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1. Personal identification


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1. What makes you different from somebody else- the qualities of a person: personality, character, natureto have an attractive/interesting/complex personality Even though they're twins, they have very different characters.It's in her nature to be kind to people.- a person's personality, especially as it affects the way they behave and feel: temperamentan excitable/artistic temperament- a particular quality that is typical of sb: characteristicBossiness is one of his less appealing characteristics

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- to have a particular characteristic because your mother, father or other member of your family has it: get sth from sbHe's very open and friendly - he gets it from his father.- (used about a characteristic or talent) particular to a family: in the familyThey're all very musical - it's in the family.- to ask about sb's personality, you can say: What is he/she like? or What sort of a person is he/she?

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- to appear to be a particular type of person (even if you are not): come across (as sth)She came across as quite a shy person when we met her, but apparently she's not like that at all.- the effect that a person produces on sb else: impressionHe made a bad impression on everyone

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2. Particular differencenice or unpleasant- pleasant and good: nice, sweet; opposites: nasty,

unpleasantI like her - she's a really nice person. A sweet child.

A thoroughly nasty individual- easily liked by other people: charmingYou'll find him absolutely charming.- kind and pleasant: friendly; opposite: unfriendlyfriendly neighbours/colleagues- generally happy: cheerful; cheerful or friendly:


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kind or unkind-caring about how other people feel and doing things to help them: kind, kind-hearted; opposite: unkind-happy to help people: helpful, cooperative; opposites: unhelpful, uncooperativeThe staff are very helpful. The police were completely unhelpful. His secretary was uncooperative, and she refused to let me see him.-giving sb support: supportive-if you are in a very bad situation and need help from sb else, you are helpless-if you need sb/sth to support or help you, you depend on sb/sth, you are dependent- if you can do things yourself and do not want or need help, you are independent, self-reliant

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understanding other people's feelings and problems: sympathetic; not sympathetic: unsympathetic, hard-heartedhappy to give money and help freely: generous; opposite: mean, (informal) stingy- thinking only about your own needs or wishes and not about other people's needs and wishes: selfish, self-centred; opposites: unselfish, selflessThink about other people for a change and don't be so selfish. An unselfish act

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-if you think about how other people feel before you do or say things, you are considerate, thoughtful

How thoughtful of you to come round and see me.

- having skill in dealing with people; careful not to cause embarrassment: tactful, diplomatic; opposite: tactless, blunt- very kind and thoughtful: good, (informal) sweetIt was so good of you to come. How sweet of you to remember my birthday!-If you behave in a careful way so that you do not hurt things or people, you are gentle

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a person who is always gentle and loving is tender-hearted- if you are friendly and welcoming to visitors, you are hospitablea really hospitable couple

-if you act and speak in a way that is helpful and thoughtful towards other people, you are polite, (formal) courteous; not polite: rude, impolite, discourteous

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- a person who has good manners and behaves in a polite way is well-behaved, (rather formal) well-manneredwell-behaved children- a person who has bad manners and behaves in a rude way is badly behaved, (rather formal) ill-manneredI've never seen such badly behaved children.-rude, not showing proper respect to sb/sth: cheeky-rude and unpleasant: insolent- rude and unfriendly, not interested in sb/sth: offhandShe was very offhand with us - she was obviously thinking about something else.

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-ready or likely to fight or argue: aggressive- a person who uses his or her greater strength or power to hurt or frighten sb who is weaker: bullyLeave her alone! Don't be such a bully.- liking to give orders to other people, often in an annoying way: bossy

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- if you do not think about how other people feel, you are inconsiderate, thoughtless, insensitive

I'm sorry. It was very thoughtless of me.

- if you are not friendly and welcoming to visitors, you are inhospitable

- if you want to hurt other people, you are malicious

-deliberately causing physical or mental pain to sb: cruel

- a thing or person that shows great cruelty with violence is brutal

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- having or showing no pity: cold-bloodeda cold-blooded murderer- a person who gets pleasure from being cruel: sadist

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tolerant or intolerant- able or willing to accept things that you do not like or agree with: broad-minded, tolerant; opposites: narrow-minded, intolerantI like to think I'm fairly broad-minded but this sort of behaviour is quite unacceptable.- tolerant; not easily worried or annoyed: easygoingYou can ask her anything - she's very easygoing.- a dislike of a group in society that is not based on reason or experience: prejudice (noun C/U); a person who has this kind of feeling is prejudiced (against sb/sth)racial prejudice. He's prejudiced against foreigners.

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-a person who believes that people of other races are not as good as people of their own race: racist

- the belief that either men or women are better than the other sex: sexism (noun U); adjective: sexist

-the belief that men are better than women: male chauvinism (noun U); a man who has this belief: male chauvinist- the belief that women should have the same power, rights and opportunities as men: feminism (noun U); adjective: feminist; a person who has such a belief: feministthe feminist movement

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-a person who thinks they are better than sb of a lower class and who admires people of a higher class: snob

Don't be such a snob!-a person who is or feels different from other people: misfita social misfit- a person who is not accepted as a member of a particular group: outsider

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- not willing to change your mind or say that you are wrong: stubborn, obstinateHe's stubborn - he won't do anything he doesn't want to.-not willing to consider other people: unreasonable-not allowing people to break rules and behave badly: strict- treating each person or side equally: fairHe's quite strict with people but very fair

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-not easily made angry: calm, relaxed- easily made angry: irritableShe's getting rather irritable in her old age.-not easily annoyed by people or things that seem slow: patient; opposite: impatient-if you easily become angry and impatient, you have a bad/short/quick temper-if you are calm and you have your feelings under control, you are composed, cool- if you are not worried, you are relaxed, (informal) laid-back

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Not being calmif you are worried or not feeling comfortable you are uneasy, nervous, tense, anxiousHannah hated flying and was feeling a bit uneasy about her trip to Hong Kong.Do you get nervous before exams?- if you are rather angry about sth, you are irritated (about sth)He gets irritated if you keep him waiting.

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- feeling very happy because you are looking forward to sth happening; not calm: excitedThe children are getting too excited - tell them to calm down.- if you are unable to relax because you are bored, nervous or impatient you are restless

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Sociable or shy- enjoying the company of other people: sociable; opposite: anti-socialHe's a bit anti-social - he doesn't really go out very often.- friendly and talkative; likes meeting new people: outgoing; opposites: shy, reservedShe's the outgoing type - she gets invited to lots of parties and makes friends very easily. I've always been shy.- liked by many people: popular; opposite: unpopularShe's popular with both staff and students

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- fond of talking (in a friendly way): chatty; opposite: quietI liked him - he was really friendly and chatty. Tim is very quiet, but don't think he's not interested.- a person who talks too much is talkative, (informal) a chatterboxHe's such a chatterbox!-full of life and energy; very active: lively

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- a person who is cheerful and lively and enjoys being with other people: extrovert; opposite: introvertAnn's a complete extrovert and loves parties, but Jim's a bit of an introvert and prefers a quiet evening at home.- able to express your feelings freely or naturally: uninhibitedShe's quite uninhibited - you never know what she's going to do next

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Fun or boring- able to make other people laugh or have a good time: funny, amusing, (informal) a good laugh, (informal) (good/great) fun; opposite: seriousSuch a funny man! 'What's she like?' 'You'll like her. She's a really good laugh.' 'I'm going to stay with the Hendersons.' 'Oh, you'll have a wonderful time - they're great fun.' I suppose he's quite nice but I found him a bit serious.

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-if you see what is funny in life, can make jokes, etc, you have a (good) sense of humour; opposite: no sense of humour

-enjoyable to be with; having interesting things to say: interesting; opposites: dull, boring- using words in a clever and amusing way: witty (adverb wittily)a witty speaker a witty remark-very interesting: fascinatinga fascinating story/woman

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interesting and enjoyable: amusing, entertaining

an amusing film

an entertaining evening/speaker

full of enthusiasm: enthusiastic (about sth)

She's very enthusiastic about her new job.

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Honest or dishonest- telling the truth; not stealing or deceiving people: honest; opposite: dishonestan honest and loyal friend- not meaning or believing what you say: insincere- if you can be sure that sb will do what they ought to do or what they have said they will do, they are reliable, dependable, trustworthy; opposite: unreliable, untrustworthyI wouldn't lend her money; she's not very trustworthy. He'll probably be late - he's hopelessly unreliable.- not changing in your friendship or beliefs; faithful: loyal; opposite: disloyala loyal friend

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- if sb deceives other people or is generally dishonest, they are deceitfula deceitful child

-saying what you think, without embarrassment: outspoken

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Sensible or irresponsible- able to think or act in a reasonable way; showing good judgement: sensibleShe's a sensible girl and I'm sure she wouldn't do anything stupid.- that you can trust to behave well and sensibly: responsible; opposite: irresponsible'Shall we send Robert?' 'Yes, he's very responsible. He won't let us down.‘-careful to do sth correctly and well: conscientious; opposite: careless- able to act in a sensible and adult way: mature; opposite: immature-You can trust him - he's very mature for his age.

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- making sensible decisions and good at dealing with problems: practicalWe must be practical and find out how much it costs first.-able to plan and carry out work well: organized; opposite: disorganized- making sensible decisions and good at dealing with problems: practicalHe's clever, but not very practical.- liking to keep things in good order: tidy, neat; opposite: untidy

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hardworking or lazy- having a lot of energy to do things: active, energeticShe's very active - always running around, seeing people, doing lots of sport.-working with effort and energy: hard-working-not wanting to work: lazy, idle-a lazy person who avoids work: (informal): layabout-a lazy, rude or untidy person: (informal): slob- having a lot of skill in a particular area: skilled; opposite: unskilledskilled/unskilled workers

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- if you have studied for and passed all the necessary examinations and conditions for sth, you are qualified; opposite: unqualifieda qualified accountant Is he sufficiently qualified for this position?- a person who is good at what they do is competent; opposite: incompetentThough lacking experience, he soon became very competent at his job.- a person who is able to do their job quickly, without making mistakes and wasting time, is efficient (adverb efficiently); opposite: inefficient (adverb inefficiently)

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-a person who does things carefully, paying attention to detail to make sure that it is right, is thorough

-if you are not careful about what you are doing, you are careless

a careless driver

-if you are very careless and do not think about the possible danger or bad results of what you are doing, you are reckless

- if you are physically awkward and often drop or break things, you are clumsy

-a person who takes care to do things well is conscientious


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- a person who does voluntary work: volunteer- a person who is not able to stop working: workaholic

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brave or cowardly- a person's inner strength: character (noun U)to have strength of character-not wanting or needing to take help from other people: independent- ready to do things that are dangerous or difficult without showing fear: brave, courageous (adverb courageously)a brave soldier a courageous person- courage and determination: (informal) gutsto have a lot of guts You need guts to disagree with your boss.

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- to be brave enough to do sth: have the courage/nerve (to do sth)We didn't have the courage to admit what really happened.- courageous and willing to do dangerous things: daringa daring fighter pilot -a person who feels no fear is fearless (adverb fearlessly)- a person who likes to try new things and have adventures is adventurous

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- a person who has no courage and is afraid in unpleasant or dangerous situations: cowardDon't be such a coward! It won't hurt.- showing no courage: cowardly; noun (U): cowardicecowardly behaviour a cowardly lie He was accused of cowardice.- a weak person who is not very brave: (informal) wimpDon't be a wimp!- if sb is brave enough to do what they think is right, they have the courage of their convictionsHave the courage of your convictions and join the demonstration!

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ambitious and confident- having a strong desire to be successful, to have power, etc: ambitiousShe'll probably go far, she's a very ambitious woman.- likely to succeed in a profession: promisinga promising young musician-feeling or showing that you are sure about your own abilities, opinions, etc: confident, self-confidentHe's got no confidence in his own ability.- expressing your opinions clearly and confidently so that people listen and take notice of you: assertiveIf you were a bit more assertive, you would find it easier to say no.- somebody who usually believes that the future will be good: optimist; opposite: pessimist

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- not successful: unsuccessful (adverb unsuccessfully)an unsuccessful businessman an unsuccessful journey Edward tried, unsuccessfully, to offer the policeman a bribe.- a person or thing that has failed, or that often fails: failureEverything in my life has gone wrong. I feel like a complete failure

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- liked by many people or by most people in a group: popular; the state of being popular: popularity (noun U)a popular writer/singer/tourist resort- to be known by many people as being good: have a good reputation'Is he a good dentist?' 'Well I've never been to him myself, but he's got a good reputation.‘-to be as good as people say: live up to your reputation-'Well, did the hotel live up to its reputation?' 'Oh, absolutely.'

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clever and talented- good at learning and doing things: cleverShe's clever at maths. He's actually a lot cleverer than he looks.- having a number of different skills and abilities: talenteda talented child/musician-good at studying or thinking: intelligent, (informal) brainy- (used especially about children) intelligent: brightthe brightest boy in the class- very intelligent: brilliant; noun (U): brillianceShe's brilliant at maths.

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- a person who is unusually intelligent: genius; this kind of intelligence: genius (noun U)Einstein was a genius.a writer of geniusThis work shows real genius.- quick at thinking and understanding: sharp, quick-witteda sharp lawyer a quick-witted interviewer- using words in a clever and amusing way: witty; noun (U): wita witty speaker a witty remark She spoke with wit and wisdom.

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- using experience and knowledge to make good decisions: wise; noun (U): wisdoma wise old person a wise choice- able to think or act in a reasonable way; showing good judgement: sensible; noun (U): sensesensible parents a sensible suggestion There's a lot of sense in that suggestion

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- having a natural ability to do sth particularly well: talented; noun (C/U): talenta talented musicianShe has a talent for design. He shows great talent.- generally good at doing things: able; noun (U): abilityan able worker a player with great natural ability- (used about a person, an idea, etc) showing an ability to make things work: practicala practical mind a very practical person

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- good at finding ways of doing things: resourceful; noun (U): resourcefulnessa resourceful teacher- showing an ability to find answers to problems or thinking of new things: ingenious; noun (U): ingenuityan ingenious designer an ingenious solution to a problem He showed great ingenuity in solving his money problems

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- interested in or good at sports: (informal) sportygood at running and other athletic sports; physically strong: athletic- interested in or good at music: musical- interested in or good at drawing, painting, etc: artistic

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Proud or modest-too proud of yourself, your abilities, etc: conceited, (informal) big-headed-too proud of your appearance or of what you can do, etc: vain-thinking that you are better and more important than other people, and not caring about their feelings: arrogant- not having or expressing a high opinion of your own qualities or abilities: modestThat's not true, he's just being modest - he's actually very intelligent.- not thinking that you are better or more important than other people: humble