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  • 8/17/2019 PIMCO Aust Housing Prices 2015


    Your Global Investment Authority

    Viewpoint June 2015

    Aaditya ThakurVice PresidentPortfolio Manager

    Laura Ryan, Ph.D.Vice PresidentQuantitative Research Analyst

    A Look at Rising HouseholdDebt in Australia and theImplications for Policy 

    Australia’s economy is giving off mixed signals: Even as

    GDP growth and income slow, household debt appears to b

    rising. Understanding what is driving household behavior

    has important implications for policy and interest rates.

    During Australia’s most recent economic upswing, national income outpaced

    output, but with larger-than-anticipated commodity price drops over the past

    year, this trend has reversed. This is apparent on a per capita basis, with net

    national disposable income actually falling, as seen in Figure 1. At the same

    time, the main macro variables of unemployment, private final demand, wages

    inflation and confidence have all weakened. (For a discussion of how the

    Australian terms-of-trade cycle is now weighing on nominal growth andnational incomes, see Australia Credit Perspectives, August 2014.)


    Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Bloomberg, 31 December 2014

    GDP per capita % chg Real net national disposable income per capita % chg






































       P  e  r  c  e  n

       t   (   %   )

  • 8/17/2019 PIMCO Aust Housing Prices 2015


    2  JUNE 2015 |  VIEWPOINT

    The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has tried to cushion these

    macro headwinds by lowering the cash rate to historically low

    levels but is now faced with the risk of over-stimulating the

    housing market. Indeed, common metrics of household

    leverage and house price valuations remain elevated in

    Australia, particularly compared with those in other developed

    markets (see Figure 2).


    Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Bloomberg, 31 December 2014

    Jan‘90 Jan‘92 Jan‘94 Jan‘96 Jan‘98 Jan‘00 Jan‘02 Jan‘04 Jan‘06 Jan‘08 Jan‘10 Jan‘12 Jan‘14

       P  e  r  c  e  n   t   (   %   )







    How household leverage evolves will have implications

    for policymakers and the potential path of interest rates.

    A positive response to leverage in the face of weakening

    fundamentals may increase the economy’s vulnerability to

    a more severe downturn. This complicates the RBA’s reaction

    function when setting policy by introducing financial stability

    risk. Therefore, it is important to understand what is driving

    household debt and how it may evolve.

    The evolution of Australian household leverage

    The run-up in debt at the household level was incurred during

    a very buoyant period when nominal growth and wages were

    high, as seen in Figure 3. From 2000–2008 debt relative to

    income accelerated from 80% to 130%, while nominal

    growth averaged nearly 8% and wages grew at 4% annually.


    Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Bloomberg, 31 December 2014

    Household debt to income





















    Average nominalgrowth 8%

    Average wagegrowth 4%

       P  e  r  c  e  n   t   (   %   )

    Nominalgrowth 3%Average wagegrowth 3%

    More recently, the end of the commodity cycle has resulted in

    a larger-than-expected negative income shock. In fact, over

    the past three years, nominal growth and wages have only

    averaged gains of around 3% per annum, with the trend

    continuing to fall. If this downward move persists over the

    medium term, as expected by the RBA, household expectation

    could start to deteriorate, leading to a slow but persistent need

    to decrease leverage. As a result, consumers could increase

    savings, and the response to low interest rates may be more

    subdued than history would suggest.

    However, it is also possible that lower mortgage rates and asse

    price appreciation may drive a more irrational response relative

    to the macro fundamentals, a “herd mentality” that assumes

    continued capital price appreciation and creates the fear of

    “missing out.”

    The role of debt

    Households often decide to incur debt to finance assets that

    will provide a future expected payoff and maximize their net

    worth. Therefore, the level of debt incurred is typically tied to

    n  expected future capital gains in the asset

    n  expected future income related to the productivity

    of the asset

    n debt-servicing costs

  • 8/17/2019 PIMCO Aust Housing Prices 2015


    VIEWPOINT   |  JUNE 2015 3

    Should expectations rise for future capital price or income

    gains and/or should debt-servicing costs fall, households may

    increase their desired levels of debt. The problem is that

    expected future capital price gains may become unrealistic

    when extrapolated from recent history (“irrational

    exuberance”), leading to excess borrowing, which, when

    unwound, can lead to large negative externalities.

    Rather than commenting on the appropriateness of any

    given debt level, we have focused on what is driving the

    change in debt metrics. Due to the importance of household

    debt ratios in consumption, which is ultimately what

    policymakers are concerned about, we use debt-to-income

    as our preferred measure of household leverage.

    Australian housing in an international context

    Given the importance of expected future capital gains in

    household behavior, it is worthwhile putting Australian houseprices in an international context. Based on data from the

    OECD (2014), two commonly used valuation metrics place

    Australian house prices at the higher end of international

    comparisons, as seen in Figure 4. With this starting point, it

    seems questionable to embed expectations of continued

    high price growth.

    Analyzing household behavior

    In a recent speech (April 2015), RBA Governor Glenn Stevens

    touched on the vulnerabilities created by household leverage

    “Household leverage starts from a high level… the extent to

    which further increases in leverage should be encouraged is

    not easily answered.“ He described dwelling prices as having

    “already risen considerably from their previous lows, at a

    time when income growth has been slowing,” adding that

    “it is hard to escape the conclusion that Sydney prices – up

    by a third since 2012 – look rather exuberant.” He also

    acknowledged the importance of financial stability issues:

    “The conduct of monetary policy can’t allow these financial

    considerations to dominate the ‘real economy’ ones

    completely, nor can it simply ignore them. A balance has

    to be found.”

    Given the increased weight the RBA places on these

    vulnerabilities when setting monetary policy, analyzingwhat drives household debt is highly relevant.

    To determine which factors drive household leverage, we

    statistically tested the response (the change) in household

    leverage against changes in several key variables including

    wages, unemployment, asset prices, confidence and the

    cost of credit.


    Source: OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2014 Issue 1

       A  u  s   t  r  a   l   i  a

       C  a  n  a   d  a

       D  e  n  m  a  r   k

       F  r  a  n  c  e

       G  e  r  m  a  n  y

       G  r  e  e  c  e

       I  r  e   l  a  n   d

       I   t  a   l  y

       J  a  p  a  n

       K  o  r  e  a

       N  e   t   h  e  r   l  a  n   d  s

       N  e  w

        Z  e  a   l  a  n   d

       N  o  r  w  a  y

       S  p  a   i  n

       S  w  e   d  e  n

       S  w

       i   t  z  e  r   l  a  n   d

       U  n   i   t  e   d   K   i  n  g   d  o  m

       U  n   i   t  e   d   S   t  a   t  e  s


      u  r  o  a  r  e  a

       T  o   t  a   l   O   E   C   D






    Price-to-rent ratio

       A  u  s   t  r  a   l   i  a

       C  a  n  a   d  a

       D  e  n  m  a  r   k

       F  r  a  n  c  e

       G  e  r  m  a  n  y

       G  r  e  e  c  e

       I  r  e   l  a  n   d

       I   t  a   l  y

       J  a  p  a  n

       K  o  r  e  a

       N  e   t   h  e  r   l  a  n   d  s

       N  e  w

        Z  e  a   l  a  n   d

       N  o  r  w  a  y

       S  p  a   i  n

       S  w  e   d  e  n

       S  w

       i   t  z  e  r   l  a  n   d

       U  n   i   t  e   d   K   i  n  g   d  o  m

       U  n   i   t  e   d   S   t  a   t  e  s


      u  r  o  a  r  e  a

       T  o   t  a   l   O   E   C   D

    Price-to-income ratio









  • 8/17/2019 PIMCO Aust Housing Prices 2015


    4  JUNE 2015 |  VIEWPOINT

    We first tested the explanatory variables individually to see

    whether they are significant, and from that subset, we tested

    them together to see how they interacted and whether some

    variables dominate others. Importantly, we also tested various

    lags in these explanatory variables to proxy for expectations.

    That is to say, individuals’ expectations and responses may

    change under a persistent set of conditions. So, for example,

    a quarter of strong wage growth may not be sufficient to

    shift expectations, but over several quarters, strong wage

    growth may result in an increase in leverage as expectations

    for future income are revised higher. (An upcoming paper,“A Model of Australian Household Leverage,” will provide a

    detailed explanation of our methodology.)


    The modelling results reveal that asset prices and mortgage

    rates largely explain the change in household leverage. These

    two factors appear to dominate all other variables regardless

    of how significant they are individually.

    From this we infer several probable outcomes in Australia:

    n  Households’ decision to incur debt is dominated

    by the cost of debt (the mortgage rate) and

    recent asset price appreciation, which may not

    be sustainable or linked to the productivity of

    the asset.

    n  Of concern, households are exhibiting irrational

    exuberance because they are placing little weight on

    broader fundamentals like unemployment that may be

    more representative of future incomes or asset price

    returns, increasing the likelihood of asset price bubbles.

    n  Australian households appear to respond rather quickly,

    needing only two quarters of favourable changes in asset

    prices and mortgage rates to increase leverage.

    n  Australian households will react faster and more

    vigorously to a shock in asset prices or mortgage rates.

    This could result in a feedback loop where falling asset

    values induce further deleveraging.

    Based on our model for household leverage alone, if an

    exogenous shock sparked a deleveraging cycle in Australia, it

    would be expected to be quite severe given the large co-

    efficient for asset prices and the quicker household response.

    wClearly other factors not captured in the model may mitigate

    such a severe outcome, and no model is perfect, but as a

    starting point this statistically highlights the potential

    vulnerability of high and rising household leverage incurred on

    the basis of past asset price movements. We believe macro-

    prudential measures should be strengthened to address

    financial stability risk and give the RBA maximum flexibilitywhen setting policy for the aggregate economy.

    Finally, given the sensitivity of households to mortgage rates,

    the peak in the cash rate in the RBA’s next hiking cycle is

    likely to be much lower than in previous cycles. This is in

    accordance with PIMCO’s New Neutral view that calls for

    much lower policy rates for an extended period.

  • 8/17/2019 PIMCO Aust Housing Prices 2015



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