Download - PET PROTECTOR ®. Cats and dogs have always been subject to tick and flea infestations; however in recent years the diseases transmitted by these parasites.



Cats and dogs have always been subject to tick and flea infestations; however in recent years the diseases transmitted by these parasites (known as vector-borne diseases) have become more widespread,

posing a very real threat to both pets and humans.

Fleas and Ticks: Pets’ Eternal Enemies


One of the best kept secrets the pharmaceutical companies do not want

you to know about Chemical flea and tick products can cause serious health issues in both

pets and humans alike.


In spring 2009, the EPA noticed an increase in the number of reported incidents involving pets and spot-on pesticide products.

Pets die every day due to chemical spot-on treatments!


A man with a mission

In the decade between 1998 and 2008, Steven went on to donate over 3 million dollars in order to fund additional research on this revolutionary product, as well as to various associations which advocate for animal protection and to various animal shelters.

Thanks to the initiative of just one man, pet owners now have available a revolutionary product that is 100% safe for both pets and humans alike and is extremely effective, in fact, the Pet Protector Disc is more effective in repelling pests than the chemical alternatives still being sold today.

Any changes made in society, whether they are huge or infinitesimally minute, are set into motion by just one individual. The man behind Pet Protector, Mr. Steven Williams Jr., set events into motion that would eventually lead to the greatest scientific discovery ever made in the Pet Industry. What initially started Steven on this path was the tragic loss of his long-time friend and pet Buster, who lost his life as a result of liver poisoning caused by a ‘commonplace’ anti-flea product.

In 1997, knowing exactly what his objective was, Steven began to search for an efficient and more importantly, a 100% safe alternative to the anti-flea and tick products that had lead to his best friend’s demise. Steven begins working on a project that would investigate the positive effects of Scalar waves on the health of humans and animals alike. This project went global, bringing together scientists from Spain, Switzerland and Germany and as a result, Pet Protector was born!


Tested and Proven

Chemical – Free

4 Year Protection

Huge Money-Saver : Only $73.40 For 4-Year Protection

Water Resistant

100% Safe on Animals

Effective on Any Live Being

100% Safe for Your Family

72 h International Delivery

The Greatest Scientific Discovery in the Pet Industry

Already protecting pets in 197 countries6


How does it work?

The Pet Protector Disc works on the following principal: it uses Magnetic and Scalar waves to create an impenetrable, protective shield around the pet. Pet Protector’s Scalar waves are totally harmless to people and animals (they go absolutely undetected by humans and animals) yet they are effective against parasites, repelling them from the shielded area.

A Revolutionary Technology


Become a Pet Protector Representative

The Pet Protector Opportunity


There are billions of pets around the world and they all need a product like this one. Our product cannot be found in stores; the only way pet owners can get

a hold of our product is through you, our representative!

We invite you to become a representative today, and you'll be able to recommend our product to your friends and to the whole world as well, with the

click of a button, using our online affiliate system. By recommending our product, you will not only be in a position to build a successful business, but you will literally save

the lives of thousands of pets worldwide!

Help Pets and Generate Income

Pet owners spend over $120 Billion on pet products every year,

and the Pet Protector Opportunity isthe only global Home Business

Opportunity involving pet products.


What do You Get as a Pet Protector Representative?

With our Start-Up Packages, you receive more Pet Protector Discs than what you pay for. There are 4 amazing Start-Up Packages to choose from. The first one gives you the opportunity to join with only one Pet Protector Disc!

You'll get paid for reselling our product and/or growing your organization of distributors. Our pay plan is rated as one of the most profitable in the industry.

Our primary goal is to support you and help you achieve better results. We give you your own, personalized affiliate websites, marketing and educational material, and complete business statistics located in your own virtual office.


Welcome to Pet Protector

Our Mission: Every pet on the planet protected

naturally and safelywith Pet Protector

Join today!