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Page 1: Petrology, Geochemistry and Tectonomagmatic Evolution of ... · The Hezar Igneous Complex (H IC) in the south-eastern part of Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc, is the most prominent magmatic

Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 29(4): 341 - 359 (2018) of Tehran, ISSN 1016-1104


Petrology, Geochemistry and TectonomagmaticEvolution of Hezar Igneous Complex (Rayen- South of

Kerman- Iran): the First Description of an Arc Remnantof the Neotethyan Subduction Zone

M. Noorizadeh1*, A. Moradian1, H. Ahmadipour1, M. R. Ghassemi2,J. F. Santos3

1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, IslamicRepublic of Iran

2 Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Meraj Ave., Azadi Sq., Tehran,Islamic Republic of Iran

3 Department of Geosciences, Geobiotec Research Unit, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro,Portugal

Received: 28 July 2016 / Revised: 3 June 2017 / Accepted: 19 July 2017

AbstractThe Hezar Igneous Complex (HIC) in the south-eastern part of Urumieh-Dokhtar

magmatic arc, is the most prominent magmatic feature in the Kerman Porphyry CopperBelt, that understanding magmatic evolution of which may shed light on thetectonomagmatic development of this less-studied part of an important magmatic arc inthe Neotethys realm. The HIC has been developed in the the intersection of the NS-striking Sabzevaran fault and the NW-SE striking Rafsanjan-Rayen fault. It is indicatedthat the possible place of the conduit and vent is in Jalas Mountain which has beensplitted later by the Sabzevaran fault into Minor and Major Jalas. The current summithad been constructed by ascending magma chamber under the HIC that constitutes theKamali Mountain at the south of the summit. Some plutonic rocks of the HIC areexposed at Kamali Mountain. The subalkaline rocks of this complex mainly arecomposed of different pyroclastic and lava flow rocks, acidic to basic in composition,showing the evidences of fractional crystallization and mineral segregation. Sequentialexplosive and effusive eruptions with Strombolian to Vulcanian types are evident in thesuccessive volcanic layers. The compositional trend shows the melting of spinellherzolite, not garnet lherzolite. The subduction-related mechanism of the magmagenesis has been indicated by IAB nature of the magma formation in geochemicaldiagrams.

Keywords: Hezar Igneous Complex (HIC); Rayen; Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc; Tectonomagmaticevolution; Whole-rock geochemistry.

* Corresponding author: Tel: +989155516016; Fax: +985162424781; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

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IntroductionThe Urumiyeh-Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA) – the

Iranian segment of the volcanic arc of Alpine-Himalayan or Neotethyan convergent belt- is parallel toZagros orogenic belt with its NW-SE strike and is oneof the major manifestations of convergence between theEurasia and Gondwana. The Dehaj-Sarduieh volcano-plutonic belt – as part of the Urumiyeh-Dokhtarmagmatic arc- and especially its Kerman Cenozoicmagmatic arc (KCMA) plays a significant role in theformation of copper deposits, which are related toMiocene intrusive bodies, which have been intruded andemplaced in Eocene sedimentary-volcanic successions[1]. Despite extensive new studies in Neotethyan realm,the Iranian part of this convergent zone –especially itssouth-eastern part- is remained less studied and lessdocumented than the other parts – i.e. Himalayas, Alpsor Anatolia [2]. This arc is a result of closure ofNeotethys and the subduction of oceanic crust underCentral Iran in island arc, continental arc, and collisionsetting. It was indicated through geochemical andgeochronological studies that UDMA was an activecontinental margin during subduction of Neotethysoceanic lithosphere under Central Iran microcontinent[3].

The relation between the faults and seismicity hasbeen studied in different papers. According to thesestudies and by using geomorphological observations inKerman province, it has been shown that the north-south dextral strike-slip fault (Sabzevaran in the south-east of Iran which extended to Hurmoz strait betweenOman Sea and Persian Gulf) is linked to other innerright-lateral faults of Central Iran (such as Lalehzar faultas a part of Rayen- Rafsanjan fault system, passingthrough Shirinak village where is located in the southernflank of Hezar, cutting the southern part of Hezarincluding its vent(s)and crater(s) and making possiblethat a great alteration taking place in this part) whichmakes a place facilitating the extrusion and intrusion ofHezar Igneous Complex (HIC). Integration of strike-slipand dip-slip components along active margins oftectonic plates leads to formation and development ofstrike-slip duplex faults in this magmatic arc whichmakes a fault control for copper mineralization inPorphyry Copper Deposits (PCDs)[4]. It seems that thesame process has led to the formation of HIC. Therelationship of these PCDs with Hezar complex isimplied in some works. There are three major clusters ofPCDs in KCB: Miduk, Sahrcheshmeh, and Daraloo, allof which are intrusive boddies in this complex or theirconterparts [5]. Different studies suggest that theprocesses such as slab breakoff [6] and remobilizaed

subduction leads to fertility of these Mid Miocenemagmas making most of the largest porphyry Cu-Modeposits (as Sarcheshmeh and Miduk) [7]. In north-western part of UDMA, calc-alkaline magmatism inearly Oligocene gives way to shoshonitic plutonism inlate Oligocene. Geochronological and geochemicalevolution of arc magmatism from early precedingvolcanic into more evolved magmas, indicates thematuration of arc magmatism [8], [9]. Diachronouscharacter of collision in UDMA was due to irregularshape of Arabian indents [10], [11].

Arc-related properties of the southern intrusiveneighbor –i.e. Bahr Aseman complex- have beenindicated in some recent works. In southern part of HIC,in Bahraseman complex, copper deposits of TakhtGonbad with shallow granodiorite porphyries areintruded in pyroclastic rocks in late Oligocene. Achange in subduction mechanism in late Cretaceous,modified the dip angle of subducted slab and moved thesubduction front from Sanandaj-Sirjan, landward andmade the Bahr Aseman complex. This shallowing leadsto an extensive volcanism including Razak and Hezarcomplexes in Eocene and Oligocene respectively [12],[13].

A granitoid body – i.e. Lalehzar Mountain- which islocated to the west of the HIC has been studied in arecent study and as the other magmatic trends ofUDMA the continental arc origin of this I-typegranitoid is verified [14].

Few studies [15], [16] and a detail geological reportby mapping team of Rayen 1:100k geological map [17]are all the resources dealing with HIC in detail.Dimitrijevic (1973), has demonstrated the stratigraphicrelations between Hezar volcano-sedimentary productsand other materials surrounding them. Maleki (2004)has drawn a stratigraphic sequence of the pyroclasticand lava sequences of a limited part of northern flank ofHezar. But its geochemical data especially traceelements’ data shows very big errors. Kajejavaran(2010), on the other hand, take advantage of moreaccurate geochemical data of a limited section of Hezar.Only some limited parts of the northern flank of the HIChave been investigated through the above studies. Then,despite invaluable data provided, a comprehensiveimage of the Hezar evolution has not been explainedthrough these works. Furthermore, all of the previousresources have mentioned basaltic to andesitic materialsextruded from Hezar and their pyroclastic counterparts.Finding other more acidic volcanic rocks was one of ourgoals in the field studies. Besides, uplift and vasterosion is a case because of active tectonics of theregion. Then it would be expected that some intrusiverocks were exposed on the surface, which were not

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reported in previous works- even in geological mapsprovided.

Geological Setting and socio-economic significance ofHIC

The Rayen tourist town is among the ancient regionsof Kerman province which is located in 100 km SE ofKerman and 1079 km SE of Tehran. The studied area islocated at the west of Rayen, between 29°25′00″N, 5710′00″E and 29°35′00″N, 57 25′00″E.

Almost all of tourist attractions of Rayen are directlyor indirectly related to Hezar Mountain which is a partof Hezaran mountainous area (that is, Hezar andBidkhun). Some of these geotourism attractions are asfollow [18], [19]: the highest summit of the provinceand the fourth in Iran (4501m); the third highest cities of

Iran (Baft); the highest residential villages in Iran(Babzangi and Ordikan with 3300 m elevation above thesea level); the minimum gravity of Iran (distance fromthe earth’s center is 1200m more than that ofDamavand- the highest summit of Iran (5650m)) [20];the high extent and diversity of plant species which areused as medicinal plants, which is the main reason ofnomenclature of Hezar. “Hezar” that means “thousand”in Farsi, is used for this mountain because of this localsuppose that there are more than one thousandmedicinal plants all around this mountain. So collectingand processing medicinal plants is usual amonginhabitants. Some plant species are discovered in Hezarfor the first time, such as Ferula hezarlalehzarica whichtakes its name from this mountain; (6) widespread metalmine districts and potentials around the mountain (such

Figure 1. The approximate location of the study area on tectonic map of Iran [2] and 1/100.000 geological map of Rayen.

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as Dor-Alou at south) which is evident in industrial andartistic handicrafts of this region ; valuable ornamentaland facade structural stones’ historical mines such astravertine and green marble, around the mountain (someused in construction of Taj-Mahal, India); and itsdrainage system and rivers (such as Tahroud and Jiroft)flowing on the flanks of Hezar, water down major partsof this arid region and making a very diverse climaticconditions.

Despite the significance of the evolution of Hezar inunderstanding the events of this region, there are nocomprehensive work dealing with it, because of thefollowing reasons: (1) the highly intricate structures dueto active tectonics; (2) the vast area of the HezarIgneous complex (HIC) (900 km2); (3) high elevation(4501m) and prominence (2741m); (4) difficult accessin southern, eastern and western flanks of Hezar; (5)climatic limitations due to variable weather conditionsand snow-covered lands; and (6) previous lack ofsecurity because of transit of drugs by drug traffickersand gangs which is not of concern now [21]. (7) lyingon the borders of two 1/100k geological maps (Rayenand Sarduieh) with different teams, different colorsystems and different field interpretations.

Materials and Methods

312 rock samples were collected from which 190were selected for detailed petrographical studies. Then,40 samples were selected for geochemical analysistaking into account the diversity of rock units and thelocation of the outcrops. These analyses were done atSGS Co. (Australia and Canada branches) using boratefusion XRF (code: GC XRF76V) for major elementsand sodium peroxide fusion combined ICP-AES andICP-MS (code: GE ICM90A) for trace elements.Topographic maps were drawn using mainly GoogleEarth™, TCX convertor, and Quik Grid. Forgeochemical plots and calculations, GCDkit version4.00 software and its R console with Microsoft OfficeExcel was used.


Field and geomorphological InvestigationsMost of studies on this area are restricted to the

north-eastern part of this igneous complex mainly due tolack of appropriate accessibility and asphalt roads (othercauses are previously mentioned). The study gap on thesouthern flank – which involves most of field cluessolving the problems of the evolution of Hezar - has led

Figure 2. (a) Nonwelded tuff with a tent structure or sugarloaf structure; (b) Three different structures in pyroclastic rocks; alayer of welded tuff is located between two volcanic surge deposits. The arrow shows the place of a person as a scale. (c) Jalasmountain is a plug or volcanic dome of acidic composition which is cut by a piece of north- south fault system (a-b respectively)into Minor and Major Jalas. The arrows show the place of the relict layers of Hezar volcanic successions raised by extrusion ofJalas. It might be the main place for the conduit of the HIC. (d) Summit agglomerate is a conclusive evidence that the currentsummit had not been the place of the vent or conduit of Hezar.

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to the lack of a comprehensive understanding about theformation of this complex.

According to the field evidences, HIC, is not merelya single volcanic edifice. It is a part of a hugestratovolcano which its southern part had beeneliminated due to a caldera collapse or by the elongatedRafsanjan- Rayen fault zone. Then, main part of thesouthern flank, including conduit(s) and vent(s) iscrushed and eroded with different transportation agents.

There are some field evidences supporting the aboveidea: a) The southern fault valley (Ziarat-Chartagh) is apart of Rafsanjan- Rayen fault system. b) Alterationhave been facilitated by the appropriate conditions madeby these fault ruptures (or caldera) and the subsequentpenetration of hydrothermal solutions derived frommagma chamber in later phase of magmatism. c) HICvolcanic successions can be correlated with volcaniclayers of the southern valley (Ziarat-Chartagh) on thenorthern flanks of Bahraseman intrusive body. d)Besides, these fractures – which is extended fromShirinak village to the southern part of the Hezarmountain- have made an appropriate place intrudingcoarse-grained intrusions under the Hezar summit(4501m) -outcropped in Kamali mountain- and upliftingthe HIC as the highest mountains of the province whichlead us to this implication that the ascent of magmachamber may be the main reason for uplift of Hezar andits disintegration especially in southern part; and e)Sills, dykes and subvolcanic intrusions are mainlyevident in southern side of southern valley which are thelast volcanic phases.

The major fault trends in the region are the result ofthe intersection of two major dextral (right-slip) faultsystems (i.e. NE-SW Sabzevaran fault which reaches tothe Hormuz strait in the boundary of Persian Gulf andOman Sea, and NW-SE Rayen-Rafsanjan fault) whichhas made a suitable environment for extrusion ofigneous materials. Although, uninterrupted andcontinuous activity of these faults has made the southernpart of Hezar disintegrated including the conduit(s) andvent(s). The features caused by the intersection of thesefaults are evident everywhere on this region. One ofwhich is obvious in Jalas Mountain – one of thesouthern HIC intrusions on north-west of Ziarat village-which is divided to two distinct sections – the LesserJalas and the Greater Jalas (Figure 2c). Apparently,Jalas which had been intruded by the action of theintersecting faults, segmented into two partssubsequently with continued displacements of thesefaults. Uplifting Jalas Mountain on which someevidences of relict uplifted volcanic successions ofHezar are remained, might be the location of Hezarmain conduit.

The movement path of the last phase of glacialbodies, before the recent climate change and multipledraughts in Kerman province, is indicated by abundanceof glacial erratics merely on north-eastern flank which isdisappeared to the north with a very sharp boundary.However, these erratics have lain on fine-grainedsubglacial moraine making an appropriate place asgroundwater reservoir and suitable agricultural land forRayen district. Rayen residents have used this potentialby using qanats (karizes) and goorabs (i.e. small scaleearth dams lead some part water current into the earthsupplying the groundwater) that could be obviouslyseen in the satellite images.

The Hezar Mountain is surrounded by an incompletering of volcano-sedimentary layers in north-eastern andeastern parts which makes a feature like anasymmetrical trap-door caldera.

Linear alteration evidence is obviously seen in thesouthern flank on satellite images. Although, it is visibleas point structures on eastern and northern flanks, someof which have been exploited as globally famous greenmarble and travertine of Rayen from long time ago.

There are four different lithological units in the studyarea:

1): Pyroclastic and volcano-sedimentary layersmaking the main part of the HIC. This unit includeswelded and non-welded tuffs, and some agglomerates,pyroclastic surges and volcanic breccia making differentstrata showing different phases of volcanism with sharpboundaries (Figure 2b). Some of the tuffs showstructures such as accretionary lapilli. Non-welded tuffsshow erosional structures such as tent-like erosion ofsugarloaf structures (Figure 2a). Some evidences offlow structures can be seen in volcanic surges in whichsome fragments and clasts of the previous rocks areremained and verify the currents. Occurrence ofagglomerate in summit (4501m) may indicate that thecurrent summit was not the summit or the vent at thetime of extrusion (Figure 2d). Because this agglomerateindicates that this place was at a lower height and wasmade due to a current flowing to this place. The lateruplift of the summit may be the result of rising of themagma chamber which is evident in Kamali.

2): Lava flows which are interbedded withpyroclastic layers are not as widespread as them. Theselayers sometimes show columnar or prismatic structuresin some parts of southern flank of HIC around Ziaratvillage.

3): Subvolcanic bodies which make dikes, sills andsome rhyolite domes. These structures aregechronologically significant because of their main rolein dating the last phase of magmatism in this region.Among these units Jalases (minor and major) are the

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most massive bodies. Minor Jalas and Major Jalas wereboth one massive plug or volcanic dome which have cutby a north-south trending fault. Field investigationsindicates that Jalas was probably the place of volcanicvent (or one of the vents) of HIC.

4): Some plutonic bodies which have been raisedalong the southern fault. One of the most significantsuch bodies, Kamali, on the southern flank of thesummit is composed of gabbro and diorite.

PetrographyAs mentioned before four distinct rock units are

found in HIC. The north-eastern part of the HIC, ismainly composed of andesitic and basaltic rocks withinhuge volumes of pyroclastic rocks. The pyroclasticrocks can be divided into pyroclastic falls and flows(Figure 3b), as volcanic tuffs, agglomerates, breccias,and surge deposits.

In particular, sub-volcanic bodies such as dikes, sills

Figure 3. Some microphotographs of different rock types in HIC: a) A decomposing amphibole crystal in an andesitic basalt; b)Flow texture in a pyroclastic rock whose pores filled with secondary products such as calcite; c) Rhyolite with columnar structurein Minor Jalas under the microscope; d) a diorite with granophyric texture (quartz and K feldspar) from Kamali intrusion; e)Gabbro with a subhedral opaque mineral. The section is slightly thicker than usual. Pyroxene is replaced with secondary mineralssuch as chlorite, epidote and Fe oxides. f) Consertal intergrowth texture in Gabbro, showing some plagioclase crystals growingamong the K feldspars. g) Basalt full of two generations of plagioclase crystals with clinopyroxenes; h) Another basaltic sampleshowing overgrowth and sieve textures in plagioclase phenocrysts.

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and plugs, sometimes with columnar habit must bementioned (Figure 3c). The main factor for theirrelevance in interpreting HIC evolution is that theytestify for the latest phase of magmatism in HIC,because they are evidently younger than the successionsand masses that they had intruded. These sub-volcanicbodies possess a variety of chemical compositions: frombasic rocks with two or more generations of plagioclasesome of which show a sieve textures with signatures ofsolution and recrystallization and decomposedpyroxenes, through intermediate rocks with microlithictexture showing a flow direction (trachytic texture), toacidic rocks with granular texture of quartz andplagioclase and some sphene as an accessory phase.

The other first-time studied rock unit in the region isgabbroic – dioritic intrusive masses that their emergencemay cause distinct height of the summit (4501m) andthe altitude of southern flank, that are evident in Jalasintrusion (minor and major) and Kamali intrusion(Figure 3d,e, and f). These intrusive masses are ofmafic and intermediate rocks (gabbro and diorite) whichare mostly composed of calcic plagioclases andpyroxene (both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene,sometimes twinned accompanied by minor long crystalsof apatite and euhedral iron oxide) , but there are somelimited parts of felsic rocks outcropped in some parts ofKamali intrusion just below the summit which aredistinct from previous bodies with a greater amount ofK- feldspars and quartz crystals and less amount ofplagioclase.

Certainly, most of mafic minerals are altered throughlate processes into other products (such as brucite,chlorite, epidote, iron oxide, etc.).

The multiple processes of solution and recrystallizationare evident in feldspar crystals with sieve texture and theirclear margins without any dusty view. Moreover, there aresome evidence of twinning, glomerocrystic texture and twoor more evolutionary generations in the feldspars of somesamples (Figure 3g and h).

Acid rocks which are the final extracts of magmadifferentiation are very rare and these rare productspredominantly have undergone alteration, so that thefresh acid samples are not widespread around theregion. In rhyolite porphyry samples, it can be seen thatcalcite and chlorite replaced the mafic minerals.Feldspar minerals (mainly plagioclase) are altered andsometimes show sieve texture. Biotite, which is veryrare, is decomposed in margins and some kinds of ironoxide are released (Figure 3a).

Trachitic texture is evident in some basalts andandesites which is made by flow orientation ofmicrolithic laths of plagioclase minerals. However,there are some aggregations of larger feldspar crystals

(glomerocrysts).Abundance of calcite among pyroclastic deposits

may be attributed to falling out of these materials in ashallow lake. Besides, there is some evidence of othersecondary minerals as jasper and epidote which are theproducts of hydrothermal Ca-bearing hot fluids of latestages of the volcanism that can be seen mainly insouthern flank of Hezar. Occurrence of silica andepidote veins may indicate intrusion of plutonic bodiesfrom the lower parts that as mentioned previously isverified by Kamali plutonic rocks (gabbro diorite).

Disequilibrium and overgrowth textures, such assieve texture in feldspar, show that the crystal hasbecame unstable and have been dissolved due tochanges in thermodynamic conditions (especiallypressure changes and mixing with a different magma).

GeochemistryChemical classification of the rocks of the HICThe whole rock chemical compositions of Hezar rock

units are shown in Table 1. Hezar Igneous Complexincludes a wide variety of igneous rocks (basic,intermediate, and acid). As shown in Figure 4, thestudied rock samples mainly fall in subalkaline domain(mainly calc-alkaline).

Rock samples studied consist of the following types:1): Volcanics: which could be classified as: a):Pyroclastics: which constitute the main part of the HIC.These rocks cover a wide variety of the fall and flowmaterials such as tuff, volcanic breccia andagglomerate, volcano-sedimentary surge deposits; andb): Lava materials: which could be observed as sporadicvolcanic layers between voluminous pyroclastic rocksand show a wide spectrum from basic to intermediateand even acid materials. 2): Plutonics: which wereencountered in field investigation for the first time inthis area and are restricted to Kamali area (south-west ofthe summit). 3): Subvolcanics: very rare materialswhich are spread over the limited parts as dikes, sillsand small intrusives. This variety is symbolized andshown in the legend in Figure 4. The major elementcomposition of the studied rock samples are as follow:SiO2 45-70 %wt; TiO2 0.1-1.7%wt; Al2O3 22-37%wt;Fe2O3t 1-12%wt; MgO 0.5-5.5% wt; CaO 2-11%wt;Na2O 1.5-5% wt; K2O 0.5-5.5 %wt; P2O5 0.1-0.7 %wt.But these compositional limits has shown somedifferences between mafic and felsic (silicic) rocks. Themafic rocks show the following properties: TiO2>1%wt; Fe2O3t> 8%wt; MgO> 3% wt; CaO> 8%wt;Na2O< 3% wt; K2O< 2.5 %wt. Although these rangesin felsic (silicic) rocks are as follow: TiO2< 0.5%wt;Fe2O3t< 4%wt; MgO< 1.5% wt; 1.5< CaO< 8%wt;Na2O> 3% wt; 6>K2O> 1.7 %wt.

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Table 1. Geochemical analysis of 28 rock samples using ICP-MS and XRF with calculated CIPW normative minerals.ANALYTE METHOD S38 S39 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47 S48 S49 S50 S51 S52 S53 S54 S55 S56 S57 S58 S59 S60 S61 S62 S63 S64 S65

Ag ICM90A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0

As ICM90A 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 7 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 15 0 0 0 0 11 0 12

Ba ICM90A 526 355 509 335 463 533 474 364 277 401 282 365 407 621 398 183 403 446 704 310 567 923 467 311 746 415 357 389

Bi ICM90A 0.3 0.1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.8 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0.1 0 0

Cd ICM90A 2.9 2.3 2.5 2.3 3.6 0.4 1.1 0.9 0 0.2 1.2 1.9 1 2 1.1 1.8 1.8 2.5 1.4 2.3 1.5 1.8 0.9 2.5 1 2.2 0.6 0.8

Ce ICM90A 53.3 64.1 83.1 48.9 52.4 41 74.8 39.2 29.9 41.7 39.5 54.8 31.5 34 60.5 35 42.1 46.7 101 53.8 24.1 73.5 50.3 42.6 40.4 81.1 40 56.9

Co ICM90A 18.1 37.9 24.9 10.1 3.6 26.4 37.9 32.9 41.7 40.6 33.7 5.2 33.6 26.2 26.1 32 9.5 27.7 3.2 28.2 34.5 10.4 5 5.9 28.7 28.7 29.8 31.9

Cr ICM90A 13 13 18 21 52 23 91 16 92 50 24 19 53 52 31 44 15 36 38 12 22 24 44 10 47 11 60 49

Cs ICM90A 0.7 2.1 1.6 1.6 1.7 0.7 1.1 0.6 1.1 4.3 7 2 1 0.7 1.6 2.6 0.8 1.2 1 8.2 1.7 2.3 1.9 0.7 1.3 2 1.7 1.3

Cu ICM90A 86 240 79 38 31 79 568 45 113 95 61 23 109 51 174 104 33 124 24 66 92 33 32 38 64 231 58 72

Dy ICM90A 1.81 9.86 11.5 4.42 2.4 4.65 5.94 6.11 4.91 5.06 4.7 6.06 5.43 3.85 8.71 4.69 5 5.78 8.19 5.64 4.56 6.07 2.45 4.29 6.38 9.86 6.17 8.08

Er ICM90A 0.87 6.19 7.22 2.78 1.65 2.93 3.51 3.89 3.13 3.08 3 3.9 3.49 2.44 5.34 2.94 3.2 3.56 5.91 3.62 2.9 3.95 1.74 2.89 4.05 5.99 3.84 5.18

Eu ICM90A 1.35 2.55 3.04 1.46 1 1.66 2.37 1.95 1.59 1.81 1.44 1.62 1.49 1.18 2.18 1.56 1.75 2.3 0.97 1.8 1.58 1.49 1.04 1.59 1.88 2.33 1.7 2.06

Ga ICM90A 20 18 16 18 12 15 13 20 15 16 15 15 16 12 18 15 17 18 14 16 15 21 12 15 15 21 16 17

Gd ICM90A 3.34 10.1 11.9 5.24 2.78 4.92 7.03 6.15 4.79 5.34 4.91 5.89 5.27 3.66 8.78 4.91 5.19 6.15 8.29 6.03 4.46 6.97 2.9 4.5 6.28 11.2 6.22 8.2

Ge ICM90A 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0

Hf ICM90A 4 6 8 5 6 4 5 4 3 3 4 7 3 5 6 3 4 4 10 5 3 8 5 5 5 8 5 6

Ho ICM90A 0.27 1.89 2.14 0.92 0.45 0.88 1.07 1.15 0.89 0.91 0.89 1.12 1.03 0.71 1.63 0.87 0.95 1.06 1.58 1.07 0.89 1.27 0.47 0.81 1.2 2.07 1.15 1.51

La ICM90A 29 24.6 34.4 20.1 25.3 17.1 32.6 14.5 11.5 19.1 16.5 24.8 15 22.6 26.1 15.1 19.4 21.1 52.9 25.4 9 41.8 26.7 19.7 17 36.5 16.7 24.5

Li ICM90A 125.1 55.1 45.1 40.1 22.1 74.1 71.1 70.1 29.1 50.1 69.1 14 28 0 18 10 11 0 0 12 32 11 25 16 29 40 31 15

Lu ICM90A 0.1 0.79 0.94 0.49 0.32 0.43 0.47 0.52 0.44 0.39 0.41 0.58 0.47 0.41 0.73 0.42 0.49 0.48 0.91 0.52 0.39 0.69 0.35 0.45 0.58 0.93 0.56 0.72

Mo ICM90A 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0

Nb ICM90A 5 11 11 6 8 4 16 7 4 4 8 14 5 6 9 4 5 8 24 10 2 22 8 5 6 16 7 10

Nd ICM90A 22.6 35.5 45.1 22.8 17.9 19.5 35 21.6 16.5 21 19.2 23.8 18 14.8 32.9 17.9 21.1 23.1 39.2 24 14 30.8 17.9 20.7 22.2 43.2 22 30.4

Ni ICM90A 14 8 0 0 0 8 36 0 32 42 16 0 34 5 9 24 0 7 0 9 10 5 0 0 17 0 19 12

Pb ICM90A 51 21 31 11 28 16 25 31 19 15 28 17 29 26 13 15 28 18 23 20 12 19 30 21 23 54 19 24

Pr ICM90A 5.94 8.13 10.4 5.61 5.16 4.76 8.74 4.98 3.76 4.91 4.65 6.09 4.01 3.78 7.52 4.29 4.98 5.52 10.7 6.09 3.11 8.15 5.1 5.07 5.08 9.98 5 7.13

Rb ICM90A 53.9 42 67.4 64.7 93.5 36.4 27.7 23.1 24.7 27.8 132 94.9 17.3 64.7 60.5 33.7 53.5 59.1 165 114 42.5 197 95.6 46 43.2 23.2 19.4 51.2

Sb ICM90A 0.7 1.5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 4.9 0 0 0 1.3 0 0.8 0 1.1 0 0


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Sc ICM90A 7 7 7 8 8 7 6 7 7 7 6 8 6 8 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 8 7 7 6 8 7 6

Sm ICM90A 3.8 8.8 10.5 4.9 3 4.3 6.8 5.4 4.2 4.8 4.3 5.2 4.4 3.4 7.8 4.3 4.7 5.4 7.7 5.5 4 6.5 3 4.3 5.8 10.3 5.2 7.4

Sn ICM90A 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 5 4 2 0 3 2 2 2 4 2 2

Sr ICM90A 732 466 688 506 267 527 686 587 607 690 314 284 472 604 535 477 619 683 574 581 507 654 280 456 1057 643 580 617

Ta ICM90A 1.2 1.1 1 0.7 0.8 0 1.4 0.7 0 0 0.8 1.3 0 0.6 0.8 0 0 0.7 2.4 0.9 0 1.9 0.8 0 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.9

Tb ICM90A 0.35 1.56 1.81 0.77 0.39 0.72 1 0.94 0.77 0.81 0.74 0.91 0.83 0.57 1.36 0.76 0.78 0.89 1.23 0.9 0.74 1.03 0.38 0.67 0.98 1.67 0.96 1.28

Th ICM90A 9.6 7.9 10.6 7.4 11.6 6.7 2.9 4.6 3.6 6.9 5.4 10.9 3.9 8.6 7.9 4.3 4.6 7.7 44.2 12.6 2.5 22 11.2 5.7 4.3 12.5 4.4 8.4

Tl ICM90A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0

U ICM90A 2.57 1.94 2.62 1.66 2.47 1.42 0.77 1.19 0.89 1.48 1.26 2.24 0.98 2.14 1.92 0.92 1.1 1.82 9.94 2.76 0.51 5.44 2.41 1.31 1.3 3.01 1.32 2.17

V ICM90A 120 270 60 50 10 220 200 240 300 310 230 30 280 260 250 270 30 200 20 190 280 40 10 30 270 230 260 250

W ICM90A 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 4 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 2

Y ICM90A 7.5 50.1 47.9 23.7 12.3 21.6 23 31.1 21.9 21.4 24.5 32 26.2 20.4 41.7 21.1 25.5 28.1 43.8 27.3 20.6 40.4 12.6 20.1 28.6 54.8 28.1 36.1

Yb ICM90A 0.6 4.8 5.6 3 1.8 2.6 2.8 3.1 2.5 2.4 2.4 3.4 2.8 2.3 4.3 2.4 2.9 2.8 5.4 3.1 2.4 4.3 1.8 2.6 3.3 5.8 3.2 4.2

Zn ICM90A 100 110 130 60 50 80 90 100 100 100 120 70 90 110 110 70 100 90 10 100 80 40 50 80 100 110 90 110

OI XRF76V 3.59 2.98 2.78 2.43 1.15 3.3 2.17 1.83 2.69 2.66 10.5 2.99 2.61 1.52 2.33 1.16 3.07 1.42 1.02 0.83 4.16 2 0.73 2.49 5.57 5.51 3.55 1.82

SiO2 XRF76V 60.5 50 55.4 60.8 71.3 54.2 51.3 49.9 49.2 47.5 46.1 67.1 49.6 68.9 51.4 50.3 58 50.9 69.2 53.7 47.7 61.7 70 60.4 49.3 52.1 51.1 51

Al XRF76V 17.2 16.4 16.1 16.5 15.2 17.8 17.1 19.7 17 18.3 16.3 15.4 18.5 14 18.9 18.7 18.2 17.7 14.4 18.1 18 17.1 15 16.7 17.1 14.6 17.2 18.1

Fe2O3 XRF76V 4.61 12.9 10.8 4.95 1.96 8.69 10.1 10.5 11 10.9 9.38 4.23 11.1 3.96 10.5 10.1 7.48 10.9 1.89 9.93 11.5 4.75 2.09 5.13 10 11.1 10.2 10.9

MgO XRF76V 2.2 3.09 2.18 1.56 0.45 3.59 5.11 3.11 5.52 5.39 3.58 0.92 4.97 1.2 2.79 5.27 1.55 3.22 0.55 3.29 4.73 0.99 0.45 1.28 3.08 2.82 3.87 3.42

CaO XRF76V 4.44 8.33 5.3 4.32 1.92 5.04 8.43 9.1 9.89 9.57 8.47 2.13 9.15 2.2 8.95 9.2 6.03 8.06 2.37 8.15 8.81 3.62 2.01 4.33 6.66 7.32 8.74 8.5

K2O XRF76V 2.29 1.75 2.89 2.01 2.9 1.62 1.78 1.13 1.07 1.34 2.93 2.29 1.03 2.91 2.22 1.28 2.17 1.88 5.02 2.26 1.45 5.36 2.8 1.79 1.95 0.98 1.13 2.06

Na2O XRF76V 4.78 2.17 3.31 4.32 4.76 4.98 2.62 3.12 2.81 2.52 1.72 4.83 2.5 4.1 2.32 3.01 3.4 3.85 3.81 3.49 2.2 3.98 4.79 4.7 4.61 3.06 2.53 2.78

TiO2 XRF76V 0.71 1.67 1.36 0.41 0.21 0.87 1.27 1.18 1.1 1.18 0.99 0.47 1.25 0.36 1.33 1.04 0.51 1.21 0.33 1.07 1.11 0.6 0.21 0.38 1.21 1.62 1.17 1.45

MnO XRF76V 0.07 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.09 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.09 0.18 0.07 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.02 0.18 0.19 0.06 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.2 0.17 0.18

P2O5 XRF76V 0.28 0.47 0.65 0.22 0.08 0.22 0.67 0.29 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.44 0.23 0.26 0.37 0.09 0.3 0.17 0.19 0.07 0.26 0.29 0.58 0.3 0.35

Cr2O3 XRF76V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 0.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

V2O5 XRF76V 0.02 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 0 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.05 0 0.03 0 0.03 0.05 0 0 0 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05


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The Mg number (Mg#=Mg/Mg+Fe) in felsic rocks(25-40) is evidently lower than that of mafic rocks (30-58). This may suggest that the felsic magma is moreevolved (far from the mantle composition). This may beverified by low Cr content (<100 ppm) and low Nicontent (<50 ppm) [22]. But this feature is evident in allsamples (mafic and felsic).

In major element diagrams proposed by Irvine andBaragar (1971) and Miyashiro (1974) (not shown here),some samples (especially basic ones) show tholeiiticaffinity, however this affinity has not been verified bytrace element diagrams [23], [24]. It may be due toanhydrous fractionation which shifts the sample plots tohigher FeO contents versus MgO, but it has no effect onthe trace element signatures of the above diagrams. Itmay be the result of the mobility of the major elements

due to a low-grade metamorphism. The differencesbetween the domains of various diagrams of total-alkaliversus silica by different authors can be interpreted bythe same implication (Figure 4).

Some of the emplacement processes for igneousrocks may be inferred by Harker diagrams ofcompatible and incompatible elements versus SiO2 (notshown here but like Figure 5). It seems that during thedifferentiation of ferro-magnesian minerals such asolivine and clinopyroxene, the concentration ofcompatible elements (Co, Cr and Ni) decreases,however, the concentration of incompatible elements(Th, La and Ba) increases. This effect is accompaniedby a breaking point in SiO2=55% or MgO=3%wt inmost of these Harker diagrams. Eliminating the samples19 and 22 makes the trends more obvious. Low contents

Figure 4. a) Total alkali versus silica plot showing the chemical classification of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of HIC [38];b) AFM plot [31]; c) La versus Yb plot; d) The plot of (La/Sm)PM vs. SiO2, showing steepness or flatness of the LREE toMREE section of spider diagrams in rocks normalized with primitive mantle. Symbols: The symbols used in geochemicaldiagrams and plots: 1) Intemediate lava; 2) Intemediate subvolcanics; 5) Pyroclastics; 6) Acid subvolcanics; 12) Intemediateplutonics; 13) Acid lava; 15) Basic plutonics; 17) Basic subvolcanics; 20) Basic lava.


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of Ni, Cr and MgO may indicate some aspects ofmagma evolution. It seems that samples 9 and 33 are thenearest samples to primitive magma, because of theirhighest contents.

Harker diagrams of some major oxides vs. SiO2 orMgO (Figure 5) reveals the linear trends which indicatesthat differentiation may be the main process information of these rocks. The contents of FeOt, MgO,and CaO decreases with an increase in SiO2 content.The trend which is consistent with differentiation ofearlier phases as olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase andparticipation of oxide minerals (magnetite and/orilmenite) in the fractionating assemblage. A clearbending in Harker diagrams of MgO, TiO2, and Cr maybe associated with differentiating minerals from olivineto pyroxene. Then, crystallization conditions havepromoted the growth of plagioclase crystals afterreaching the SiO2 content of magma to 55%.

It has been found that REE (specially LREE) can bemobile during hydrothermal alteration and low-grademetamorphism [39]. To make sure of application ofHFSE (esppecially REE) in interpretation of tectonicsetting and petrogenesis of the studied rocks, the

diagrams of LOI versus Nb/La or Th/La can be used[40]. Lack of correlation between LOI and these tworatios (diagrams not included) is a compelling evidencethat the concentration of Th, Nb, and LREE have notbeen disturbed in HIC. Then these elements can be usedfor evaluation of petrogenesis and tectonic setting ofigneous rocks. Although inverse relation between LOIand SiO2 along with low-to-medium content of LOI andoccurrence of quartz-calcite veins and epidote-chloritein these rocks suggest low-grade metamorphism. Infield and petrographic studies it has been seen thatprimary minerals partially or wholly altered to chlorite,epidote, and sericite; an observation which supportslater hydrothermal alteration of these igneous rocks.

The ratio of (La/Sm)PM versus SiO2 indicates that thepattern of normalized LREE to MREE is flatter in basicrocks and steeper in acid rocks because of enrichment ofLREE in the latter.


The extent of differentiation among different units

Figure 5. Harker diagrams for some oxides vs. SiO2.


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have been estimated from LREE/HREE ratio, which isdemonstrated by La/Yb ratio (between 4 to 8 in most ofour samples). Besides, the LILE/HFSE ratio can beshown in Sr/Y.

Differentiation trends of La-Yb (Figure 6b, c and d)has indicated the involvement of clinopyroxene andplagioclase minerals out of the stability domain ofgarnet, and apatite [27].

There are several REE model plots dealing withmelting curves (lines) for spinel-lherzolite and garnetperidotite sources with depleted MORB mantle (DMM)and primitive mantle (PM) compositions. Differentevidences support enriched spinel lherzolite as themagma source of the HIC. The garnet lherzolite isrejected except sample no. 1. All samples are probably

co-magmatic and have origined from a single depth thathave been lower than the depth of sample no. 1 (Figure6c and d).

The effects of fractional crystallization and crustalcontamination

Th-Yb-Nb systems are very useful in determiningboth the source diversity and crustal assimilation inbasic rocks, because these elements as couples often arenot dependent on fractional crystallization and/or partialmelting [24], [26]. Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb and TiO2/Ybversus Nb/Yb are two brand new diagrams that havebeen developed using the last version by [28]. Th/Ybversus Nb/Yb diagram (Figure 7) is developed fordetermining subduction-related settings and subduction-

Figure 6. a) The trands of Fractional Crystallization and partial melting in the binary plot of Th vs. SiO2; b) The diagram of Ybvs. Sr used for demonstration of fractional crystallization of some minerals [41]; c) REE model plot of Sm/Yb vs. Sm for HICsamples [42]. The heavy line represents the mantle array defined by DMM [45] and PM [46] compositions. The N-MORB and E-MORB compositions [46] have also been shown; d) REE model plot of Yb vs. La/Yb for HIC samples [47] from [14].


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unrelated ones [29], [30], though TiO2/Yb versus Nb/Ybdiagram (not shown) is used for systematics of thebasaltic rocks independent to secondary alteration andenrichment processes related to subduction. Therefore itcan be used for determining the compositions of theprimitive mantle source of the volcanic rocks.

In the diagram of Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb (Figure 7)[28], volcanic rocks lie out of the mantle array (MORB-OIB array) which may suggest the effect of crustalcontamination or the flow of fluids in the subductionzone. Such a contamination has increased the values ofTh/Yb and has expelled the plot out of the mantle array.Evidently, our samples are higher than MORB-OIBarray (or mantle array), suggesting that the source hassubduction- related signatures. This is due to input of Thfrom subduction-related fluids or magma to theirsources. The contamination of oceanic basalts withsubducted sediments, oceanic crust and/or recycling

crust, all can cause this displacement [31]. Besides, themagmatic evolution series parallel to MORB-OIB arraycan be due to the effects of fractional crystallization. Itshould be noted that, all samples have Nb/Yb ratiosmore than 1.0, suggesting an active continental marginas a source and rejecting an oceanic arc system.

In TiO2/Yb versus Nb/Yb diagram, most of our basicsamples concentrate around the transition line betweenE-MORB and N-MORB, although more evolved rocksshow a trend to lower TiO2/Yb values and higher Nb/Ybvalues, suggesting the effects of magmaticdifferentiation (probably due to elimination of TiO2–bearing phases). This diagram can be used fordetermining the melting depth and then mantletemperature and thickness of the lithosphere duringmagma generation [31]. Lower TiO2/Yb values in oursamples (MORB-OIB array), indicate lower depth (andformation temperature) compared with OIB.

Figure 7. a) Th/Yb vs. Nb/Yb discriminating MORB-OIB array from volcanic arc array [28]; b) (Nb/Th)PM vs. (Nb/La)PM binaryplot (after [48]). Numbers of two ratios are normalized with primitive mantle according to data from [49]); c) Ternary diagram ofMnO-TiO2-P2O5 [33]. Nearly all samples lie in the field of Island Arc Tholeiite (or Basalt); d) Negative Eu anomaly in somesamples may indicate fractional crystallization of plagioclase in magma chamber.


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All of the samples of HIC, fall in a field in (Nb/Th)PM

vs. (Nb/La)PM diagram that suggest crustalcontamination or input of the solutions from thesubducted slab. Higher values of normalized Th and Lacontent , shown by lower values of (Nb/Th)PM and(Nb/La)PM suggest higher degrees of crustalcontamination. Magma and melting characteristics canbe investigated through REE modeling.

Emplacement and tectonic settingImmobile elements and their ratios can be used for

determination of tectonic setting of the rocks studied. Inorder of achieving this goal, several discriminatingdiagrams should be used [26]. Many diagrams havebeen developed by different authors interpreting thetectonic setting of rock assemblages using major andtrace elements. Major elements are still used in this kindof interpretations because of their simple application.But their mobility imposes some doubts to their usage inolder altered or metamorphosed terrains [32]. Then,some diagrams are set aside in this study.

Using diagrams based on major elements such as[33], [34] is of concern in older terrains, because majorelements may have different behavior during alterationor metamorphism. Then, it is recommended that theresults shown by these diagrams rechecked usingdiagrams prepared with trace elements such as [35],[36] .

As it is evident in the following diagrams, all of thestudied rock samples of HIC lie in the field of calc-alkaline and island arc basalts, i.e. destructive plate

margin basalts and their differentiates. In triangularplots of [35], one sample lies outside of CAB field. Itmay occurred because Ta acts like Ti in differentiationof ferromagnesian and Fe minerals. Then, this samplemay come close to the Ta apex, due to thisdifferentiation. It should be noted that the borderbetween IAT and CAB in D domain is not accepted byIUGS nomenclature recommendations, and these twodomains are considered as a single domain, i.e. IAB.

The following multiple diagrams are more accuratebecause of multiple checking the geochemicalconditions with tectonic settings. Evidently, log- ratiosof major elements and trace elements [36] have shownthe same results.

Spider diagram is another tool for interpretingmagmatic evolution of igneous rocks and theiremplacement and tectonic setting. The parallel patternsin all of the following diagrams may indicatecomagmatic character of the studied rocks. Magmarising through a thick continental crust may be thesource of crustal contamination, which has led to higherRb/Sr and LILE/HFSE and has increased the Th contentas a result of AFC processes [37].

The negative anomaly of Ti and Nb may indicatemagmatic relation with subduction (e.g. calc-alkalinevolcanic arc of continental active margin). This can bedue to earlier depletion events in the mantle source.Two other minimum points – i.e. Ti and P- may be dueto early crystallization of titano-magmetite and ilmeniteand fractional crystallization of apatite, respectively.The concentration of incompatible elements – especially

Figure 8. Ternary diagrams discriminating tectonic settings. The third triangular has been omitted due to lack of Zr data. Thesamples lie in the realm of calc-alkaline basalts.


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REEs and LILEs- standardized with primitive mantleshows an enrichment of magma in Rb, Ba, K and Th.The above trends are evidences supporting that the HICmagma is contaminated with materials from deepcontinental crust. At the same time, magma was mixedwith volatiles rich in early-melting components ofoceanic crust. Lack of Sr and Eu anomaly in most of therock samples may prove lack of fractional

crystallization of plagioclase in magmatic melt.Enrichment of LREE –quantified as La/Sm ratio- andEu anomaly, indicate higher degrees of REEdifferentiation. MREE to HREE are flat. Then there isno sign of garnet or spinel as the refractory phase duringthe melting. These conditions which are seen in fewsamples are due to eliminating plagioclase from thesource or later, through fractional crystallization in

Figure 9. The spider plot of elemental values of HIC samples normalized with primitive mantle [46].

Figure 10. Geotectonic classification of volcanic rocks shows the affinity of ACM in HIC rocks [39].


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magma chamber before emplacement.The troughs of Ti, Nb, and Ta are typical in calc-

alkaline magma and may be interpreted with remainedhornblende and Fe-Ti oxides in the source of parentalmagma. Both of Nb and Ta are very incompatible withtypical mantle associations and are inactive duringmetasomatic events. Then their anomalies can beexplained with adding slab elements from dehydratedoceanic crust into the mantle wedge, by which severalincompatible elements – except Nb- are increased. Allof samples show the same patterns in incompatibleelements- i.e. they relatively have been enriched inhighly-mobile elements (LILE) and have been depletedin immobile elements (HFSE).

Plutonic rocks’ TrendsPlutonic rocks and acid rocks have not been

encountered and studied in the previous works. As theplutonic rocks are very rare in HIC, only three samplesare selected and studied geochemically (samples 18, 20,22). In TAS diagram these three samples fall in gabbro-diorite domain [38]. In the following diagram, all ofthese plutonics and their volcanic equivalents lie in thefield of ACM (i.e. active continental margin) [39]. Thishas been supported by other diagrams not included here(such as [40], [41] and by spider diagrams(Figure 9)(negative anomalies of Ti, Ta and Nb indicate the rocksof active continental margin related to subductionprocesses [42]. In the following diagrams plutonic rocksare demonstrated by squares, but other samples areplotted only for comparison.

Eruption in HIC include the phases of effusive andexplosive activities. The eruption character has beenvariable from Strombolian to Vulcanian. In the plutonicdome of Kamali, near the summit dacite and trachite isformed. These more silicic lavas have indicate a moreevolved melt. More differentiation has taken place nearthe surface and have led to an increase in SiO2 contentand a decrease in FeO content, which is evident in theprevious Harker diagrams.

ConclusionHezar Igneous Complex (HIC) is originated by the

intersection of north-south Sabzevaran fault and NW-SERafsanjan-Rayen fault. It is indicated that the possibleplace of the conduit and vent is in Jalas Mountain whichhas been splitted later by the first fault of the abovefaults into Minor and Major Jalas. The current summit,which was not the place of summit and vent in the timeof its activity (because of abundant agglomeratespreading above it) had been arisen by ascendingmagma chamber under the HIC that constitutes theKamali Mountain at the south of the summit. By the

way, decisive verifying the place of main volcanic vent(or conduit) and the relation of main fault systems withHIC requires a thorough study of the structural featuresespecially the faults and folds of the studied area andpreparing a detailed structural map. Besides, isotopicand geochronological analyses can make moreevidences for analyzing the extrusion of this complexand its relationship with other related structures such asKamali Montain and Jalas Montain. The evidence ofplutonic rocks of the Hezar intrusives are exposed inKamali Mountain.

The subalkaline rocks of this complex are mainlycomposed of different pyroclastic and lava rocks, withan acidic to basic character showing the evidence offractional crystallization and mineral segregation. Theevidence of sequential explosive and effusive eruptionswith Strombolian to Vulcanian types is evident.However, by structural evidences it is evident that thesuccessions of events in HIC are as follow: 1): extrusionof pyroclastic and lava materials which are the mainpart of HIC; 2): Intrusion of Kamali, minor and majorJalases which were cut and splitted later by a N-S fault;3): the last phase, intrusion of subvolcanic boddies inJalas fractures. Besides there are some evidences oflater alteration and metamorphism in northern andnorth-eastern flank which cause some valuable ancientstructural and ornamental stone mines such as travertineand green marble. It seems that the later movement ofthe southern fault, i.e. Rafsanjan- Rayen fault, hasdevastated the southern part of the HIC including itsmain vent in Jalas and has made an appropriate place forascending the lower plutonic rocks, exposed in KamaliMountain. The most extensive extrusive materialsinclude pyroclastic falls and flows such as volcanictuffs, agglomerate, breccia and surge deposits. The lessabundant successions of lava materials such as basaltand andesitic basalt are evident among these pyroclasticrocks.

Linear trend of Harker diagrams and its breakingindicates the fractional crystallization and thesegregation of olivine and pyroxene, respectively. Lowgrade metamorphism along with the quartz, calcite,chlorite and epidote veins in these rock samples havesome influences on relation of LOI and SiO2 withoutimpacting Th, Nb, and LREEs.

The compositional trend of the rocks is morecorrelated with the melting of spinel lherzolite, notgarnet lherzolite which can be attributed to a lessformation depth of magma. Evolution of most of thesamples have taken place out of the stability domain ofgarnet and apatite in a depth far less than the stabilitydomain of garnet lherzolite.

The subduction-related mechanism of the magma


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genesis has been indicated by IAB nature of the magmaformation in geochemical diagrams. Certainly, the lackof Zr data in geochemical analyses of the studiedsamples imposed limitations in some geochemicaldiagrams and their resulted interpretations. All of thestudied rock samples in HIC, fall in the realm of calc-alkaline basalts and island arc basalts, i.e. destructiveplate margins.

Due to input of fluids from subducted slab or crustalcontamination (higher content of Th and La), all of thestudied rock samples lie out of the realm of MORB-OIBarray (mantle array) and lie near the volcanic arc array.This factor suggests a source relating to subduction.Moreover, a magmatic evolution parallel with mantlearray indicates fractional crystallization (FC), then thisvolcanic arc was an active continental margin, not anoceanic arc.

As it is evident in spider diagrams, all the samplesare comagmatic. Due to higher content of Th and highervalues of Rb/Sr and LILE/HFSE, ascending magmapassed through a thicker continental crust. Negativeanomaly in Ti, Nb and Ta suggests a magmatic relationwith subduction (e.g. calk-alkaline volcanic arc in anactive continental margin) in a calc-alkaline magma dueto remaining Fe-Ti oxides in the source of parentalmagma. This may be the result of the earlier depletionevents in a mantle source. Two other minimum points Pand Ti can be due to early crystallization of titano-magnetite and ilmenite and fractional crystallization ofapatite, respectively. The contamination of HIC magmawith deep continental crust may be evident in anenrichment in Rb, Ba, K, and Th which are mixed withthe constituent fluids of primary melting of oceaniccrust. Lack of negative anomaly in Eu and Sr, suggestslack of fractional crystallization of plagioclase inmagma.

The plutonic rocks (only two gabbro-diorite samples)lie in the realm of active continental margin (ACM)which is a kind of verification for the conclusionachieved by volcanic rocks.


This study was carried out through PhD thesis of thefirst author in Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman-Iran. Part of the costs of whole-rock geochemicalanalyses was provided through a research grant byIMIDRO (Iranian Mines & Mining IndustriesDevelopment & Renovation). Whole-rock analyseswere performed in SGS laboratories in Australia andCanada. Isotopic and dating analyses were carried out inLaboratory of Isotope Geology (Laboratório deGeologia Isotópica) of the University of Aveiro

(Universidade de Aveiro), Portugal (LGI-UA). AbbasHosseinipour, Ali Alirezaei, Masoud Moghaddas,Hassan Sadeghi, Ali Shahabi, Ali Naghdi, andMahmoud Rahjou took part in field works. Some oftools and materials needed, prepared by Ahad Soltanifrom Keele University, UK, Saeid Aghaei and Dr.Ahmad Abbasnejad. Technical and VocationalUniversity of Iran, specially Hatam Salimi (formerpresident of Shahid Chamran Technical College) andMohsen Lotfi (head of Neyshabur Technical College)are acknowledged for their official assistance with thefirst author. Finally, we want to thank warmly allguidance and points of view from Dr. MohammadHashem Emami, Dr. Mohsen Arvin, and Dr. SaraDargahi.

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