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Page 1: Photoshop Lab Task 4 _ Creating a Woden Frame and Mixing Pictures

By: Zeeshan Bhatti 

Lab Task 6: P


BS(IT) Part III &

 IV Second

Institute of Information and Communication Technology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro 

BS(IT) Part‐III and IV Learning Photoshop work area 

Lab Task 6 


Page 2: Photoshop Lab Task 4 _ Creating a Woden Frame and Mixing Pictures

By: Zeeshan Bhatti  Page 2 

Multimedia Technology Lab Task :6 By: Zeeshan bhatti Object: To learn about Photoshop work area.

a) To make wood effect on text. b) Take an image and make advance wooden frame around it. c) Combine two pictures using Feather option

Tool: Adobe Photoshop

Introduction: Adobe Photoshop is an Image Processing software package that enables you to create & edit images on IBM personal Computers. Adobe Photoshop is acknowledged in professional fields as the cutting-edge Program, the final word in Textile Designing. Adobe Photoshop is world leading image manipulating program for graphics art and is used extensively in printing, publishing, www, photographic and graphic design industries. About the work area

The work area consists of the following components:

Menu bar

The menu bar contains menus for performing tasks. The menus are organized by topic. For example, the Layers menu contains commands for working with layers.

Options bar

The options bar provides options for using a tool.

To display the tool options bar: Do one of the following:

• Choose Window > Options. • Click a tool in the toolbox.

Lasso options bar


The toolbox holds tools for creating and editing images. To show or hide the toolbox:

Page 3: Photoshop Lab Task 4 _ Creating a Woden Frame and Mixing Pictures

By: Zeeshan Bhatti  Page 3 

Choose Window > Tools. A check mark indicates the item is showing.

Palette well (Photoshop)

The palette well helps you organize the palettes in your work area.


Palettes help you monitor and modify images

To display one palette:

Choose the palette name in the Window menu.

To show or hide multiple palettes:

Do one of the following:

• To show or hide all open palettes, the options bar, and the toolbox, press Tab. • To show or hide all palettes, press Shift+Tab.

Page 4: Photoshop Lab Task 4 _ Creating a Woden Frame and Mixing Pictures

By: Zeeshan Bhatti  Page 4 


Layers allow you to work on one element of an image without disturbing the others. Where there is no image on a layer, you can see through to the layers below. You can change the composition of an image by changing the order and attributes of layers. In addition, special features such as adjustment layers, fill layers, and layer styles let you create sophisticated effects. Layer styles let you quickly apply effects to a layer's content. The effects that you apply to a layer become part of the layer's custom style. When a layer has a style, an "f" icon appears to the right of the layer's name in the Layers palette. The lasso and polygonal lasso tools let you draw both straight-edged and freehand segments of a selection border. Feathering Blurs edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and its surrounding pixels. This blurring can cause some loss of detail at the edge of the selection.


a) Wood Text

1. Open Photoshop 7.0. Type the text using type tool.

2. Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss

3. Select inner bevel Depth 400

4. Select Drop Shadow

5. Select Pattern Overlay. From the pattern, select Wood Texture ( forth in the first row )

6. Add background color using paint bucket tool to decorate the text.

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By: Zeeshan Bhatti  Page 5 

b) Advance Wooden Frame

1. Try to complete Wood text exercise before starting this exercise.

2. Using Polygon Lasso Tool, make left side of the frame.

3. Make a new layer and fill the selection with pattern of Wood using paint bucket tool.

4. Make a copy of layer.

5. Flip the copy using.

Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal

Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical

6. Adjust all the parts properly to create the frame structure.

7. Off the visibility icon i.e. EYE of the background layer select any of the frame layer and click 'Merge Visible' from layers menu to get frame with single layer.

8. To make the frame more realistic use bevel effect on the frame.

Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss > Inner Bevel

9. Apply inner shadow with default values.

Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss > Inner Shadow

10. Drag the image on the frame. Drag the image layer below the frame layer.

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By: Zeeshan Bhatti  Page 6 

c) Combine two pictures using Feather option

1. Select a picture that smoothly fades into the background.

2. Open Photoshop. Open main image which will be used as a base.

3. Open another image to apply simple fading effect.

4. Drag this image on the main image using Move Tool. Keep this Layer selected.

5. Select Lasso Tool. Make an irregular selection.

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6. Select > Feather (9)

7. Select > Inverse

8. Press Delete and you get a Vignette. Press Ctrl + D to deselect.

9. Change the Layer mode to Overlay to mix it with background.

Result: We have become familiar how To make wood effect on text, how to make wooden frame around an image and how to combine two pictures using Feather option.

By: Zeeshan Bhatti  Page 7