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MAY 26, 2011

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Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas 1 May 26, 2011


A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was completed during April and May 2011 by URS Corporation

(URS) on behalf of Texas A&M University (TAMU) at the Burkhart Estate in Matagorda County, Texas. Areas of

investigation were selected based on the results of the March 2011 Phase I ESA, which documented recognized

environmental conditions apparently related to oil and gas production and associated brine injection activities at

the site. The Phase II sampling activity included advancing 22 soil borings, installing five temporary groundwater

sampling points, and sampling four existing site water wells. A total of 31 soil samples and eight groundwater

“grab” samples were collected during the investigation and analyzed variously for total petroleum hydrocarbons

(TPH), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), metals (arsenic, barium,

cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver), select cations (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and

sodium), select anions (chloride and sulfate), alkalinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, and/or specific


Analytical results were screened using the lowest applicable Tier 1 residential protective concentration level

(PCL) for each chemical of concern (COC), assuming a 30-acre source area (site-specific) and Class 1 groundwater

(default), based on the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rule (Texas Administrative Code [TAC], Title 30,

Part 1, Chapter 350). The presence of contamination above the applicable PCLs was confirmed in multiple areas

of the investigation, indicating release(s) of hazardous substances or petroleum products. URS concludes that

the recognized environmental conditions appear to be related to oil and gas production and associated brine

injection activities at the Burkhart Estate, and recommends that TAMU report the findings of this Phase II ESA to

the Site Remediation Section of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission (RRC) of Texas.


2.1 Purpose

Referring to guidance from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the primary objectives of

conducting a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) are to evaluate the recognized environmental

conditions identified in the Phase I ESA for the purpose of providing sufficient information regarding the nature

and extent of contamination to assist in making informed business decisions about the property; and where

applicable, providing the level of knowledge necessary to satisfy the innocent purchaser defense under the

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabilities Act (CERCLA). Accordingly, the extent of

the assessment is based on the business objectives of the user as well as the degree of uncertainty acceptable to

the user. Therefore, it may be appropriate to perform more than a single iteration of assessment to satisfy the

objectives of the user; however, many Phase II ESAs are in fact restricted to only a single round of assessment.

Prior to conducting Phase II ESA activities, URS Corporation (URS) discussed with Texas A&M University (TAMU)

the project objectives and degree of uncertainty that is acceptable to TAMU, as well as the appropriate scope of

work to satisfy those objectives. Subsequently, URS conducted the agreed upon single iteration of soil and

groundwater field investigations to screen the site for the presence or absence of contamination potentially

related to oil and gas production and associated brine injection activities at the site. The results of the Phase II

ESA are presented in this report.

2.2 Limitations

This report and the associated work have been provided in accordance with the principles and practices

generally employed by the local environmental consulting profession. This is in lieu of all warranties, expressed

or implied.

It should be recognized that this study was not intended to be a definitive investigation of the nature and extent

of contamination at the subject property, and the recommendations provided are not necessarily inclusive of all

the possible conditions. This Phase II ESA is not a regulatory compliance audit or an evaluation of the efficiency

of the use of any hazardous materials at the subject property. The assessment did not include a survey for

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wetlands or naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Additionally, sampling for asbestos, radon, and

lead-based paint was not performed. Given that the scope of work for this investigation was limited, it is

possible that currently unrecognized contamination may exist at the site.

The conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions based solely upon indicated data described in

this report. URS does not assume any liability for information that has been misrepresented to us by others or

for items not visible, accessible, or present on the subject property during the time of the investigation. The

conclusions and recommendations are intended exclusively for the purpose outlined herein and for the site

location and project indicated. This Phase II ESA report has been prepared for use by TAMU. This report shall

not be relied upon by or transferred to any additional parties, or used for any other purpose, without the

express written authorization of URS.

Opinions and recommendations presented herein apply to the site conditions existing at the time of our

investigation and cannot necessarily apply to site changes of which URS is not aware and has not had the

opportunity to evaluate. Changes in the conditions of this property may occur with time due to natural

processes or the works of man on the subject site or adjacent properties. Changes in applicable standards may

also occur as a result of legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may

be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes beyond our control. Opinions and judgments expressed herein are

based on URS’ understanding and interpretation of current regulatory standards, and should not be construed

as legal opinions.


In March 2011, URS completed a Phase I ESA on behalf

of TAMU at the Burkhart Estate in Matagorda County,

Texas. The site consists of approximately 2,903 acres

of contiguous property located approximately 4 miles

northwest of Bay City, Texas, on the western bank of

the Colorado River. The mostly undeveloped property

is primarily used for cattle ranching, oil and gas

development, and pipeline routing. During Phase I ESA

activities, recognized environmental conditions were

observed that are apparently related to oil and gas

production and associated brine injection activities at

the site, and the need for conducting a Phase II ESA

was confirmed. The Phase I ESA Final Report provides

additional information regarding the site description

and features, its physical setting, site history and land use, adjacent property land use, and the assessment’s


A map depicting the general location of the Burkhart Estate relative to Bay City, Texas, is provided as Figure 1.


4.1 Areas of Investigation

Based on the objectives and the degree of acceptable uncertainty that was defined by TAMU, URS conducted a

single iteration of soil and groundwater field investigations to screen the Burkhart Estate for the presence or

absence of contamination related to past or present site operations. Areas of investigation were selected based

on the results of the Phase I ESA, which identified 23 potential sources of hazardous or petroleum substances,

and through discussions of the Phase I findings with TAMU. The resulting work plan prioritized seven key areas

for investigation that are summarized in the following table.

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Areas Investigated During Phase II ESA

Area J Northeastern saltwater injection system, brine pond, and related aboveground

storage tanks (ASTs).

Area K Northeastern oil ASTs and heater treater facility (northeastern property boundary at

Colorado River).

Area O Saltwater spill/drainage area.

Area P Western heater treater facility.

Area Q Abandoned drilling mud pits.

Area S Western saltwater injection system, brine pond, and related ASTs.

Area T Area east of off-site crude oil tanks (western property boundary at County Road 408).

Four additional areas were investigated utilizing select existing site water wells summarized in the table below.

Water Wells Investigated During Phase II ESA

Area D Windmill water well, active (in use), depth unknown.

Area E Residential water well, active (ready for use), depth unknown.

Area M Water well adjacent to abandoned compressor station, inactive (pump

disconnected), depth unknown (measured >100').

Area R Residential water well, active (ready for use), depth unknown.

A map depicting the areas of potential environmental concern that were selected for investigation is provided as

Figure 2.

4.2 Scope of Work

The Phase II ESA consisted of planning and site reconnaissance, soil and groundwater sampling and analysis, and

documenting findings and recommendations in this report.

Planning involved the necessary management, contracting, and scheduling steps to safely execute the field

investigation. Site reconnaissance was conducted to identify candidate water supply wells for sampling; to

stake/mark the proposed soil and groundwater sampling locations; and to coordinate underground utility

clearances with a private utility locator and various pipeline representatives.

The sampling activity consisted of retaining and overseeing a driller to advance 22 soil borings and install five

temporary groundwater sampling points to depths ranging from 15 to 35 feet using direct push technology

(DPT) equipment. Drilling locations were selected to target potential releases related to the oil and gas

production or brine injection equipment, or other site features, present within the areas described above.

Access to some equipment was precluded by fencing, above-ground piping and structures, and/or underground

pipelines. Therefore, most soil borings had to be placed around the periphery of potential points of release; but

an effort was made to site the borings as close as possible to their intended targets so as to obtain, to the extent

practicable, a representative sampling of each investigation area.

A total of 31 soil samples and four groundwater “grab” samples were collected during the drilling activity (one of

the temporary groundwater sampling points did not produce water). Additionally, groundwater “grab” samples

were also collected from four select existing site water wells described above. During the field sampling activity,

a photoionization detector (PID) and radiation meter were utilized for safety monitoring and sample screening

purposes. Investigation-derived waste (IDW) soil was placed inside a single 55-gallon drum that is presently

staged at Area K, pending removal.

Soil and groundwater samples were submitted to a Texas-accredited laboratory for total petroleum

hydrocarbons (TPH) analysis to evaluate potential site impacts related to past or present oil and gas operations.

Groundwater samples were also analyzed for select cations (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium),

select anions (chloride and sulfate), alkalinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, and specific conductance to

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evaluate site impacts related to previous brine spills. Additionally, based on field observations, four soil and five

groundwater samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs); four soil and three groundwater

samples were analyzed for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs); and 12 soil and two groundwater samples

were analyzed for metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver). One

inconsequential deviation from the work plan was that the laboratory inadvertently analyzed two groundwater

samples (O-03-GW-010 and Q-02-GW-010) for VOCs instead of TPH. Upon receiving the final laboratory data, a

URS chemist reviewed it for completeness and to ensure its suitability for use in the Phase II ESA report.

Maps of specific sampling locations are provided as Figures 3 and 4. Summaries of soil and groundwater

analyses completed for each sample are provided in the following tables.

Soil Analysis Summary

Sample ID












Sample ID












J-01-010 12-12.5' X

O-02-030 6.5-7' X


J-02-010 7.5-8' X

X P-01-010 3-3.5' X

J-03-010 4.5-5' X

P-01-020 9.5-10' X

J-04-010 8.5-9' X

P-02-010 7-7.5' X

J-05-010 6-6.5' X

Q-01-010 8.5-9' X


K-01-010 9-9.5' X

Q-01-020 14.5-15' X

K-02-010 9.5-10' X X X X Q-02-010 4.5-5' X


K-02-020 19.5-20' X

Q-02-020 19-19.5' X


K-02-030 24.5-25' X

S-01-013 2-2.5' X

K-02-040 27-27.5' X X X X S-02-010 9-9.5' X

K-03-010 10-10.5' X

S-02-020 11-11.5' X X X X

K-03-020 14.5-15' X

S-02-030 15.5-16' X X X X

K-04-010 10-10.5' X

S-03-010 7-7.5' X

O-01-010 5-5.5' X

X S-04-010 7.5-8' X

O-02-010 0-0.5' X

X S-05-010 9.5-10' X

O-02-020 3-3.5' X


Groundwater Analysis Summary

Sample ID



























S-02-GW-010 X X X


T-01-GW-013 X


Well-E-010 X X X X X X X X X X

Well-M-010 X X X X X X X X X X

Well-R-010 X


WellWM-D-010 X



5.1 Site Geology

Subsurface conditions throughout the site vicinity are mapped and described in the Texas Water Development

Board’s Geologic Atlas of Texas, Seguin Sheet (1979) and Houston Sheet (1982). According to the atlas, roughly

the northeastern half of the Burkhart Estate is underlain by Quaternary (Holocene) age alluvium (clay, silt, and

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sand) associated with the adjacent Colorado River and its tributaries. The southwestern portion of the site is

underlain by somewhat older Quaternary (Pleistocene) age fluvial deposits (mostly clay) known as the

Beaumont Formation, which may be approximately 100 feet thick. Beneath the Beaumont lie the Lissie

Formation (approximately 200 feet thick) and Willis Formation (up to 75 feet thick), which complete a vertical

sequence of predominantly fluvial Quaternary age sediments collectively referred to as the Chicot unit of the

regional Gulf Coast aquifer.

Observations at 22 soil borings drilled and sampled during the Phase II ESA confirm the presence of clay, silt, and

sand mixtures within the upper 15 to 35 feet of site geologic materials. A brief summary of soil conditions and

geologic materials logged at each sampling location is provided in the table below. In addition, copies of the

State of Texas Well Reports are included in Appendix 1.

Soil Log Summary

Loc Depth Description

J-01 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Gray-brown at 12'.

J-02 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 7', reddish-brown at 10'.

J-03 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 3', brown at 5', reddish-brown at 9'.

J-04 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 5', gray-brown at 8', reddish-brown at 10'.

J-05 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Dark gray at 5', reddish-brown at 10'.

K-01 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 9', reddish brown at 12'.

K-02 0-35' Mostly silt and clay w/ sand, brown. Reddish brown sand at 19.5', wet clayey silt at 25'.

Temporary well installed, screened 25-35'. Well dry.

K-03 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 10', reddish brown at 11'.

K-04 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 10', reddish brown at 11'.

O-01 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 5', dark gray at 6.5', reddish-brown at 10'.

O-02 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/sand, brown. Black at 6', gray-brown at 8', reddish-brown at 10'.

O-03 0-28' Mostly silt and clay w/ sand, brown. Light brown sand at 20', wet silty clay at 23'. Temporary

well installed, screened 18-28'. Depth to water was 22.35'.

P-01 0-15' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Greenish gray clayey sand at 5', wet sand at 15'.

P-02 0-15' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Tan sand at 6.5', damp to wet sand at 10'.

Q-01 0-15' Mostly silt and clay w/ sand, brown. Light gray sand at 13.5'.

Q-02 0-30' Mostly silt and clay w/ sand, brown. Tan sand at 11', wet sand at 19'. Temporary well installed,

screened 20-30’. Depth to water was 18.70'.

S-01 0-15' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Black and wet at 2', reddish-brown sand at 8.5', wet sand at 11.5'.

S-02 0-28' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Brown sand at 9.5', wet sand at 16', clay at 25'. Temporary well

installed, screened 18-28'. Depth to water was 15.05'.

S-03 0-15' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Yellow-brown sand at 11.5', damp to wet sand at 15'.

S-04 0-15' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Reddish-brown sand at 10', damp sand at 15'.

S-05 0-15' Mostly sandy clay, brown. Reddish brown sand at 8.5', damp to wet sand at 13'.

T-01 0-25' Mostly silt and clay, brown and gray. Wet sand at 17.5', clay at 20'. Temporary well installed,

screened 13-23'. Depth to water was 12.05'.

5.2 Soil Analytical Results

As outlined above in Section 4.0, a total of 31 soil samples were collected from 22 soil borings distributed

throughout Areas J, K, O, P, Q, and S, and were analyzed for TPH, VOCs, SVOCs, and/or metals. The appropriate

benchmark for screening analytical results is the lowest applicable Tier 1 residential protective concentration

level (PCL) for each chemical of concern (COC), assuming a 30-acre source area (site-specific) and Class 1

groundwater (default), based on the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rule (Texas Administrative Code

[TAC], Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 350). Soil COCs were detected at each area of investigation, but only a total of 16

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samples were found to have at least one COC above an applicable PCL. All soil PCL exceedances are summarized

in the following table.

PCL Exceedances in Soil

Sample ID Depth Analyte Result



(mg/kg) PCL Reference

J-02-010 7.5-8' Lead 16.2 15 TX Background

Selenium 4.46 1.1 GW-


K-01-010 9-9.5' TPH 1800 33 GW-


K-02-010 9.5-10' TPH 1220 33


Selenium 2.55 1.1 GW-


K-02-030 24.5-25' TPH 2910 33 GW-


K-02-040 27-27.5' TPH 439 33


Selenium 2.45 1.1 GW-


K-03-010 10-10.5' TPH 2270 33 GW-


O-01-010 5-5.5' Lead 17.7 15 TX Background

Selenium 4.42 1.1 GW-


O-02-010 0-0.5'

Arsenic 7.73 5.9 TX Background

Barium 468 300 TX Background

Lead 22.2 15 TX Background

Mercury 0.0515 0.04 TX Background

Selenium 4.26 1.1 GW-


O-02-020 3-3.5'

Arsenic 9.67 5.9 TX Background

Lead 21.6 15 TX Background

Selenium 4.78 1.1 GW-


O-02-030 6.5-7' Selenium 3.95 1.1 GW-


Q-01-010 / -011 8.5-9' Selenium 4.22 / 4.31 1.1 GW-


Q-02-010 4.5-5' Barium 418 300 TX Background

Selenium 1.75 1.1 GW-


S-01-013 / -011 2-2.5' TPH 6260 / 2030 33 GW-


S-02-010 9-9.5' TPH 2820 33 GW-


S-02-020 / -021 11-11.5'

TPH 10400 / 8720 33 GW-


2-Methylnaphthalene 23.6 / 26.3 8.5 GW-


Naphthalene (SW8260C) 18.3 / 12.2 16 GW-


Selenium 1.59 / 1.90 1.1 GW-


S-02-030 15.5-16'

TPH 13700 33 GW-


1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 49.1 4.9 GW-


2-Methylnaphthalene 44.2 8.5 GW-


Benzene 0.171 0.013 GW-


Ethylbenzene 14.0 3.8 GW-


Naphthalene (SW8260C) 35.5 16 GW-


Naphthalene (SW8270D) 19.5 16 GW-


Selenium 4.53 1.1 GW-


Additional soil data tables that summarize all detections of metals, VOCs, SVOCs, and TPH, and their screening

criteria, are included in Appendix 2. A copy of the final laboratory analytical report is included in Appendix 3.

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5.3 Groundwater Analytical Results

As outlined above in Section 4.0, a total of four groundwater “grab” samples were collected from temporary

monitoring points at Areas O, Q, S, and T, and four “grab” samples were collected from select existing site water

wells D, E, M, and R. The samples were analyzed for TPH, VOCs, SVOCs, and/or metals for comparison to the

appropriate PCLs, and for select cations and anions, alkalinity, TDS, pH, and specific conductance, which are not

regulated by TRRP but are useful in documenting general water quality and variability. Again, the lowest

applicable TRRP Tier 1 PCL for each COC was used as a benchmark. Groundwater COCs were generally not

present in most of the samples, but one temporary monitoring point (S-02) was found to have two COCs above

the applicable PCLs. Summaries of the S-02 groundwater PCL exceedances and the non-regulated water quality

parameters from all sample points are provided in the tables below.

PCL Exceedances in Groundwater

Sample ID Analyte Result



(mg/L) PCL Reference

S-02-GW-010 TPH 12.2 0.98


2-Methylnaphthalene 0.135 0.098 GW-


Water Quality Parameters

Sample ID Cations (mg/L) Anions (mg/L) Alk



(mg/L) pH


(µmhos/cm) Ca Mg K Na Cl SO4

O-03-GW-010 424 347 3.67 1180 4150 56.2 475 8120 7.06 10200

Q-02-GW-010 144 27.8 1.95 66.8 149 50.2 495 793 7.24 1320

S-02-GW-010 75.4 22.9 2.57 275 458 31.5 378 1160 7.33 2020

T-01-GW-013 113 90.9 2.07 291 547 69.0 443 1490 7.42 2440

Well-E-010 /


89.4 /


25.8 /


1.78 /


89.2 /


167 /


13.5 /


318 /


601 /


7.34 /

7.35 1030 / 1030

Well-M-010 39.8 11.8 3.24 79.6 62.0 14.2 242 382 7.83 625

Well-R-010 53.6 12.6 1.48 57.0 37.3 6.19 262 341 7.53 558

WellWM-D-010 69.4 26.8 1.80 97.2 127 17.6 348 554 7.82 967

Additional groundwater data tables that summarize all detections of metals, VOCs, SVOCs, and TPH, and their

screening criteria, are included in Appendix 2. A copy of the final laboratory analytical report is included in

Appendix 3.


6.1 Findings from Each Area of Investigation

During the Phase I ESA conducted during March 2011, URS found the presence or likely presence of hazardous

substances or petroleum products at the Burkhart Estate apparently related to past or present oil and gas

production and associated brine injection activities at the site. Having subsequently completed a Phase II ESA

targeting the key areas defined and described by this report, URS has confirmed the presence of contamination

above the applicable screening PCLs at five of seven areas where soil was investigated (Areas J, K, O, Q, and S),

at one of five temporary groundwater monitoring points (Area S), and at none of four select existing water wells

that were sampled. The findings from each area are discussed further below.

Area J: The northeastern saltwater injection system, brine pond, and related ASTs were investigated via five soil

samples collected at five different borings distributed throughout this approximately 2-acre area. TPH was

detected in three out of the five samples, but at levels below applicable PCLs. One sample (J-02-010) collected

east of the brine pond at a depth of 7.5 to 8 feet was also analyzed for metals. While TPH was not detected in

this sample, lead and selenium were detected above their respective PCLs. The lead result of 16.2 mg/kg is just

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above its PCL of 15 mg/kg (the Texas-specific median background concentration), and therefore may be

attributable to background lead concentrations in soil. The selenium result of 4.46 mg/kg, however, is about

four times above its PCL of 1.1 mg/kg. Additionally, it is an order of magnitude above the median background

concentration of 0.3 mg/kg, and is among the highest detections of selenium anywhere on site. Therefore,

selenium levels in this area may be attributable to past release(s) of brine from the injection system, or

otherwise may indicate that unusually high background selenium concentrations are present in site soil.

Area K: The northeastern oil ASTs and heater treater

facility were investigated via eight soil samples

collected at four different borings distributed along

the northern and eastern perimeter of this

approximately 1-acre area. TPH was detected in six

out of the eight samples, and five of the detections

exceed applicable PCLs, ranging between 439 and

2910 mg/kg. Two samples (K-02-010 and K-02-040)

collected north of the heater treater facility at depths

of 9.5 to 10 feet and 27 to 27.5 feet, respectively,

were also analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and metals. A

few VOCs and SVOCs were detected in both samples,

but at levels below applicable PCLs. Selenium was

detected in both samples at levels a little more than

two times above its PCL. While it is not clear

whether selenium in this area is attributable to past brine release(s), or unusually high background

concentrations, it appears that petroleum hydrocarbons have impacted Area K to a depth of at least 27.5 feet,

and may have migrated north and northeast of the area in the direction of the Colorado River.

Additionally, it should be noted that a temporary groundwater monitoring point was set at location K-02,

screened between a depth of 25 and 35 feet; however, the well failed to yield groundwater. This result was

unexpected because wet materials were observed in the soil core from a depth of 25 feet. Therefore, it is

assumed that some kind of complication, either in selecting the appropriate screen interval or in physically

setting the well, precluded groundwater collection at this location.

Area O: The saltwater spill/drainage area was investigated via four soil samples collected at two different

borings located about 180 feet apart within the wet-weather creek channel (dry at the time of sampling) where

the spill apparently accumulated as documented in the Phase I ESA report. TPH was detected in one out of the

four samples, but at levels below applicable PCLs. All four samples were also analyzed for metals with results for

arsenic, barium, lead, mercury, and selenium each exceeding their respective PCLs in at least one sample.

Maximum concentrations found in this area are 468 mg/kg for barium, 22.2 mg/kg for lead, and 0.0515 mg/kg

for mercury detected in sample O-02-010 from a depth of 0 to 0.5 feet; and 9.67 mg/kg for arsenic and 4.78

mg/kg for selenium detected in sample O-02-020 from a depth of 3 to 3.5 feet. The levels of arsenic, barium,

lead, and mercury are roughly 1.5 times above their respective PCLs, while the selenium result is about four

times above its PCL. These results are among the highest detections of metals anywhere on site, and may

therefore be attributable to release(s) of brine from Area J, as well as natural processes related to the perennial

drainage feature.

Additionally, one temporary groundwater monitoring point was installed within the channel at location O-03,

approximately 1200 feet downstream of the soil borings. The well was screened between a depth of 18 and 28

feet and the depth to groundwater measured at the time of sampling was 22.35 feet. The groundwater “grab”

sample was analyzed for VOCs and water quality parameters. Acetone and benzene were detected, but at levels

below applicable PCLs (acetone is a common laboratory contaminant, and the benzene result of 0.000230 mg/L

was flagged J [estimated] and is an order of magnitude below its PCL of 0.005 mg/L). Water quality parameters,

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however, indicate that the groundwater at O-03 is

distinctly different from groundwater tested

elsewhere on site. Results for calcium (424 mg/L),

magnesium (347 mg/L), sodium (1180 mg/L), chloride

(4150 mg/L), TDS (8120 mg/L), and specific

conductance (10200 µmhos/cm) are all about an

order of magnitude greater than results from other

site sampling points. While there are no PCLs

applicable to these parameters, they are indicative of

general water quality and, in this case, overall

salinity. As such, the groundwater results appear to

corroborate the metals results in soil, indicating that

the wet-weather creek channel and underlying

groundwater may be impacted by past brine

release(s) from Area J.

Area P: The western heater treater facility was investigated via three soil samples collected at two different

borings located at the northern and eastern corners of this approximately 0.75-acre area. TPH was detected in

one out of the three samples, but at levels below applicable PCLs. Therefore, this area does not appear to have

been significantly impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons at the locations tested.

Area Q: The abandoned drilling mud pits were investigated via four soil samples collected at two different

borings located on the northwestern side and eastern corner of this approximately 1-acre area. TPH was not

detected in any of the samples. Three samples were also analyzed for metals. Selenium was detected above its

PCL in one sample (Q-01-010) at a depth of 8.5 to 9 feet, and barium and selenium were detected above their

PCLs in another sample (Q-01-010) at a depth of 4.5 to 5 feet. The highest selenium result of 4.31 mg/kg from

Q-01-010 is about four times above its PCL of 1.1 mg/kg, and is among the highest detections of selenium

anywhere on site. Likewise, the barium result of 418 mg/kg is considerably higher than its PCL of 300 mg/kg,

and is the second highest barium detection anywhere on site. While these results are generally inconclusive,

metals levels at Area Q may possibly be attributable to past drilling operations.

Additionally, one temporary groundwater monitoring point was installed at location Q-02. The well was

screened between a depth of 20 and 30 feet and the depth to groundwater measured at the time of sampling

was 18.70 feet. The groundwater “grab” sample was analyzed for VOCs and water quality parameters. Acetone

was detected, but at levels below applicable PCLs (acetone is a common laboratory contaminant). Water quality

parameters indicate that aside from having the

highest alkalinity measured anywhere on site (495

mg/L), the groundwater at Q-02 is similar to

groundwater tested elsewhere on site; therefore, it

does not appear to be adversely impacted as a result

of previous land use.

Area S: The western saltwater injection system,

brine pond, and related ASTs were investigated via

seven soil samples collected at five different borings

distributed throughout this approximately 1.5-acre

area. TPH was detected in four out of the seven

samples, and all of the detections exceed applicable

PCLs, ranging between 2030 and 13700 mg/kg. Two

samples (S-02-020 and S-02-030) collected just west

of the injection well at depths of 11 to 11.5 feet and

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15.5 to 16 feet, respectively, were also analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and metals. A few VOCs and SVOCs were

detected in both samples, including various detections that exceed applicable PCLs. The greatest PCL

exceedances occurred within the sample with the highest TPH result of 13700 mg/kg (S-02-030): benzene

(0.171 mg/kg flagged J [estimated]), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (49.1 mg/kg), ethylbenzene (14.0 mg/kg),

naphthalene (35.5 mg/kg), and 2-methylnaphthalene (44.2 mg/kg). These results are roughly 2 to 13 times

above their respective PCLs. Selenium was the only metal detected above its PCL in both samples. The highest

selenium result of 4.53 mg/kg is about four times above its PCL of 1.1 mg/kg. Additionally, it is an order of

magnitude above the median background concentration of 0.3 mg/kg, and is among the highest detections of

selenium anywhere on site. Therefore, selenium levels in this area may be attributable to past release(s) of

brine from the injection system, or otherwise may indicate that unusually high background selenium

concentrations are present in site soil. In any case, it appears that petroleum hydrocarbons have impacted Area

S to a depth of at least 16 feet.

Additionally, one temporary groundwater monitoring

point was installed at location S-02. The well was

screened between a depth of 18 and 28 feet and the

depth to groundwater measured at the time of

sampling was 15.05 feet. The groundwater “grab”

sample was analyzed for TPH, VOCs, SVOCs, and

water quality parameters. TPH and various VOCs and

SVOCs were detected, but only TPH and 2-

methylnaphthalene were detected above their

applicable PCLs. The TPH result of 12.2 mg/L is about

12 times above its PCL of 0.98 mg/L, and the 2-

methylnaphthalene result of 0.135 mg/L is about 1.4

times above its PCL of 0.098 mg/L. Water quality

parameters indicate that the groundwater at S-02 is

similar to groundwater tested elsewhere on site.

Nonetheless, the groundwater TPH result appears to corroborate the TPH, VOCs, and SVOCs results in soil,

indicating that Area S has been impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons.

Area T: The area east of off-site crude oil tanks was investigated via one temporary groundwater monitoring

point installed at location T-01. The well was screened between a depth of 13 and 23 feet and the depth to

groundwater measured at the time of sampling was 12.05 feet. The groundwater “grab” sample was analyzed

for TPH and water quality parameters. TPH was not detected, and water quality parameters indicate that aside

from having the highest sulfate measured anywhere on site (69.0 mg/L), the groundwater at Q-02 is similar to

groundwater tested elsewhere on site; therefore, it does not appear to be adversely impacted as a result of off-

site land use.

Areas D, E, M, and R: Groundwater “grab” samples were analyzed from select existing site water wells to

determine if they are currently impacted by past or present site operations. Evidence indicates that these wells

are considerably deeper than the temporary groundwater monitoring points installed and tested elsewhere on

site as part of the investigation (it was only possible to gauge one well [Well M], which measured greater than

100 feet deep [the limit of the measuring probe]). Therefore, results from the water wells are presumed to be

representative of a different and separate groundwater zone than that which has been discussed thus far.

Samples from windmill Well D and residential Well R were analyzed for TPH and water quality parameters.

Samples from residential Well E and inactive Well M were analyzed for TPH, VOCs, SVOCs, metals, and water

quality parameters. TPH was not detected in any of the samples, and water quality parameters indicate general

similarities among the wells with no unusual outliers or other concerns. Acetone and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate

were the only VOC and SVOC detected, but at levels below applicable PCLs (acetone is a common laboratory

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contaminant, and phthalates are a common field and laboratory contaminant). Metals results were all below

applicable PCLs. Therefore, none of the water wells tested appear to be adversely impacted as a result of on-

site or off-site land use.

6.2 Conclusions

Referring to ASTM guidance, the term recognized environmental conditions means the presence or likely

presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an

existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum

products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property. The

term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The

term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or

the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the

attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized

environmental conditions.

Based on this understanding, and on the findings of the Phase II ESA presented in this report, URS concludes that

recognized environmental conditions (impacted soil and groundwater) have been confirmed related to oil and

gas production and associated brine injection activities at the Burkhart Estate. As a result, these implied soil

and/or groundwater releases may be subject to further investigation and/or corrective action(s).


URS recommends that TAMU report the findings of this Phase II ESA to the Site Remediation Section of the Oil

and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission (RRC) of Texas in accordance with TAC, Title 16, Part 1, Chapter 3,

Rule 3.20, which provides that the RRC be notified of releases from oil and gas production facilities.

An option for how to proceed is to apply to the RRC Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) as codified in Rule 4.4.

The RRC-VCP provides an incentive to remediate oil and gas related pollution by participants as long as they did

not cause or contribute to the contamination. Applicants to the program receive a release of liability to the

state in exchange for a successful cleanup.

Alternately, the RRC may compel cleanup efforts via The Operator Cleanup Program (OCP), which is tasked with

oversight of complex pollution cleanups performed by the oil and gas industry. Complex sites include those that

occur in sensitive environmental areas as defined by Rule 3.91 and which may require site specific cleanup levels

based on risk. Additionally, OCP staff may be involved in the review of data in cases where the source of

contamination is uncertain. When cleanup activities are successfully completed by the operator, RRC staff may

issue a “No Further Action” letter acknowledging completion.

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Subject Property

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Map Legend

0 3,0001,500¯

Figure 1Site Location Map

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Subject Property!( Select Phase I Observations

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Map Legend

0 2,0001,000Feet¯

Figure 2Areas of Investigation Map

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#* D!P







#* #*












J-05 O-01



Subject Property

#* Soil Boring Location

D!PSoil Boring and Temporary GroundwaterMonitoring Point Location

!A Water Well Location

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Map Legend

0 250125Feet¯

Figure 3Sample Locations

in Areas J, K, M, and O









Fig 3






@ 6:



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!A #*#*



#* D!P










Q-01 Q-02




Subject Property

#* Soil Boring Location

D!PSoil Boring and Temporary GroundwaterMonitoring Point Location

!A Water Well Location

Texas A&M UniversityBurkhart EstatePhase II ESAMay 26, 2011

Map Legend

0 650325Feet¯

Figure 4Sample Locations in Areas

D, E, P, Q, R, S, and T

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Summary of Metals in Soil

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

Q-02-020 19-19.5' <0.511 Q-02-020 19-19.5' 6.10

Q-01-011 8.5-9' 1.38 Q-01-010 8.5-9' 26.8

S-02-020 11-11.5' 1.42 Q-01-011 8.5-9' 27.3

Q-01-010 8.5-9' 1.52 S-02-020 11-11.5' 32.7

S-02-021 11-11.5' 1.70 S-02-021 11-11.5' 51.2

S-02-030 15.5-16' 2.59 S-02-030 15.5-16' 68.0

K-02-040 27-27.5' 2.67 K-02-040 27-27.5' 118

Q-02-010 4.5-5' 3.00 K-02-010 9.5-10' 120

K-02-010 9.5-10' 3.68 O-02-030 6.5-7' 166

O-02-030 6.5-7' 3.97 O-01-010 5-5.5' 171

O-01-010 5-5.5' 4.67 J-02-010 7.5-8' 228

J-02-010 7.5-8' 5.10 O-02-020 3-3.5' 246

O-02-010 0-0.5' 7.73 Q-02-010 4.5-5' 418

O-02-020 3-3.5' 9.67 O-02-010 0-0.5' 468

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

Q-02-020 19-19.5' <0.102 Q-02-020 19-19.5' 2.64

S-02-020 11-11.5' 0.113 J S-02-020 11-11.5' 5.07

Q-01-010 8.5-9' 0.146 J S-02-021 11-11.5' 6.94

Q-01-011 8.5-9' 0.157 J S-02-030 15.5-16' 11.7

Q-02-010 4.5-5' 0.165 J K-02-040 27-27.5' 12.4

S-02-021 11-11.5' 0.169 J K-02-010 9.5-10' 13.0

S-02-030 15.5-16' 0.207 J Q-01-011 8.5-9' 15.4

K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.215 J Q-01-010 8.5-9' 15.7

K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.238 J Q-02-010 4.5-5' 16.8

O-02-030 6.5-7' 0.285 J J-02-010 7.5-8' 18.7

J-02-010 7.5-8' 0.293 J O-02-030 6.5-7' 20.8

O-01-010 5-5.5' 0.336 J O-01-010 5-5.5' 22.0

O-02-010 0-0.5' 0.464 O-02-010 0-0.5' 30.2

O-02-020 3-3.5' 0.467 O-02-020 3-3.5' 31.9

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

Q-02-020 19-19.5' 1.43 Q-02-020 19-19.5' 0.918

S-02-020 11-11.5' 3.10 S-02-020 11-11.5' 1.59

S-02-021 11-11.5' 4.18 Q-02-010 4.5-5' 1.75

S-02-030 15.5-16' 6.33 S-02-021 11-11.5' 1.90

K-02-040 27-27.5' 7.19 K-02-040 27-27.5' 2.45

Q-01-010 8.5-9' 7.42 K-02-010 9.5-10' 2.55

Q-01-011 8.5-9' 7.73 O-02-030 6.5-7' 3.95

K-02-010 9.5-10' 8.94 Q-01-010 8.5-9' 4.22

Q-02-010 4.5-5' 11.8 O-02-010 0-0.5' 4.26

O-02-030 6.5-7' 14.8 Q-01-011 8.5-9' 4.31

J-02-010 7.5-8' 16.2 O-01-010 5-5.5' 4.42

O-01-010 5-5.5' 17.7 J-02-010 7.5-8' 4.46

O-02-020 3-3.5' 21.6 S-02-030 15.5-16' 4.53

O-02-010 0-0.5' 22.2 O-02-020 3-3.5' 4.78

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

Q-01-010 8.5-9' <0.0972 S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0145

S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0973 Q-01-010 8.5-9' <0.0153

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.101 S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0164

Q-02-020 19-19.5' <0.102 S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.0166

S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.105 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.0170

Q-02-010 4.5-5' <0.107 Q-02-020 19-19.5' <0.0170

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.110 Q-01-011 8.5-9' <0.0174

Q-01-011 8.5-9' <0.111 Q-02-010 4.5-5' <0.0181

O-01-010 5-5.5' <0.112 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.0193

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.118 O-02-030 6.5-7' 0.0205 J

J-02-010 7.5-8' <0.119 J-02-010 7.5-8' 0.0217 J

O-02-010 0-0.5' <0.124 O-01-010 5-5.5' 0.0219 J

O-02-020 3-3.5' <0.125 O-02-020 3-3.5' 0.0349 J

O-02-030 6.5-7' <0.125 O-02-010 0-0.5' 0.0515

Silver Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 0.24 mg/kg) Mercury Results in Soil (PCL [TX Background] = 0.04 mg/kg)

Arsenic Results in Soil (PCL [TX Background] = 5.9 mg/kg) Barium Results in Soil (PCL [TX Background] = 300 mg/kg)

Cadmium Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 0.75 mg/kg) Chromium Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 1200 mg/kg)

Lead Results in Soil (PCL [TX Background] = 15 mg/kg) Selenium Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 1.1 mg/kg)

Appendix 2

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Summary of Detected VOCs in Soil

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.795 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.807 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110

S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.874 S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0530

K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.0414 J S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538

K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.103 S-02-030 15.5-16' 0.171 J

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00530 N

S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0530 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00549 N

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538 S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.265 N

S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.0583 S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.269 N

K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.00111 J S-02-030 15.5-16' 1.70 N

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106 K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.107

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110 K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.300

S-02-021 11-11.5' 0.686 S-02-021 11-11.5' 1.24

S-02-020 11-11.5' 1.94 S-02-020 11-11.5' 2.95

S-02-030 15.5-16' 14.0 S-02-030 15.5-16' 9.18

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00530

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00549

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538 S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.269

S-02-020 11-11.5' 0.0615 J S-02-020 11-11.5' 1.87

S-02-030 15.5-16' 45.5 S-02-030 15.5-16' 27.0

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00530 K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.00297 J

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00549 K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.00764

S-02-021 11-11.5' 12.2 S-02-021 11-11.5' 0.213 J

S-02-020 11-11.5' 18.3 S-02-020 11-11.5' 0.428

S-02-030 15.5-16' 35.5 S-02-030 15.5-16' 3.37

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.0592 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106

K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.236 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110

S-02-021 11-11.5' 1.53 S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0530

S-02-020 11-11.5' 3.36 S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538

S-02-030 15.5-16' 7.49 S-02-030 15.5-16' 20.0

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106 K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.0216

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110 K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.0316

S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0530 S-02-021 11-11.5' 0.213 J

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538 S-02-020 11-11.5' 0.442

S-02-030 15.5-16' 4.53 S-02-030 15.5-16' 0.851

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00106

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00110

S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0530 S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0530

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538 S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0538

S-02-030 15.5-16' 49.1 S-02-030 15.5-16' 23.3

m,p-Xylene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 53 mg/kg)

Benzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 0.013 mg/kg)Acetone Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 21 mg/kg)

Carbon Disulfide Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 6.8 mg/kg) Cyclohexane Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 2900 mg/kg)

Isopropylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 170 mg/kg)Ethylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 3.8 mg/kg)

Methylcyclohexane Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 7800 mg/kg)

n-Butylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 61 mg/kg)Naphthalene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 16 mg/kg)

n-Propylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 22 mg/kg) o-Xylene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 35 mg/kg)

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 4.9 mg/kg)

p-Isopropyltoluene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 120 mg/kg) tert-Butylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 50 mg/kg)

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 27 mg/kg)

Appendix 2

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Summary of Detected SVOCs in Soil

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00833 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00783

S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0355 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00833

S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0365 S-02-020 11-11.5' 1.33 J

S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.0786 S-02-021 11-11.5' 1.56 J

K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.0751 S-02-030 15.5-16' 2.52

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00833 K-02-010 9.5-10' <0.00783

S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.0786 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00833

K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.0376 S-02-020 11-11.5' 11.1

S-02-020 11-11.5' 0.109 S-02-021 11-11.5' 12.0

S-02-021 11-11.5' 0.122 S-02-030 15.5-16' 19.5

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.0244 K-02-040 27-27.5' <0.00833

K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.463 S-02-020 11-11.5' <0.0355

S-02-020 11-11.5' 1.62 S-02-021 11-11.5' <0.0365

S-02-021 11-11.5' 1.84 S-02-030 15.5-16' <0.0786

S-02-030 15.5-16' 2.49 K-02-010 9.5-10' 0.0188 J

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-040 27-27.5' 0.182

K-02-010 9.5-10' 3.56

S-02-020 11-11.5' 23.6

S-02-021 11-11.5' 26.3

S-02-030 15.5-16' 44.2

Pyrene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 560 mg/kg)

2-Methylnaphthalene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 8.5 mg/kg)

Phenanthrene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 210 mg/kg)

Fluoranthene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 960 mg/kg)

Benzo[a]pyrene Results in Soil (PCL [Tot-

Soil-Comb] = 0.56 mg/kg) Dibenzofuran Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 17 mg/kg)

Naphthalene Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 16 mg/kg)

Appendix 2

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Page 67: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

Summary of TPH in Soil

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-020 19.5-20' <7.17 S-03-010 7-7.5' <7.42

S-03-010 7-7.5' <7.42 Q-02-010 4.5-5' <7.55

Q-02-010 4.5-5' <7.55 S-04-010 7-7.5' <7.56

S-04-010 7-7.5' <7.56 K-03-020 14.5-15' <7.86

P-01-010 3-3.5' <7.71 Q-01-010 8.5-9' <7.98

K-03-020 14.5-15' <7.86 Q-01-011 8.5-9' <8.14

Q-01-010 8.5-9' <7.98 J-02-010 7.5-8' <9.21

Q-01-011 8.5-9' <8.14 O-01-010 5-5.5' <9.51

J-04-010 8.5-9' <8.29 K-04-010 10-10.5' <9.79

J-05-010 6-6.5' <8.56 J-01-010 12-12.5' <10.8

J-02-010 7.5-8' <9.21 Q-01-020 14.5-15' <11.4

J-03-010 4.5-5' <9.30 P-02-010 7-7.5' <13.1

O-01-010 5-5.5' <9.51 P-01-020 9.5-10' <13.7

K-04-010 10-10.5' <9.79 S-05-010 7-7.5' <14.6

J-01-010 12-12.5' <10.8 Q-02-020 19-19.5' <15.6

Q-01-020 14.5-15' <11.4 O-02-010 0-0.5' <17.4

P-02-010 7-7.5' <13.1 O-02-020 3-3.5' <18.5

P-01-020 9.5-10' <13.7 K-02-020 19.5-20' 17.2 J

S-05-010 7-7.5' <14.6 J-03-010 4.5-5' 24.6 J

Q-02-020 19-19.5' <15.6 J-04-010 8.5-9' 24.7

O-02-010 0-0.5' <17.4 O-02-030 6.5-7' 31.6 J

O-02-030 6.5-7' <17.8 P-01-010 3-3.5' 36.4

O-02-020 3-3.5' <18.5 J-05-010 6-6.5' 84.3

K-02-040 27-27.5' 52.2 K-02-040 27-27.5' 366

K-02-010 9.5-10' 147 K-02-010 9.5-10' 994

S-01-011 2-2.5' 175 K-01-010 9-9.5' 1460

K-01-010 9-9.5' 248 S-01-011 2-2.5' 1700

K-03-010 10-10.5' 332 K-03-010 10-10.5' 1840

K-02-030 24.5-25' 414 S-02-010 9-9.5' 2150

S-01-013 2-2.5' 428 K-02-030 24.5-25' 2340

S-02-010 9-9.5' 530 S-01-013 2-2.5' 5240

S-02-021 11-11.5' 1390 S-02-021 11-11.5' 6970

S-02-020 11-11.5' 1760 S-02-020 11-11.5' 8220

S-02-030 15.5-16' 2870 S-02-030 15.5-16' 10400

Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier Sample ID Depth Result (mg/kg) Qualifier

K-02-020 19.5-20' <7.17 S-03-010 7-7.5' <7.42

S-03-010 7-7.5' <7.42 Q-02-010 4.5-5' <7.55

Q-02-010 4.5-5' <7.55 S-04-010 7-7.5' <7.56

S-04-010 7-7.5' <7.56 K-03-020 14.5-15' <7.86

K-03-020 14.5-15' <7.86 Q-01-010 8.5-9' <7.98

Q-01-010 8.5-9' <7.98 Q-01-011 8.5-9' <8.14

Q-01-011 8.5-9' <8.14 J-02-010 7.5-8' <9.21

J-05-010 6-6.5' <8.56 O-01-010 5-5.5' <9.51

J-02-010 7.5-8' <9.21 K-04-010 10-10.5' <9.79

O-01-010 5-5.5' <9.51 J-01-010 12-12.5' <10.8

K-04-010 10-10.5' <9.79 Q-01-020 14.5-15' <11.4

J-01-010 12-12.5' <10.8 P-02-010 7-7.5' <13.1

Q-01-020 14.5-15' <11.4 P-01-020 9.5-10' <13.7

P-02-010 7-7.5' <13.1 S-05-010 7-7.5' <14.6

P-01-020 9.5-10' <13.7 Q-02-020 19-19.5' <15.6

S-05-010 7-7.5' <14.6 O-02-010 0-0.5' <17.4

Q-02-020 19-19.5' <15.6 O-02-020 3-3.5' <18.5

O-02-010 0-0.5' <17.4 K-02-020 19.5-20' 17.2 J

O-02-020 3-3.5' <18.5 J-04-010 8.5-9' 39.3 (C6-C12 < 33)

J-04-010 8.5-9' 14.5 J J-03-010 4.5-5' 43.0 (C6-C12 < 33)

P-01-010 3-3.5' 17.8 J O-02-030 6.5-7' 50.1 J (C6-C12 < 33)

J-03-010 4.5-5' 18.5 J P-01-010 3-3.5' 54.2 (C6-C12 < 33)

O-02-030 6.5-7' 18.5 J J-05-010 6-6.5' 84.3 (C6-C12 < 33)

K-02-040 27-27.5' 20.6 J K-02-040 27-27.5' 439

K-02-010 9.5-10' 75.1 K-02-010 9.5-10' 1220

K-01-010 9-9.5' 93.8 K-01-010 9-9.5' 1800

K-03-010 10-10.5' 96.7 S-01-011 2-2.5' 2030

S-02-010 9-9.5' 138 K-03-010 10-10.5' 2270

S-01-011 2-2.5' 158 S-02-010 9-9.5' 2820

K-02-030 24.5-25' 159 K-02-030 24.5-25' 2910

S-02-021 11-11.5' 353 J S-01-013 2-2.5' 6260

S-02-030 15.5-16' 452 S-02-021 11-11.5' 8720

S-02-020 11-11.5' 453 S-02-020 11-11.5' 10400

S-01-013 2-2.5' 591 S-02-030 15.5-16' 13700

TPH C6-C12 Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 33 mg/kg) TPH C12-C28 Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 99 mg/kg)

TPH C28-C35 Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 99 mg/kg) TPH C6-C35 Results in Soil (PCL [GW-

Soil-Ing] = 33 or 99 mg/kg)

Appendix 2

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Summary of Metals in Groundwater

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.00200 Well-M-010 0.166

Well-E-011 <0.00200 Well-E-010 0.385

Well-M-010 0.00331 J Well-E-011 0.391

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.000300 Well-E-010 <0.00200

Well-E-011 <0.000300 Well-E-011 <0.00200

Well-M-010 <0.000300 Well-M-010 <0.00200

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.000300 Well-E-010 <0.00200

Well-E-011 <0.000300 Well-E-011 <0.00200

Well-M-010 0.00354 Well-M-010 <0.00200

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.00100 Well-E-010 <0.0000800

Well-E-011 <0.00100 Well-E-011 <0.0000800

Well-M-010 <0.00100 Well-M-010 <0.0000800

Silver Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.12 mg/L) Mercury Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.002 mg/L)

Selenium Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.05 mg/L)

Arsenic Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.01 mg/L) Barium Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 2 mg/L)

Chromium Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.1 mg/L)Cadmium Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.005 mg/L)

Lead Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.015 mg/L)

Appendix 2

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Summary of Detected VOCs in Groundwater

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 0.00788 J Q-02-GW-010 <0.000200

Q-02-GW-010 0.00966 J Well-E-010 <0.000200

Well-M-010 0.0183 Well-E-011 <0.000200

O-03-GW-010 0.0197 Well-M-010 <0.000200

S-02-GW-010 0.0243 O-03-GW-010 0.000230 J

Well-E-011 0.0329 S-02-GW-010 0.000920 J

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.000300 O-03-GW-010 <0.000200

Q-02-GW-010 <0.000300 Q-02-GW-010 <0.000200

Well-E-010 <0.000300 Well-E-010 <0.000200

Well-E-011 <0.000300 Well-E-011 <0.000200

Well-M-010 <0.000300 Well-M-010 <0.000200

S-02-GW-010 0.0414 S-02-GW-010 0.0204

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.000600 O-03-GW-010 <0.00500

Q-02-GW-010 <0.000600 Q-02-GW-010 <0.00500

Well-E-010 <0.000600 Well-E-010 <0.00500

Well-E-011 <0.000600 Well-E-011 <0.00500

Well-M-010 <0.000600 Well-M-010 <0.00500

S-02-GW-010 0.111 S-02-GW-010 0.0145 J

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.00500 O-03-GW-010 <0.000300

Q-02-GW-010 <0.00500 Q-02-GW-010 <0.000300

Well-E-010 <0.00500 Well-E-010 <0.000300

Well-E-011 <0.00500 Well-E-011 <0.000300

Well-M-010 <0.00500 Well-M-010 <0.000300

S-02-GW-010 0.166 S-02-GW-010 0.00314

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.000300 O-03-GW-010 <0.000300

Q-02-GW-010 <0.000300 Q-02-GW-010 <0.000300

Well-E-010 <0.000300 Well-E-010 <0.000300

Well-E-011 <0.000300 Well-E-011 <0.000300

Well-M-010 <0.000300 Well-M-010 <0.000300

S-02-GW-010 0.0215 S-02-GW-010 0.0564

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.000300 O-03-GW-010 <0.000300

Q-02-GW-010 <0.000300 Q-02-GW-010 <0.000300

Well-E-010 <0.000300 Well-E-010 <0.000300

Well-E-011 <0.000300 Well-E-011 <0.000300

Well-M-010 <0.000300 Well-M-010 <0.000300

S-02-GW-010 0.00427 S-02-GW-010 0.00145

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.000600 O-03-GW-010 <0.00150

Q-02-GW-010 <0.000600 Q-02-GW-010 <0.00150

Well-E-010 <0.000600 Well-E-010 <0.00150

Well-E-011 <0.000600 Well-E-011 <0.00150

Well-M-010 <0.000600 Well-M-010 <0.00150

S-02-GW-010 0.000670 J S-02-GW-010 0.0974

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

O-03-GW-010 <0.00150

Q-02-GW-010 <0.00150

Well-E-010 <0.00150

Well-E-011 <0.00150

Well-M-010 <0.00150

S-02-GW-010 0.0453

Acetone Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 22 mg/L) Benzene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.005 mg/L)

Ethylbenzene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.7 mg/L) Isopropylbenzene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 2.4 mg/L)

m,p-Xylene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 10 mg/L) Methylcyclohexane Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 120 mg/L)

Toluene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 1 mg/L)1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Results in Groundwater


GW-Ing] = 0.24 mg/L)

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Results in Groundwater


GW-Ing] = 1.2 mg/L)

Naphthalene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.49 mg/L) n-Butylbenzene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L)

n-Propylbenzene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L) o-Xylene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 10 mg/L)

p-Isopropyltoluene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 2.4 mg/L) tert-Butylbenzene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L)

Appendix 2

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Summary of Detected SVOCs in Groundwater

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.00100 Well-E-010 <0.000200

Well-E-011 <0.00100 Well-E-011 <0.000200

S-02-GW-010 0.00400 Well-M-010 <0.000200

Well-M-010 0.00412 S-02-GW-010 0.00465

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.000200 Well-E-010 <0.000200

Well-E-011 <0.000200 Well-E-011 <0.000200

Well-M-010 <0.000200 Well-M-010 <0.000200

S-02-GW-010 0.00235 S-02-GW-010 0.123

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

Well-E-010 <0.000200 Well-E-010 <0.000200

Well-E-011 <0.000200 Well-E-011 <0.000200

Well-M-010 <0.000200 Well-M-010 <0.000200

S-02-GW-010 0.00335 S-02-GW-010 0.135

2-Methylnaphthalene Results in Groundwater


GW-Ing] = 0.098 mg/L)Phenanthrene Results in Groundwater (PCL [

GW-GW-Ing] = 0.73 mg/L)

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Results in Groundwater


GW-Ing] = 0.006 mg/L)Dibenzofuran Results in Groundwater (PCL [

GW-GW-Ing] = 0.098 mg/L)

Fluorene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L) Naphthalene Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.49 mg/L)

Appendix 2

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Summary of TPH in Groundwater

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

T-01-GW-013 <0.670 T-01-GW-013 <0.670

Well-E-011 <0.681 Well-E-011 <0.681

Well-M-010 <0.682 Well-M-010 <0.682

WellWM-D-010 <0.686 WellWM-D-010 <0.686

Well-R-010 <0.703 Well-R-010 <0.703

Well-E-010 <0.704 Well-E-010 <0.704

S-02-GW-010 5.04 S-02-GW-010 7.20

Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier Sample ID Result (mg/L) Qualifier

S-02-GW-010 <0.659 T-01-GW-013 <0.670

T-01-GW-013 <0.670 Well-E-011 <0.681

Well-E-011 <0.681 Well-M-010 <0.682

Well-M-010 <0.682 WellWM-D-010 <0.686

WellWM-D-010 <0.686 Well-R-010 <0.703

Well-R-010 <0.703 Well-E-010 <0.704

Well-E-010 <0.704 S-02-GW-010 12.2

TPH C6-C12 Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L) TPH C12-C28 Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L)

TPH C28-C35 Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L) TPH C6-C35 Results in Groundwater (PCL [GW-

GW-Ing] = 0.98 mg/L)

Appendix 2

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April 28, 2011

Bob SchaeferURS Corporation9400 Amberglen Bldg EAustin, Texas 78729  TEL: (512) 750-8439FAX: (512) 454-8807  RE: Burkhart Matagorda Co.   Dear Bob Schaefer:

Order No: 1104097

DHL Analytical received 45 sample(s) on 4/15/2011 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data met requirements of NELAC except where notedin the Case Narrative. All non-NELAC methods will be identified accordingly in the case narrative andall estimated uncertainties of test results are within method or EPA specifications.

If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call. Thank you for using DHLAnalytical.


John DuPontGeneral Manager

This report was performed under the accreditation of the State of Texas Laboratory Certification Number:T104704211-11-5

2300 Double Creek Dr. • Round Rock, TX 78664 • Phone: (512) 388-8222 • Fax: (512) 388-8229

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Table of Contents

Miscellaneous Documents ............................................................................................. 3

Case Narrative ............................................................................................................... 35

Sample Summary........................................................................................................... 38

Prep Dates Report .......................................................................................................... 40

Analytical Dates Report................................................................................................. 48

Sample Results .............................................................................................................. 56

Analytical QC Summary Report.................................................................................... 137

MQL Summary Report .................................................................................................. 222

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


The samples were analyzed using the methods outlined in the following references:

Method SW8260 - Volatiles Organics (The compound Cyclohexane is not NELAC Certified) Method SW8270 - Semivolatiles Organics Method TCEQ - TX1005 TPH Method SW6020 - Trace Metals Method SW7470/7471 - Total Mercury Method D2216 - Percent Moisture Method M2320 B - Alkalinity Method E300 - Anions by IC Method M4500-H+ B - pH Method M2540C - Total Dissolved Solids Method M2510B - Specific Conductance

Exception Report R1-01

Samples were received and log-in performed on 4/15/2011. A total of 45 samples were received and allwere analyzed. The samples arrived in good condition and were properly packaged.

Exception Report R4-02

For Volatiles Analysis, soil batch, the recovery of surrogate 4-Bromofluorobenzene for SamplesK-02-010, K-02-040 and S-02-030 were above the method control limits. Additionally, the recovery ofsurrogate Toluene-d8 for Sample S-02-030 was above the method control limits. These recoveries are dueto concentration of hydrocarbons in the samples. These are flagged accordingly in the Analytical DataReport. The remaining surrogates for these samples were within method control limits. No furthercorrective actions were taken.

For Semivolatiles Analysis, soil batch, the recovery of surrogate 2-Fluorobiphenyl for Samples K-02-040,S-02-020, S-02-021, S-02-030 , the Method Blank-46031 and the Matrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-12MSD) was outside of the method control limits. Additionally, the recovery of surrogate Nitrobenzene-d5for Sample S-02-030 (10X and 100X dilutions) was above the method control limits. These are flaggedaccordingly in the Analytical Data Report and the QC Summary report. The remaining surrogates forthese samples were within method control limits. No further corrective actions were taken.

For TPH Analysis, soil batch, the recoveries of surrogates Octacosane and Isopropylbenzene for SamplesS-02-020, S-02-021 and S-02-030 were above the method control limits. Additionally, the recovery ofsurrogate Octacosane for Samples S-01-011, S-01-013, J-03-010, K-02-030 and the Matrix Spike andMatrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-43 MS/MSD) was above the method control limits. These recoveriesare due to coelution of hydrocarbons in the samples. These are flagged accordingly in the Analytical DataReport and the QC Summary report. No further corrective actions were taken.

Exception Report R6-04

For Volatiles Analysis, soil batch 45920, the recovery of Carbon Tetrachloride for the Laboratory ControlSpike (LCS-45920) was marginally above the method control limits. This is flagged accordingly in theQC Summary Report. The associated samples are nondetect for this compound. No further corrective

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CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


action was taken.

For Semivolatiles Analysis, soil batch 46031, the recovery of Aniline for the Laboratory Control Spike(LCS-46031) was below the method control limits. This was flagged accordingly in the QC SummaryReport. This compound was within method control limits in the associated ICV. No further correctiveaction was taken.

For Semivolatiles Analysis, water batch 45938, the recovery of 4-Nitrophenol for the Laboratory ControlSpike Duplicate (LCSD-45938) was below the method control limits. This was flagged accordingly in theQC Summary Report. This compound was within method control limits in the associated LCS and ICV.No further corrective action was taken.

Exception Report R7-03 and R7-04

For Volatiles Analysis, for soil batch 45905, the recoveries of several compounds for the Matrix Spikeand Matrix Spike Duplicate (1104098-01 MS/MSD) and the RPD of Methylcyclohexane for the MatrixSpike Duplicate (1104098-01 MSD) were outside of the method control limits. These are flaggedaccordingly in the QC Summary Report. These compounds were within method control limits in theassociated LCS. The sample selected for the matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate was not from thiswork order. No further corrective actions were taken.

For Volatiles Analysis, for water batch 46015, the recovery of 2-Chloroethylvinylether for the MatrixSpike and Matrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-02 MS/MSD) was outside of the method control limits.Additionally, the RPD of Naphthalene for the Matrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-002 was slightly abovethe method control limit. These are flagged accordingly in the QC Summary Report. These compoundswere within method control limits in the associated LCS. The sample selected for the matrix spike andmatrix spike duplicate was from this work order. No further corrective actions were taken.

For Semivolatiles Analysis, for soil batch 46031, the recoveries of a few compounds for the Matrix Spikeand Matrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-12 MS/MSD) and the RPD of 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol for theMatrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-12 MSD) were outside of the method control limits. These are flaggedaccordingly in the QC Summary Report. The associated samples were nondetect for Aniline and theremaining compounds were within method control limits in the associated LCS. The sample selected forthe matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate was from this work order. No further corrective actions weretaken.

For TPH Analysis, for water batch 45915 and soil batch 45913, the recoveries of the Matrix Spike andMatrix Spike Duplicate (1104097-42/43 MS/MSD) were outside of the method control limits. These areflagged accordingly in the QC Summary Report. The associated LCS's were within method control limits.No further corrective action was taken.

For Metals Analysis, for water batches 45923 and 45927, the recoveries of Calcium, Magnesium andSodium for the Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicates (1104097-03/42 MS/MSD) were outside of themethod control limits. These are flagged accordingly in the QC Summary Report. The associated LCS'swere within method control limits. No further corrective action was taken.

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CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Exception Report R8-03

For Percent Moisture Analysis, the RPD of Sample Duplicate (1104120-09 Dup) was slightly above themethod control limits. This is flagged in the QC Summary Report. No further corrective action was taken.

Exception Report R10-01

For Volatiles and Semivolatiles Analysis, Sample S-02-030 was diluted due to concentration ofhydrocarbons present.

Exception Report S2-02

For Volatiles Analysis, the recoveries of Carbon Tetrachloride and Dichlorodifluoromethane for the InitialCalibration Verification (ICV-110418) were outside of the method control limits. These are flaggedaccordingly in the QC Summary Report. The associated samples are nondetect for these compounds. Nofurther corrective actions were taken.

For Semivolatiles Analysis, the recoveries of 4-Nitrophenol and Hexachlorocyclopentadiene for the InitialCalibration Verification (ICV-110426) were outside of the method control limits. These are flaggedaccordingly in the QC Summary Report. The associated samples are nondetect for these compounds. Nofurther corrective actions were taken.

Exception Report S4-01

For Semivolatiles Analysis, the recovery of internal standard Acenaphthalene-d10 for Samples K-02-010,S-02-020, S-02-021 and S-02-030 was below the method control limits. The associated compounds werenondetect for these samples. No further corrective action was taken.

Exception Report S9-01

For Metals Analysis, for batch 45927, the RPD of Potassium (1104097-42 SD) and the RPD of Seleniumfor the Serial Dilution (1104097-25 SD) were above the method control limit. These are flaggedaccordingly in the QC Summary Report. These analytes are within method control limits in the associatePost Digestion Spikes. No further corrective action was taken.

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097

Work Order Sample Summary

Lab Smp ID Client Sample ID Tag Number Date Collected Date Recv'd

1104097-01 Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM 04/15/111104097-02 Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM 04/15/111104097-03 Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM 04/15/111104097-04 WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM 04/15/111104097-05 Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM 04/15/111104097-06 Trip Blank A 04/12/11 04/15/111104097-07 O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM 04/15/111104097-08 Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM 04/15/111104097-09 S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM 04/15/111104097-10 K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM 04/15/111104097-11 K-02-020 04/13/11 08:40 AM 04/15/111104097-12 K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM 04/15/111104097-13 K-01-010 04/13/11 09:50 AM 04/15/111104097-14 K-03-010 04/13/11 10:30 AM 04/15/111104097-15 K-03-020 04/13/11 10:40 AM 04/15/111104097-16 K-04-010 04/13/11 10:45 AM 04/15/111104097-17 J-01-010 04/13/11 11:00 AM 04/15/111104097-18 J-02-010 04/13/11 11:15 AM 04/15/111104097-19 J-04-010 04/13/11 12:00 PM 04/15/111104097-20 O-01-010 04/13/11 02:10 PM 04/15/111104097-21 O-02-010 04/13/11 02:25 PM 04/15/111104097-22 O-02-020 04/13/11 02:30 PM 04/15/111104097-23 O-02-030 04/13/11 02:35 PM 04/15/111104097-24 Trip Blank B 04/13/11 04/15/111104097-25 S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM 04/15/111104097-26 S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM 04/15/111104097-27 S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM 04/15/111104097-28 J-05-010 04/13/11 02:55 PM 04/15/111104097-29 Q-02-010 04/13/11 05:05 PM 04/15/111104097-30 Q-02-020 04/13/11 05:15 PM 04/15/111104097-31 Q-01-010 04/13/11 06:05 PM 04/15/111104097-32 Q-01-011 04/13/11 06:05 PM 04/15/111104097-33 Q-01-020 04/13/11 06:15 PM 04/15/111104097-34 P-02-010 04/14/11 08:20 AM 04/15/111104097-35 P-01-010 04/14/11 08:35 AM 04/15/111104097-36 P-01-020 04/14/11 08:40 AM 04/15/111104097-37 S-05-010 04/14/11 09:30 AM 04/15/11

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CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097

Work Order Sample Summary

Lab Smp ID Client Sample ID Tag Number Date Collected Date Recv'd

1104097-38 S-04-010 04/14/11 09:50 AM 04/15/111104097-39 S-01-011 04/14/11 10:05 AM 04/15/111104097-40 S-02-010 04/14/11 10:15 AM 04/15/111104097-41 S-03-010 04/14/11 10:50 AM 04/15/111104097-42 T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM 04/15/111104097-43 S-01-013 04/14/11 10:05 AM 04/15/111104097-44 J-03-010 04/13/11 11:45 AM 04/15/111104097-45 K-02-030 04/13/11 08:45 AM 04/15/11

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CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

1104097-01B Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-01C Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

1104097-01D Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

Well-R-010 04/12/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-02A Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-02B Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-02C Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous SW7470A Mercury Aq Prep, Total 04/19/11 09:17 AM 45952

1104097-02D Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-02E Well-E-010 04/12/11 04:15 PM Aqueous SW3510C Aq Prep Sep Funnel: BNA 04/18/11 01:25 PM 45938

1104097-03A Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-03B Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-03C Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW7470A Mercury Aq Prep, Total 04/19/11 09:17 AM 45952

1104097-03D Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

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CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-03E Well-E-011 04/12/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW3510C Aq Prep Sep Funnel: BNA 04/18/11 01:25 PM 45938

1104097-04B WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-04C WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

1104097-04D WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

WellWM-D-010 04/12/11 05:00 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-05A Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-05B Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-05C Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals : ICP-MS 04/18/11 08:44 AM 45923

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous SW7470A Mercury Aq Prep, Total 04/19/11 09:17 AM 45952

1104097-05D Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-05E Well-M-010 04/12/11 07:30 PM Aqueous SW3510C Aq Prep Sep Funnel: BNA 04/18/11 01:25 PM 45938

1104097-06A Trip Blank A 04/12/11 Trip Blank SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-07A O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-07B O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

1104097-07D O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

O-03-GW-010 04/14/11 12:05 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-08A Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-08B Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

1104097-08D Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

Q-02-GW-010 04/14/11 12:45 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-09A S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-09B S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-09C S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

1104097-09E S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-09F S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW3510C Aq Prep Sep Funnel: BNA 04/18/11 01:25 PM 45938

S-02-GW-010 04/14/11 03:30 PM Aqueous SW3510C Aq Prep Sep Funnel: BNA 04/18/11 01:25 PM 45938

1104097-10A K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil SW5035 Purge and Trap 5035 04/15/11 09:02 AM 45905

1104097-10B K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-10C K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 02:15 PM 45939

1104097-10D K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

K-02-010 04/13/11 08:20 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

1104097-11A K-02-020 04/13/11 08:40 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-11B K-02-020 04/13/11 08:40 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-12A K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM Soil SW5035 Purge and Trap 5035 04/15/11 09:02 AM 45905

1104097-12B K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-12C K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-12D K-02-040 04/13/11 09:00 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

1104097-13A K-01-010 04/13/11 09:50 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-13C K-01-010 04/13/11 09:50 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-14A K-03-010 04/13/11 10:30 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-14B K-03-010 04/13/11 10:30 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-15A K-03-020 04/13/11 10:40 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-15B K-03-020 04/13/11 10:40 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-16A K-04-010 04/13/11 10:45 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-16B K-04-010 04/13/11 10:45 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-17A J-01-010 04/13/11 11:00 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-17B J-01-010 04/13/11 11:00 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-18A J-02-010 04/13/11 11:15 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-18B J-02-010 04/13/11 11:15 AM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

J-02-010 04/13/11 11:15 AM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

1104097-18C J-02-010 04/13/11 11:15 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-19A J-04-010 04/13/11 12:00 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-19B J-04-010 04/13/11 12:00 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-20A O-01-010 04/13/11 02:10 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-20B O-01-010 04/13/11 02:10 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

O-01-010 04/13/11 02:10 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

O-01-010 04/13/11 02:10 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-21A O-02-010 04/13/11 02:25 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

O-02-010 04/13/11 02:25 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

O-02-010 04/13/11 02:25 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

O-02-010 04/13/11 02:25 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/19/11 04:50 PM 45962

1104097-22A O-02-020 04/13/11 02:30 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

O-02-020 04/13/11 02:30 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

O-02-020 04/13/11 02:30 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

O-02-020 04/13/11 02:30 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/19/11 04:50 PM 45962

1104097-23A O-02-030 04/13/11 02:35 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

O-02-030 04/13/11 02:35 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

O-02-030 04/13/11 02:35 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

O-02-030 04/13/11 02:35 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/19/11 04:50 PM 45962

1104097-24A Trip Blank B 04/13/11 Trip Blank SW5030C Purge and Trap Water GC/MS 04/22/11 09:21 AM 46015

1104097-25A S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW5030A Purge and Trap Soils GC/MS 04/18/11 07:37 AM 45920

S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW5030A Purge and Trap Soils GC/MS 04/18/11 07:37 AM 45920

1104097-25B S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

S-02-020 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/19/11 04:50 PM 45962

1104097-26A S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW5030A Purge and Trap Soils GC/MS 04/18/11 07:37 AM 45920

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW5030A Purge and Trap Soils GC/MS 04/18/11 07:37 AM 45920

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

S-02-021 04/14/11 10:20 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-27A S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW5035 Purge and Trap 5035 04/15/11 09:02 AM 45905

S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW5035 Purge and Trap 5035 04/15/11 09:02 AM 45905

1104097-27B S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW3550C Soil Prep Sonication: BNA 04/25/11 09:06 AM 46031

S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

1104097-27C S-02-030 04/14/11 11:00 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 02:15 PM 45939

1104097-28A J-05-010 04/13/11 02:55 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

1104097-28B J-05-010 04/13/11 02:55 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-29A Q-02-010 04/13/11 05:05 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:03 AM 45912

Q-02-010 04/13/11 05:05 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

Q-02-010 04/13/11 05:05 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

Q-02-010 04/13/11 05:05 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/19/11 04:50 PM 45962

1104097-30A Q-02-020 04/13/11 05:15 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-30B Q-02-020 04/13/11 05:15 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

Q-02-020 04/13/11 05:15 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

Q-02-020 04/13/11 05:15 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-31A Q-01-010 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-31B Q-01-010 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

Q-01-010 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

Q-01-010 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-32A Q-01-011 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-32B Q-01-011 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil SW3050B Soil Prep Total Metals: ICP-MS 04/19/11 08:47 AM 45926

Q-01-011 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil SW7471A Mercury Soil Prep, Total 04/19/11 11:03 AM 45957

Q-01-011 04/13/11 06:05 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

1104097-33A Q-01-020 04/13/11 06:15 PM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

Q-01-020 04/13/11 06:15 PM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/20/11 11:05 AM 45974

1104097-34A P-02-010 04/14/11 08:20 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

P-02-010 04/14/11 08:20 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/20/11 11:05 AM 45974

1104097-35A P-01-010 04/14/11 08:35 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-35B P-01-010 04/14/11 08:35 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-36A P-01-020 04/14/11 08:40 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-36B P-01-020 04/14/11 08:40 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-37A S-05-010 04/14/11 09:30 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

S-05-010 04/14/11 09:30 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/20/11 11:05 AM 45974

1104097-38A S-04-010 04/14/11 09:50 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-38B S-04-010 04/14/11 09:50 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-39A S-01-011 04/14/11 10:05 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-39B S-01-011 04/14/11 10:05 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-40A S-02-010 04/14/11 10:15 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-40B S-02-010 04/14/11 10:15 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 11:35 AM 45935

1104097-41A S-03-010 04/14/11 10:50 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-41B S-03-010 04/14/11 10:50 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 02:15 PM 45939

1104097-42A T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous TX1005 TX1005 Water Prep 04/15/11 12:06 PM 45915

1104097-42B T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous SW3005A Aq Prep Metals: Dissolved - 10µ Filter 04/18/11 08:47 AM 45927

1104097-42D T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous E300 Anion Preparation 04/15/11 09:00 AM 45916

T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity Preparation 04/18/11 08:00 AM 45931

T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH Preparation 04/15/11 10:30 AM 45914

T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M2510 B Conductivity Preparation 04/18/11 02:28 PM 45940

T-01-GW-013 04/14/11 04:30 PM Aqueous M2540C TDS Preparation 04/18/11 05:31 PM 45941

1104097-43A S-01-013 04/14/11 10:05 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-43B S-01-013 04/14/11 10:05 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 02:15 PM 45939

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Number Test Name Prep Date Batch ID

1104097-44A J-03-010 04/13/11 11:45 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-44B J-03-010 04/13/11 11:45 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 02:15 PM 45939

1104097-45A K-02-030 04/13/11 08:45 AM Soil TX1005 TX1005 Soil Prep 04/15/11 11:04 AM 45913

1104097-45B K-02-030 04/13/11 08:45 AM Soil D2216 Moisture Preparation 04/18/11 02:15 PM 45939

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

1104097-01B Well-R-010 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 01:11 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-01C Well-R-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 1 04/18/11 06:19 PM ICP-MS3_110418A

Well-R-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 10 04/19/11 07:22 PM ICP-MS3_110419B

1104097-01D Well-R-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 08:35 AM TITRATOR_110418A

Well-R-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 1 04/15/11 12:31 PM IC2_110415A

Well-R-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:47 AM TITRATOR_110415B

Well-R-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

Well-R-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-02A Well-E-010 Aqueous SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-02B Well-E-010 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 01:20 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-02C Well-E-010 Aqueous SW7470A Total Mercury: Aqueous 45952 1 04/20/11 11:25 AM CETAC_HG_110420B

Well-E-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 1 04/18/11 06:24 PM ICP-MS3_110418A

Well-E-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 20 04/19/11 07:28 PM ICP-MS3_110419B

1104097-02D Well-E-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 08:40 AM TITRATOR_110418A

Well-E-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 11:46 AM IC2_110415A

Well-E-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 1 04/15/11 02:02 PM IC2_110415A

Well-E-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:48 AM TITRATOR_110415B

Well-E-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

Well-E-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-02E Well-E-010 Aqueous SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water 45938 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM GCMS9_110419B

1104097-03A Well-E-011 Aqueous SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-03B Well-E-011 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 01:29 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-03C Well-E-011 Aqueous SW7470A Total Mercury: Aqueous 45952 1 04/20/11 11:27 AM CETAC_HG_110420B

Well-E-011 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 1 04/18/11 06:02 PM ICP-MS3_110418A

Well-E-011 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 20 04/19/11 07:11 PM ICP-MS3_110419B

1104097-03D Well-E-011 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 08:46 AM TITRATOR_110418A

Well-E-011 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 11:57 AM IC2_110415A

Well-E-011 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 1 04/15/11 02:13 PM IC2_110415A

Well-E-011 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:49 AM TITRATOR_110415B

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

Well-E-011 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

Well-E-011 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-03E Well-E-011 Aqueous SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water 45938 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM GCMS9_110419B

1104097-04B WellWM-D-010 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 01:38 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-04C WellWM-D-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 1 04/18/11 06:29 PM ICP-MS3_110418A

WellWM-D-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 20 04/19/11 07:33 PM ICP-MS3_110419B

1104097-04D WellWM-D-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 08:52 AM TITRATOR_110418A

WellWM-D-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 12:08 PM IC2_110415A

WellWM-D-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 1 04/15/11 02:24 PM IC2_110415A

WellWM-D-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:50 AM TITRATOR_110415B

WellWM-D-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

WellWM-D-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-05A Well-M-010 Aqueous SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-05B Well-M-010 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 01:47 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-05C Well-M-010 Aqueous SW7470A Total Mercury: Aqueous 45952 1 04/20/11 11:15 AM CETAC_HG_110420B

Well-M-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 1 04/18/11 06:35 PM ICP-MS3_110418A

Well-M-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water 45923 10 04/19/11 07:39 PM ICP-MS3_110419B

1104097-05D Well-M-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 08:57 AM TITRATOR_110418A

Well-M-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 12:20 PM IC2_110415A

Well-M-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 1 04/15/11 02:36 PM IC2_110415A

Well-M-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:51 AM TITRATOR_110415B

Well-M-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

Well-M-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-05E Well-M-010 Aqueous SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water 45938 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM GCMS9_110419B

1104097-06A Trip Blank A Trip Blank SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-07A O-03-GW-010 Aqueous SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-07B O-03-GW-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 1 04/18/11 08:31 PM ICP-MS3_110418B

O-03-GW-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 100 04/19/11 05:42 PM ICP-MS3_110419A

1104097-07D O-03-GW-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 09:07 AM TITRATOR_110418A

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

O-03-GW-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 100 04/15/11 12:42 PM IC2_110415A

O-03-GW-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 02:47 PM IC2_110415A

O-03-GW-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:52 AM TITRATOR_110415B

O-03-GW-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

O-03-GW-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-08A Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-08B Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 1 04/18/11 08:36 PM ICP-MS3_110418B

Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 20 04/19/11 05:48 PM ICP-MS3_110419A

1104097-08D Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 09:16 AM TITRATOR_110418A

Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 12:53 PM IC2_110415A

Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:54 AM TITRATOR_110415B

Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

Q-02-GW-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-09A S-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-09B S-02-GW-010 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 01:56 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-09C S-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 1 04/18/11 08:42 PM ICP-MS3_110418B

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 20 04/19/11 05:53 PM ICP-MS3_110419A

1104097-09E S-02-GW-010 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 09:23 AM TITRATOR_110418A

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 01:40 PM IC2_110415A

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 1 04/15/11 02:58 PM IC2_110415A

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:56 AM TITRATOR_110415B

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-09F S-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water 45938 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM GCMS9_110419B

S-02-GW-010 Aqueous SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water 45938 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM GCMS9_110419B

1104097-10A K-02-010 Soil SW8260C Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS 45905 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM GCMS2_110415A

1104097-10B K-02-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 03:29 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-10C K-02-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45939 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418C

K-02-010 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:28 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

K-02-010 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 09:30 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

1104097-10D K-02-010 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM GCMS9_110425A

K-02-010 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM GCMS9_110425A

1104097-11A K-02-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 03:38 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-11B K-02-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-12A K-02-040 Soil SW8260C Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS 45905 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM GCMS2_110415A

1104097-12B K-02-040 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 03:47 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-12C K-02-040 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

K-02-040 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:31 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

K-02-040 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 09:35 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

1104097-12D K-02-040 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM GCMS9_110425A

1104097-13A K-01-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 2 04/15/11 03:56 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-13C K-01-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-14A K-03-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 2 04/15/11 04:05 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-14B K-03-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-15A K-03-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 04:14 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-15B K-03-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-16A K-04-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 04:23 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-16B K-04-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-17A J-01-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 04:40 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-17B J-01-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-18A J-02-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 04:49 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-18B J-02-010 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:33 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

J-02-010 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:41 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

1104097-18C J-02-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-19A J-04-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 04:58 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-19B J-04-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-20A O-01-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 05:07 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-20B O-01-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

O-01-010 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:35 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

O-01-010 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:36 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

1104097-21A O-02-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45962 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110419A

O-02-010 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:37 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

O-02-010 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 09:40 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

O-02-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 05:16 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-22A O-02-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45962 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110419A

O-02-020 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:39 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

O-02-020 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 10:52 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

O-02-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 05:25 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-23A O-02-030 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45962 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110419A

O-02-030 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:41 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

O-02-030 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 10:58 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

O-02-030 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 05:34 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-24A Trip Blank B Trip Blank SW8260C 8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS 46015 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM GCMS5_110422A

1104097-25A S-02-020 Soil SW8260C 8260 Soil Volatiles by GC/MS 45920 500 04/18/11 04:30 PM GCMS2_110418B

S-02-020 Soil SW8260C 8260 Soil Volatiles by GC/MS 45920 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM GCMS2_110418B

1104097-25B S-02-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45962 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110419A

S-02-020 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-020 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-020 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:14 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

S-02-020 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 09:19 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

S-02-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 5 04/15/11 05:43 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-26A S-02-021 Soil SW8260C 8260 Soil Volatiles by GC/MS 45920 500 04/18/11 05:01 PM GCMS2_110418B

S-02-021 Soil SW8260C 8260 Soil Volatiles by GC/MS 45920 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM GCMS2_110418B

S-02-021 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

S-02-021 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-021 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-021 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:43 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

S-02-021 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:03 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

S-02-021 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 10 04/15/11 05:52 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-27A S-02-030 Soil SW8260C Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS 45905 500 04/15/11 06:02 PM GCMS2_110415A

S-02-030 Soil SW8260C Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS 45905 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM GCMS2_110415A

1104097-27B S-02-030 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 5 04/26/11 01:51 AM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-030 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-030 Soil SW8270D Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil 46031 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM GCMS9_110425A

S-02-030 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:45 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

S-02-030 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:08 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

S-02-030 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 10 04/15/11 06:01 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-27C S-02-030 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45939 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418C

1104097-28A J-05-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 06:19 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-28B J-05-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-29A Q-02-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45962 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110419A

Q-02-010 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:51 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

Q-02-010 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:14 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

Q-02-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45912 1 04/15/11 06:28 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-30A Q-02-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 07:22 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-30B Q-02-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

Q-02-020 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:53 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

Q-02-020 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:19 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

1104097-31A Q-01-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 07:31 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-31B Q-01-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

Q-01-010 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:55 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

Q-01-010 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:25 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

1104097-32A Q-01-011 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 07:40 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-32B Q-01-011 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

Q-01-011 Soil SW7471A Total Mercury: Soil/Solid 45957 1 04/25/11 03:57 PM CETAC_HG_110425D

Q-01-011 Soil SW6020A Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid 45926 5 04/19/11 11:30 PM ICP-MS3_110419C

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

1104097-33A Q-01-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45974 1 04/21/11 08:50 AM PMOIST_110421A

Q-01-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 07:58 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-34A P-02-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45974 1 04/21/11 08:50 AM PMOIST_110421A

P-02-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 08:07 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-35A P-01-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 08:16 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-35B P-01-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-36A P-01-020 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 08:25 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-36B P-01-020 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-37A S-05-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45974 1 04/21/11 08:50 AM PMOIST_110421A

S-05-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 08:34 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-38A S-04-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 08:42 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-38B S-04-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-39A S-01-011 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 2 04/15/11 08:51 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-39B S-01-011 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-40A S-02-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 09:00 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-40B S-02-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45935 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418B

1104097-41A S-03-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 09:09 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-41B S-03-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45939 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418C

1104097-42A T-01-GW-013 Aqueous TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Water 45915 1 04/15/11 02:14 PM GC15_110415B

1104097-42B T-01-GW-013 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 1 04/18/11 08:20 PM ICP-MS3_110418B

T-01-GW-013 Aqueous SW6020A Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) 45927 20 04/19/11 05:31 PM ICP-MS3_110419A

1104097-42D T-01-GW-013 Aqueous M2320 B Alkalinity 45931 1 04/18/11 09:38 AM TITRATOR_110418A

T-01-GW-013 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 10 04/15/11 01:51 PM IC2_110415A

T-01-GW-013 Aqueous E300 Anions by IC method - Water 45916 100 04/15/11 03:44 PM IC2_110415A

T-01-GW-013 Aqueous M4500-H+ B pH 45914 1 04/15/11 10:57 AM TITRATOR_110415B

T-01-GW-013 Aqueous M2510 B Specific Conductance 45940 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM WC_110418A

T-01-GW-013 Aqueous M2540C Total Dissolved Solids 45941 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM WC_110418B

1104097-43A S-01-013 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 5 04/15/11 09:18 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-43B S-01-013 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45939 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418C

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Page 127: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co.Lab Order: 1104097


Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Test Number Test Name Batch ID Dilution Analysis Date Run ID

1104097-44A J-03-010 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 1 04/15/11 09:54 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-44B J-03-010 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45939 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418C

1104097-45A K-02-030 Soil TX1005 Tx1005 TPH Soil 45913 2 04/15/11 10:03 PM GC15_110415C

1104097-45B K-02-030 Soil D2216 Percent Moisture 45939 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM PMOIST_110418C

Page 55 of 226

Page 128: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-R-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-01Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 03:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.703 0.703 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:11 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.703 0.703 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:11 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.703 0.703 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:11 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.703 0.703 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:11 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 91.6 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:11 PM Surr: Octacosane 96.2 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:11 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water SW6020A Analyst: AJRCalcium 53.6 1.00 3.00 mg/L 10 04/19/11 07:22 PMMagnesium 12.6 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:19 PMPotassium 1.48 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:19 PMSodium 57.0 1.00 3.00 mg/L 10 04/19/11 07:22 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 37.3 0.300 1.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 12:31 PMSulfate 6.19 1.00 3.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 12:31 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 262 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:35 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:35 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:35 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 262 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:35 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.53 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:47 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 558 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCGTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 341 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 56 of 226

Page 129: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-02Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.704 0.704 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:20 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.704 0.704 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:20 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.704 0.704 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:20 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.704 0.704 2.01 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:20 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 97.5 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:20 PM Surr: Octacosane 98.0 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:20 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic <0.00200 0.00200 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMBarium 0.385 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMCadmium <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMCalcium 89.4 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:28 PMChromium <0.00200 0.00200 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMLead <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMMagnesium 25.8 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:28 PMPotassium 1.78 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMSelenium <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMSilver <0.00100 0.00100 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:24 PMSodium 89.2 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:28 PM

Total Mercury: Aqueous SW7470A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0000800 0.0000800 0.000200 mg/L 1 04/20/11 11:25 AM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00400 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2-Methylnaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 57 of 226

Page 130: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-02Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

4-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.00400 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMAcenaphthene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMAcenaphthylene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMAniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMAnthracene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMCarbazole <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMChrysene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMDibenzofuran <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMFluoranthene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMFluorene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.000400 0.000400 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMHexachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMIsophorone <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.000100 0.000100 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMNaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMNitrobenzene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMPentachlorophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMPhenanthrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMPhenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PMPyrene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 83.0 0 42 - 124 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73.8 0 48 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 54.0 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 82.8 0 51 - 135 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 58 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-02Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 75.5 0 41 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 34.0 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:16 PM

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMAcetone 0.00788 0.00500 0.0150 J mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMBenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMChloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 59 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-02Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Cyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMDibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.8 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 103 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 98.7 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:04 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 167 3.00 10.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 11:46 AMSulfate 13.5 1.00 3.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:02 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 318 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:40 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:40 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:40 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 318 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:40 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.34 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:48 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 1030 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCG

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 60 of 226

Page 133: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-02Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Total Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 601 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 61 of 226

Page 134: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-03Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.681 0.681 1.94 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:29 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.681 0.681 1.94 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:29 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.681 0.681 1.94 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:29 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.681 0.681 1.94 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:29 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 96.8 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:29 PM Surr: Octacosane 94.5 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:29 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic <0.00200 0.00200 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMBarium 0.391 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMCadmium <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMCalcium 93.6 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:11 PMChromium <0.00200 0.00200 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMLead <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMMagnesium 27.2 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:11 PMPotassium 1.82 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMSelenium <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMSilver <0.00100 0.00100 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:02 PMSodium 93.8 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:11 PM

Total Mercury: Aqueous SW7470A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0000800 0.0000800 0.000200 mg/L 1 04/20/11 11:27 AM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00400 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2-Methylnaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 62 of 226

Page 135: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-03Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

4-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.00400 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMAcenaphthene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMAcenaphthylene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMAniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMAnthracene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMCarbazole <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMChrysene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMDibenzofuran <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMFluoranthene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMFluorene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.000400 0.000400 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMHexachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMIsophorone <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.000100 0.000100 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMNaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMNitrobenzene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMPentachlorophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMPhenanthrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMPhenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PMPyrene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 87.8 0 42 - 124 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77.5 0 48 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 55.2 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 85.5 0 51 - 135 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 63 of 226

Page 136: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-03Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 80.0 0 41 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 34.2 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 05:38 PM

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMAcetone 0.0329 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMBenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMChloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 64 of 226

Page 137: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-03Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Cyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMDibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 108 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.2 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 103 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 98.4 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:29 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 166 3.00 10.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 11:57 AMSulfate 13.5 1.00 3.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:13 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 319 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:46 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:46 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:46 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 319 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:46 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.35 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:49 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 1030 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCG

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 65 of 226

Page 138: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-E-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-03Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 04:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Total Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 594 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 66 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: WellWM-D-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-04Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 05:00 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.686 0.686 1.96 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:38 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.686 0.686 1.96 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:38 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.686 0.686 1.96 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:38 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.686 0.686 1.96 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:38 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 97.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:38 PM Surr: Octacosane 94.2 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:38 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water SW6020A Analyst: AJRCalcium 69.4 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:33 PMMagnesium 26.8 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:33 PMPotassium 1.80 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:29 PMSodium 97.2 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 07:33 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 127 3.00 10.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 12:08 PMSulfate 17.6 1.00 3.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:24 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 348 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:52 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:52 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:52 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 348 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:52 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.82 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:50 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 967 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCGTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 554 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 67 of 226

Page 140: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-M-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-05Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 07:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.682 0.682 1.95 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:47 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.682 0.682 1.95 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:47 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.682 0.682 1.95 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:47 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.682 0.682 1.95 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:47 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 95.7 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:47 PM Surr: Octacosane 93.6 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:47 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Water SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 0.00331 0.00200 0.00500 J mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMBarium 0.166 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMCadmium <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMCalcium 39.8 1.00 3.00 mg/L 10 04/19/11 07:39 PMChromium <0.00200 0.00200 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMLead 0.00354 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMMagnesium 11.8 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMPotassium 3.24 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMSelenium <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMSilver <0.00100 0.00100 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/18/11 06:35 PMSodium 79.6 1.00 3.00 mg/L 10 04/19/11 07:39 PM

Total Mercury: Aqueous SW7470A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0000800 0.0000800 0.000200 mg/L 1 04/20/11 11:15 AM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00400 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2-Methylnaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 68 of 226

Page 141: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-M-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-05Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 07:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

4-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.00400 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMAcenaphthene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMAcenaphthylene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMAniline <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMAnthracene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.000200 0.000200 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.00412 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMCarbazole <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMChrysene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMDibenzofuran <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00200 0.00600 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMFluoranthene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMFluorene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.000400 0.000400 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMHexachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMIsophorone <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.000100 0.000100 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMNaphthalene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMNitrobenzene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMPentachlorophenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMPhenanthrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMPhenol <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PMPyrene <0.000400 0.000400 0.000800 mg/L 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 87.3 0 42 - 124 %REC 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.8 0 48 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 57.2 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 84.2 0 51 - 135 %REC 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 69 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-M-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-05Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 07:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 78.5 0 41 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 37.2 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 04:52 PM

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMAcetone 0.0183 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMBenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMChloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 70 of 226

Page 143: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-M-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-05Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 07:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Cyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMDibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.3 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 103 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 97.8 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 12:54 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 62.0 3.00 10.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 12:20 PMSulfate 14.2 1.00 3.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:36 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 242 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:57 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:57 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:57 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 242 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:57 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.83 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:51 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 625 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCG

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 71 of 226

Page 144: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Well-M-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-05Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11 07:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Total Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 382 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 72 of 226

Page 145: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Trip Blank AProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-06Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11Lab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Trip Blank

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMAcetone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMBenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMChloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMCyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 73 of 226

Page 146: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Trip Blank AProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-06Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/12/11Lab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Trip Blank

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Dibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.6 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 102 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM Surr: Toluene-d8 97.8 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:13 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 74 of 226

Page 147: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-03-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-07Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 12:05 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) SW6020A Analyst: AJRCalcium 424 10.0 30.0 mg/L 100 04/19/11 05:42 PMMagnesium 347 10.0 30.0 mg/L 100 04/19/11 05:42 PMPotassium 3.67 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:31 PMSodium 1180 10.0 30.0 mg/L 100 04/19/11 05:42 PM

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMAcetone 0.0197 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMBenzene 0.000230 0.000200 0.00100 J mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 75 of 226

Page 148: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-03-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-07Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 12:05 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Chloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMCyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMDibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.9 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 102 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 97.7 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:19 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 4150 30.0 100 mg/L 100 04/15/11 12:42 PMSulfate 56.2 10.0 30.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 02:47 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 475 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:07 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:07 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:07 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 475 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:07 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.06 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:52 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 76 of 226

Page 149: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-03-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-07Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 12:05 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 10200 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCGTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 8120 50.0 50.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 77 of 226

Page 150: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-08Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 12:45 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) SW6020A Analyst: AJRCalcium 144 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:48 PMMagnesium 27.8 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:48 PMPotassium 1.95 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:36 PMSodium 66.8 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:48 PM

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMAcetone 0.00966 0.00500 0.0150 J mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMBenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 78 of 226

Page 151: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-08Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 12:45 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Chloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMCyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMDibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 108 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.4 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 104 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 97.7 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 01:43 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 149 3.00 10.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 12:53 PMSulfate 50.2 10.0 30.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 12:53 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 495 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:16 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:16 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:16 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 495 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:16 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.24 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:54 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 79 of 226

Page 152: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-08Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 12:45 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 1320 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCGTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 793 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 80 of 226

Page 153: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-09Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 03:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 5.04 0.659 1.88 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:56 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 7.20 0.659 1.88 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:56 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.659 0.659 1.88 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:56 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 12.2 0.659 1.88 mg/L 1 04/15/11 01:56 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 106 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:56 PM Surr: Octacosane 89.4 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 01:56 PM

Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) SW6020A Analyst: AJRCalcium 75.4 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:53 PMMagnesium 22.9 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:53 PMPotassium 2.57 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:42 PMSodium 275 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:53 PM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Water SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2-Methylnaphthalene 0.135 0.00500 0.0200 mg/L 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM2-Methylphenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.000250 0.000250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Methylphenol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM4-Nitrophenol <0.000500 0.000500 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMAcenaphthene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMAcenaphthylene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMAniline <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMAnthracene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 81 of 226

Page 154: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-09Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 03:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.000250 0.000250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.00400 0.00125 0.00375 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.00250 0.00250 0.00750 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMCarbazole <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMChrysene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.00250 0.00250 0.00750 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.00250 0.00250 0.00750 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMDibenzofuran 0.00465 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.00250 0.00250 0.00750 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.00250 0.00250 0.00750 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMFluoranthene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMFluorene 0.00235 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMHexachloroethane <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMIsophorone <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.000125 0.000125 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.000250 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMNaphthalene 0.123 0.00500 0.0200 mg/L 20 04/19/11 06:01 PMNitrobenzene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMPentachlorophenol <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMPhenanthrene 0.00335 0.000250 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMPhenol <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PMPyrene <0.000500 0.000500 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 94.0 0 42 - 124 %REC 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 80.0 0 48 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90.0 0 48 - 120 %REC 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 55.0 0 20 - 120 %REC 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 57.5 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 71.0 0 51 - 135 %REC 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 85.0 0 51 - 135 %REC 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 90.0 0 41 - 120 %REC 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 99.5 0 41 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 38.5 0 20 - 120 %REC 1 04/19/11 06:24 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 40.0 0 20 - 120 %REC 20 04/19/11 06:01 PM

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 82 of 226

Page 155: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-09Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 03:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0974 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0453 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMAcetone 0.0243 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMBenzene 0.000920 0.000200 0.00100 J mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMChloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMCyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMDibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 83 of 226

Page 156: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-GW-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-09Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 03:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Ethylbenzene 0.0414 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMIsopropylbenzene 0.0204 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMm,p-Xylene 0.111 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMMethylcyclohexane 0.0145 0.00500 0.0150 J mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMn-Butylbenzene 0.00314 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMn-Propylbenzene 0.0215 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMNaphthalene 0.166 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMo-Xylene 0.0564 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMp-Isopropyltoluene 0.00427 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMtert-Butylbenzene 0.00145 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMToluene 0.000670 0.000600 0.00200 J mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.7 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 101 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 97.3 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 02:08 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 458 3.00 10.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 01:40 PMSulfate 31.5 1.00 3.00 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:58 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 378 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:23 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:23 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:23 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 378 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:23 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.33 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:56 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 2020 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCGTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 1160 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 84 of 226

Page 157: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-10Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 08:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 147 7.50 21.4 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:29 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 994 7.50 21.4 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:29 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 75.1 7.50 21.4 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:29 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 1220 7.50 21.4 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:29 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 99.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 03:29 PM Surr: Octacosane 115 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 03:29 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 3.68 0.590 1.18 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PMBarium 120 0.590 2.36 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PMCadmium 0.215 0.118 0.354 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PMChromium 13.0 0.590 2.36 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PMLead 8.94 0.118 0.354 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PMSelenium 2.55 0.177 0.590 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PMSilver <0.118 0.118 0.236 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:30 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0170 0.0170 0.0425 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:28 PM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.0391 0.0391 0.103 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2-Methylnaphthalene 3.56 0.0783 0.208 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM2-Methylphenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.0235 0.0235 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.0235 0.0235 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Methylphenol <0.0157 0.0157 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM4-Nitrophenol <0.0391 0.0391 0.103 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMAcenaphthene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMAcenaphthylene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMAniline <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 85 of 226

Page 158: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-10Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 08:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Anthracene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBenzo[a]pyrene 0.0751 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.0235 0.0235 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.0313 0.0313 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMCarbazole <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMChrysene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.0313 0.0313 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.0313 0.0313 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMDibenzofuran <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.0313 0.0313 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.0313 0.0313 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMFluoranthene 0.0376 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMFluorene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.0235 0.0235 0.0517 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMHexachloroethane <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMIsophorone <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMNaphthalene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMNitrobenzene <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMPentachlorophenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMPhenanthrene 0.463 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMPhenol <0.00783 0.00783 0.0208 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PMPyrene 0.0188 0.00783 0.0208 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 64.4 0 45 - 126 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 84.6 0 45 - 126 %REC 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 62.9 0 60 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77.1 0 60 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 58.7 0 37 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 57.2 0 37 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 89.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 73.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 86 of 226

Page 159: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-10Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 08:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 71.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 67.2 0 45 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 59.7 0 40 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 09:20 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 51.7 0 40 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:31 PM

Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM2-Butanone <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM2-Hexanone <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMAcetone 0.103 0.0159 0.0530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMBenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMBromobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMBromochloromethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMBromodichloromethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMBromoform <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMBromomethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMCarbon disulfide <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMChlorobenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMChloroethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMChloroform <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMChloromethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 87 of 226

Page 160: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-10Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 08:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMCyclohexane <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 N mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMDibromochloromethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMDibromomethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMEthylbenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMIodomethane <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMIsopropylbenzene 0.300 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMm,p-Xylene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMMethylene chloride <0.00530 0.00530 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMn-Butylbenzene 0.00297 0.00106 0.00530 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMn-Propylbenzene 0.236 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMNaphthalene <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMo-Xylene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMStyrene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMtert-Butylbenzene 0.0316 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMTetrachloroethene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMToluene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMTrichloroethene <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.00530 0.00530 0.0159 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PMVinyl chloride <0.00106 0.00106 0.00530 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 123 0 52 - 149 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 176 0 84 - 118 S %REC 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 108 0 65 - 135 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 100 0 84 - 116 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:59 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 16.1 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 88 of 226

Page 161: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-11Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 08:40 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.17 7.17 20.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:38 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 17.2 7.17 20.5 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:38 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.17 7.17 20.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:38 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 17.2 7.17 20.5 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:38 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 93.8 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 03:38 PM Surr: Octacosane 98.4 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 03:38 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 10.2 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 89 of 226

Page 162: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-040Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-12Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 09:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 52.2 9.16 26.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:47 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 366 9.16 26.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:47 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 20.6 9.16 26.2 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:47 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 439 9.16 26.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 03:47 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 94.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 03:47 PM Surr: Octacosane 104 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 03:47 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 2.67 0.552 1.10 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PMBarium 118 0.552 2.21 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PMCadmium 0.238 0.110 0.331 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PMChromium 12.4 0.552 2.21 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PMLead 7.19 0.110 0.331 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PMSelenium 2.45 0.166 0.552 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PMSilver <0.110 0.110 0.221 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:35 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0193 0.0193 0.0483 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:31 PM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.0417 0.0417 0.110 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2-Methylnaphthalene 0.182 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2-Methylphenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.0250 0.0250 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.0250 0.0250 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Methylphenol <0.0167 0.0167 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM4-Nitrophenol <0.0417 0.0417 0.110 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMAcenaphthene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMAcenaphthylene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMAniline <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 90 of 226

Page 163: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-040Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-12Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 09:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Anthracene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.0250 0.0250 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.0333 0.0333 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMCarbazole <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMChrysene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.0333 0.0333 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.0333 0.0333 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMDibenzofuran <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.0333 0.0333 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.0333 0.0333 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMFluoranthene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMFluorene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.0250 0.0250 0.0550 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMHexachloroethane <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMIsophorone <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMNaphthalene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMNitrobenzene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMPentachlorophenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMPhenanthrene 0.0244 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMPhenol <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PMPyrene <0.00833 0.00833 0.0222 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80.3 0 45 - 126 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 58.5 0 60 - 125 S %REC 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 50.5 0 37 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 77.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 50.0 0 45 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 46.5 0 40 - 125 %REC 1 04/25/11 08:08 PM

Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 91 of 226

Page 164: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-040Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-12Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 09:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM2-Butanone <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM2-Hexanone <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMAcetone 0.0414 0.0165 0.0549 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMBenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMBromobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMBromochloromethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMBromodichloromethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMBromoform <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMBromomethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMCarbon disulfide 0.00111 0.00110 0.00549 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMChlorobenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMChloroethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMChloroform <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMChloromethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMCyclohexane <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 N mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMDibromochloromethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMDibromomethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMEthylbenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 92 of 226

Page 165: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-040Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-12Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 09:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Hexachlorobutadiene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMIodomethane <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMIsopropylbenzene 0.107 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMm,p-Xylene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMMethylene chloride <0.00549 0.00549 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMn-Butylbenzene 0.00764 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMn-Propylbenzene 0.0592 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMNaphthalene <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMo-Xylene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMStyrene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMtert-Butylbenzene 0.0216 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMTetrachloroethene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMToluene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMTrichloroethene <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.00549 0.00549 0.0165 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PMVinyl chloride <0.00110 0.00110 0.00549 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 114 0 52 - 149 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 140 0 84 - 118 S %REC 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 102 0 65 - 135 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 106 0 84 - 116 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:31 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 19.8 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 93 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-01-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-13Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 09:50 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 248 14.6 41.6 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 03:56 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 1460 14.6 41.6 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 03:56 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 93.8 14.6 41.6 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 03:56 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 1800 14.6 41.6 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 03:56 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 110 0 70 - 130 %REC 2 04/15/11 03:56 PM Surr: Octacosane 129 0 70 - 130 %REC 2 04/15/11 03:56 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 14.3 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 94 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-03-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-14Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 10:30 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 332 16.1 46.0 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 04:05 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 1840 16.1 46.0 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 04:05 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 96.7 16.1 46.0 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 04:05 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 2270 16.1 46.0 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 04:05 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 115 0 70 - 130 %REC 2 04/15/11 04:05 PM Surr: Octacosane 130 0 70 - 130 %REC 2 04/15/11 04:05 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 14.2 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 95 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-03-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-15Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 10:40 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.86 7.86 22.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:14 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.86 7.86 22.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:14 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.86 7.86 22.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:14 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.86 7.86 22.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:14 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 92.1 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:14 PM Surr: Octacosane 92.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:14 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 19.1 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 96 of 226

Page 169: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-04-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-16Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 10:45 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <9.79 9.79 28.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:23 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <9.79 9.79 28.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:23 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <9.79 9.79 28.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:23 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <9.79 9.79 28.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:23 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 92.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:23 PM Surr: Octacosane 94.4 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:23 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 17.1 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 97 of 226

Page 170: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: J-01-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-17Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 11:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <10.8 10.8 31.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:40 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <10.8 10.8 31.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:40 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <10.8 10.8 31.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:40 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <10.8 10.8 31.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:40 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 99.2 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:40 PM Surr: Octacosane 95.0 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:40 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 33.0 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 98 of 226

Page 171: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: J-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-18Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 11:15 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <9.21 9.21 26.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:49 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <9.21 9.21 26.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:49 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <9.21 9.21 26.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:49 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <9.21 9.21 26.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:49 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 93.0 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:49 PM Surr: Octacosane 90.8 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:49 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 5.10 0.597 1.19 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PMBarium 228 0.597 2.39 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PMCadmium 0.293 0.119 0.358 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PMChromium 18.7 0.597 2.39 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PMLead 16.2 0.119 0.358 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PMSelenium 4.46 0.179 0.597 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PMSilver <0.119 0.119 0.239 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:41 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury 0.0217 0.0190 0.0474 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:33 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 23.1 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 99 of 226

Page 172: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: J-04-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-19Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 12:00 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <8.29 8.29 23.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:58 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 24.7 8.29 23.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:58 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 14.5 8.29 23.7 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:58 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 39.3 8.29 23.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 04:58 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 91.4 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:58 PM Surr: Octacosane 125 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 04:58 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 16.7 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 100 of 226

Page 173: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-01-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-20Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 02:10 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <9.51 9.51 27.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:07 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <9.51 9.51 27.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:07 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <9.51 9.51 27.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:07 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <9.51 9.51 27.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:07 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 94.7 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:07 PM Surr: Octacosane 90.7 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:07 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 4.67 0.560 1.12 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PMBarium 171 0.560 2.24 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PMCadmium 0.336 0.112 0.336 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PMChromium 22.0 0.560 2.24 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PMLead 17.7 0.112 0.336 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PMSelenium 4.42 0.168 0.560 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PMSilver <0.112 0.112 0.224 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:36 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury 0.0219 0.0186 0.0465 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:35 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 23.7 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 101 of 226

Page 174: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-21Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 02:25 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <17.4 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:16 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <17.4 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:16 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <17.4 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:16 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <17.4 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:16 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 94.6 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:16 PM Surr: Octacosane 92.8 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:16 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 7.73 0.619 1.24 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PMBarium 468 0.619 2.48 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PMCadmium 0.464 0.124 0.371 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PMChromium 30.2 0.619 2.48 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PMLead 22.2 0.124 0.371 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PMSelenium 4.26 0.186 0.619 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PMSilver <0.124 0.124 0.248 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:40 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury 0.0515 0.0192 0.0479 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:37 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 23.8 0 0 WT% 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 102 of 226

Page 175: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-22Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 02:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <18.5 18.5 52.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:25 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <18.5 18.5 52.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:25 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <18.5 18.5 52.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:25 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <18.5 18.5 52.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:25 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 97.6 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:25 PM Surr: Octacosane 91.7 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:25 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 9.67 0.624 1.25 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PMBarium 246 0.624 2.49 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PMCadmium 0.467 0.125 0.374 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PMChromium 31.9 0.624 2.49 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PMLead 21.6 0.125 0.374 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PMSelenium 4.78 0.187 0.624 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PMSilver <0.125 0.125 0.249 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:52 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury 0.0349 0.0195 0.0488 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:39 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 27.8 0 0 WT% 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 103 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: O-02-030Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-23Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 02:35 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <17.8 17.8 50.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:34 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 31.6 17.8 50.8 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:34 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 18.5 17.8 50.8 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:34 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 50.1 17.8 50.8 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 05:34 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 96.1 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:34 PM Surr: Octacosane 95.8 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 05:34 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 3.97 0.624 1.25 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PMBarium 166 0.624 2.49 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PMCadmium 0.285 0.125 0.374 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PMChromium 20.8 0.624 2.49 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PMLead 14.8 0.125 0.374 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PMSelenium 3.95 0.187 0.624 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PMSilver <0.125 0.125 0.249 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 10:58 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury 0.0205 0.0182 0.0455 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:41 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 23.7 0 0 WT% 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 104 of 226

Page 177: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Trip Blank BProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-24Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11Lab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Trip Blank

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

8260 Water Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.00300 0.0100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.00150 0.00500 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM2-Butanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM2-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM2-Hexanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM4-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMAcetone <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMBenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMBromobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMBromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMBromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMBromoform <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMBromomethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMCarbon disulfide <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMCarbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMChlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMChloroethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMChloroform <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMChloromethane <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMcis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMCyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 N mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 105 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Trip Blank BProject: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-24Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11Lab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Trip Blank

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Dibromomethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMEthylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMHexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00100 0.00300 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMIodomethane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMIsopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMm,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMMethylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMMethylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250 0.00250 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMn-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMn-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMNaphthalene <0.00500 0.00500 0.0150 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMo-Xylene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMsec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMStyrene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMtert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.000300 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMTetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMToluene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMTrichloroethene <0.000600 0.000600 0.00200 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.000200 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AMVinyl chloride <0.000100 0.000100 0.00100 mg/L 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 0 72 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.6 0 76 - 119 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 103 0 85 - 115 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM Surr: Toluene-d8 98.2 0 81 - 120 %REC 1 04/22/11 11:38 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 106 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-25Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 1760 71.8 205 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 05:43 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 8220 71.8 205 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 05:43 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 453 71.8 205 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 05:43 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 10400 71.8 205 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 05:43 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 137 0 70 - 130 S %REC 5 04/15/11 05:43 PM Surr: Octacosane 170 0 70 - 130 S %REC 5 04/15/11 05:43 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 1.42 0.486 0.973 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PMBarium 32.7 0.486 1.95 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PMCadmium 0.113 0.0973 0.292 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PMChromium 5.07 0.486 1.95 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PMLead 3.10 0.0973 0.292 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PMSelenium 1.59 0.146 0.486 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PMSilver <0.0973 0.0973 0.195 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 09:19 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0164 0.0164 0.0411 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:14 PM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.178 0.178 0.469 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2-Chlorophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2-Methylnaphthalene 23.6 0.710 1.89 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM2-Methylphenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2-Nitroaniline <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM2-Nitrophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM3-Nitroaniline <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.107 0.107 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Chloroaniline <0.107 0.107 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Methylphenol <0.0710 0.0710 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Nitroaniline <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM4-Nitrophenol <0.178 0.178 0.469 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMAcenaphthene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMAcenaphthylene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMAniline <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 107 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-25Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Anthracene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBenzyl alcohol <0.0355 0.0355 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.107 0.107 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.142 0.142 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMCarbazole <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMChrysene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.142 0.142 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.142 0.142 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMDibenzofuran 1.33 0.710 1.89 J mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 11:16 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.142 0.142 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMDimethyl phthalate <0.142 0.142 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMFluoranthene 0.109 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMFluorene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMHexachlorobenzene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMHexachlorobutadiene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.107 0.107 0.234 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMHexachloroethane <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMIsophorone <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMNaphthalene 11.1 0.710 1.89 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 11:16 PMNitrobenzene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMPentachlorophenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMPhenanthrene 1.62 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMPhenol <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AMPyrene <0.0355 0.0355 0.0944 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 79.6 0 45 - 126 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74.6 0 45 - 126 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74.6 0 60 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73.4 0 60 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 24.9 0 37 - 125 S %REC 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 74.6 0 37 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 99.5 0 45 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 84.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 108 of 226

Page 181: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-25Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 90.8 0 45 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 74.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 74.6 0 40 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:16 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 67.2 0 40 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:05 AM

8260 Soil Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM2-Butanone <0.265 0.265 0.795 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM2-Hexanone <0.265 0.265 0.795 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.265 0.265 0.795 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMAcetone <0.795 0.795 2.65 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMBenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMBromobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMBromochloromethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMBromodichloromethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMBromoform <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMBromomethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMCarbon disulfide <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMChlorobenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMChloroethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMChloroform <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMChloromethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 109 of 226

Page 182: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-25Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMCyclohexane <0.265 0.265 0.795 N mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMDibromochloromethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMDibromomethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMEthylbenzene 1.94 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMIodomethane <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMIsopropylbenzene 2.95 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMm,p-Xylene 0.0615 0.0530 0.265 J mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMMethylcyclohexane 1.87 0.265 0.795 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMMethylene chloride <0.265 0.265 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMn-Butylbenzene 0.428 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMn-Propylbenzene 3.36 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMNaphthalene 18.3 0.265 0.795 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMo-Xylene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMStyrene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMtert-Butylbenzene 0.442 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMTetrachloroethene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMToluene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMTrichloroethene <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.265 0.265 0.795 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PMVinyl chloride <0.0530 0.0530 0.265 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106 0 52 - 149 %REC 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 110 0 84 - 118 %REC 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 104 0 65 - 135 %REC 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 98.9 0 84 - 116 %REC 50 04/18/11 05:32 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 5.69 0 0 WT% 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 110 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-021Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-26Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 1390 127 363 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 05:52 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 6970 127 363 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 05:52 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 353 127 363 J mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 05:52 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 8720 127 363 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 05:52 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 135 0 70 - 130 S %REC 10 04/15/11 05:52 PM Surr: Octacosane 166 0 70 - 130 S %REC 10 04/15/11 05:52 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 1.70 0.507 1.01 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PMBarium 51.2 0.507 2.03 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PMCadmium 0.169 0.101 0.304 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PMChromium 6.94 0.507 2.03 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PMLead 4.18 0.101 0.304 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PMSelenium 1.90 0.152 0.507 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PMSilver <0.101 0.101 0.203 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:03 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0145 0.0145 0.0363 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:43 PM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.182 0.182 0.482 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2-Chlorophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2-Methylnaphthalene 26.3 0.730 1.94 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM2-Methylphenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2-Nitroaniline <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM2-Nitrophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM3-Nitroaniline <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.109 0.109 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Chloroaniline <0.109 0.109 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Methylphenol <0.0730 0.0730 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Nitroaniline <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM4-Nitrophenol <0.182 0.182 0.482 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMAcenaphthene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMAcenaphthylene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMAniline <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 111 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-021Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-26Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Anthracene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBenzyl alcohol <0.0365 0.0365 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.109 0.109 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.146 0.146 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMCarbazole <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMChrysene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.146 0.146 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.146 0.146 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMDibenzofuran 1.56 0.730 1.94 J mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 11:39 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.146 0.146 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMDimethyl phthalate <0.146 0.146 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMFluoranthene 0.122 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMFluorene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMHexachlorobenzene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMHexachlorobutadiene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.109 0.109 0.241 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMHexachloroethane <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMIsophorone <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMNaphthalene 12.0 0.730 1.94 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 11:39 PMNitrobenzene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMPentachlorophenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMPhenanthrene 1.84 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMPhenol <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AMPyrene <0.0365 0.0365 0.0971 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80.8 0 45 - 126 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74.6 0 45 - 126 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74.6 0 60 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 78.4 0 60 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 24.9 0 37 - 125 S %REC 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 73.4 0 37 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 99.5 0 45 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 88.3 0 45 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 112 of 226

Page 185: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-021Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-26Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 87.1 0 45 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 74.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 74.6 0 40 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 11:39 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 67.2 0 40 - 125 %REC 5 04/26/11 01:28 AM

8260 Soil Volatiles by GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM2-Butanone <0.269 0.269 0.807 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM2-Hexanone <0.269 0.269 0.807 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.269 0.269 0.807 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMAcetone <0.807 0.807 2.69 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMBenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMBromobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMBromochloromethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMBromodichloromethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMBromoform <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMBromomethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMCarbon disulfide <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMChlorobenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMChloroethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMChloroform <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMChloromethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 113 of 226

Page 186: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-021Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-26Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMCyclohexane <0.269 0.269 0.807 N mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMDibromochloromethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMDibromomethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMEthylbenzene 0.686 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMIodomethane <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMIsopropylbenzene 1.24 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMm,p-Xylene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMMethylcyclohexane <0.269 0.269 0.807 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMMethylene chloride <0.269 0.269 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMn-Butylbenzene 0.213 0.0538 0.269 J mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMn-Propylbenzene 1.53 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMNaphthalene 12.2 0.269 0.807 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMo-Xylene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMp-Isopropyltoluene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMStyrene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMtert-Butylbenzene 0.213 0.0538 0.269 J mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMTetrachloroethene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMToluene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMTrichloroethene <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.269 0.269 0.807 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PMVinyl chloride <0.0538 0.0538 0.269 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106 0 52 - 149 %REC 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 0 84 - 118 %REC 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 103 0 65 - 135 %REC 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 95.9 0 84 - 116 %REC 50 04/18/11 06:03 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 7.01 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 114 of 226

Page 187: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-030Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-27Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 11:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 2870 137 390 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 06:01 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 10400 137 390 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 06:01 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 452 137 390 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 06:01 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 13700 137 390 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/15/11 06:01 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 157 0 70 - 130 S %REC 10 04/15/11 06:01 PM Surr: Octacosane 211 0 70 - 130 S %REC 10 04/15/11 06:01 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 2.59 0.525 1.05 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PMBarium 68.0 0.525 2.10 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PMCadmium 0.207 0.105 0.315 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PMChromium 11.7 0.525 2.10 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PMLead 6.33 0.105 0.315 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PMSelenium 4.53 0.158 0.525 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PMSilver <0.105 0.105 0.210 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:08 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0166 0.0166 0.0415 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:45 PM

Semivolatiles by GC/MS - Soil SW8270D Analyst: DO2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,4-Dichlorophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,4-Dimethylphenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,4-Dinitrophenol <0.393 0.393 1.04 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,6-Dichlorophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2-Chloronaphthalene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2-Chlorophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2-Methylnaphthalene 44.2 0.786 2.09 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM2-Methylphenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2-Nitroaniline <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM2-Nitrophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM3-Nitroaniline <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.236 0.236 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Chloroaniline <0.236 0.236 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Methylphenol <0.157 0.157 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Nitroaniline <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM4-Nitrophenol <0.393 0.393 1.04 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMAcenaphthene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMAcenaphthylene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMAniline <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 115 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-030Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-27Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 11:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Anthracene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBenzo[a]anthracene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBenzo[a]pyrene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBenzo[b]fluoranthene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBenzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBenzo[k]fluoranthene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBenzyl alcohol <0.0786 0.0786 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.236 0.236 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMButyl benzyl phthalate <0.314 0.314 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMCarbazole <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMChrysene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMDi-n-butyl phthalate <0.314 0.314 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMDi-n-octyl phthalate <0.314 0.314 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMDibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMDibenzofuran 2.52 0.786 2.09 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 10:29 PMDiethyl phthalate <0.314 0.314 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMDimethyl phthalate <0.314 0.314 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMFluoranthene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMFluorene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMHexachlorobenzene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMHexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.236 0.236 0.519 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMHexachloroethane <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMIndeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMIsophorone <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMN-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMN-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMNaphthalene 19.5 0.786 2.09 mg/Kg-dry 100 04/26/11 10:29 PMNitrobenzene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMPentachlorophenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMPhenanthrene 2.49 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMPhenol <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PMPyrene <0.0786 0.0786 0.209 mg/Kg-dry 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 64.7 0 45 - 126 %REC 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74.6 0 45 - 126 %REC 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 99.5 0 60 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 219 0 60 - 125 S %REC 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 79.6 0 37 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 49.8 0 37 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 99.5 0 45 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 89.6 0 45 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 116 of 226

Page 189: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-030Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-27Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 11:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 24.9 0 45 - 125 S %REC 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 27.4 0 45 - 125 S %REC 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 54.7 0 40 - 125 %REC 10 04/26/11 10:52 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 49.8 0 40 - 125 %REC 100 04/26/11 10:29 PM

Volatiles by 8260/5035 GC/MS SW8260C Analyst: KL1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,1-Dichloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,1-Dichloroethene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,1-Dichloropropene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 49.1 0.583 2.91 mg/Kg-dry 500 04/15/11 06:02 PM1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2-Dibromoethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2-Dichloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,2-Dichloropropane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 23.3 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,3-Dichloropropane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM2,2-Dichloropropane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM2-Butanone <0.291 0.291 0.874 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM2-Chlorotoluene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM2-Hexanone <0.291 0.291 0.874 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM4-Chlorotoluene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM4-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.291 0.291 0.874 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMAcetone <0.874 0.874 2.91 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMBenzene 0.171 0.0583 0.291 J mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMBromobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMBromochloromethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMBromodichloromethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMBromoform <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMBromomethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMCarbon disulfide <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMCarbon tetrachloride <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMChlorobenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMChloroethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMChloroform <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMChloromethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMcis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 117 of 226

Page 190: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-030Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-27Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 11:00 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMCyclohexane 1.70 0.291 0.874 N mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMDibromochloromethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMDibromomethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMDichlorodifluoromethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMEthylbenzene 14.0 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMHexachlorobutadiene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMIodomethane <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMIsopropylbenzene 9.18 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMm,p-Xylene 45.5 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMMethyl tert-butyl ether <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMMethylcyclohexane 27.0 0.291 0.874 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMMethylene chloride <0.291 0.291 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMn-Butylbenzene 3.37 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMn-Propylbenzene 7.49 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMNaphthalene 35.5 2.91 8.74 mg/Kg-dry 500 04/15/11 06:02 PMo-Xylene 20.0 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMp-Isopropyltoluene 4.53 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMsec-Butylbenzene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMStyrene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMtert-Butylbenzene 0.851 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMTetrachloroethene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMToluene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMTrichloroethene <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMTrichlorofluoromethane <0.291 0.291 0.874 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PMVinyl chloride <0.0583 0.0583 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 108 0 52 - 149 %REC 500 04/15/11 06:02 PM Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 0 52 - 149 %REC 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.9 0 84 - 118 %REC 500 04/15/11 06:02 PM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 120 0 84 - 118 S %REC 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 102 0 65 - 135 %REC 500 04/15/11 06:02 PM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 102 0 65 - 135 %REC 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 98.1 0 84 - 116 %REC 500 04/15/11 06:02 PM Surr: Toluene-d8 133 0 84 - 116 S %REC 50 04/15/11 06:33 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 14.2 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 118 of 226

Page 191: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: J-05-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-28Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 02:55 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <8.56 8.56 24.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:19 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 84.3 8.56 24.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:19 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <8.56 8.56 24.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:19 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 84.3 8.56 24.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:19 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 93.8 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 06:19 PM Surr: Octacosane 96.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 06:19 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 23.2 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 119 of 226

Page 192: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-29Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 05:05 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.55 7.55 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:28 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.55 7.55 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:28 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.55 7.55 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:28 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.55 7.55 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 06:28 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 95.1 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 06:28 PM Surr: Octacosane 98.4 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 06:28 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 3.00 0.537 1.07 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PMBarium 418 0.537 2.15 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PMCadmium 0.165 0.107 0.322 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PMChromium 16.8 0.537 2.15 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PMLead 11.8 0.107 0.322 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PMSelenium 1.75 0.161 0.537 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PMSilver <0.107 0.107 0.215 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:14 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0181 0.0181 0.0454 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:51 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 13.0 0 0 WT% 1 04/20/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 120 of 226

Page 193: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-02-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-30Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 05:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <15.6 15.6 44.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:22 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <15.6 15.6 44.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:22 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <15.6 15.6 44.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:22 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <15.6 15.6 44.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:22 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 94.3 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:22 PM Surr: Octacosane 100 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:22 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic <0.511 0.511 1.02 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PMBarium 6.10 0.511 2.04 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PMCadmium <0.102 0.102 0.307 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PMChromium 2.64 0.511 2.04 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PMLead 1.43 0.102 0.307 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PMSelenium 0.918 0.153 0.511 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PMSilver <0.102 0.102 0.204 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:19 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0170 0.0170 0.0426 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:53 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 14.9 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 121 of 226

Page 194: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-01-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-31Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 06:05 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.98 7.98 22.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:31 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.98 7.98 22.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:31 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.98 7.98 22.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:31 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.98 7.98 22.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:31 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 97.1 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:31 PM Surr: Octacosane 100 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:31 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 1.52 0.486 0.972 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PMBarium 26.8 0.486 1.94 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PMCadmium 0.146 0.0972 0.291 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PMChromium 15.7 0.486 1.94 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PMLead 7.42 0.0972 0.291 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PMSelenium 4.22 0.146 0.486 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PMSilver <0.0972 0.0972 0.194 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:25 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0153 0.0153 0.0383 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:55 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 11.3 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 122 of 226

Page 195: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-01-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-32Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 06:05 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <8.14 8.14 23.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:40 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <8.14 8.14 23.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:40 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <8.14 8.14 23.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:40 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <8.14 8.14 23.3 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:40 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 101 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:40 PM Surr: Octacosane 101 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:40 PM

Trace Metals: ICP-MS - Solid SW6020A Analyst: AJRArsenic 1.38 0.554 1.11 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PMBarium 27.3 0.554 2.21 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PMCadmium 0.157 0.111 0.332 J mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PMChromium 15.4 0.554 2.21 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PMLead 7.73 0.111 0.332 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PMSelenium 4.31 0.166 0.554 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PMSilver <0.111 0.111 0.221 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/19/11 11:30 PM

Total Mercury: Soil/Solid SW7471A Analyst: LMMercury <0.0174 0.0174 0.0434 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/25/11 03:57 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 11.5 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 123 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: Q-01-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-33Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 06:15 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <11.4 11.4 32.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:58 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <11.4 11.4 32.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:58 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <11.4 11.4 32.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:58 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <11.4 11.4 32.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 07:58 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 95.5 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:58 PM Surr: Octacosane 99.9 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 07:58 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 40.4 0 0 WT% 1 04/21/11 08:50 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 124 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: P-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-34Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 08:20 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <13.1 13.1 37.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:07 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <13.1 13.1 37.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:07 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <13.1 13.1 37.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:07 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <13.1 13.1 37.5 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:07 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 98.7 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:07 PM Surr: Octacosane 106 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:07 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 8.46 0 0 WT% 1 04/21/11 08:50 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 125 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: P-01-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-35Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 08:35 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.71 7.71 22.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:16 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 36.4 7.71 22.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:16 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 17.8 7.71 22.0 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:16 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 54.2 7.71 22.0 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:16 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 100 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:16 PM Surr: Octacosane 104 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:16 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 15.8 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 126 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: P-01-020Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-36Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 08:40 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <13.7 13.7 39.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:25 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <13.7 13.7 39.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:25 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <13.7 13.7 39.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:25 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <13.7 13.7 39.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:25 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 103 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:25 PM Surr: Octacosane 101 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:25 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 12.2 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 127 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-05-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-37Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 09:30 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <14.6 14.6 41.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:34 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <14.6 14.6 41.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:34 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <14.6 14.6 41.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:34 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <14.6 14.6 41.8 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:34 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 103 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:34 PM Surr: Octacosane 100 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:34 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 8.53 0 0 WT% 1 04/21/11 08:50 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 128 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-04-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-38Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 09:50 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.56 7.56 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:42 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.56 7.56 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:42 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.56 7.56 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:42 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.56 7.56 21.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 08:42 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 107 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:42 PM Surr: Octacosane 103 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 08:42 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 15.7 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 129 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-01-011Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-39Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:05 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 175 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 08:51 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 1700 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 08:51 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 158 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 08:51 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 2030 17.4 49.7 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 08:51 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 114 0 70 - 130 %REC 2 04/15/11 08:51 PM Surr: Octacosane 143 0 70 - 130 S %REC 2 04/15/11 08:51 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 19.9 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 130 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-02-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-40Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:15 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 530 14.6 41.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:00 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 2150 14.6 41.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:00 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 138 14.6 41.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:00 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 2820 14.6 41.7 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:00 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 113 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 09:00 PM Surr: Octacosane 130 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 09:00 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 15.0 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 131 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-03-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-41Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:50 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.42 7.42 21.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:09 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.42 7.42 21.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:09 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.42 7.42 21.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:09 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.42 7.42 21.2 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:09 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 105 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 09:09 PM Surr: Octacosane 104 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 09:09 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 13.9 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 132 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: T-01-GW-013Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-42Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 04:30 PMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Aqueous

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Water TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.670 0.670 1.91 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:14 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.670 0.670 1.91 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:14 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.670 0.670 1.91 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:14 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.670 0.670 1.91 mg/L 1 04/15/11 02:14 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 92.4 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 02:14 PM Surr: Octacosane 88.5 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 02:14 PM

Trace Metals-ICPMS (10µ filter) SW6020A Analyst: AJRCalcium 113 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:31 PMMagnesium 90.9 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:31 PMPotassium 2.07 0.100 0.300 mg/L 1 04/18/11 08:20 PMSodium 291 2.00 6.00 mg/L 20 04/19/11 05:31 PM

Anions by IC method - Water E300 Analyst: JBCChloride 547 30.0 100 mg/L 100 04/15/11 03:44 PMSulfate 69.0 10.0 30.0 mg/L 10 04/15/11 01:51 PM

Alkalinity M2320 B Analyst: JBCAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 443 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:38 AMAlkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:38 AMAlkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:38 AMAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 443 10.0 20.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 09:38 AM

pH M4500-H+ B Analyst: JBCpH 7.42 0 0 pH Units 1 04/15/11 10:57 AM

Specific Conductance M2510 B Analyst: JCGSpecific Conductance 2440 10.0 10.0 µmhos/cm 1 04/18/11 03:55 PM

Total Dissolved Solids M2540C Analyst: JCGTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Filterable) 1490 10.0 10.0 mg/L 1 04/18/11 05:30 PM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 133 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: S-01-013Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-43Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/14/11 10:05 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 428 45.7 131 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 09:18 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 5240 45.7 131 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 09:18 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 591 45.7 131 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 09:18 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 6260 45.7 131 mg/Kg-dry 5 04/15/11 09:18 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 117 0 70 - 130 %REC 5 04/15/11 09:18 PM Surr: Octacosane 247 0 70 - 130 S %REC 5 04/15/11 09:18 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 19.7 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 134 of 226

Page 207: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: J-03-010Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-44Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 11:45 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <9.30 9.30 26.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:54 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 24.6 9.30 26.6 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:54 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 18.5 9.30 26.6 J mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:54 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 43.0 9.30 26.6 mg/Kg-dry 1 04/15/11 09:54 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 105 0 70 - 130 %REC 1 04/15/11 09:54 PM Surr: Octacosane 131 0 70 - 130 S %REC 1 04/15/11 09:54 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 24.0 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 135 of 226

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DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS Corporation Client Sample ID: K-02-030Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co. Lab ID: 1104097-45Project No: TAMU-Burkhart Collection Date: 04/13/11 08:45 AMLab Order: 1104097 Matrix: Soil

Analyses Result SDL RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

Tx1005 TPH Soil TX1005 Analyst: DEWT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 414 15.3 43.8 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 10:03 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 2340 15.3 43.8 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 10:03 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 159 15.3 43.8 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 10:03 PMT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 2910 15.3 43.8 mg/Kg-dry 2 04/15/11 10:03 PM Surr: Isopropylbenzene 127 0 70 - 130 %REC 2 04/15/11 10:03 PM Surr: Octacosane 156 0 70 - 130 S %REC 2 04/15/11 10:03 PM

Percent Moisture D2216 Analyst: JCGPercent Moisture 16.1 0 0 WT% 1 04/19/11 09:00 AM

Qualifiers: See Final Page of Report for MQLs and MDLsB Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankC Sample Result or QC discussed in the Case NarrativeDF Dilution FactorE TPH pattern not Gas or Diesel Range Pattern

J Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certifiedND Not Detected at the SDLRL Reporting Limit (MQL adjusted for moisture and sample size)S Spike Recovery outside control limitsSDL Sample Detection Limit Page 136 of 226

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45915 Batch ID: 45915 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 12:35 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <0.700 2.00T/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <0.700 2.00T/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <0.700 2.00T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <0.700 2.00 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 2.33 2.500 93.0 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 2.49 2.500 99.4 70 130

Sample ID: LCS-45915 Batch ID: 45915 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 12:44 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 25.7 2.00 25.00 0 103 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 2.55 2.500 102 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 2.35 2.500 94.0 70 130

Sample ID: LCSD-45915 Batch ID: 45915 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 12:53 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 23.7 2.00 25.00 0 94.9 75 125 8.09 20 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 2.35 2.500 94.0 70 130 0 0 Surr: Octacosane 2.47 2.500 98.6 70 130 0 0

Sample ID: 1104097-42AMS Batch ID: 45915 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 02:23 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 15.4 1.89 23.64 0 65.2 75 125 S Surr: Isopropylbenzene 2.03 2.364 85.9 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 2.03 2.364 85.7 70 130

Sample ID: 1104097-42AMSD Batch ID: 45915 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 02:32 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 15.5 1.92 24.00 0 64.5 75 125 0.450 20 S Surr: Isopropylbenzene 2.17 2.400 90.3 70 130 0 0 Surr: Octacosane 2.22 2.400 92.4 70 130 0 0

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110415 Batch ID: R54456 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:08 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 1140 2.00 1000 0 114 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 53.2 50.00 106 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 48.9 50.00 97.7 70 130

Sample ID: CCV1-110415 Batch ID: R54456 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:57 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 531 2.00 500.0 0 106 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 24.9 25.00 99.7 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.0 25.00 99.9 70 130

Sample ID: CCV2-110415 Batch ID: R54456 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 02:05 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 557 2.00 500.0 0 111 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.9 25.00 103 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 24.1 25.00 96.4 70 130

Sample ID: CCV3-110415 Batch ID: R54456 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 02:53 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 521 2.00 500.0 0 104 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 24.7 25.00 98.8 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.7 25.00 103 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45912 Batch ID: 45912 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:02 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.00 20.0 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.0 25.00 100 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.5 25.00 102 70 130

Sample ID: LCS-45912 Batch ID: 45912 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:11 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 263 20.0 250.0 0 105 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.2 25.00 101 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.0 25.00 99.9 70 130

Sample ID: LCSD-45912 Batch ID: 45912 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: LCSD Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:20 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 274 20.0 250.0 0 109 75 125 3.85 50 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.4 25.00 102 70 130 0 0 Surr: Octacosane 25.2 25.00 101 70 130 0 0

Sample ID: 1104097-29AMS Batch ID: 45912 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 06:37 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 263 21.8 272.7 0 96.3 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.9 27.27 95.0 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 27.0 27.27 98.9 70 130

Sample ID: 1104097-29AMSD Batch ID: 45912 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 06:46 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 305 22.3 278.8 0 109 75 125 14.8 50 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 28.4 27.88 102 70 130 0 0 Surr: Octacosane 28.1 27.88 101 70 130 0 0

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45913 Batch ID: 45913 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 06:55 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 <7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 <7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 <7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 <7.00 20.0 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.8 25.00 103 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 26.9 25.00 107 70 130

Sample ID: LCS-45913 Batch ID: 45913 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 07:04 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 270 20.0 250.0 0 108 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.3 25.00 101 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.6 25.00 102 70 130

Sample ID: LCSD-45913 Batch ID: 45913 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: LCSD Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 07:13 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 278 20.0 250.0 0 111 75 125 2.94 50 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.9 25.00 104 70 130 0 0 Surr: Octacosane 26.4 25.00 106 70 130 0 0

Sample ID: 1104097-43AMS Batch ID: 45913 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:36 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 12000 140 349.6 6263 1650 75 125 S Surr: Isopropylbenzene 44.2 34.96 126 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 113 34.96 323 70 130 S

Sample ID: 1104097-43AMSD Batch ID: 45913 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:45 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 17600 177 441.4 6263 2560 75 125 37.3 50 S Surr: Isopropylbenzene 55.1 44.14 125 70 130 0 0 Surr: Octacosane 167 44.14 378 70 130 0 0 S

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:08 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 1140 20.0 1000 0 114 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 53.2 50.00 106 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 48.9 50.00 97.7 70 130

Sample ID: CCV3-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 02:53 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 521 20.0 500.0 0 104 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 24.7 25.00 98.8 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.7 25.00 103 70 130

Sample ID: CCV4-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 04:32 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 565 20.0 500.0 0 113 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 26.8 25.00 107 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 24.1 25.00 96.5 70 130

Sample ID: CCV5-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 06:10 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 543 20.0 500.0 0 109 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 25.7 25.00 103 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.2 25.00 101 70 130

Sample ID: CCV6-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 07:49 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 474 20.0 500.0 0 94.8 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 22.8 25.00 91.3 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 22.6 25.00 90.6 70 130

Sample ID: CCV7-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:27 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 543 20.0 500.0 0 109 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 26.5 25.00 106 70 130 Surr: Octacosane 25.5 25.00 102 70 130

Sample ID: CCV8-110415 Batch ID: R54467 TestNo: TX1005 Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: GC15_110415C Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:12 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualT/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 534 20.0 500.0 0 107 75 125 Surr: Isopropylbenzene 26.0 25.00 104 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Surr: Octacosane 24.9 25.00 99.7 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45952 Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 10:50 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury <0.0000800 0.000200

Sample ID: LCS-45952 Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 10:56 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00211 0.000200 0.00200 0 106 85 115

Sample ID: LCSD-45952 Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 10:58 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00213 0.000200 0.00200 0 106 85 115 0.943 15

Sample ID: 1104097-05C SD Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: SD Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 11:17 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury <0.000400 0.00100 0 0 0 10

Sample ID: 1104097-05C PDS Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: PDS Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 11:19 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00239 0.000200 0.00250 0 95.6 85 115

Sample ID: 1104097-05C MS Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 11:21 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00208 0.000200 0.00200 0 104 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-05C MSD Batch ID: 45952 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 11:23 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00210 0.000200 0.00200 0 105 80 120 0.957 15

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110420 Batch ID: R54513 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 10:44 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00420 0.000200 0.00400 0 105 90 110

Sample ID: CCV1-110420 Batch ID: R54513 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 11:09 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00205 0.000200 0.00200 0 103 90 110

Sample ID: CCV2-110420 Batch ID: R54513 TestNo: SW7470A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110420B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 11:29 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00208 0.000200 0.00200 0 104 90 110

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45957 Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:02 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury <0.0160 0.0400

Sample ID: LCS-45957 Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:06 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.204 0.0400 0.2000 0 102 85 115

Sample ID: LCSD-45957 Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCSD Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:08 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.210 0.0400 0.2000 0 105 85 115 2.90 25

Sample ID: 1104097-25B SD Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: SD Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:16 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury <0.0822 0.205 0 0 0 10

Sample ID: 1104097-25B PDS Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: PDS Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:18 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.231 0.0411 0.2567 0 90.0 85 115

Sample ID: 1104097-25B MS Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:20 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.214 0.0409 0.2046 0 104 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-25B MSD Batch ID: 45957 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:26 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.212 0.0404 0.2019 0 105 80 120 0.864 25

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110425 Batch ID: R54596 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 02:58 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00377 0.0400 0.004000 0 94.2 90 110

Sample ID: CCV1-110425 Batch ID: R54596 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:22 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00184 0.0400 0.002000 0 92.0 90 110

Sample ID: CCV2-110425 Batch ID: R54596 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 03:47 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00186 0.0400 0.002000 0 93.0 90 110

Sample ID: CCV3-110425 Batch ID: R54596 TestNo: SW7471A Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: CETAC_HG_110425D Analysis Date: 04/25/11 04:14 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualMercury 0.00181 0.0400 0.002000 0 90.5 90 110

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45923 Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:40 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic <0.00200 0.00500Barium <0.00300 0.0100Cadmium <0.000300 0.00100Calcium <0.100 0.300Chromium <0.00200 0.00500Lead <0.000300 0.00100Magnesium <0.100 0.300Potassium <0.100 0.300Selenium <0.00200 0.00600Silver <0.00100 0.00200Sodium <0.100 0.300

Sample ID: LCS-45923 Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:45 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.198 0.00500 0.200 0 98.8 80 120Barium 0.195 0.0100 0.200 0 97.7 80 120Cadmium 0.197 0.00100 0.200 0 98.3 80 120Calcium 5.13 0.300 5.00 0 103 80 120Chromium 0.188 0.00500 0.200 0 94.2 80 120Lead 0.202 0.00100 0.200 0 101 80 120Magnesium 5.02 0.300 5.00 0 100 80 120Potassium 5.02 0.300 5.00 0 100 80 120Selenium 0.207 0.00600 0.200 0 103 80 120Silver 0.190 0.00200 0.200 0 95.2 80 120Sodium 4.99 0.300 5.00 0 99.9 80 120

Sample ID: LCSD-45923 Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:51 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.200 0.00500 0.200 0 100 80 120 1.46 15Barium 0.202 0.0100 0.200 0 101 80 120 3.17 15Cadmium 0.203 0.00100 0.200 0 102 80 120 3.35 15Calcium 5.26 0.300 5.00 0 105 80 120 2.54 15Chromium 0.200 0.00500 0.200 0 99.9 80 120 5.87 15Lead 0.208 0.00100 0.200 0 104 80 120 2.88 15Magnesium 5.29 0.300 5.00 0 106 80 120 5.32 15Potassium 5.25 0.300 5.00 0 105 80 120 4.54 15Selenium 0.210 0.00600 0.200 0 105 80 120 1.87 15Silver 0.196 0.00200 0.200 0 98.1 80 120 3.05 15Sodium 5.25 0.300 5.00 0 105 80 120 4.96 15

Sample ID: 1104097-03C SD Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: SD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 06:07 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic <0.0100 0.0250 0 0 0 10Barium 0.370 0.0500 0 0.391 5.35 10Cadmium <0.00150 0.00500 0 0 0 10Chromium <0.0100 0.0250 0 0 0 10Lead <0.00150 0.00500 0 0 0 10Potassium 1.76 1.50 0 1.82 3.30 10Selenium <0.0100 0.0300 0 0 0 10Silver <0.00500 0.0100 0 0 0 10

Sample ID: 1104097-03C PDS Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: PDS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 06:40 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.204 0.00500 0.200 0 102 80 120Barium 0.577 0.0100 0.200 0.391 93.3 80 120Cadmium 0.203 0.00100 0.200 0 102 80 120Chromium 0.205 0.00500 0.200 0 102 80 120Lead 0.218 0.00100 0.200 0 109 80 120Potassium 6.86 0.300 5.00 1.82 101 80 120Selenium 0.205 0.00600 0.200 0 102 80 120Silver 0.190 0.00200 0.200 0 95.2 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-03C MS Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 06:46 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.197 0.00500 0.200 0 98.6 80 120Barium 0.562 0.0100 0.200 0.391 85.6 80 120Cadmium 0.194 0.00100 0.200 0 97.0 80 120Calcium 86.6 0.300 5.00 88.5 -37.8 80 120 SChromium 0.189 0.00500 0.200 0 94.3 80 120Lead 0.207 0.00100 0.200 0 103 80 120Magnesium 29.3 0.300 5.00 26.8 50.2 80 120 SPotassium 6.68 0.300 5.00 1.82 97.3 80 120Selenium 0.197 0.00600 0.200 0 98.4 80 120Silver 0.186 0.00200 0.200 0 93.2 80 120Sodium 87.2 0.300 5.00 89.3 -41.2 80 120 S

Sample ID: 1104097-03C MSD Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 06:51 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.200 0.00500 0.200 0 100 80 120 1.56 15Barium 0.567 0.0100 0.200 0.391 88.2 80 120 0.921 15Cadmium 0.195 0.00100 0.200 0 97.7 80 120 0.771 15Calcium 88.5 0.300 5.00 88.5 0.200 80 120 2.17 15 SChromium 0.189 0.00500 0.200 0 94.6 80 120 0.265 15Lead 0.210 0.00100 0.200 0 105 80 120 1.49 15Magnesium 29.9 0.300 5.00 26.8 61.4 80 120 1.89 15 S

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 221: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Potassium 6.80 0.300 5.00 1.82 99.6 80 120 1.72 15Selenium 0.205 0.00600 0.200 0 102 80 120 3.88 15Silver 0.188 0.00200 0.200 0 94.0 80 120 0.801 15Sodium 88.6 0.300 5.00 89.3 -13.2 80 120 1.59 15 S

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 222: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV1-110418 Batch ID: R54483 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 04:50 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.103 0.00500 0.100 0 103 90 110Barium 0.103 0.0100 0.100 0 103 90 110Cadmium 0.103 0.00100 0.100 0 103 90 110Calcium 2.64 0.300 2.50 0 106 90 110Chromium 0.104 0.00500 0.100 0 104 90 110Lead 0.106 0.00100 0.100 0 106 90 110Magnesium 2.64 0.300 2.50 0 106 90 110Potassium 2.62 0.300 2.50 0 105 90 110Selenium 0.105 0.00600 0.100 0 105 90 110Silver 0.0981 0.00200 0.100 0 98.1 90 110Sodium 2.64 0.300 2.50 0 106 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV-110418 Batch ID: R54483 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:01 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.00106 0.00500 0.00100 0 106 70 130Barium 0.00102 0.0100 0.00100 0 102 70 130Cadmium 0.00109 0.00100 0.00100 0 109 70 130Chromium 0.00103 0.00500 0.00100 0 103 70 130Lead 0.00105 0.00100 0.00100 0 105 70 130Selenium 0.00114 0.00600 0.00100 0 114 70 130Silver 0.000995 0.00200 0.00100 0 99.4 70 130

Sample ID: LLCV-110418 Batch ID: R54483 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:18 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0536 0.300 0.0500 0 107 70 130Magnesium 0.0588 0.300 0.0500 0 118 70 130Potassium 0.0622 0.300 0.0500 0 124 70 130Sodium 0.0599 0.300 0.0500 0 120 70 130

Sample ID: CCV1-110418 Batch ID: R54483 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 06:57 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.197 0.00500 0.200 0 98.7 90 110Barium 0.199 0.0100 0.200 0 99.4 90 110Cadmium 0.202 0.00100 0.200 0 101 90 110Calcium 5.22 0.300 5.00 0 104 90 110Chromium 0.188 0.00500 0.200 0 94.0 90 110Lead 0.202 0.00100 0.200 0 101 90 110Magnesium 5.04 0.300 5.00 0 101 90 110Potassium 5.05 0.300 5.00 0 101 90 110Selenium 0.210 0.00600 0.200 0 105 90 110Silver 0.195 0.00200 0.200 0 97.4 90 110

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 223: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sodium 5.08 0.300 5.00 0 102 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV1-110418 Batch ID: R54483 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 07:24 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.00108 0.00500 0.00100 0 108 70 130Barium 0.00103 0.0100 0.00100 0 103 70 130Cadmium 0.00107 0.00100 0.00100 0 107 70 130Chromium 0.000996 0.00500 0.00100 0 99.6 70 130Lead 0.00104 0.00100 0.00100 0 104 70 130Selenium 0.00115 0.00600 0.00100 0 115 70 130Silver 0.00106 0.00200 0.00100 0 106 70 130

Sample ID: LLCV1-110418 Batch ID: R54483 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 07:30 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0547 0.300 0.0500 0 109 70 130Magnesium 0.0581 0.300 0.0500 0 116 70 130Potassium 0.0474 0.300 0.0500 0 94.8 70 130Sodium 0.0576 0.300 0.0500 0 115 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 224: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45927 Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 07:52 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium <0.100 0.300Potassium <0.100 0.300

Sample ID: FILTER BLANK Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 07:58 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium <0.100 0.300 0Potassium <0.100 0.300 0

Sample ID: LCS-45927 Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:03 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.43 0.300 5.00 0 109 80 120Potassium 5.40 0.300 5.00 0 108 80 120

Sample ID: LCSD-45927 Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:09 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.51 0.300 5.00 0 110 80 120 1.52 15Potassium 5.52 0.300 5.00 0 110 80 120 2.20 15

Sample ID: 1104097-42B SD Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: SD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:25 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualPotassium 10.5 1.50 0 2.07 134 10 R

Sample ID: 1104097-42B PDS Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: PDS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:47 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualPotassium 7.03 0.300 5.00 2.07 99.2 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-42B MS Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:52 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 111 0.300 5.00 105 130 80 120 SPotassium 6.98 0.300 5.00 2.07 98.1 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-42B MSD Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:58 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 112 0.300 5.00 105 136 80 120 0.269 15 SPotassium 7.07 0.300 5.00 2.07 100 80 120 1.35 15

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 225: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV1-110418 Batch ID: R54484 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 04:50 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 2.64 0.300 2.50 0 106 90 110Potassium 2.62 0.300 2.50 0 105 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV-110418 Batch ID: R54484 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:18 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0536 0.300 0.0500 0 107 70 130Potassium 0.0622 0.300 0.0500 0 124 70 130

Sample ID: CCV1-110418 Batch ID: R54484 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 06:57 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.22 0.300 5.00 0 104 90 110Potassium 5.05 0.300 5.00 0 101 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV1-110418 Batch ID: R54484 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 07:30 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0547 0.300 0.0500 0 109 70 130Potassium 0.0474 0.300 0.0500 0 94.8 70 130

Sample ID: CCV2-110418 Batch ID: R54484 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 09:03 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.38 0.300 5.00 0 108 90 110Potassium 5.22 0.300 5.00 0 104 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV2-110418 Batch ID: R54484 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 09:37 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0649 0.300 0.0500 0 130 70 130Potassium 0.0545 0.300 0.0500 0 109 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 226: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45927 Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 05:04 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium <0.100 0.300Magnesium <0.100 0.300Sodium <0.100 0.300

Sample ID: LCS-45927 Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 05:15 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.29 0.300 5.00 0 106 80 120Magnesium 4.79 0.300 5.00 0 95.8 80 120Sodium 4.98 0.300 5.00 0 99.5 80 120

Sample ID: LCSD-45927 Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 05:20 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.30 0.300 5.00 0 106 80 120 0.151 15Magnesium 4.97 0.300 5.00 0 99.4 80 120 3.69 15Sodium 5.13 0.300 5.00 0 103 80 120 3.05 15

Sample ID: 1104097-42B SD Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: SD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 05:37 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 112 30.0 0 113 0.834 10Magnesium 92.4 30.0 0 90.9 1.64 10Sodium 308 30.0 0 291 5.51 10

Sample ID: 1104097-42B PDS Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: PDS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 05:59 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 209 6.00 100 113 96.2 80 120Magnesium 182 6.00 100 90.9 91.4 80 120Sodium 387 6.00 100 291 95.6 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-42B MS Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 06:04 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 116 6.00 5.00 113 63.2 80 120 SMagnesium 93.8 6.00 5.00 90.9 58.4 80 120 SSodium 293 6.00 5.00 291 44.0 80 120 S

Sample ID: 1104097-42B MSD Batch ID: 45927 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 06:10 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 121 6.00 5.00 113 146 80 120 3.49 15 SMagnesium 97.2 6.00 5.00 90.9 125 80 120 3.50 15 S

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sodium 304 6.00 5.00 291 252 80 120 3.49 15 S

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 228: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV1-110419 Batch ID: R54506 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 04:27 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 2.55 0.300 2.50 0 102 90 110Magnesium 2.45 0.300 2.50 0 97.8 90 110Sodium 2.50 0.300 2.50 0 100 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV-110419 Batch ID: R54506 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 04:52 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.102 0.300 0.100 0 102 70 130Magnesium 0.0992 0.300 0.100 0 99.2 70 130Sodium 0.102 0.300 0.100 0 102 70 130

Sample ID: CCV1-110419 Batch ID: R54506 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 06:16 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 4.96 0.300 5.00 0 99.3 90 110Magnesium 4.68 0.300 5.00 0 93.6 90 110Sodium 4.79 0.300 5.00 0 95.8 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV1-110419 Batch ID: R54506 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419A Analysis Date: 04/19/11 06:54 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0931 0.300 0.100 0 93.1 70 130Magnesium 0.0943 0.300 0.100 0 94.3 70 130Sodium 0.0906 0.300 0.100 0 90.6 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 229: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: 1104097-03C SD Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: SD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 07:16 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 90.7 30.0 0 93.6 3.15 10Magnesium 26.3 30.0 0 27.2 3.44 10Sodium 90.9 30.0 0 93.8 3.15 10

Sample ID: 1104097-03C PDS Batch ID: 45923 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: PDS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 07:44 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 193 6.00 100 93.6 99.5 80 120Magnesium 123 6.00 100 27.2 95.8 80 120Sodium 190 6.00 100 93.8 95.7 80 120

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV1-110419 Batch ID: R54507 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 04:27 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 2.55 0.300 2.50 0 102 90 110Magnesium 2.45 0.300 2.50 0 97.8 90 110Sodium 2.50 0.300 2.50 0 100 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV-110419 Batch ID: R54507 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 04:52 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.102 0.300 0.100 0 102 70 130Magnesium 0.0992 0.300 0.100 0 99.2 70 130Sodium 0.102 0.300 0.100 0 102 70 130

Sample ID: CCV1-110419 Batch ID: R54507 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 06:16 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 4.96 0.300 5.00 0 99.3 90 110Magnesium 4.68 0.300 5.00 0 93.6 90 110Sodium 4.79 0.300 5.00 0 95.8 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV1-110419 Batch ID: R54507 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 06:54 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0931 0.300 0.100 0 93.1 70 130Magnesium 0.0943 0.300 0.100 0 94.3 70 130Sodium 0.0906 0.300 0.100 0 90.6 70 130

Sample ID: CCV2-110419 Batch ID: R54507 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 07:50 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 5.22 0.300 5.00 0 104 90 110Magnesium 4.82 0.300 5.00 0 96.5 90 110Sodium 4.98 0.300 5.00 0 99.6 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV2-110419 Batch ID: R54507 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/LSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 08:34 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualCalcium 0.0945 0.300 0.100 0 94.5 70 130Magnesium 0.0979 0.300 0.100 0 97.9 70 130Sodium 0.0887 0.300 0.100 0 88.7 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: MB-45926 Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 08:51 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic <0.500 1.00Barium <0.500 2.00Cadmium <0.100 0.300Chromium <0.500 2.00Lead <0.100 0.300Selenium <0.150 0.500Silver <0.100 0.200

Sample ID: LCS-45926 Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:02 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 48.4 1.00 50.00 0 96.9 80 120Barium 50.2 2.00 50.00 0 100 80 120Cadmium 50.0 0.300 50.00 0 100 80 120Chromium 50.1 2.00 50.00 0 100 80 120Lead 51.5 0.300 50.00 0 103 80 120Selenium 49.1 0.500 50.00 0 98.2 80 120Silver 50.7 0.200 50.00 0 101 80 120

Sample ID: LCSD-45926 Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:07 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 50.2 1.00 50.00 0 100 80 120 3.50 25Barium 51.6 2.00 50.00 0 103 80 120 2.70 25Cadmium 51.3 0.300 50.00 0 103 80 120 2.47 25Chromium 51.7 2.00 50.00 0 103 80 120 3.29 25Lead 52.8 0.300 50.00 0 106 80 120 2.49 25Selenium 50.1 0.500 50.00 0 100 80 120 2.02 25Silver 52.0 0.200 50.00 0 104 80 120 2.48 25

Sample ID: 1104097-25B SD Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: SD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:24 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic <2.43 4.86 0 1.420 0 10Barium 32.8 9.73 0 32.71 0.260 10Cadmium <0.486 1.46 0 0.1129 0 10Chromium 5.45 9.73 0 5.073 7.21 10Lead 3.08 1.46 0 3.101 0.748 10Selenium 1.87 2.43 0 1.588 16.5 10 RSilver <0.486 0.973 0 0 0 10

Sample ID: 1104097-25B PDS Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: PDS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:46 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 46.4 0.973 48.64 1.420 92.4 80 120Barium 82.8 1.95 48.64 32.71 103 80 120Cadmium 47.4 0.292 48.64 0.1129 97.3 80 120Chromium 51.3 1.95 48.64 5.073 95.1 80 120Lead 52.7 0.292 48.64 3.101 102 80 120Selenium 45.8 0.486 48.64 1.588 90.9 80 120Silver 45.9 0.195 48.64 0 94.3 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-25B MS Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:51 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 45.8 0.955 47.76 1.420 92.9 80 120Barium 81.6 1.91 47.76 32.71 102 80 120Cadmium 48.4 0.287 47.76 0.1129 101 80 120Chromium 50.5 1.91 47.76 5.073 95.1 80 120Lead 52.3 0.287 47.76 3.101 103 80 120Selenium 45.8 0.478 47.76 1.588 92.6 80 120Silver 48.2 0.191 47.76 0 101 80 120

Sample ID: 1104097-25B MSD Batch ID: 45926 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:57 PM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 45.6 0.947 47.34 1.420 93.4 80 120 0.325 25Barium 88.8 1.89 47.34 32.71 118 80 120 8.46 25Cadmium 48.4 0.284 47.34 0.1129 102 80 120 0.085 25Chromium 49.5 1.89 47.34 5.073 93.9 80 120 1.94 25Lead 53.6 0.284 47.34 3.101 107 80 120 2.43 25Selenium 46.0 0.473 47.34 1.588 93.8 80 120 0.346 25Silver 49.0 0.189 47.34 0 104 80 120 1.60 25

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV1-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 04:27 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.0996 0.200 0.1000 0 99.6 90 110Barium 0.0976 0.400 0.1000 0 97.6 90 110Cadmium 0.0976 0.0600 0.1000 0 97.6 90 110Chromium 0.104 0.400 0.1000 0 104 90 110Lead 0.100 0.0600 0.1000 0 100 90 110Selenium 0.102 0.100 0.1000 0 102 90 110Silver 0.0958 0.0400 0.1000 0 95.8 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 04:41 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.00109 0.200 0.001000 0 109 70 130Barium 0.00109 0.400 0.001000 0 109 70 130Cadmium 0.00118 0.0600 0.001000 0 118 70 130Chromium 0.00116 0.400 0.001000 0 116 70 130Lead 0.00104 0.0600 0.001000 0 104 70 130Selenium 0.00110 0.100 0.001000 0 110 70 130Silver 0.00107 0.0400 0.001000 0 107 70 130

Sample ID: CCV2-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 07:50 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.192 0.200 0.2000 0 95.8 90 110Barium 0.191 0.400 0.2000 0 95.6 90 110Cadmium 0.196 0.0600 0.2000 0 97.8 90 110Chromium 0.196 0.400 0.2000 0 98.1 90 110Lead 0.199 0.0600 0.2000 0 99.4 90 110Selenium 0.199 0.100 0.2000 0 99.6 90 110Silver 0.194 0.0400 0.2000 0 96.8 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV2-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 08:18 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.00108 0.200 0.001000 0 108 70 130Barium 0.000988 0.400 0.001000 0 98.8 70 130Cadmium 0.00101 0.0600 0.001000 0 101 70 130Chromium 0.00118 0.400 0.001000 0 118 70 130Lead 0.000988 0.0600 0.001000 0 98.9 70 130Selenium 0.00125 0.100 0.001000 0 125 70 130Silver 0.00107 0.0400 0.001000 0 107 70 130

Sample ID: CCV3-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 10:02 PM Prep Date:

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.198 0.200 0.2000 0 99.0 90 110Barium 0.193 0.400 0.2000 0 96.6 90 110Cadmium 0.195 0.0600 0.2000 0 97.6 90 110Chromium 0.199 0.400 0.2000 0 99.4 90 110Lead 0.198 0.0600 0.2000 0 98.9 90 110Selenium 0.203 0.100 0.2000 0 102 90 110Silver 0.196 0.0400 0.2000 0 97.8 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV3-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 10:30 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.00109 0.200 0.001000 0 109 70 130Barium 0.00104 0.400 0.001000 0 104 70 130Cadmium 0.00104 0.0600 0.001000 0 104 70 130Chromium 0.00108 0.400 0.001000 0 108 70 130Lead 0.00104 0.0600 0.001000 0 104 70 130Selenium 0.000929 0.100 0.001000 0 92.9 70 130Silver 0.00108 0.0400 0.001000 0 108 70 130

Sample ID: CCV4-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: CCV Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 11:47 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.197 0.200 0.2000 0 98.4 90 110Barium 0.196 0.400 0.2000 0 98.0 90 110Cadmium 0.198 0.0600 0.2000 0 98.8 90 110Chromium 0.198 0.400 0.2000 0 98.9 90 110Lead 0.201 0.0600 0.2000 0 101 90 110Selenium 0.202 0.100 0.2000 0 101 90 110Silver 0.197 0.0400 0.2000 0 98.4 90 110

Sample ID: LLCV4-110419 Batch ID: R54508 TestNo: SW6020A Units: mg/KgSampType: LCVL Run ID: ICP-MS3_110419C Analysis Date: 04/20/11 12:20 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualArsenic 0.00100 0.200 0.001000 0 100 70 130Barium 0.00104 0.400 0.001000 0 104 70 130Cadmium 0.00100 0.0600 0.001000 0 100 70 130Chromium 0.000979 0.400 0.001000 0 97.9 70 130Lead 0.000881 0.0600 0.001000 0 88.1 70 130Selenium 0.00105 0.100 0.001000 0 105 70 130Silver 0.000967 0.0400 0.001000 0 96.7 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45938 Batch ID: 45938 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: GCMS9_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 12:27 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.00712 0.000800 0.00800 0 89.0 49 1202,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.00716 0.000800 0.00800 0 89.5 49 1262,4-Dichlorophenol 0.00688 0.000800 0.00800 0 86.0 48 1202,4-Dimethylphenol 0.00624 0.000800 0.00800 0 78.0 28 1202,4-Dinitrophenol 0.00572 0.00400 0.00800 0 71.5 25 1302,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.00732 0.000800 0.00800 0 91.5 51 1202,6-Dichlorophenol 0.00652 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.5 35 1202,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.00732 0.000800 0.00800 0 91.5 49 1202-Chloronaphthalene 0.00652 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.5 49 1202-Chlorophenol 0.00588 0.000800 0.00800 0 73.5 37 1202-Methylnaphthalene 0.00620 0.000800 0.00800 0 77.5 46 1202-Methylphenol 0.00512 0.000800 0.00800 0 64.0 38 1202-Nitroaniline 0.00692 0.000800 0.00800 0 86.5 48 1202-Nitrophenol 0.00696 0.000800 0.00800 0 87.0 39 1233,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.00580 0.000800 0.00800 0 72.5 20 1203-Nitroaniline 0.00652 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.5 20 1264,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.00680 0.00200 0.00800 0 85.0 40 1304-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.00656 0.000800 0.00800 0 82.0 52 1204-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.00660 0.000800 0.00800 0 82.5 47 1204-Chloroaniline 0.00596 0.00200 0.00800 0 74.5 20 1204-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.00648 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.0 50 1204-Methylphenol 0.00524 0.000800 0.00800 0 65.5 32 1204-Nitroaniline 0.00688 0.000800 0.00800 0 86.0 36 1204-Nitrophenol 0.00504 0.00400 0.00800 0 63.0 20 120Acenaphthene 0.00648 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.0 47 120Acenaphthylene 0.00656 0.000800 0.00800 0 82.0 60 120Aniline 0.00484 0.000800 0.00800 0 60.5 10 140Anthracene 0.00676 0.000800 0.00800 0 84.5 54 120Benzo[a]anthracene 0.00576 0.000800 0.00800 0 72.0 68 118Benzo[a]pyrene 0.00608 0.000800 0.00800 0 76.0 53 120Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.00572 0.000800 0.00800 0 71.5 45 124Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.00540 0.000800 0.00800 0 67.5 38 123Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.00640 0.000800 0.00800 0 80.0 45 124Benzyl alcohol 0.00708 0.00200 0.00800 0 88.5 30 120Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.00672 0.000800 0.00800 0 84.0 46 120Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.00552 0.000800 0.00800 0 69.0 37 120Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.00556 0.000800 0.00800 0 69.5 26 131Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.00624 0.00300 0.00800 0 78.0 42 126Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.00624 0.00600 0.00800 0 78.0 46 120Carbazole 0.00668 0.000800 0.00800 0 83.5 26 125Chrysene 0.00596 0.000800 0.00800 0 74.5 55 120Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.00724 0.00600 0.00800 0 90.5 54 120Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.00600 0.00600 0.00800 0 75.0 37 137Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.00580 0.000800 0.00800 0 72.5 42 127

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dibenzofuran 0.00628 0.000800 0.00800 0 78.5 54 120Diethyl phthalate 0.00704 0.00600 0.00800 0 88.0 41 120Dimethyl phthalate 0.00704 0.00600 0.00800 0 88.0 25 127Fluoranthene 0.00692 0.000800 0.00800 0 86.5 54 120Fluorene 0.00656 0.000800 0.00800 0 82.0 50 120Hexachlorobenzene 0.00632 0.000800 0.00800 0 79.0 52 120Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00568 0.000800 0.00800 0 71.0 27 120Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.00448 0.00200 0.00800 0 56.0 41 125Hexachloroethane 0.00524 0.000800 0.00800 0 65.5 28 120Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.00588 0.000800 0.00800 0 73.5 43 125Isophorone 0.00648 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.0 50 120N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.00568 0.000800 0.00800 0 71.0 34 128N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.00624 0.00300 0.00800 0 78.0 35 120N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.00696 0.000800 0.00800 0 87.0 48 120Naphthalene 0.00624 0.000800 0.00800 0 78.0 39 120Nitrobenzene 0.00612 0.000800 0.00800 0 76.5 44 120Pentachlorophenol 0.00680 0.000800 0.00800 0 85.0 38 120Phenanthrene 0.00656 0.000800 0.00800 0 82.0 51 120Phenol 0.00332 0.000800 0.00800 0 41.5 20 120Pyrene 0.00612 0.000800 0.00800 0 76.5 49 128 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 13.5 16.00 84.2 42 124 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 12.5 16.00 78.2 48 120 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 9.52 16.00 59.5 20 120 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 13.1 16.00 82.0 51 135 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 12.9 16.00 80.5 41 120 Surr: Phenol-d6 6.40 16.00 40.0 20 120

Sample ID: LCSD-45938 Batch ID: 45938 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: GCMS9_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 12:51 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.00800 0.000800 0.00800 0 100 49 120 11.6 202,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.00824 0.000800 0.00800 0 103 49 126 14.0 202,4-Dichlorophenol 0.00792 0.000800 0.00800 0 99.0 48 120 14.1 202,4-Dimethylphenol 0.00712 0.000800 0.00800 0 89.0 28 120 13.2 202,4-Dinitrophenol 0.00660 0.00400 0.00800 0 82.5 25 130 14.3 202,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.00824 0.000800 0.00800 0 103 51 120 11.8 202,6-Dichlorophenol 0.00744 0.000800 0.00800 0 93.0 35 120 13.2 202,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.00804 0.000800 0.00800 0 101 49 120 9.38 202-Chloronaphthalene 0.00732 0.000800 0.00800 0 91.5 49 120 11.6 202-Chlorophenol 0.00668 0.000800 0.00800 0 83.5 37 120 12.7 202-Methylnaphthalene 0.00684 0.000800 0.00800 0 85.5 46 120 9.82 202-Methylphenol 0.00588 0.000800 0.00800 0 73.5 38 120 13.8 202-Nitroaniline 0.00756 0.000800 0.00800 0 94.5 48 120 8.84 202-Nitrophenol 0.00796 0.000800 0.00800 0 99.5 39 123 13.4 203,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.00648 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.0 20 120 11.1 203-Nitroaniline 0.00736 0.000800 0.00800 0 92.0 20 126 12.1 204,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.00792 0.00200 0.00800 0 99.0 40 130 15.2 20

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.00740 0.000800 0.00800 0 92.5 52 120 12.0 204-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.00744 0.000800 0.00800 0 93.0 47 120 12.0 204-Chloroaniline 0.00660 0.00200 0.00800 0 82.5 20 120 10.2 204-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.00724 0.000800 0.00800 0 90.5 50 120 11.1 204-Methylphenol 0.00600 0.000800 0.00800 0 75.0 32 120 13.5 204-Nitroaniline 0.00768 0.000800 0.00800 0 96.0 36 120 11.0 204-Nitrophenol 0.00648 0.00400 0.00800 0 81.0 20 120 25.0 20 RAcenaphthene 0.00720 0.000800 0.00800 0 90.0 47 120 10.5 20Acenaphthylene 0.00736 0.000800 0.00800 0 92.0 60 120 11.5 20Aniline 0.00532 0.000800 0.00800 0 66.5 10 140 9.45 20Anthracene 0.00776 0.000800 0.00800 0 97.0 54 120 13.8 20Benzo[a]anthracene 0.00672 0.000800 0.00800 0 84.0 68 118 15.4 20Benzo[a]pyrene 0.00724 0.000800 0.00800 0 90.5 53 120 17.4 20Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.00660 0.000800 0.00800 0 82.5 45 124 14.3 20Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.00644 0.000800 0.00800 0 80.5 38 123 17.6 20Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.00776 0.000800 0.00800 0 97.0 45 124 19.2 20Benzyl alcohol 0.00784 0.00200 0.00800 0 98.0 30 120 10.2 20Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.00752 0.000800 0.00800 0 94.0 46 120 11.2 20Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.00620 0.000800 0.00800 0 77.5 37 120 11.6 20Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.00620 0.000800 0.00800 0 77.5 26 131 10.9 20Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.00744 0.00300 0.00800 0 93.0 42 126 17.5 20Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.00724 0.00600 0.00800 0 90.5 46 120 14.8 20Carbazole 0.00752 0.000800 0.00800 0 94.0 26 125 11.8 20Chrysene 0.00704 0.000800 0.00800 0 88.0 55 120 16.6 20Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.00824 0.00600 0.00800 0 103 54 120 12.9 20Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.00712 0.00600 0.00800 0 89.0 37 137 17.1 20Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.00684 0.000800 0.00800 0 85.5 42 127 16.5 20Dibenzofuran 0.00700 0.000800 0.00800 0 87.5 54 120 10.8 20Diethyl phthalate 0.00792 0.00600 0.00800 0 99.0 41 120 11.8 20Dimethyl phthalate 0.00776 0.00600 0.00800 0 97.0 25 127 9.73 20Fluoranthene 0.00776 0.000800 0.00800 0 97.0 54 120 11.4 20Fluorene 0.00736 0.000800 0.00800 0 92.0 50 120 11.5 20Hexachlorobenzene 0.00712 0.000800 0.00800 0 89.0 52 120 11.9 20Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00648 0.000800 0.00800 0 81.0 27 120 13.2 20Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.00520 0.00200 0.00800 0 65.0 41 125 14.9 20Hexachloroethane 0.00588 0.000800 0.00800 0 73.5 28 120 11.5 20Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.00692 0.000800 0.00800 0 86.5 43 125 16.2 20Isophorone 0.00724 0.000800 0.00800 0 90.5 50 120 11.1 20N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.00628 0.000800 0.00800 0 78.5 34 128 10.0 20N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.00676 0.00300 0.00800 0 84.5 35 120 8.00 20N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.00792 0.000800 0.00800 0 99.0 48 120 12.9 20Naphthalene 0.00688 0.000800 0.00800 0 86.0 39 120 9.76 20Nitrobenzene 0.00684 0.000800 0.00800 0 85.5 44 120 11.1 20Pentachlorophenol 0.00776 0.000800 0.00800 0 97.0 38 120 13.2 20Phenanthrene 0.00752 0.000800 0.00800 0 94.0 51 120 13.6 20Phenol 0.00372 0.000800 0.00800 0 46.5 20 120 11.4 20Pyrene 0.00708 0.000800 0.00800 0 88.5 49 128 14.5 20

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 14.6 16.00 91.5 42 124 0 0 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 13.8 16.00 86.0 48 120 0 0 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 10.2 16.00 63.5 20 120 0 0 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 15.0 16.00 93.8 51 135 0 0 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 14.0 16.00 87.5 41 120 0 0 Surr: Phenol-d6 6.80 16.00 42.5 20 120 0 0

Sample ID: MB-45938 Batch ID: 45938 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: GCMS9_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 03:40 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.0008002,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.000200 0.0008002,4-Dichlorophenol <0.000200 0.0008002,4-Dimethylphenol <0.000400 0.0008002,4-Dinitrophenol <0.000200 0.004002,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.0008002,6-Dichlorophenol <0.000400 0.0008002,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.000200 0.0008002-Chloronaphthalene <0.000200 0.0008002-Chlorophenol <0.000200 0.0008002-Methylnaphthalene <0.000200 0.0008002-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.0008002-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.0008002-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.0008003,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.000400 0.0008003-Nitroaniline <0.000200 0.0008004,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.000200 0.002004-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.0008004-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.000200 0.0008004-Chloroaniline <0.000200 0.002004-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.000200 0.0008004-Methylphenol <0.000200 0.0008004-Nitroaniline <0.000400 0.0008004-Nitrophenol <0.000400 0.00400Acenaphthene <0.000200 0.000800Acenaphthylene <0.000200 0.000800Aniline <0.000200 0.000800Anthracene <0.000200 0.000800Benzo[a]anthracene <0.000400 0.000800Benzo[a]pyrene <0.000200 0.000800Benzo[b]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000800Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.000400 0.000800Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.000400 0.000800Benzyl alcohol <0.000200 0.00200Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.000200 0.000800Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.000200 0.000800Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.000200 0.000800

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.00100 0.00300Butyl benzyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00600Carbazole <0.000200 0.000800Chrysene <0.000400 0.000800Di-n-butyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00600Di-n-octyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00600Dibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.000200 0.000800Dibenzofuran <0.000200 0.000800Diethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00600Dimethyl phthalate <0.00200 0.00600Fluoranthene <0.000200 0.000800Fluorene <0.000200 0.000800Hexachlorobenzene <0.000200 0.000800Hexachlorobutadiene <0.000200 0.000800Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.000400 0.00200Hexachloroethane <0.000200 0.000800Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.000400 0.000800Isophorone <0.000200 0.000800N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.000100 0.000800N-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.00100 0.00300N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.000200 0.000800Naphthalene <0.000200 0.000800Nitrobenzene <0.000400 0.000800Pentachlorophenol <0.000400 0.000800Phenanthrene <0.000200 0.000800Phenol <0.000400 0.000800Pyrene <0.000400 0.000800 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 13.4 16.00 83.5 42 124 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 12.4 16.00 77.5 48 120 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 9.20 16.00 57.5 20 120 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 13.5 16.00 84.5 51 135 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 12.7 16.00 79.2 41 120 Surr: Phenol-d6 5.92 16.00 37.0 20 120

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110419 Batch ID: R54574 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: GCMS9_110419B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 11:40 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 4.20 0.000800 4.00 0 105 70 1302,4,6-Trichlorophenol 4.25 0.000800 4.00 0 106 80 1202,4-Dichlorophenol 4.11 0.000800 4.00 0 103 80 1202,4-Dimethylphenol 3.63 0.000800 4.00 0 90.8 70 1302,4-Dinitrophenol 3.62 0.00400 4.00 0 90.5 70 1302,4-Dinitrotoluene 4.04 0.000800 4.00 0 101 70 1302,6-Dichlorophenol 3.90 0.000800 4.00 0 97.5 70 1302,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.37 0.000800 4.00 0 109 70 1302-Chloronaphthalene 3.80 0.000800 4.00 0 95.0 70 1302-Chlorophenol 3.67 0.000800 4.00 0 91.8 70 1302-Methylnaphthalene 3.74 0.000800 4.00 0 93.5 70 1302-Methylphenol 3.25 0.000800 4.00 0 81.2 70 1302-Nitroaniline 4.21 0.000800 4.00 0 105 70 1302-Nitrophenol 4.28 0.000800 4.00 0 107 80 1203,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 3.77 0.000800 4.00 0 94.2 70 1303-Nitroaniline 4.15 0.000800 4.00 0 104 70 1304,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4.06 0.00200 4.00 0 102 70 1304-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 3.96 0.000800 4.00 0 99.0 70 1304-Chloro-3-methylphenol 3.95 0.000800 4.00 0 98.8 80 1204-Chloroaniline 3.68 0.00200 4.00 0 92.0 70 1304-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 3.72 0.000800 4.00 0 93.0 70 1304-Methylphenol 3.20 0.000800 4.00 0 80.0 70 1304-Nitroaniline 3.89 0.000800 4.00 0 97.2 70 1304-Nitrophenol 4.89 0.00400 4.00 0 122 70 130Acenaphthene 3.70 0.000800 4.00 0 92.5 80 120Acenaphthylene 3.87 0.000800 4.00 0 96.8 70 130Aniline 3.73 0.000800 4.00 0 93.2 70 130Anthracene 3.81 0.000800 4.00 0 95.2 70 130Benzo[a]anthracene 3.45 0.000800 4.00 0 86.2 70 130Benzo[a]pyrene 3.83 0.000800 4.00 0 95.8 80 120Benzo[b]fluoranthene 3.64 0.000800 4.00 0 91.0 70 130Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 3.78 0.000800 4.00 0 94.5 70 130Benzo[k]fluoranthene 3.82 0.000800 4.00 0 95.5 70 130Benzyl alcohol 4.40 0.00200 4.00 0 110 70 130Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 3.80 0.000800 4.00 0 95.0 70 130Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 3.27 0.000800 4.00 0 81.8 70 130Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 3.18 0.000800 4.00 0 79.5 70 130Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 3.45 0.00300 4.00 0 86.2 70 130Butyl benzyl phthalate 3.77 0.00600 4.00 0 94.2 70 130Carbazole 3.74 0.000800 4.00 0 93.5 70 130Chrysene 3.55 0.000800 4.00 0 88.8 70 130Di-n-butyl phthalate 3.85 0.00600 4.00 0 96.2 70 130Di-n-octyl phthalate 3.89 0.00600 4.00 0 97.2 80 120Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 3.74 0.000800 4.00 0 93.5 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dibenzofuran 3.58 0.000800 4.00 0 89.5 70 130Diethyl phthalate 3.99 0.00600 4.00 0 99.8 70 130Dimethyl phthalate 4.00 0.00600 4.00 0 100 70 130Fluoranthene 3.77 0.000800 4.00 0 94.2 70 130Fluorene 3.60 0.000800 4.00 0 90.0 80 120Hexachlorobenzene 3.84 0.000800 4.00 0 96.0 70 130Hexachlorobutadiene 3.93 0.000800 4.00 0 98.2 80 120Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3.39 0.00200 4.00 0 84.8 70 130Hexachloroethane 3.56 0.000800 4.00 0 89.0 70 130Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 3.78 0.000800 4.00 0 94.5 70 130Isophorone 3.69 0.000800 4.00 0 92.2 70 130N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 2.95 0.000800 4.00 0 73.8 70 130N-Nitrosodiethylamine 3.95 0.00300 4.00 0 98.8 70 130N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.01 0.000800 4.00 0 100 80 120Naphthalene 3.58 0.000800 4.00 0 89.5 70 130Nitrobenzene 3.61 0.000800 4.00 0 90.2 70 130Pentachlorophenol 3.92 0.000800 4.00 0 98.0 80 120Phenanthrene 3.68 0.000800 4.00 0 92.0 70 130Phenol 3.38 0.000800 4.00 0 84.5 80 120Pyrene 3.55 0.000800 4.00 0 88.8 70 130 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3600 4000 90.0 80 120 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 3430 4000 85.8 80 120 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 3530 4000 88.2 80 120 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 3270 4000 81.8 80 120 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 3500 4000 87.5 80 120 Surr: Phenol-d6 3190 4000 79.8 80 120

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-46031 Batch ID: 46031 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/25/11 04:42 PM Prep Date: 04/25/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.224 0.0266 0.2680 0 83.6 49 1252,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.205 0.0266 0.2680 0 76.6 43 1252,4-Dichlorophenol 0.209 0.0266 0.2680 0 78.1 45 1252,4-Dimethylphenol 0.179 0.0266 0.2680 0 66.7 32 1252,4-Dinitrophenol 0.199 0.132 0.2680 0 74.1 25 1322,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.211 0.0266 0.2680 0 78.6 48 1252,6-Dichlorophenol 0.197 0.0266 0.2680 0 73.6 38 1252,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.217 0.0266 0.2680 0 81.1 48 1252-Chloronaphthalene 0.196 0.0266 0.2680 0 73.1 45 1252-Chlorophenol 0.179 0.0266 0.2680 0 66.7 44 1252-Methylnaphthalene 0.180 0.0266 0.2680 0 67.2 47 1252-Methylphenol 0.253 0.0266 0.2680 0 94.5 40 1252-Nitroaniline 0.204 0.0266 0.2680 0 76.1 44 1252-Nitrophenol 0.200 0.0266 0.2680 0 74.6 42 1253,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.196 0.0266 0.2680 0 73.1 25 1283-Nitroaniline 0.171 0.0266 0.2680 0 63.7 27 1264,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.239 0.0660 0.2680 0 89.1 29 1374-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.211 0.0266 0.2680 0 78.6 46 1254-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.195 0.0266 0.2680 0 72.6 46 1254-Chloroaniline 0.135 0.0660 0.2680 0 50.2 25 1254-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.187 0.0266 0.2680 0 69.7 47 1254-Methylphenol 0.208 0.0266 0.2680 0 77.6 41 1254-Nitroaniline 0.176 0.0266 0.2680 0 65.7 34 1254-Nitrophenol 0.257 0.132 0.2680 0 96.0 25 138Acenaphthene 0.191 0.0266 0.2680 0 71.1 46 125Acenaphthylene 0.195 0.0266 0.2680 0 72.6 44 125Aniline 0.0827 0.0266 0.2680 0 30.8 40 125 SAnthracene 0.217 0.0266 0.2680 0 81.1 53 125Benzo[a]anthracene 0.227 0.0266 0.2680 0 84.6 52 125Benzo[a]pyrene 0.225 0.0266 0.2680 0 84.1 50 125Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.225 0.0266 0.2680 0 84.1 45 125Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.233 0.0266 0.2680 0 87.1 38 126Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.216 0.0266 0.2680 0 80.6 45 125Benzyl alcohol 0.0893 0.0660 0.2680 0 33.3 25 125Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.187 0.0266 0.2680 0 69.7 43 125Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.149 0.0266 0.2680 0 55.7 38 125Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.143 0.0266 0.2680 0 53.2 25 125Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.239 0.0660 0.2680 0 89.1 47 127Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.233 0.0660 0.2680 0 87.1 49 125Carbazole 0.212 0.0266 0.2680 0 79.1 40 125Chrysene 0.225 0.0266 0.2680 0 84.1 53 125Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.236 0.0660 0.2680 0 88.1 56 125Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.227 0.0660 0.2680 0 84.6 41 132Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.229 0.0266 0.2680 0 85.6 41 125

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dibenzofuran 0.183 0.0266 0.2680 0 68.2 51 125Diethyl phthalate 0.204 0.0660 0.2680 0 76.1 50 125Dimethyl phthalate 0.208 0.0660 0.2680 0 77.6 49 125Fluoranthene 0.220 0.0266 0.2680 0 82.1 54 125Fluorene 0.191 0.0266 0.2680 0 71.1 49 125Hexachlorobenzene 0.203 0.0266 0.2680 0 75.6 47 125Hexachlorobutadiene 0.179 0.0266 0.2680 0 66.7 40 125Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.132 0.0660 0.2680 0 49.3 34 125Hexachloroethane 0.152 0.0266 0.2680 0 56.7 34 125Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.232 0.0266 0.2680 0 86.6 38 125Isophorone 0.179 0.0266 0.2680 0 66.7 43 125N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.157 0.0266 0.2680 0 58.7 40 125N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.169 0.0266 0.2680 0 63.2 38 125N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.224 0.0266 0.2680 0 83.6 49 125Naphthalene 0.176 0.0266 0.2680 0 65.7 40 125Nitrobenzene 0.168 0.0266 0.2680 0 62.7 41 125Pentachlorophenol 0.196 0.0266 0.2680 0 73.1 25 125Phenanthrene 0.211 0.0266 0.2680 0 78.6 50 125Phenol 0.168 0.0266 0.2680 0 62.7 25 125Pyrene 0.225 0.0266 0.2680 0 84.1 46 125 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 0.445 0.5360 83.1 45 138 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 0.375 0.5360 69.9 60 135 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 0.381 0.5360 71.1 37 125 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 0.484 0.5360 90.3 60 129 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.355 0.5360 66.2 45 125 Surr: Phenol-d6 0.357 0.5360 66.7 40 125

Sample ID: 1104097-12DMS Batch ID: 46031 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/25/11 05:28 PM Prep Date: 04/25/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.179 0.0220 0.2216 0 80.6 49 1252,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.194 0.0220 0.2216 0 87.6 43 1252,4-Dichlorophenol 0.154 0.0220 0.2216 0 69.7 45 1252,4-Dimethylphenol 0.131 0.0220 0.2216 0 59.2 32 1252,4-Dinitrophenol 0.159 0.109 0.2216 0 71.6 25 1322,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.281 0.0220 0.2216 0 127 48 125 S2,6-Dichlorophenol 0.149 0.0220 0.2216 0 67.2 38 1252,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.270 0.0220 0.2216 0 122 48 1252-Chloronaphthalene 0.142 0.0220 0.2216 0 64.2 45 1252-Chlorophenol 0.110 0.0220 0.2216 0 49.8 44 1252-Methylnaphthalene 0.484 0.0220 0.2216 0.1823 136 47 125 S2-Methylphenol 0.158 0.0220 0.2216 0 71.1 40 1252-Nitroaniline 0.157 0.0220 0.2216 0 70.6 44 1252-Nitrophenol 0.140 0.0220 0.2216 0 63.2 42 1253,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.135 0.0220 0.2216 0 60.7 25 1283-Nitroaniline 0.272 0.0220 0.2216 0 123 27 1264,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.173 0.0546 0.2216 0 78.1 29 137

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.170 0.0220 0.2216 0 76.6 46 1254-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.204 0.0220 0.2216 0 92.0 46 1254-Chloroaniline 0.0673 0.0546 0.2216 0 30.3 25 1254-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.175 0.0220 0.2216 0 79.1 47 1254-Methylphenol 0.128 0.0220 0.2216 0 57.7 41 1254-Nitroaniline 0.117 0.0220 0.2216 0 52.7 34 1254-Nitrophenol 0.239 0.109 0.2216 0 108 25 138Acenaphthene 0.200 0.0220 0.2216 0 90.0 46 125Acenaphthylene 0.186 0.0220 0.2216 0 84.1 44 125Aniline 0.0110 0.0220 0.2216 0 4.98 40 125 SAnthracene 0.164 0.0220 0.2216 0 74.1 53 125Benzo[a]anthracene 0.170 0.0220 0.2216 0 76.6 52 125Benzo[a]pyrene 0.161 0.0220 0.2216 0 72.6 50 125Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.159 0.0220 0.2216 0 71.6 45 125Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.169 0.0220 0.2216 0 76.1 38 126Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.164 0.0220 0.2216 0 74.1 45 125Benzyl alcohol 0.0915 0.0546 0.2216 0 41.3 25 125Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.143 0.0220 0.2216 0 64.7 43 125Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.0860 0.0220 0.2216 0 38.8 38 125Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.0816 0.0220 0.2216 0 36.8 25 125Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.163 0.0546 0.2216 0 73.6 47 127Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.151 0.0546 0.2216 0 68.2 49 125Carbazole 0.152 0.0220 0.2216 0 68.7 40 125Chrysene 0.166 0.0220 0.2216 0 75.1 53 125Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.175 0.0546 0.2216 0 79.1 56 125Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.159 0.0546 0.2216 0 71.6 41 132Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.166 0.0220 0.2216 0 75.1 41 125Dibenzofuran 0.193 0.0220 0.2216 0 87.1 51 125Diethyl phthalate 0.163 0.0546 0.2216 0 73.6 50 125Dimethyl phthalate 0.158 0.0546 0.2216 0 71.1 49 125Fluoranthene 0.194 0.0220 0.2216 0 87.6 54 125Fluorene 0.195 0.0220 0.2216 0 88.1 49 125Hexachlorobenzene 0.177 0.0220 0.2216 0 80.1 47 125Hexachlorobutadiene 0.119 0.0220 0.2216 0 53.7 40 125Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.0915 0.0546 0.2216 0 41.3 34 125Hexachloroethane 0.0904 0.0220 0.2216 0 40.8 34 125Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.168 0.0220 0.2216 0 75.6 38 125Isophorone 0.172 0.0220 0.2216 0 77.6 43 125N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.112 0.0220 0.2216 0 50.7 40 125N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.107 0.0220 0.2216 0 48.3 38 125N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.331 0.0220 0.2216 0 149 49 125 SNaphthalene 0.131 0.0220 0.2216 0 59.2 40 125Nitrobenzene 0.120 0.0220 0.2216 0 54.2 41 125Pentachlorophenol 0.198 0.0220 0.2216 0 89.6 25 125Phenanthrene 0.204 0.0220 0.2216 0.02445 81.0 50 125Phenol 0.110 0.0220 0.2216 0 49.8 25 125Pyrene 0.162 0.0220 0.2216 0 73.1 46 125

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 0.407 0.4432 91.8 45 138 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 0.289 0.4432 65.2 60 135 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 0.239 0.4432 54.0 37 125 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 0.372 0.4432 83.8 60 129 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.245 0.4432 55.2 45 125 Surr: Phenol-d6 0.227 0.4432 51.2 40 125

Sample ID: 1104097-12DMSD Batch ID: 46031 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/25/11 05:51 PM Prep Date: 04/25/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.159 0.0220 0.2215 0 71.6 49 125 11.8 302,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.174 0.0220 0.2215 0 78.6 43 125 10.8 302,4-Dichlorophenol 0.143 0.0220 0.2215 0 64.7 45 125 7.45 302,4-Dimethylphenol 0.125 0.0220 0.2215 0 56.2 32 125 5.22 302,4-Dinitrophenol 0.144 0.109 0.2215 0 65.2 25 132 9.50 302,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.260 0.0220 0.2215 0 117 48 125 7.78 302,6-Dichlorophenol 0.140 0.0220 0.2215 0 63.2 38 125 6.15 302,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.251 0.0220 0.2215 0 113 48 125 7.23 302-Chloronaphthalene 0.125 0.0220 0.2215 0 56.2 45 125 13.3 302-Chlorophenol 0.106 0.0220 0.2215 0 47.8 44 125 4.13 302-Methylnaphthalene 0.549 0.0220 0.2215 0.1823 165 47 125 12.5 30 S2-Methylphenol 0.148 0.0220 0.2215 0 66.7 40 125 6.54 302-Nitroaniline 0.120 0.0220 0.2215 0 54.2 44 125 26.3 302-Nitrophenol 0.132 0.0220 0.2215 0 59.7 42 125 5.71 303,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.114 0.0220 0.2215 0 51.2 25 128 16.9 303-Nitroaniline 0.253 0.0220 0.2215 0 114 27 126 7.17 304,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.160 0.0545 0.2215 0 72.1 29 137 7.99 304-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.169 0.0220 0.2215 0 76.1 46 125 0.696 304-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.143 0.0220 0.2215 0 64.7 46 125 35.0 30 R4-Chloroaniline 0.0573 0.0545 0.2215 0 25.9 25 125 16.0 304-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.150 0.0220 0.2215 0 67.7 47 125 15.6 304-Methylphenol 0.121 0.0220 0.2215 0 54.7 41 125 5.35 304-Nitroaniline 0.0893 0.0220 0.2215 0 40.3 34 125 26.8 304-Nitrophenol 0.201 0.109 0.2215 0 90.5 25 138 17.6 30Acenaphthene 0.176 0.0220 0.2215 0 79.6 46 125 12.4 30Acenaphthylene 0.169 0.0220 0.2215 0 76.1 44 125 9.98 30Aniline <0.00826 0.0220 0.2215 0 0 40 125 0 30 SAnthracene 0.143 0.0220 0.2215 0 64.7 53 125 13.7 30Benzo[a]anthracene 0.153 0.0220 0.2215 0 69.2 52 125 10.3 30Benzo[a]pyrene 0.141 0.0220 0.2215 0 63.7 50 125 13.2 30Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.141 0.0220 0.2215 0 63.7 45 125 11.8 30Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.145 0.0220 0.2215 0 65.7 38 126 14.8 30Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.141 0.0220 0.2215 0 63.7 45 125 15.2 30Benzyl alcohol 0.0738 0.0545 0.2215 0 33.3 25 125 21.4 30Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.138 0.0220 0.2215 0 62.2 43 125 3.97 30Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.0838 0.0220 0.2215 0 37.8 38 125 2.64 30Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.0793 0.0220 0.2215 0 35.8 25 125 2.78 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.138 0.0545 0.2215 0 62.2 47 127 16.9 30Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.128 0.0545 0.2215 0 57.7 49 125 16.6 30Carbazole 0.136 0.0220 0.2215 0 61.2 40 125 11.5 30Chrysene 0.142 0.0220 0.2215 0 64.2 53 125 15.8 30Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.149 0.0545 0.2215 0 67.2 56 125 16.4 30Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.134 0.0545 0.2215 0 60.7 41 132 16.6 30Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.145 0.0220 0.2215 0 65.7 41 125 13.5 30Dibenzofuran 0.177 0.0220 0.2215 0 80.1 51 125 8.38 30Diethyl phthalate 0.137 0.0545 0.2215 0 61.7 50 125 17.7 30Dimethyl phthalate 0.137 0.0545 0.2215 0 61.7 49 125 14.3 30Fluoranthene 0.171 0.0220 0.2215 0 77.1 54 125 12.7 30Fluorene 0.172 0.0220 0.2215 0 77.6 49 125 12.7 30Hexachlorobenzene 0.156 0.0220 0.2215 0 70.6 47 125 12.6 30Hexachlorobutadiene 0.112 0.0220 0.2215 0 50.7 40 125 5.76 30Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.0926 0.0545 0.2215 0 41.8 34 125 1.15 30Hexachloroethane 0.0871 0.0220 0.2215 0 39.3 34 125 3.77 30Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.147 0.0220 0.2215 0 66.2 38 125 13.4 30Isophorone 0.179 0.0220 0.2215 0 80.6 43 125 3.73 30N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.115 0.0220 0.2215 0 51.7 40 125 1.90 30N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.102 0.0220 0.2215 0 46.3 38 125 4.25 30N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.337 0.0220 0.2215 0 152 49 125 1.94 30 SNaphthalene 0.128 0.0220 0.2215 0 57.7 40 125 2.60 30Nitrobenzene 0.118 0.0220 0.2215 0 53.2 41 125 1.90 30Pentachlorophenol 0.172 0.0220 0.2215 0 77.6 25 125 14.3 30Phenanthrene 0.184 0.0220 0.2215 0.02445 72.0 50 125 10.3 30Phenol 0.108 0.0220 0.2215 0 48.8 25 125 2.06 30Pyrene 0.141 0.0220 0.2215 0 63.7 46 125 13.9 30 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 0.359 0.4430 81.1 45 138 0 0 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 0.248 0.4430 56.0 60 135 0 0 S Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 0.229 0.4430 51.7 37 125 0 0 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 0.321 0.4430 72.4 60 129 0 0 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.239 0.4430 54.0 45 125 0 0 Surr: Phenol-d6 0.210 0.4430 47.5 40 125 0 0

Sample ID: MB-46031 Batch ID: 46031 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/25/11 07:44 PM Prep Date: 04/25/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,4-Dichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,4-Dimethylphenol <0.0100 0.02662,4-Dinitrophenol <0.0500 0.1322,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.0100 0.02662,6-Dichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.0100 0.02662-Chloronaphthalene <0.0100 0.02662-Chlorophenol <0.0100 0.0266

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


2-Methylnaphthalene <0.0100 0.02662-Methylphenol <0.0100 0.02662-Nitroaniline <0.0100 0.02662-Nitrophenol <0.0100 0.02663,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.0100 0.02663-Nitroaniline <0.0100 0.02664,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.0300 0.06604-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.0100 0.02664-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.0100 0.02664-Chloroaniline <0.0300 0.06604-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.0100 0.02664-Methylphenol <0.0200 0.02664-Nitroaniline <0.0100 0.02664-Nitrophenol <0.0500 0.132Acenaphthene <0.0100 0.0266Acenaphthylene <0.0100 0.0266Aniline <0.0100 0.0266Anthracene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[a]anthracene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[a]pyrene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[b]fluoranthene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.0100 0.0266Benzyl alcohol <0.0100 0.0660Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.0300 0.0660Butyl benzyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Carbazole <0.0100 0.0266Chrysene <0.0100 0.0266Di-n-butyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Di-n-octyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Dibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.0100 0.0266Dibenzofuran <0.0100 0.0266Diethyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Dimethyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Fluoranthene <0.0100 0.0266Fluorene <0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.0300 0.0660Hexachloroethane <0.0100 0.0266Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.0100 0.0266Isophorone <0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.0100 0.0266

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.0100 0.0266Naphthalene <0.0100 0.0266Nitrobenzene <0.0100 0.0266Pentachlorophenol <0.0100 0.0266Phenanthrene <0.0100 0.0266Phenol <0.0100 0.0266Pyrene <0.0100 0.0266 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 0.403 0.5360 75.1 45 138 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 0.305 0.5360 57.0 60 135 S Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 0.323 0.5360 60.2 37 125 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 0.413 0.5360 77.1 60 129 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.303 0.5360 56.5 45 125 Surr: Phenol-d6 0.296 0.5360 55.2 40 125

Sample ID: SYS BLANK-46031 Batch ID: 46031 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/26/11 03:35 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,4-Dichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,4-Dimethylphenol <0.0100 0.02662,4-Dinitrophenol <0.0500 0.1322,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.0100 0.02662,6-Dichlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662,6-Dinitrotoluene <0.0100 0.02662-Chloronaphthalene <0.0100 0.02662-Chlorophenol <0.0100 0.02662-Methylnaphthalene <0.0100 0.02662-Methylphenol <0.0100 0.02662-Nitroaniline <0.0100 0.02662-Nitrophenol <0.0100 0.02663,3´-Dichlorobenzidine <0.0100 0.02663-Nitroaniline <0.0100 0.02664,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <0.0300 0.06604-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.0100 0.02664-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.0100 0.02664-Chloroaniline <0.0300 0.06604-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.0100 0.02664-Methylphenol <0.0200 0.02664-Nitroaniline <0.0100 0.02664-Nitrophenol <0.0500 0.132Acenaphthene <0.0100 0.0266Acenaphthylene <0.0100 0.0266Aniline <0.0100 0.0266Anthracene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[a]anthracene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[a]pyrene <0.0100 0.0266

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Benzo[b]fluoranthene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <0.0100 0.0266Benzo[k]fluoranthene <0.0100 0.0266Benzyl alcohol <0.0100 0.0660Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.0300 0.0660Butyl benzyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Carbazole <0.0100 0.0266Chrysene <0.0100 0.0266Di-n-butyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Di-n-octyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Dibenz[a,h]anthracene <0.0100 0.0266Dibenzofuran <0.0100 0.0266Diethyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Dimethyl phthalate <0.0400 0.0660Fluoranthene <0.0100 0.0266Fluorene <0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.0300 0.0660Hexachloroethane <0.0100 0.0266Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.0100 0.0266Isophorone <0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodiethylamine <0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <0.0100 0.0266Naphthalene <0.0100 0.0266Nitrobenzene <0.0100 0.0266Pentachlorophenol <0.0100 0.0266Phenanthrene <0.0100 0.0266Phenol <0.0100 0.0266Pyrene <0.0100 0.0266

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110425 Batch ID: R54595 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/25/11 04:19 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 4.46 0.0266 4.000 0 112 70 1302,4,6-Trichlorophenol 4.13 0.0266 4.000 0 103 80 1202,4-Dichlorophenol 4.25 0.0266 4.000 0 106 80 1202,4-Dimethylphenol 3.81 0.0266 4.000 0 95.2 70 1302,4-Dinitrophenol 3.77 0.132 4.000 0 94.2 70 1302,4-Dinitrotoluene 4.27 0.0266 4.000 0 107 70 1302,6-Dichlorophenol 3.98 0.0266 4.000 0 99.5 70 1302,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.48 0.0266 4.000 0 112 70 1302-Chloronaphthalene 3.91 0.0266 4.000 0 97.8 70 1302-Chlorophenol 3.75 0.0266 4.000 0 93.8 70 1302-Methylnaphthalene 3.96 0.0266 4.000 0 99.0 70 1302-Methylphenol 3.57 0.0266 4.000 0 89.2 70 1302-Nitroaniline 4.37 0.0266 4.000 0 109 70 1302-Nitrophenol 4.38 0.0266 4.000 0 110 80 1203,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 3.98 0.0266 4.000 0 99.5 70 1303-Nitroaniline 4.38 0.0266 4.000 0 110 70 1304,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4.16 0.0660 4.000 0 104 70 1304-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 3.96 0.0266 4.000 0 99.0 70 1304-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4.12 0.0266 4.000 0 103 80 1204-Chloroaniline 4.01 0.0660 4.000 0 100 70 1304-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 3.72 0.0266 4.000 0 93.0 70 1304-Methylphenol 4.01 0.0266 4.000 0 100 70 1304-Nitroaniline 4.15 0.0266 4.000 0 104 70 1304-Nitrophenol 4.79 0.132 4.000 0 120 70 130Acenaphthene 3.79 0.0266 4.000 0 94.8 80 120Acenaphthylene 3.70 0.0266 4.000 0 92.5 70 130Aniline 3.88 0.0266 4.000 0 97.0 70 130Anthracene 3.83 0.0266 4.000 0 95.8 70 130Benzo[a]anthracene 3.75 0.0266 4.000 0 93.8 70 130Benzo[a]pyrene 4.00 0.0266 4.000 0 100 80 120Benzo[b]fluoranthene 3.94 0.0266 4.000 0 98.5 70 130Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 4.07 0.0266 4.000 0 102 70 130Benzo[k]fluoranthene 3.89 0.0266 4.000 0 97.2 70 130Benzyl alcohol 2.93 0.0660 4.000 0 73.2 70 130Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 3.60 0.0266 4.000 0 90.0 70 130Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 3.21 0.0266 4.000 0 80.2 70 130Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 2.97 0.0266 4.000 0 74.2 70 130Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 3.62 0.0660 4.000 0 90.5 70 130Butyl benzyl phthalate 3.96 0.0660 4.000 0 99.0 70 130Carbazole 3.84 0.0266 4.000 0 96.0 70 130Chrysene 3.77 0.0266 4.000 0 94.2 70 130Di-n-butyl phthalate 3.94 0.0660 4.000 0 98.5 70 130Di-n-octyl phthalate 4.03 0.0660 4.000 0 101 80 120Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 3.98 0.0266 4.000 0 99.5 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dibenzofuran 3.61 0.0266 4.000 0 90.2 70 130Diethyl phthalate 4.01 0.0660 4.000 0 100 70 130Dimethyl phthalate 4.03 0.0660 4.000 0 101 70 130Fluoranthene 3.88 0.0266 4.000 0 97.0 70 130Fluorene 3.63 0.0266 4.000 0 90.8 80 120Hexachlorobenzene 3.89 0.0266 4.000 0 97.2 70 130Hexachlorobutadiene 3.92 0.0266 4.000 0 98.0 80 120Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3.07 0.0660 4.000 0 76.8 70 130Hexachloroethane 3.58 0.0266 4.000 0 89.5 70 130Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 4.06 0.0266 4.000 0 102 70 130Isophorone 3.61 0.0266 4.000 0 90.2 70 130N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 3.15 0.0266 4.000 0 78.8 70 130N-Nitrosodiethylamine 4.00 0.0266 4.000 0 100 70 130N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.16 0.0266 4.000 0 104 80 120Naphthalene 3.70 0.0266 4.000 0 92.5 70 130Nitrobenzene 3.66 0.0266 4.000 0 91.5 70 130Pentachlorophenol 3.43 0.0266 4.000 0 85.8 80 120Phenanthrene 3.72 0.0266 4.000 0 93.0 70 130Phenol 3.37 0.0266 4.000 0 84.2 80 120Pyrene 3.83 0.0266 4.000 0 95.8 70 130 Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.85 4.000 96.2 80 120 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 3.67 4.000 91.8 80 120 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 3.80 4.000 95.0 80 120 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 3.63 4.000 90.8 80 120 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 3.70 4.000 92.5 80 120 Surr: Phenol-d6 3.35 4.000 83.8 80 120

Sample ID: ICV-110426 Batch ID: R54595 TestNo: SW8270D Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: GCMS9_110425A Analysis Date: 04/26/11 12:52 PM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 4.31 0.0266 4.000 0 108 70 1302,4,6-Trichlorophenol 4.17 0.0266 4.000 0 104 80 1202,4-Dichlorophenol 4.25 0.0266 4.000 0 106 80 1202,4-Dimethylphenol 3.73 0.0266 4.000 0 93.2 70 1302,4-Dinitrophenol 3.77 0.132 4.000 0 94.2 70 1302,4-Dinitrotoluene 4.18 0.0266 4.000 0 104 70 1302,6-Dichlorophenol 4.01 0.0266 4.000 0 100 70 1302,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.39 0.0266 4.000 0 110 70 1302-Chloronaphthalene 3.78 0.0266 4.000 0 94.5 70 1302-Chlorophenol 3.92 0.0266 4.000 0 98.0 70 1302-Methylnaphthalene 3.82 0.0266 4.000 0 95.5 70 1302-Methylphenol 3.76 0.0266 4.000 0 94.0 70 1302-Nitroaniline 4.24 0.0266 4.000 0 106 70 1302-Nitrophenol 4.35 0.0266 4.000 0 109 80 1203,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 3.84 0.0266 4.000 0 96.0 70 1303-Nitroaniline 4.19 0.0266 4.000 0 105 70 1304,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4.18 0.0660 4.000 0 104 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 4.02 0.0266 4.000 0 101 70 1304-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4.21 0.0266 4.000 0 105 80 1204-Chloroaniline 3.83 0.0660 4.000 0 95.8 70 1304-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 3.78 0.0266 4.000 0 94.5 70 1304-Methylphenol 4.23 0.0266 4.000 0 106 70 1304-Nitroaniline 3.96 0.0266 4.000 0 99.0 70 1304-Nitrophenol 5.45 0.132 4.000 0 136 70 130 SAcenaphthene 3.71 0.0266 4.000 0 92.8 80 120Acenaphthylene 3.88 0.0266 4.000 0 97.0 70 130Aniline 3.88 0.0266 4.000 0 97.0 70 130Anthracene 3.84 0.0266 4.000 0 96.0 70 130Benzo[a]anthracene 3.51 0.0266 4.000 0 87.8 70 130Benzo[a]pyrene 3.82 0.0266 4.000 0 95.5 80 120Benzo[b]fluoranthene 3.88 0.0266 4.000 0 97.0 70 130Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 3.81 0.0266 4.000 0 95.2 70 130Benzo[k]fluoranthene 3.50 0.0266 4.000 0 87.5 70 130Benzyl alcohol 3.53 0.0660 4.000 0 88.2 70 130Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 3.83 0.0266 4.000 0 95.8 70 130Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 3.41 0.0266 4.000 0 85.2 70 130Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 3.17 0.0266 4.000 0 79.2 70 130Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 3.56 0.0660 4.000 0 89.0 70 130Butyl benzyl phthalate 3.66 0.0660 4.000 0 91.5 70 130Carbazole 3.76 0.0266 4.000 0 94.0 70 130Chrysene 3.48 0.0266 4.000 0 87.0 70 130Di-n-butyl phthalate 3.88 0.0660 4.000 0 97.0 70 130Di-n-octyl phthalate 3.83 0.0660 4.000 0 95.8 80 120Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 3.79 0.0266 4.000 0 94.8 70 130Dibenzofuran 3.63 0.0266 4.000 0 90.8 70 130Diethyl phthalate 3.96 0.0660 4.000 0 99.0 70 130Dimethyl phthalate 4.00 0.0660 4.000 0 100 70 130Fluoranthene 3.80 0.0266 4.000 0 95.0 70 130Fluorene 3.67 0.0266 4.000 0 91.8 80 120Hexachlorobenzene 3.93 0.0266 4.000 0 98.2 70 130Hexachlorobutadiene 3.92 0.0266 4.000 0 98.0 80 120Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2.63 0.0660 4.000 0 65.8 70 130 SHexachloroethane 3.54 0.0266 4.000 0 88.5 70 130Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 3.81 0.0266 4.000 0 95.2 70 130Isophorone 3.73 0.0266 4.000 0 93.2 70 130N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 3.51 0.0266 4.000 0 87.8 70 130N-Nitrosodiethylamine 4.30 0.0266 4.000 0 108 70 130N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.06 0.0266 4.000 0 102 80 120Naphthalene 3.61 0.0266 4.000 0 90.2 70 130Nitrobenzene 3.58 0.0266 4.000 0 89.5 70 130Pentachlorophenol 3.62 0.0266 4.000 0 90.5 80 120Phenanthrene 3.72 0.0266 4.000 0 93.0 70 130Phenol 3.66 0.0266 4.000 0 91.5 80 120Pyrene 3.52 0.0266 4.000 0 88.0 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.71 4.000 92.8 80 120 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 3.41 4.000 85.2 80 120 Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 3.62 4.000 90.5 80 120 Surr: 4-Terphenyl-d14 3.27 4.000 81.8 80 120 Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 3.46 4.000 86.5 80 120 Surr: Phenol-d6 3.35 4.000 83.8 80 120

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45905 Batch ID: 45905 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: GCMS2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:51 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0221 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.3 74 1251,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0252 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 68 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0215 0.00500 0.0232 0 92.8 59 1401,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0248 0.00500 0.0232 0 107 62 1271,1-Dichloroethane 0.0243 0.00500 0.0232 0 105 73 1251,1-Dichloroethene 0.0229 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.8 65 1361,1-Dichloropropene 0.0242 0.00500 0.0232 0 104 70 1351,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0284 0.00500 0.0232 0 123 62 1331,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0230 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.9 63 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0259 0.00500 0.0232 0 112 65 1311,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0219 0.00500 0.0232 0 94.5 65 1351,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0251 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 49 1351,2-Dibromoethane 0.0231 0.00500 0.0232 0 99.5 70 1241,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0227 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.9 74 1201,2-Dichloroethane 0.0257 0.00500 0.0232 0 111 72 1371,2-Dichloropropane 0.0245 0.00500 0.0232 0 105 71 1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0218 0.00500 0.0232 0 94.0 65 1331,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 96.9 72 1241,3-Dichloropropane 0.0233 0.00500 0.0232 0 100 76 1231,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0222 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.6 72 1252,2-Dichloropropane 0.0259 0.00500 0.0232 0 112 67 1342-Butanone 0.0733 0.0150 0.0580 0 126 60 1352-Chlorotoluene 0.0209 0.00500 0.0232 0 90.2 69 1282-Hexanone 0.0665 0.0150 0.0580 0 115 50 1504-Chlorotoluene 0.0221 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.4 73 1264-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0627 0.0150 0.0580 0 108 60 135Acetone 0.0628 0.0500 0.0580 0 108 40 141Benzene 0.0237 0.00500 0.0232 0 102 73 126Bromobenzene 0.0227 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.7 66 121Bromochloromethane 0.0243 0.00500 0.0232 0 105 71 127Bromodichloromethane 0.0247 0.00500 0.0232 0 106 72 128Bromoform 0.0229 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.7 66 137Bromomethane 0.0237 0.00500 0.0232 0 102 45 141Carbon disulfide 0.0239 0.00500 0.0232 0 103 50 150Carbon tetrachloride 0.0249 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 67 133Chlorobenzene 0.0223 0.00500 0.0232 0 96.0 75 123Chloroethane 0.0217 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.4 41 141Chloroform 0.0241 0.00500 0.0232 0 104 72 124Chloromethane 0.0233 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 51 129cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0228 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.1 67 125cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0249 0.00500 0.0232 0 107 72 126Cyclohexane 0.0247 0.0150 0.0232 0 107 40 158 NDibromochloromethane 0.0234 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 66 130Dibromomethane 0.0251 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 73 128

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0196 0.00500 0.0232 0 84.6 34 136Ethylbenzene 0.0223 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.9 74 127Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0235 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 53 142Iodomethane 0.0197 0.00500 0.0232 0 84.8 50 150Isopropylbenzene 0.0221 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.1 77 129m,p-Xylene 0.0444 0.00500 0.0464 0 95.7 79 126Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0254 0.00500 0.0232 0 110 50 135Methylcyclohexane 0.0241 0.0150 0.0232 0 104 50 150Methylene chloride 0.0232 0.00500 0.0232 0 100 63 137n-Butylbenzene 0.0220 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.0 65 138n-Propylbenzene 0.0216 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.0 63 135Naphthalene 0.0260 0.0150 0.0232 0 112 51 135o-Xylene 0.0218 0.00500 0.0232 0 94.1 77 125p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0216 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.0 75 133sec-Butylbenzene 0.0217 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.4 63 132Styrene 0.0220 0.00500 0.0232 0 94.7 74 128tert-Butylbenzene 0.0215 0.00500 0.0232 0 92.5 65 132Tetrachloroethene 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 96.9 67 139Toluene 0.0234 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 71 127trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0235 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 66 134trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0254 0.00500 0.0232 0 110 65 127Trichloroethene 0.0250 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 77 124Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0223 0.0150 0.0232 0 96.3 49 139Vinyl chloride 0.0224 0.00500 0.0232 0 96.5 58 126 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 58.7 50.00 117 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48.4 50.00 96.8 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 53.6 50.00 107 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 47.2 50.00 94.3 84 116

Sample ID: MB-45905 Batch ID: 45905 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: GCMS2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:53 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethene <0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloropropene <0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromoethane <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichloroethane <0.00100 0.00500

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


1,2-Dichloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005002,2-Dichloropropane <0.00100 0.005002-Butanone <0.00500 0.01502-Chlorotoluene <0.00100 0.005002-Hexanone <0.00500 0.01504-Chlorotoluene <0.00100 0.005004-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.0150Acetone <0.0150 0.0500Benzene <0.00100 0.00500Bromobenzene <0.00100 0.00500Bromochloromethane <0.00100 0.00500Bromodichloromethane <0.00100 0.00500Bromoform <0.00100 0.00500Bromomethane <0.00100 0.00500Carbon disulfide <0.00100 0.00500Carbon tetrachloride <0.00100 0.00500Chlorobenzene <0.00100 0.00500Chloroethane <0.00100 0.00500Chloroform <0.00100 0.00500Chloromethane <0.00100 0.00500cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00100 0.00500cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00100 0.00500Cyclohexane <0.00500 0.0150 NDibromochloromethane <0.00100 0.00500Dibromomethane <0.00100 0.00500Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.00100 0.00500Ethylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Hexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00500Iodomethane <0.00100 0.00500Isopropylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500m,p-Xylene <0.00100 0.00500Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.00100 0.00500Methylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.0150Methylene chloride <0.00500 0.00500n-Butylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500n-Propylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Naphthalene <0.00500 0.0150o-Xylene <0.00100 0.00500p-Isopropyltoluene <0.00100 0.00500sec-Butylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Styrene <0.00100 0.00500tert-Butylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Tetrachloroethene <0.00100 0.00500

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Toluene <0.00100 0.00500trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00100 0.00500trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00100 0.00500Trichloroethene <0.00100 0.00500Trichlorofluoromethane <0.00500 0.0150Vinyl chloride <0.00100 0.00500 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 56.0 50.00 112 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.5 50.00 101 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 53.3 50.00 107 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 47.8 50.00 95.7 84 116

Sample ID: 1104098-01AMS Batch ID: 45905 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: GCMS2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 07:36 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0231 0.00526 0.0244 0 94.7 74 1251,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0266 0.00526 0.0244 0 109 68 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0192 0.00526 0.0244 0 78.7 59 1401,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0224 0.00526 0.0244 0 91.9 62 1271,1-Dichloroethane 0.0231 0.00526 0.0244 0 94.7 73 1251,1-Dichloroethene 0.0224 0.00526 0.0244 0 91.6 65 1361,1-Dichloropropene 0.0222 0.00526 0.0244 0 90.9 70 1351,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0127 0.00526 0.0244 0 51.8 62 133 S1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0203 0.00526 0.0244 0 83.2 63 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0132 0.00526 0.0244 0 54.1 65 131 S1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0182 0.00526 0.0244 0 74.5 65 1351,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0189 0.00526 0.0244 0 77.3 49 1351,2-Dibromoethane 0.0214 0.00526 0.0244 0 87.8 70 1241,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0178 0.00526 0.0244 0 72.8 74 120 S1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0244 0.00526 0.0244 0 99.8 72 1371,2-Dichloropropane 0.0235 0.00526 0.0244 0 96.4 71 1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0175 0.00526 0.0244 0 71.6 65 1331,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0171 0.00526 0.0244 0 70.1 72 124 S1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0223 0.00526 0.0244 0 91.1 76 1231,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0173 0.00526 0.0244 0 70.8 72 125 S2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0248 0.00526 0.0244 0 102 67 1342-Butanone 0.0559 0.0158 0.0611 0 91.5 60 1352-Chlorotoluene 0.0174 0.00526 0.0244 0 71.2 69 1282-Hexanone 0.0476 0.0158 0.0611 0 77.9 50 1504-Chlorotoluene 0.0177 0.00526 0.0244 0 72.4 73 126 S4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0533 0.0158 0.0611 0 87.2 60 135Acetone 0.0368 0.0526 0.0611 0 60.3 40 141Benzene 0.0233 0.00526 0.0244 0 95.2 73 126Bromobenzene 0.0207 0.00526 0.0244 0 84.7 66 121Bromochloromethane 0.0230 0.00526 0.0244 0 94.1 71 127Bromodichloromethane 0.0240 0.00526 0.0244 0 98.1 72 128Bromoform 0.0210 0.00526 0.0244 0 86.0 66 137Bromomethane 0.0177 0.00526 0.0244 0 72.3 45 141

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Carbon disulfide 0.0199 0.00526 0.0244 0 81.5 50 150Carbon tetrachloride 0.0282 0.00526 0.0244 0 115 67 133Chlorobenzene 0.0209 0.00526 0.0244 0 85.7 75 123Chloroethane 0.0178 0.00526 0.0244 0 72.8 41 141Chloroform 0.0241 0.00526 0.0244 0 98.6 72 124Chloromethane 0.0209 0.00526 0.0244 0 85.7 51 129cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0221 0.00526 0.0244 0 90.3 67 125cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0221 0.00526 0.0244 0 90.6 72 126Cyclohexane 0.0191 0.0158 0.0244 0 78.4 40 158 NDibromochloromethane 0.0229 0.00526 0.0244 0 94.0 66 130Dibromomethane 0.0218 0.00526 0.0244 0 89.1 73 128Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0183 0.00526 0.0244 0 75.1 34 136Ethylbenzene 0.0203 0.00526 0.0244 0 83.3 74 127Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00705 0.00526 0.0244 0 28.9 53 142 SIodomethane 0.0188 0.00526 0.0244 0 77.0 50 150Isopropylbenzene 0.0181 0.00526 0.0244 0 74.2 77 129 Sm,p-Xylene 0.0401 0.00526 0.0488 0 82.1 79 126Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0241 0.00526 0.0244 0 98.7 50 135Methylcyclohexane 0.0133 0.0158 0.0244 0 54.4 50 150Methylene chloride 0.0206 0.00526 0.0244 0 84.3 63 137n-Butylbenzene 0.0115 0.00526 0.0244 0 46.9 65 138 Sn-Propylbenzene 0.0159 0.00526 0.0244 0 65.1 63 135Naphthalene 0.0206 0.0158 0.0244 0 84.3 51 135o-Xylene 0.0203 0.00526 0.0244 0 83.0 77 125p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0136 0.00526 0.0244 0 55.6 75 133 Ssec-Butylbenzene 0.0132 0.00526 0.0244 0 53.9 63 132 SStyrene 0.0197 0.00526 0.0244 0 80.6 74 128tert-Butylbenzene 0.0155 0.00526 0.0244 0 63.6 65 132 STetrachloroethene 0.0207 0.00526 0.0244 0 84.7 67 139Toluene 0.0215 0.00526 0.0244 0 88.1 71 127trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0209 0.00526 0.0244 0 85.6 66 134trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0220 0.00526 0.0244 0 90.0 65 127Trichloroethene 0.0229 0.00526 0.0244 0 93.9 77 124Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0183 0.0158 0.0244 0 75.0 49 139Vinyl chloride 0.0185 0.00526 0.0244 0 75.6 58 126 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 57.3 52.64 109 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51.7 52.64 98.2 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 54.1 52.64 103 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 51.0 52.64 96.9 84 116

Sample ID: 1104098-01AMSD Batch ID: 45905 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: GCMS2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 08:07 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0222 0.00535 0.0248 0 89.6 74 125 4.01 301,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0257 0.00535 0.0248 0 104 68 130 3.19 301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0194 0.00535 0.0248 0 78.1 59 140 0.734 301,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0221 0.00535 0.0248 0 89.2 62 127 1.39 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 259: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0233 0.00535 0.0248 0 94.0 73 125 0.873 301,1-Dichloroethene 0.0211 0.00535 0.0248 0 84.9 65 136 6.06 301,1-Dichloropropene 0.0206 0.00535 0.0248 0 83.1 70 135 7.46 301,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0114 0.00535 0.0248 0 46.1 62 133 10.2 30 S1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0209 0.00535 0.0248 0 84.4 63 130 2.90 301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0111 0.00535 0.0248 0 44.7 65 131 17.4 30 S1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0158 0.00535 0.0248 0 63.7 65 135 14.2 30 S1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0201 0.00535 0.0248 0 81.2 49 135 6.45 301,2-Dibromoethane 0.0212 0.00535 0.0248 0 85.5 70 124 1.03 301,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0159 0.00535 0.0248 0 64.1 74 120 11.1 30 S1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0246 0.00535 0.0248 0 99.2 72 137 0.952 301,2-Dichloropropane 0.0231 0.00535 0.0248 0 93.1 71 120 1.85 301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0155 0.00535 0.0248 0 62.6 65 133 11.7 30 S1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0149 0.00535 0.0248 0 60.0 72 124 14.1 30 S1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0219 0.00535 0.0248 0 88.4 76 123 1.52 301,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0153 0.00535 0.0248 0 61.5 72 125 12.5 30 S2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0240 0.00535 0.0248 0 96.6 67 134 3.62 302-Butanone 0.0579 0.0160 0.0620 0 93.4 60 135 3.59 302-Chlorotoluene 0.0162 0.00535 0.0248 0 65.2 69 128 7.23 30 S2-Hexanone 0.0506 0.0160 0.0620 0 81.6 50 150 6.25 304-Chlorotoluene 0.0161 0.00535 0.0248 0 65.0 73 126 9.17 30 S4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0552 0.0160 0.0620 0 89.1 60 135 3.65 30Acetone 0.0379 0.0535 0.0620 0 61.2 40 141 3.06 30Benzene 0.0228 0.00535 0.0248 0 91.7 73 126 2.18 30Bromobenzene 0.0193 0.00535 0.0248 0 77.9 66 121 6.77 30Bromochloromethane 0.0224 0.00535 0.0248 0 90.3 71 127 2.46 30Bromodichloromethane 0.0235 0.00535 0.0248 0 94.8 72 128 1.93 30Bromoform 0.0209 0.00535 0.0248 0 84.4 66 137 0.263 30Bromomethane 0.0176 0.00535 0.0248 0 71.0 45 141 0.186 30Carbon disulfide 0.0186 0.00535 0.0248 0 75.1 50 150 6.59 30Carbon tetrachloride 0.0274 0.00535 0.0248 0 111 67 133 2.67 30Chlorobenzene 0.0194 0.00535 0.0248 0 78.4 75 123 7.37 30Chloroethane 0.0178 0.00535 0.0248 0 71.8 41 141 0.128 30Chloroform 0.0236 0.00535 0.0248 0 95.1 72 124 2.09 30Chloromethane 0.0208 0.00535 0.0248 0 83.7 51 129 0.833 30cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0212 0.00535 0.0248 0 85.3 67 125 4.09 30cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0213 0.00535 0.0248 0 85.8 72 126 3.96 30Cyclohexane 0.0171 0.0160 0.0248 0 69.1 40 158 11.1 30 NDibromochloromethane 0.0222 0.00535 0.0248 0 89.7 66 130 3.14 30Dibromomethane 0.0217 0.00535 0.0248 0 87.3 73 128 0.493 30Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0178 0.00535 0.0248 0 71.6 34 136 3.20 30Ethylbenzene 0.0187 0.00535 0.0248 0 75.5 74 127 8.22 30Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00554 0.00535 0.0248 0 22.3 53 142 24.1 30 SIodomethane 0.0186 0.00535 0.0248 0 75.0 50 150 1.05 30Isopropylbenzene 0.0163 0.00535 0.0248 0 65.7 77 129 10.6 30 Sm,p-Xylene 0.0371 0.00535 0.0496 0 74.8 79 126 7.76 30 SMethyl tert-butyl ether 0.0244 0.00535 0.0248 0 98.3 50 135 1.12 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Methylcyclohexane 0.00950 0.0160 0.0248 0 38.3 50 150 33.3 30 SRMethylene chloride 0.0204 0.00535 0.0248 0 82.2 63 137 0.979 30n-Butylbenzene 0.00926 0.00535 0.0248 0 37.3 65 138 21.2 30 Sn-Propylbenzene 0.0142 0.00535 0.0248 0 57.1 63 135 11.6 30 SNaphthalene 0.0175 0.0160 0.0248 0 70.6 51 135 16.2 30o-Xylene 0.0190 0.00535 0.0248 0 76.6 77 125 6.44 30p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0117 0.00535 0.0248 0 47.2 75 133 14.8 30 Ssec-Butylbenzene 0.0112 0.00535 0.0248 0 45.1 63 132 16.1 30 SStyrene 0.0180 0.00535 0.0248 0 72.7 74 128 8.79 30 Stert-Butylbenzene 0.0139 0.00535 0.0248 0 55.9 65 132 11.3 30 STetrachloroethene 0.0187 0.00535 0.0248 0 75.3 67 139 10.1 30Toluene 0.0207 0.00535 0.0248 0 83.5 71 127 3.77 30trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0202 0.00535 0.0248 0 81.4 66 134 3.40 30trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0212 0.00535 0.0248 0 85.5 65 127 3.50 30Trichloroethene 0.0214 0.00535 0.0248 0 86.1 77 124 7.11 30Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0182 0.0160 0.0248 0 73.2 49 139 0.942 30Vinyl chloride 0.0184 0.00535 0.0248 0 74.3 58 126 0.282 30 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 58.6 53.46 110 52 149 0 0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.3 53.46 97.9 84 118 0 0 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 55.3 53.46 103 65 135 0 0 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.7 53.46 94.9 84 116 0 0

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110415 Batch ID: R54459 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: GCMS2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:19 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0449 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.7 70 1301,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0513 0.00500 0.0464 0 111 70 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0404 0.00500 0.0464 0 87.1 70 1301,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0476 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 1301,1-Dichloroethane 0.0488 0.00500 0.0464 0 105 70 1301,1-Dichloroethene 0.0466 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 80 1201,1-Dichloropropene 0.0499 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 70 1301,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0465 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 70 1301,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0437 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.1 70 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0470 0.00500 0.0464 0 101 70 1301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0448 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.7 70 1301,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0438 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.3 70 1301,2-Dibromoethane 0.0448 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.5 70 1301,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0448 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.6 70 1301,2-Dichloroethane 0.0503 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 70 1301,2-Dichloropropane 0.0482 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 80 1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0452 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.3 70 1301,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0452 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.3 70 1301,3-Dichloropropane 0.0445 0.00500 0.0464 0 95.9 70 1301,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0447 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.4 70 1302,2-Dichloropropane 0.0536 0.00500 0.0464 0 116 70 1302-Butanone 0.127 0.0150 0.116 0 109 70 1302-Chlorotoluene 0.0424 0.00500 0.0464 0 91.5 70 1302-Hexanone 0.109 0.0150 0.116 0 94.0 70 1304-Chlorotoluene 0.0440 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.8 70 1304-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.112 0.0150 0.116 0 96.4 70 130Acetone 0.141 0.0500 0.116 0 121 70 130Benzene 0.0471 0.00500 0.0464 0 102 70 130Bromobenzene 0.0452 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.3 70 130Bromochloromethane 0.0480 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 70 130Bromodichloromethane 0.0498 0.00500 0.0464 0 107 70 130Bromoform 0.0443 0.00500 0.0464 0 95.4 70 130Bromomethane 0.0474 0.00500 0.0464 0 102 70 130Carbon disulfide 0.0495 0.00500 0.0464 0 107 70 130Carbon tetrachloride 0.0508 0.00500 0.0464 0 110 70 130Chlorobenzene 0.0453 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.6 70 130Chloroethane 0.0419 0.00500 0.0464 0 90.3 70 130Chloroform 0.0501 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 80 120Chloromethane 0.0468 0.00500 0.0464 0 101 70 130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0463 0.00500 0.0464 0 99.9 70 130cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0492 0.00500 0.0464 0 106 70 130Cyclohexane 0.0499 0.0150 0.0464 0 108 70 130 NDibromochloromethane 0.0466 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 70 130Dibromomethane 0.0480 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0388 0.00500 0.0464 0 83.7 70 130Ethylbenzene 0.0454 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.8 80 120Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0478 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 130Iodomethane 0.0416 0.00500 0.0464 0 89.7 70 130Isopropylbenzene 0.0456 0.00500 0.0464 0 98.2 70 130m,p-Xylene 0.0914 0.00500 0.0928 0 98.5 70 130Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0482 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 70 130Methylcyclohexane 0.0555 0.0150 0.0464 0 120 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0476 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 130n-Butylbenzene 0.0444 0.00500 0.0464 0 95.7 70 130n-Propylbenzene 0.0433 0.00500 0.0464 0 93.4 70 130Naphthalene 0.0405 0.0150 0.0464 0 87.3 70 130o-Xylene 0.0446 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.2 70 130p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0437 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.1 70 130sec-Butylbenzene 0.0445 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.0 70 130Styrene 0.0447 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.4 70 130tert-Butylbenzene 0.0434 0.00500 0.0464 0 93.6 70 130Tetrachloroethene 0.0468 0.00500 0.0464 0 101 70 130Toluene 0.0466 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 80 120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0476 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 130trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0504 0.00500 0.0464 0 109 70 130Trichloroethene 0.0499 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 70 130Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0446 0.0150 0.0464 0 96.1 70 130Vinyl chloride 0.0450 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.0 80 120 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 58.0 50.00 116 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46.7 50.00 93.4 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 53.0 50.00 106 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 46.7 50.00 93.4 84 116

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45920 Batch ID: 45920 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/KgSampType: LCS Run ID: GCMS2_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:41 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0239 0.00500 0.0232 0 103 74 1251,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0278 0.00500 0.0232 0 120 68 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0203 0.00500 0.0232 0 87.5 59 1401,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0246 0.00500 0.0232 0 106 62 1271,1-Dichloroethane 0.0239 0.00500 0.0232 0 103 73 1251,1-Dichloroethene 0.0232 0.00500 0.0232 0 99.8 65 1361,1-Dichloropropene 0.0248 0.00500 0.0232 0 107 70 1351,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0304 0.00500 0.0232 0 131 62 1331,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.1 63 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0283 0.00500 0.0232 0 122 65 1311,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.1 65 1351,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0264 0.00500 0.0232 0 114 49 1351,2-Dibromoethane 0.0235 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 70 1241,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0232 0.00500 0.0232 0 100 74 1201,2-Dichloroethane 0.0261 0.00500 0.0232 0 113 72 1371,2-Dichloropropane 0.0236 0.00500 0.0232 0 102 71 1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0226 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.3 65 1331,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0227 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.7 72 1241,3-Dichloropropane 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.1 76 1231,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0226 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.2 72 1252,2-Dichloropropane 0.0271 0.00500 0.0232 0 117 67 1342-Butanone 0.0714 0.0150 0.0580 0 123 60 1352-Chlorotoluene 0.0208 0.00500 0.0232 0 89.8 69 1282-Hexanone 0.0657 0.0150 0.0580 0 113 50 1504-Chlorotoluene 0.0217 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.5 73 1264-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0614 0.0150 0.0580 0 106 60 135Acetone 0.0539 0.0500 0.0580 0 92.9 40 141Benzene 0.0235 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 75 125Bromobenzene 0.0229 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.5 66 121Bromochloromethane 0.0247 0.00500 0.0232 0 107 71 127Bromodichloromethane 0.0261 0.00500 0.0232 0 112 72 128Bromoform 0.0250 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 66 137Bromomethane 0.0174 0.00500 0.0232 0 75.0 45 141Carbon disulfide 0.0236 0.00500 0.0232 0 102 50 150Carbon tetrachloride 0.0311 0.00500 0.0232 0 134 67 133 SChlorobenzene 0.0230 0.00500 0.0232 0 99.1 75 123Chloroethane 0.0189 0.00500 0.0232 0 81.5 41 141Chloroform 0.0242 0.00500 0.0232 0 105 72 124Chloromethane 0.0200 0.00500 0.0232 0 86.4 51 129cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0230 0.00500 0.0232 0 99.4 67 125cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0248 0.00500 0.0232 0 107 72 126Cyclohexane 0.0242 0.0150 0.0232 0 104 40 161 NDibromochloromethane 0.0244 0.00500 0.0232 0 105 66 130Dibromomethane 0.0253 0.00500 0.0232 0 109 73 128

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 264: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0150 0.00500 0.0232 0 64.7 34 136Ethylbenzene 0.0228 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.1 75 125Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0254 0.00500 0.0232 0 109 53 142Iodomethane 0.0190 0.00500 0.0232 0 81.9 50 150Isopropylbenzene 0.0229 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.5 77 129m,p-Xylene 0.0460 0.00500 0.0464 0 99.2 80 125Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0252 0.00500 0.0232 0 108 68 130Methylcyclohexane 0.0166 0.0150 0.0232 0 71.4 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0218 0.00500 0.0232 0 94.0 63 137n-Butylbenzene 0.0221 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.1 65 138n-Propylbenzene 0.0211 0.00500 0.0232 0 91.0 63 135Naphthalene 0.0282 0.0150 0.0232 0 122 51 135o-Xylene 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.1 77 125p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0217 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.5 75 133sec-Butylbenzene 0.0218 0.00500 0.0232 0 93.8 63 132Styrene 0.0224 0.00500 0.0232 0 96.6 74 128tert-Butylbenzene 0.0214 0.00500 0.0232 0 92.2 65 132Tetrachloroethene 0.0242 0.00500 0.0232 0 104 67 139Toluene 0.0238 0.00500 0.0232 0 102 75 125trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0232 0.00500 0.0232 0 100 66 134trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0257 0.00500 0.0232 0 111 65 127Trichloroethene 0.0256 0.00500 0.0232 0 110 77 124Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0198 0.0150 0.0232 0 85.5 49 139Vinyl chloride 0.0187 0.00500 0.0232 0 80.4 58 126 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 57.9 50.00 116 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46.5 50.00 92.9 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 53.0 50.00 106 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 46.3 50.00 92.5 84 116

Sample ID: MB-45920 Batch ID: 45920 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/KgSampType: MBLK Run ID: GCMS2_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 09:44 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethane <0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethene <0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloropropene <0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromoethane <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichloroethane <0.00100 0.00500

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 265: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


1,2-Dichloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichloropropane <0.00100 0.005001,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.00100 0.005002,2-Dichloropropane <0.00100 0.005002-Butanone <0.00500 0.01502-Chlorotoluene <0.00100 0.005002-Hexanone <0.00500 0.01504-Chlorotoluene <0.00100 0.005004-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.0150Acetone <0.0150 0.0500Benzene <0.00100 0.00500Bromobenzene <0.00100 0.00500Bromochloromethane <0.00100 0.00500Bromodichloromethane <0.00100 0.00500Bromoform <0.00100 0.00500Bromomethane <0.00100 0.00500Carbon disulfide <0.00100 0.00500Carbon tetrachloride <0.00100 0.00500Chlorobenzene <0.00100 0.00500Chloroethane <0.00100 0.00500Chloroform <0.00100 0.00500Chloromethane <0.00100 0.00500cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00100 0.00500cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00100 0.00500Cyclohexane <0.00500 0.0150 NDibromochloromethane <0.00100 0.00500Dibromomethane <0.00100 0.00500Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.00100 0.00500Ethylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Hexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00500Iodomethane <0.00100 0.00500Isopropylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500m,p-Xylene <0.00100 0.00500Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.00100 0.00500Methylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.0150Methylene chloride <0.00500 0.00500n-Butylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500n-Propylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Naphthalene <0.00500 0.0150o-Xylene <0.00100 0.00500p-Isopropyltoluene <0.00100 0.00500sec-Butylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Styrene <0.00100 0.00500tert-Butylbenzene <0.00100 0.00500Tetrachloroethene <0.00100 0.00500

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Toluene <0.00100 0.00500trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.00100 0.00500trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.00100 0.00500Trichloroethene <0.00100 0.00500Trichlorofluoromethane <0.00500 0.0150Vinyl chloride <0.00100 0.00500 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 53.6 50.00 107 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.0 50.00 98.0 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 52.6 50.00 105 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 46.2 50.00 92.3 84 116

Sample ID: 1104092-02AMS Batch ID: 45920 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MS Run ID: GCMS2_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 02:25 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0244 0.00495 0.0230 0 106 74 1251,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0275 0.00495 0.0230 0 120 68 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0227 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.9 59 1401,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0261 0.00495 0.0230 0 114 62 1271,1-Dichloroethane 0.0256 0.00495 0.0230 0 112 73 1251,1-Dichloroethene 0.0237 0.00495 0.0230 0 103 65 1361,1-Dichloropropene 0.0260 0.00495 0.0230 0 113 70 1351,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0225 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.1 62 1331,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0238 0.00495 0.0230 0 104 63 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0230 0.00495 0.0230 0 100 65 1311,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0226 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.4 65 1351,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0227 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.9 49 1351,2-Dibromoethane 0.0245 0.00495 0.0230 0 107 70 1241,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0232 0.00495 0.0230 0 101 74 1201,2-Dichloroethane 0.0279 0.00495 0.0230 0 122 72 1371,2-Dichloropropane 0.0262 0.00495 0.0230 0 114 71 1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0226 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.3 65 1331,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0233 0.00495 0.0230 0 101 72 1241,3-Dichloropropane 0.0244 0.00495 0.0230 0 106 76 1231,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0233 0.00495 0.0230 0 102 72 1252,2-Dichloropropane 0.0284 0.00495 0.0230 0 124 67 1342-Butanone 0.0727 0.0148 0.0574 0 127 40 1352-Chlorotoluene 0.0223 0.00495 0.0230 0 97.1 69 1282-Hexanone 0.0596 0.0148 0.0574 0 104 50 1504-Chlorotoluene 0.0235 0.00495 0.0230 0 102 73 1264-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0628 0.0148 0.0574 0 109 47 147Acetone 0.0665 0.0495 0.0574 0 116 40 141Benzene 0.0258 0.00495 0.0230 0 113 73 126Bromobenzene 0.0240 0.00495 0.0230 0 105 66 121Bromochloromethane 0.0252 0.00495 0.0230 0 110 71 127Bromodichloromethane 0.0266 0.00495 0.0230 0 116 72 128Bromoform 0.0247 0.00495 0.0230 0 107 66 137Bromomethane 0.0226 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.4 45 141

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Carbon disulfide 0.0246 0.00495 0.0230 0 107 50 150Carbon tetrachloride 0.0261 0.00495 0.0230 0 114 67 133Chlorobenzene 0.0242 0.00495 0.0230 0 105 75 123Chloroethane 0.0209 0.00495 0.0230 0 91.0 41 141Chloroform 0.0254 0.00495 0.0230 0 111 72 124Chloromethane 0.0211 0.00495 0.0230 0 91.9 51 129cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.00495 0.0230 0 109 67 125cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0263 0.00495 0.0230 0 114 72 126Cyclohexane 0.0256 0.0148 0.0230 0 111 40 161 NDibromochloromethane 0.0251 0.00495 0.0230 0 109 66 130Dibromomethane 0.0263 0.00495 0.0230 0 115 73 128Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0155 0.00495 0.0230 0 67.6 34 136Ethylbenzene 0.0240 0.00495 0.0230 0 104 74 127Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0208 0.00495 0.0230 0 90.4 53 142Iodomethane 0.0243 0.00495 0.0230 0 106 50 150Isopropylbenzene 0.0238 0.00495 0.0230 0 104 77 129m,p-Xylene 0.0479 0.00495 0.0459 0 104 79 126Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0262 0.00495 0.0230 0 114 50 135Methylcyclohexane 0.0189 0.0148 0.0230 0 82.2 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0267 0.00495 0.0230 0 116 63 137n-Butylbenzene 0.0219 0.00495 0.0230 0 95.6 65 138n-Propylbenzene 0.0226 0.00495 0.0230 0 98.4 63 135Naphthalene 0.0206 0.0148 0.0230 0 89.6 51 135o-Xylene 0.0233 0.00495 0.0230 0 102 77 125p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0222 0.00495 0.0230 0 96.7 75 133sec-Butylbenzene 0.0224 0.00495 0.0230 0 97.4 63 132Styrene 0.0238 0.00495 0.0230 0 104 74 128tert-Butylbenzene 0.0225 0.00495 0.0230 0 97.8 65 132Tetrachloroethene 0.0246 0.00495 0.0230 0 107 67 139Toluene 0.0253 0.00495 0.0230 0 110 71 127trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0246 0.00495 0.0230 0 107 66 134trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0270 0.00495 0.0230 0 118 65 127Trichloroethene 0.0263 0.00495 0.0230 0 115 77 124Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0227 0.0148 0.0230 0 98.9 49 139Vinyl chloride 0.0216 0.00495 0.0230 0 94.1 58 126 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 57.5 49.48 116 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47.3 49.48 95.7 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 51.1 49.48 103 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 46.6 49.48 94.1 84 116

Sample ID: 1104092-02AMSD Batch ID: 45920 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/Kg-drySampType: MSD Run ID: GCMS2_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 02:56 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0251 0.00527 0.0244 0 103 74 125 3.16 301,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0288 0.00527 0.0244 0 118 68 130 4.51 301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0231 0.00527 0.0244 0 94.7 59 140 1.89 301,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0265 0.00527 0.0244 0 108 62 127 1.63 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0266 0.00527 0.0244 0 109 73 125 3.63 301,1-Dichloroethene 0.0251 0.00527 0.0244 0 103 65 136 5.54 301,1-Dichloropropene 0.0269 0.00527 0.0244 0 110 70 135 3.35 301,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0257 0.00527 0.0244 0 105 62 133 13.0 301,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0249 0.00527 0.0244 0 102 63 130 4.24 301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.00527 0.0244 0 102 65 131 8.50 301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0238 0.00527 0.0244 0 97.4 65 135 5.24 301,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0250 0.00527 0.0244 0 102 49 135 9.67 301,2-Dibromoethane 0.0248 0.00527 0.0244 0 102 70 124 1.57 301,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0244 0.00527 0.0244 0 99.7 74 120 4.92 301,2-Dichloroethane 0.0283 0.00527 0.0244 0 116 72 137 1.27 301,2-Dichloropropane 0.0274 0.00527 0.0244 0 112 71 120 4.23 301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0237 0.00527 0.0244 0 97.2 65 133 5.06 301,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0245 0.00527 0.0244 0 100 72 124 4.97 301,3-Dichloropropane 0.0259 0.00527 0.0244 0 106 76 123 5.84 301,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0242 0.00527 0.0244 0 99.0 72 125 3.63 302,2-Dichloropropane 0.0293 0.00527 0.0244 0 120 67 134 3.28 302-Butanone 0.0733 0.0158 0.0611 0 120 40 135 0.866 302-Chlorotoluene 0.0230 0.00527 0.0244 0 94.3 69 128 3.32 302-Hexanone 0.0638 0.0158 0.0611 0 104 50 150 6.85 304-Chlorotoluene 0.0237 0.00527 0.0244 0 96.9 73 126 0.927 304-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0643 0.0158 0.0611 0 105 47 147 2.28 30Acetone 0.0672 0.0527 0.0611 0 110 40 141 1.06 30Benzene 0.0268 0.00527 0.0244 0 110 73 126 3.81 30Bromobenzene 0.0247 0.00527 0.0244 0 101 66 121 2.52 30Bromochloromethane 0.0266 0.00527 0.0244 0 109 71 127 5.42 30Bromodichloromethane 0.0275 0.00527 0.0244 0 112 72 128 3.34 30Bromoform 0.0256 0.00527 0.0244 0 105 66 137 3.65 30Bromomethane 0.0223 0.00527 0.0244 0 91.4 45 141 1.15 30Carbon disulfide 0.0257 0.00527 0.0244 0 105 50 150 4.14 30Carbon tetrachloride 0.0272 0.00527 0.0244 0 111 67 133 3.88 30Chlorobenzene 0.0252 0.00527 0.0244 0 103 75 123 3.94 30Chloroethane 0.0221 0.00527 0.0244 0 90.4 41 141 5.59 30Chloroform 0.0266 0.00527 0.0244 0 109 72 124 4.56 30Chloromethane 0.0220 0.00527 0.0244 0 90.0 51 129 4.21 30cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0257 0.00527 0.0244 0 105 67 125 2.70 30cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0268 0.00527 0.0244 0 110 72 126 2.06 30Cyclohexane 0.0264 0.0158 0.0244 0 108 40 161 3.15 30 NDibromochloromethane 0.0260 0.00527 0.0244 0 106 66 130 3.42 30Dibromomethane 0.0268 0.00527 0.0244 0 109 73 128 1.64 30Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0163 0.00527 0.0244 0 66.6 34 136 4.71 30Ethylbenzene 0.0249 0.00527 0.0244 0 102 74 127 3.91 30Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0221 0.00527 0.0244 0 90.4 53 142 6.25 30Iodomethane 0.0252 0.00527 0.0244 0 103 50 150 3.57 30Isopropylbenzene 0.0250 0.00527 0.0244 0 102 77 129 4.83 30m,p-Xylene 0.0500 0.00527 0.0489 0 102 79 126 4.31 30Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0268 0.00527 0.0244 0 110 50 135 2.25 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Methylcyclohexane 0.0182 0.0158 0.0244 0 74.4 70 130 3.83 30Methylene chloride 0.0263 0.00527 0.0244 0 108 63 137 1.37 30n-Butylbenzene 0.0228 0.00527 0.0244 0 93.4 65 138 3.93 30n-Propylbenzene 0.0235 0.00527 0.0244 0 96.3 63 135 3.99 30Naphthalene 0.0236 0.0158 0.0244 0 96.4 51 135 13.6 30o-Xylene 0.0243 0.00527 0.0244 0 99.3 77 125 4.02 30p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0231 0.00527 0.0244 0 94.7 75 133 4.09 30sec-Butylbenzene 0.0234 0.00527 0.0244 0 95.7 63 132 4.51 30Styrene 0.0243 0.00527 0.0244 0 99.4 74 128 2.09 30tert-Butylbenzene 0.0234 0.00527 0.0244 0 95.7 65 132 4.07 30Tetrachloroethene 0.0260 0.00527 0.0244 0 106 67 139 5.52 30Toluene 0.0261 0.00527 0.0244 0 107 71 127 2.88 30trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0254 0.00527 0.0244 0 104 66 134 3.31 30trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0280 0.00527 0.0244 0 114 65 127 3.54 30Trichloroethene 0.0270 0.00527 0.0244 0 110 77 124 2.61 30Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0239 0.0158 0.0244 0 97.8 49 139 5.16 30Vinyl chloride 0.0223 0.00527 0.0244 0 91.4 58 126 3.32 30 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 59.5 52.67 113 52 149 0 0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.0 52.67 94.9 84 118 0 0 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 53.8 52.67 102 65 135 0 0 Surr: Toluene-d8 49.4 52.67 93.9 84 116 0 0

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 270: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110418 Batch ID: R54475 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/KgSampType: ICV Run ID: GCMS2_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:10 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0497 0.00500 0.0464 0 107 70 1301,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0579 0.00500 0.0464 0 125 70 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0392 0.00500 0.0464 0 84.6 70 1301,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0485 0.00500 0.0464 0 105 70 1301,1-Dichloroethane 0.0484 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 70 1301,1-Dichloroethene 0.0479 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 80 1201,1-Dichloropropene 0.0506 0.00500 0.0464 0 109 70 1301,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0503 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 70 1301,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0427 0.00500 0.0464 0 91.9 70 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0512 0.00500 0.0464 0 110 70 1301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0456 0.00500 0.0464 0 98.2 70 1301,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0463 0.00500 0.0464 0 99.8 70 1301,2-Dibromoethane 0.0472 0.00500 0.0464 0 102 70 1301,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0459 0.00500 0.0464 0 98.9 70 1301,2-Dichloroethane 0.0525 0.00500 0.0464 0 113 70 1301,2-Dichloropropane 0.0471 0.00500 0.0464 0 102 80 1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0453 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.7 70 1301,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0465 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 70 1301,3-Dichloropropane 0.0452 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.5 70 1301,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0452 0.00500 0.0464 0 97.5 70 1302,2-Dichloropropane 0.0570 0.00500 0.0464 0 123 70 1302-Butanone 0.129 0.0150 0.116 0 112 70 1302-Chlorotoluene 0.0426 0.00500 0.0464 0 91.7 70 1302-Hexanone 0.116 0.0150 0.116 0 100 70 1304-Chlorotoluene 0.0429 0.00500 0.0464 0 92.5 70 1304-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.116 0.0150 0.116 0 100 70 130Acetone 0.118 0.0500 0.116 0 102 70 130Benzene 0.0477 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 130Bromobenzene 0.0466 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 70 130Bromochloromethane 0.0505 0.00500 0.0464 0 109 70 130Bromodichloromethane 0.0529 0.00500 0.0464 0 114 70 130Bromoform 0.0500 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 70 130Bromomethane 0.0383 0.00500 0.0464 0 82.5 70 130Carbon disulfide 0.0489 0.00500 0.0464 0 105 70 130Carbon tetrachloride 0.0653 0.00500 0.0464 0 141 70 130 SChlorobenzene 0.0466 0.00500 0.0464 0 100 70 130Chloroethane 0.0368 0.00500 0.0464 0 79.2 70 130Chloroform 0.0503 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 80 120Chloromethane 0.0412 0.00500 0.0464 0 88.8 70 130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0484 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 70 130cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0496 0.00500 0.0464 0 107 70 130Cyclohexane 0.0502 0.0150 0.0464 0 108 70 130 NDibromochloromethane 0.0504 0.00500 0.0464 0 109 70 130Dibromomethane 0.0492 0.00500 0.0464 0 106 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0312 0.00500 0.0464 0 67.3 70 130 SEthylbenzene 0.0473 0.00500 0.0464 0 102 80 120Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0513 0.00500 0.0464 0 111 70 130Iodomethane 0.0405 0.00500 0.0464 0 87.2 70 130Isopropylbenzene 0.0478 0.00500 0.0464 0 103 70 130m,p-Xylene 0.0933 0.00500 0.0928 0 101 70 130Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0503 0.00500 0.0464 0 108 70 130Methylcyclohexane 0.0401 0.0150 0.0464 0 86.5 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0467 0.00500 0.0464 0 101 70 130n-Butylbenzene 0.0439 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.6 70 130n-Propylbenzene 0.0421 0.00500 0.0464 0 90.7 70 130Naphthalene 0.0464 0.0150 0.0464 0 99.9 70 130o-Xylene 0.0461 0.00500 0.0464 0 99.3 70 130p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0440 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.9 70 130sec-Butylbenzene 0.0434 0.00500 0.0464 0 93.6 70 130Styrene 0.0463 0.00500 0.0464 0 99.8 70 130tert-Butylbenzene 0.0438 0.00500 0.0464 0 94.4 70 130Tetrachloroethene 0.0512 0.00500 0.0464 0 110 70 130Toluene 0.0480 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 80 120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0481 0.00500 0.0464 0 104 70 130trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0522 0.00500 0.0464 0 112 70 130Trichloroethene 0.0521 0.00500 0.0464 0 112 70 130Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0398 0.0150 0.0464 0 85.7 70 130Vinyl chloride 0.0387 0.00500 0.0464 0 83.4 80 120 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 57.8 50.00 116 52 149 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46.0 50.00 92.0 84 118 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 52.4 50.00 105 65 135 Surr: Toluene-d8 46.5 50.00 93.0 84 116

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-46015 Batch ID: 46015 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: GCMS5_110422A Analysis Date: 04/22/11 09:57 AM Prep Date: 04/22/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0235 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 81 1291,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0244 0.00100 0.0232 0 105 67 1321,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0236 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 63 1281,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0244 0.00100 0.0232 0 105 75 1251,1-Dichloroethane 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.1 69 1331,1-Dichloroethene 0.0231 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.4 68 1301,1-Dichloropropene 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 73 1321,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.2 67 1371,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.2 73 1241,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0220 0.00500 0.0232 0 95.0 66 1341,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0234 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 74 1321,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0220 0.0100 0.0232 0 94.8 50 1321,2-Dibromoethane 0.0234 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 80 1211,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0237 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 75 1221,2-Dichloroethane 0.0243 0.00100 0.0232 0 105 69 1321,2-Dichloropropane 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.9 75 1251,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0235 0.00500 0.0232 0 101 74 1311,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0236 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 75 1241,3-Dichloropropane 0.0231 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.7 73 1261,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0232 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.9 74 1232,2-Dichloropropane 0.0253 0.00100 0.0232 0 109 69 1372-Butanone 0.0241 0.0150 0.0232 0 104 49 1362-Chloroethylvinylether 0.0187 0.0150 0.0232 0 80.5 50 1502-Chlorotoluene 0.0237 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 73 1262-Hexanone 0.0240 0.0150 0.0232 0 103 50 1504-Chlorotoluene 0.0242 0.00100 0.0232 0 104 74 1284-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0262 0.0150 0.0232 0 113 60 134Acetone 0.0268 0.0150 0.0232 0 116 40 135Benzene 0.0232 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.9 81 122Bromobenzene 0.0231 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.7 76 124Bromochloromethane 0.0245 0.00100 0.0232 0 106 65 129Bromodichloromethane 0.0242 0.00100 0.0232 0 104 76 121Bromoform 0.0240 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 69 128Bromomethane 0.0277 0.00100 0.0232 0 119 53 141Carbon disulfide 0.0228 0.0150 0.0232 0 98.4 50 150Carbon tetrachloride 0.0244 0.00100 0.0232 0 105 66 138Chlorobenzene 0.0233 0.00100 0.0232 0 100 81 122Chloroethane 0.0276 0.00100 0.0232 0 119 58 133Chloroform 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 69 128Chloromethane 0.0256 0.00100 0.0232 0 110 56 131cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.4 72 126cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 69 131Cyclohexane 0.0226 0.0150 0.0232 0 97.3 40 161 NDibromochloromethane 0.0234 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 66 133

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dibromomethane 0.0232 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.9 76 125Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0291 0.00100 0.0232 0 125 53 153Ethylbenzene 0.0235 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 80 120Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0236 0.00300 0.0232 0 102 67 131Iodomethane 0.0193 0.0150 0.0232 0 83.2 50 150Isopropylbenzene 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.1 75 127m,p-Xylene 0.0475 0.00200 0.0464 0 102 80 120Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0235 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 68 123Methylcyclohexane 0.0239 0.0150 0.0232 0 103 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0253 0.00250 0.0232 0 109 63 137n-Butylbenzene 0.0231 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.7 69 137n-Propylbenzene 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 72 129Naphthalene 0.0213 0.0150 0.0232 0 91.6 54 138o-Xylene 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 80 120p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0244 0.00100 0.0232 0 105 73 130sec-Butylbenzene 0.0239 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 72 127Styrene 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 65 134tert-Butylbenzene 0.0238 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 70 129Tetrachloroethene 0.0239 0.00200 0.0232 0 103 66 128Toluene 0.0234 0.00200 0.0232 0 101 80 120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.6 63 137trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0246 0.00100 0.0232 0 106 59 135Trichloroethene 0.0242 0.00200 0.0232 0 104 70 127Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0264 0.00100 0.0232 0 114 57 129Vinyl chloride 0.0266 0.00100 0.0232 0 115 50 134 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 209 200.0 104 72 119 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 197 200.0 98.5 76 119 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 201 200.0 100 85 115 Surr: Toluene-d8 196 200.0 98.1 81 120

Sample ID: MB-46015 Batch ID: 46015 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: GCMS5_110422A Analysis Date: 04/22/11 10:47 AM Prep Date: 04/22/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.001001,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.001001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.000200 0.001001,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.000200 0.001001,1-Dichloroethane <0.000200 0.001001,1-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.001001,1-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.001001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.005001,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.000300 0.001001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.00150 0.005001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.005001,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <0.00300 0.01001,2-Dibromoethane <0.000200 0.001001,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.00100

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


1,2-Dichloroethane <0.000300 0.001001,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.001001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.00150 0.005001,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.001001,3-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.001001,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.000300 0.001002,2-Dichloropropane <0.000200 0.001002-Butanone <0.00500 0.01502-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.01502-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.001002-Hexanone <0.00500 0.01504-Chlorotoluene <0.000300 0.001004-Methyl-2-pentanone <0.00500 0.0150Acetone <0.00500 0.0150Benzene <0.000200 0.00100Bromobenzene <0.000200 0.00100Bromochloromethane <0.000200 0.00100Bromodichloromethane <0.000200 0.00100Bromoform <0.000200 0.00100Bromomethane <0.000300 0.00100Carbon disulfide <0.00500 0.0150Carbon tetrachloride <0.000200 0.00100Chlorobenzene <0.000200 0.00100Chloroethane <0.000300 0.00100Chloroform <0.000300 0.00100Chloromethane <0.000300 0.00100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.00100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.00100Cyclohexane <0.00500 0.0150 NDibromochloromethane <0.000200 0.00100Dibromomethane <0.000200 0.00100Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.000200 0.00100Ethylbenzene <0.000300 0.00100Hexachlorobutadiene <0.00100 0.00300Iodomethane <0.00500 0.0150Isopropylbenzene <0.000200 0.00100m,p-Xylene <0.000600 0.00200Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.000300 0.00100Methylcyclohexane <0.00500 0.0150Methylene chloride <0.00250 0.00250n-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.00100n-Propylbenzene <0.000300 0.00100Naphthalene <0.00500 0.0150o-Xylene <0.000300 0.00100p-Isopropyltoluene <0.000300 0.00100sec-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.00100Styrene <0.000200 0.00100

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


tert-Butylbenzene <0.000300 0.00100Tetrachloroethene <0.000600 0.00200Toluene <0.000600 0.00200trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.000200 0.00100trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.000200 0.00100Trichloroethene <0.000600 0.00200Trichlorofluoromethane <0.000200 0.00100Vinyl chloride <0.000100 0.00100 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 209 200.0 105 72 119 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 199 200.0 99.6 76 119 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 200 200.0 100 85 115 Surr: Toluene-d8 196 200.0 98.0 81 120

Sample ID: 1104097-02AMS Batch ID: 46015 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: GCMS5_110422A Analysis Date: 04/22/11 02:32 PM Prep Date: 04/22/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.5 81 1291,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.3 67 1321,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0224 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.3 63 1281,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0234 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 75 1251,1-Dichloroethane 0.0221 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.2 69 1331,1-Dichloroethene 0.0219 0.00100 0.0232 0 94.5 68 1301,1-Dichloropropene 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.0 73 1321,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0228 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.1 67 1371,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0215 0.00100 0.0232 0 92.6 73 1241,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0225 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.1 66 1341,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0227 0.00500 0.0232 0 97.8 74 1321,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0207 0.0100 0.0232 0 89.1 50 1321,2-Dibromoethane 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.9 80 1211,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.2 75 1251,2-Dichloroethane 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.1 68 1321,2-Dichloropropane 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.8 75 1251,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0228 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.4 74 1311,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0227 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.8 75 1241,3-Dichloropropane 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.9 73 1261,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.9 74 1232,2-Dichloropropane 0.0236 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 69 1372-Butanone 0.0212 0.0150 0.0232 0 91.3 49 1362-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.0150 0.0232 0 0 50 150 S2-Chlorotoluene 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.5 73 1262-Hexanone 0.0210 0.0150 0.0232 0 90.6 50 1504-Chlorotoluene 0.0231 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.7 74 1284-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0227 0.0150 0.0232 0 98.0 60 135Acetone 0.0360 0.0150 0.0232 0.00788 121 40 135Benzene 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.1 81 120Bromobenzene 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.9 76 124Bromochloromethane 0.0239 0.00100 0.0232 0 103 65 129

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Bromodichloromethane 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.4 76 121Bromoform 0.0224 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.6 69 128Bromomethane 0.0248 0.00100 0.0232 0 107 53 141Carbon disulfide 0.0220 0.0150 0.0232 0 94.8 50 150Carbon tetrachloride 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.3 66 138Chlorobenzene 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.0 81 122Chloroethane 0.0267 0.00100 0.0232 0 115 58 133Chloroform 0.0227 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.9 69 128Chloromethane 0.0241 0.00100 0.0232 0 104 56 131cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0224 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.4 72 126cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0220 0.00100 0.0232 0 94.7 69 131Cyclohexane 0.0225 0.0150 0.0232 0 97.2 40 161 NDibromochloromethane 0.0220 0.00100 0.0232 0 94.8 66 133Dibromomethane 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.3 76 125Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0265 0.00100 0.0232 0 114 53 153Ethylbenzene 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.1 80 120Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0226 0.00300 0.0232 0 97.3 67 131Iodomethane 0.0180 0.0150 0.0232 0 77.4 50 150Isopropylbenzene 0.0223 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.1 75 127m,p-Xylene 0.0465 0.00200 0.0464 0 100 80 120Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.3 68 123Methylcyclohexane 0.0235 0.0150 0.0232 0 101 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0249 0.00250 0.0232 0 107 63 137n-Butylbenzene 0.0219 0.00100 0.0232 0 94.2 69 137n-Propylbenzene 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.0 72 129Naphthalene 0.0273 0.0150 0.0232 0 118 54 138o-Xylene 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.3 80 120p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0234 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 73 130sec-Butylbenzene 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.2 72 127Styrene 0.0213 0.00100 0.0232 0 91.9 65 134tert-Butylbenzene 0.0232 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.8 70 129Tetrachloroethene 0.0231 0.00200 0.0232 0 99.7 66 128Toluene 0.0229 0.00200 0.0232 0 98.5 80 120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0220 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.0 63 137trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0235 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 59 135Trichloroethene 0.0231 0.00200 0.0232 0 99.4 70 127Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0244 0.00100 0.0232 0 105 57 129Vinyl chloride 0.0252 0.00100 0.0232 0 108 50 134 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 202 200.0 101 72 119 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 198 200.0 99.0 76 119 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 198 200.0 99.0 85 115 Surr: Toluene-d8 196 200.0 98.0 81 120

Sample ID: 1104097-02AMSD Batch ID: 46015 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: GCMS5_110422A Analysis Date: 04/22/11 02:57 PM Prep Date: 04/22/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.9 81 129 1.65 20

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.3 67 132 1.00 201,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0218 0.00100 0.0232 0 93.8 63 128 2.63 201,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0232 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.8 75 125 1.24 201,1-Dichloroethane 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.6 69 133 0.452 201,1-Dichloroethene 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.7 68 130 1.27 201,1-Dichloropropene 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.5 73 132 0.524 201,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0212 0.00500 0.0232 0 91.5 67 137 6.96 201,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0215 0.00100 0.0232 0 92.5 73 124 0.093 201,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0211 0.00500 0.0232 0 91.1 66 134 6.37 201,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0228 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.1 74 132 0.352 201,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0195 0.0100 0.0232 0 84.1 50 132 5.77 201,2-Dibromoethane 0.0223 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.3 80 121 0.625 201,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.6 75 125 0.394 201,2-Dichloroethane 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.9 68 132 0.174 201,2-Dichloropropane 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.7 75 125 1.16 201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0228 0.00500 0.0232 0 98.3 74 131 0.087 201,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0228 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.1 75 124 0.308 201,3-Dichloropropane 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.5 73 126 1.43 201,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0224 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.3 74 123 0.535 202,2-Dichloropropane 0.0233 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 69 137 1.11 202-Butanone 0.0189 0.0150 0.0232 0 81.5 49 136 11.4 202-Chloroethylvinylether <0.00500 0.0150 0.0232 0 0 50 150 0 20 S2-Chlorotoluene 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.5 73 126 0 202-Hexanone 0.0190 0.0150 0.0232 0 81.9 50 150 10.1 204-Chlorotoluene 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.1 74 128 0.564 204-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0206 0.0150 0.0232 0 88.6 60 135 10.1 20Acetone 0.0312 0.0150 0.0232 0.00788 101 40 135 14.1 20Benzene 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.4 81 120 0.310 20Bromobenzene 0.0224 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.7 76 124 0.267 20Bromochloromethane 0.0237 0.00100 0.0232 0 102 65 129 0.758 20Bromodichloromethane 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.6 76 121 1.28 20Bromoform 0.0221 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.4 69 128 1.17 20Bromomethane 0.0257 0.00100 0.0232 0 111 53 141 3.68 20Carbon disulfide 0.0225 0.0150 0.0232 0 96.9 50 150 2.20 20Carbon tetrachloride 0.0234 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 66 138 1.72 20Chlorobenzene 0.0221 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.4 81 122 1.70 20Chloroethane 0.0266 0.00100 0.0232 0 115 58 133 0.488 20Chloroform 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.9 69 128 0.964 20Chloromethane 0.0246 0.00100 0.0232 0 106 56 131 2.18 20cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.4 72 126 0.979 20cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0221 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.1 69 131 0.500 20Cyclohexane 0.0227 0.0150 0.0232 0 97.8 40 161 0.619 20 NDibromochloromethane 0.0219 0.00100 0.0232 0 94.3 66 133 0.501 20Dibromomethane 0.0225 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.2 76 125 0.177 20Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0273 0.00100 0.0232 0 118 53 153 2.75 20Ethylbenzene 0.0226 0.00100 0.0232 0 97.4 80 120 0.749 20Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0226 0.00300 0.0232 0 97.5 67 131 0.221 20

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Iodomethane 0.0190 0.0150 0.0232 0 81.9 50 150 5.68 20Isopropylbenzene 0.0223 0.00100 0.0232 0 96.2 75 127 0.044 20m,p-Xylene 0.0463 0.00200 0.0464 0 99.8 80 120 0.453 20Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.5 68 123 1.88 20Methylcyclohexane 0.0232 0.0150 0.0232 0 99.8 70 130 1.42 20Methylene chloride 0.0245 0.00250 0.0232 0 106 63 137 1.70 20n-Butylbenzene 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.8 69 137 1.63 20n-Propylbenzene 0.0231 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.5 72 129 0.565 20Naphthalene 0.0209 0.0150 0.0232 0 89.9 54 138 26.9 20 Ro-Xylene 0.0229 0.00100 0.0232 0 98.8 80 120 0.481 20p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0235 0.00100 0.0232 0 101 73 130 0.725 20sec-Butylbenzene 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.2 72 127 2.02 20Styrene 0.0214 0.00100 0.0232 0 92.1 65 134 0.234 20tert-Butylbenzene 0.0230 0.00100 0.0232 0 99.2 70 129 0.607 20Tetrachloroethene 0.0229 0.00200 0.0232 0 98.8 66 128 0.956 20Toluene 0.0228 0.00200 0.0232 0 98.2 80 120 0.263 20trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0222 0.00100 0.0232 0 95.8 63 137 0.859 20trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0233 0.00100 0.0232 0 100 59 135 0.898 20Trichloroethene 0.0231 0.00200 0.0232 0 99.7 70 127 0.216 20Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0248 0.00100 0.0232 0 107 57 129 1.46 20Vinyl chloride 0.0254 0.00100 0.0232 0 109 50 134 0.713 20 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 205 200.0 102 72 119 0 0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 197 200.0 98.4 76 119 0 0 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 200 200.0 100 85 115 0 0 Surr: Toluene-d8 196 200.0 97.9 81 120 0 0

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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Page 279: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110422 Batch ID: R54565 TestNo: SW8260C Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: GCMS5_110422A Analysis Date: 04/22/11 09:32 AM Prep Date:Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit Qual1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0476 0.00100 0.0464 0 103 70 1301,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0476 0.00100 0.0464 0 103 70 1301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0462 0.00100 0.0464 0 99.6 70 1301,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0480 0.00100 0.0464 0 103 70 1301,1-Dichloroethane 0.0449 0.00100 0.0464 0 96.7 70 1301,1-Dichloroethene 0.0453 0.00100 0.0464 0 97.5 80 1201,1-Dichloropropene 0.0467 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 70 1301,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0443 0.00500 0.0464 0 95.5 70 1301,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0457 0.00100 0.0464 0 98.5 70 1301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0449 0.00500 0.0464 0 96.8 70 1301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0462 0.00500 0.0464 0 99.5 70 1301,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0443 0.0100 0.0464 0 95.5 70 1301,2-Dibromoethane 0.0473 0.00100 0.0464 0 102 70 1301,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0465 0.00100 0.0464 0 100 70 1301,2-Dichloroethane 0.0484 0.00100 0.0464 0 104 70 1301,2-Dichloropropane 0.0451 0.00100 0.0464 0 97.1 70 1301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0458 0.00500 0.0464 0 98.8 70 1301,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0462 0.00100 0.0464 0 99.5 70 1301,3-Dichloropropane 0.0468 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 80 1201,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0453 0.00100 0.0464 0 97.6 70 1302,2-Dichloropropane 0.0492 0.00100 0.0464 0 106 70 1302-Butanone 0.0431 0.0150 0.0464 0 92.8 70 1302-Chloroethylvinylether 0.0389 0.0150 0.0464 0 83.9 70 1302-Chlorotoluene 0.0462 0.00100 0.0464 0 99.6 70 1302-Hexanone 0.0423 0.0150 0.0464 0 91.2 70 1304-Chlorotoluene 0.0471 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 70 1304-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.0470 0.0150 0.0464 0 101 70 130Acetone 0.0464 0.0150 0.0464 0 100 70 130Benzene 0.0448 0.00100 0.0464 0 96.5 70 130Bromobenzene 0.0450 0.00100 0.0464 0 97.0 70 130Bromochloromethane 0.0473 0.00100 0.0464 0 102 70 130Bromodichloromethane 0.0475 0.00100 0.0464 0 102 70 130Bromoform 0.0504 0.00100 0.0464 0 109 70 130Bromomethane 0.0496 0.00100 0.0464 0 107 70 130Carbon disulfide 0.0459 0.0150 0.0464 0 98.9 70 130Carbon tetrachloride 0.0490 0.00100 0.0464 0 106 70 130Chlorobenzene 0.0451 0.00100 0.0464 0 97.2 70 130Chloroethane 0.0519 0.00100 0.0464 0 112 70 130Chloroform 0.0469 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 80 120Chloromethane 0.0488 0.00100 0.0464 0 105 70 130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0448 0.00100 0.0464 0 96.5 70 130cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0484 0.00100 0.0464 0 104 70 130Cyclohexane 0.0442 0.0150 0.0464 0 95.3 70 130 NDibromochloromethane 0.0471 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 70 130

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Dibromomethane 0.0463 0.00100 0.0464 0 99.8 70 130Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0562 0.00100 0.0464 0 121 70 130Ethylbenzene 0.0461 0.00100 0.0464 0 99.4 80 120Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0454 0.00300 0.0464 0 97.9 70 130Iodomethane 0.0384 0.0150 0.0464 0 82.7 70 130Isopropylbenzene 0.0458 0.00100 0.0464 0 98.6 70 130m,p-Xylene 0.0942 0.00200 0.0928 0 102 70 130Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0464 0.00100 0.0464 0 100 70 130Methylcyclohexane 0.0460 0.0150 0.0464 0 99.2 70 130Methylene chloride 0.0464 0.00250 0.0464 0 99.9 70 130n-Butylbenzene 0.0455 0.00100 0.0464 0 98.1 70 130n-Propylbenzene 0.0461 0.00100 0.0464 0 99.4 70 130Naphthalene 0.0440 0.0150 0.0464 0 94.9 70 130o-Xylene 0.0471 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 70 130p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0483 0.00100 0.0464 0 104 70 130sec-Butylbenzene 0.0467 0.00100 0.0464 0 101 70 130Styrene 0.0477 0.00100 0.0464 0 103 70 130tert-Butylbenzene 0.0473 0.00100 0.0464 0 102 70 130Tetrachloroethene 0.0471 0.00200 0.0464 0 102 70 130Toluene 0.0462 0.00200 0.0464 0 99.6 80 120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0444 0.00100 0.0464 0 95.8 70 130trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0511 0.00100 0.0464 0 110 70 130Trichloroethene 0.0469 0.00200 0.0464 0 101 70 130Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0513 0.00100 0.0464 0 111 70 130Vinyl chloride 0.0515 0.00100 0.0464 0 111 80 120 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 214 200.0 107 72 119 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 196 200.0 98.2 76 119 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 202 200.0 101 85 115 Surr: Toluene-d8 197 200.0 98.7 81 120

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45916 Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:43 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 10.1 1.00 10.00 0 101 90 110Sulfate 30.7 3.00 30.00 0 102 90 110

Sample ID: LCSD-45916 Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: LCSD Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:55 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 10.1 1.00 10.00 0 101 90 110 0.026 20Sulfate 30.6 3.00 30.00 0 102 90 110 0.254 20

Sample ID: MB-45916 Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:06 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride <0.300 1.00Sulfate <1.00 3.00

Sample ID: 1104097-42D MS Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:09 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSulfate 347 30.0 300.0 41.39 102 90 110

Sample ID: 1104097-42D MSD Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:20 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSulfate 347 30.0 300.0 41.39 102 90 110 0.059 20

Sample ID: 1104097-42D MS Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: MS Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:55 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 1340 100 1000 328.1 101 90 110

Sample ID: 1104097-42D MSD Batch ID: 45916 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: MSD Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 04:07 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 1340 100 1000 328.1 101 90 110 0.225 20

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110415 Batch ID: R54454 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 09:22 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 26.0 1.00 25.00 0 104 90 110Sulfate 79.5 3.00 75.00 0 106 90 110

Sample ID: CCV1-110415 Batch ID: R54454 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 01:04 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 10.1 1.00 10.00 0 101 90 110Sulfate 30.9 3.00 30.00 0 103 90 110

Sample ID: CCV2-110415 Batch ID: R54454 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 03:31 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 10.2 1.00 10.00 0 102 90 110Sulfate 30.9 3.00 30.00 0 103 90 110

Sample ID: CCV3-110415 Batch ID: R54454 TestNo: E300 Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: IC2_110415A Analysis Date: 04/15/11 04:18 PM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualChloride 10.2 1.00 10.00 0 102 90 110

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: 1104097-39BDUP Batch ID: 45935 TestNo: D2216 Units: WT%SampType: DUP Run ID: PMOIST_110418B Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:00 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualPercent Moisture 19.9 0 0 19.95 0.164 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: 1104097-43BDUP Batch ID: 45939 TestNo: D2216 Units: WT%SampType: DUP Run ID: PMOIST_110418C Analysis Date: 04/19/11 09:00 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualPercent Moisture 21.2 0 0 19.65 7.75 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: 1104109-01ADUP Batch ID: 45962 TestNo: D2216 Units: WT%SampType: DUP Run ID: PMOIST_110419A Analysis Date: 04/20/11 09:00 AM Prep Date: 04/19/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualPercent Moisture 4.70 0 0 3.905 18.4 30

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: 1104120-09BDUP Batch ID: 45974 TestNo: D2216 Units: WT%SampType: DUP Run ID: PMOIST_110421A Analysis Date: 04/21/11 08:50 AM Prep Date: 04/20/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualPercent Moisture 14.8 0 0 10.42 34.7 30 R

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: 1104097-42D DUP Batch ID: 45914 TestNo: M4500-H+ B Units: pH UnitsSampType: DUP Run ID: TITRATOR_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:59 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualpH 7.45 0 0 7.420 0.403 5

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV2-110415 Batch ID: R54453 TestNo: M4500-H+ B Units: pH UnitsSampType: ICV2 Run ID: TITRATOR_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:44 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualpH 7.01 0 7.000 0 100 98.5 101.4

Sample ID: ICV-110415 Batch ID: R54453 TestNo: M4500-H+ B Units: pH UnitsSampType: ICV Run ID: TITRATOR_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:46 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualpH 9.98 0 10.00 0 99.8 99 101

Sample ID: CCV1-110415 Batch ID: R54453 TestNo: M4500-H+ B Units: pH UnitsSampType: CCV Run ID: TITRATOR_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 10:55 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualpH 7.02 0 7.000 0 100 97.1 102.9

Sample ID: CCV2-110415 Batch ID: R54453 TestNo: M4500-H+ B Units: pH UnitsSampType: CCV Run ID: TITRATOR_110415B Analysis Date: 04/15/11 11:00 AM Prep Date: 04/15/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualpH 7.01 0 7.000 0 100 97.1 102.9

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45931 Batch ID: 45931 TestNo: M2320 B Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: TITRATOR_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:28 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualAlkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 53.3 20.0 50.00 0 107 74 129

Sample ID: MB-45931 Batch ID: 45931 TestNo: M2320 B Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: TITRATOR_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:30 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0Alkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0Alkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0Alkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0

Sample ID: 1104097-42D DUP Batch ID: 45931 TestNo: M2320 B Units: mg/LSampType: DUP Run ID: TITRATOR_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 09:46 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 435 20.0 0 442.9 1.75 20Alkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0 0 0 0 20Alkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0 0 0 0 20Alkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 435 20.0 0 442.9 1.75 20

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110418 Batch ID: R54468 TestNo: M2320 B Units: mg/LSampType: ICV Run ID: TITRATOR_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 08:23 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 6.00 20.0 0Alkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) 93.6 20.0 0Alkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0 0Alkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 99.6 20.0 100.0 0 99.6 98 102

Sample ID: CCV1-110418 Batch ID: R54468 TestNo: M2320 B Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: TITRATOR_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 09:30 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 12.1 20.0 0Alkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) 88.3 20.0 0Alkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0 0Alkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 100 20.0 100.0 0 100 90 110

Sample ID: CCV2-110418 Batch ID: R54468 TestNo: M2320 B Units: mg/LSampType: CCV Run ID: TITRATOR_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 09:52 AM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualAlkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 15.4 20.0 0Alkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) 84.6 20.0 0Alkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) <10.0 20.0 0Alkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 100 20.0 100.0 0 100 90 110

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45940 Batch ID: 45940 TestNo: M2510 B Units: µmhos/cmSampType: LCS Run ID: WC_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 03:55 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSpecific Conductance 1370 10.0 1413 0 97.0 95 105

Sample ID: MB-45940 Batch ID: 45940 TestNo: M2510 B Units: µmhos/cmSampType: MBLK Run ID: WC_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 03:55 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSpecific Conductance <10.0 10.0

Sample ID: 1104097-42DDUP Batch ID: 45940 TestNo: M2510 B Units: µmhos/cmSampType: DUP Run ID: WC_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 03:55 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSpecific Conductance 2420 10.0 0 2440 0.823 2

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: ICV-110418 Batch ID: CONDW-4/18/2011 TestNo: M2510 B Units: µmhos/cmSampType: ICV Run ID: WC_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 03:55 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSpecific Conductance 12800 10.0 12880 0 99.8 95 105

Sample ID: CCV-110418 Batch ID: CONDW-4/18/2011 TestNo: M2510 B Units: µmhos/cmSampType: CCV Run ID: WC_110418A Analysis Date: 04/18/11 03:55 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualSpecific Conductance 12800 10.0 12880 0 99.0 95 105

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

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DHL Analytical 04/28/11Date:

CLIENT:Work Order:Project:

URS Corporation1104097Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Sample ID: LCS-45941 Batch ID: 45941 TestNo: M2540C Units: mg/LSampType: LCS Run ID: WC_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:30 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Fi 727 10.0 745.6 0 97.5 90 113

Sample ID: MB-45941 Batch ID: 45941 TestNo: M2540C Units: mg/LSampType: MBLK Run ID: WC_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:30 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Fi <10.0 10.0

Sample ID: 1104097-02DDUP Batch ID: 45941 TestNo: M2540C Units: mg/LSampType: DUP Run ID: WC_110418B Analysis Date: 04/18/11 05:30 PM Prep Date: 04/18/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Fi 615 10.0 0 601.0 2.30 5

Sample ID: 1104097-04DDUP Batch ID: 45941 TestNo: M2540C Units: mg/LSampType: DUP Run ID: WC_110418B Analysis Date: 04/20/11 09:00 AM Prep Date: 04/20/11Analyte Result RL SPK value Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit %RPD RPD Limit QualTotal Dissolved Solids (Residue, Fi 529 10.0 0 554.0 4.62 5

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankDF Dilution FactorJ Analyte detected between MDL and RLMDL Method Detection LimitND Not Detected at the Method Detection Limit

R RPD outside accepted control limitsRL Reporting LimitS Spike Recovery outside control limitsJ Analyte detected between SDL and RLN Parameter not NELAC certified

Page 221 of 226

Page 294: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationWork Order: 1104097Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co.


TestNo: TX1005 MDL MQLAnalyte mg/Kg mg/Kg

T/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 7.00 20.0T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 7.00 20.0

TestNo: TX1005 MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

T/R Hydrocarbons: >C12-C28 0.700 2.00T/R Hydrocarbons: >C28-C35 0.700 2.00T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C12 0.700 2.00T/R Hydrocarbons: C6-C35 0.700 2.00

TestNo: E300 MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

Chloride 0.300 1.00Sulfate 1.00 3.00

TestNo: SW6020A MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

Calcium 0.100 0.300Magnesium 0.100 0.300Potassium 0.100 0.300Sodium 0.100 0.300

TestNo: SW6020A MDL MQLAnalyte mg/Kg mg/Kg

Arsenic 0.500 1.00Barium 0.500 2.00Cadmium 0.100 0.300Chromium 0.500 2.00Lead 0.100 0.300Selenium 0.150 0.500Silver 0.100 0.200

TestNo: SW6020A MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

Arsenic 0.00200 0.00500Barium 0.00300 0.0100Cadmium 0.000300 0.00100Calcium 0.100 0.300

Chromium 0.00200 0.00500Lead 0.000300 0.00100Magnesium 0.100 0.300Potassium 0.100 0.300Selenium 0.00200 0.00600Silver 0.00100 0.00200Sodium 0.100 0.300

TestNo: SW8260C MDL MQLAnalyte mg/Kg mg/Kg

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethene 0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloropropene 0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromoethane 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005002,2-Dichloropropane 0.00100 0.005002-Butanone 0.00500 0.01502-Chlorotoluene 0.00100 0.005002-Hexanone 0.00500 0.01504-Chlorotoluene 0.00100 0.005004-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.00500 0.0150Acetone 0.0150 0.0500Benzene 0.00100 0.00500Bromobenzene 0.00100 0.00500Bromochloromethane 0.00100 0.00500Bromodichloromethane 0.00100 0.00500Bromoform 0.00100 0.00500Bromomethane 0.00100 0.00500Carbon disulfide 0.00100 0.00500Carbon tetrachloride 0.00100 0.00500Chlorobenzene 0.00100 0.00500

Qualifiers: MQL - Method Quantitation Limit as defined by TRRP MDL - Method Detection Limit as defined by TRRP Page 222 of 226

Page 295: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationWork Order: 1104097Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Chloroethane 0.00100 0.00500Chloroform 0.00100 0.00500Chloromethane 0.00100 0.00500cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00100 0.00500cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00100 0.00500Cyclohexane 0.00500 0.0150Dibromochloromethane 0.00100 0.00500Dibromomethane 0.00100 0.00500Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.00100 0.00500Ethylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00100 0.00500Iodomethane 0.00100 0.00500Isopropylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500m,p-Xylene 0.00100 0.00500Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00100 0.00500Methylcyclohexane 0.00500 0.0150Methylene chloride 0.00500 0.00500n-Butylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500n-Propylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Naphthalene 0.00500 0.0150o-Xylene 0.00100 0.00500p-Isopropyltoluene 0.00100 0.00500sec-Butylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Styrene 0.00100 0.00500tert-Butylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Tetrachloroethene 0.00100 0.00500Toluene 0.00100 0.00500trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00100 0.00500trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00100 0.00500Trichloroethene 0.00100 0.00500Trichlorofluoromethane 0.00500 0.0150Vinyl chloride 0.00100 0.00500

TestNo: SW8260C MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.000200 0.001001,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.000200 0.001001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.000200 0.001001,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.000200 0.001001,1-Dichloroethane 0.000200 0.001001,1-Dichloroethene 0.000200 0.001001,1-Dichloropropene 0.000200 0.001001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.00150 0.005001,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.000300 0.001001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00150 0.005001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.00150 0.00500

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.00300 0.01001,2-Dibromoethane 0.000200 0.001001,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.000300 0.001001,2-Dichloroethane 0.000300 0.001001,2-Dichloropropane 0.000200 0.001001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00150 0.005001,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.000300 0.001001,3-Dichloropropane 0.000200 0.001001,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.000300 0.001002,2-Dichloropropane 0.000200 0.001002-Butanone 0.00500 0.01502-Chloroethylvinylether 0.00500 0.01502-Chlorotoluene 0.000300 0.001002-Hexanone 0.00500 0.01504-Chlorotoluene 0.000300 0.001004-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.00500 0.0150Acetone 0.00500 0.0150Benzene 0.000200 0.00100Bromobenzene 0.000200 0.00100Bromochloromethane 0.000200 0.00100Bromodichloromethane 0.000200 0.00100Bromoform 0.000200 0.00100Bromomethane 0.000300 0.00100Carbon disulfide 0.00500 0.0150Carbon tetrachloride 0.000200 0.00100Chlorobenzene 0.000200 0.00100Chloroethane 0.000300 0.00100Chloroform 0.000300 0.00100Chloromethane 0.000300 0.00100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.000200 0.00100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.000200 0.00100Cyclohexane 0.00500 0.0150Dibromochloromethane 0.000200 0.00100Dibromomethane 0.000200 0.00100Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.000200 0.00100Ethylbenzene 0.000300 0.00100Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00100 0.00300Iodomethane 0.00500 0.0150Isopropylbenzene 0.000200 0.00100m,p-Xylene 0.000600 0.00200Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.000300 0.00100Methylcyclohexane 0.00500 0.0150Methylene chloride 0.00250 0.00250n-Butylbenzene 0.000300 0.00100n-Propylbenzene 0.000300 0.00100Naphthalene 0.00500 0.0150o-Xylene 0.000300 0.00100

Qualifiers: MQL - Method Quantitation Limit as defined by TRRP MDL - Method Detection Limit as defined by TRRP Page 223 of 226

Page 296: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationWork Order: 1104097Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co.


p-Isopropyltoluene 0.000300 0.00100sec-Butylbenzene 0.000300 0.00100Styrene 0.000200 0.00100tert-Butylbenzene 0.000300 0.00100Tetrachloroethene 0.000600 0.00200Toluene 0.000600 0.00200trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.000200 0.00100trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.000200 0.00100Trichloroethene 0.000600 0.00200Trichlorofluoromethane 0.000200 0.00100Vinyl chloride 0.000100 0.00100

TestNo: SW8260C MDL MQLAnalyte mg/Kg mg/Kg

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloroethene 0.00100 0.005001,1-Dichloropropene 0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dibromoethane 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichloroethane 0.00100 0.005001,2-Dichloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005001,3-Dichloropropane 0.00100 0.005001,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00100 0.005002,2-Dichloropropane 0.00100 0.005002-Butanone 0.00500 0.01502-Chlorotoluene 0.00100 0.005002-Hexanone 0.00500 0.01504-Chlorotoluene 0.00100 0.005004-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.00500 0.0150Acetone 0.0150 0.0500Benzene 0.00100 0.00500Bromobenzene 0.00100 0.00500Bromochloromethane 0.00100 0.00500Bromodichloromethane 0.00100 0.00500Bromoform 0.00100 0.00500

Bromomethane 0.00100 0.00500Carbon disulfide 0.00100 0.00500Carbon tetrachloride 0.00100 0.00500Chlorobenzene 0.00100 0.00500Chloroethane 0.00100 0.00500Chloroform 0.00100 0.00500Chloromethane 0.00100 0.00500cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00100 0.00500cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00100 0.00500Cyclohexane 0.00500 0.0150Dibromochloromethane 0.00100 0.00500Dibromomethane 0.00100 0.00500Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.00100 0.00500Ethylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00100 0.00500Iodomethane 0.00100 0.00500Isopropylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500m,p-Xylene 0.00100 0.00500Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00100 0.00500Methylcyclohexane 0.00500 0.0150Methylene chloride 0.00500 0.00500n-Butylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500n-Propylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Naphthalene 0.00500 0.0150o-Xylene 0.00100 0.00500p-Isopropyltoluene 0.00100 0.00500sec-Butylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Styrene 0.00100 0.00500tert-Butylbenzene 0.00100 0.00500Tetrachloroethene 0.00100 0.00500Toluene 0.00100 0.00500trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00100 0.00500trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00100 0.00500Trichloroethene 0.00100 0.00500Trichlorofluoromethane 0.00500 0.0150Vinyl chloride 0.00100 0.00500

TestNo: SW8270D MDL MQLAnalyte mg/Kg mg/Kg

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.0100 0.02662,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.0100 0.02662,4-Dichlorophenol 0.0100 0.02662,4-Dimethylphenol 0.0100 0.02662,4-Dinitrophenol 0.0500 0.1322,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.0100 0.02662,6-Dichlorophenol 0.0100 0.0266

Qualifiers: MQL - Method Quantitation Limit as defined by TRRP MDL - Method Detection Limit as defined by TRRP Page 224 of 226

Page 297: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationWork Order: 1104097Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co.


2,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.0100 0.02662-Chloronaphthalene 0.0100 0.02662-Chlorophenol 0.0100 0.02662-Methylnaphthalene 0.0100 0.02662-Methylphenol 0.0100 0.02662-Nitroaniline 0.0100 0.02662-Nitrophenol 0.0100 0.02663,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.0100 0.02663-Nitroaniline 0.0100 0.02664,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.0300 0.06604-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.0100 0.02664-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.0100 0.02664-Chloroaniline 0.0300 0.06604-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.0100 0.02664-Methylphenol 0.0200 0.02664-Nitroaniline 0.0100 0.02664-Nitrophenol 0.0500 0.132Acenaphthene 0.0100 0.0266Acenaphthylene 0.0100 0.0266Aniline 0.0100 0.0266Anthracene 0.0100 0.0266Benzo[a]anthracene 0.0100 0.0266Benzo[a]pyrene 0.0100 0.0266Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.0100 0.0266Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.0100 0.0266Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.0100 0.0266Benzyl alcohol 0.0100 0.0660Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.0100 0.0266Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.0300 0.0660Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.0400 0.0660Carbazole 0.0100 0.0266Chrysene 0.0100 0.0266Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.0400 0.0660Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.0400 0.0660Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.0100 0.0266Dibenzofuran 0.0100 0.0266Diethyl phthalate 0.0400 0.0660Dimethyl phthalate 0.0400 0.0660Fluoranthene 0.0100 0.0266Fluorene 0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorobenzene 0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0100 0.0266Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.0300 0.0660Hexachloroethane 0.0100 0.0266Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.0100 0.0266

Isophorone 0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.0100 0.0266N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.0100 0.0266Naphthalene 0.0100 0.0266Nitrobenzene 0.0100 0.0266Pentachlorophenol 0.0100 0.0266Phenanthrene 0.0100 0.0266Phenol 0.0100 0.0266Pyrene 0.0100 0.0266

TestNo: SW8270D MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.000200 0.0008002,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.000200 0.0008002,4-Dichlorophenol 0.000200 0.0008002,4-Dimethylphenol 0.000400 0.0008002,4-Dinitrophenol 0.000200 0.004002,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.000200 0.0008002,6-Dichlorophenol 0.000400 0.0008002,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.000200 0.0008002-Chloronaphthalene 0.000200 0.0008002-Chlorophenol 0.000200 0.0008002-Methylnaphthalene 0.000200 0.0008002-Methylphenol 0.000200 0.0008002-Nitroaniline 0.000200 0.0008002-Nitrophenol 0.000400 0.0008003,3´-Dichlorobenzidine 0.000400 0.0008003-Nitroaniline 0.000200 0.0008004,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.000200 0.002004-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.000200 0.0008004-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.000200 0.0008004-Chloroaniline 0.000200 0.002004-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.000200 0.0008004-Methylphenol 0.000200 0.0008004-Nitroaniline 0.000400 0.0008004-Nitrophenol 0.000400 0.00400Acenaphthene 0.000200 0.000800Acenaphthylene 0.000200 0.000800Aniline 0.000200 0.000800Anthracene 0.000200 0.000800Benzo[a]anthracene 0.000400 0.000800Benzo[a]pyrene 0.000200 0.000800Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.000400 0.000800Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.000400 0.000800Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.000400 0.000800

Qualifiers: MQL - Method Quantitation Limit as defined by TRRP MDL - Method Detection Limit as defined by TRRP Page 225 of 226

Page 298: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BURKHART ESTATE ... Phase II ESA... · Texas A&M University Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Burkhart Estate, Matagorda County, Texas

DHL Analytical Date: 04/28/11

CLIENT: URS CorporationWork Order: 1104097Project: Burkhart Matagorda Co.


Benzyl alcohol 0.000200 0.00200Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.000200 0.000800Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.000200 0.000800Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.000200 0.000800Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.00100 0.00300Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.00200 0.00600Carbazole 0.000200 0.000800Chrysene 0.000400 0.000800Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.00200 0.00600Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.00200 0.00600Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.000200 0.000800Dibenzofuran 0.000200 0.000800Diethyl phthalate 0.00200 0.00600Dimethyl phthalate 0.00200 0.00600Fluoranthene 0.000200 0.000800Fluorene 0.000200 0.000800Hexachlorobenzene 0.000200 0.000800Hexachlorobutadiene 0.000200 0.000800Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.000400 0.00200Hexachloroethane 0.000200 0.000800Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.000400 0.000800Isophorone 0.000200 0.000800N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.000100 0.000800N-Nitrosodiethylamine 0.00100 0.00300N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.000200 0.000800Naphthalene 0.000200 0.000800Nitrobenzene 0.000400 0.000800Pentachlorophenol 0.000400 0.000800Phenanthrene 0.000200 0.000800Phenol 0.000400 0.000800Pyrene 0.000400 0.000800

TestNo: M2320 B MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

Alkalinity, Bicarbonate (As CaCO3) 10.0 20.0Alkalinity, Carbonate (As CaCO3) 10.0 20.0Alkalinity, Hydroxide (As CaCO3) 10.0 20.0Alkalinity, Total (As CaCO3) 10.0 20.0

TestNo: SW7471A MDL MQLAnalyte mg/Kg mg/Kg

Mercury 0.0160 0.0400

TestNo: SW7470A MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

Mercury 0.0000800 0.000200

TestNo: M2510 B MDL MQLAnalyte µmhos/cm µmhos/cm

Specific Conductance 10.0 10.0

TestNo: M2540C MDL MQLAnalyte mg/L mg/L

Total Dissolved Solids (Residue, Fi 10.0 10.0

Qualifiers: MQL - Method Quantitation Limit as defined by TRRP MDL - Method Detection Limit as defined by TRRP Page 226 of 226