Download - Personal brandinggrp12



Submitted To,Prof. Sameer Mathur

By,Group:12Jairaj TNikitha TJPranita SomawarSonika AngilinSowmya G

Preface Why this book? Is this a best in the lot? YES!! because,

The magic of thinking



Practical ideas



Believe You Can Succeed and You Will

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will

Success means many wonderful, positive things

• A fine home• Vacations• New things• Financial Security

Success:Personal Prosperity

• Winning admiration• Leadership• Being looked by all• Freedom• Self respect


Believe You Can Succeed and You Will..

Success building wisdoms:1. Belief/ Faith Positive thinking ‘I can’-> generates power,

energy -> generates how-to-do it -> Problem solving -> Success

2. Initiative Correlated to belief Lack of belief withhold initiatives

Developing the Power of Belief1. Think success,don’t think failure2. Remind yourself regularly that you are better than

you think you are3. Believe BIG

Cure Yourself of Execusitis, The Failure Disease

Unsuccessful people suffer a mind-deadending thought disease called ‘excusitis’

Forms of Excusitis :

Health Excusitis

Intelligence Excusitis

Age Excusitis

Luck Excusitis

Health Excusitis

Bad health in a thousand forms,is used as an excuse for failure

In a informal talk a person mentioned

that author’s ideas can’t do much good to


Because he thinks he has got bad heart

and got to hold himself in


SuggestionsBy Author1. Visit the

finest specialist and accept his diagnosis as

final2. Read Dr.

Schindler’s book ‘How to live 365

Days a year’3. Resolve to

live until death

How to get rid of Health Excusitis?

1. Refuse to talk about health

2. Refuse to worry about health

3. Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is

4. Remind yourself often – ‘It’s better to wear out than rust out’

Intelligence Excusitis

- “ I lack brains” is the common phrase we hear around us

Common errors with respect to intelligence:1. We underestimate our own brain power2. We overestimate the other fellow’s brain power

Why some not so brilliant people are successful?They do what interest them, they show enthusiasm in

doing that

Why some brilliant people are failure?Negative thinking - They use mind to show why it

doesn’t work

How to get rid of IntelligenceExcusitis?

1. Never underestimate your own intelligence and overestimate other’s

2. Remind yourself- ‘My attitudes are more important than my intelligence’

3. Remember that the ability to think is of much greater value than the ability to memorize facts

Age Excusitis

Age Excusitis comes in two forms:1. I am too old variety2. I am too young brand

How to get rid of Age Excusitis?

1. Look at your present age positively

2. Compute how much productive time you have left

3. Invest future time in what you really want to do

Luck Excusitis

• Yet hardly no day passes without hearing someone blaming luck for failure

• People believe someone’s success is because of his good luck

• In reality people who are in the top they are there because of their attitude and good sense in applied hard work

How to get rid of Luck Excusitis?1. Accept the law of cause and effect

2. Don’t be a wishful thinker

Build Confidence and Destroy Fear

Build Confidence and Destroy Fear

Fear is- A Powerful force- Uncertainty- Lack of confidence- Success enemy No. 1

Action does Cure Fear

Type of Fear Action

1. Embarrassment because of personal appearance

Improve it. Go to saloon.Get ready well

2. Fear of losing an important customer

Work more to give better service. Take customer feedback and work on it

3. Fear of failing an exam Convert worry time into study time

4. Fear of things totally beyond your control

Switch attention to something else. Play,chill,relax

5. Fear of physically hurt by something

Pay attention to different things. Pray

6. Fear of what others may think of you

Make sure that your plan is to be right

7. Fear of people Put them in proper perspective

Build Confidence

Two – step procedure to cure fear and build confidence :

1. Isolate your fear – Pin it down and determine what are you afraid of

2. Then take action – Be decisive

Building Confidence through efficient management of

Memory BankDeposit only Positive thoughts in memory bank

Withdraw only Positive thoughts from memory bank

Build Confidence

Why do people fear other people?

Why do people feel self-conscious?

What is behind shyness?

What can we do about it?

Conquer fear by Proper Perspective!

Proper Perspective

Two ways to put people in Proper Perspective :

1. Get a balanced view of the other fellow - The other person is important and you are

important too

2. Develop an understanding attitude - Listen and then explain

Think Confidently and Act Confidently

1. Be a front seater

2. Practise making eye contact

3. Walk 25 per cent faster

4. Practise speaking up

How to think BIG?

How to think BIG?

- We think only in pictures and/or images- To think BIG we must use words which produce big,positive

mental images

Phrases which creates small,negative mind images

Phrases which creates BIG, positive mind images

1. It’s no use, we are whipped We are not whipped yet. Let’s keep trying. Here’s a new angle

2. I was in that business once and failed. Never again

I went broke out it’s my fault. I am going to try again

3. I’ve tried but the product won’t sell. People don’t want it

I have not sold the product yet but I am going to find a way to pull it up

4. Their orders have been small. Cut them off

Let’s map out a plan for selling them more of their needs

5. Nobody will ever want that product

Let’s modify the product to pull the sales up

Four ways to develop Big thinker’s vocabulary

1. Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases to describe how you feel

2. Use bright, cheerful, favorable words to describe other people

3. Use posituve language to encourage others

4.Use positive words to outline plans to others

Examples to Show How Powerful People Block

Successheir achievemment

1. What does it take to make a Good Speech?

Focuse on small things like :1. Stand straight while giving speech2. Don’t move around3. Don’t use your hands4. Don’t let audience see that you are using notes5. Make sure tie is straight6. Speak loud7. Don’t make mistakes in grammar

Instead concentrate on important and big things like:1. Knowledge on the topic2. Interest and concentration3. Desire to share the knowledge

2. What causes Quarrels?

- Quarrels usually start with unimportant small things Like: Food is not tasty, you didn’t wish me- Quarrels lead to arguments

Technique to avoide it:Ask yourself is it important ? In most cases it isn’t and its better to avoide conflicts

Choices to Handle Situations

Situation The Petty thinker’s approach

The Big thinker’s approach

ConversationTalks about negative qualities of friends, economy, company, competition

Talks about positive qualities of friends, economy, company, competition

MistakesMagnifies minor errors. Turns them into big issues

Ignores errors of little consequences

SecurityIs preoccupied with security problems

Regards security as a natural companion of success

WorkLooks for ways to avoide work

Looks for more ways and things to do, especially helping others

Competition Compares with the average Compares with the best

Think and Dream Creatively

How to Think and Dream Creatively?

Creative Thinking : - Is simply finding new, improved ways to do

anything - First step towards creative thinking is to believe it

can be done

Suggestions to develop creative power through belief:

1. Eliminate the word impossible from your thinking and speaking

2. Think of something special you’ve been wanting to do but felt you couldn’t

Traditonal Thinking v/s Creative Thinking

Traditional Thinking

- It is the personal enemy number one to the person who wants to think creatively

- It freezes mind - Blocks progress and prevents from developing

creative power

Three ways to fight against it:1. Become receptive to ideas2. Be an experimental person3. Be progressive not regressive

Ways to Harness and Develop Ideas

1. Don’t let ideas escape

2. Review your ideas

3. Cultivate and fertilize your ideas

You Are What You Think You Are

Thinking of Self

1. Look important

2. Think your work is important

3. Give yourself a pep talk several times daily

4. In all of life’s situation, ask yourself. “Is this the way an important person thinks?

How am I Thinking? Check List

Situation Ask Yourself

1. When I worry Would an important person worry about this?

2. An idea What would an important person would do if he had this idea?

3. My appearance

Do I look like someone who has maximum self respect?

4. Conversation Is this something successful people would discuss?

5. My Job How does an important person describe his job to others?

Grow Action Habit

Be a doer; Be confident “Activationist” = Successful

Expect future obstacles and solve difficulties as they come.

There’s no perfect time. It’s just now!

Ideas alone don’t bring success.They have value only when acted upon.

Use action to overcome fear and gain confidence.

Do what you fear and fear disappears! Just try and see!

Start your mental engine. Don’t wait for the spirit to move on.

Take action, dig, and you move the spirit.


Get down to business- pronto. Don’t waste time getting ready to act. Start acting instead.

Be an “I’m starting right now” kind a person.

Seize the initiative. Be a crusader

Be a volunteerShow that you have the ability and ambition to do.Get in gear and go!

How To Do?

Turn defeat into victory

How to do?

Have the courage to be your own

constructive critic.

Stop blaming luck. Research each setback.

Seek out your faults and correct them. This makes you professional.

Blend persistence with experimentation. Stay

with your goal but don’t beat your head against a stone wall.

Try new approaches. Experiment.

There’s a good side in every situation.

Find it. See the good time and whip


Goals help grow

Surrender yourself to your desires.

Set goals to get more energy. Let major goal be your pilot.

Achieve a goal one step at a time.

Think like a leader

Think progres

s, believe

in progress, push

for progres


Think high

standards in

everything you


Think improvement. Tap

your suprem

e thinkin

g power.

To get result,……get ACTIVATED

Results are proportional

to the enthusiasm invested

Dig into it deeper to learn more about something that you find disinteresting

This sets off enthusiasm

To get result, get ACTIVATED

To get result,……get ACTIVATED

Uplift your spirits

Broadcast good news

To get result, get ACTIVATED

People will be more likely to help

Make others feel important

Be appreciative. at every opportunity!!

Make others feel important

Make others feel important

Call people by name

Service first

Give people more than they expect….money will follow by itself

In order to succeed ,be likable to people

Be likable

Initiate friendship

Be the first one to initiate relations

Get the introduction right

Don’t be judgmental , accept people for who they are

Accept people

Avoid building preconceived notions about others

Don’t carry

Encourage people to talk, share their opinions, views and accomplishments

Be a good listener

Be courteous

People feel comfortable and better

In case of a setback , don’t blame othersRealize that with adequate efforts you will win again

Shun the Blame game

Be activationist

Be proactive

Don’t wait for that perfect movement Act as situations or difficulties arise

Do it right now


Believe you can succeed and you will

Get rid of Excusitis

Think and Dream creatively

Ideas alone don’t bring success. They have value only when acted upon

Moke Others feel important


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