Download - Photographer David Kashlikovski: In the shadow of K2


Photographer David Kashlikovski

In the shadow of K2

Photographer and mountaineer David Kaszlikowski captured these photos of K2 as a personal project while shooting the

upcoming documentary, 'K2 Touching the Sky.' For some of the photos, a drone was used to capture the

spectacular aerial views.

Concordia - the confluence of two glaciers Baltoro and Godwin-Austen. Baltoro - one of the largest glaciers in the world, located outside of the polar regions.

Glacial river carving its way trough the ice at Concordia (elevation 4700m asl), Baltoro Glacier, Karakorum. At the beginning of Baltoro one of the longest glaciers on the planet, next to 8000m high peaks as K2. The place was spotted and found by photographer after multicopter flight .

Out of this world: At the heart of the glacier Mr Kaszilowski found this unusual formation, which he captured in the day and after dark

Spellbinding: Mr Kaszlikowski said: 'The place was special, it was disappearing, melting, and changing its form every day'

Expedition members meander between crevasses with the Gasherbrum IV massif visible in the background

Expedition members meander between crevasses with the Gasherbrum IV massif visible in the background

Training climb on the ice features of the Baltoro glacier

K2 is the second highest mountain in the world at 8,611 metres above sea level

Concordia (elevation 4700m asl), at the beginning of Baltoro Glacier one of the longest glaciers on the planet, next to 8000m high peaks as K2.

Countryside Ascoli here start out participants mountain expeditions.

Legendary Conciliar tower over the Baltoro glacier.

Rocky massif Trango Towers is very popular with climbers.

Each carrier carries at least 25 kilograms, some - 50. Most of them are shod with conventional running shoes, stuffed with fresh grass. Many go without socks.

Balti porters carrying loads which range from 25kg to 50kg, a task they undertake often wearing only basic rubber sneakers filled with fresh grass to stop their feet slipping

The porters were asleep in their makeshift tents and eat your freshly baked bread. On cold days, the wiring debris to keep warm.

Mr Mohammed, DoP porter/assistant with Bardumal landlord

Families Balti porters nationality live in traditional houses without heating. In the winter in their homes often sleeps livestock - sheep and donkeys.

The porters photographed outside at base camp. They sometimes light fires using rubbish from the expeditions

Room with a view: During the three-week trek Mr Kaszlikowski and his team made their home at an altitude of 5,000 metres

Under K2

Stunning: The stars appear to be moving across the night sky in this image taken near K2, the world's second highest mountain


cast Photographer David Kashlikovski In the shadow of K2

images and text credit   www.         Music wav.       created olga.e.

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