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Dancing to the rhythm, Freshman's (front) Tori Terlizzese, (back) Stephanie Contreras and Edith Solorzano show off their skills in the Dance room on December 15 to the song, "Somebody That I Used To Know." The ladies have been in dance since the beginning of the school year and they seem to be enjoying the different dances they do. "Dance has always been able to put me in a good mood, it's a chance to let my body let go," Tori explains.


Laying on their side, Coach Steele's 2nd period dance class figures out the dance moves to their song, "Somebody That I Used To Know" on December 15. Coach Steele began teaching dance this year and she has loved it ever since she was little. "Dance basically brings apart to life by using the instrument you have your whole life which is your body," Coach Steele says.


Freshman Ana Romero, does the splits in the Dance room As her warm-up in December 8. This in turn, makes her able to do almost anything flexible. "It took me three weeks to do the splits, this causes me to be more flexible," Ana says.


Waiting for the music, Freshman's (left to right) Naomi Zuniga, Rhea Ferguson, Daniela Gutierrez, Edith Solorzano, and Stephanie Contreras stand patiently for the class to begin on December 15 in the Dance Classroom. All five ladies have been enjoying dance since the beginning of the school year and love the new experiences they seem to be having. "Dance has helped me improve my skills and it's a chance to actually have fun with my friends," Naomi says.


Teaching her class, Coach Steele's 2nd period class learns new dance moves from Coach Steele on December 15 in the Dance Classroom. Coach Steele has previously danced in her earlier years and fell in love with it. " It's a way to let your body flow which allows you to do it anytime, anywhere, and anyplace," coach Steele Says.


Showing strength, Sophomore Francisco Carlin pulls weights in the Indoor weight room on December 7. Francisco has been doing weightlifting as his credit in order to be stronger. “I’ve been wanting to workout on my upper strength to get some muscles.” Francisco says.


The weight room has ecstatic students who want to improve strengths on December 7. Some weightlifting students await their turn to lift while others are already lifting to improve their strength. "Sometimes I get impatient for people to finish their reps but once in awhile I seem to forget and focus on what I'm really there for," Peyton Tucker says.


Moving to the music, Coach Steele's 2nd period class rotate their body to the beat of the song, "Somebody That I Used To Know" in the dance classroom on December 15. In order to do dance, you must let loose and have your body free of stress. Sophia Manos has been a dancer since she was little and explains how dance has affected her, "Dance has always been a passion of mine, it brings me memories of my past that seems to make me smile."


Holding a pose, Coach Steele's 2nd period class learn the dance moves to the song, "Somebody That I Used To Know" in the dance classroom on December 15. They have been learning the new dance since the beginning of December. "Dance is a way for me to have fun and have new experiences," Tziclalic Campos (front left) says.


The dance classroom is filled with anxious students as they await for their teacher on December 15. The dance students await their teacher to show the class the routine they will be doing. "It makes me nervous in a way to find out what we will be doing that day to strengthen our dance moves," Taylor Vo (center) says.


Performing their dance, Coach Steele's 2nd period class is practicing their routine in the dance classroom on December 15. The dance students have been waiting to show off their moves in order to show improvements. "It's always such a rush to perform the dances that we have practiced for, it bring a smile to my face every time," Alee Zamora (back) says.


Awaiting to dance, Freshman Maria Rivera listens to Coach Steele teach in the Dance classroom on December 15. Maria has always had a love for the fine arts which in turn made her take both choir and dance. "I have wanted to dance for awhile and taking it in school was a chance for me to do it," Maria explains.


Working out, Rhea Ferguson does sit-ups as a way to warm-up for class in the dance classroom on December 8. Rhea was always one for the exercises to work on abs. "It helps me become a better and balanced dancer than I already am," Rhea Ferguson explains.


Doing weights, Coach Yancey’s 2nd period class shows their muscles in the weight room on December 7. The weightlifting students have been weightlifting since the beginning of the school year and some of them have taken quite a liking towards it. "I have always been able to lift weights and now I guess its become a hobby of mine," Tj Ford (bottom left corner) says.