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Eagle Scout Ian Burns with first Memorial in 1990. Today it is 50 ft. tall

Celebrate America’s 400th Birhday with a

Mayflower Memorial

America’s First Constitution

Personal Memorials

MEMORIAL DETAILS• (1) American Liberty Elm tree, 6 ft. tall, live ready for planting. Will grow to 100 ft. in 100 years.

• Your personalized cast bronze plaque, 10” x 6”, mounted on 2” granite, vandal proof mounting bracket. (11” x 7 ” available at additional cost .) • Remembrance-10” x 6” up to 2 lines, 60 charac ters per line including spaces or up to 3 lines on 11” x 7” plaque. • Your choice of Liberty Tree or Mayflower message ( shown in illustrations above.)

BEFORE DEDGillett Ave., Waukegan, IL, as it appeared in the Summer of 1962 (left)

HISTORY OF ELM RESEARCH INSTITUTEDutch elm disease (DED) destroyed over 100,000,000 American elms across the nation between 1945 and 1975, Elm Research Institute was founded in 1967 to develop a truly disease-resistant American elm. In 1985, after exten-sive genetic engineering and field testing, ERI introduced the American Liberty Elm with proven resistant. Over 300,000 planted with less than 5% reported loss to DED.

Re-elming America

AFTER DEDThe same street, same spot, ten years later, with its avenue of elms wiped out by DED (right)

Call Liberty Tree Society at 800-367-3567 for pricing. FOB, Keene, NH

AMERICAN LIBERTY ELMS •COST LESS - because we are non-profit and furnish them at our cost. Also when ordered in advance, 10 ft. trees can be furnished at the cost of 3 ft. trees.•CONTAINER GROWN - to protect root sys tem from shock of digging and balling.•WEIGHS 50 LBS. - One man with a shovel can plant a 12 ft. liber ty tree. Balled a n d b u r l a p p e d t r e e w e i g h s 1 2 5 l b s . r e q u i r i n g 2 m e n a n d a b a c k h o e t o plant it. •LIFETIME WARRANTY against DED

• Liberty Tree Society • 11 Kit St Keene, NH 03431 • • • • [email protected] • -5- - 6- - 1-


Planted by Sarah A. Jones, 4/1/18.In loving memory beloved husband,father, grand-father, and my dearest friend. His life will inspire his family for many generations to come. May we always be reminded of him each and every day.


SAMUEL P. JONES 5/15/65 -3/1/19

Pla n t e d b y S a r a h A . J o n e s , 3 / 3 0 / 1 9 . I n l o v i n g m e m o r y o f b e l o v e d h u s b a n d , f a t h e r, g r a n d f a t h e r, a n d m e d e a r e s t f r i e n d .

H i s l i f e w i l l i n s p i r e h i s f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s f o r m a n y g e n e r a t i o n s t o c o m e . M a y w e b e r e m i n d e d o f h i m e a c h a n d e v e r y d a y.

LIBERTY TREE MEMORIALT h i s L i b e r t y E l m i s n a m e d f o r A m e r i c a ’ s f i r s t s y m b o l o f F r e e d o m ,t h e “ L i b e r t y Tr e e . ” O n A u g u s t 1 4 , 1 7 6 5 , B o s t o n a w a k e n e d t o d i s c o v e r it’s stamp collector hung in eff igy from a giant elm. A few days later the “Sonsof Liberty” f lew from i t the Rebel l ious Str ipes , America’s f irst f lag , protest ing the King’s hated Stamp Act. Hence forth it was called the “Liberty Tree.” It stoodi n s i l e n t w i t n e s s t o c o u n t l e s s m e e t i n g s , s p e e c h e s a n d c e l e b r a t i o n s . T h e Te a P a r t y w a s p l a n n e d b e n e a t h i t . Te n y e a r s l a t e r, i n A u g u s t 1 7 7 5 , B r i t i s h so ld i er s t oo k rev e n ge . T h ey cu t i t down because i t bore the name “Liber ty.”


Copyright April 5, 2019

MEMORIAL DETAILS • (1) American Liberty Elm tree, live, 10 ft tall. Will grow to 100 ft. in 100 years. • A customized plaque, celebrates the 400th anni- versary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, “America’s First Constitution”, and Boston’s Liberty Tree plus your personal dedication below. Plaque is 21” x 16” x 1/2” thick, cast bronze mounted with vandal proof screws on 2” granite mounted on in-ground bracket. Complete assembly includes Lifetime Warranty. • Framed copy of original “Compact.” • Lifetime Membership in Liberty Tree Society. Call LTS (800)367-3567 for pricing and delivery.

Mayflower Memorial Plaque Liberty Tree Memorial

One morning, August, 1765, the “Sons of Liberty” met at the Liberty Tree and unfurled a huge flag, 13 ft by 7 ft, with nine vertical red and white stripes...the “rebellious stripes”, to honor the nine colonies protesting the Stamp Act. There “Sons of Liberty ” planned a Rebellion which became the Revolu-tion. See flag at 206 Washington St., Boston, MA.

• Liberty Tree Society • 11 Kit St Keene, NH 03431 • • • • [email protected] • -2- - 3- -4-

Bronze Tablet - Compact Signing - Provincetown, MA

On August 20, 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt of-ficiated a ceremony during which he laid the corner-stone of the Pilgrim Monument, Provincetown, MA. The Compact Signing bias-relief is located on a sepa-rate base below the monument (see photo above.) On August 5, 1910, after the monument’s completion, Presi-dent William H. Taft dedicated it.

Mayflower Memorial Plaque & TreeOn November 11, 1620 the Pilgrims, having “bravedthe tempests of the vast and furious ocean”, establishedin America, by a written Compact, the first charter “of a government of the people, by the peo-ple and for the people” known to history.

MEMORIAL DETAILS • (1) American Liberty Elm tree, 10 ft tall, ready for planting. Will grow to 100 ft. in 100 years. • A plaque describing America’s first flag and beginning of the Revolution, plus personal dedi- cation below. Plaque is 21” x 16” x 1/2”thick, cast bronze on 2”granite, with vandal proof mounting bracket and includes Lifetime Warranty. • A framed print of a 200 yr. old American elm with Thomas Paine’s poem “Liberty Tree.” • A framed Proclamation by the Governor of Massa- chusetts establishing Liberty Tree Day.

Reserve your Mayflower Compact Memorial and save. Call Yvonne 800-367-3567 for details.


Wondering where to put our Mayflower Memorial? Consider the local schoolyard. It will add to the land-scape and also become a living classroom. Also con-sider a univeristy, town/city hall, library or courthouse.

I, Carla Soule and brothers, Parker, Peter, Turner and David, on November 11, 2020, dedicate this plaque and Liberty Elm in memory of our mother, Frances Soule, descendant of George Soule, Mayflower passenger and signer of the Mayflower Compact.

Mayflower Compact November 11, 1620This plaque celebrates the 400th anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, “Ameri-ca’s First Constitution.” The nearby Liberty Elm is a “descendant” of Boston’s famous Liberty Tree under whose branches the Sons of Liberty, in 1765, flew America’s first flag, “The Rebellious Stripes.”


“Before they got off the boat, one of their critical ele-ments that they wanted to do was to organize them-selves around a document, a governing document, if you will...The Mayflower Compact was created in or-der for them to know who was in charge, know how to deal with indiscretions and problems, very much like the forerunner to our Bill of Rights, our Consti-tution. All of those documents created a compact, a promise, a trust.” said David Weidner, Exec. Dir., Pil-grim Monument and Museum, Provincetown, MA. This document created a compact; a promise of trust.

L i b e r t y Tr e e S o c i e t y, K e e n e , N H

P l a n t e d o n J u n e 2 , 2 0 1 8 b y t h e V F W o f B o s t o ni n h o n o r o f

J o h n W. S m i t h , U S M C

This Liberty Elm is named for America’s first s y m b o l o f F r e e d o m , t h e “ L i b e r t y Tr e e . ” O n A u g u s t 1 4 , 1 7 6 5 , B o s t o n a w a k e n e d t o discover it’s stamp collector hung in effigy from a giant elm. A few days later the “Sons of Liberty”flew from it the Rebellious Stripes, America’s first flag, protesting the King’s hated Stamp Act. Hence forth it was called the “Liberty Tree.” It stood in silent witness to countless meetings, speeches and celebrations. The Tea Party was p l a n n e d b e n e a t h i t . Te n y e a r s l a t e r, i n A u g u s t 1 7 7 5 , B r i t i s h soldiers took revenge. They cut it down because it bore the name “Liberty.”

L i b e r t y T r e e M e m o r i a l