Download - Pine Press August 2015

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The Pine Press is a publication of the Student Housing Cooperative, Inc.

3 Editorial Standards4 Why is Howland House so Boujie?5 The Best Names for Harrison-Oak, Reviewed by the Editor6 Referendum 45.03.01 Results8 How to Talk About STDs with Sexual Partners10 Reflections on Beal's Summer Garden11 All Hail BudgetBytes!12 House of Nostalgia and the Compliment Box13 Seven Cooperative Principles14 Fall Semester Schedule15 Aloha from Hawaii!

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The Pine Press is publishedmonthly by the Education Committee,Student Housing Cooperative, Inc.

For contributions, comments, and snide remarks, email us at:[email protected]

EditorJessica Sietsema, Vice President of Education

[email protected]

Assistant EditorLaura Drotar, Zolton Ferency House

Contributing WritersCarly Blum, Howland HouseChristy O'Meara, Beal House

Jenny Pritchett, David Bowie Memorial CoopJulia Feeley, House of Apollo


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“I don't need you or your brand new BenzOr your bougie friendsAnd I don't need love looking like diamondsLooking like diamonds.”

- Ke$ha, “Sleazy” (2010)

I highly recommend the remix 2.0,

ft. Andre 3000, Lil Wayne, and

Wiz Khalifa. As I sit in myroom sipping onloose-leaf tea and

eating freshly cookedwhite wine risotto made by

housemate Julianne, I hear a callof distress from our basement


it’s Adam, but it really could have been anyone inthe house. At this time, I sit and think to myself, why

is Howland so boujie?From debates over ceviche on the differences and benefitsof cashew and almond milk, to Nora’s charcuterie paired

perfectly with CVS’ finest wine, what really does make Howland soboujie? I decided to take this question to the hallowed halls of Howland

Haus.I first ran into housemate Shobana, and asked “what do you think makes

Howland so boujie?” She quickly snapped a towel at me and said, “Shut up Carly,I’m on my way to hot yoga!!!” I was quickly afraid I would never find what makesHowland so boujie. But I am not easily discouraged. I went downstairs and was

suddenly blinded by the glare off of Ryan’s $500 watch. I realized he waswearing his Bluetooth headphones, so I waved for his attention and asked,

“What do you think makes Howland so boujie?”Ryan looked at me with a slightly tilted head and said “booty?”

I decided to move on.I found Kelsey downstairs chopping vegetables she had just

picked from our garden. Kerra was sitting nearbychomping on raw kale with her pinky pointed up –very classy, Kerra. I asked Kelsey and Kerra what

they thought made Howland so boujie.“Probably co-op star, Adam Bussell,” – I

won’t publicly state who made thatcomment...


Carly Blum, Howland House


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Howland Boujie, cont.

As I was going to ask Maddie what she thought made Howland so boujie, sheinterrupted with this comment: “I am so glad they painted the shed! I know there are somemaintenance issues with other houses and with our porch, but the shed had to match thesiding!”

I felt no need to ask.I walk up the stairs, feeling rather defeated in my quest, and see Kevin F. – one more

try, I say to myself.I call out “Kevin FitzGerald!”He looks to me and states “Kevin FitzGerald, it has a nice ring to it,”I suddenly forget the question at hand and just head for my room.I do not think the world will ever know exactly why Howland is so boujie. I make an

Egyptian Healing Clay mask and lie in bed, overall very disappointed in myself for the lack ofresults in my investigation. I play the details over and over in my head – Adam, shed, kale,Kevin, soy milk ice cream, etc.

Vincenzo comes into our room and I ask one final time, “why is Howland so boujie?”…“I don’t know, dude, have you seen my keys?”

Names from the Harrison-Oak Referendum, Reviewed by the EditorGemini - Fits the astronomical theming of House of Apollo, Orion, and David Bowie

(Ziggy Stardust, which I've been digging lately as a soon-to-be Bowaiian.)

Funky Town - Who wouldn't want to live in 1980s nostalgia? Disco lives, and everymember of Funky Town would have an instant pick up line.

Pino Grigio, Pigno Grigio - Apart from the misspellings [Pinot Grigio], what better namefor a new coop than cooper’s favorite shitty white wine?

Snowden House - Guess which house suggested this? (Hint: they’re dirty hippies). Alsoappearing from Bower: Linda Ronstadt, Nelson Mandela, Marilyn Frye (emeritus MSUphilosopher and lesbian feminist extraordinaire), Pete Seeger, and Pete & Stimpy, whoeverthat is.

Freddie Mercury Memorial Co-op - Admittedly it pissed off Elsworth alums when DavidBowie renamed itself after the British androgyne-artiste. But, since this is a brand new coop,that shouldn’t be an issue. Further, Freddie Mercury and Queen are… some of the best thingsto come out of the 1970s, in this author’s opinion. This also fits with the spacey theme (Houseof Apollo, Orion) and the musician theme (David Bowie, David Miles). Next up: Hedrickrenaming itself Jimi Hendrix because half the time randos add in the “n” anyways?

trolololololol 69 #yoloswag - As good as “The Motto” is, ninja, no.

The Deuces at Harrison Park - Sounds like a bougie-ass coop. cf. above.

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Reflections on Beal's Summer GardenBy Christy O'Meara, Beal House

Greetings everyone! I am new to the co-op, and just started living in Beal House this summer.One of my favorite things about it so far has been watching the flowers of our garden grow. I neverwas able to walk outside of my room and see plants like these during my time at the dorms last year!

I know that it might seem rather mundane, contributing to this newsletter to write about flowers.However, it is simple things like these that I enjoy about living in the co-op. People who lived

here before me, as well as people who live here currently, had cultivated these plants. Now, becauseof that, I and the rest of us living at Beal are able to see them come to life. It is a regular and visually

appealing reminder of our history and our community. And I just wanted to share with you all that I amglad to be a part of it.

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All Hail BudgetBytes!

By Jenny Pritchett

Cooking for a house of 21 hungry college students can be intimidating at first. It can be

hard to find a recipe that sounds delicious, fits into the house budget, and can feed a house of

people that love second helpings. This is why every house in the SHC must know about! Here at Bowie we eat like royalty, and that is because 95% of our house meals

come from budgetbytes. Budgetbytes has hundreds of recipes with vegan and vegetarian options,

and basically any type of food you could desire be it southwest, Indian, or Mediterranean. All the

recipes on the site give a total cost and a cost per serving, so it is really easy to calculate into the

house meal plan. A few months ago I emailed the owner of the site, Beth the Food Goddess (as I

like to call her) to thank her for her amazing recipes! One of the house favorites here at Bowie is

the hearty black bean quesadillas. I hope every house tries a budgetbytes recipe, happy eating!

! !


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House of Apollo is full of nostalgia this summer. As we quickly approach the end ofmany of our contracts, three weird and wonderful years as a community, and the exodus ofthe last original members (Alex John, Brandon and Nate, thanks for holdin it down!), it feelslike a parting of ways for so many people who have become close. Personally, my time atApollo is almost over, and I am guilty of turning every activity into a sentimental love-fest. Inever thought things like “Oh my GOD, this is the last time we’ll ever be dish partners!”would leave my mouth, but hey, my housemates are just that cool. We recently combined allof the good vibes and Apollove into a new house tradition: The Compliment Box.

The way it works is simple: We are now the proud owners of a shoebox. It’s coveredin paper hearts and stuffed full of nice things we wanted to say to each other. One of myfavorite memories of the house will always be the night that we opened it. The box contentswere as diverse and strange and lovely as my housemates. There were shout outs to ourLeague of Legends teammates, and gentle mockery of our drunken mishaps. People tookthe time to compliment infectious laughs, or excellent chore doing, or how well someonedoes their makeup. We got a chance to thank people for the dumb little things weappreciate, like not talking during movies because they know we hate it. Mixed in with it allwere heartfelt notes that tried to sum up how much people have meant to us, but that isimpossible. They mostly just succeeded in making people (okay fine, me) choke back tears.Truly a sentimental love-fest, group hug included.

The aspect of the box I really appreciate is how it forces you to be specific, ratherthan just drowning you in nostalgia. In the moment it takes to scribble a note for it, youconsciously remind yourself about something that makes your co-op, and the people youshare it with, so great. It’s not just the “I love you” that is so valuable, it’s the “I love you,and here’s why”

House of Nostalgiaand theCompliment BoxBy Julia Feeley,

House of Apollo

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Fall Semester, 2015 Student Housing Cooperative / MSU Schedule

September 1 Sparticipation

September 10 Spartan Remix

September 11-13 Board of Directors Retreat Kettunen Center, Tustin, MI

September 13 New Member Orientation, 5pm Hannah Community Center

September 17 Make-Up New Member Orientation

September 18 Fall All Member Party

October 1 2016-17 House Reservations Begin

October 2-3 MSU Homecoming Parade / vs. Purdue

October 13 2016-17 Open Contract Signing Begins

October 21 Mid-Semester

October 30-31 NASCO Institute

October 31 Halloween

November 22 Co-op Thanksgiving

November 26-27 Thanksgiving Break

December 14-18 Final Exams

Current as of August 16th, 2015


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Aloha from Hawai'ift. Cassidy Oonk


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