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Personal Music Devices

Over the past few years, the numbers of pupils bringing personal music devices, such as MP3

Players, into school has increased and is now in danger of proving to be a problem. As a school, we

therefore wish to make our position very clear.

From 2006 pupils will not be allowed to bring MP3 Players/I Pods and the like into school. There are

a number of reasons for this:

1. They are expensive items and are at risk of being lost or stolen.

2. In many practical lessons there is a Health and Safety issue.

3. Some pupils are arriving at lessons listening to them and this is a cause of unnecessary conflict

between the teachers and pupils at the start of a lesson.

4. Places of work generally do not allow these during the working day and we are preparing students

for the world of work.

All pupils will have this rule explained to them by half term so that everyone is aware of it and the

reasons for it. Pupils who need to move computer files between school and home should use USB

pens, not MP3 Players, to avoid any problems with this rule.

Should any pupil bring a personal music device to school after half term, these will be removed and

put securely in the school safe in a labelled envelope and parents will be sent a letter asking them to

come to school to collect them.

I trust that parents and pupils will support this rule and co-operate fully with the staff in order to

ensure lessons and learning happen without interruption.