’re really too special. And the police are sniffing around.

They hear someone shouting in the distance.

PINOCCHIO Did you hear that?

Pinocchio and Tybalt exchange looks. EXT. CLOSE TO THE CHASM - MORNING Pinocchio and Tybalt peep out of the bushes and see Bella’s wagon rushing towards the precipice. The circus men run after the wagon: the first ones are the Cat and the Fox, then Chinese acrobats and Fantozzi after them. They are followed by seigneur Mojafocco struggling for breath.

CAT Jump Bella! Jump!


FOX Jump already!


Don’t jump my girl! You’ll break your bones and won’t be able to perform!

Bella looks at them desperately. She is confused about what to do. She tries to reach the horse’s head to pull the hat away but fails.

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BELLA So should I jump or not?!

Pinocchio points at Bella.


She’s going to crash to death!

TYBALT Pinocchio that’s not our problem. We promised Jepetto that we would just walk in the forest and lie low.


We can’t leave her in danger! Let’s go!

TYBALT Your kindness won’t make you good, Pinocchio!

Tybalt gallops towards Bella’s wagon... Now he is running alongside the wagon. Pinocchio stands on his feet and jumps on the horse harnessed to Bella’s wagon. Pinocchio throws the hat off its head and grabs it by the bridle.


Tybalt turns around and stops sideways, holding the horse.



(to the horse) Easy now, my lady!

In the end the wagon stops. Tybalt takes a look at his back - a tiny bit left to the chasm! Pinocchio jumps off the horse.

PINOCCHIO Senorita are you all right?


Yes you saved my life! I’m Bella. What’s your name my noble rescuer?

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PINOCCHIO (embarrassed)

Pinocchio. The Cat finally runs up to the wagon. Pinocchio bows politely.

PINOCCHIO Good morning, seigneur.

Cat’s eyes pop out of his head in astonishment.

CAT Mamma mia! You’re wooden?! Aaah!

The Cat draws his gun from the waistband and fires at Pinocchio. The last one falls on the ground losing his hat.

BELLA What have you done?! You killed him!

Tybalt rushes to his friend.

TYBALT Pinocchio! Are you ok?

Pinocchio gets on his feet. There is a hole from a bullet in his forehead.

PINOCCHIO I’m fine...

The horse looks into the hole.

TYBALT Fine?! Do you call this “fine”? He made a hole in your body!

The Cat picks up a piece of wood and places it back into Pinocchio’s head.

CAT Here! As good as new!

At last all other circus artists run up to them except seigneur Mojafocco who is left far behind. The Fox is running while dusting off his hat.


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Why did you shoot you whiskered creature?!


You crazy puss!

CAT (offended)

But he... he is wooden! And he can talk! It’s a monster!


Yeah my friend is made of wood! And someone has got straw instead of brains! So who is the monster after that?

Finally, seigneur Mojafocco runs up to them. He tries to regain his breath as a hippo on a hot sunny day.

MOJAFOCCO Who... What...


Dad! This noble young man saved my life!

Mojafocco gawks at Pinocchio.

MOJAFOCCO I don’t believe my eyes! Are you wooden?


Yes seigneur... seigneur...

MOJAFOCCO Seigneur Mojafocco. But you can call me Papa Jafo! What’s your name?

PINOCCHIO It’s Pinocchio. And this is my friend Tybalt.

Mojafocco touches Pinocchio cautiously to make sure that the boy is really made of wood. The Fox also holds out his paw to Pinocchio. Tybalt rolls his eyes.

TYBALT Here we go! First shoot, then touch! Get in line, seigneurs!

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Get in line! And get your cash ready for the show!

Mojafocco makes a sign to the Cat and the Fox. They walk away and whisper so that no one can hear them.

MOJAFOCCO Bellissimo! I need this guy!


But why, boss?

MOJAFOCCO Did you see him riding a horse? Without reins! Besides, he is wooden! It’s a potential hit! Spectators will come in flocks!


You’re right, boss. As always. Mojafocco returns to Pinocchio and puts his arm on his shoulder.

MOJAFOCCO Pinocchio, my friend, what do you think about performing in circus?


In circus?

MOJAFOCCO Yes. I saw you riding that horse. You are born to act on the arena! You’ll become a real star! Glory is waiting for you! You’ll be able to travel around the world!

Pinocchio eyes him with excitement but Tybalt’s face grows skeptical.

TYBALT Thank you not interested. We should go home, there’s somebody waiting for us.

MOJAFOCCO No doubt you are going to be a star! Because you’ll have a

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wonderful impresario - seigneur Tybalt!

TYBALT (goes puffy-chest)

What? Seigneur Tybalt - an impresario... Sounds marvelous! Maybe it’s not a bad idea!

PINOCCHIO Seigneur Mojafocco, I have to ask my Dad, master Jepetto, for permission to go with you!

MOJAFOCCO Ok, do it. But hurry up! Fortune doesn’t like to wait!

Pinocchio jumps on Tybalt’s back.

BELLA Pinocchio, come back soon!

Pinocchio gallops towards his house... EXT. GARDEN AT JEPETTO’S HOUSE - MORNING Pinocchio is sitting on Tybalt’s back and looks pleadingly at master Jepetto. Brontalone is sitting next to the master.

PINOCCHIO Dad, let me go! Please! I’ll visit the town and come back right away!


Yes! I’ll take care of him, seigneur Jepetto! We’ll be back in no time.


Take care of him? You can’t take care of your own self!


Calm down, you old grump.

PINOCCHIO Dad, I’ll raise lots of money! We’ll build a new house and a workshop for you!

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I don’t need money. I need you, Pinocchio!

* MASTER JEPETTO’S SONG Jepetto sings that Pinocchio is asking for the impossible. He has been alone for so many years and then his dream comes true - he gets a son. How can he let him go? This world is a dangerous place to live! However, children mature and they should make their own decisions because it’s their life, not the life of their parents. The nestling has grown up and time has come to leave his cozy nest. Jepetto finishes singing and hugs Pinocchio.


Well... Your own home shouldn’t become your prison. Go!

PINOCCHIO I’ll be back soon Dad!

TYBALT Bye, master Jepetto! Bye, little grump!

Sitting on Tybalt’s back, Pinocchio races further away from home. Jepetto watches them go waving his handkerchief and wiping away tears. NAT. TOWN - DAY Mojafocco’s circus wagons enter a small town. You can see small picturesque houses with red tile roofs. The wagons arrive at the central square. A few townspeople, men and women look at them with excitement and smile friendly. The wagons finally stop. PINOCCHIO gets out of one of them and stares in awe at the surroundings and the people.

BELLA Do you like it?


I love it. There are so many people in this town!

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BELLA Yeah. But this is not the biggest town that you are going to see.

MOJAFOCCO approaches Pinocchio and BELLA from behind and puts his hands over their shoulders.

MOJAFOCCO Soon Pinocchio you will see really big cities.

INT. CIRCUS, ARENA – EVENING Circus instrumentalists play bravura music. Mojafocco enters the arena, all lamps focusing on them.

MOJAFOCCO Good evening dear ladies and gentlemen! Tonight you are going to witness an incredible performance.

The audience applauds. Pinocchio and Tybalt are at the backstage and watch the arena.

MOJAFOCCO So let the performance begin! Now you will see the outstanding acrobats - Zhao twin brothers!

The CHINESE ACROBATS run out on the stage. They make some incredible stunts - somersaults, pirouettes, leg-splits and other elements. Mojafocco throws them a thin pole from behind the backstage. One of the acrobats catches it and puts on his head. The other brother jumps and climbs up the pole only with hands, reaches the top, then makes a lateral standing holding the pole with one hand. The audience breaks into applause. A clown called FANTOZZI bursts onto the arena. He shoulders hardly Mojafocco and the latter nearly falls down. The spectators laugh. Fantozzi starts making the acrobats’ tricks, mocking on their performance. He takes run, makes a somersault and falls backwards with his legs in the air. He twitches his legs trying to get up. The audience roars with laughter. Fantozzi makes a backward roll and stands on his legs. He jumps up and sits down doing a center split.

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Ouch! Fantozzi pretends that he can’t stand up, that he’s stuck. Sitting in split he moves round the arena pushing himself with hands. Bursts of laughter are heard across the circus. Fantozzi crawls to Mojafocco and holds out his hand making a whiny face. Mojafocco helps him get up on his legs.

MOJAFOCCO The most favorite actor of all grown-ups, children and civil servants - Fantozzi, the clown!

The audience applauds. Fantozzi wobbles away.

MOJAFOCCO Bravo, bravo! And now ladies and gentlemen you’ll see our outstanding, magnificent... marvelous...

Mojafocco inspects intently something behind the scene.


A CAT and A FOX run out on the arena.

MOJAFOCCO Cat and Fox!

The audience applauds. The Fox takes out an apple and puts it on his head. The Cat draws a gun. The Fox takes the apple off his head and crunches it.

CAT I always hit the bull’s eye.

The Cat aims at the apple in the Fox’s paws, the audience gasps... The Cat pulls the trigger... And a funny chick jumps out of the muzzle. The audience laughs. The Fox throws the apple up into the air. The Cat “fires” from his finger: Bang! And the apple shatters like it was hit by a bullet. The Fox shows everybody a bullet on his palm. The audience applauds.

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Mojafocco enters the floodlit arena.

MOJAFOCCO Dear ladies and gentlemen and now with great pleasure I’m presenting you the discovery of this season! The one-of-a-kind living puppet - Pinocchio!!!

The orchestra plays the Circus March. Pinocchio, mounted on Tybalt, enters the floodlights from behind the scene. He sees the spectators, freezes and watches the audience completely confused. From the backstage Bella looks at Pinocchio who seems to be really embarrassed.

BELLA Do it! Go on.

The audience starts whistling

SPECTATOR 1 Hey, what have I paid my money for? For watching a puppet in the saddle?

Behind the scene Mojafocco stares at the arena.

MOJAFOCCO That wooden head is going to spoil our performance! Bella, get ready! I’ll take this idiot out from the arena.

The audience whistles impatiently.

SPECTATOR 1 Hey you, wooden chunk! You gonna entertain us or what?

SPECTATOR 2 You must be crazy talking to a puppet.


Pinocchio I think we should begin!

Pinocchio doesn’t react.

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TYBALT Pinocchio!

Pinocchio doesn’t react. The world slides by around him.

TYBALT Pinocchio!

Pinocchio winces as if he has woken up.

PINOCCIO Yeah! You’re right! It’s time.

Pinocchio stands on the saddle which causes the spectators to watch him with true surprise. Tybalt gallops round the circus arena. Pinocchio rides Tybalt with his feet on the saddle, his arms spread to maintain balance.


Pinocchio jumps in the air making a somersault, lands on the saddle and continues riding, but now he is standing on his hands.


Pinocchio spreads his left arm and continues riding balancing on one hand. The audience applauds vigorously!

AUDIENCE Bravo! Bravissimo!

Mojafocco, the Fox and the Cat are at the backstage.

FOX He is really good at riding a horse.


You’re right. And the audience likes him.


It’s a success! My success! And you’ve got other business to do.

The Cat and the Fox bow and go away.

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INT. CIRCUS, ARENA - EVENING Tybalt is on the arena. He bends on one knee and Pinocchio raises his hand and bows his head as a sign of gratitude. Mojafocco enters the arena and speaks to Pinocchio while bowing to the spectators.

MOJAFOCCO Bravo! Bravissimo!!! My dear boy, you were born to perform on the arena!


Do you really think so?

MOJAFOCCO Not only me Pinocchio. Not only me! Do you hear that? It’s a success Pinocchio!

Together with Mojafocco and Tybalt Pinocchio bows one more time. After that Pinocchio leaves the arena on the Tybalt’s back. Mojafocco follows. INT. BEHIND THE SCENE - EVENING


My boy, you have surpassed all my expectations... Congratulations! From now on, you are a full member of our gang... Oh, sorry! I wanted to say “of Papa Jafo’s Circus troupe”.

Pinocchio is frustrated.

PINOCCHIO Am I really a member of your troupe?

Mojafocco sees Pinocchio’s hesitation.

MOJAFOCCO Of course you can go back if fame doesn’t inspire you and success provokes no feelings in your soul... If public recognition and applause of

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grateful audience don’t make your heart beat faster... Monsieur Tybalt, It seems to me that you could make an outstanding impresario. I suppose we could negotiate a contract.


Negotiate a contract? With me?

MOJAFOCCO Welcome to our troupe, seigneur Tybalt!

Mojafocco goes back to the arena.

TYBALT Wait, but if we are going to stay... What about Jepetto? You promised to come back!


We’ll visit him soon, after I travel round the world and raise some money. Until then you as my impresario can make up for his absence.


You mean I’ll be your father? It is so unexpected... By the way I always considered us to be more like close friends than relatives... And in fact, I’m not ready to become a father!


You should agree. I’ll be a good son.


Ok, let’s say I accept. I have a condition.


Go on.

TYBALT You must obey me in everything.

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I agree.

TYBALT You mustn’t go anywhere without my permission.


If you say so.

TYBALT I can punish you.


Dream on!

TYBALT But how shall I nurture you?


How would I know? You’re a father you should know better.


Dear ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce you the gem of our troupe our charming Bella!

Pinocchio hurries to have a look from behind the curtains. INT. CIRCUS, ARENA - EVENING At that moment Bella, standing on a rope under the big top, begins singing a song. Pinocchio is mesmerized by her voice. Open-mouthed Tybalt also listens to the song. * BELLA’S SONG Bella sings and simultaneously makes astonishing tricks under the big top. The motionless audience watches her performance on the edge of their sits. At one point it seems that Bella is going to fall down. Everybody gasps. However, she regains balance and continues her incredible performance. After finishing the song she jumps easily on the arena. The audience breaks into applause. Arena is covered with flowers. Bella picks up the flowers and runs away. INT. CIRCUS, BEHIND THE SCENE – EVENING

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Pinocchio and Tybalt stare in awe at Bella who has just come up to them with a bunch of flowers.

BELLA (to Pinocchio)

So what do you say? Did you like it?


Yes, a lot... I loved it... The song is so beautiful and you... You are so brave.


Come on, it’s not bravery, just some trainings. It was you who surprised everybody today!

PINOCCHIO Do you really think so?

BELLA (going away)

Yeah. Of course! You are going to be a true star.

Pinocchio watches Bella with admiration, his eyes following her as she walks away. Tybalt looks at Pinocchio and sighs. MONTAGE OF SCENES The wagons of the travelling tent circus speed away from the town. Pinocchio and Tybalt are on the arena. The spectators rise from their seats and applaud. Mojafocco shakes hands with Tybalt, enjoying his success. Pinocchio and Tybalt show amazing stunts. The spectators rise from their seats and applaud. The towns change and everywhere they are a stunning breakthrough. NEW POSTERS with Bella and Pinocchio replace one another as in kaleidoscope.

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INT. TOWN, NEXT TO AN ADVERTISING COLUMN - DAY DETECTIVE BRIONI and GENDARMES appear close to the advertising column. A huge poster depicts Pinocchio, Tybalt and Bella.

BRIONI Well, well. It seems that I have already noticed this poster some time ago.


You’re right, seigneur! It’s Mojafocco’s travelling circus.


Yes. They perform in small towns. They were here yesterday.


Hmm.. That’s interesting. Something to think over. What should a detective do?


What, seigneur?

BRIONI In the first place a detective should reflect, you idiots!

* BRIONI’S SONG Detective Brioni sings a song telling that the foremost thing for a detective is his mind. With help of one’s mind any criminal can be caught and face the punishment. And even if he doesn’t have any clues yet, he will find them and arrest the thieves. The Gendarmes sing along: “We will get the clues and arrest the thieves”. Brioni and the Gendarmes finish singing.

BRIONI By the way, where is this circus heading?

EXT. HARBOUR TOWN – NIGHT A panoramic scene of a picturesque harbor town. The circus wagons make a circle. Bella is in her wagon singing her song. We can see her silhouette on a curtain.

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Pinocchio stares at Bella. Tybalt shifts his gaze from Pinocchio to Bella.

TYBALT Of course! How could I’ve missed it... It’s all about Bella! You’ve even run away from home because of her! It’s not that you wanted to see the world.


That’s not true! I mean, not exactly true... I wanted to see the world... But when I saw her I realized that she is the most beautiful creature in the world.


I’ll tell you, buddy, that matters of the heart are complicated... So, what are you waiting for?


And what should I do?

TYBALT You’re really a wooden chunk... Bring her flowers, invite her for a walk at the beach. The scenery there is magnificent - the moon and the stars reflect in the waters of the bay. You can see mysterious silhouettes of the fishermen’s boats at the shore. I hope some painter will draw that beauty one day. Bella’s heart will certainly melt. Don’t be afraid! It’s always better to regret something you’ve done than what you haven’t.

PINOCCHIO Really? Do you think its fine? What if she refuses?

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TYBALT Either you go and talk to her, or we return home. I won’t wait until you finally have the guts to do that. Decide!


I’ll go... But... Can I go tomorrow?


No, you’re going right now! PINOCCHIO

Ok. I’m going... (hesitates)

Look, and what if... TYBALT

Don’t make me angry! Listen to your father!

Pinocchio sighs. Bella finishes singing and hears Mojafocco, the Cat and the Fox speaking outside the window.

MOJAFOCCO That Pinocchio is a catch! Thanks to this puppet we’ll be able to engineer a real caper. Tomorrow we are going to give a great performance. Everyone will come to see our show! But you’ll have to work hard.


Don’t worry, boss. Consider it done.


Don’t you worry that he’ll go back home?


He won’t. He has fallen in love with Bella. He’ll sit still.

The villains laugh.

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Bella moves away from the window and looks sadly at a poster with Pinocchio and herself. Somebody knocks at the door.

BELLA Who is it?

The door opens. There stands Pinocchio hiding flowers behind his back.


Can I come in?

BELLA It’s you Pinocchio... Listen, I need to say that...

PINOCCHIO I also need to say...

BELLA Don’t interrupt me please. You’re a good guy... But you’d better leave the circus, away from problems.


But I can’t leave!

BELLA Believe me it’s for your own sake. You have to go away! Right now!


BELLA Go! Get lost! I don’t like you!

Pinocchio goes away without a word. Bella sadly watches him go. We see tears gather in her eyes. EXT. QUAY OF THE HARBOUR TOWN - NIGHT Pinocchio, totally upset, stands close to the sea and watches the stars reflecting in the water.

The Fox and the Cat are going by, chatting about their business. The Cat is playing with his purse full of money. They notice Pinocchio.

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Pinocchio! Hi, fella!

PINOCCHIO (hiding the flowers)

Good evening!

FOX What are you doing here? You aren’t spying on us, are you? Are you?


(takes the flowers) What’s that? Flowers? For whom?


Give them back! Do you hear me?! Give them back!

The Cat gives the flowers back to Pinocchio.

CAT Ok! Ok! Take it easy, bro!


It looks like our wooden guy has decided to make a pass on Bella... What a hoot!

The Cat and the Fox laugh. Pinocchio glares at them with anger.

CAT (laughing)

He?! Has fallen in love with Bella?! Tell me another one! That’s too funny for words... Do you really think that you and Bella...

The Cat and the Fox laugh again.

FOX Let me open your eyes to reality, Pinocchio... Otherwise what are friends for? Bella is a master’s daughter. She’ll soon grow up and become a beautiful

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senorita. And you, my friend, will stay forever a wooden puppet... A living, unusual creature but still a puppet!

CAT Are you going to drown yourself? We’ll tell you what - you won’t.

The Cat and the Fox laugh. Pinocchio doesn’t move, his gaze lowered. The Cat and the Fox stop laughing. They look at Pinocchio, exchange glances and start singing. * CAT AND FOX’S SONG “SHE’S NOT FOR YOU/YOU DON’T KNOW WOMEN” In this song they tell Pinocchio why Bella will never be with him. The Cat and the Fox stop singing.

CAT AND FOX Sorry guy but we had to tell you the truth.

Pinocchio sighs, looks at his flowers and drops them on the ground. He steps over the flowers and walks way. INT. JEPETTO’S HOUSE – MORNING JEPETTO enters the house and sees a CRICKET sitting on a mantelpiece with a sad look.

JEPETTO Good morning, Brontalone. Still miss them?

Brontalone sorrowfully bends his head.

BRONTALONE I miss them so much!


I think it's time for us to go looking for them.

Brontalone nods his head in approval.


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That’s the right decision! EXT. NEAR THE CIRCUS WAGONS – NIGHT Pinocchio walks round a barrel, Tybalt standing nearby.

PINOCCHIO You told me to ask Bella for a date!!! And do you know what she answered?

TYBALT What???


TYBALT No way, you tell me!

PINOCCHIO She said “Get lost!” Well, that was what she meant.

TYBALT So what? You have to learn to accept refusals. There is nothing strange in it.


I’ll show you what is strange! Pinocchio looks inside the barrel and points at his reflection.

PINOCCHIO Have a look and tell me what you see.


You. (looks inside)

And myself.

PINOCCHIO I’m a puppet!!! A wooden log! A freak!


Wait, wait, wait... You are a puppet, I agree. But you’re not a freak, believe me.

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Oh no, you believe me - I’m a total freak! And the most terrible thing is that I’ll be like that forever! She will never accept someone like me!


Well, what do you want from me? I think you’re quite fine... no big deal that you’re made of wood! At least you’re unique, you’re one of a kind in the world!

PINOCCHIO I don’t want to be unique I want to be like others!

(sadly) However, I’m doomed to live like a wooden puppet for the rest of my life.

Fantozzi appears from shadows.

FANTOZZI Maybe yes... And maybe no. I know someone who could help you... One clown told my pal clown about Fairy Lucilda who lives near a mountain, on the other side of the forest. She could turn you into a real boy. But the way to the Fairy is very hard. Lucilda hides from people because she is fed up with their requests for love and money. They say, the ravine that leads to her house is guarded by evil spirits.

TYBALT What? Evil spirits? No way! I’m scared of any spirits. Pinocchio, don’t even think about it!

PINOCCHIO I must find that Fairy whatever it takes!

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TYBALT How? We can’t fail the circus, can we? How will they perform without us? I signed the contract as your impresario!


I’m going to search for her - with or without you!


One clown told this another clown, and that one told another, and the forth clown - you, Pinocchio - believed it!

Pinocchio looks at Tybalt, then turns back and leaves.

TYBALT Wait for me!

INT. MOJAFOCCO’S OFFICE – NIGHT In a wagon Mojafocco, the Cat and the Fox are bent over a desk. Someone knocks at the door.

MOJAFOCCO Who the hell is there?!

Pinocchio comes in.

PINOCCHIO Seigneur Mojafocco?


Ah, that’s my boy! Come in, don’t be shy... Let’s have some tea and have a chat. Hey you, lazybones! Give a chair to my best actor and bring us tea.


Seigneur Mojafocco.

MOJAFOCCO Come on! No need to call me “seigneur Mojafocco”, you can simply say “Papa Jafo”. We’re a step away to become relatives, as far as I’ve heard.

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Mojafocco winks at Pinocchio.

PINOCCHIO Seigneur, I have to leave.


(his expression changes)

I’m sorry? I must have got it wrong.


I have to leave!

MOJAFOCCO But that’s impossible... We are making a big performance tonight! All the tickets are sold out.


I’ll come back! I’ll be on time! I swear.


Didn’t you consider yourself a monster? And wasn’t it me who made a silk purse out of a sow’s ear - a circus star, the audience’s favorite actor!


I’m very grateful for everything you’ve done for me. But I must go! I’m going to find Fairy Lucilda and ask her to turn me into a real boy. I’ve made up my mind, Jafo!

Pinocchio stands up and is about to leave but at the same moment the Cat and the Fox block his way.

MOJAFOCCO You must call me “seigneur Mojafocco”. And you are my property! You’ll stay here until I permit you to leave! Who needs a real boy? Spectators pay to see a living puppet!

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INT. WAGON – NIGHT The Cat and the Fox make Tybalt enter the cage with Pinocchio.

TYBALT Easy there, pussy!

We see that from outside the window a MIME looks into the wagon.

CAT Good night, seigneur Tybalt!


Sweet dreams... Ha-ha-ha!!! The Cat and the Fox leave.

PINOCCHIO I’m so sorry, Tybalt... It’s all my fault.

TYBALT No doubt it’s yours! It was you who wanted to “see the world”. Yet, you have just fallen in love with a blue-eyed girl! And now look at yourself! And what has it led to! It’s over! I’m not your father anymore! Such responsibility is too huge for a horse!

We hear the rustling sound and Bella comes up to the cage.

BELLA Pinocchio?





Great! First you break this guy’s heart, next you come to mock at him?


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You take a big risk and you really don’t have to...


No, she has to. By the way, you can free me as well.


You must hurry... Until Mojafocco notices your escape.


Escape? How can we escape? The cage is locked!


I’ve got the key... Zhao brothers come up to the cage. It seems that they are going to break the lock on it, but instead they make some stunts and come closer. One of them takes out a pin and opens the lock. Pinocchio and Tybalt are free! EXT. NEAR THE WAGON – NIGHT Bella, the acrobats and Tybalt are standing next to the wagon.

BELLA (to the Acrobats)

Thank you, guys. The acrobats nod and disappear.

PINOCCHIO (to Bella)

Let’s run away with us!

BELLA I can’t.


But why?

BELLA Just because... because I can’t!

(passing him a purse with money)

Take it. There are five golden coins.

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PINOCCHIO I won’t take it.

The Fox and the Cat look out of the corner.

BELLA No, you will! Don’t contradict... You’ll need them during your trip.

The Cat and the Fox observe everything from underneath the wagon. The Cat draws a gun, he is going to make an alert shot. He pulls the trigger but the Fox is just in time to put his finger and not let him make it.

FOX (whispering)

Shhh... Five coins.

CAT Yeah but we must warn...


Five golden coins, bro... The Cat gets the Fox’s idea and grins.

CAT Ok. We’ll intercept them on their way, and then I...

The Cat raises the gun.

FOX It’s not necessary, my friend. He wants to find Lucilda? Well, we’ll help him. I’ve got an idea...

The Fox whispers something in the Cat’s ear. The Cat nods his head with amusement. They exchange insidious smiles and go away. EXT. NEAR THE CIRCUS – NIGHT Bella sees Pinocchio and Tybalt off.



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You are free, Pinocchio... Now we’re even. You saved my life, I saved yours. Go away.

Pinocchio looks at Bella. She sends him away again.

PINOCCHIO I’ll be back, Bella! I’ll come back for you.

Pinocchio and Tybalt leave.

TYBALT You know what...


I know!

TYBALT Ok, then let’s just keep quiet.

EXT. FOREST ROAD - NIGHT Pinocchio rides Tybalt through the forest lit by mysterious moonlight. The forest is full of strange sounds and rustles that scare Tybalt.

TYBALT (looking sideways)

I think I’m not quite fond of this trip. Are you sure we aren’t lost?


I don’t know. Fantozzi said that Lucilda lives behind the mountain. And that one is the only mountain here.

Pinocchio points at the mountain rising above the forest. Tybalt rolls his eyes.

TYBALT Holy mare, what have I got into? My life was quiet and peaceful...


Look! Tybalt takes a look and sees a beautiful tent lit by candles.

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PINOCCHIO What do you think it is?


I don’t know but I don’t like it.

PINOCCHIO Don’t behave like a coward.

TYBALT I’m not a coward, I’m just being cautious.

PINOCCHIO Well... Whatever! I’ll go and check it!

Pinocchio dismounts Tybalt and enters the tent. Tybalt sighs and follows his friend. Behind the transparent curtain we see a silhouette of an unknown woman.

PINOCCHIO Excuse me...

UNKNOWN WOMAN (speaking melodiously, lengthening words)

Come in, travelers. Come in.

PINOCCHIO Could you please tell us the way... We are searching for a Fairy, Beautiful Lucilda.

UNKNOWN WOMAN Well then, you have found her, young seigneur. You have found her.


(whispering to Pinocchio)

A questionable coincidence...

PINOCCHIO Are you signora Lucilda? But you should be living behind the mountain.


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I used to. I used to. But not long ago I changed place, my dear wooden friend.


(whispers to Pinocchio)

How has she identified it? If you ask me, I don’t see anything behind this curtain.


(to Tybalt) Wait!

(to the Unknown Woman)

Signora, I’d like to ask you a favour...


I know, I know! You want to become a human.

Pinocchio and Tybalt exchange looks. They are taken aback by the fact that Lucilda knows everything.

UNKNOWN WOMAN Your wish is very easy to grant, Pinocchio. However you’ll have to pay some money. Let’s say, five golden coins.

It is the Fox hiding behind the curtain. He has his voice altered and is dressed in woman’s hat, dress and gloves. The Cat, wearing a black mask, is hiding behind the chest. He closes his mouth with his paw struggling not to laugh at the show.

PINOCCHIO Wow... I’ve got exactly five coins!

Tybalt stops Pinocchio from handing over the money.

TYBALT Wait a second! Still, how come you know his name?


I’m a Fairy. I know everything.

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TYBALT Great! Then tell me what number I’ve thought of.



TYBALT It’s just a small test.


(strictly) I’m very busy, seigneurs!

From behind the curtain she holds out her hand covered with white glove.

PINOCCHIO I’m sorry. Here is your money...

Tybalt moves Pinocchio’s hand away with his hoof.

TYBALT Just a minute... But we’d like to know how it all I going to work.

The Cat hiding behind the chest is about to burst with anger.

FOX I can’t reveal my magic secrets. Just give me the money and tomorrow Pinocchio will become a real boy.

Again, Pinocchio is ready to put his money in the Fox’s hand. And again Tybalt holds his arm.

TYBALT I have another proposal. What if we pay you tomorrow morning, right after Pinocchio’s transformation into a real boy?

The Cat draws the gun but the Fox shakes his fist at him.

FOX (irritated)

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You’re not in the marketplace! If you don’t want to become a real boy, then I’ll...


No! No, I want! I’m ready! Here is the money!

And again Tybalt doesn’t let Pinocchio give it away.

TYBALT I beg your pardon... But maybe you would agree on one coin? And after Pinocchio’s...

The Cat can’t take it anymore. He jumps from behind the curtain.

CAT Damn it!!! Just give us that money!


Aha! I knew it... I knew something was wrong here!

The Fox appears from behind the curtain.

FOX The decoration was good... However, if I have to improvise... Give us the money and we’ll let you go!


Run, Tybalt! Pinocchio leaps into the saddle and Tybalt races back into the forest. The Fox kicks the Cat.

FOX Shoot, you idiot!

The Cat aims at Tybalt and Pinocchio. The Fox rushes after them. The Cat, who was standing on the long Fox’s coat, falls down and misses the shot.


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Why did you come out, idiot...? Who called you?! You ruined everything.


Meow! That damn Tybalt pissed me off with his questions!


No money, no puppet. What are we going to say to Mojafocco?

EXT. IN THE FOG/IN FRONT OF THE MOUNTAIN - EARLY MORNING Tybalt gallops as fast as he can and then stops. The clouds of fog surround them.

TYBALT Whoa... Look where your way has led us. Bullets won’t do you any harm but I wouldn’t want to get a shot under my tail! Who were they and how do they know your name? And they knew about those five golden coins!


I’m not sure but they seemed to look like the Cat and the Fox.


The Cat and the Fox! Say no more! I knew that nothing good would come of those circus men. You promised to obey me! I’m your father!

(feeling embarrassed)

I mean, temporarily.

PINOCCHIO Enough, Tybalt! We have to search for Lucilda!

TYBALT (sarcastically)

We’ve already found one. Thank you!

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At this moment the sun rises and the fog clears away. We see that they are standing just in front of the mountain, with a split leading inside.

PINOCCHIO Here it is! The mountain! Let’s go!


Wait! That’s a bad idea! Have you forgotten about the evil spirits?


If you’re scared, I’ll go alone.

TYBALT Who? Me? Scared? Don’t make my hooves laugh! Let’s go.

Tybalt advances and goes into the split. EXT. INSIDE THE SPLIT - MORNING The split is murky and eerie. Tybalt walks on and Pinocchio keeps his eyes open. Tybalt’s steps reverberate in the walls. Suddenly they hear a terrible howling voice.

TERRIBLE VOICE Halt! Who are you-o-o-o? What do you need he-e-e-re?


I knew it. It’s them. The evil spirits! We’re done for.

EXT. ATOP THE SPLIT - EARLY MORNING WHITE PARROT CARO is sitting among the rocks. He uses a hole in the rock as a tube. His voice is changed drastically while speaking.

TERRIBLE VOICE Go away-y-y-y!


PINOCCHIO Dear evil spirits! We’re not going to hurt you. We just

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need to find Lucilda, the Fairy, and ask her a favour.


There isn’t any Lucilda he-e-e-e-re!

Tybalt carefully makes a few steps.

TYBALT That’s it, Pinocchio. Did you hear that? We’ve got the wrong door.

(to Evil Spirits) Ok, sorry. We’re leaving.


I’m not going away. You are my father ad interim, aren’t you?

TYBALT Well, I am.

PINOCCHIO So, as a father you must teach me to be brave and courageous.

TYBALT Ok, you’ve convinced me.

Tybalt makes two more steps. TERRIBLE VOICE

Freeze, you fools!

Tybalt is trying to be brave. He lifts his head with dignity, closing tight his eyes at the same time.


Who do you think you are to give us orders?

TERRIBLE VOICE I’m the evil spirit, the owner of this place!

Tybalt is paralyzed with fear, yet trying to regain bravery.

TYBALT So what?

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A huge boulder falls from above and shatters into pieces. Tybalt hunches his shoulders, his ears laid back flat.

PINOCCHIO We aren’t afraid, are we, Tybalt?

Tybalt is trying to decide whether he is afraid or not. In the end he decides that he isn’t.

TYBALT No! We aren’t afraid! Hey you! Come out and fight like a man!


Oh yeah? Fine! You asked for it.

A horrible howling and stumping is heard from above. The ground shakes. Tybalt moves backwards in fear.

TYBALT Oh no! I’ve changed my mind. Don’t come out please! Stay there, on the top.

(to Pinocchio) That’s it. Let’s go back.


No way! And as my father you must say: Never give up, son. Always move ahead!

TYBALT I must. But I don’t really want to. Ok, fine!

(with big hesitation)

Move ahead, Pinocchio!

PINOCCHIO Well done!

Pinocchio leaps into the saddle.

PINOCCHIO Move ahead!

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Tybalt gallops forward. They are followed by the dreadful howling. Suddenly a steel railing with sharpened bars blocks their way. Raising from the ground, it blocks the split.

TYBALT Now what should I say as your father?


If there is an obstacle on your way, Pinocchio, overcome it.

Pinocchio spurs Tybalt. Tybalt makes a leap and passes swiftly above the railing.

TYBALT A-a-a-a-h!

PINOCCHIO A-a-a-a-h!

The steel bars strike against his hoofs. Tybalt lands safely on the other side of the railing and stops, having stroke sparks with his hoofs. Tybalt and Pinocchio turn around.



That was cool, Tybalt! When we open our own circus, we’ll jump through fire hoops.


PARROT CARO (watching Pinocchio and Tybalt with disappointment)

I’m loosing my skill. Evidently, I’ve had my day.

Parrot Caro flies away.

EXT. FRONT OF LUCILDA’S HOUSE - MORNING Tybalt and Pinocchio ride out of the split. Now they are on a flat ground and can regain their breath. They see a beautiful house with towers and vined lancet windows. The birds are singing a wonderful song.

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PINOCCHIO It’s a little paradise. A Fairy may well live here.

Tybalt comes close to the house and clears his throat loudly.

TYBALT Ahem! Ahem! It took us a long way to get to you…

The door opens and Lucilda appears at the door step.

LUCILDA What do you want, seigneurs?

Pinocchio gets off Tybalt and speaks, his arms close to his chest.


Good morning, signora! We are looking for Fairy Lucilda. Is it you?


Yes, it’s me.

PINOCCHIO Dear signora Lucilda! My name is Pinocchio and this is my friend Tybalt. As you may have noticed, I’m a puppet.


My dear boy, of course I see that you’re a puppet. And I can guess who created you... Apparently, his name is master Jepetto, isn’t it?

PINOCCHIO That’s right, signora.


Great! Let’s get down to the business... We don’t need money, wealth and all this crap. We ourselves can pay you... within reason, of course.


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You can’t buy magic for money. Miracle is priceless...

TYBALT I’m glad that with regard to the terms of payment we think alike. So, if you’re really a Fairy, then maybe it wouldn’t be a big problem for you to turn Pinocchio into a real boy?

Lucilda gives Tybalt and Pinocchio a quizzical glance.

LUCILDA Well then... Your request is really humble. Let’s see.

Lucilda takes a small book out of the pleats of her dress and begins flipping through it.

LUCILDA You can find answers to all questions in my Book of magic... Ok... Let’s see...

(flipping through pages)

Here! I’ve found it.

Lucilda reads through the lines.

LUCILDA Yes, of course. It is written that a kiss of a beautiful creature can turn a puppet into a human. It’s a well-known fact.

Pinocchio and Tybalt exchange looks. Tybalt clears his throat.


(turns to Pinocchio) Ok! But if some day you tell someone somewhere about this... Give me your word.

PINOCCHIO I give my word.

TYBALT Good. Are you ready?

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Pinocchio nods. Pinocchio moves his face closer in order to be kissed and closes his eyes. Tybalt warms up his lips in a funny way, getting ready to kiss Pinocchio.



Just a moment! I’m getting ready. A solemn music is heard. Tybalt with his eyes shut kisses Pinocchio on the cheek.

PINOCCHIO (his eyes closed)

It worked? Lucilda gives a vibrant laugh. Pinocchio and Tybalt open their eyes.

LUCILDA First of all, I didn’t mean this sort of kiss but a kiss of true love. And secondly, did you really believe such nonsense?


Lucilda sings about various miracles and magic transformations taking place in our world. You can turn water into stone and make stone alive. But there is no magic spell that could turn a wooden puppet into a human. Such miracles only happen in fairy tales. While singing Lucilda dances, spins and floats in the air like a bird. She finishes singing and comes down to the ground, then approaches Pinocchio and strokes him on the head.

LUCILDA I’m sorry, my child, but I can’t help you. And by the way, are you sure that you need to become a human? Being a human isn’t easy!

Pinocchio is depressed.

LUCILDA Keep your head up! If you really want it, you should remember one thing - sometimes

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miracles happen even without magic.

TYBALT (in anger)

It’s all clear! Ifs and buts! If only not to work. Let’s get out of here, Pinocchio! The evil spirits wait for us.

Disappointed, Pinocchio leaps into the saddle. Tybalt heads towards the split.

PINOCCHIO Good bye, signora!


Good bye, my child. When they disappear in the split, Caro lands on Lucilda’s shoulder.

CARO Why didn’t you turn him into a real boy? It’s a piece of cake for you!


Well... Firstly, it isn’t. I haven’t practiced for a long time. And secondly…

(Lucilda’s look becomes quizzical again)

I think the time hasn’t come yet. You see, Caro, in order to become a human you just need to be him.


I’m sorry? Hmm... I’m just a talking parrot, Lucilda. It’s too complicated for me.

INT. MOJAFOCCO’S WAGON - DAY Enraged Mojafocco bangs the table with his fist. He stares at the Cat and the Fox.


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How come they ran away?! To Lucilda?! I’ll get you both... I’ll beat you with a whip... With my own hands!

The Fox and the Cat move backwards from Mojafocco, trying to cover themselves with paws.

FOX Boss, it’s not our fault...


Not our fault, boss...

FOX It’s all Bella’s fault!

Mojafocco freezes, his expression changed.



She let that dummy out... And his horse!


Bella... The Fox relaxes and comes up to the table to pour himself a glass of water from a decanter.

FOX And of course we supposed that segnorita acted by your order - that’s why we didn’t do anything.


Do you realize that now my whole plan goes to hell?


Nothing terrible happened, master.

MOJAFOCCO And what if Lucilda turns him into a human? We don’t need a human! We need a talking puppet - that’s what attracts the audience!

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Do you really believe in miracles, boss? He’ll stay forever a piece of wood!

CAT He’ll surely come back. You yourself told that he is head over heels in love with Bella! There is no way around. He’ll return.

EXT. FOREST - DAY Pinocchio rides Tybalt along the forest road. He stares sadly to the ground.

TYBALT Just don’t worry! We’ll find another fairy. At such times you cannot throw a stone without finding a fairy! Listen to me! Your father won’t give you bad advice!

Suddenly Tybalt grows tense. He hears voices nearby.

TYBALT Someone’s coming up here.


Let’s hide! Tybalt hides behind the trees. Brioni and two Gendarmes approach the crossroad. Brioni steps out firmly like a robot, and the Gendarmes stomp wheezing and breathing heavily. At last they stop. Brioni turns and looks at them with anger.

BRIONI What’s the matter? Why are you staying stone-still?


We’re exhausted, seigneur Brioni!


We’re always walking somewhere. What’s the reason?

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I’m on the track. Don’t you understand?


No sir!

BRIONI Oh my God, they’re such idiots! I’m about to catch a whole band pretending to be a circus troupe! They sell out the tickets and during the performance they rob the townsmen’s houses. And do you know who their leader is?

GENDARMES Who, seigneur Brioni?

BRIONI Who is their main star? Pinocchio! So he is the main criminal! Maybe he doesn’t rob anyone himself. But he plans everything. It is he who pulls all the strings with his wooden hands! He is the core figure in the criminal world. And now we are following his trails. He was seen here yesterday evening with his sidekick, a horse called Tybalt! So, forward march! One, two!

Brioni continues marching and the Gendarmes follow him. They move away and finally disappear round the corner. Tybalt comes out from behind the trees.

TYBALT Did you hear that?

PINOCCHIO Yeah. I got the point. We must go back to the circus, immediately!

TYBALT Oh no, Pinocchio, you seem to get it wrong. We are wanted by

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the police and you are considered to be the main villain with me as your sidekick. We should flee for life as soon as possible. And Bella, she’s in cahoots with her daddy! She dismissed you, didn’t she?

PINOCCHIO Yes but I have to talk to Bella first!

TYBALT Talk to Bella? She’s in cahoots with her daddy!

PINOCCHIO I have to talk to her and tell her that she’s in danger.

TYBALT Pinocchio, it very often happens that some people who seem to be not like they are turn out to be exactly who we don’t want them to be!

PINOCCHIO Tybalt, you seem to go mad!

TYBALT No, it’s you who is mad if you don’t see obvious things! I mean, it’s our life! Sometimes, even a friend may turn out to be your enemy!

PINOCCHIO And right now you proved it yourself!


PINOCCHIO What you’ve just heard!

TYBALT Well, if you want to go to prison, don’t count me in.

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Pinocchio dismounts Tybalt.

PINOCCHIO Oh well! Ok, you can go away! I’ll do without you!


And I will.

PINOCCHIO So go. Good luck!

Pinocchio turns his back and walks in the same direction where Brioni and the Gendarmes marched some time ago.

TYBALT Keep it! You’ll need it more than me!

Tybalt goes in the opposite direction. INT. BELLA’S WAGON - DAY Bella looks at an old poster on the wall with Pinocchio and herself on it. Then she glances in the mirror. The reflection shows the door opening and Mojafocco coming into the wagon.

MOJAFOCCO Bella, Bella... My loving and faithful daughter.

BELLA Not biological daughter, but adopted.

MOJAFOCCO So that’s how you talk now! You’re breaking my heart! Just answer one question... Did you let that puppet run away only to annoy me?


He has a name!

MOJAFOCCO Of course he has a name but he has no soul, dear Bella. He’s just a puppet, a piece of wood.

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BELLA At least he isn’t a robber or a scoundrel as you!


You wanted to say “as us”, dear... In fact you’re a very important member of our small secret gang.


I didn’t know anything about your business with the Cat and the Fox!


I know and I believe you... But I think no one else will. So don’t be a fool, my girl. Remember that you owe me your life and you’re still in debt.

Mojafocco leaves, followed by Bella’s angry look. However, after the door closes she becomes sad. EXT. FOREST ROAD - DAY Tybalt walks along the road. He is angry and irritated at himself, that’s why he punches the trees growing alongside the road.

TYBALT Silly prickly piece of wood! He’s fallen in love with a girl as a fool and I should follow him here and there. The next stop is prison!

Tybalt stops.

TYBALT What have I done? How could I let him go? He is my best friend. What will I say to Jepetto?


Tybalt sings a song about his only friend whom he has left alone. This friend entrusted him to be his father and he betrayed him. While singing Tybalt goes back and forth shaking his head as if he is thinking about where to go.

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Having finished his song, Tybalt is determined - he goes in the same direction where Pinocchio has gone.


I have to go back! He’s done for without me!

EXT. FOREST ROAD - DAY Pinocchio walks along the road, pondering.

PINOCCHIO I shouldn’t have talked to Tybalt that way. He’s my friend after all. But I love Bella! How do I choose? It’s so hard to be a human! Lucilda is right - I can’t deal with it...

Suddenly the Gendarmes dash out from behind the trees. One Gendarme grabs Pinocchio’s left arm, another one grabs his right arm. Pinocchio tries to break through.

PINOCCHIO What do you want from me?! Let me go!

Brioni comes out with a triumphant smile on his face.

BRIONI Well-well, gotcha! There he is! Pinocchio, the head of the whole circus gang!


What gang? I don’t understand you, seigneur! I’m not guilty!


Nobody is guilty. Then who is the robber? Maybe I am?

PINOCCHIO I didn’t rob anybody! I...

BRIONI Ok, that’s enough! You speak too much! I’ll have to shut up your mouth.

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He takes out a handkerchief with a monogram in the shape of letter “B”. At the same time we hear neighing and a thud of hoofs, and then Tybalt appears.

BRIONI Well-well! And here is your sidekick! Someone Tybalt, if I’m not mistaken.


(puff-chested) I’m not someone. I’m seigneur Tybalt, impresario. And also a father of this wooden boy. Let him go right now!

BRIONI Let him go? Ha-ha-ha!

(to Gendarmes) Did you hear that? He orders me to let him go.

(his face expression changes)

Take him! The Gendarmes drop Pinocchio and aim their rifles at Tybalt.

TYBALT (very bravely)

HA! Do you really think you can scare me with your rifles? Tybalt is very brave and is afraid of nothing! An evil spirit couldn’t scare Tybalt. Tybalt jumped over the railing with sharpened bars. And now I’m going to show you something! At the moment you see me from my best side. And now...

(he turns his back) You’ll see me from the worst!

And Tybalt starts kicking them quite accurately. One kick - and Brioni goes flying into the air. He gets hooked up by his collar to a tree branch and dangles there twitching helplessly his legs. Another kick and one more - and both Gendarmes also fly into the air. In a second, they also dangle on the tree to the left and to the right from Brioni.


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(to Pinocchio) Run for life!

Pinocchio jumps into the saddle and Tybalt races away.

BRIONI (to Gendarmes)

What are you waiting for? Quicker! Get me down!

GENDARMES But we are also on the tree, seigneur Brioni! Who will get US down?

BRIONI Oh, you’re such idiots!

EXT. CLOSE TO A HARBOUR TOWN - DAY In the distance we can see town buildings, a strip of sea water, some boats and ships. Tybalt stops and catches his breath.

PINOCCHIO Thanks for saving me, Tybalt! I thought you were hurt and left me forever.


How can I leave you? We’re friends, aren’t we?


So, friends again?

TYBALT Yeah, friends.

Tybalt notices that Pinocchio is holding Brioni’s handkerchief.

TYBALT Pinocchio, I’ve got an idea.


An idea?

TYBALT Yep. But I’ll have to go somewhere alone.

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PINOCCHIO Without me?


Believe me, otherwise you’re going to spoil everything. Go to Bella and I’ll be right back.

Pinocchio dismounts Tybalt. Tybalt gallops away with a conspirational expression on his face.

PINOCCHIO Wait, Tybalt! Wait!

(sadly) Maybe he still decided to leave me.

EXT. HARBOUR TOWN/ TOWNSQUARE - DAY Pinocchio peeps out from the corner and sees the huge tent of the circus in front of him. Trying to stay unnoticed, he sneaks towards Bella’s wagon. He avoids coming across the Cat and the Fox who are playing cards on a turned over barrel.

CAT And we’ll do like this!


And this one?!

CAT Hey, all aces are used!


It’s just your imagination...

CAT Ok, I’ll check the laydown then.

The Cat covers the laydown with his paw but the Fox presses his paw over.

FOX Do you need anything after I gave my word?

He draws a knife and threatens the Cat.

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CAT Take it easy! I believe you like myself!

With these words he strikes the knife from the Fox’s paws, draws the gun but the Fox has enough time to put Cat’s hand away and the gun falls on the ground. The Cat and the Fox begin fighting and Pinocchio, seizing the moment, passes by unnoticed and peeks into Bella’s wagon.

PINOCCHIO Bella?! Bella?!

But Bella isn’t in her wagon. Pinocchio notices Fantozzi.

PINOCCHIO Fantozzi, do you know where Bella is?

The clown looks at him, alerted. Mojafocco’s voice comes from behind Pinocchio.

MOJAFOCCO I know... It seems strange that you are asking that clown instead of me.


(abruptly) Where is she?!


Don’t worry, she’s safe.

The Cat and the Fox appear by Mojafocco’s side.

PINOCCHIO Let her go right now! Do you hear me? Or else I swear, I’m going to tell everybody about your real business! And you’ll go to prison.

The Cat draws his gun.

CAT (outraged)

What?! He dares threaten us! Jafo, let me make a couple of holes in this puppet’s body.

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Mojafocco holds him up.

MOJAFOCCO No need to do this.

(to Pinocchio) You may laugh but I’m absolutely against violence. However, the Cat is right - you don’t have to threaten us. By the way, I don’t think that you really want us all to be put to prison. Oh yes, exactly. All of us: the Cat, the Fox, myself... Bella.

The Cat and the Fox laugh.

MOJAFOCCO Do you really think that someone will believe that Bella is innocent if I tell that she is a robber and all those robberies are of her own making? And of course, as an honest citizen, I have taken her into custody despite the fact that she is my daughter. As far as I remember, it is called a civil arrest.


Let her go!

MOJAFOCCO Let her go? And where will she go? Didn’t you think about it, my wooden hero?

PINOCCHIO She’ll find shelter in my father’s house!

MOJAFOCCO Well, maybe I’ll let her go under one condition. If you... If you agree to perform tonight.

PINOCCHIO First you let Bella go!


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You’re really obsessed with the idea! You’re ready to do anything for her sake, nonetheless she was just obeying my orders when she was making eyes at you.


You’re lying!

MOJAFOCCO I’m lying? Well there she is. You can ask yourself.

Bella appears in the wagon. She stares at Pinocchio with terror.

BELLA Pinocchio, why did you come back?


Bella, do you know what your father’s real business is?


I found it out just a while ago and I...


Then you did know, didn’t you? Tybalt was right.


Pinocchio, let me explain...

PINOCCHIO I don’t want to listen!


And rightly so! You’ve heard enough! She knew everything. Let’s go, there is a big... No, a huge surprise waiting for you!

Mojafocco grabs Pinocchio by the hand and drags him out of the wagon. EXT. NEAR THE WAGON WITH CAGE - DAY

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Mojafocco, the Cat and the Fox open the door and... Push Pinocchio into the cage with Jepetto already inside. The lock is closed with a clang.



My son! I came to see you and now...

Mojafocco watches them through the bars.

MOJAFOCCO What a touching family scene.

(to Pinocchio) Well, did you get it right? You’re performing tonight, Pinocchio. The tickets are sold out. Otherwise I swear, your father will pay for it!


Let my son go, immediately!

MOJAFOCCO Master, I have a business counter-offer: what if you make more living puppets like Pinocchio? A circus full of living puppets! A dream!

JEPETTO Pinocchio is not a simple puppet, he is a miracle!

MOJAFOCCO Well then, carve out an army of such miraculous dummies for me. With their help I’ll conquer the world.

JEPETTO You’re a monster!

Mojafocco yawns.

MOJAFOCCO It’s just I didn’t get enough sleep. You can chat here, you’re a family after all. And I’m going to have a nap.

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Mojafocco slams the door of the wagon. INT. CAGE - DAY Jepetto, Pinocchio and cricket Brontalone are sitting in the cage.

PINOCCHIO Dad, look I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you. I shouldn’t have gone away from my home. But believe me, I didn’t know...

Jepetto hugs Pinocchio.

JEPETTO No need to explain, Pinocchio. I know that you’re an honest boy.


I told you that Tybalt wouldn’t be able to take care of him.


No! Tybalt is a true friend!

BRONTALONE So where is this true friend now? Why isn’t he locked in this cage as we are?

PINOCCHIO Tybalt... He... He...

BRONTALONE By the way, why am I sitting idly by? It’s time to act!

Brontalone climbs easily through the bars and finds a crack in the wall of the wagon.


I’ll be back in no time!

Brontalone leaves. EXT. NEAR THE CIRCUS - EVENING

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Pretending to be a professional spy, Tybalt crawls among the wagons trying to stay unnoticed. All of a sudden he rams into Bella. Tybalt screams. Bella screams.

TYBALT Hush! So, where is Pinocchio?


Mojafocco caged him up. And master Jepetto is with him. But it’s not my fault!

TYBALT Of course, it’s not her fault... But it was you who Pinocchio wanted to go to. He wanted to save you!

BELLA Tybalt, believe me! I didn’t know anything about my father’s affairs. I want to help him but I don’t know how! You must believe me!


Tybalt mustn’t do anything to anyone! Besides, how can I believe you? A daughter is unaware of her father’s business? I don’t believe it!


I’m not his biological daughter... He told me he had found me in the forest when I was a little girl. And he saved me from hungry wolves.

Bella starts crying. She wipes her tears with a handkerchief decorated with a monogram “B”.

TYBALT Where did you get this handkerchief?


It was with me when... When Mojafocco found me.

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TYBALT Well... That changes everything. Lucilda is right. Sometimes miracles really happen.

Bella goes on crying. Tybalt softens.

TYBALT Don’t cry... I believe you. It’s true.

INT. CAGE - EVENING Pinocchio is trying to break a huge lock. Jepetto takes him by the hand.


Listen, Pinocchio. Don’t let them fool the citizens!

PINOCCHIO But I promised to perform. I gave my word.


And you’ll keep it!

Pinocchio turns round and sees Tybalt’s face next to a small window.

PINOCCHIO Tybalt? You came back?!

TYBALT And what did you think? That you got rid of me? I promised Jepetto to take care of you, and we horses always keep our promises.

JEPETTO What do you have in mind, Tybalt?

TYBALT I have a plan. I’ve thought everything through. We’ll show the audience a performance that Mojafocco has never seen

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before. And someone is going to help us.

Pinocchio sees Bella, Zhao acrobats, Fantozzi and Brontalone coming up to Tybalt.

INT. CIRCUS, ARENA - EVENING The hall is completely full. The circus glistens with lights. The oil burners flare on beautiful stands. The music rumbles and the artists come to the arena for the parade. They go round the arena and disappear behind the curtains. Mojafocco steps into the light of lamps. He is wearing a dress-coat, a sabre attached to his belt.

MOJAFOCCO My dear ladies and gentlemen! Let the performance in Papa Jafo’s circus begin! Now you will see the amazing Zhao brothers!

Zhao brothers run onto the arena, jump up and simultaneously make a triple somersault. After them, as usual, Clown Fantozzi amuses the audience. Then go the Cat and the Fox and after them - Pinocchio and Tybalt. Tybalt gallops round the arena and Pinocchio shows his unbelievable acrobatic stunts. The audience is absolutely thrilled! INT. CIRCUS ARENA/BEHIND THE SCENE - EVENING Mojafocco is watching Pinocchio’s performance with great joy. The Cat and the Fox are standing next to him.

MOJAFOCCO Well, everything is excellent. You’ve got to set to work now.

Suddenly the Fox points at something.

FOX Look, boss!

Mojafocco turns back, look at the arena through a gap between the curtains and sees...

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Standing on the saddle, Pinocchio begins singing a song.

MOJAFOCCO A song? That’s something new. Well, why not if our spectators like it...

* PINOCCHIO AND BELLA’S SONG Pinocchio sings about the joy he feels when he sees that the citizens love circus and come to watch the performance. But there are times when everything is not as it seems at the first sight. Suddenly Bella appears under the top. She takes turns and sings that sometimes robbers and scoundrels, almost like the Fox and the Cat, use people’s love for circus performances. Then Tybalt takes turns. He sings that while the citizens are watching the performance, their houses are being robbed. But who manages this affair? Mojafocco and his sidekicks stare at the performance open-mouthed. Fantozzi enters the arena and sings that the main criminal is someone resembling very much the circus director. The audience starts buzzing. Bella comes down on the arena and they finish the song altogether: it’s not the honest artists’ fault that they have been used in some dirty affairs. INT. CIRCUS, BEHIND THE ARENA - EVENING

MOJAFOCCO Hey! What the hell are they doing?!

FOX Boss, we must cut short the performance!

MOJAFOCCO What? And give the money back to the audience?

The Cat points at something with his paw. We can see Brioni and two Gendarmes appear between the rows.


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Here come the gendarmes! You can do what you want but I’m not going to prison!


The Cat jumps on the arena.

CAT Just a moment! I didn’t rob anyone! Well ok... I robbed, but I was forced to! It’s all seigneur Mojafocco! He gave me orders!

The Fox dashes on the arena after him.

FOX And me! He forced me to rob too! But I’m an honest artist! You clapped and cheered me!

The audience goes vociferous.

MALE SPECTATOR The circus director is the leader of their gang of robbers?


Catch them! Mojafocco comes on the arena.


Seigneurs! Who do you listen to? This is all bald-faced lie! Try to prove it! Where are witnesses?


(all together) We are witnesses!

Brioni comes close to the arena and makes a gesture as if he aims at Mojafocco with his finger.

BRIONI Well-well! This noble horse Tybalt has told me everything about what is happening in your circus! And now I have

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the admission of those criminals, the Cat and the Fox. And there are many witnesses - your artists! Seigneur Mojafocco, Cat and Fox - you are arrested!


(enraged) What? My genius plan went to hell! And all because of you, you God-damn dummy!

Mojafocco takes out his sabre. Gendarmes shoulder their rifles.

BRIONI Don’t shoot! There are people in here!

Mojafocco is confused trying to understand what to do. He waives his sabre to strike Pinocchio but hits an oil burner instead. The burning oil spills on the velvet curtain and it goes on fire. The circus quickly fills with smoke. The spectators cry “Fire! Fire!” and rush towards the exits.

BRIONI (to Gendarmes)

Grab the Cat, the Fox and Mojafocco!

However, there are lots of people between Brioni and the Gendarmes this preventing them from arresting the criminals. Mojafocco tries to blend in the crowd. The Fox grabs Bella and the Cat puts his gun to her head.

FOX Stay there!


(to Bella) You’ll be out ticket to freedom!

(to Pinocchio) Move away! Or else I’ll blow her head!


Paws off, Reddy!

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BELLA Let me go, rascal!

All of a sudden Tybalt hits the Fox with his leg. The Fox bounces back and Zhao brothers catch him. The Cat is distracted, twisting his head. Pinocchio grabs Bella on the hand and points at the pole.


Bella climbs up the pole, Pinocchio follows. The Cat raises the gun, aims... But Brioni quickly twists his arm. The gun falls on the arena.

CAT Ouch! It hurts!


Gotcha, scoundrel! Belissimo! Pinocchio and Bella look down. The fire is everywhere. All the spectators have already left the circus. Pinocchio points at a rope.

PINOCCHIO You must get on the other side! Go, you’ve already done it a million times!


And you?

PINOCCHIO I’ll be right behind you!

Bella walks on the rope which is also on fire. Pinocchio stands on the rope and manages to make a few steps. After that the rope tears apart. Pinocchio grabs the rope and falls down. He is separated from the others by a wall of fire.

BELLA Pinocchio?!

There comes Jepetto who is going to go into fire but is held back by Fantozzi and Zhao brothers.


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No, Jepetto! You’ll burn to death!

Everyone is watching Pinocchio’s silhouette behind the flames. It fades away as the fire grows more intense. Suddenly Tybalt neighs and dashes bravely into the flame. Everybody is waiting, breathless. Tybalt leaps out of the flames with Pinocchio nearly falling off the saddle. Pinocchio is taken off the horse and laid on the floor. Tybalt hurries to a washtub filled with water and sits into it making a hissing sound. He sighs with relief. Vapour rises from the washtub.

JEPETTO Pinocchio, my dear boy...

Bella bends over Pinocchio who is still unconscious. Bella cries, Jepetto cries. Brontalone, Tybalt and the circus men also cry. Brioni takes out his handkerchief with the monogram shaped as letter “B” and wipes away his tears. And all of a sudden... Strange sparks cover Pinocchio’s body. Everyone gasps in surprise and sees that it is a real boy.

JEPETTO Pinocchio?


My friend, you’re not dead! And you are alive!

PINOCCHIO Yeah, alive... I suppose!

BELLA And you became a human!


What? A human?

He examines himself.


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It can’t be true...


It can be! As I have told you, everything comes to you at the right moment, Pinocchio.

Everyone turns and sees Lucilda. Pinocchio sits up.

PINOCCHIO Signora Lucilda! It was you who did it?

LUCILDA No, my boy, you did it yourself. You sacrificed your life for another person and only a real human can make this step.

Brioni comes up to Pinocchio and shakes his hand.

BRIONI I beg your pardon for suspecting you, dear Pinocchio. Seigneur Tybalt told me everything and together we crafted a plan to catch those criminals. And as you see, all the criminals are caught and the case is closed!

Everyone watches Gendarmes take away the Cat, the Fox and Mojafocco.

BRIONI Well then, I have to leave you and begin interrogating them.

Brioni turns and is about to go away.

TYBALT Just a minute! The case isn’t closed yet! Seigneur Brioni, could you do me a favour and show us your handkerchief, please...

Brioni drags out the handkerchief.


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And you Bella, take out your handkerchief.

Bella takes it out and everyone is amazed to see that the handkerchiefs are exactly the same.

BRIONI (gasping in excitement)

Signorita, where did you get this handkerchief? There is our family monogram sewn on it!


When Mojafocco found me in the forest, it was with me.


Hey! Take Mojafocco back here! The Gendarmes bring back Mojafocco and Brioni shows him the handkerchiefs.

BRIONI Tell me the truth and I swear, the court will take it into account!


Really? Well... (to Bella)

To tell the truth, I just bought you from some kidnappers who had kidnapped you.


My God! Eleven years ago our daughter disappeared without a trace. At that time I swore to become a detective and catch robbers and other criminals. I thought I found the criminals and in fact I found my own daughter!

BELLA Father!


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Yes! And your mother is waiting for you at home!

Everyone is happy. * FINAL SONG All the heroes of our story and the circus artists stand hand in hand and sing that if you want to become a real human, you should be him every day, and that good always triumphs over evil. EXT. BIG CITY - EVENING A big and beautiful city is full of lights. There is a circus on the main city square. The Circus March is heard from behind its walls. INT. CIRCUS - EVENING The orchestra is playing the Circus March. The artists come to the arena for the parade. Together with them, a man comes on the arena, and all the lamps cross on his figure. We see that it is seigneur Brioni dressed as a Circus Administrator.

SEIGNEUR BRIONI Ladies and gentlemen! My honorable audience! We are glad to welcome you at our performance in the circus “Brioni and friends”. We all will try to make your evening unforgettable!

We see Pinocchio, Tybalt, Zhao brothers, Fantozzi and Bella among the artists. Bella’s mother, a woman with hair as blue as her daughter’s, is sitting among the spectators. * During the closing credits we see GROWN-UP PINOCCHIO and BELLA who sing a song under top of the circus. The song says that it’s very important not to be alone in the world and to be together with your friends. THE END * The texts and the music are being developed.