Download - Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021 ...


Active Together (formerly Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport), August 2021


2. I’d like you to think about how much moderate physical activity you do each week. This is anactivity where you raise your heart rate and feel a little out of breath for 10 minutes or more.How many minutes or hours of at least moderate activity would you say you do in a typicalweek? (2,461 responses)

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021: Headline Summary for LLR (30mins active on 0-7 days)

2,461 responses

1. How is your health in general? Would you say it is...? (2,461 responses)

Very good 558

Good 1156

Fair 603

Bad 117

Very bad 23

Don't know 4

Prefer not to say 0

Less than 30 minutes (less tha… 411

30-59 minutes (between half a… 345

60-89 minutes (between an h… 310

90-119 minutes (between 1.5 … 253

120-149 minutes (between 2 h… 253

150-179 minutes (between 2.5… 199

180-209 minutes (between 3 h… 199

210 minutes or more (3.5 hour… 491

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


3. In the past week, on how many days have you done a total of 30 mins or more of physicalactivity, which was enough to raise your breathing rate? (2,461 responses)

4. Have you been walking (either for leisure or travel) in the past week? (2,166 responses)

5. For what purpose(s) did you walk in the past week? (1,916 responses)

0 days 295

1 day 309

2 days 379

3 days 473

4 days 325

5 days 280

6 days 155

7 days 245

Yes 1916

No 250

For leisure, fitness, or recreation 1616

To get to / from shops or supe… 944

For personal business, e.g. run… 289

To visit friends or family 330

To get to / from my place of w… 173

For journeys made as part of … 123

To get to/from school or place… 185

To volunteer or provide suppo… 131

To get to / from entertainmen… 243

Other 180


6. Have you been cycling (either for leisure or travel) in the past week? (2,166 responses)

7. For what purpose(s) did you cycle in the past week? (421 responses)

8. What other types of physical activity have you done in the past week (if any)? (2,166 responses)

Yes 421

No 1745

For leisure, fitness, or recreation 361

To get to / from shops or supe… 68

For personal business, e.g. run… 25

To visit friends or family 41

To get to / from my place of w… 60

For journeys made as part of … 9

To get to/from school or place… 9

To volunteer or provide suppo… 8

To get to / from entertainmen… 35

Other 9

Running or jogging 479

Home activity, fitness or exerci… 444

Home activity, fitness or exerci… 375

Indoor gym/fitness classes aw… 418

Indoor swimming 203

Indoor sports hall activities (b… 52

Organised outdoor team spor… 80

Outdoor gym activity 71

Other outdoor sports and acti… 169

Mass participation events (e.g.… 10

No other activity 598

Other 247

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


9. In the past week, on how many days have you done exercises that strengthen your muscles? (2,461 responses)

10. Do you think you generally do more, less, or the same amount of physical activity and exercisenow compared to pre Covid-19 (pre March 2020)? (2,461 responses)

11. What has helped you to maintain or increase the amount of activity you have done?

0 days 905

1 day 393

2 days 390

3 days 319

4 days 156

5 days 131

6 days 65

7 days 102

A lot more 265

A bit more 491

About the same 850

A bit less 419

A lot less 436

252 respondents (15%) answered walk for this question.


walk exerciseWorking from home

Having more time

Walking the dog

free time

Online classes Having a dog

time work Dog walking

time at home

walk every daytime to exercise

Daily walks

walk to workHome working

walks during lockdown

able to walk

walk to friends

walk everyday

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


12. What have been the reasons that you have reduced your level of activity?

13. Compared to March 2020 (pre Covid-19), do you feel your physical capability and fitness toundertake physical activity has increased, decreased or stayed the same? (2,461 responses)

14. Thinking about when you do everyday activities that work your muscles such as carryingshopping, climbing stairs or gardening, how, if at all, do you think your general strength has changed since the Covid-19 outbreak? (2,461 responses)

84 respondents (10%) answered time for this question.


time walkcovidWorking from homelockdown

Lack of motivationGym closed exercise classes

access to gymclasses stopped

Covid restrictionswalking to work

Gym classes

long covid

Gym closure busy at work

work full time

going to work

Work life

Gym & pool

Increased a lot 222

Increased a bit 476

Stayed the same 797

Decreased a bit 644

Decreased a lot 322

Improved a lot 130

Improved a bit 454

Stayed the same 1107

Declined a bit 568

Declined a lot 202

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


15. Please list any new physical activity and sports that you have participated in over the last 12months and continue to take part in:

16. ‘I feel that I have the ability to be physically active’? (2,461 responses)

276 respondents (16%) answered Walking for this question.


Walking runningYoga



fitness classesexercise bike

Long walksDog walking exercise classes

home exerciseOnline exercise

lot more walking

Walking dog

Walking footballWalking every dayIncreased walking

Walking for pleasureWalking and running Gardening walking

Strongly agree 1014

Agree 1141

Neither agree nor disagree 157

Disagree 104

Strongly disagree 36

Don’t know 9

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


17. Please share with us why you feel that you do not or are unsure if you have the ability to bephysically active? (306 responses)

18. What would help you to feel more confident in your ability?

I do not know what physical a… 5

I do not have the required skills 16

I do not know how to be more… 21

I am not confident enough 77

I am embarrassed about my w… 107

I do not have the strength 101

I have a disability or long-ter… 141

I am worried I may get injured 30

I am concerned about Covid-19 53

Other 69

20 respondents (8%) answered exercise for this question.


exercise ableLosing weight



gym Supportpain



health issuesWeight loss

better healthphysical activitygroup activityexercise activitiesdisability exercises

exercise class

having more time

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


19. ‘I feel that I have the opportunity to be physically active’? (2,461 responses)

20. Please share with us why you feel that you do not or are unsure if you have the opportunity tobe physically active? (584 responses)

Strongly agree 748

Agree 1129

Neither agree nor disagree 257

Disagree 244

Strongly disagree 67

Don’t know 16

I do not know about local opp… 179

Childcare responsibilities 126

I have other caring responsibil… 69

I am not able to afford certain… 205

I do not have the time 202

Lack of transport 51

I do not have the kit required … 65

I do not know anyone who I c… 169

No activities are suited for me 63

Other 140

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


21. What would help you to access more opportunities to be active?

22. ‘I feel motivated to be physically active’? (2,461 responses)

60 respondents (12%) answered activities for this question.


activities timegymwork

peopleleisure centrelocal classes

exercise classes gym membershiplocal area

local activities

Cheaper classesCheaper activitiesclasses are available

free activities

Local groups

local pool

local opportunitiesgym or classes

evening classes

Strongly agree 611

Agree 1132

Neither agree nor disagree 346

Disagree 274

Strongly disagree 95

Don’t know 3

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


23. Please share with us why you do not or are unsure if you feel motivated to be physically active? (718 responses)

24. What would motivate you to be more active?

I do not believe I can do it 94

I do not believe that it’s going… 22

Whenever I try, I fail / I can’t k… 184

It hurts 147

It is too hard 92

I do not look / feel like an acti… 196

My mental health is a barrier 230

I have never been physically a… 41

No one is there to help me 85

Other 201

37 respondents (6%) answered gym for this question.


gym workgroupactivitiesneed active

walking Losing weight mental health

exercise classesfree time

Having more time

Feeling better

gym membershipsfitness classes

Outdoor gym

group exerciselocal classes

gym sessions classes and gym

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


25. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the below statements today...? (2,461 responses)

26. Since Covid-19, how, if at all, has your view of physical activity changed? (2,461 responses)

27. Please share reasons for your answer above:

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know

‘It is important to me to exercise regularly’

'I find exercise enjoyable and satisfying’

'I will feel more motivated to be active when lockdownrestrictions are fully lifted'

I place greater importance on … 725

I consider it just as important … 1597

I place less importance on bei… 139

368 respondents (17%) answered active for this question.


active Covidmental health

physical activity

Exercise is importantactivity is important

working from homebody is important

physical health

Need a healthyfeel better

need to keep active

health is importantstay active

good health

important to be active

physical exerciseneed to exerciseimportant to exercise

important for health

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


28. Does the rollout of a vaccine for Covid-19 make you feel more or less likely to participate insport and physical activity, or does it make no difference? (2,461 responses)

29. To what extent do the following things motivate you to be active? (2,461 responses)

Much more likely 401

A bit more likely 570

No difference 1454

A bit less likely 13

Much less likely 6

Don't know 17

To a great extent To some extent To a little extent To no extent

Improving and maintaining good physical health

Improving and maintaining good mental health

Opportunity to socialise – taking part with others

Improving my skills / ability / standard of play

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


30. What things influence your physical activity, sport and exercise choices?

31. What, if any, are the biggest challenges that you face to being physically active right now?

125 respondents (5%) answered exercise for this question.


exercise walkingLocation of activityFamily and friends

Friends and family

Time availableFriends and location

Location and cost

type of activityLocation and time Location and friends

Family and locationLocation of gymLocation and family

Location and price

Location and timingCost and location

location and ease

Availability of friends

Time and location

781 respondents (32%) answered time for this question.


time Lack of timeFinding timetime work

Having the time

Time and motivation

Time constraintswork full time

Motivation and timetime and childcare

Time and money

free time

Time and weather

time due to familyTime restrictions

time available idn't have enough time

Time when some activities

Time and availability

time at the gym

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


32. What would help you to overcome these challenges (if applicable)?

33. What formats of physical activity appeal to you? (2,461 responses)

127 respondents (7%) answered classes for this question.



exercise timeaccess

working hours Adjust the time exercise classes

free timetime work

Better workCheaper classesBetter time

time of day

time management

time to exercise

Working part timegym / classes timed classes

Competitive (activity where th… 259

Semi-competitive (a mix of co… 706

Recreation / social (focus on f… 1708

Group activity 1102

Individual activity 1503

Team / Club activity 525

Virtual / online activity 445

Not applicable 64

Other 50

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


34. Where would you prefer to take part in physical activity? (2,461 responses)

35. Who do you prefer to participate in physical activity with? (2,461 responses)

36. Which, if any, of these changes to your lifestyle are you thinking of making in the next 6months? (2,461 responses)

Indoors (at home) 861

Indoors (community venue e.… 1249

Outdoors (at home) 639

Outdoors (sports pitch) 516

Outdoors (open space / park, i… 1603

Not applicable 53

Other 107

Friends 1485

Family / relatives 1092

Other club members 751

Females only 256

Males only 30

Mixed gender 605

People of a similar age 510

I prefer individual activities 599

Other 96

Stop smoking 78

Cut down the amount of alco… 356

Increase the amount of physic… 1313

Lose weight 1561

Eat more healthily 1240

Increase the amount of volunt… 317

None of these 351

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


37. Thinking about the activities listed below, which of these, if any, have you already taken part in

38. If you are already accessing online activity or intend to do so, what is your preferred format ofonline sessions? (2,395 responses)

I haven't taken part yet but intend to within the next 2 months

or intend to resume as restrictions allow? (2,461 responses)

I started this as soon as it resumed

I do not intend to take part Don't know

Walking (either for leisure or travel)

Running or jogging

Cycling (either for leisure or travel)

Home activity, fitness or exercise class viewed online

Home activity, fitness or exercise class not viewedonline

Indoor gym/fitness classes away from home (e.g. at agym, leisure centre or community centre)

Indoor swimming

Organised outdoor team sports (football, rugby,hockey etc.)

Outdoor gym activity

Other outdoor sports and activities (golf, outdoortennis, water sports etc.)

Indoor sports hall activities (basketball, badminton,martial arts etc.)

Mass participation events (e.g. parkrun, Race for Life,Sportive, obstacle races etc.)

Pre-recorded exercise sessions 700

Live exercise sessions 456

App-based programmes or se… 319

I am not or do not intend to a… 1302

Other 32

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


39. Looking to the future, once restrictions are fully removed and Covid-19 is under control, doyou intend to do more, less or the same amount of the following? (2,461 responses)

40. Please tell us if you have seen or been made aware of any of the following local and nationalcampaigns? (2,461 responses)

41. Can you tell us where you have heard or seen these campaigns?

A lot more A bit more Neither more nor less A bit less A lot less Don't know

Physical activity and exercise (all types)

Active travel: Walking, running or cycling for everydayjourneys such as to work or to local shops and…

Active Together 828

This Girl Can 833

We Are Undefeatable 70

Not aware of any of these 1266

207 respondents (13%) answered TV for this question.


TV Social mediaFacebookemail localleisure centre

TV adverts

Council emailOnline and tvTV and socialGirl Can on TV

TV ads

TV advertisingTv campaign

media and TV

Adverts on TV

Media Facebook

TV and in magazines TV and internet TV / Media

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


42. What is the best way for you to find out about physical activity opportunities in your localarea?

43. Are you? (2,461 responses)

406 respondents (18%) answered Email for this question.


Email Social medialocal news

local magazines

Local Facebook

Facebook groups Local paper

local council Facebook page

Local newsletters

local press

local newspaperlocal authority

Local websiteslocal advertising

Local Rock

Local media

local community

Local radio

local notice

Male 909

Female 1537

Prefer to self-describe 11

Prefer not to say 4

44. How old are you? (2,461 responses)

18-24 44

25-34 272

35-44 474

45-54 553

55-64 569

65-74 429

75-84 114

85+ 3

Prefer not to say 3

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


45. Do you have a longstanding physical, mental condition or illness that has lasted or is likely tolast 12 months and which has a substantial adverse effect on your ability to carry out day-to-day activities? (2,461 responses)

46. Which one of the following best describes your ethnic group or background? (2,461 responses)

47. What is your religion? (2,461 responses)

Yes - mental condition or illness 214

Yes - physical condition or illn… 483

Yes – other 64

No 1734

Prefer not to say 80

White 2271

Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups 39

Asian / Asian British 83

Black / African / Caribbean / B… 13

Prefer not to say 41

Other 14









No religion

Christian (all denominations)






Prefer not to say

Other 25

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021


48. Many people face discrimination because of their sexual orientation and for this reason, wehave decided to ask this monitoring question. You do not have to answer it, but we would be grateful if you could select the box next to the category which describes your sexual orientation. (2,383 responses)

49. Which of these activities best describes what you are doing at present? (2,461 responses)

Bi-sexual 45

Gay 31

Heterosexual / straight 2144

Lesbian 41

Prefer not to say 111

Other 11

Employee in full-time job (30 … 1117

Employee in part-time job (les… 334

Self-employed full or part-time 160

On a government supported t… 0

Full-time education at school, … 18

Unemployed and available for… 49

Permanently sick / disabled 55

Wholly retired from work 607

Looking after the home 61

Doing something else 43

Prefer not to say 17

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Resident Survey 2021