Download - Personalized Progeny Quest Report - Cyberastro Progeny Quest Report Report Prepared By ... Vedic Astrology the stars will control only 75% of your life and the critical 25% will be



Personalized Progeny Quest Report

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro


Dear XYZ,

Please find our analysis on your Question.

We thank you for giving us this opportunity to analyse your birth chart. The accuracy of the

predictions depends on the accuracy of the time of birth given to us by you. Kindly note that as per

Vedic Astrology the stars will control only 75% of your life and the critical 25% will be your own

efforts. We wish you luck and pray to God that you overcome all obstacles in your life.

With Warm Regards

Dr J N Pandey

Chief Astrologer

Team Cyber Astro


Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Details. Page Nos.

1. Husband’s Birth Details and Vedic Birth Chart. 4

2. Wife’s Birth Details and Vedic Birth Chart. 5

3. Brief Description of Husband and Wife Vedic Birth Charts. 6

4. Your Question Chart. 7

5. Our Answer to Your Questions. 8 to 9

� First Question.

� Second Question.

� Third question.

6. Recommendation of Most Suitable astrological Remedies. 10


Husband Birth Details

Name ABC

Date Of Birth MM/DD/YYYY

Time Of Birth HH:MM:SS

Place of Birth City, Country

Husband Vedic Birth Chart


Wife Birth Details

Name XYZ

Date Of Birth MM/DD/YYYY

Time Of Birth HH:MM:SS

Place of Birth City, Country

Wife Vedic Birth Chart


Brief Description Of Husband Vedic Birth Chart

Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna) Taurus

Your Vedic Sun Sign Aries

Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) Capricorn

Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) Shravana, 3rd Phase

Retrograde Planet/s Saturn

Combust Planet/s None

Exalted Planet/s Sun, Venus

Debilitated Planet/s None

Brief Description Of Wife Vedic Birth Chart

Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna) Taurus

Your Vedic Sun Sign Aries

Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) Capricorn

Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) Shravana, 3rd Phase

Retrograde Planet/s Saturn

Combust Planet/s None

Exalted Planet/s Sun, Venus

Debilitated Planet/s None


Your Question Chart


Our Answers to Your Questions

� Your 1st Question:

Will we have children together? When it will be possible to conceive?

� Our Answer:

It is our practice to analyze the exact period of the relevant question, through a Question Chart,

in the horary process and then have it confirmed through the inherent possibilities displayed by

your natal birth–chart, it being the relevant chart corresponding to the specific cosmic signature

at the time of your birth that holds good for the individual through one’s life.

I have gone through the planetary configurations in your natal chart as well as in the natal

chart of Victor with regard to your question. I have also considered the question chart in this

regard. The astrological signatures of all three charts are favorable for providing you happiness

from progeny. There is however an indication of delay in the attainment of progeny bliss.

Therefore, you would be required to maintain patience in this regard.

In the question chart, fixed signs are present in ascendant as well as in 7th house. In addition,

the ascendant lord and the 7th lord are placed in the same sign in the chart. It signifies that you

will get a child from your partner, that is, Victor. However, at the same time, the predominance

of fixed signs in the chart indicates delay in the birth of your child. Nevertheless, you would

surely attain progeny bliss in 2008. Furthermore, as per the question chart, the period from 14th

November 2006 to 16th December 2006 is also quite strong for the conception of child.

Otherwise, you would have a child in the year 2008.

In your natal chart, the 5th lord Mars is posited in the house of progeny in its own sign. It

indicates that you would surely be blessed with a child. However, the presence of debilitated

Rahu in the house of progeny may create problems on account of uterus related disorder. It is

possible that you may have some problem related to uterus. Hence you are advised to seek

medical advice and take proper treatment in case there is any such problem. Your natal chart is

challenging from the point of view of progeny and you are prone to miscarriages.

Notwithstanding the above, the period from January 2006 to August 2008 is favorable for

conceiving and giving birth to a child. There is particularly strong possibility of having a child

between October 2006 and November 2007. Likewise, the period from 3rd October 2006 to

29th November 2006 is very strong for conceiving a child. Otherwise, you would surely

become a proud mother by August 2008.


In the natal chart of Victor, Jupiter is exalted and is posited in his ascendant. It is casting its

aspect on the house of progeny. This signature is favorable for providing him happiness

from progeny. At the same time, debilitation of Moon posited in the house of progeny in his

chart is causing delay and obstruction in the birth of progeny. Nevertheless, the planets in

the transit are supportive for childbirth from year 2006 to 2008. He is likely to attain

progeny bliss during the period from December 2007 to November 2008.

In summary, both of you will surely have a child. Though the years 2006 and 2007 are not

opposing from the point of view of childbirth, but there is definite indication for having a

baby in the year 2008. Both of you should consult a physician in case of any medical

problem. Hopefully, you would be blessed with a child in future.

� Your 2nd Question: How many children I am going to have (if any)?

� Our Answer:

As far as the number of children are concerned that you are likely to have, it is to be noted

that your house of progeny is afflicted by a number of malefic planets. As I have mentioned

earlier, there is a possibility that you could be suffering from some kind of problem related

to uterus. Therefore, first of all it is very challenging to have a child of your own. By the

grace of God and medical treatment, if you become a mother, even then you would have few

children in life. In such a situation, you can only expect at the maximum two children.

Moreover, both of them would be girls.

� Your 3rd Question:

Should I adopt a child? When?

� Our Answer: At present, there is no need to adopt a child. I would certainly advice you to wait for some

more time before taking any step in this direction. This is because as per your natal chart, the

period upto September 2011 is favourable with regard to birth of a child. In fact, it is quite

possible that you may attain progeny bliss in the year 2008. Similarly, the natal chart of

Victor is supportive for gaining progeny bliss till September 2013.

Keeping in view the above, you are advised to keep patience and wait at least till September

2011 for the birth of your own child. You must plan for adoption of a child only after this



Recommendation of Most Suitable Astrological Remedies

� In your natal chart, Rahu is debilitated and is acting as the main obstruction in gaining

progeny bliss. You should wear Planetary Yantra for Rahu at the earliest. This is a

lifetime recommendation for you.

� 2. You should wear the gemstone Yellow Sapphire at the earliest. It should be of 3 to 5

carats in size, set in gold and worn on the index finger of the right hand. The gem should be

put on first on a Thursday, preferably when the Moon is waxing. It will prove to be

beneficial for you in every respect.

� 3. Debilitated Moon is posited in house of progeny in Victor’s chart. He should wear Moon

Yantra in order to remedy his debilitated Moon. It will safeguard him from the malefic

influence of Moon

In order to know more about the remedies given above, please click on the links below:

� Planetary Yantra for Rahu;

� Yellow Sapphire;

� Moon Yantra;

May God Grant You Peace & Prosperity in your Life.

With Warm Regards,

Dr J N Pandey.

Chief Astrologer.