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  • 8/18/2019 Physicsfor Petroleum Engineering


    Physicsfor Petroleum







  • 8/18/2019 Physicsfor Petroleum Engineering


    Difference Between a Scientist and an EngineerØ

     A scientist is a person who has scientific training or who works in thesciences.

    Ø  An engineer is someone who is trained as an engineer.

    Ø Practical difference lies in the educational degree and the descriptionof the task being performed by the scientist or engineer.

    Ø  On a more philosophical level,

    Ø scientists tend to explore the natural world and discover newknowledge about the universe and how it works.

    Ø Engineers apply that knowledge to solve practical problems, oftenwith an eye toward optimizing cost, efficiency, or some other

    parameters.Ø There is considerable overlap between science and engineering, so

    you will find scientists who design and construct equipment andengineers who make important scientific discoveries.

    Ø Information theory was founded by Claude Shannon, a theoretical

    engineer. Peter Debye won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with a

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    The science of matter and energy and ofinteractions between the two, grouped in

    traditional fields such as acoustics, optics,mechanics, thermodynamics, andelectromagnetism, as well as in modern

    extensions including atomic and nuclearphysics, solid-state physics, particle physics,and plasma physics.

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    n Petrophysics (petro  is Latin for "rock" andphysics  is for study of nature) is the study

    of the physical and chemical propertiesthat describe the occurrence and behaviorof rocks, soils and fluids.


    Petrophysics mainly studies reservoirs ofresources, including ore deposits and oil ornatural gas.

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    n are in the oil and gas industry to help theengingeers and geoscientists to understandand evaluate the reservoir rock properties by

    employing:n well log  measurements: a string of

    measuring tools are inserted in the boreholen core  measurements: rock samples are

    retrieved from subsurfacen seismic measurements:n combining them with geology and


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    e rop ys cs an e ro eumEnigeering:

    n Petrophysics  is inducted by Petroleumengineering, Geology, Mineralogy  andExploration geophysics.

    n Most petrophysicists work in the oil and gas,

    mining and water resource industries.n The properties measured or computed fall into

    three broad categories: conventionalpetrophysical properties, rock mechanicalproperties, and ore/core quality.

    n Some of the properties studied for   PetroleumEnigeering are lithology, porosity, watersaturation, permeability, density, solidmechanics, Magnetization, electrical

    conductivity, thermal conductivity  andradioactivity.

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    Uses of Petrophysics

    n Conventional Petrophysical Properties: n Lithology:  What type of rock is it. When combined

    with local geology and core study, geoscientistsmeasurements viz. natural gamma, neutron, density,Photoelectric, resistivity  or their combination to

    determine the lithology downhole. n Porosity: The amount of pore space in the rock. This

    is measured using an instrument that measures thereaction of the rock to bombardment by neutrons orbygamma rays. Sonic wave speed  and Nuclear

    magnetic resonance|NMR]. n Water Saturation:  The fraction of the pore space

    occupied by water. This is measured using aninstrument that measures the resistivity of the rock.

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    n Permeability: The quantity of fluid that can flow fromthe rock as a function of time and pressure. Formationtesting  is the only direct downhole permeabilitymeasurement. In case of its absence, permeabilityestimation is derived from by empirical correlations. 

    n In the oil and gas industry, a quantity  “  et Pay”   iscomputed which is the thickness of rock that deliverhydrocarbons to the well bore at a profitable rate.

    n Reservor models  are built upon the measured andderived properties to estimate the amount ofhydrocarbon present in the reservoir, the rate at whichthat hydrocarbon can be produced to the Earth’s surfacethrough wellbores and the fluid flow in rocks.

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    n Rock Mechanical Properties: 

    n  Acoustic and density measurements of rocks are used tocompute their mechanical properties and strength. Theymeasure the compressional (P) wave velocity of sound

    through the rock and the shear (S) wave velocity and usethese with the density of the rock to compute: The rockscompressive strength  is the compressive stress that causes arock to fail. The rocks flexibility , the relationship betweenstress and deformation for a rock.

    n These measurements are useful to design programs to drillwells into the Earth and to design wells that produce oil andgas, and many other large construction projects, to interpretseismic signals from the Earth, either man-made seismicsignals or those from earthquakes.

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    Methods of Analysis

    n Coring   and core analysis   is adirect measurement ofpetrophysical properties. In

    petroleum industry rock samplesare retrieved from subsurfaceand measured by core labs of oilcompany or some commercial

    core measurement servicecompanies.

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    example of wireline logsn The first “track”, shows the natural

    gamma radiation level of the rock .The gamma radiation level “log”shows increasing radiation to theright. The rocks emitting less radiation

    have more yellow shading.n The detector  is very sensitive and

    the amount of radiation is very low.n The rocks that have smaller amounts

    of radiation are more likely to be

    coarser grained and have more porespace.

    Figure 1

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    n The second track  over in the plot records the depthbelow the reference point which is usually the Kelly bushor rotary table in feet, so these rocks are 11,900 feet

    below the surface of earth.n In the third track, the electrical resistivity of the rock is

    presented. The fluid in this rock is salty and is to be electrically conductive such that lower resistivity.


    The fourth track, shows the computed water saturation,both as “total” water in magenta and the “effective water”or water that is free to flow in black. Both quantities aregiven as a fraction of the total pore space.

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    n The fifth track   shows the fraction of the total rockthat is pore space, filled with fluids. The display ofthe pore space is divided into green for oil and blue

    for movable water. The black line shows the fractionof the pore space which contains either water or oilthat can move, or be “produced.”

    n The last track  is a representation of the solid portion of the rock. The yellow pattern represents the fraction

    of the rock that is composed of coarser grainedsandstone. The gray pattern represents the fraction ofrock that is composed of finer grained “shale.”

    n The sandstone is the part of the rock that contains theproducible hydrocarbons and water.

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    n In petrology  (petra  for rock and logos  forknowledge) is the study of rocks, and theconditions in which they form.

    n Lithology  is a subdivision of petrology

    focusing on macroscopic hand-sample oroutcrop-scale description of rocks.n In the oil industry, lithology, or more

    specifically mud logging, is the graphic

    representation of geological formations beingdrilled through, and drawn on a log called amud log. As the cuttings are circulated out ofthe borehole  they are sampled, examinedand tested chemically when needed.

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    n Porosity is a measure of the void spaces ina material, and is measured as a fraction,

    between 0–1, or as a percentage between0–100%.

    n The term is used in petrolium engineering

    ceramics, metallurgy, materials,manufacturing, earth sciences  andconstruction.

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    n The porosity of a rock, or sedimentary layer, is animportant consideration when attempting to evaluate thepotential volume of water  or hydrocarbons  it maycontain. Sedimentary porosities are a complex functionof many factors: rate of burial, depth of burial, thenature of the connate fluids, the nature of overlyingsediments (which may impede fluid expulsion).

    n Porosity can be calculated from the bulk density  ρbulk  and particle density ρparticle:

    n Normal particle density is assumed to be a betterestimation can be obtained by examining the lithology ofthe particles.

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     Porosity and HydraulicConductivity

    n Porosity is indirectly related to hydraulicconductivity; for two similar sandy aquifers, theone with a higher porosity will have a higherhydraulic conductivity, but there are manycomplications  to this relationship. Clays, whichtypically have very low hydraulic conductivityalso have very high porosities, which means

    clays can hold a large volume of fluid pervolume of bulk material, but they do not releasefluid rapidly.

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    Sorting and Porosity:

    Effects of sorting on porosity

    Well sorted  materials havehigher porosity than similarlysized poorly sorted materials

    The graphic illustrates howsome smaller grains caneffectively fill the pores (whereall fluids flow), drastically

    reducing porosity andhydraulic conductivity, whileonly being a small fraction ofthe total volume of the


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    n Permeability  in the earth sciences  is ameasure of the ability of a rock  to transmitfluids. It is of great importance indetermining the flow characteristics of

    hydrocarbons  in oil  and gas  reservoirs. Itis typically measured in the lab byapplication of Darcy's law  under steady

    state conditions or, more generally, byapplication of various solutions to thediffusion equation  for unsteady flowconditions.

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    n Physical properties e.g. viscosity, to apressure gradient applied to the

    porous media. The proportionalityconstant specifically for the flow offluid through a porous media is the

    hydraulic conductivity; permeability isa property of the porous media only,not the fluid.

  • 8/18/2019 Physicsfor Petroleum Engineering


    Present Achievements inPetrophysics:


    n The production of methane under the conditions thatexist in the Earth's upper mantle.

    n The experiments demonstrate that hydrocarbons could

    be formed inside the Earth via simple inorganic reactions-- and not just from the decomposition of livingorganisms as conventionally assumed -- and mighttherefore be more plentiful than previously thought.

    n Methane is the most abundant hydrocarbon found in theEarth's crust and is also the main component of naturalgas. Reserves of natural gas are often accompanied bypetrol, below the Earth's surface. The possibility thathydrocarbons might exist deeper in the Earth's mantle,

    or could be formed from non-biological matter.

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    Physics in the desert n Dust, sandstorms and extreme variations

    in temperature make the desert one of theworst places on Earth to perform adelicate optical experiment.

    n If that experiment can help to sniff out oilreserves, then it is well worth trying.

    n Physicists from UK have returned fromOman, where they have been testing anultra-sensitive "optical nose" that candetect trace concentrations of ethane.

    n  As well as promising a more efficientmethod of searching for the Earth's ever-decreasing oil reserves, the new devicemay also prove effective in diagnosinglung cancer.

     A sensor that can detectethane in trace amountsmight also be useful fordiagnosing cancer

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    n Underground oil and gas reserves give rise tomicroseepage of gases - principally methane and ethane- which escape from cracks in the ground. Due tovarious organic processes, methane is presentthroughout the Earth's atmosphere at a concentration ofbetween 1 and 2 parts per million, and this makes itimpossible to distinguish any methane seepage from thebackground. Ethane, on the other hand, is not producedin organic processes and as long as there are no large

    cities or petrochemical stocks nearby, the backgroundconcentration of ethane is less than one part per billion. An ethane concentration in excess of this may thereforereveal an underground reservoir.

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    n Oil and gas deposits were identified by visible oilseepages at the surface. But as these deposits

    have became depleted, various techniques havebeen developed to identify new drill sites. Todaymost searches for oil rely on explosives or largemechanical "thumpers", which transmit sound

    waves into the ground. Interpreting the reflectedsound waves in these seismic surveys takesseveral months, after which the majority ofexploratory drills still turn out to be fruitless.

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    The smell of success n  A nose for ethane 

    n  At the heart of the sensor is aliquid-nitrogen-cooled laser diode,which generates infrared light at thesame wavelength as a moleculartransition in ethane. Any moleculesof ethane that are present in thesensor will absorb this light, andtherefore be detectable. Air isdrawn into a 1 m long sample tube,and mirrors at each end of the tubepass the laser light back and forth

    over 100 times. This creates anabsorption length of over 200 m,which means that concentrations ofethane as low as 100 parts pertrillion will produce a measurableabsorption.

     A nose for ethane

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