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PERSONAL NARRATIVESVOLUME 2A Compilation of Authors in the Cowan/Hand Class


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Table of Contents My Shopping Birthday by: Jennifer Page 5 The Night in Montauk by: Lauren Page 7 The Big Wave by: Ciara Page 9 The Big Monster Mash Game by: Colin Page 11 The Broken Piano by: Hope Page 13 The Biggest Game of the Year by: Matt Page 15 Snorkeling at the Beach by: Alexandra Page 17 The Tryouts by: Christopher Page 19


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My Shopping BirthdayBy: Jennifer

I never thought I would have so much fun shopping until I went to the mall with my Aunt Dina! It was my ninth birthday, January 18th. We bought many cool things. I got jewelry with lots of diamonds and jewels. Then, I bought a new sparkly dress. Finally, I got toys. We went to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I had terrific chicken and great raspberry cheesecake. After an exhausting day, we went home. Then, I set up for my party! I wore my new blue sparkly dress, and diamond earrings. I was so happy when I looked in the mirror! This was the best birthday ever!


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The Night in MontaukBy: Lauren


“Brr” I said. I felt as cold as an ice cube. My mom, dad, brother and I were walking to the beach to build a fire. The moon was in the sky but it was still really dark out. The beach had some seashells and crabs on the sand and the sea was swishing. While we were walking, I found a huge hole in the sand, perfect for a fire. It was so cold we had to go back to the club to get our jackets.When we went back to the beach we forgot where the hole for our fire was. Then, we found it and we put the wood in the hole. My dad lit it up. My brother and I said, “Where’s Mom, where did she go?’’ “Over here,” said mom. My brother and I asked her what she was doing. She told us that she was picking some shells from the sand. My mom wanted to bring the shells home with us. We sat around by the fire for about thirty minutes, until it was nine o’clock. Then, we put sand into the fire to cool it down. Finally, we went home. I had a fun time at the beach with my family.


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The Big WaveBy: Ciara


When I first stepped onto the beach, I saw the waves splashing. They sounded liked thunder! We found a spot close to the water to set up our things. When we were done setting up, without asking, Julia and my dad ran into the water! The water was not too rough, it was just right. The waves were crashing on the shore so you were able to swim past them.

I got my boogie board and I went into the water. The problem was, the ocean changed! Now, there was a humongous wave blocking me! So, I just ran into the water. The water was so warm! My dad called me over to stay by Julia and him. I rode a couple of waves into the shore, too. Then, it was time for lunch. There was another huge wave behind me, so my dad pulled me and my sister under. He pulled me under so fast that I forgot to hold my breath! We swam to shore and got ready to eat. I had a ham and cheese sandwich. When I was finished eating, we had to leave. We needed to head home for showers and to get dinner ready. Since that very day, I have loved the beach!

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The Big Monster Mash GameBy: Colin

11Before the fun happened there was none. My team was losing and winning, losing and winning, and losing. We had the ball in the first quarter. We got halfway down the field and then the other team held us. After that we had to punt it. I was happy that the ref brings it 20 or 15 yards down the field. It helps us by not letting them score a touchdown on the punt. Unfortunately, on the next play, they scored a touchdown. I was pretty angry that the other team scored the first touchdown of the championship. After that we scored a touchdown and I came off the field kicking the turf because I was so happy. I also knew that this was going to be a close game. Right before halftime the other team scored again!! I wasn’t happy about the score anymore. The score was 13-6 Massapequa. During halftime, our coaches told us that the second half is always ours and that made me feel better. After they told us that we all got pumped up. We started off with the ball. We marched down the field like a train going down the tracks. Finally our quarterback handed the ball off and we scored a touchdown. I jumped up and down like a Mexican jumping bean. Then, we got the extra point and the score was 14- 13 us. Finally, when they were handing the ball off they fumbled and we recovered it. On the next play, we scored a touchdown! On the next couple of plays, we stopped them and they were forced to punt it. We took a knee so we could win the game. I screamed and cried everywhere. We Won!!!!

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The Broken PianoBy: Hope


“My piano!” my grandma shouted. I was playing baseball at my grandma’s house and I hit the baseball hard. By accident I hit it really hard and it hit my grandma’s Baby Grand piano. She yelled and yelled and yelled at me. She got so mad at me. My sister laughed so hard. I was so embarrassed. My mom came down the stairs and oh was she mad! Right before my eyes I was in my room with my best friend, my dog Harry. I was grounded for a week.

Downstairs I heard a loud noise. I was getting scared so I ran down stairs. I saw the piano getting fixed. I was so happy. When my mom saw me, I was in my room once again. My grandma called a worker. He fixed the piano. I was going to be grounded for a week but not anymore. We were all so happy. I was only grounded for about 7 minutes. I really wanted to learn a new song so my mom taught me “Hot Cross Buns.” I was so excited and I practiced for so many days. I played it for my family. They loved it and so did I. I was so proud of myself. I will never play baseball in the house again.

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The Biggest Game of the YearBy: Matthew


“Thunder won the coin toss!” the announcer shouted. Then everybody in the stands started cheering. It was the Nassau County 8 year old football championship. When I first got out of my dad’s car I didn’t see one player from Massapequa at Mitchell Field. I was very surprised. When I finally saw the whole team come through the gates they looked very pumped to play in this championship game. I started to get nervous right after I saw them. I was staring at them every chance I could. When we started playing we got the first touchdown of the whole game. That made me feel less nervous and happy. I cheered for my team from the sideline. Then we switched to go to defense and I was in. I got through the line and got a gang tackle with Colin, Justin, and Shawn. I was excited. After that it was fourth down and they kicked but they really didn’t kick, the referee counted twenty yards and placed the ball down. When we got the ball back we got to the fifty-yard line. After that, it was halftime. The coaches told us we were doing great and said, “The second half is always ours!” Next, we got back on the field and Massapequa got the ball because at the beginning we got it. We got a turnover on downs. It was the fourth quarter and we put all of the backup defensive and offensive players in. There was about a minute left and we took a knee which and the clock out of time. The final score was twenty-one to seven. We were winning. When the score was announced I ran off of the field with my team and I was very happy! We took pictures and then the trophy was brought out. We were the Nassau County Champions of 2009!

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Snorkeling at the BeachBy: Alexandra


Do you like swimming? If so, you should really try snorkeling. It was a warm, sunny morning in Cyprus and I was excited to get to the beach. The apartment we were staying in was kind of boring and I could not wait to snorkel. My brother Nicholas and I let our sunscreen soak in and got right in the water. I made sure to wear my mask so I could snorkel. While we were playing around, I started to search for fish. I saw some fish and reported them to my family after chasing them. Some were black and skinny and I think I saw some tadpoles, too. They were all fast and hard to catch. When you go snorkeling in Cyprus, you can really see a lot of fish. A little while later, I was starving from swimming. We went on land to eat lunch. After lunch, my siblings and I played in the sand. We buried our feet with our hands. I also made a sand castle! Then I played around in the water for a bit. When we got out, it was time to go. I was so happy that I was able to see fish and chase them. I had an exciting day at the beach!

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The TryoutsBy: Christopher


Most people say hockey is just boring and it doesn’t mean anything. Well they’re wrong. I went on the ice excited and shot a puck past my friend Petey.My dad, my two brothers Timmy and Ryan and I went into the locker room and we saw a bunch of hockey players in the room we couldn’t even count them. I was so nervous because making the A team is a big deal. I had to do a lot of drills. We had to do skating and shooting and we had to wait in line. The rosters were out. I made it for the first time ever! The coaches must have seen me skate and shoot to make it. I was happy. But I was kind of unhappy because my friend Andrew didn’t make the team. So now all I have to do is go to practices and games. For three years I’ve been waiting for this moment. So that’s my story of the tryouts. See you out there!