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Page 1: PHARMACOLOGY OF THE EYE Prepared By: Dr./ Rehab Lashine Pharmacology Department.


Prepared By :

Dr./ Rehab LashinePharmacology Department

Page 2: PHARMACOLOGY OF THE EYE Prepared By: Dr./ Rehab Lashine Pharmacology Department.

Physiological Anatomy of the Eye

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The Ciliary Body

Page 5: PHARMACOLOGY OF THE EYE Prepared By: Dr./ Rehab Lashine Pharmacology Department.

The Pupil

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Pupillary Muscles

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Effect of Miosis and Mydriasis on Acquous Humor Drainage

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Autonomic Nerve supply of the Eye


1- Bl.Vs. …Conjuctival VD ( Oculomotor)

2- Ciliary mm.. (Accomodation) (Oculomotor)

3- Sphincter pupillae(Miosis) (Oculomotor)

4- Increased lacrimation…..7th vranial n.(N.B.: Stim. Of the nic. Rec. causes twitches of

eye lid mm.)

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•Sympathetic1- Bl.Vs.( Conjunctival VC)………α1

2- Dilator Pupillae ( Mydriasis)…….. α1

3- Levator palpebrae & Muller’s m.(Exophthalmus & widening of the palpebral fissure)…..

4- Ciliary mm (relaxation)……. β2

5- Lacrimal glands (lacrimation)……… α1

6- α & β rec. in the Bl.vs. of the ciliary processes….help in regulation of aqueous humour formation

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Light Reflex

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Corneal Reflex

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Drugs Acting on the Eye

I- Drugs affecting the size of the pupil:MioticsMydriatics

II- Drugs Affecting Accomodation….Cycloplegics

III- Drugs affecting the IOP (intraocular pressure)

IV- Local Anesthetics

V- Antiallergic agents

VI- TTT of Eye Infection

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M3 rec.: Parasympathomimeticsα1 blockers:


Central : Morphine ( ↑oculomotor nucleus)

USES:-Glaucoma-Counteract action of mydriasis- To break adhesions

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Mydriatics Active:

- Sympathomimetics….(Mydriasis without Cycloplegia or loss of light reflex)

- Local anesthetics…..(Cocaine) (Mydriasis without Cycloplegia or loss of light reflex ).

Passive: - Anticholinergics……(Mydriasis with Cycloplegia & loss of light

reflex) except Eucatropine (doesn’t cause cycloplegia).

Ganglion Blockers …...(Mydriasis with Cycloplegia ) Central

USES:Fundus Exam, Therapy of acute Iritis, Breaking Adhesions

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Drugs Affecting Accomodation

Drugs causing Accomodation to near objects:

- stim. of ciliary mm: Parasympathomimetics

Cycloplegics: drugs causing paralysis of ciliary mm…..loss of accomodation…fixation of vision for far vision: Parasympatholytics (EXCEPT EUCATROPINE)

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N.B:.Sympathomimetic mydriatics are safely

used in adults > 40 years in whom Atropine have the risk of causing dangerous rise in IOP.

Therapeutic uses of Cycloplegic drugs:1- Ttt of Iridicyclitis2- Ttt of choroiditis3- Measurement of refractive errors

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Drug Therapy of Primary Open Angle (chronic simple) Glaucoma

A) Miotics: They act mainly by↑ the acqueous outflow.

1- Direct : pilocarpine.

2- Indirect: choline esterase inhibitors

B) Sympathomimetics: ↓ acq.humour production, & ↑ outflow

C) Β-adrenoceptor blocking agents: ↓ acq.humour production…….Timolol, befunolol

D) Oral Agents: Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors. ↓ acq.humour production…..Acetazolamide

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Drug Therapy of acute angle closed (congestive) glaucoma

Dehydrating agents: IV infusion Of Hypertonic solution ( Mannitol, Glycerol)

Oral Acetazolamide

Topical miotics: e.g.: pilocarpine

Analgesics: pethidine or morphine (for pain)

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Drug used in treating inflammatory and allergic eye conditions

1- Conjunctivitis: can be ttted by:A- Penicillin G, chloramphenicol ( Acute purulent


B- Sulphacetamide (eye drops)..for trachoma

C- Tetracycline ….for chronic follicular conjunctivitis

D- Vidarabine, or Acyclovir for Herpes simplex keratitis

E- Topical steroids for chronis puppillary conj.

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Drug used in treating inflammatory and allergic eye conditions( Cont.)

2- Glucocorticoids: to suppress inf., and allergy

3- Topical Antihistaminics: (eye drops), in allergies

4- Sodium cromoglycate: ( for ttt. Of spring catarrh, vernal keratoconjunctivitis)

5- Astringents : Zinc Sulphate ( angular conj.)

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Harmful drugs for the Eye1- Drugs that ↑ IOP: A- Mydriatic cycloplegics, tricyclic antidepressants B- Chronic steroid use

2- Cataractogenic drugs: steroids, phenothiazines, heavy metals…

3- Drug-induced retionopathies: ethanol, methano, indomethacin,steroids

4- Drugs causing corneal deposits: Amiodarone, chloroquine…

5- Oculomucocutaneous syndrome ( Conj. Fibrosis, corneal opacities,and dimnished tear secretion) e practolol

6- O2 : 40 % for prolonged periods in premature infants causes Retrolental fiboplasia

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