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Abstract. We obtain restrictions on the persistence barcodes of Laplace-

Beltrami eigenfunctions and their linear combinations on compact surfaceswith Riemannian metrics. Some applications to uniform approximation by

linear combinations of Laplace eigenfunctions are also discussed.


1. Introduction and main results 11.1. Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions 11.2. Persistence modules and barcodes 31.3. A family of functionals on the space of barcodes 61.4. Main results 81.5. Sorting the finite bars of functions in Fλ 122. Applications to approximations by eigenfunctions 132.1. An obstruction to C0-approximations 132.2. Modulus of continuity and average length of bars on T2 153. Barcodes and the Banach indicatrix 183.1. A topological bound on the Banach indicatrix 183.2. Proof of Theorem 1.4.1 193.3. Proof of Proposition 3.1.1 204. Miscellaneous proofs 234.1. Proof of Lemma 1.3.1 234.2. Proof of Lemma 1.3.6 244.3. Proof of Proposition 1.4.11 24Acknowledgments 25References 26

1. Introduction and main results

1.1. Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions. The past fifteen years have witnessed anumber of fascinating applications of the spectral theory of the Laplace-Beltramioperator to data analysis, such as dimensionality reduction and data representa-tion [BN, CL] or shape segmentation in computer graphics [SOCG, Re]. In thepresent paper we focus on this interaction the other way around and study persis-tence barcodes, a fundamental notion originated in topological data analysis, of the

1Partially supported by NSERC, FRQNT and Canada Research Chairs program.2Partially supported by the European Research Council Advanced grant 338809.


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Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions and their linear combinations. Our main findingis a constraint on such barcodes in terms of the corresponding eigenvalues. Thisresult turns out to have applications to approximation theory.

LetM be a compact n-dimensional Riemannian manifold, possibly with nonemptyboundary. Let ∆ be the (positive definite) Laplace-Beltrami operator on M ; if∂M 6= ∅ we assume that the Dirichlet condition is imposed on the boundary. Thespectrum of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a compact Riemannian manifold isdiscrete, and the eigenvalues form a sequence 0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · ↗ ∞, whereeach eigenvalue is repeated according to its multiplicity. The corresponding eigen-functions fk, ∆fk = λkfk, form an orthonormal basis in L2(M). The propertiesof Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions have fascinated researchers for more than twocenturies, starting with the celebrated Chladni’s experiments with vibrating plates.We refer to [JNT, Z1, Z2] for a modern overview of the subject. As the examplesof trigonometric polynomials and spherical harmonics indicate, the shapes of theeigenfunctions are expected to have an increasingly complex structure as λ goes toinfinity. At the same time, various restrictions on the behaviour of eigenfunctionscan be formulated in terms of the corresponding eigenvalue. One of the basic factsabout eigenfunctions is Courant’s nodal domain theorem, stating that the num-ber of nodal domains of an eigenfunction fk is at most k (see [CH]). There existalso bounds on the (n − 1)-dimensional measure of the zero set of eigenfunctions(see [L1, L2, LM] for most recent developments on this topic), on the distributionof nodal extrema ([PS, Po]), on the growth of Lp-norms ([So]), and other relatedresults.

In the present paper we focus on topological properties of the sublevel sets ofLaplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions, and, more generally, of the linear combinations ofeigenfunctions with eigenvalues ≤ λ. There has been a number of important recentadvances in the study of topological properties of random linear combinations ofLaplace eigenfunctions, with an emphasis on the nodal and critical sets (see, forinstance, [NS, Ni, GW1, GW2, SW, CS]). Our approach is deterministic and isbased on the study of persistence barcodes. In the probabilistic setting, some stepsin this direction have been discussed in [CMW, Section 1.4.3], see also [PauSt].Roughly speaking, a persistence barcode is a collection of intervals in R whichencodes oscillation of a function (see next subsection for a detailed overview). Ourmain result (Theorem 1.4.1) implies that the quantity Φ1(f), the total length ofthe barcode of any such linear combination f with unit L2-norm, satisfies an upperbound O(λ). This inequality is inspired by the ideas introduced in [PS], wherea similar bound was proved for the Banach indicatrix of f , another measure ofoscillation which goes back to the works of Kronrod [Kr] and Yomdin [Yo]. Ourcentral observation (see Proposition 3.1.1 below) is that the length of the barcodeadmits an upper bound via the Banach indicatrix, which together with [PS] yieldsthe main result.

We believe that discussing eigenfunctions and their linear combinations in thelanguage of barcodes, which originated in topological data analysis, has a numberof merits. First, there exists a well developed metric theory of barcodes whichhighlights their robustness with respect to perturbations of functions in the uni-form norm. Some features of this robustness are inherited by the above-mentionedfunctional Φ1. This, in turn, paves the way for applications to the following ques-tion of approximation theory (see Section 2): given a function with unit L2-norm,

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how well one can approximate it by a linear combination of Laplace eigenfunctionswith eigenvalues ≤ λ? In particular, we show that a highly oscillating function doesnot admit a good uniform approximation of this kind unless λ is large enough, seeCorollary 2.1.4. Second, our approximation results remain valid if a given func-tion is composed with a diffeomorphism of the surface, see Proposition 2.1.1. Ourapproach yields it essentially for free, given that the barcodes are invariant withrespect to compositions with diffeomorphisms. Note that the effect of a change ofvariables on analytic properties of functions is a classical theme in Fourier analysis,cf. the celebrated Bohr-Pal theorem [Sa]. Third, we conjecture that barcodes pro-vide a right framework for a potential extension of our results to higher dimensions,see Conjecture 1.4.8 below.

In a different direction, we present an application to the problem of sortingfinite bars of persistence barcodes. This task arises on a number of occasions intopology and data analysis. Our results allow to improve an estimate on the optimalrunning time of a sorting algorithm for barcodes of linear combinations of Laplaceeigenfunctions with eigenvalues ≤ λ, see subsection 1.5.

1.2. Persistence modules and barcodes. In order to describe the topology ofthe sublevel sets of eigenfunctions and their linear combinations, we use the notionsof persistence modules and barcodes, which are briefly reviewed below. We referthe reader to articles [EH, G, C, W1, BL] and monographs [E, O, CSGO] for anintroduction into this rapidly developing subject and further details.

Let M be a closed, connected, orientable, n-dimensional manifold, possibly withboundary and f : M → R a Morse function (if ∂M 6= ∅, we assume that f is Morseon M \ ∂M and f |∂M = const, the value on the boundary being regular). Fork = 0, . . . , n define a family of finite dimensional real vector spaces depending on aparameter t ∈ R by setting

V tk (f) = Hk(f−1((−∞, t));R),

where Hk(X;R) denotes the k-th homology with coefficients in R of a set X. Ifs ≤ t we have that f−1((−∞, s)) ⊂ f−1((−∞, t)) and the inclusion of sublevel setsist : f−1((−∞, s))→ f−1((−∞, t)) induces a map

πst = (ist)∗ : V sk (f)→ V tk (f) for k = 0, . . . , n.

These maps are called comparison maps. The family of vector spaces V tk (f) to-gether with the family of comparison maps πst forms an algebraic structure calleda persistence module. We call this persistence module a degree k persistence mod-ule associated to f . We define the spectrum of V tk as those points r ∈ R for whichV tk ”changes when t passes through r”. More formally, if r has a neighbourhoodUr such that πst are isomorphisms for all s, t ∈ Ur, we say that r is not insidespectrum and we say that r is inside spectrum otherwise. One may readily checkthat under the above assumptions spectrum is finite and consists of critical valuesof f (and possibly also the value of f on the boundary of M if ∂M 6= ∅). Moreover,if a < b are consecutive points of the spectrum, then πst is an isomorphism for alla < s < t ≤ b.

Persistence modules that we will consider will be associated to a certain functionf : M → R as described above. However, one may define a persistence module asan abstract algebraic structure, without the auxiliary function f . In this setting, a

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persistence module consists of a one-parametric family of finite dimensional3 vectorspaces V t, t ∈ R and a family of linear comparison maps πst : V s → V t for s ≤ t,which satisfy πtt = 1V t and πst ◦ πrs = πrt for all real numbers r ≤ s ≤ t. Some ofthe results that we will refer to, namely the structure theorem (whose early versionappeared in [Ba]) and the isometry theorem, may be formulated and proven in thisabstract language.

According to the structure theorem for persistence modules (under some extra as-sumptions which hold for the persistence modules that we consider), V t decomposesinto a direct sum of simple persistence modules. Let I = (a, b] or I = (a,+∞),a, b ∈ R and denote by Q(I) = (Q(I), π) the persistence module which satisfiesQt(I) = R for t ∈ I and Qt(I) = 0 otherwise and πst = id for s, t ∈ I and πst = 0otherwise. Now

V t ∼=⊕i

(Qt(Ii))mi ,

where mi are finite multiplicities, Ii are intervals of the form (ai, bi] or (ai,+∞) and(Q(I), π)⊕ (Q(I ′), π′) = (Q(I)⊕Q(I ′), π⊕π′). The above decomposition is uniqueif we assume that Ii 6= Ij when i 6= j. The multiset containing mi copies of Ii iscalled the barcode of V t and is denoted by B(V t) and intervals Ii are called bars. Inthe case of a module V t = V tk (f) coming from a function f , we have that endpointsai, bi of all of bars belong to the spectrum of V tk and the barcode B(V tk ) = Bk(f) iscalled the degree k barcode of f . We also denote by B(f) = ∪kBk(f) the full barcodeof f . Under our assumptions B(f) is finite, i.e. it consists of finitely many distinctintervals with finite multiplicities.

Example 1.2.1. Let f : S1 → R be a height function on a deformed circle (see Figure1). Critical values of f are a, b, c and d, and for a regular value t ∈ R, the sublevelsets f−1((−∞, t)) are homeomorphic to:

f−1((−∞, t)) =

∅, for t < a

I, for a < t < b

I t I, for b < t < c

I, for c < t < d

S1, for d < t

where I stands for an open interval. Degree 1 barcode is now easily seen to containone infinite bar B1(f) = {(d,+∞)}, while degree 0 barcode contains one infiniteand one finite bar B0(f) = {(a,+∞), (b, c]}. The finite bar (b, c] corresponds to thefact that for b < t < c, f−1((−∞, t)) has two connected components which mergefor t > c. The full barcode is given by B(f) = {(a,+∞), (d,+∞), (b, c]}.

Let us introduce some notation and give a short description of the barcode as-sociated to a function f : M → R under the above assumptions. Denote bybi = dimHi(M ;R), i = 0, . . . , n the Betti numbers of M . Bars of infinite lengthsin degree k barcode correspond to homology classes in Hk(M ;R). This means thatthe number of infinite bars in degree k barcode is equal to bk. Since M is connectedand orientable, we know that b0 = 1, while bn = 1 if ∂M = ∅ and bn = 0 other-wise. Thus, if ∂M = ∅, degree 0 and degree n barcodes each contain exactly oneinfinite bar (c(0),+∞) and (c(n),+∞), while degree k barcode contains bk infinite

3These are sometimes refered to as pointwise finite dimensional persistence modules.

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Figure 1. Height function on a deformed circle.

bars (c(k)1 ,+∞), . . . , (c

(k)bk,+∞), c

(k)1 ≤ . . . ≤ c


for 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1. If ∂M 6= ∅,the barcode is similar, the only difference being that there are no infinite bars in

degree n. Numbers c(k)i , 1 ≤ i ≤ bk are called spectral invariants of a function f in

degree k and it holds c(0) = min f. If ∂M = ∅, we also have that c(n) = max f. Allfinite bars are contained in (min f,max f ] and there are no finite bars in degree n.

The space of barcodes can be endowed with a natural distance. Let B and B betwo barcodes. We say that µ : U → U is an ε-matching between B and B if it is abijection between some subsets U ⊂ B and U ⊂ B which contain all bars of lengthgreater than 2ε and it satisfies

µ((a, b]) = (c, d]⇒ |a− c|, |b− d| ≤ ε.

Intuitively, we may delete some bars of length less or equal than 2ε from B andB, and match the rest up to an error of ε. We may also think of the deleted barsas matched with intervals of length 0. Now, the bottleneck distance between B andB, dbottle(B, B), is defined as infimum over all ε ≥ 0 such that there exists an ε-

matching between B and B. One of the direct consequences of the isometry theoremis the following stability result which we will need later. For two functions f and git holds

(1) dbottle(B(f),B(g)) ≤ |f − g|C0 ,

where |f − g|C0 = maxx|f(x)− g(x)|.

Remark 1.2.2. Full barcodes B(f) and B(g) which we consider do not keep trackof the degrees. In particular, this means that we allow matchings between B(f)and B(g) to match bars from Bi(f) with bars from Bj(g) for i 6= j. The isometry

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theorem can also be applied in each degree independently to obtain


dbottle(Bk(f),Bk(g)) ≤ |f − g|C0 .

From here (1) immediately follows because

dbottle(B(f),B(g)) ≤ maxk


1.3. A family of functionals on the space of barcodes. From now on, weassume that M is an orientable surface, possibly with boundary. Let us define,for every positive function u ∈ C(R), a positive, lower semi-continuous functionalΦu on the space of Morse functions on M . Let f be a Morse function, denote byB′(f) ⊂ B(f) the multiset of all finite bars in the barcode B(f) and by |B′(f)|the total number of finite bars in B(f). Define a positive functional Φu on the setFMorse of all Morse functions (vanishing on the boundary) by setting

(2) Φu(f) =

max f∫min f

u(t) dt+∑



u(t) dt if ∂M = ∅,

0∫min f

u(t) dt+∑



u(t) dt if ∂M 6= ∅.

In particular, Φ1(f) is the sum of the lengths of all the finite bars in the barcode off and the length of the range of f . A related functional has been earlier consideredin [CSEHM], see Remark 1.4.13.

Lemma 1.3.1. Let

C(u, f) = 2 · (|B′(f)|+ 1) · max[min f,max f ]


in the case ∂M = ∅, or

C(u, f) = (2|B′(f)|+ 1) · max[min f,max f ]


in the case ∂M 6= ∅. Then

(3) Φu(f)− Φu(h) ≤ C(u, f) · dbottle(B(f),B(h)).

Remark 1.3.2. If M has no boundary, then

(4) 2 · (|B′(f)|+ 1) = |Crit(f)| − b1(M),

where |Crit(f)| stands for the number of critical points of f and b1 = dimH1(M ;R).Morally speaking, each critical point of index i produces either a left endpoint of abar in degree i or a right endpoint of a bar in degree i−1. This can be made precisein a number of ways (see, for example, [W1], or [UZ] for a more general statement).Therefore, taking into account the critical points corresponding to infinite bars, weget |Crit(f)| = 2|B′(f)| + b0(M) + b1(M) + b2(M), which implies (4). The samereasoning applies to general manifolds without boundary, where we have

|Crit(f)| = 2|B′(f)|+dimM∑i=1


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We prove Lemma 1.3.1 in subsection 4.1. Combining (3) with (1) yields

(5) Φu(f)− Φu(h) ≤ C(u, f) · dC0(f, h),

where dC0(f, h) = |f − h|C0 .

Proposition 1.3.3. The functional Φu is lower semi-continuous both as a func-tional Φu : (B, dbottle) → R and as a functional Φu : (FMorse, dC0) → R. Here Bstands for the set of all barcodes corresponding to functions in FMorse.

Remark 1.3.4. We slightly abuse the notation here by looking at Φu(f) = Φu(B(f))as the function of barcode B(f). However, it is obvious that Φu depends only onB(f) and not on f itself. In the same spirit min f and max f should be replaced bythe smallest and the largest endpoint of a bar in B(f).

Proof. Recall that a functional Φ defined on a metric space X is called lower semi-continuous at a point f ∈ X if lim infh→f Φ(h) ≥ Φ(f). This relation easily followsfrom the inequalities (3) and (5) for the functional Φu defined on the metric spaces(B, dbottle) and (FMorse, dC0), respectively. �

The inequality (5) could be further strengthened. Let Diff(M) denote the groupof all smooth diffeomorphisms of the surface M (throughout the paper, the term“smooth” stands for C∞–smooth).

Corollary 1.3.5. We have

(6) Φu(f)− Φu(h) ≤ C(u, f) · dC0(f ◦ ϕ, h ◦ ψ),

for any two diffeomorphisms ϕ,ψ ∈ Diff(M).

In particular, taking ϕ = ψ = 1M gives (5).

Proof. Indeed, for any diffeomorphism ϕ : M →M , the barcodes B(f) and B(f ◦ϕ)are the same. Since Φu depends only on the barcode and not on the function itself,putting f ◦ ϕ and h ◦ ψ in (3) yields (6). �

Let us now extend the functional Φu from FMorse to C0(M). First, we introducea “cut-off version” of Φu. Define

(7) Φu,k(f) =

max f∫min f

u(t) dt+k∑i=1


u(t) dt if ∂M = ∅,

0∫min f

u(t) dt+k∑i=1


u(t) dt if ∂M 6= ∅.

where Ii ∈ B′(f) are finite intervals ordered by integral of u, i.e. we have∫I1

u(t) dt ≥∫I2

u(t) dt ≥ . . .

Lemma 1.3.6. For every bounded function u the functional Φu,k is Lipschitz onFMorse with respect to dbottle with Lipschitz constant (2k+ 2) ·maxu if ∂M = ∅ orwith Lipschitz constant (2k + 1) ·maxu if ∂M 6= ∅.

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The proof of Lemma 1.3.6 is given in subsection 4.2.

Assume now that f ∈ C0(M) is an abritrary continuous function on M . Letfn ∈ FMorse such that dC0(f, fn)→ 0 as n→∞. Set

(8) Φu(f) := limk→∞



Note that Φu(fn) only depends on u|[min fn,max fn] and, since for sufficiently largen it holds [min fn,max fn] ⊂ [min f − 1,max f + 1], we may restrict ourselves tothis interval and argue as if u was bounded. Thus due to Lemma 1.3.6 and (1), thedouble limit on the left hand side of (8) (which could be equal to +∞) does notdepend on the choice of the approximating sequence fn. Therefore, the functionalΦu(f) is well defined by (8). Moreover, it is easy to check that the right-handsides of (8) and (2) coincide for f ∈ FMorse, and therefore (8) indeed defines anextension of (2) to C0(M).

1.4. Main results. As before, M is an orientable surface, possibly with boundary,equipped with a Riemannian metric g. Denote by ‖ · ‖ the L2-norm with respectto Riemannian area σ and by ∆ the Laplace-Beltrami operator with respect to g.Slightly abusing the notation, throughout the paper κg will denote various constantsdepending only on the Riemannian metric g.

Following4 [PS], denote by Fλ the set of all smooth functions on M (vanishingon the boundary if ∂M 6= 0) which satisfy ‖f‖ = 1 and ‖∆f‖ ≤ λ. One maycheck that Fλ contains normalized linear combinations of eigenfunctions of ∆ witheigenvalues λi ≤ λ. If ∂M 6= 0, Fλ contains also normalized eigenfunctions of thebiharmonic clamped plate boundary value problem on M (see [PS, Example 1.2]).Our main result is the following theorem.

Theorem 1.4.1. Let λ > 0 be any positive real number, u ∈ C(R) be a non-negative function and f ∈ Fλ be a function on an orientable surface (M, g). Thenthere exists a constant κg > 0 such that

(9) Φu(f) ≤ κg(λ+ 1)‖u ◦ f‖.

In order to prove this theorem we compare both sides of inequality (9) withan intermediate quantity. Let β(t, f) be the number of connected components off−1(t). Function β(t, f) is called the Banach indicatrix of f (see [Kr, Yo]). In

[PS] it was proved that∫ +∞−∞ u(t)β(t, f)dt ≤ κg(λ + 1)‖u ◦ f‖ for f ∈ Fλ. On the

other hand, we show that Φu(f) ≤∫ +∞−∞ u(t)β(t, f)dt, see Proposition 3.1.1. This

proposition, which is of topological nature, constitutes the main technical result ofthe paper.

Now, notice that taking u ≡ 1 in (9) we get the following corollary:

Corollary 1.4.2. Let (M, g) be an orientable surface without boundary and letf ∈ Fλ be a Morse function on M . Denote by li the lengths of the finite bars of thebarcode associated with f . Then

(10) max f −min f +∑i

li ≤ κg(λ+ 1).

4Our definition is slightly different from the one in [PS] since we do not assume that∫M f σ = 0

if M has no boundary. However, this assumption is not needed for any of the results of [PS] which

we use.

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Example 1.4.3. The order of λ in inequality (10) is sharp. Indeed, consider the flatsquare torus T2 = R2/(2π · Z)2. We have a sequence fn(x, y) = 1

π sin(nx) cos(ny),

n ∈ N of eigenfunctions of ∆ with eigenvalues 2n2. By analysing critical points off1 = sinx cosx and using periodicity, one can compute that the full barcode of fncontains

• An infinite bar (− 1π ,+∞) and 2n2− 1 copies of finite bar (− 1

π , 0] in degree0;• Two copies of infinite bar (0,+∞) and 2n2 − 1 copies of finite bar (0, 1

π ] indegree 1;• An infinite bar ( 1

π ,+∞) in degree 2.

Putting these values in inequality (10) gives us


πn2 ≤ κg(2n2 + 1),

which proves that the order of λ in (10) is sharp.

In order to present another application of Theorem 1.4.1 we need the followingdefinition.

Definition 1.4.4. Let f : M → R be a Morse function on a differentiable manifoldM and let δ > 0. We say that a critical value α ∈ R of the function f is a δ-significant critical value of multiplicity m if the barcode of f contains m bars oflength at least δ having α as one of the endpoints.

Given δ > 0 and a Morse function f , let Nδ(f) be the number of δ-significantcritical values counted with multiplicities. Theorem 1.4.1 then immediately implies:

Corollary 1.4.5. Let (M, g) be an orientable surface, possibly with boundary, andlet f ∈ Fλ be a Morse function on M . Then

(11) Nδ(f) ≤ κg,δ(λ+ 1)

for any δ > 0.

The following example shows that the δ-significance condition for some δ > 0 isessential in Corollary 1.4.5. For simplicity, we present it in one dimension, but itcould be easily generalized to any dimension.

Example 1.4.6. Let M = S1 be a unit circle and let Ni be any sequence of naturalnumbers tending to infinity. Consider a sequence of functions on M :

fi(x) =1√

π(2 +N−4i )

(1 +





It is easy to check that ||fi||L2(M) = 1 and fi ∈ Fλ, λ ≥ 1√2, for all i = 1, 2, . . . . At

the same time, the number of critical points, and hence of critical values (countedwith multiplicities) is equal to Ni, which goes to infinity and hence can not becontrolled by λ. Note, however, that for any δ > 0, the number of δ-significantcritical values is bounded as i→∞.

Estimate (11) could be also compared to [Ni, Theorem 1.1], which shows that theexpected value of the number of critical points of a random linear combination ofLaplace eigenfunctions f1, . . . , fm on a Riemannian manifold satisfies an asymptoticexpansion with the leading term of order m. Due to Weyl’s law, for surfaces this

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is equivalent to having the number of critical points of order λm, which agreeswith inequality (11). Inspired in part by this observation, we propose the followinggeneralization of (11) to Riemannian manifolds of arbitrary dimension:

Conjecture 1.4.7. Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold of dimension n, possiblywith boundary, and let f be a L2-normalized linear combination of eigenfunctionsof ∆ with eigenvalues λi ≤ λ. In addition, assume that f is Morse. Then

(12) Nδ(f) ≤ κg,δ(λ+ 1)n2

for any δ > 0.

Furthermore, for n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, consider the followinggeneralization of the functional Φu: it is defined for Morse functions by an analogueof (2), the sum being taken over all finite bars in B(f) in all degrees. Similarly to(8) it also could be extended to arbitrary functions in C0(M).

Conjecture 1.4.8. Let u ∈ C(R) be a non-negative function and f a L2-normalizedlinear combination of eigenfunctions of ∆ with eigenvalues λi ≤ λ on a Riemannianmanifold (M, g). Then there exists a constant κg > 0 such that for any λ > 0,

(13) Φu(f) ≤ κg(λ+ 1)n2 ‖u ◦ f‖.

A possible approach to proving this conjecture is discussed in Remark 3.2.2.

Example 1.4.9. In order to provide intuition about Conjecture 1.4.8, let us examinewhat happens in dimension one (cf. [CSEHM, p. 137]). In this case, the notionscoming from the barcode, such as the number or the total length of finite bars,have transparent meanings. Assume that (M, g) = (S1, g0) = (R/(2π ·Z), g0) is thecircle with the metric inherited from the standard length on R, and f : S1 → R is aMorse function. Since f is Morse, all critical points of f are either local minima orlocal maxima and they are located on S1 in an alternating fashion. More precisely,if there are N local minima x1, . . . , xN , there are also N local maxima y1, . . . , yN ,and we may label them so that they are cyclically ordered as follows:

x1, y1, x2, y2, . . . , xN , yN , x1.

Taking u ≡ 1, we have that Φ1(f) = max f−min f+the total length of finite bars.All the finite bars appear in degree 0, and thus by Remark 1.3.2 we have N fi-nite bars whose left endpoints are f(x1), . . . , f(xN ) and whose right endpoints aref(y1), . . . , f(yN ). From here it follows that

Φ1(f) =


(f(yi)− f(xi)).

On the other hand, the total variation of f satisfies

Var(f) = 2


(f(yi)− f(xi)) = 2Φ1(f).

Furthermore, using Holder’s inequality and partial integration we have

Var(f) =

∫ 2π


|f ′(t)|dt ≤√

(∫ 2π


(f ′(t))2dt

) 12


∣∣∣∣ ∫ 2π


f ′′(t)f(t)dt

∣∣∣∣ 12 .From Cauchy-Schwarz inequality it follows

Var(f) ≤√

2π‖f‖ 12 ‖f ′′‖ 1

2 .

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Finally, if f ∈ Fλ, we have ‖f‖ 12 = 1 and ‖f ′′‖ 1

2 ≤ λ 12 which gives


2Var(f) = Φ1(f) ≤


12 ,

as claimed by Conjecture 1.4.8. In order to extend the result to a general (notnecessarily Morse) f ∈ Fλ, observe that for every ε > 0 there exists a sequence ofMorse functions fn ∈ Fλ+ε, such that dC0(f, fn)→ 0 when n→∞. For all k, n ≥ 1it holds

Φ1,k(fn) ≤ Φ1(fn) ≤√π

2(λ+ ε)

12 .

Taking limits for k, n→∞ as in (8) and using the fact that ε > 0 is arbitrary, weobtain the inequality (14) for any f ∈ Fλ.

Example 1.4.10. The following example shows that the order of λ predicted byConjecture 1.4.8 is sharp. Let Tn = Rn/(2π · Z)n be the n-dimensional torusequipped with a Euclidean metric ds2 =


i . Define a sequence of functions

fl(x1, . . . , xn) =



(sin lx1 + . . .+ sin lxn), l ∈ N.

It is easy to check that ‖fl‖ = 1 and ∆fl = l2f1. Thus fl ∈ Fλ for λ = l2.

Proposition 1.4.11. There exist constants An and Bn such that

Φ1(fl) = Anλn2 +Bn.

The proof of Proposition 1.4.11 uses the Kunneth formula for persistence modules[PSS], see subsection 4.3 for details.

Finally, we wish to emphasise that Conjecture 1.4.8 does not hold for functionsin Fλ in dimensions greater than two. This is illustrated by the following exampledue to Lev Buhovsky [Buh].

Example 1.4.12 (Buhovsky’s example). For each n ≥ 3, we provide a sequence offunctions Fk : Tn → R on n-dimensional flat torus Tn = Rn/(2π · Z)n such that‖Fk‖ and ‖∆Fk‖ are uniformly bounded away from zero and infinity for all k, whileΦ1(Fk) grows as kn−2. Such sequence violates inequality (13).

We define Fk as periodic functions on the cube [−π, π]n as follows. Let h :[−1, 1]n → [0, 1] be a bump function. Divide [−1, 1]n into kn smaller cubes bydividing each interval [−1, 1] into k equal parts. Now h(kx) is a bump functionsupported in [− 1

k ,1k ]n and we define auxiliary functions fk to be equal to a copy of

1k2h(kx) inside each small cube. Since supports of different copies of 1

k2h(kx) are

disjoint, L2-orthogonality implies

‖fk‖2 = kn∥∥∥∥ 1



= k−4‖h‖2,

as well as that ‖∆fk‖ is bounded uniformly in k.Finally, let1 Fk = fk + 1. This way we obtain a sequence of functions with ‖Fk‖

and ‖∆Fk‖ bounded away from zero and infinity. At the same time for t ∈ (1, 1+ 1k2 )

the topology of sublevel sets F−1k ((−∞, t)) does not change and each sublevel set

1Formally speaking, Fk should be a small perturbation of fk + 1 in order to make it Morse,but we will ignore this detail for the sake of clarity.

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is homeomorphic to Tn with kn holes. This generates ∼ kn bars of length 1k2 in

degree n−1 and hence Φ1(Fk)� kn−2, which contradicts (13) when n ≥ 3 becauseFk‖Fk‖ ∈ Fλ with bounded λ, but Φ1


)grows as kn−2. A slight modification of

this example also yields a counterexample to (12) in dimensions n ≥ 5.

Remark 1.4.13. An example similar to Example 1.4.12 has been discussed in [CSEHM,Section 5]. In this paper, Lp-versions of functional Φ1, where the sum is taken overp-th powers of the lengths of bars, were considered. The results yield an upperbound for these Lp-functionals in terms of the Lipschitz constant of a function.However, for these bounds to hold, it is essential that p is at least the dimensionof the base manifold, which can be seen from Example 1.4.12. As a consequence,while the results of [CSEHM] imply some spectral restrictions on the barcodes ofLaplace eigenfunctions, they appear to be essentially different from the bounds onΦ1 obtained in Theorem 1.4.1 and conjectured in Conjecture 1.4.8.

1.5. Sorting the finite bars of functions in Fλ. Given a barcode B, write thelengths of its finite bars in the descending order, β1 ≥ β2 ≥ . . . . The functionsβi(B), which are Lipschitz with respect to the bottleneck distance, are importantinvariants of barcodes. For instance, β1, which was introduced by Usher in [U],is called the boundary depth and has various applications in Morse theory andsymplectic topology. The functions βi with i ≥ 2 are sometimes used in order todistinguish barcodes, see e.g. [BMMPS]. Fix ε > 0 and discard all bars of length< ε, i.e., introduce the modified invariant

β(ε)i (B) := max(βi(B), ε) .

Question 1.5.1. Assume that the barcode B contains N finite bars. What is theoptimal (worst-case scenario) running time T of an algorithm which calculates the

ordered sequence {β(ε)i (B)}, i ≥ 1?

Since the sharp lower bound on the running time of any comparison sortingalgorithm for an array of N real numbers is O(N logN) (see [CLRS]), the answerto the above question for a general barcode is O(N logN). Interestingly enough,in some cases Corollary 1.4.2 enables one to reduce this running time when B is abarcode of a function from Fλ. More precisely, there exists a constant c > 0 suchthat for every ε > 0, λ > 0 and any function f ∈ Fλ whose barcode contains exactlyN finite bars, one can find a sorting algorithm for all bars from B(f) of length ≥ εwhose running time satisfies

(15) T ≤ N + c · κg(λ+ 1)

ε· log

κg(λ+ 1)


Indeed, consider the following algorithm. First compare the length of each bar withε and pick only those bars whose length is ≥ ε. This takes time N . Denote by Kthe number of chosen bars. Next, perform the optimal sorting algorithm for theseK bars. This takes time O(K logK). Finally, notice that by Corollary 1.4.2,

K ≤ κg(λ+ 1)


which proves (15). In certain regimes, the running time (15) is shorter than thegeneric bound O(N logN). For instance, if λ and ε are fixed and N →∞, we haveT = O(N).

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Theorem 1.4.1 also has applications to questions regarding C0-approximationsby functions from Fλ , which is the subject of the next section.

2. Applications to approximations by eigenfunctions

2.1. An obstruction to C0-approximations. As before, let M be an orientablesurface, possibly with boundary, endowed with the Riemannian metric g, denoteby Diff(M) the set of all diffeomorphisms of M and assume that f : M → R is aMorse function (vanishing on ∂M). We are interested in the question of how wellcan f be approximated by functions from Fλ in C0-sense. More precisely, we wishto find a lower bound for the quantity

dC0(f,Fλ) = inf{dC0(f, h) | h ∈ Fλ},

where dC0(f, h) = maxx|f(x)−h(x)| as before. In fact, we will study a more general

question, namely we will give a lower bound for

approxλ(f) = infϕ∈Diff(M)

dC0(f ◦ ϕ,Fλ).

Taking ϕ = 1M one immediately sees that

dC0(f,Fλ) ≥ approxλ(f).

We estimate approxλ(f) from below using the information coming from the barcodeB(f). Recall that the functional Φ1 : FMorse → R defined by (2) for u ≡ 1 gives thesum of the lengths of all finite bars in B(f).

Proposition 2.1.1. For every Morse function f : M → R, vanishing on the bound-ary, the following inequality holds

(16) approxλ(f) ≥



(Φ1(f)− κg(λ+ 1)

)for ∂M = ∅


(Φ1(f)− κg(λ+ 1)

)for ∂M 6= ∅

Proof. From (6) and (9), with ψ = 1M we obtain

κg(λ+ 1) · ‖u ◦ h‖ ≥ Φu(f)− C(u, f) · dC0(f ◦ ϕ, h),

for all Morse h ∈ Fλ and all diffeomorphisms ϕ ∈ Diff(M), with constant C(u, f)being equal to 2·(|B′(f)|+1)·(max[min f,max f ] u) or (2|B′(f)|+1)·(max[min f,max f ] u)depending on whether M has a boundary. Putting u ≡ 1 we have

dC0(f ◦ ϕ, h) ≥ 1

2 · (|B′(f)|+ 1)

(Φ1(f)− κg(λ+ 1)


if ∂M = ∅, or

dC0(f ◦ ϕ, h) ≥ 1

2|B′(f)|+ 1

(Φ1(f)− κg(λ+ 1)


if ∂M 6= ∅. Finally, taking infimum over all h and ϕ and using the fact that Morsefunctions in Fλ are C0-dense in Fλ, finishes the proof. �

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Remark 2.1.2. The inequality analogous to (16) can be proved for functions on thecircle S1 = R/(2π · Z) without referring to the language of barcodes. Taking intoaccount (4) and (14), we can restate (16) as

(17) approxλ(f) ≥ 1







In order to prove (17) we proceed as in the proof of Proposition 2.1.1. One readilychecks that


2Var(f)− 1

2Var(h) ≤ |Crit(f)|dC0(f, h).

Indeed, as in Example 1.4.9, if x1, . . . , xN are local minima and y1, . . . , yN are localmaxima of f , we have that


2Var(f) =


(f(yi)− f(xi)).

On the other hand,


2Var(h) ≥


(h(yi)− h(xi)).

Subtracting the latter expression from the former yields (18), which together with(14) gives







)≤ dC0(f,Fλ).

Since |Crit(f)| and Var(f) do not change when f is composed with a diffeomor-phism, (17) follows.

Remark 2.1.3. The following analogue of Proposition 2.1.1 holds for any functionf ∈ C0(M). For any k = 1, 2, . . . , we have

(19) approxλ(f) ≥



(Φ1,k(f)− κg(λ+ 1)

)for ∂M = ∅


(Φ1,k(f)− κg(λ+ 1)

)for ∂M 6= ∅

The proof is the same, with the constant C(u, f) replaced by the Lipschitz constantfrom Lemma 1.3.6.

Corollary 2.1.4. Let M be a surface without boundary and f : M → R be aMorse function. Suppose that approxλ(f) ≤ ε for some ε > 0, and the barcodeB(f) contains N finite bars of length at least L+ 2ε each, for some L > 0. Then

(20) λ ≥ 1

κg(N + 1)L− 1.

Proof. Indeed, it follows from the assumptions on the barcode of f that Φ1,N (f) ≥(N + 1)(L+ 2ε), which together with Remark 2.1.3 yields

ε ≥ 1

2(N + 1)

((N + 1)(L+ 2ε)− κg(λ+ 1)


Rearranging this inequality we obtain (20). �

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Remark 2.1.5. From (20) we see how λ, which is needed to uniformly approximatef by functions from Fλ, grows with N and L. Informally speaking, one may thinkof N as a measure of how much f oscillates, while L gives a lower bound on theamplitude of these oscilations. The above inequality should then be understood asa quantitative version of the informal principle that the more the function oscillatesand the bigger the oscillations, the larger eigenvalues of the Laplacian are neededto approximate it with a normalized linear combination of the corresponding eigen-functions. We refer to [W2] for other applications of persistence to approximationtheory.

2.2. Modulus of continuity and average length of bars on T2. Proposi-tion 2.1.1 gives an obstruction to approximating functions by functions from Fλ. Aswe mentioned before, Fλ contains normalized linear combinations of eigenfunctionsof ∆ with eigenvalues not greater than λ. In the case of flat torus T2 = R2/(2π ·Z)2

these eigenfunctions are trigonometric polynomials and Proposition 2.1.1 may be in-terpreted as an inverse statement about C0-approximations by trigonometric poly-nomials. A direct theorem about C0-approximations by trigonometric polynomialson n-dimensional flat torus was proved in [Yu] (theorems of this type are some-times referred to as Jackson’s theorems, see [Pi] for a survey), consequently givingan upper bound for approxλ(f) in terms of moduli of continuity and smoothness off. We combine this result with Proposition 2.1.1 to obtain a relation between theaverage length of a bar in a barcode of a Morse function on T2 and its modulus ofcontinuity which is defined below.

Assume M = T2 = R2/(2π · Z)2, let f : M → R be a continuous function, δ > 0a real number and denote by

ω1(f, δ) = sup|t|≤δ

maxx|f(x+ t)− f(x)|,

the modulus of continuity of f and by

ω2(f, δ) = sup|t|≤δ

maxx|f(x− t)− 2f(x) + f(x+ t)|,

the modulus of smoothness of f. One readily checks that

(21) ω2(f, δ) ≤ 2ω1(f, δ).


Tλ =

⟨sin(v1x+ v2y), cos(v1x+ v2y)

∣∣∣∣ v21 + v2

2 ≤ λ⟩


be the space of trigonometric polynomials on M whose eigenvalues (as eigenfunc-tions of ∆) are bounded by λ. The following porposition was proved in [Yu]:

Proposition 2.2.1. For every continuous function f : M → R it holds

(22) dC0(f, Tλ) ≤ 2ω2



where C0 > 0 is a constant.

By (21) we also have that

(23) dC0(f, Tλ) ≤ 4ω1



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Remark 2.2.2. Constant C0 is computed in [Yu] to be C0 =õ1(D2( 1

2 )), where

µ1(D2( 12 )) is the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of ∆ inside the 2-dimensional disk D2( 1

2 )

of radius 12 .

Our goal is to prove the following result which shows that the average bar lengthof a Morse function f on a flat torus M could be uniformly controlled by theL2-norm of f and the modulus of continuity of f on the scale 1/


Theorem 2.2.3. There exist constants C0, C1 > 0 such that for any f ∈ FMorse

on a flat torus M = T2,


|B′(f)|+ 1≤ C1‖f‖+ 8ω1




Proof. Inspecting the proof of Proposition 2.2.1 in [Yu], we observe that it relieson an explicit construction of a function h, depending on f and λ, which satisfies

(25) dC0(f, h) ≤ 2ω2



Our goal is to estimate dC0(f, h) from below using Proposition 2.1.1. However, apriori we do not have any information about the L2-norm of h and Proposition 2.1.1relates to distance from functions in Fλ whose L2-norm is equal to one. In orderto overcome this issue, we present the construction of the approximation-functionh and prove that ‖h‖ ≤ ‖f‖.

For a vector v ∈ Z2 let

cv(f) =1




be the corresponding Fourier coefficient of f. Take U to be the first Dirichlet eigen-function of ∆ inside the disk D2( 1

2 ) of radius 12 , normalized by ‖U‖L2(D2( 1

2 )) = 1,

and V its extension by zero to the whole plane, i.e.

V (x) =

{U(x), if x ∈ D2( 1

2 )

0, otherwise.

If we denote by W = V ∗ V the convolution of V with itself, the desired approxi-mation is given by the formula

(26) h(x) =∑v∈Z2


cv(f) ·W(



where |v| stands for the standard Euclidean norm on R2. The function h definedby (26) is called the multidimensional Korovkin’s mean. It satisfies (25), as provedin [Yu], and since

∑v∈Z2 cv(f)ei〈v,x〉 is the Fourier expansion of f , we have that

‖h‖ ≤ (maxx∈R2

|W (x)|) · ‖f‖.

By using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we obtain

|W (x)| ≤∫R2

|V (t)|·|V (x−t)|dt ≤


|V (t)|2dt·


|V (x− t)|2dt = ‖V ‖2 = 1,

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which yields ‖h‖ ≤ ‖f‖.

We now proceed with analysing (25). First note that

‖h‖ · dC0



)≤ ‖h‖ · dC0




)≤ 2ω2



because h‖h‖ ∈ Fλ. The last inequality together with Proposition 2.1.1 gives


2 · (|B′( f‖h‖ )|+ 1)




)− κ0(λ+ 1)

)≤ 2ω2



Here κ0 = κg for g being the flat metric on M . Multiplying the function by apositive constant results in multiplying the endpoints of each bar in the barcodeby the same constant. Thus, the total number of bars does not change after mul-tiplication, while the lengths of finite bars scale with the same constant. In other

words, we have that

∣∣∣∣B′( f‖h‖

)∣∣∣∣ = |B′(f)| and ‖h‖·Φ1


)= Φ1(f). Substituting

these equalities in (27) and using ‖h‖ ≤ ‖f‖ we obtain


4 · (|B′(f)|+ 1)

(Φ1(f)− κ0(λ+ 1)‖f‖

)≤ ω2



and by (21) also


8 · (|B′(f)|+ 1)

(Φ1(f)− κ0(λ+ 1)‖f‖

)≤ ω1



Setting λ = |B′(f)| and C1 = κ0 in the last inequality completes the proof of thetheorem. �

Remark 2.2.4. As follows from Remark 2.1.3 and the proof of Theorem 2.2.3 above,for any k ≥ 1 and any f ∈ C0(M) we have:


k + 1≤ C1‖f‖+ 8ω1



The left-hand side of (29) could be interpreted as the average length of a bar amongthe k longest bars in the barcode of f .

Remark 2.2.5. Note that formula (28) implies


|B′(f)|+ 1≤ C1‖f‖+ 4ω2




In fact, Theorem 2.2.3 admits the following generalization. Given a smooth functionf on a flat torus M = T2, define its modulus of smoothness of order m by

ωm(f, δ) = sup|t|≤δ





)f(x+ jt)

∣∣∣∣∣∣ .From the results of [Ga], it can be deduced that

dC0(f, Tλ) ≤ C2(k)ω2k




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for some positive constants C0(k), C2(k) which depend on k. Similarly to the proofof Theorem 2.2.3, one then obtains


|B′(f)|+ 1≤ C1(k)‖f‖+ 2C2(k)ω2k




Constants C0(k), C1(k), C2(k) could be computed explicitly.

Example 2.2.6. The following example shows that the choice of the scale in themodulus of continuity on the right hand side of (29) is optimal. Take a unit diskB1 inside the torus M and let χ be a smooth cut-off function supported in B andequal to one in B 1

2. Let gn(x, y) = χ(x, y) sinnx cosny, n ∈ N be a sequence of

functions on the torus. For any 0 < s < 1, set gn,s(x, y) = g(xs ,ys ). Let α ≥ 1

be some real number. Choose k = n2 and s = n1−α2 . It suffices to verify that the



n2 + 1≤ C1‖gn,s‖+ 8ω1




holds for all n only for α = 1. Indeed, take any α > 1. Note that the left-hand sideof (31) is bounded away from zero as n→∞, since the number of bars of unit lengthin the barcode of gn,s((x, y)) is of order n2. At the same time, ‖gn,s‖ = s‖gn‖ → 0

as n → ∞, since s = n1−α2 → 0. Moreover, estimating the derivatives of gn,s one

can easily check that




)= O(n−α)O(n · n

α−12 ) = O



)= o(1)

for any α > 1. Therefore, inequality (31) is violated for α > 1 for n large, andhence the choice α = 1 is optimal.

Note that, while the functions gn,s(x, y) are compactly supported and hencenot Morse, they could be made Morse by adding a small perturbation. A similarargument would then yield optimality of the 1/

√|B′(f)| scale in the modulus of

continuity on the right-hand side of inequality (24).

Remark 2.2.7. It would be interesting to generalize Theorem 2.2.3 to an arbitraryRiemannian surface. In order to do that we need an analogue of Proposition 2.2.1.For a different version of Jackson type approximation theorems on Riemannianmanifolds see [Pe, Lemma 4.1] and [FFP, Lemma 9.1].

3. Barcodes and the Banach indicatrix

3.1. A topological bound on the Banach indicatrix. We proceed with somegeneral topological considerations. Let M be a Riemannian manifold and assumethat f |∂M = 0 if ∂M 6= ∅, 0 being a regular value. Let t 6= 0 be another regularvalue of f and denote by M t = f−1((−∞, t]). M t ⊂ M is a submanifold withboundary ∂M t = f−1(t) for t < 0 or ∂M t = f−1(t) t ∂M for t > 0. Recall thatBanach indicatrix β(t, f) denotes the number of connected components of f−1(t).By description of ∂M t, one sees that β(t, f) essentially counts the number of theboundary components of M t (up to the boundary components of the whole manifoldM). We will exploit this fact to estimate β(t, f) from below using informationcoming from barcode B(f). If we denote by χI the characteristic function of theinterval I, the following proposition holds.

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Proposition 3.1.1. Let f ∈ FMorse on a Riemannian manifold M of dimension

n. Denote by (x(k)i , y

(k)i ] ∈ Bk(f) the finite bars in the degree k barcode of f and let

t 6= 0 be a regular value. If ∂M = ∅ it holds

(32) χ(min f,max f ](t) +∑i


(0)i ,y

(0)i ]

(t) +∑j


(n−1)j ,y

(n−1)j ]

(t) ≤ β(t, f),

and if ∂M 6= ∅ it holds

(33) χ(min f,0](t) +∑i


(0)i ,y

(0)i ]

(t) +∑j


(n−1)j ,y

(n−1)j ]

(t) ≤ β(t, f).

We defer proving Proposition 3.1.1 and first deduce Theorem 1.4.1 using it.

Remark 3.1.2. One may easily check that if M = S2 the inequality (32) becomesan equality.

Remark 3.1.3. If dimM = 2, integrating inequalities in Proposition 3.1.1 gives anupper bound on the total length of the finite bars in the barcode of a function fin terms of the integral of its Banach indicatrix. The latter quantity admits aninterpretation as the total length of the Reeb graph of a function f with respect toa natural metric incorporating the oscillations of f . It is likely that an analogueof the functional Φu defined in this setting is robust with respect to the distanceon Reeb graphs introduced in [BGW, BMW], and that this way one could getapplications to approximation theory similar to the ones obtained in Section 2. Weplan to explore this route elsewhere.

3.2. Proof of Theorem 1.4.1. Let us now restrict to the two-dimensional caseand assume that M is an orientable surface, possibly with boundary, equipped withRiemannian metric g. First note that it suffices to verify inequality (9) for Morsefunctions. Indeed, suppose that the inequality is proved for Morse functions in Fλfor all λ > 0 and let f ∈ Fλ be arbitrary. One can easily check that for any ε > 0there exists a sequence of Morse functions fn ∈ Fλ+ε such that dC0(f, fn) → 0 asn→∞. For all k, n ≥ 1 we have

Φu,k(fn) ≤ Φu(fn) ≤ κg(λ+ 1 + ε)‖u ◦ fn‖,

where the first inequality follows from the definition (7) of the functional Φu,k andthe second inequality holds by the assumption that (9) is true for Morse functions.Taking the limits as k and n go to infinity in definition (8) and using the fact thatε > 0 is arbitrary, we obtain that (9) holds for the function f .

It remains to prove inequality (9) when f ∈ Fλ is Morse. Denote by ‖ · ‖ the L2-norm with respect to Riemannian area σ and by ∆ the Laplace-Beltrami operatorwith respect to g. The analytical tool that we are going to use is [PS, Theorem 1.5]which gives us that for any continuous function u ∈ C(R) and any smooth functionf on M (which is assumed to be equal to zero on the boundary if ∂M 6= ∅), thefollowing inequality holds



u(t)β(t, f) dt ≤ κg(‖f‖+ ‖∆f‖) · ‖u ◦ f‖,

where κg depends on the Riemannian metric g.

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If we assume that f ∈ Fλ in (34), we immediately get



u(t)β(t, f) dt ≤ κg(λ+ 1) · ‖u ◦ f‖.

Since f is Morse we can apply Proposition 3.1.1. Combining this proposition withinequality (35) immediately yields Theorem 1.4.1. �

Remark 3.2.1. It follows from the proof of Theorem 1.4.1 that inequality (9) holdsfor any function in the closure of Fλ in C0 topology.

Remark 3.2.2. The proof of Theorem 1.4.1 suggests the following approach to prov-ing Conjecture 1.4.8. Recall that, by definition, the Banach indicatrix is given byβ(t, f) = b0(f−1(t)). In view of Proposition 3.1.1, it is plausible that the followinginequality holds in dimension n ≥ 3:

Φu(f) ≤∫ +∞





where bi is the i-th Betti number. As follows from [Yo], the quantity on the right-hand side could be bounded from above using the uniform norm of the derivativesof f (see also [LL] for related recent developments). In order to establish Conjecture1.4.8, one would need to prove a higher-dimensional analogue of [PS, Theorem 1.5],allowing to replace the uniform estimates by L2-bounds.

3.3. Proof of Proposition 3.1.1. Recall the notation previously introduced. Fort regular value of f , we denote M t = f−1((−∞, t]) ⊂M . As mentioned before M t

is a submanifold with boundary ∂M t = f−1(t) for t < 0 or ∂M t = f−1(t) t ∂Mfor t > 0. Let bk(t) = dimHk(M t;R) be the Betti numbers of M t. We assume thatmin f < t < max f , since otherwise the inequalities obviously hold (both sides areequal to zero). We will always work with homologies with coefficients in R and willomit the coefficients from the notation.

Let j : f−1(t) → M t be the inclusion and denote by j∗ : Hn−1(f−1(t)) →Hn−1(M t) the induced map in homology. Since we work over R, j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t))) ⊂Hn−1(M t) is a vector subspace. First, we claim that

(36) β(t, f) = dimHn(M t, f−1(t)) + dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))).

To prove this, we examine the following part of the long exact sequence of the pair(M t, f−1(t)):

Hn(M t)→ Hn(M t, f−1(t))∂−→ Hn−1(f−1(t))

j∗−→ Hn−1(M t).

Since f−1(t) is an (n − 1)-dimensional orientable manifold, we have β(t, f) =dimHn−1(f−1(t)), and by the Rank-nullity theorem

β(t, f) = dimHn−1(f−1(t)) = dim(ker j∗) + dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))).

By the exactness dim(ker j∗) = dim(im ∂) and, because Hn(M t) = 0, ∂ is an inclu-sion, which means that dim(im ∂) = dimHn(M t, f−1(t)) and (36) follows.

Second, we note that



(n−1)j ,y

(n−1)j ]

(t) = dim(ker i∗),

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where i : M t → M is the inclusion and i∗ : Hn−1(M t) → Hn−1(M) induced mapon homology. This comes from the fact that finite bars in barcode of f correspondto homology classes which appear throughout filtration process, but do not exist in

actual homology of M. Denote by M t = f−1([t,+∞)), M t ∩M t = f−1(t), and by

j : f−1(t)→ M t and i : M t →M the inclusions. We examine the following part ofthe Mayer-Vietoris sequence

Hn−1(f−1(t))(j∗,j∗)−−−−→ Hn−1(M t)⊕Hn−1(M t)

i∗−i∗−−−→ Hn−1(M).

From the exactness we have

ker i∗ ∼= ker(i∗ − i∗) ∩ (Hn−1(M t), 0) = im(j∗, j∗) ∩ (Hn−1(M t), 0),

while on the other hand

im(j∗, j∗) ∩ (Hn−1(M t), 0) = {(j∗(a), j∗(a))|a ∈ Hn−1(f−1(t)), j∗(a) = 0} =

= {(j∗(a), 0)|a ∈ ker j∗ ⊂ Hn−1(f−1(t))} ∼= j∗(ker j∗),

and thus

ker i∗ ∼= j∗(ker j∗).

However, since i∗ ◦ j∗ = i∗ ◦ j∗, we see that j∗(ker j∗) ⊂ ker i∗ and thus

(38) ker i∗ = j∗(ker j∗).

From now on, we distinguish two cases.

Case I - ∂M t = f−1(t)

This case covers the situation when ∂M = ∅ and when ∂M 6= ∅, but t < 0.The left hand sides of the inequalities (32) and (33) are equal for t < 0 and thuswe need to prove (32). By the case-assumption, we have that

dimHn(M t, f−1(t)) = b0(t),

and from the definition of barcode we know that

b0(t) = χ(min f,max f ](t) +∑i


(0)i ,y

(0)i ]


Combining these equalities with (36) renders the statement into∑j


(n−1)j ,y

(n−1)j ]

(t) ≤ dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))),

which after substituting (37) and (38) becomes

dim(j∗(ker j∗)) ≤ dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))).

This inequality is obvious because ker j∗ ⊂ Hn−1(f−1(t)).

Case II - ∂M t = f−1(t) t ∂M, ∂M 6= ∅

This case covers the situation when ∂M 6= ∅ and t > 0. We need to prove (33),which for t > 0 becomes∑



(0)i ,y

(0)i ]

(t) +∑j


(n−1)j ,y

(n−1)j ]

(t) ≤ β(t, f).

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Denote by ∂M = Σ1t . . .tΣl the boundary components of the whole manifold M ,where Σi are connected, orientable, (n−1)-dimensional manifolds. Now the bound-ary of M t is ∂M t = f−1(t) t Σ1 t . . . t Σl. We may divide connected componentsof M t into two groups, one of which consists of all the components whose bound-ary lies entirely in f−1(t) and the other one consists of all the components whoseboundary contains at least one Σi (i.e. the boundary of these components is a mixof parts of ∂M and f−1(t)). Denote by k the number of connected components ofM t whose boundary contains at least one Σi. Now, since

dimHn(M t, f−1(t) t ∂M) = b0(t),

we have thatdimHn(M t, f−1(t)) = b0(t)− k,

and thus by (36)

β(t, f) = b0(t)− 1 + dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t))))− (k − 1).

Since M is connectedb0(t)− 1 =



(0)i ,y

(0)i ]


and hence we need to prove that∑j


(n−1)j ,y

(n−1)j ]

(t) ≤ dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t))))− (k − 1).

Using (37) we transform the statement into

dim(ker i∗) + k − 1 ≤ dim(j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))).

In order to prove this inequality, we will find k − 1 linearly independent vectorsin the quotient space j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))/ ker i∗ (note that by (38) we have thatker i∗ = j∗(ker j∗) ⊂ j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))). Assume that k ≥ 2 (because otherwisethe statement is trivial) and denote by M t

1, . . . ,Mtk the connected components of

M t whose boundary contains some Σi. We know that for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, homologyclass 0 = [∂M t

i ] ∈ Hn−1(M t) decomposes as 0 = [∂M ti ] = di + ei, where di =

[Σi1 ] + . . .+ [Σimi ] for some [Σi1 ], . . . , [Σimi ] and ei ∈ j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t))). Moreover,

since M ti are disjoint, we have that

d1 + . . .+ dk = [Σ1] + . . .+ [Σl],

and d1, . . . , dk partition the set {[Σ1], . . . , [Σl]}. We have that

d1, . . . , dk ∈ j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t))),

because di = −ei, and let [d1], . . . , [dk] ∈ j∗(Hn−1(f−1(t)))/ ker i∗ be the corre-sponding classes inside the quotient space. We claim that any k− 1 of [d1], . . . , [dk]are linearly independent. Once we prove this, choosing and k − 1 of these gives usthe k − 1 classes that we need.

First, we observe that [Σ1], . . . , [Σl] ∈ Hn−1(M t) are linearly independent. Inorder to prove this, consider the following part of the long exact sequence of thepair (M t, ∂M):

Hn(M t, ∂M)→ Hn−1(∂M)→ Hn−1(M t).

Note that Hn(M t, ∂M) = 0. Indeed, if Hn(M t, ∂M) 6= 0, then M t containsa connected component N , such that ∂N ⊂ ∂M. However, this implies thatf−1(t) ∩ N = ∅, or equivalently, N ⊂ f−1((−∞, t)). It is now easy to check that

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N ⊂ M is both an open and a closed subset, which contradicts the fact that Mis connected. Therefore, Hn(M t, ∂M) = 0, and hence Hn−1(∂M) → Hn−1(M t) isan injection, i.e. [Σ1], . . . , [Σl] are linearly independent. This further implies thatd1, . . . , dk are linearly independent.

Classes i∗d1, . . . , i∗dk ∈ Hn−1(M) satisfy

i∗d1 + . . .+ i∗dk = i∗[Σ1] + . . .+ i∗[Σl] = [∂M ] = 0.

By using the exactness of the following part of the long exact sequence of the pair(M,∂M)

0 = Hn(M)→ Hn(M,∂M)→ Hn−1(∂M)→ Hn−1(M),

we conclude that

i∗[Σ1] + . . .+ i∗[Σl] = 0,

is the only relation which i∗[Σ1], . . . , i∗[Σl] satisfy. More formally, restriction of i∗to 〈[Σ1], . . . , [Σl]〉R ⊂ Hn−1(M t) has the one-dimensional kernel given by

ker(i∗|〈[Σ1],...,[Σl]〉R) = 〈[Σ1] + . . .+ [Σl]〉R.

This readily implies the only relation which i∗d1, . . . , i∗dk satisfy is that their sumis zero, that is

ker(i∗|〈d1,...,dk〉R) = 〈d1 + . . .+ dk〉R.Finally, combining the last equality with the fact that d1, . . . , dk are linearly in-dependent immediately gives that any k − 1 of [d1], . . . , [dk] are linearly indepen-dent. �

4. Miscellaneous proofs

4.1. Proof of Lemma 1.3.1. It follows directly from the definitions and non-negativity of u that∑I∈B′(h)


u(t) dt ≥∑



u(t) dt− 2|B′(f)| · max[min f,max f ]

u · dbottle(B(f),B(h)),

which means that we are left to prove that


max f∫min f

u(t) dt−maxh∫


u(t) dt ≤ 2 · max[min f,max f ]

u · dbottle(B(f),B(h)),

if ∂M = ∅ and


0∫min f

u(t) dt−0∫


u(t) dt ≤ max[min f,max f ]

u · dbottle(B(f),B(h)),

if ∂M 6= ∅. Let us prove (40). If min f ≥ minh the left hand side of (40) is non-positive and hence the inequality trivially holds. If min f < minh we need to provethat

minh∫min f

u(t) dt ≤ max[min f,max f ]

u · dbottle(B(f),B(h)).

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However, in every (dbottle(B(f),B(h)) + ε)-matching the infinite bar (min f,+∞) ∈B(f) has to be matched with some infinite bar (a,+∞) ∈ B(h) and since minh isthe smallest of all endpoints of all infinite bars in B(h), we have that

minh−min f ≤ a−min f ≤ dbottle(B(f),B(h)) + ε.

Since the above holds for all ε > 0 the inequality is proven. To prove (39) oneproceeds in the similar fashion, by analysing cases depending on the relative positionof min f,minh and max f,maxh. This completes the proof of the lemma. �

4.2. Proof of Lemma 1.3.6. We prove the statement in the case of M withoutboundary, the other case is treated the same way. Let B(f) and B(f) be two

barcodes associated to two Morse functions and denote finite bars by Ii ∈ B(f), Ij ∈B(f) where intervals are sorted by integral of u as before. Assume that Φu,k(B(f)) ≥Φu,k(B(f)) and µ : B(f)→ B(f) is an ε-matching between these barcodes (we addbars of length 0 if needed and assume that µ is a genuine bijection). For every finite

bar I ∈ B(f) we have that the distance between endpoints of I and µ(I) ∈ B(f) isless or equal than ε and hence∣∣∣∣ ∫


u(t) dt−∫µ(I)

u(t) dt

∣∣∣∣ ≤ 2εmaxu.

Also |min f −min f | ≤ ε and |max f −max f | ≤ ε and hence∣∣∣∣max f∫

min f

u(t) dt−max f∫

min f

u(t) dt

∣∣∣∣ ≤ 2εmaxu.

Using these estimates and the fact that the integrals of u over Ij decrease with jwe get

0 ≤ Φu,k(B(f))− Φu,k(B(f)) =

max f∫min f

u(t) dt−max f∫

min f

u(t) dt+



u(t) dt−



u(t) dt ≤ 2εmaxu+



u(t) dt−k∑i=1


u(t) dt ≤ ε(2k + 2) maxu.

Taking infimum over all ε-matchings finishes the proof. �

4.3. Proof of Proposition 1.4.11. The barcode B(fl) of the function

fl(x1, . . . , xn) =



(sin lx1 + . . .+ sin lxn), l ∈ N.

can be computed using the Kunneth formula for persistence modules. Below webriefly explain how to apply this formula and refer the reader to [PSS] for a moredetailed treatment.

Given two Morse functions f : M1 → R and h : M2 → R we define another Morsefunction f ⊕ h : M1 ×M2 → R by setting f ⊕ h(x1, x2) = f(x1) + h(x2). BarcodeB(f ⊕ h) may be computed from B(f) and B(h) via the following procedure:

• An infinite bar (a,+∞) ∈ Bi(f) and an infinite bar (c,+∞) ∈ Bj(h) pro-duce an infinite bar (a+ c,+∞) ∈ Bi+j(f ⊕ h).

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• An infinite bar (a,+∞) ∈ Bi(f) and a finite bar (c, d] ∈ Bj(h) producea finite bar (a + c, a + d] ∈ Bi+j(f ⊕ h). The same bar is produced if(c, d] ∈ Bi(f) and (a,+∞) ∈ Bj(h).• A finite bar (a, b] ∈ Bi(f) and a finite bar (c, d] ∈ Bj(h) produce two finite

bars (a+ c,min{a+ d, b+ c}] ∈ Bi+j(f ⊕h) and (max{a+ d, b+ c}, b+ d] ∈Bi+j+1(f ⊕ h).

In order to compute B(fl) it is enough to compute the barcode of sin lx1+. . .+sin lxnand rescale. In the light of the computational procedure described above we wishto look at sin lx : S1 → R and use Tn = (S1)n. One readily checks that

B0(sin lx) = {(−1,+∞), (−1, 1]× (l − 1)}, B1(sin lx) = {(1,+∞)}

and hence

B0(sin lx1 + sin lx2) = {(−2,+∞), (−2, 0]× (l2 − 1)},

B1(sin lx1 + sin lx2) = {(0,+∞)× 2, (0, 2]× (l2 − 1)},B2(sin lx1 + sin lx2) = {(2,+∞)}.

We claim that B(sin lx1 + . . .+ sin lxn) contains 2n infinite bars and 12 ((2l)n − 2n)

finite bars. To prove the claim we use induction in n. We have already checkedthat the statement holds for n = 1, 2. To complete the induction step note that, ingeneral, if B(f) contains k1 infinite and m1 finite bars, and B(h) contains k2 infiniteand m2 finite bars, then B(f ⊕h) contains k1k2 infinite and k1m2 +m1k2 + 2m1m2

finite bars. Taking k1 = 2n, m1 = 12 ((2l)n − 2n) and k2 = 2, m2 = l − 1 yields the

proof.Finally, notice that via the described procedure an infinite bar and a bar of

length 2 produce a bar of length 2, as well as that two bars of length 2 produce twonew bars of length 2. Since we start with B(sin lx) for which all finite bars havelength 2, we conclude that all finite bars in B(sin lx1 + . . .+ sin lxn) have length 2,and thus

(41) Φ1(sin lx1 + . . .+ sin lxn) = 2n+ (2l)n − 2n.

Rescaling (41) gives us

(42) Φ1(fl) =



2nln +



(2n− 2n).

Since l =√λ we have that

Φ1(fl) = Anλn2 +Bn,

with the constants An, Bn given explicitly by (42). This completes the proof ofProposition 1.4.11. �

Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Lev Buhovsky for providing Ex-ample 1.4.12 that has lead to a reformulation of Conjectures 1.4.7 and 1.4.8. Theauthors would like to thank Yossi Azar, Allan Pinkus and Justin Solomon for use-ful discussions, as well as Lev Buhovsky and Mikhail Sodin for helpful remarks onthe early version of the paper. We also thank Yuliy Baryshnikov for bringing thereference [CSEHM] to our attention. Part of this research was accomplished whileI.P. was supported by the Weston Visiting Professorship program at the WeizmannInstitute of Science.

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