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2. THE STORY OF PERSEUS PerseusA small glimmering light was the first thing I remember my mother was grasping me in her arms and I could hear a man my grandfather screeching like a banshee I wanted to yell unfortunately I was only an infant. Mother told me he placed us his only daughter and only grandson in an enclosed cage tossed off to the ocean. Of course she was angry considering that to this was complete disrespect to our god my father Zeus. We were then drifted off to an island and were then saved by a wandering fisherman, Dictys. He took us in caring for us with his wife as if we were there own. In small glimpsing moments time flew and I grew older and stronger nearly able to overcome anything. The fisherman revealed to us that he was brothers to the king of this long forsaken land. The king took notice of my mothers beauty and gave her permission to marry him, she refused, and with my protection I made sure that wouldnt happen.The king announced he was getting married to a daughter of his friends I was glad to see this would no longer interfere with my mother life or mine. He invited all people from his land weather they were poor or rich we were all required to bring a gift as a sign of good faith and gratitude. Many came empty handed I as well. He pardoned the others but took his anger out on me. He was enraged if I were to guess it was due to his leftover feelings for my mother I wouldnt let him play me so easily. I offered him that I would bring him anything his heart would desire not one question or doubt came to mind anything to protect my family. I was told to go and remove the head of medusa to rip her head of her body and deliver it to him. 3. THE STORY OF PERSEUS The gorgons were terrible creatures hideous any man who would dare go up against them was never to be heard from again. Instead of hair they had black serpents that writhed on their head, they had brazen hands that could squash any mere mortal, legend has that they can stop you still in your tracks by one ghastly look. I fear no creature from hell nor any creature such as medusa. And so I set off. I went on this perilous voyage, for days I wandered without a trace or tiniest clue as to where the gorgons lair may reside. I fell to my feet wondering as to what I could do, I awoke to a strange dream I was then I was visited by a strange apparition a man spoke to me he was tall and had sandals with wings he spoke in a faint voice and claimed that the woman who was flying next to him was Athena, It was riveting hearing there every words it was pleasant. I woke up to sight of winged sandals and a sickle. A shield was laying over them. "You must find the Graeae and get them to tell you how to get to the Nymphs of the North, they will give you the cap of darkness and give you a magic wallet and tell you how to get to the Gorgons' lair." I kept hearing this single phrase over and over and so I fled north to find the cave of these Graeae. 4. THE STORY OF PERSEUS The cave was very damp and void of humanity as far I could tell. It was then I notice a short flame off in the distance as I walked towards it there stood three woman, Excuse me I said as I approached I lifted my hand and they turned, I was shocked to say the least all three woman had but one eye socket they had little to no hear and would constantly argue for that one eye. I quickly rose into action and did what must have been done so I snatched the eye away from them, If you wish to receive your eye back you will tell me how to find the Nymphs of the North you shall never have it back!" and so they did.I traveled to where the Graeae told me the nymphs would be I was ready for anything at that point but to my surprise the nymphs were quite kind. They handed me the Cap of Darkness which has the power to make its wearer invisible and the magic wallet. They revealed how I could reach the Gorgons' lair. I travled north until I found a deserted island surrounded by rocks and statues which used to be men. I halted for a moment wondering if I should continue and I walked with the only target in mind medusas head.I watched in silent as they stood before me and put the Cap of Darkness over my head. I flew down from the nearby cliff and walked quietly towards medusa. She was sleeping along with her sisters I took the sickle and drove it through her neck I could hear it peirce the skin of her neck hear every last yank the grotest sound was like a shatter and tore her head off. She let out a screech, and her sisters awoke from there slumber they rushed to attck one by one but I flew away before meeting the same fate as others who failed before me. 5. THE STORY OF PERSEUS On my way back to the home of Seriphus I was honored by the gods with many adventures I then noticed the one known as Atlas. He was forever given the burden of holding up the sky. Feeling sorry for his burden I asked him if he would desire being turned to solid stone and so he agreed. I showed him the head of medusa and was instantaneously turned to stone. He no longer had to feel the terrible burden and was set at piece. I continued later I saw what appeared to be a statue chained to a rock, I flew down to investigate. The shape of the statue began to get clearer it was not a statue, but a woman. I asked with curiousity as to why she was tied up. "My name is Andromeda and I have been punished because of my vain mother. She boasted that I was more beautiful than the Nereids. Poseidon was angered and said that I must be sacrificed to a sea monster," she said. As she spoke a large head poked out of the sea a hydra I reached for my bag and grabbed medusas head and quickly showed it to the monster. It froze and shattered to pieces. I quickly cut Andromeda's chains and took her to her father, King Cepheus of Phoenicia. 6. LETS REVIEW THE STORY OF PERSEUS 7. PERSEUS WHO IS HE? The legendary hero from the Greek mythology, son of Zeus and princesses Dana. Danas father had a prophesy about Perseus killing him at the oracle in Delphi, so he had no choice but to place them in a coffin and throw them into the sea to drown. However, they survived and arrived at an island where both Dana and Perseus could live in peace. When Perseus had grown up he was assigned by the chieftain of the island to kill the awful monster Medusa and to bring back her head. He wanted Perseus dead because he was in love with Dana. Perseus took of but was concerned of how he would kill Medusa without turning to rock when she looked at him although Hermes and Athena had promised to watch his back. They also advised him to visit the Graeaes to get informed on how he would succeed his assignment. After some negotiation with them he was told to go to the cage of the nymphs. At the cage he received a pair of winged shoes, a knapsack for the head of Medusa and the helmet of Hades that made you invisible. He also received a sward and a shield with a mirror to avoid the look of Medusa that could turn him into stone. He was ready for his assignment. 8. AFTERWARDS HE WENT TO THE GORGONS, THE THREE MONSTERS MEDUSA, STENO AND EURYALE. ONLY MEDUSA WAS MORTALTHEY WERE ASLEEP AS HE APPROACHED AND THEN CUT MEDUSAS HEAD OF. OUT OF HER THROAT CAME THE WINGED HORSE PEGASUS AND THE WARRIOR CHRYSAOR AND DISAPPEARED IMMEDIATELY. PERSEUS TOOK MEDUSAS HEAD IN HIS KNAPSACK AND FLEW INVISIBLE AWAY WITH HIS SHOES. 9. ON HIS WAY HOME HE FLEW OVER AETHIOPIA WHERE KING CEPHEUS WAS ABOUT TO SACRIFICE HIS DAUGHTER ANDROMEDA TO POSEIDON. AS HE SAW HER HE IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE AND SAVED HER. When he went back to the island the chieftain had forced Dana to marry him during Perseus journey. He pulled out the head of Medusa and the chieftain turned into stone. He, Andromeda and his mother went back home to Argos. 10. THE GORGONS THE GORGONES (or Gorgons) were three powerful, winged daemons named Medousa (Medusa), Sthenno and Euryale. Of the three sisters only Medousa was mortal, and so it was her head which King Polydektes of Seriphos commanded the young hero Perseus to fetch. He accomplished this with the help of the gods who equipped him with a reflective shield, curved sword, winged boots and helm of invisibility. When he fell upon Medousa and decapitated her, two creatures sprang forth from the wound - the winged horse Pegasos and the giant Khrysaor. Perseus fled with the monster's head in a sack, and with her two angry sisters following close upon his heels. 11. HERMES HERMES (HUR-MEEZ; ROMAN NAME MERCURY) WAS THE MESSENGER OF THE GODS AND GUIDE OF DEAD SOULS TO THE UNDERWORLD. A PRANKSTER AND INVENTIVE GENIUS FROM BIRTH, HERMES AIDED THE HEROES ODYSSEUS AND PERSEUS IN THEIR QUESTS. Hermes was the son Zeus and a mountain nymph. As a newborn he was remarkably precocious. On his very first day of life, he found the empty shell of a tortoise and perceived its utility as a sounding chamber. Stringing sinews across it, he created the first lyre. 12. THE HYDRA The Hydra which lived in the swamps near to the ancient city of Lerna in Argolis, was a terrifying monster which like the Nemean lion was the offspring of Echidna (half maiden - half serpent), and Typhon (had 100 heads), other versions think that the Hydra was the offspring of Styx and the Titan Pallas. The Hydra had the body of a serpent and many heads (the number of heads deviates from five up to one hundred there are many versions but generally nine is accepted as standard), of which one could never be harmed by any weapon, and if any of the other heads were severed another would grow in its place (in some versions two would grow). Also the stench from the Hydra's breath was enough to kill man or beast (in other versions it was a deadly venom). When it emerged from the swamp it would attack herds of cattle and local villagers, devouring them with its numerous heads. It totally terrorized the vicinity for many years.