Download - Photograph Selection for Fashion Spread 2


Photograph selection for fashion spread 2

Photograph selection for fashion spread 2Ben Whitehurst

This photograph was a possibility to be used within my second fashion spread as the photograph conventionally represents the theme of spring, this can be seen through the lighting, location and the costume that the model is wearing. However I decided against using this photograph as the model is not directly addressing the audience as she is looking away from the camera.

This photograph was also a possibility to be used within my second fashion spread as the photograph conventionally relates to the theme of spring this can be seen through the Mise-en-Scene of the image as the clothing, make-up and location used all relate to the theme. I eventually decided against using this photograph for my fashion spread as I believed the positioning of the model was incorrect.

This photograph was also a possibility to be used within my second fashion spread as the photograph conventionally relates to the theme of spring this can be seen through the Mise-en-Scene of the image as the clothing, make-up and location used all relate to the theme. However I ultimately decided this photograph would not work on the fashion spread as the lighting is too low.

This photograph was also a possibility to be used within my second fashion spread as the photograph conventionally relates to the theme of spring this can be seen through the Mise-en-Scene of the image as the clothing, make-up and location used all relate to the theme. I also believed that this photograph could be a possible choice as the rule if thirds has been used and the model is positioned appropriately. However, the lighting was again too low on this photograph.

I decided to use this photograph for the production of my fashion spread as the photograph conventionally relates to the theme of spring, this can be seen through the Mise-en-Scene of the image as the clothing, make-up and location used all relate to the theme. I also thought that this photograph would be appropriate for the fashion spread that I will create as the model is positioned appropriately and the brightness levels are just at the right level.