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Person Centred Planning (PCP)

Sub Committee Update4th February 2011

Page 2: Person Centred Planning (PCP) Sub Committee Update 4th February 2011.

PCP Sub Committee• the group is co Chaired by Vivienne Lester and Philip Atkinson

• we meet 4 times a year

• it is a chance for people to talk about their experiences of PCP

• providers are invited to attend to tell us about how they are working towards PCP

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Training • We have trained - 175 people on PCP Awareness - 70 people on PCP Facilitation

• This includes people from - London Borough of Bromley (LBB) - the Primary Care Trust (PCT) - schools - private providers (e.g. Sanctuary, Avenues) - voluntary organisations - family members

- and people with a learning difficulty

• we are supporting the facilitators to develop PCPs and action plans to make sure things happen

• the training has been updated to include information on support planning

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Outcomes • We are collecting monthly outcomes from facilitators. From this we are hoping to find out

- what people want from the future

- what is working well

- what is not working so well

• It is planned that this information will be used to shape future services

• Facilitators need to get better at returning outcome information so that this can happen

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Education• We have been working with Marjorie McClure and Riverside School to support them to do PCP

• We have been finding out how PCP fits in the new Learning for Living and Work Framework – a new process designed to support people after school, based on long term goals

• BBA is attending a Transition Event at Nash College to share information around PCP on the 5th March 2011

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People moving from NHS Housing• Everyone who is moving from NHS Housing has a PCP

• All of those that have moved are working with new providers

• The PCP Facilitator has worked with the individual and support staff to develop action plans for those that have already moved

•The PCP Facilitator also attends transition meetings

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Circles of Support• The Circles of Support group has changed its name to Circles Network. This is so they do not get confused with individual circles of support.

• The group are also working on a film which shows the benefits of having a circle of support when making a PCP

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Support Planning • we have been building on the work that BBA has been doing on PCP and have been thinking about how we can develop PCP into Support Plans

• we have developed pilot Support Plans for people living in two schemes in Bromley

• a Support Plan is a PCP with an amount of money attached to it

• Support Plans give people more choice over the support they receive to meet their needs

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Planning for the future • there are difficult times ahead as budgets for services are being cut

• but it is important to continue working in a person centred way when services are delivered differently