Download - Personal Branding

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H ll PragmaHello PragmaMeet Lyndi (and Quirk)Meet Lyndi (and Quirk)

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Branding yourself g yonline

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Lif b f Q i kLife before Quirk...Freelance SEO copywriter, Tutor (UCT), Masters Student.

Meet Lyndi Lawson Head of Education


Life@QuirkMy team, the money, new business, lecturing, workshops, learning about learning, project management.

AchievementsGAIQ qualificationGAIQ qualificationStarted Quirk EducationCo edited and published the Quirk eMarketingtextbook (2009,2010, 2011)

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It has changed the worldIt has changed the world

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Digital is local…

Just over 6 millionJust over 6 millionSouth Africans online

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11 million South Africans11 million South Africans have had an internetexperience on a mobile phone.

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7 716 260 Egyptians7 716 260 Egyptians

4 016 580 South Africans4 016 580 South Africans3 247 680 Nigerians1 081 820 Kenyans

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In 2011

• 2 1 billion internet users• 2.1 billion internet users

• 555 million websites

• 294 billion emails sent every day

• 5.9 billion mobile subscriptions5.9 billion mobile subscriptions

i l t ki• 2.4 billion social networking accounts

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It’s also EVERYWHERE else

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For business (and people in business) the knock onFor business (and people in business) the knock on effect of this is interesting…

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Importantly (for today’s workshop)Importantly (for today s workshop)

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Users are customers and potential customersUsers are customers and potential customers

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People search for information on businesses and the people in them

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Companies aren't faceless entities any more…

…people want to work with people

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Today’s workshop is onToday s workshop is on

li tiSocial Media and its application to Personal BrandingBranding

A i t d ti t l b di• An introduction to personal branding• An introduction to social media• Confronting the challenges of using social mediaBreak• Using social media to become a thought leader• Creating your personal brand• Creating your personal brand

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An Introduction to Personal Branding

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So what is it?So what is it?

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Discovering what makes you uniqueDiscovering what makes you unique

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i tiAnd communicating that

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It’s highlighting your: g g g y

Skill• Skills• Knowledgeg• Credibility

P li• Personality • Relevance e e a ce• Integrity

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i ht tiIts also creating the right perception of yourselfyourself

( )(in this context, online)

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i tWhat a personal brand is not . . .

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• Self important• Artificial• Artificial

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It is about what is relevant to your audienceaudience.

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Digital means that communication

tis a two way street

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People want to communicate with other ppeople

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kAnd… they want to know more about those peoplepeople

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l b dSo, personal brands affect companies

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Employee engagement and personal contributions p y g g pstrengthen the brand profile.

• Create first impressions• Influence perception• Relationship building• Relationship building • Critical for business success• Improve corporate culture

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They can dictate whether business is won… or lost

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Thus it’s vital for companies to hire the right staff whoThus, it s vital for companies to hire the right staff who

will project the right personal image for the p j g p gbrand.

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Personal brands also affect individualsPersonal brands also affect individuals

• First impressions• Perceptions• Networking• Networking• Relationship building

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Prospective employers business partners investorsProspective employers, business partners, investors and contacts will check you out online.

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• Up to 81% of employers use Google to vet candidatescandidates

• 70% of employers have rejected candidates based h t th fi d i l dion what they find on social media

• Some even ask for Facebook passwords!p

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They can make or break careersThey can make or break careers

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So, own your brand –So, own your brand make sure people see

h t t th twhat you want them to see.

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i t titiThere is intense competition for attention in the marketthe market

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Individuals need to learn how to get and keep that i iattention by making sure they stand out

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You need to be aware of assumptions and


(it’s human nature)

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Who would you choose to do business with?Who would you choose to do business with?

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It’s worth remembering thatIt s worth remembering that

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First impressions count

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And that truly strong personal brands in a businessAnd that truly strong personal brands in a business context are built on

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Thought leadership: you need to d t t idemonstrate it

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A thought leader is an innovative individual who leads conversations in their field They are distinctconversations in their field. They are distinct personalities — people or brands

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What makes you a thought leaderWhat makes you a thought leader

• Expert • Insightful • Ahead of the curve• Ahead of the curve• An attentive audience• Consistent• Respected• Respected

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New thoughts and opinions l i NOT titiNew thoughts and opinions : analysis NOT repetitio

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You may not be able to control everything that is saidYou may not be able to control everything that is said about you online

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But you can steer the conversation in the rightBut you can steer the conversation in the right direction

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What impression do you want people leftWhat impression do you want people left with?

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An Introduction to Social Media Channels

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Social Media isSocial Media is….

• Networking• Publishing • Sharing• Sharing

But not all channels and platforms wereBut not all channels and platforms were created equal…

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“You wouldn’t run around a house with a screwdriver and say what can I fix with this ”and say what can I fix with this.

- Nora Garmin Barnes, Researcher

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Social Media BenefitsSocial Media Benefits

L•Low-cost•Viral possibilityp y•Creation of brand ambassadorsDi f db k d i i h•Direct feedback and insight

•Tools are freeoo s a e ee•It’s easy to use•It’s accessible•The audience is already thereThe audience is already there

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There are 4 key Social Media channels

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1. Bookmarking and Aggregating2 Content Creation2. Content Creation 3. Social Networking 4. Location

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Bookmarking and AggregatingBookmarking and Aggregating

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Content SharingContent Sharing

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• Many platforms - most are free• YouTube: 48 hours of video uploaded every minute

• 1 trillion video views in 2011• 1 trillion video views in 2011

• 160 million blogs

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Excellent for:Excellent for:

• Proving your thought leadership• Sharing expertise• Sharing expertise• Can be branded• Can be hosted on the company site

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Social NetworkingSocial Networking

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• World's biggest network • 850 million users (4.8 million in SA)

Excellent for:• Personal content• Social interactions• Social interactions• Media linking and sharing

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• Microblogging platform225 illi (1 1 illi i SA)• 225 million users (1.1 million in SA)

• Can create a branded business accounts — Eg: @P S@PragmaSteve

Excellent for: • Finding newsd g e s• Positioning yourself• Connecting with people you don’t know• Connecting with people you don t know

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• Business-centric social network 147 illi (1 6 illi i SA)• 147 million users (1.6 million in SA)

• 11th most popular website in SA

Excellent for: • Hosting your online CV• Business networking• Business networking• Contacting people for work-related purposes

C ti ith f i l• Connecting with professional groups

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Don’t worry, you don’t have to use all of thesethese

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C iCommunity management

Support and tSales and lead customer 

serviceSales and lead generation

Strategic use of R t tiuse of social media

Reputation management

Insights and research

SEOAdvertising SEO


Advertising and 


and outreach

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b dSome examples of brands using Social Media channelsMedia channels

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The Challenges of Social MediaThe Challenges of Social Media

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ti i t t1. Social Media takes time, investment and


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Creating contentCreating content

• Who will do it?• What will we write?• What will we write?• How will we write it?• When will we find the time?

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di2. Building an audience is hard work

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thi3. There is always something new to learn

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4. It’s hard to measure results

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i t5. It’s hard to keep things private

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6. You expose yourself to negativity

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Using Social Media to become a

Thought Leader

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Demonstrate content and ideas that are:

• Consistently fresh• Unique • Relevant

1 Create value for the community1. Create value for the community 2. Attract a following that respects and trusts your opinionopinion 3. Consider how you brand yourself

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lLet’s look at some examples

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Meet David Graham Digital Channel ExecutiveMeet David Graham - Digital Channel Executive(Delloite)(Delloite)

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Personal branding examplesPersonal branding examples

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Personal branding examplesPersonal branding examples

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Personal branding examplesPersonal branding examples

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Terrence O'Hanlon PublisherTerrence O'Hanlon - Publisher (

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Personal branding examplesPersonal branding examples


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Personal branding examplesPersonal branding examples


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Personal branding examplesPersonal branding examples


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What makes these good examples?What makes these good examples?

• Consistent• Professional• Relevant• Relevant • Interesting• High engagement

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Creating your personal brandCreating your personal brand

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Your strategy:

1. Positioning yourself2 Marketing yourself2. Marketing yourself3. Monitoring and Optimising your Personal Brand

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5 Preliminary Questions5 Preliminary Questions

1. Do I need a personal brand?2. What resources (time, money, attention) do I have

available to devote to it?available to devote to it?3. What do I want to achieve? 4. What are my specific goals? 5 What is my online ‘home base’?5. What is my online home base ?

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1. Positioning yourself1. Positioning yourself

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A d strategy dA good strategy reducesguesswork and makes ideasguesswork, and makes ideasmore effective.o e e ec e

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l iIt’s all about the planning

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Your brand is much more than justYour brand is much more than just your job title–it should evoke your purpose in life, what you want to

i taccomplish, and the impact you want to have on otherswant to have on others.

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Step 1 Know what’sStep 1: Know what s out there

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Your personal brand is defined by your Google CVYour personal brand is defined by your Google CV

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75% of searchers don't look past the first page of

results — so you need to control what appears here

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How does Google Rank Content?How does Google Rank Content?

• Relevance• Importance• Importance• Popularity• Trust• Authority• Authority

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Your goal: Maximise the good content minimise the badMaximise the good content — minimise the bad

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Determine your persona

• Professional• Insightful • InterestingInteresting • Relevant

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Position yourself with reference to:

• The industry• Your role in the business• Your experienceYour experience• Your competitors

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How do I fit in to the Pragma business and brandHow do I fit in to the Pragma business and brand image?

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Create a value proposition

• Why are you relevant to your audience?• What value are you creating?

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Situational analysis — where you are in your career

• Your values• Your attributes • Your passionsYour passions

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Audience analysis who should be engaging with youAudience analysis — who should be engaging with you

• Target audience demographics• Primary and secondary research• Primary and secondary research• SWOT analysis

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Competitor analysis — who else is doing something

similar in your field?similar in your field?

• Does anyone provide an identical service?Wh k d f h ?• What makes you stand out from them?

• What are their successes and failures?

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What is your unique selling point?What is your unique selling point?

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iA short exercise

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1. Using the pad in front of you, brainstorm and in fi i li l ib lfive minutes, list every personal attribute, value and/or passion that comes to mind

2 Sort through your values attributes and passions2. Sort through your values, attributes and passions and narrow the list to the 12 characteristics

3 Narrow the 12 concepts to five3. Narrow the 12 concepts to five

4. Narrow your list to the top three

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Write a personal brand statement

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“I am a highly qualified, proven, results-driven executive who wants my legacy to include mentoringexecutive who wants my legacy to include mentoring young talent.”

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“I am a passionate, people-oriented leader with solid business acumen a strong work ethic and integrity ”business acumen, a strong work ethic and integrity.

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2. Marketing yourself

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Really it’s aboutReally, it s about

• Crafting your brand • Choosing your channels• Choosing your channels• Building an audience• Creating great content

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h lLet’s talk about choosing your channels

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Remember that you personal brand is made up ofRemember that you personal brand is made up of

• Your social network profiles• Your social network profiles • Your owned media• Other people's content about you

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Don’t worry, you don’t have to use all of thesethese

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• Audience• Time Commitment• Time Commitment• Relevance

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diLet’s talk about building an audience

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Know your target audienceKnow your target audience

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Be humble and authenticBe humble and authentic

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Engage with influencers respected people withEngage with influencers — respected people with large, influential followings

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Start small and meaningful the crowds will comeStart small and meaningful — the crowds will come

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t t tLet’s talk about creating great content

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Thought leaders need to create meaningful originalThought leaders need to create meaningful, original, relevant content

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Build your channels slowly and steadily.

Add more channels to push negative results off theAdd more channels to push negative results off the first page.

Keep content freshKeep content fresh.

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Keep all messages on brand consistent tone styleKeep all messages on brand — consistent tone, style and content.

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What should YOU write about?What should YOU write about?

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• Industry news

• Your opinions and insights• Your opinions and insights

• New developments

• Breaking topics

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Don't write about yourself or your brand!

Personal brand ≠ sales

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Make use of writing best practiceMake use of writing best practice

• Simple and clear• Scannable (bullets and headings)• Scannable (bullets and headings)• Short • Optimised • Keywords• Keywords • Links

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3. Monitoring and Optimising your effortsg p g y

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M it i iMonitoring and managing your online reputationreputation

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l ldDrive your online brand using real world relationshipsrelationships

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d tGet endorsements

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hMake sure you brand is everywhere that you are

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h i lCreate physical assets

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t kNetwork network network

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Connect with them through the mediums

• Follow on Twitter

C Li k dI• Connect on LinkedIn

• Comment on blog

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itiJoin existing communities

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Building close relationships is the key — it pays off inBuilding close relationships is the key it pays off in the long term

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• Build up a rapport• Offer value• Offer value• Interact meaningfully• Engage

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Johannesburg Business Club 7 000 membersJohannesburg Business Club — 7 000 members

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i ti t hiBuild associations and partnerships

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Online it’s all aboutOnline, it s all about communities

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One person alone may struggle to build a meaningfulOne person alone may struggle to build a meaningful brand - a group can be more effective

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• Capacity for more updates• Better ideas• Better ideas• Mutual benefit

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Build internal partnerships you are your ownBuild internal partnerships — you are your own community

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External partnerships — find people and brands that provide value and support, not competition


Build something valuable before approaching aBuild something valuable before approaching a partner — what do you offer to the relationship?

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Find your niche

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Attention is the currency of the InternetAttention is the currency of the Internet

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1. What do I do better than anyone else?2 What do I know that no one else does?2. What do I know that no one else does?3. What gives me the edge to create insights?

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We have coveredWe have covered

li tiSocial Media and its application to Personal BrandingBranding

A i t d ti t l b di• An introduction to personal branding• An introduction to social media• Confronting the challenges of using social media• Using social media to become a thought leaderg g• Creating your personal brand

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Lif b f Q i kLife before Quirk...Freelance SEO copywriter, Tutor (UCT), Masters Student.

Meet Lyndi Lawson Head of Education


Life@QuirkMy team, the money, new business, lecturing, workshops, learning about learning, project management.

AchievementsGAIQ qualificationGAIQ qualificationStarted Quirk EducationCo edited and published the Quirk eMarketingtextbook (2009,2010, 2011)