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WHOLE NO. 877.

the public good, without cbarging any.thing for ex.pense+." He )ec-mmendedin closing that a letter be •rttten bythe Yemen of Foro]gn Affa•r•, thsn•ngthe Queen of England for the "mark ofher sympathy for our Fo,p•e. ' ahd thatMr. D•mmomL the chairman (.f therel•f •mmittee. be de• •at•d w•th thebut•n ota mandarin -f the tLlrd rank.

A few years ago a g• •ern,,r •ho haddared • w•te such a d•-patch and

make such recto.mend dmas •ouldh•ve been instantly recalled to Peking

m dm•ace.U•n th• memorial the Emperor,

a•ing the vornnlh.n pehcfl,•Let it be • remwsled, and let the

Yamen take n,,Io thore.,f t•espect

hatre• h• rarMy beor• bet•rt•ted than b) this mehieht.

The French Char.b• • , • Commer••ntly granted t, M F,•ul

$2,000 •nd a gold mvd•l, and t•the new we•p-n are M•utm P•s m•ler the d•rectmn of thot• ins•cm•. The G•ffard gnuneither fulm•ate nor gun.wrier, not

tier," so much talked u•mt. Theero•l• by • smg:e drop ofhqmd, w•h, falbng m• a clos•chamber behind the projectile, dove-opt by v•mg a great p•?s•re,th• •ves •petns • th•The •uid • a Hqmfled g•,asteel •rtndge •,r,,x•dedcapmg vah-e re•la•,d bv • movable

Boots and Shoes


WOOD : 'IANTELS,Large Sto(k Low Pit, , - Freight I'repa•d


• We close Fr1,1a)+ atCrown Streets.

A: FI ] & fl.,II0ase and Sign

Painters--Dealers In--

Paints,Oils, Varnishes,

Artists' Supplies, Kalsomino,Pmnt Brushes, Dust Brushes, Broom•

Dust Pans, Hard Off Finish,Fnrmtnre Pohsh, Gla•a,

Putty, Sdver Poheh,Bronzes,

G,ld Leaf, Walnut Staine, Cherry

Stains, Oak Stains,

The Bcst In Use.

Tobacco, Cigars, &c.


lfl,nnmental, Ileadqes•, IInild[n• Work

self in one of the lungs. , orchard and vineyard. The farm is nut a eorLam mr of contemi)tu;,u• Sul,en-"What's the show for me. T•m?" the growth of a day but began i• onty •lneh has beou at timo• bo•

•ked Ran• feebly. • modest •gmuing many years ago when langhab]e and u ntatmg.'TI1 have •r •ll yet that I don't be- P Archtbald developad hm •yi.h tas• S ch was the

liove tbero's acy ahow for ver. •er ' for poultry raising, At first he rinsed when, m 1•8, a to•rt/Jle flood, f(+li,,xved: migbL pull •rough with a •d doctor, fancy breeds oxclusi•oly •nd his en•r- b) an equally deshuot•e famlhO,but tho noarost on• 1• ovor fifty mdos pnso becamo gonerally known nntil lat• tl•o p•)viuce of •luchaway." I about 1876 ho w• mducod to insti•uto and Nanl.•g arc tho prmcq,le

" g•mss yorright," said Ran feebly; tho Spring Hill Poultry Farm. He The s•mpathm•"IbelioreI am bloedia' ter death m- then soldh•sohickons for •, ;75each livedm that pa•t of thotornally," and aa if • vorify ht• w•ad•, I and bm eg• brought from $• to $15 deopl) t- whed l•v tho mght of so mncbthe blood welled up in hl• mouth acd for a setting, The farm was the great-choked his further nttoranee Tho eat I)oaltry estabhshmant in the eonn-

m•u laid Hen in an e•y posdion aml try and contained 18,000 fowls. Thereput • folded c•at under his head f.r a wmc twonty4hrco•onbators ned everypillow. • thursday 1,200 ohickens were tnrnod

' [t'• too bad. Ran," amd one of lira out b) them and wore transferred to1)arts of the United Kmgdum attd ln(baThoQneen headed the Mansmn ttouse

bows, a=d arms can scarcely be le•!

than one movement for e•h note. A•twenty-four notes were playad eachsoooud, and each involvo• throe move

ments, we would have soventy-tws

voluntary movemonta per socond.Agadn, the place, the force, the timeand tho dttration of each of these movo.

mentm was oontrollod. All those motor

knowledge of tho posi•on of each flngorof each hand before it was moved, whil•

moving it, as well tm o! the auditory ef-

feet to force and pit.oh, all of which In-volves at least equally rapid sonsorytra.smissious. If we add to this thowork of the momory in placing the

notes in their proper poaitioe, as well asthe fact that the performer at the same

A fine realdeneo for lale on Bummer

SASH, DOORS,Stairs and MilJ Work of All Kinds.

New Haven, Conn.




that objects could be seen for a longdistance ahead, but there was a turn inthe oanffon that hid !he view just almadfrom the miners. "ihe four men drewtheir revolvers and dashed forwardRoundiug the turn in the canyon theysaw, not thirty yard• away, thn form ofa z•an ]ytng prostrate on the groundantl anothor form bonding o•er blnl,plainly ongaged m rlthng the falloaman's pockets.

Instantly the men, as of one accmd,

leo,Hod th,mr weapons, and old Tomsho•ted: 'Throw up yore hand• and

giv• up, Mister• we hey got •heon yet thin Ume•" But the rubber,

wheevor Im w•. ov•do•tlv had n• m-tenhon of lmmg caught so e•ily, for hespr•ng away liko a startled deer.

seleotiontimepartioiputeSdescribes,in theandemotdonS/eola thethe tho miners as they. llrod at tho flooing ] you thn+ will novor shootanoH•ormae." qu or. Happy ivos thoy Iod, living on one hnudred ]•unds. The money re-

strength and weakne•es ot the per- form, and then da.hed f,u'ward in put- • Why ?" •kcd Rau eagerly, rye, meal, corn, aml greens, until they eetved w• exl),mded it, the m,+•tforman•,wo a•ive at a t•y be•lder- s•t. Then' •hots had apl)arcntly taken "Becauso wo hung him for hilling I reachod tho ago of thirtoon woeks; then and p•dioious manner, all engagoding network of impulaes, oou•g along no effect, for the robber fiod nwiftly Nato Brooks, and bofore ho died I lhoy wore fattmmd and •ore •eady for the work g•v•ng tbmr ser•toes.

at in•n•ivably rapid ra•s. Suc• along for a •me at a rate that p•mm•d ho oonfo•sod • •shooting Broohs • tho lmifo. Of oou•o a oor•in propor- • ih s x•t• not tho first hlno thatj portion of them were kept alive eithor, Engli.h had rulievml 811nll•r

os•a•sshow,•o•thatwoare•pable • dis•nco his pursuers, who •pt aud wounding you, •d it wm no onO•ortholaying r•mor forsalo. Now m China, but nil pre•n•usof do•g many thing •t once• The' 'on him f time in the but Charley Baker." "

mind is not a unit, but • oomposed of him down with a bul- "Is that soT' exclaimed •u faintly, the past few years Mr. Watt koep• had been nceoptcd •th a grac•ou•higher •d lower •n•, the av•able

8outhlngton Savings Ban .Dol•+tits oommenco drawing

• •yof the month suocoedlngdep<mit. 0•1• hom'• from 9 s. m. to

in that vicinity.l)tnm• tbe st<am 31r. F W Pander

plcked np t•<) hall slones that meatlured7 Inches m cJrcutnlereucc and Mr. EldndgeJa(Id fuund one that me•ur• • loeb••n tbamewL Mr. llen• MeCl•ry

Ihll• h•l •me of II u•cIi girth.Mr Samuel I•a•es say• the storm plck•l

It i• ,aM •nne of the Pin{nellie hall t•m

h•i•lers • the came hmuming dnwn. T•eydidn'l make a

Due lady avenged h(.r•ll for b•kenwmd,ws by galberi,g a q•ntlly o• theun•s'c• an uslBg them to •duce the tem•r-ature of a btg •a•elon.

We have pubhsbed a sufficient uumber ofthe reruns m• by l•ople of ver•ltyhow thai it w• not .maglnatlon that

:•w solidified snow-ball •ou•d u•n u•.ML Louis Oerman of •t •eet prior

to 8un•y had as fine a field of •could bave •en found berea•uts. •ow hehas plowed a g• part of It under.were a•ut fo• acres of

Mr. A. •. ('•ey al• had a•ut six •re•of fi•-cl• l•L I• 1• ro•rt•l a• ragg•

Ot•r flel• a•ut 8huttlo Meadow and•lande• are probably •ined.

A lar• number of bl•s we• killed bythe h•l.

Tbe• w• a brink demand for putt•gl• tb• w•k.

•rm will • •lly

1,000 yal'ds Chanoy's Printed Ohina •ilks at

•19c. The only res•on for this price is that

they are in short lengths. The regulax price is $I.

They are very suitable for Waists, Children's• and Fanoy Work.

Are making roduced pricea on Hamburg Flounc-

lags, Lace Flouncings, Laces and made up La•e





Fanoy atting ,ALL C, RADES und PI,'I'T"

Still good aseertanont of

Challi•s, Salines and Scotch


Another lot of those Black I•w•s, Plaid rind Plain.

Sttll another roduetion m the prices of Cream

Flannel Blouse Waist, Summor Shows and Wraps

Are offering the balanes of our

at prises that make them worthy of attention.

Short Lengths, Remnanb and Petterus, not to be


SALE:Will Positively Close

Sat'd) Night, Aug, 16.

We ahall g,ve

SPECIALIn Every Department.

We ha•e q'(x) Many Goodm and MustReduce Stock


Ladies' White Jersey Waisls

Ladies' White Jersey Blouses1.17 and 1.47.

Good Blouse for 45c.

Lad•es' and Gent's Silk Bells35 and 40c.(Worth 5•)

SuspendersAt Jobbers Prices

MARKED DOWNI landkerchiefs and Hosie•',

Towels and Napkins,

Corsets and Corset Cover•,

"(•mmon Sense" Corset Waist,

Ginghams, Dress Chevoits aml

All-wool Wmah Fabrics

Men's and Boys' O•tlng Shwts,

Boys' Waists and Blouses,

Window Shades,

A Gc•,d Assortmont of Rug,s

Paras01 Way

These are Blabous' go•ts and A


W. S. Gmd li,

Tile N'orth easier le.Jlool hOUm Is meeavo I " •llOi•"lag • COal ot pater -

'" AI.IB••de Booth Is spending aRev. C. ]E. Lewle of Now London, will days In Waterbury and Themliatou

preach at the Cong. churh next Suadty Mr ant Mra A • -""lie " • mml ursnley are enjoy-

Thomaa H. Duncsn of the Bristol Presa g sea breezea st Braeford Polar.

•. apendlng a short valmtloa in •lewlmrt, tl. Ray. and Mrs. F, L. Sty'ass retttrued

"fronl Berlin last week Fdda¥. They hadP. •l. AU•iU fir .'Mhldlefield ha• he6n

IIOlllinatl,41 ss Prohibitlou eaadldale for

__ The labor staitsthm of the borongh+ townted corporations were being looked up byone of/he bureau ot labor etatlstle.• thisweek.

Mrs. F. w. Pander ha• a li llum arat•m,or go den lilly of Jalmn , in bloom, l'heblossoms mettle 22 hichea iu eireumfer-

MI• Sarah Havllaad of l'qew Yolk, for-merly of Soutbl•,_gtoe, Is stopping at Mr.Eleathau Atwoodaou North Main sireet.

Wilhem Hotcbkl•s of .New Llsven wasm town Saturday.

M•. Burr lhlll arid ehlhl are at Qsllfolfor a few week•.

Bert bI•',lllng is •pendmg the week

This week

Plated Beads, call your attention to aNew Lot of

Wide Hamburgs

TO (iO O1]TTh0 Firemen Refuse to Help

the Strikers.


•he ;0entral 0flldale Say They Have

Won the Battle-

N•w YORK, Aug 13--At a meeting ofMetropolitan Lodge 363, of theBrotherhood of i.ocomotl•Stlburban ltall, 14Oth street and Third

they would hold aloof from the pr-sentstrike. Tbl* lodge ¢'ontatns

b• and take• m the Hudson R•v*r

klbany.This istnterpr•ted a• a •erlou• blow

Their hopes -f •nc•ss hav•d•pendml

gr•vtounly d•appo•nt

N•w Yank, Aug 13 •"All thotroubl•

m•t begun yostortla• •u the localyards and besides sending out mauy


JErseY Crr•, N. O., Aug. 12.--A spirit

,he various lines leading out of this

Sympathetic strikes were rumored,

Lad the eagerness with which all the•allroad employee about theyardedls-'nssed the situation •howed that such• complication wan immln•nL

qhe employee of the Erl• Peun•yl-eanla and New Jersey C•ntral •oads

.hey would not work against their•rnthren on •r•ke by handling any New•'ork •entra[ freight. The oompanle••rompGy averted tht• po•lbl••f danger by refusing to receive anyretgbt •rom that line.

lurer All fyeight wa• being handled.xpodl•lou•lj and wlthout delay.

•ather•l n little •roaua and dsch. •ttuatmn wit• tha yardmen, and

aMd Bat throughou• the day ovary-

ng opinion that th•ra would bo


('m• •o, Aug. 1• •So f•r aa pr•oat

lho •tnat•on In thin Tho figh• now

ATThe Grand Army Encamp-

ment in Session


the •0men's R•ltef 00rps HoldingNational 0onventi0n.

Boozes. Aug. 1&--Thousands whosame to see the Orand Armyparade leftthe elty late last night andearly thls

morning.The encampment convened thl• fore-

noon at Music tlali and General Algerdelivered his address and th• business

evening, after which be looked in atthe reception tendered the It A. R. atM•chanlos' Building At Least 15,000people availed themselvesof the oppor-tunity to see and hear the distlngaish•d

pre•eut.'rh• vis•to.s w•r• wMcomed by Gee.

Braekstt, who was followed by MayorHart, both recMvln,, hearty apolau•sthroughout thMr addresses Mr• W•t-tenmsy•r spoke •. behalf of the 'Womau'• Rehe• •rps Gem Alger wasnex• called[upon• and h•s words ofthanks on b•hal• of the Oraud Army•or its reception by the city, State and

S•nt•I)airy, b.f. u0•, g• t0o•01• toW•tem•atry, fan0y, p0r lb .........We•zn Dal•, •to choice, per •.E•s era C•sme•y, f• per lb .....•Ut• 0•mery.g•to •ot•, 1••in Oreame•, oholceto fau•tper mImt•tton Cre•e•, •, per 1• ....I•t•on C•ery good to •oi•, lbWe•rn O•sme•, •noy, Vet lb ......Wea•rn Oresmmy, g• • •o•e• lb

• 10Factory, fresh, p r lb............... •t0

Beam, medl.m, choice.............. •-•

Green P•, per bushel .............. 1.0OBe•, Lima,Call or• per bag .... 8.•

•S•at• Factory whl• fancy. •

•ta• F•ry, fall cream, ehoI•, Ib .

Fall S•m•, per Ib ...............

Apples, •na•rled• fair to prime,per lb

•p•ie& evaporated` per lb .....

n, et, #ith Mrs. Anne Wlttenmeyer pro- , Peanut, later', grades,new, •er'i•::

App •, Vlrginis, good, •hl . . S.•

i Eight

a : Ow Yorker.


Help Came ta •me • Bare theL•e.

NOnWA•, Conn. Aug. ll.--RaymondD. Od.l•, a wealthy New Yorker• who•s aummer•ng w•th hi. family at Phipps

•ve mUea east of thl• city. had anpeHence with sharks that he will

forget. •r. Odell was wad• neck

]e.p In the tranquil watera of the

•ound treadin E for clama. His basket

•hark with •er• eyes and expanded

•aws appeared before h•m. Other•

•ow•d, and In an •nst•n• the lone fish-

,heal of the finny monsters who made• oombined rush at hi• '

Mr Odell fought desperately for hlarife, kee•lnE the huge black monst.r•aloof, while he worked hi• way. foot byfoot •n•o shMlow water. The sharks

their prey, v•ctenaiy anappinE thair•reat •v•ry-Hned Jaws. Mr Odell usedh•. heavy clam hook as a weapon andvigorouMy pounded the noses of his

comrades were cheered to the echo. t'at•traw ................. 45Following Gen. Alger, President Hat- Wheat 8trtw ......... 40

r•son, Prastdont of the United States, Chickens, Spring, chnbe, lerlb 17

One of the sharks, more daring thanthe rest, fiuallymadea dash from thelrear, taking Mr. OdeIl unawares and:catching his left ann In his wide openmouth and closing it with a bangDnr•ngthe •trugglsmen from the shorebad been hastening to the relief of Mr.Odell, and were only a few feet away

failure '1},• men that strnck wtH not luen'• Mutual A•,I Association, post- bear uxe 1),a,l.k to Washington, [ tan onlYl


WRECK ON rile CENTRAL.tile flag of th. Union about your body

ltm tertl, p,r lb 8

()doll's left arm, one of the rescuersleveled agun at his ogly nose atte fired.The bullet sped true to tt• mark, and,alth,,ugh the monster was only stunned,bereleased hl• hold long enough to beiI•palved of his prey, and Mr 0dMlwas drawn Into the boat totally


('^u:,zx, N J, Aug II qhe pr,son-

AxSx, llI.Ang I1 J Green boarded



•y •ho• who h•ve h• •et• • do

w• a Job It • • f• and clothe five or •xhun• t•d men. Wel• • k

• • • roll •[ea b•ng do•

•o. Tho• •m• fro• h•von • the• •dHe •u•m the sh• •d•ak w• In a year or two wo•d• worn • •ge and •t• and ••mo •rmp•f and •p•f, •o thatat• fo• y• o• w•In• •he •a• andtbseh•a• as •new B•Id•• mo•lng there k a showar of b••ot •our or •g•, for •e rising of th•or• • m•o •eavon, and •tlM fin-• haw mlx• It and •ll• It In• balk,llgh• flaky and sw• • thongh theythe c•mbs th• out •m a h•venly•nq• Two ba•h• o• br• m•e ovory•yln the upper--one for th•o whoslt •t the •blo wl• •e•Ing, and the otherfor the •chl• •li• In tho wilder

I do not very mu• plty the •r•ll• forthe fact t•t they h• o•y ma• • •t.ItW• I sup• the •t f• ever pr••d•. I know that •e rave• b•ughtf• • hun• •l•h but I should notwell have ll• th• •ack wal• •therwould I •vo the fare t•t • do•mo•ng In bueko• of dewily,• p•vld• edlbl•. But now the •ael-I• have •ken the l•t blt of It In

• their llp• They l•k ou• and there Is nomanna. Why thls •sMon of h•veaiy•pply• It •as •o the •r•ll• bad•dv• In Ca•an, •d they •eH• thebroth of tim harv•t fleld•the crowd• • of th• •ywere th•wn o• • the• •1 thetnhabl• h•fl•, •d•then•oo[• of HOS• the •r•ll• •kof seething. Wel• the th•h•g fl•rcl•r•, the •ru • •t• ov• it` thvoxeu

c•cult until the •ru Is •mpl• I•, thenIt is w•now• w•th a fan, end It Is •undand It k baked, and, lo• there is enoughbr•d for aH the worn •t ho• "•d the

•ten of the oM corn of the land."From among the mummi• el Egypt and

C•an lmve •n brought •alus ofexactly like our indian •rn •d •ntlyplanted, they have pr•u• the •mo Mudof corn with which we are familiar • I• not s•re whmh •nd of grain my •xt r•

The b•tmn of th• •bJ•t • me.fl• •sp• of •ml reHef foremergency, and` s•ndly, ot the old •m ofthe Gospel for o•inary

If tb• I•aeb• • •m wd•rn•

bak•l• •ere would fl•t have •n a long

•n no one • bury tlmm It wou•d have

of•ns thoroughly lost in the wlldem• ofmad as the • •ty of BosUn •d the Pr•Mont

heartily apl,r•, :.1(,. 1 '

; y,,ur home gmng away gradually from you• vl unl•s• things ch•.age soon it will by en

-- -- , Tben. as they .truck the turn for i,*c,, .t "• ,,g•ra. I mothetoarsand thellfoblood ofadrunk

') given In suc• cases. But t.hero is a relief,hat drops In manna from the throne of

BKOOKLYX, N Y , Aug 18 --Cardtnal•bbons has arrived h•ro from Bar t[ar

D. Kelley, Jr , of 21'• t'lermont avonu•Tb01'ardfnal eaUe,t upon B•shop I,ougb

throagh ]'ro•pe, t Park to Con•y Island

EnglLsh ('t•urchmsn of tho ,lay Ibe [

Nzw YoaK, Aug 11--The BakerlUnion of the Statos of Now York,

setts and ('onnectlcut hehl

sidoring the b6ycotting of Fleis,,h-

Philadelphia, prestdod An agreement

the yeast untU the firm has settledw•th the NoW York bakers

'l'bls victory settles decisLvely therolatlvo Inortt•ot Salvator and Tenny.


RO< nE•TZlt, N Y , Aug. 18 --Tho open-

most successful ever had In thin cityTha great f•ature of tim day wan th•

Flower City $I0,000 g•arante• stake, towhich th• foliowsrs of tha circuit hadboeu looking forwsrd for some time. It

Thure were sixteen entrie• •nd twelvestarters and It took •lx hoat• to finishIt I•o•ard Ro•o, the"phonom," whodid a mile tu thts •lns•ln2.15•at

took one he•t. •ho wa• •peedy butntoady

Pi•loy, Bml• Doblo's mar•, took two

sister, and had oome to polnt nat tbospot where tho crlnno bad boen com-mitted and to Idoutlfy tho body

The party proceeded toward thsWhirlpool, and when about 200 yardslmlow the M•vator l•adlng to t•pool rnpld• th• woman

"Ther• l• th• •p•tl Under that preM-plo• .•le• th• beds o• Arthur

Officers Hayd0n and MoMleklng, goingafter an hour's hard climbing roachedth* •pot lnd[oat•d, wh•r• tho body ofth• un•ortun•t• woman wa• foundmangled on th• rock• with h•r cloth•swry much torn.

From what f•w partioular• obtained,It appoar• that D•y lind committedbigamy and that h• l• charged withhaving hurled hi• first wif• down th•pr•oiptc• at the Whirlvool. It alsop•ars th•twif• No 2becameacquMnt•dwith th•e facts and notified th• relics

•OU• •LOP•M•NTe.

soothing influence may dome but ] ku,•w thatfor •spoctal grief there •s •.spomal debvor-an•. I give you two or thr• trythem on, •k• that w•ch •t fits your"Whom tho •rd lovoth, Ue ch•uth,"

who Iove• " "W•piug may onduro for anigh• but Joy •moth in the morning " I

• of bribing up a new pl•r for

hunger, thoy •m•e thor •v•ckfind some •umb of old •tion, when

flvo mlnu• old tBut a•r four• thou•aud •x hu•d•l

co•utivo •ys of fMling •n•-•uuday•

woro gl• of It You •ow •oy hadpl• • thor l•dor, and •oud• t•atthoy h•d to •t i•lna l• of oulo.lqNow tho f• is c•. Th•o p•plothat ar•y undor forty y• of • •d uovor

Is atlll burning. The loss is as•t unknown.

LO:•D01% Aug. 13--Mr. Parnell is alBrighton taki.g a lttt•'e rs•t and ro

his heaLth 'l'beO'Sheadlvore•

hearing about the same time that Par-•v'n.fi9 24 .711 f•,.571 55ber. 0:•

lturposo of thoroughly organizing th, ia anknowu Tb,s horse is ownod byunion in the chfforent States. i Bob •t•wart of Kansas City and is a

....... [ remarkably steady trottor Three ofMA•'sLA•t•,Aug. II •An•pIdemlc th• heats w•r• •nade In • 17•, which

of hog cholorn 1• prevalent In thh[tb• f•t•t ever made b•re In the

place and iu the vicinity, aud man) j class The race wa• a puzzle to theporkers have died with the diaeaa• ] gam0atera and the betting was h•avy.during the past f•w days. Spenc• •Smith, a prominent farmer, has lanai ST•KES

WILKl•snann•, Pa, Aug. 11 --Mrs.Benjsmin Halstead and ber daughter

Mary, her sister, Mra peter Loran, and

e daughter of Mrs. B, Benlamtn Hal-

•taad. four women In all, and ropr•senUng three generations, sloped with/our Italian laborers of Hancock,Mrs. Peter Loran'• loth•rloMurray, and a• a •equel to the four-elopement, Murray i• lodgedcharged with murder.

mers In othor parts of tho oounty hav•hkewiso snffored, and tho dLssase ismaking fearfnl ravages Tho hogs firstbt•COIUO wosk and then lose desire to oator driuk The dlseaso is dolug the mosldam,tge in the Lowor part of the oounty.

Nzw Y,mK, Aug. 11 --Andrew }hal-strom, a tatlor, jutnped from tho third-story window of-his honlo On •Pwenty-third stroet, whilo suffering fromdelirium trsmm•s, and was so badly In-Jured that ho d•ed shortly afterward.Froderiok Andriton, • yours o•oommittod snioido by •v•ringartories o• hia •rm •n• th•n h•nginghimsolf. Deapondoucy la supposed t•

be the cause. •

NzW YoRz Aug. 11.•Miehael Trul%tn ItaHm•, quarreled with Josephover a •me of card• a• Trul#e home,Trula •t Cotl• tn the head Truw foattemptod to auparato tho menand was ahot In tho right breast by hot th• eatamaran cepaizod,husband. Colla'a woun• in not oon- Waa Savo• 'AItrad•tdered dungerous, but it is feared Mrs.

Wound will prove f•tgl. •r•]• dave at

Prr'rsnrno, Pa, Aug. 18.--The strikeMrs. Loran and Murray fled from

for nine hourswork and ten hours pay, Hancock to Sterling, a small vULagsbegan yesterday by the ma0hlnlets and Just over the State ll Yskilled mechanics, la resulting favor- and went tu a house prenaredably for them, several firms having Murray. Loran, thedea•rtedgranted the demand to-day. Theproa- got t•aok of tha eloper• early tap•ete are that they will have won the morn[ns• and with an o•eer went tofight and all be at work lu a few days. the house and entered It The Italian

At the aam•time the•trike tpirlt la and the faithlea• w[feaawhim e•mlng•spreading and several hundred men and the former sailed him to halt.wllloomeout to-morrow. Themoldera, •randid not be•d theoommand, hutabout 1•000 In number, are also rushed up a stairway in the directionlag to makeeimllar demands og a roomln which biewifehadloekedemployers, hereelL Aa he reached tha head of the

Itl• eaidthat theWeatln stairs the Italian drew a revolver and

trio Company and Maeht• Company ah.thhn dead. tation andwill try to fill the strikers' places wRh •ran bore a good r•pUnew men. had been mar•led to Mrs •ran •lxtee•

years. They bare fiw oMldren, th•Re.AwAY Bg•u, • I. •ng 18.-- youngest of whom accompanied he•

WUllamKlapper, the Hie eave• atCote'a mother when •he latter left home.Loran was ears old and hl•Beaehmere House, Rookaway Beach, was about 4• y

drowned at no•n. With hie young wlfeaboutS&brother he wad rowing tn the surf when •--•

The brother W•o•A•g.18.•Mr Morganthe life eluded hit amant begu

bea0h. The and was

cried tho old man, • he oponeJ au oar"Cornl" crlod the chlldr•n, as tbc¢ counbodthe shining grains "Corn"' shout•l thevanguard of the host aa they bur•t open thegran•ri• of the affrighted population, thegranarloo tl•tt sad boon left In the pomsasonof the vietorlmm l•ra•lltos. Then thewas Idndied and the oar• of e•rn were thrustinto lt• and, fresh and cri•p and tender,devoured of the hungry riviera; and broadwasproparod, and many things that can bemade out of flour regaled the appotlto• thatlind been stmrpenoff by the long march,"And the umnaa ceased on the morrowafter they haA eaton of the old corn of the

"•]ts•l Im •od, we stand lu •ast •uo• nfield to-day, the lururiant grain comingabove the girdle, the air full o! the odors ofthe rope ol• corn ef the go•pel Oana•u.Ohr you say, the p •

I remember you will soon got tJr•l o• aolful diet, While I wasln Paris I liked for awhile the rare and oxqalsito cookery, but•oon whhed i was home again, and hod the•lt• food of my ,t•tl'm land. •o it I• n factthee •-•'•v•ry'of the sirup• a•dthecustords and th•.•,hipped fas.m of the fanvl-ful religloaiq•'Kud we cry: '•lve us plainbread made•ut of the old corn of the gospetCanada." /this is the only food that canquell the soups hunger.

There are mo• h• who h,a,rdiy Imow •-hatle the matter with them z'hey have triedto get together a fortune end larger accountnt the bank and to get investments yieldinglaxger pm'oontagos. They are trying toiaty th0]r soul with a diet of mnrtgages andeteelut Th0r•ar• oth0r• hero whohave boon

nRd havocauoeaeded to• and they have been

, their •oul with l:h0 ehnppad,All thooo

th0 first I nO |not•

andand and •lveled ap

rh0 are offer-ing u• a different k•nd of •o• f • but •ey•of•them•r •. I h•Ve•o•y o• the; •t I •r •ewof them who •me wlt• • thud •o£ •g •ppy. The •t Jo• S•wartMffi •d•or•a new •nd o•r• but ye• when h• •m• • •e• he•ow•g• t•t • p•o•phy neverhim •y •m• • •ys ot b•r•vemen•• ••t way h• •ml• t•t h• lif•w• • Latium. • it• •th aH infidel

and •bl• and •pl•m• and •charge • with •u• not rasH•ng •t the•

th• •r•l •lk w• are h•

•nd "•he grit • •" and "timno," •d "th• higher unity," and

the tmmv•." I have b•n tran•tiugW•t th• •n •e b•n w•ting, and•ro •n t•n•ting wh•t they •ve •ndo•g• and I will • you what ltail m•--It m• •t they •nt • MII God• Andmy only •nd•r • that •d h• not klll•the• I•v• • other •ys• o• thdr •n-•tto•, and I •m• b•k •nd •ll you •-•y

•n•hing but the br•d • out • the old•rn ot • •speh W•t do I m•u byt•t• • m• t•t Christ Is the br•llf• and • •m• y•u li•e •nd liw

Bu• •ou •y, • • ot but little pr•• um• it • thr•h• a• ground

through t•pr•th• h•s o• hu•n •rn •mv downh•rt o• Chr•t •nd aU the flai• o• sa•nict•y •t Him •g and f• • not•ru throbS? •hen •e mfllsot •sd•on •g•nst sin •ugh• C•t •tw•n

•ru•und• •en J• d•n4•hell• and t•e •m• o• the Io•t world wrap•

•e a• •a•y; everything re•dy

"•orehaagodfm trdles, tladosmenwhosold •hort •e gbt might be nailed by

p•rtlnont too•ctal• m •ho refused

light or c•uel aceor,h.g a• the patwnt

spoud Ins hfe m 1,ab(m• has. The • ater-

were hke born, creed httlo f,,r t•e,, D-five outs with a I,amboo. but to trades

•ere oxerueiatl.gly painful and

The pre•eut Sultan has M•oh•hedthe batiundo in the Earopvan part of

away with capital pnntM•ment, exceptfor b•gandage and for athmwts of as-ansa•a•ng h•gh o•ala. Even b•g-

ands, however, are only hanged •henthey have lard hands on formgner• and

., ,4//t/• r•n,,/, you maytmarrived:• I erce's Golden

Discovery to purify'•& the blood and invigorate the

ered to bring of ant. system. It's not like thegator hldee.•o wont to 3I•ico t• sarsaparillas, that are said to

roplled: nro be good for the blood inscarce in partg tite•sequence'of their skins being in such de- Mar•h, April and May. Themand that many persoas have en "Golden Medical Discovery"mg!natligatormone•y, huntingilearn thataSa inmeanSthe works equa!ly well at all

of Tampmo there were plenty of times, and in all cases ofand my information proved correct, blood- taints, or humors, noalligators had never b•en hunted by theMexicans but I soon had them at it. matter what their name or

"At first I shot at them, but n Mexi- xtatllre.can conceived the idea of harpooningthem and carried It out so sucne•fully It's the dzaz•esl blood-purl-that we followed that method. I wa• •er, sold through druggists,down there eighteen month•, and during because you only pay for •h•that time I secured hides to the amouetof $50,000 It is qulte exciting to t•ke •'O0at yOU get.

a sportsman's hmp quietly sneak alongtlw river bank, an•, finding one of thesemonsters y ng at the water's edge har-poon him It takes a steady an• •tuick

eye to strike him right and a strong armto hold him after he ie harpoonedfound no trouble in •'elting along withthe Mexicans and enjoyed my stay verymuch."--[Picayune.

Your money is returned ifit doesn't benefit or cure you.

Can you ask more?"Golden Medical Discov-

ery" contains no alcohol toinebriate, and no syrup orsugar to derange digestion.

To Loosen Olasa Stoppers. It's a concentrated vegeta-[ble extract; put up in large

IIohl the botqe or decanter firmly in I . .., t - - .•- ..--..the hand or between the knead, and •.ent- ]ootnes ; pleasant to tn.e .t,•te,1) t•.p the stopper on alternate e•dea, I and equally good for adults or

ustn for the purnose a small piece of I .•k;1A.•woo• and directin• the stroke upward. [ •'•"•'•" .-.. ,, ,,Plunge the ncek of the vea•el into hot I The " UlSCOVCO' cures a•

wster, taking care that thn water is not Skin, Scalp and Scrofuloushot enough to split the glass. If after

some iinmersion the stopper is still fixed,

recur to the above proc•s Pass a pieceof li•t round the neck of the vessel,wlmh must be held fast while the list b

drawn ratndly backward and forwardTake a steel needle and run it aroundthe top of the stopper in the angle formedby it and the Imttle Hold the wsae| inthe left hand and give it a steady twibt•ilh thc r•ght, and it will very often bevffc, tual as the adhesion ie frequentl)caused b) the solidification of matteronl) at the point nearest the air If thi•

do, • m,t ..(¢eed put a few drop• of oil

re When thor, mghly warmed ta• the

•lopper of the bottle on aiternete sines n•din. ted ubme Repeat this operation It

affections, as Eczema, Tetter,Salt-rheum, Fever-sores, WhiteSwellings, Hip - joint diseaseand kindred ailments.

OPIUM "'""" o.,,J • •TLPHKNt•


$10i S

CALIF()RNIAIf •a•.. lcted with e•re eym u•e Dz. • Thin.p-

botUetree. Dr Knn, •l•"e•reh St• Phi, Ps


WeatherCausesThat T[rad Feeling.

To be Strong, Take



WM. FITCH &-co.,•




r0r BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SU2HFl u oh , toz h, £mpa rM

Dige 0n, 00n pa on, m ered Liver,ACTINO LIKE MAQIC on the vital o•ans, strengthening the

muscular system, and arousln9 with lh0 rosebud of h•lthThe •o1€ Phy• En• of the I{um,• }'r•,

Beecham's Pil/s, f•en as dt•cted, •/// qu,ck• RESTOREFE#•$ fo complefe hea/fh.


Price, 25 cents •er Box,

pro.., Oo,,moe"l'nrks s l,,om .rid d[l 'orbs rriea"their wav in• ]ai:, saving f.r m•dor • . ' A •t •@ •Q

ders aro often •mmnttod umlor tim in- *• • = •

•f the l{am•dan or by tim re]owing• •f

tim Bmr•m hohd•y•, rnn• •muck w•th

leniently dealt •itb by the lh•qms, us- •

less. of •urao,,lw, hapl.,n to kflla o sqour n soap,foreign Chri•an baying an And ass•-

used clean n purpo In Turkish pr•ms the Mtmsn]mans

and(hristinasa oke talart,•nd the

former, a gra•e and gentleman-like

looking .el ,d men, bask m the sun

most of the do.v. smokiug, and the per-form.froqnmat ablutions at lhe trwMingfountain in tim middle of their airing

yard Tlmy •vo no t•oublo, and wMtwith the almost patience until it shall

please Allah • open the prison d•

for them. The Christens, a herd

G•eka, B•garians, and Mao•onians,with the most villMnous faces, morMs,and mannors imaginable, haverMad with a tight hand to be kopt

f•m s•raagling

becomes noc•sary to hang ono of thesegentry the Greek goos • his punish-ment st•gg•ng and howling;

Turk makes no moro ado a•utmatter thun • ho wero going • h•ve• head shavod. As th• Tur•sh

choquor provides no hangman or •p•for exeou•ons, somo ourious thingaoocasionally happen. Not long ago aTurk, who had to be •ngad at I•d-

toK wMk• a•ut tho town for an hourwith t•o sol.ors who had bean ordored• oxeou•o •, Thaso sol•eea •d notmoau • buy a•ohov, and thoy failad to bo•owEven•ual•, thoy b•ko into a stablo,s•le a and hanged • man

I asked a maid if she would wed,

And in my home her brightness shed;

She faintly smiled and murmured low•

,tif I can have SAPOLIO."


:N'ol; "to !