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PHIL 103: Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 105: Contemporary Moral IssuesDr. Jeff WisdomAttendanceSyllabusWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?How to do Well in This CourseArgumentsDebate Sign-Up SheetContemporary Moral IssuesSyllabusContemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt to think

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt to think carefully and critically

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt to think carefully and critically about some of lifes most important questions,

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt to think carefully and critically about some of lifes most important questions, and the attempt

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt to think carefully and critically about some of lifes most important questions, and the attempt to live out the answers to those questions.

Contemporary Moral IssuesWhat is philosophy? Why is it important?Philosophy is the attempt to think carefully and critically about some of lifes most important questions, and the attempt to live out the answers to those questions.

Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions related to human character and conduct.

Contemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Contemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Applied EthicsContemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Applied EthicsAre actions of this type morally permissible? Obligatory? Forbidden? What is their moral status?Contemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Applied EthicsAre actions of this type morally permissible? Obligatory? Forbidden? What is their moral status?

Normative EthicsContemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Applied EthicsAre actions of this type morally permissible? Obligatory? Forbidden? What is their moral status?

Normative EthicsWhat makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong?

Contemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Applied EthicsAre actions of this type morally permissible? Obligatory? Forbidden? What is their moral status?

Normative EthicsWhat makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong?

MetaethicsContemporary Moral IssuesThree Areas of Moral Philosophy

Applied EthicsAre actions of this type morally permissible? Obligatory? Forbidden? What is their moral status?

Normative EthicsWhat makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong?

MetaethicsWhat is the fundamental nature of morality?Contemporary Moral IssuesContemporary Moral IssuesHow to do Well in This Course

Contemporary Moral IssuesHow to do Well in This CourseBe pro-active instead of reactive

Contemporary Moral IssuesHow to do Well in This CourseBe pro-active instead of reactiveComplete all reading and writing assignments

Contemporary Moral IssuesHow to do Well in This CourseBe pro-active instead of reactiveComplete all reading and writing assignmentsIntegrate the material into your life

Contemporary Moral IssuesHow to do Well in This CourseBe pro-active instead of reactiveComplete all reading and writing assignmentsIntegrate the material into your lifeCarefully proofread your work

Contemporary Moral IssuesContemporary Moral IssuesArguments

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsWhat is an argument?

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsWhat is an argument?An argument is a set of claims, one or more of which is used to provide rational support for some other claim in the set.

Contemporary Moral IssuesArguments

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsWhat are the two main parts of an argument?

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsWhat are the two main parts of an argument?Premises- reasons in support of ones conclusion

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsWhat are the two main parts of an argument?Premises- reasons in support of ones conclusionConclusion- the claim one aims to defend

Contemporary Moral IssuesArguments

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsRecognizing Arguments

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsRecognizing ArgumentsPremise Indicators: since, for, because, in view of, given, this is implied by

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsRecognizing ArgumentsPremise Indicators: since, for, because, in view of, given, this is implied by Conclusion Indicators: thus, it follows that, therefore, consequently, hence, accordingly, so, my conclusion is

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsRecognizing Arguments

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsRecognizing ArgumentsFirst try to find the conclusion of the argument, then sort out the premises.

Contemporary Moral IssuesArgumentsRecognizing ArgumentsFirst try to find the conclusion of the argument, then sort out the premises.The conclusion of an argument and the conclusion of an essay are not necessarily the same thing.

Contemporary Moral Issues