Download - PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

Page 1: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

PHYS 342

Modern Physics 2

Page 2: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

Course Elements

1. The Schrödinger Equation2. The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom3. The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics4. Many-Electron Atoms5. Molecular Structure6. Statistical Physics7. Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 3: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

1. The Schrödinger Equation

a. Justification of the Schrödinger Equationb. The Schrödinger Recipec. Probabilities and Normalizationd. Applicationse. The Simple Harmonic Oscillatorf. Time Dependenceg. Steps and Barriers

Page 4: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

2. The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

a. Basic Properties of Atomsb. The Thomson Modelc. The Rutherford Nuclear Atomd. Line Spectrae. The Bohr Modelf. The Franck-Hertz Experiment

Page 5: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

3. The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

a. The Schrödinger Equation in Spherical Coordinates

b. The Hydrogen Atom Wave Functionsc. Radial Probability Densitiesd. Angular Momentum and Probability Densitiese. Intrinsic Spinf. Energy Levels and Spectroscopic Notationg. The Zeeman Effect

Page 6: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

4. Many-Electron Atoms

a. The Pauli Exclusion Principleb. Electronic States in Many-Electron Atomsc. The Periodic Tabled. Properties of the Elementse. X-Raysf. Optical Spectrag. Lasers

Page 7: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

5. Molecular Structure

a. The Hydrogen Molecule Ionb. The H2 Molecule an the Covalent Bond

c. Other Covalent Bonding Moleculesd. Ionic Bondinge. Molecular Vibrationsf. Molecular Rotationsg. Molecular Spectra

Page 8: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

6. Statistical Physics

a. Statistical Analysisb. Classical versus Quantum Statisticsc. The Distribution of Molecular Speedsd. The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distributione. Quantum Statisticsf. Applications of Bose-Einstein Statisticsg. Application of Fermi-Dirac Statistics

Page 9: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

7. Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

a. Nuclear constituentsb. Nuclear Sizes and Shapesc. Nuclear Masses and Binding Energiesd. The Nuclear Forcee. Radioactive Decayf. Conservation Laws in Radioactive Decayg. Alpha Decayh. Gamma Decayi. Natural Radioactivity

Page 10: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

The Schrödinger Equation

a. Justification of the Schrödinger EquationA fundamental equation required for describing the wave behavior of nonrelativistic particles.

The conditions required for justification:

1. Energy conservation must be satisfied 2. The equation must be contestant with de Broglie hypothesis 3. The equation must be continuous (linear and single valued).

Page 11: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

Like other waves, the free particle can be described by the equation

And for time independent case,) (1)Since


Page 12: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.


One dimensional Time-independent Schrödinger equation.

In which, U is the potential energy =U(x). For a free particle U(x)=0.E is the particle’s total energy.m is the particle’s mass, x is the position.

Did this equation satisfy the conditions?

Page 13: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. The Schrödinger Recipei. Using Schrödinger equation with

discontinuous does not affect the continuity of . To describe the different regions of space we have to write different equations.

ii. Solve Schrödinger equation to find for different situations.

iii. By applying boundary conditions, several solutions can be obtained

The Schrödinger Equation

Page 14: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

Comparison between the use of Newton 2nd law of motion and Schrödinger equation

Newton’s law Schrödinger equation

The object approaches a boundary at which it is subjected to 2 different :Forces F(x) Potential energies U(x)

The basic behavior of the particle is found by solving

Newton’s 2nd law of motion Schrödinger equation =E (x)

The position x The wave function (x)

Of the object is always continuous across the boundary

The velocity The derivative

Is also continuous as long as the

force Change in potential energy

Remains finite

Page 15: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. Probabilities and Normalization– The wave function describes the wave properties of the

particle.– The squared absolute amplitude of gives the probability

for finding the particle at a given location in space.• The probability density P(x), the probability per unit

length in one dimension, is defined as

The probability to find the particle in the interval dx which lies between x and x+dx.The probability to locate the particle varies smoothly and continuously.

The Schrödinger Equation

Page 16: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• The probability of finding the particle between x1 and x2 is the sum of all probabilities of finding the particle in the intervals dx, and is given by

• Normalization:Since the total probability over the whole region is 1,

=1Which is called normalization condition.

Page 17: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• Any solution to the Schrödinger equation, for which becomes infinite, must be eliminated.

For example, if the solution is

for the region x>0, then the first term must be eliminated as it leads to infinite value of when x approaches infinity. This is done by using A=0.In the region x<0, the 2nd term must be eliminated by using B=0.

Page 18: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• Average value of x, xav

Any physical quantity depending on the particle’s position will be determined with uncertainty as we are not uncertain about the particle's position itself.The probability of finding the particle at a particular position gives probable outcome of any single physical measurement or average value of a large number of measurements.If x1 is measured a certain number of times n1 and x2 is measured n2 of times, and so on.

Page 19: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.
Page 20: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. Applications• The Free ParticleF(x)=0 and so U(x)=constant, doesn’t change for all values of x. Let U(x)=0 and substitute in Schrödinger equation.

The Schrödinger Equation

Page 21: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

The solution of this equation is in the form

which gives the energy values.

Page 22: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• Particle in a Box (one dimension)Consider one dimensional box of length =L, in which a particle is moving freely, with boundaries, U(x)=0 at 0 ≤ x ≤ L, andU(x)=∞ at x<0, x>LThis box is called infinite potential well.Ψ=0 outsideand inside the box. A and B have to be found first.

Page 23: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• At the boundaries, ψ must be continuous, therefore,

at x=0 and at x<0 ψ =0This yields B must be 0Therefore the solution is limited to

at x=L and x>L, ψ =0Therefore, A sin kL=0

Page 24: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

Or where n=1, 2, 3,….

In this way we can determine the values of energies the particle can have


U=0U=∞ U=∞

Page 25: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

The constant A is still undetermined, we can make use of the normalization condition for the whole region inside the box,=1→ =1

The solution is

∫ sin2𝑎𝑥𝑑𝑥=𝑥2−

sin 2𝑎𝑥4 𝑎

Page 26: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

Example 5.2

An electron is trapped in a one-dimensional region of length 1X10-10 m. a. how much energy must be supplied to excite the

electron from the ground state to the first excited state? (111 eV)

b. In the ground state, what is the probability of finding the electron in the region from x=0.09X10-10 m to 0.11X10-10 m. (0.38%)

c. in the first excited state, find the probability of finding the electron between x=0 and x=0.25X10-10 m. (0.25)

Example 5.3

Page 27: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• Solution

∫ sin2𝑎𝑥𝑑𝑥=𝑥2−sin


𝐸𝑛=ℏ2𝑛2 𝜋2



|𝚿(𝒙 )|𝟐𝑑𝑥

Page 28: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• An electron is trapped in an infinitely deep potential well of width L = 106 fm. Calculate the wavelength of photon emitted from the transition E4 → E3. (472 nm)

Page 29: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• 3.10 The state of a free particle is described by the following wave function

ψ(x) = 0 for x < −3a= c for − 3a < x < a= 0 for x > a

a. Determine c using the normalization condition. (1/2√a)

b. Find the probability of finding the particle in the interval [0, a]. (1/4)

Page 30: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

• Show that the average value of x is L/2, independent of the quantum state.

Example 5.3



|Ψ (𝑥)|2 𝑥𝑑𝑥

Page 31: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. The Simple Harmonic Oscillator

The Schrödinger Equation

Page 32: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. Time Dependence

The Schrödinger Equation

Page 33: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

g. Steps and Barriers

The Schrödinger Equation

Page 34: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

a. Basic Properties of Atoms

Page 35: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. The Thomson Model

The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

Page 36: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. The Rutherford Nuclear Atom

The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

Page 37: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. Line Spectra

The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

Page 38: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. The Bohr Model

The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

Page 39: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. The Franck-Hertz Experiment

The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the Atom

Page 40: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

a. The Schrödinger Equation in Spherical Coordinates

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 41: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. The Hydrogen Atom Wave Functions

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 42: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. Radial Probability Densities

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 43: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. Angular Momentum and Probability Densities

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 44: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. Intrinsic Spin

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 45: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. Energy Levels and Spectroscopic Notation

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 46: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

g. The Zeeman Effect

3.The Hydrogen Atom in Wave Mechanics

Page 47: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

a. The Pauli Exclusion Principle

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 48: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. Electronic States in Many-Electron Atoms

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 49: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. The Periodic Table

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 50: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. Properties of the Elements

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 51: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. X-Rays

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 52: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. Optical Spectra

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 53: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

g. Lasers

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 54: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

a. The Hydrogen Molecule Ion

5.Molecular Structure

Page 55: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. The H2 Molecule an the Covalent Bond

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 56: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. Other Covalent Bonding Molecules

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 57: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. Ionic Bonding

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 58: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. Molecular Vibrations

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 59: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. Molecular Rotations

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 60: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

g. Molecular Spectra

4.Many-Electron Atoms

Page 61: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

a. Statistical Analysis

6.Statistical Physics

Page 62: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. Classical versus Quantum Statistics

6.Statistical Physics

Page 63: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. The Distribution of Molecular Speeds

6.Statistical Physics

Page 64: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution

6.Statistical Physics

Page 65: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. Quantum Statistics

6.Statistical Physics

Page 66: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. Applications of Bose-Einstein Statistics

6.Statistical Physics

Page 67: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

g. Application of Fermi-Dirac Statistics

6.Statistical Physics

Page 68: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

a. Nuclear constituents

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 69: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

b. Nuclear Sizes and Shapes

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 70: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

c. Nuclear Masses and Binding Energies

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 71: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

d. The Nuclear Force

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 72: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

e. Radioactive Decay

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 73: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

f. Conservation Laws in Radioactive Decay

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 74: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

g. Alpha Decay

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 75: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

h. Gamma Decay

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity

Page 76: PHYS 342 Modern Physics 2. Course Elements 1.The Schrödinger EquationThe Schrödinger Equation 2.The Rutherford-Bohr Model of the AtomThe Rutherford-Bohr.

i. Natural Radioactivity

7.Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity