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Chapter 8

Wartes, M. A., A. R. Carroll, T. J. Greene, KerningCheng, and Hu Ting, 2000, Permian lacustrinedeposits of northwest China, in E. H. Gierlowski-Kordesch and K. R. Kelts, Eds., Lake basins throughspace and time: AAPG Studies in Geology 46,p.123-132.

Permian Lacustrine DepositsOf Northwest China

Marwan A. WartesAlan R. Carroll

Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-MadisonMadison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Todd J. GreeneDepartment of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University

Stanford, California, U.S.A.

Kerning ChengResearch Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, China National Petroleum Corporation

Beijing, People's Republic of China

Hu TingResearch Institute of the Tu-Ha Petroleum Exploration and Development Bureau, China National Petroleum Corporation

Hami, People's Republic of China

INTRODUCTIONPermian deposits of the Junggar and Turpan-Hami

basins of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ofnorthwest China preserve some of the thickest and mostareally extensive lake strata on Earth. In the south Jung-gar depocenter, these nonmarine deposits are up to 5 kmthick and organic-rich facies rank among the thickestand richest petroleum source rocks in the world (Gra-ham et al., 1990; Lawrence, 1990; Demaison andHuizinga, 1991; Carroll et al., 1992). In addition, Permianlacustrine deposits are estimated to span 1000 km alongstrike, indicating that widespread lakes represented amajor paleogeographic feature of central Asia (Figure 1).Unfortunately, the remote location of these deposits hashindered detailed studies, and the western literaturecontains only sparse reference to this important recordof continental sedimentation. The purpose of this paperis to briefly review the Permian nonmarine stratigraphyand report on recent field-based studies documentingthe Permian lacustrine stratigraphy exposed along thenorth and south flanks of the Bogda Shan (Figure 2).

SETTINGPaleocurrents and other data indicate that the devel-

opment of Permian lakes pre-date the uplift of theBogda Shan, which now partitions the Junggar and

Turpan-Hami basins (Figures 1, 2) (Hendrix et al., 1992;Greene et al., 1997, in press; Shao et al., 1999); therefore,the Bogda Shan provide an oblique cross-section of Per-mian lake deposits of the unified Junggar-Turpan-Hamibasin. In addition to lacustrine sedimentation, the south-ern margins of this basin periodically received coarse clas-tic sediments shed from the ancestral Tian Shan (Figure 1)(Carroll et al., 1990, 1995; Greene et al., 1997). Coarse clas-tics were also shed southward into the basin from theKelameili and west Junggar Shan, uplifts bounding thenortheastern and northwestern edges of the basin respec-tively (Figure 1) (Lee, 1985; Carroll et al., 1990; Tang et al.,1997a; and Zhao and Tang, this volume).

Up to 5 km of total Permian subsidence is recordedover a 40-50 m.y. span, yet the tectonic significance of thisbasin remains controversial. Hypotheses provided toexplain Permian subsidence are numerous, often mutuallyincompatible, and reflect the paucity of first-hand geo-logic observations available to constrain the Permiantectonic setting. Proposed hypotheses range from fore-land basin flexure (Watson et al., 1987; Carroll et al.,1995), to extension (Bally et al., 1986; Allen et al., 1991),to regional transtension (Allen et al., 1995).

STRATIGRAPHYThe Junggar and Turpan-Hami basins portray a

complicated association of facies, particularly between123

Figure 1—Simplified geologic map of the Junggar and Turpan-Hami basins illustrating the distribution of Permian outcrops (modified fromChen et al., 1985) and the known extent of Permian lacustrine facies. Box indicates the location of Figure 2.

Permian Lacustrine Deposits of Northwest China 125

Figure 2—Location map of study area depicting Permian outcrops (modified from Chen et al., 1985). Strati-graphic details for named localities are shown in the regional correlation (Figure 3). Note paleocurrent datataken from clast imbrications and trough cross-beds indicating a north-northeasterly paleoflow (Carroll, 1991;Carroll et al., 1995; Greene et al., in press). These data are inconsistent with a Permian physiographic expres-sion of the Bogda Shan, supporting a hypothesis for a united Permian lake basin spanning both the Junggarand Turpan-Hami basins.

lake marginal and basinal environments. In addition,precise understanding of the temporal framework forthese deposits is limited and regional correlations,such as that shown in Figures 3 and 4, await furtherdetailed work. Nonetheless, a synthesis of existing andnew data are summarized in a basin-oblique west toeast chronostratigraphic cross-section of the Permian(Figure 3). The stratigraphy and physical characteris-tics illustrated by the correlation allow for a simplifiedtripartite division of these deposits into phases oflacustrine development (Figure 3).

LOWER PERMIANThe first phase of lacustrine deposition spans the

Lower Permian and is the least well documented, havingbeen noted in just two localities along the Bogda Shan(phase I on Figure 3). These deposits follow an overallmarine regression marked by a diachronous retreat ofmarine waters from the region. Marine depositioncontinued in deeper portions of the basin, particularlynear the south Junggar depocenter, well into the EarlyPermian (Carroll et al., 1990) (Figure 3).

An 80 m thick succession of lacustrine rocks of theLower Permian Yierxitu Formation of the Aqibulake

Group are exposed at Zaobishan (Greene et al., 1997;Wartes et al., 1999) (Figures 2, 3). The section consistsof fine-grained sandstones, limestones, and darkgray calcareous mudstones organized in a series ofparasequences 1-3 m thick. These cycles generallygrade upward from stromatolitic limestone, to lami-nated mudstones, and are capped by a coarsening-upward succession of siltstone to fine-grainedsandstone. This cyclicity is interpreted to reflecttransgressive-regressive fluctuations in lake-level(Wartes et al., 1998), perhaps in response to varyingclimatic aridity. Several 20-30 m intervals of LowerPermian lacustrine facies have also been docu-mented in the eastern end of the Turpan-Hami basinat Tian Shan Xiang (Figures 2, 3, 5). They areexpressed as laminated, dark gray mudstone con-taining fish scales, algal lamination, and localizedsoft-sediment deformation (Figure 5).

The Early Permian age designation for thesedeposits is based largely on stratigraphic position;however, interbedded volcanic rocks occur at bothlocalities (Figure 3). Future radiogenic age determina-tions of these igneous rocks will provide a critical con-trol on the chronostratigraphy of Lower Permianlacustrine deposits.

Figure 3—Permian chronostratigraphic correlation along a basin-oblique transect of the Bogda Shan. Localities are from the southernJunggar (northern Bogda Shan), western Turpan-Hami (northern Tian Shan), and northern Turpan-Hami (southern Bogda Shan) areas.Lacustrine development can be divided into three phases, which are shown at right as I, II, and III, and correspond to the organization ofthe text description. The phases are based on age relationships, sedimentary facies, lake type, and other diagnostic characteristics. Note theindicated stratigraphic location of detailed sections displayed in Figure 5. Distances between localities are not shown; refer to Figure 2 fortrue lateral separation. Formation subdivisions and regional nomenclature are shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4—Subdivision andcorrelation of Permianunits in the Junggar andTurpan-Hami basins (mod-ified from Zhao, 1982;Chen et al., 1985; and Liaoet al., 1987).

LOWER-UPPER PERMIANThe next phase of lacustrine development (labeled II

on Figure 3) is early-Late Permian in age and hasreceived the most attention due to the extremely richsource rocks occurring in this interval along the north-west flank of the Bogda Shan (Graham et al., 1990; Car-roll et al., 1992, 1998). Recent studies have begun tocorrelate these organic-rich facies with widespread,coeval lacustrine mudstones preserved south of theBogda Shan in the Turpan-Hami basin (Greene et al.,1997; Wartes et al., 1998). The following description ofthis phase of lacustrine deposition will begin with rocksof the Upper Jijicao Group in the southern Junggarbasin, followed by equivalent strata of the TaodonggouGroup in the Turpan-Hami basin. This separation iswarranted due to the differing formation names and, toa lesser degree, lithologic character (Figures 3, 4).

Upper Jijicao GroupThe lower Upper Permian section of the southern

Junggar begins in the Wulapo Formation with variableamounts of sandstone, rippled siltstone, and plane-laminated mudstone interpreted to represent shallowoxic lacustrine deposition interbedded with occasionalfluvial deposits (Carroll et al., 1995). Fossils reportedfrom the Wulapo are rare but include the bivalvePalaeonodonta pseudolongissima and flora such asWalchia sp., Dadoxylon teilhardii, and Paracalamites sp.(Liao et al., 1987; XPGEG, 1991).

The Wulapo Formation grades up into siltstones,mudstones, and fine-grained sandstones of theJingjingzigou Formation. The Jingjingzigou Formation ischaracterized by highly visible outcrop cyclicity punctu-ated by periodic desiccation surfaces (Figure 5). Bio-marker geochemistry of mudstone extracts record aspecialized, salinity-tolerant biota, which, when consid-ered in concert with other physical characteristics such asmudcracks and diagenetic dolomite, may suggest evapo-rative conditions (Carroll et al., 1992; Carroll, 1998).Hypersaline facies similar to the Jingjingzigou Formationappear to have generated the oils produced from thegiant Karamay and related fields along the northwesternmargin of the basin (Jiang and Fowler, 1986; Carroll et al,,

1992; Clayton et al., 1997; Carroll, 1998). Another poten-tial source for these oils is the slightly older PingdiquanFormation of the northeastern Junggar basin (Tang et al.,1997a) (Figure 4). The Jingjingzigou Formation is slightlymore fossiliferous than the Wulapo Formation withreports of numerous ostracode genera including Tomiella,Darwinula, and Darwinuloides, as well as palynomorphssuch as Cordaites sp. (Zhang, 1981; XPGEG, 1991).

The Jingjingzigou Formation grades upward intothe thick oil shales characteristic of the Lucaogou For-mation (Figure 5). The Lucaogou Formation consists ofmore than 800 m of finely laminated, organic-richmudstone. Dolomite also occurs as occasional nodularbeds and as cement in very fine to fine-grained sand-stones. Total organic carbon (TOC) commonly exceeds20% in the richest facies and averages 4% over one 800 minterval (Carroll et al., 1992). Coeval organic-richlacustrine facies of the Pingdiquan Formation (Figure4) are the dominant source rocks in the subsurface ofthe northeastern Junggar basin (Peng and Zhang, 1989;Tang et al., 1997a), implying a widespread distributionof lacustrine strata correlative to the Lucaogou Forma-tion. The organic richness, biomarker characteristics,and lack of bioturbation all suggest deposition in adeep, stratified lake with anoxic bottom waters.Deposits of the Lucaogou Formation differ from manyother organic-rich lacustrine facies, however, in thatthey were deposited at a relatively high paleolatitude(39-43°N) (Sharps et al., 1992; Nie et al., 1993) and inlow to moderately productive lakes (Carroll, 1998).The Lucaogou Formation is rich in fossils includingfish, such as Cichia sp., Tienchaniscus longipterus, andTurfania taoshuyuanensis; bivalves Anthraconautapseudophilipsii and A. iljinskiensis; ostracods Darwinulaparallela, D. monitoria, Darwinulides ornata, andSinusuella polita; and flora including Rufloria (Neog-gerathiopsis) derzavinii and Paracalamites sp., (Zhang,1981; Liao et al., 1987; Carroll et al., 1992).

Overlying the Lucaogou is the Hongyanchi Forma-tion, which includes nonlaminated mudstone, lime-stones, and conglomerates, Pebble imbrications fromwithin the conglomerates exposed near Urumqi are thesource of one of the paleocurrent insets in Figure 2. TheHongyanchi Formation is generally Interpreted as beingdeposited in freshwater lakes that were associated with

128 Wartes et al.

Figure 5—Representative sections of Permian lacustrine deposits in northwest China (see Figure 2 for locations andFigure 3 for stratigraphic position). All measured section thicknesses are expressed in meters. (A) Detailed measuredsection of the Lower Permian exposures of the Yierxitu Formation exposed in the easternmost Turpan-Hami basinat Tian Shan Xiang. (B) Schematic stratigraphy of the lower-Upper Permian upper Jijicao Group of the southernJunggar basin (modified from Liao et al., 1987; Carroll et al., 1992, 1995). (C) Detailed measured section of the upperportion of the lower Upper Permian Tarlong Formation of the Turpan-Hami basin exposed at Zaobishan along thesouth-central Bogda Shan. (D) Detailed measured section of the lower portion of the Upper Permian QuanzijieFormation of the lower Cangfanggou Group exposed in the southeastern Bogda Shan at Tian Shan Xiang.

Permian Lacustrine Deposits of Northwest China 129

fluvial systems (Carroll et al., 1992; Carroll, 1998). TheHongyanchi Formation is also fossiliferous containingthe palynomorphs Cordaitina and Hamiapollenites;bivalves Anthraconauta ilijinskiensis and Microdontellaelliptica; ostracodes such as Darwinuleides ornata; andthe plant Pecopteris anthriscifolia (Yang et al., 1986;XPGEG, 1991).

Taodonggou GroupThe Daheyen Formation, preserved farther south in

the Turpan-Hami basin, is recorded by thick sections ofconglomerates and minor sandstones (Figure 3). Fine-grained facies are very rare but have been reported fromone well in the southern Turpan (Greene et al., 1997) andin the easternmost locality at Tian Shan Xiang (Figure 3).We interpret the Daheyen Formation to be approxi-mately time-equivalent to the Wulapo and Jingjingzigouformations deposited farther north, although biostrati-graphic verification of this correlation is still pending(Figure 3). The Daheyen Formation is often well orga-nized with pebble imbrications and trough cross-stratifi-cation, both of which form the basis for paleocurrentmeasurements along the southern margin of the BogdaShan (Figure 2). Sedimentologic features and strati-graphic style suggest deposition within braided fluvialsystems derived from exposed Carboniferous rocks ofthe ancestral Tian Shan.

The Daheyen Formation grades up into the TarlongFormation, which is well exposed in several localitiesalong the southern flanks of the Bogda Shan (Figures 2,3). The Tarlong is characterized by numerous coarseningupward cycles that begin with mudstones and siltstonesand grade up through coarse sandstone or conglomerate(Figures 3, 5). This unit also contains several limestoneintervals, many of which are fossiliferous, preservingbivalves, gastropods, and fish such as Turfania taoshuyua-nensis. The Tarlong is interpreted as varying from pro-fundal lacustrine facies to cyclic lake-marginal facies,which periodically shallow up into fluvial deposits (Fig-ure 5) (Wartes et al., 1998). Several coarsening-upwardpackages are suggestive of prograding deltaic sedimen-tation. Biostratigraphic control in Tarlong Formation isalso poor; however, the upper age is limited by overlyingrocks of the Lower Cangfanggou Group, which containwell-described, age diagnostic fauna and flora (Yang etal., 1986; Liao et al., 1987).

Regional lower Upper Permian lake deposits, particu-larly those exposed on the northwest flank of the BogdaShan, portray an overall decrease in salinity throughtime. This trend is indicated by early, more hypersalinedeposits of the Jingjingzigou Formation which grade upinto the deeper basinal laminated facies of the LucaogouFormation, and finally up into more freshwater condi-tions recorded by the preservation of several intervals offossiliferous freshwater limestones in the Hongyanchiand upper Tarlong Formations (Figure 3).

UPPER-UPPER PERMIANThe final phase of lacustrine deposition occurs in

the uppermost Permian Quanzijie, Wutonggou, and

Guodikeng formations of the lower CangfanggouGroup (phase III on Figure 3). As noted by Tang et al.(1994), the lower Cangfanggou Group is a highly vari-able lithostratigraphic unit. Conglomerate intervalsrange from organized to weakly organized depositsand are often associated with pebbly sandstones. Well-bedded sandstones, rippled siltstones, and thinly bed-ded carbonates are common (Figure 5). A variety offine-grained intervals are also present throughout thelower Cangfanggou Group. The heterogeneouslithologies reflect a variety of depositional environ-ments and flow regimes, including alluvial, braidedand meandering fluvial, and shallow lacustrine (Yanget al., 1986; Zhao et al., 1991; Tang et al., 1994, 1997b).This phase of lake development was dominated byfreshwater lacustrine systems, effectively continuingthe trend of decreasing salinity noted in the previousinterval. Correlation of these strata from both sides ofthe Bogda Shan is facilitated by the best developedbiostratigraphy of all three phases. In particular, manyChinese researchers have focused on characterizingconformable Permian-Triassic boundary sections thatare well-exposed along the northern flank of theBogda Shan (e.g., Liu, 1993; Cheng, 1993), compilingimpressive fossil lists consisting of dozens of flora andfauna. Typical fossils include a diverse assemblage offlora, such as Callipteris zeilleri, Comia dentata, Iniopterissibirica, and Pecopteris anthriscifolia; bivalves Palaeon-odonta psuedolongissima, P. parallela, P. fischeri, andMicrodontella plotnikovskiensis; ostracodes such as Dar-winula implana, D. kuznetskiensis, and Darwinuloidesdobrinkaensis; and several Late Permian vertebratesincluding Dicynodon tienshanensis, Jimusaria sinkiangen-sis, and Kunpania scopulusa (see Yang et al., 1986, forcomplete listing).

DISCUSSIONRapid Permian subsidence allowed for the preser-

vation of areally extensive lacustrine deposits cover-ing approximately 200,000 km2 of central Asia. Theselake deposits reach thicknesses approaching 2000 mand thus represent one of the most impressive, yetleast well understood, accumulations of lacustrinestrata on Earth. The association of Lower Permianlacustrine facies with volcanic rocks (see Figure 3) ismost consistent with rift-related basin subsidence dur-ing this time; however, the thickest nonmarinedeposits, presumably responding to the maximumrate of subsidence, were deposited during the LatePermian. Preliminary thermal history modeling basedon stratigraphic thicknesses and vitrinite reflectancesin the northwest Bogda Shan does not support theexistence of elevated Permian heat flows anticipatedin a rift environment (Carroll et al., 1992; see also Kinget al., 1994). Finally, folds exposed beneath a sub-Mid-dle Triassic angular unconformity in the western Tur-pan basin appear to have been compressional inorigin (Wartes et al., 1998). These apparent contradic-tions suggest a complex basin history, possiblyrelated to regional strike-slip tectonics as suggestedby Allen et al. (1995).

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis research was supported by a grant from the

Donors of The Petroleum Research Fund, adminis-tered by the American Chemical Society. Additionalsupport was provided by the Stanford-China Indus-trial Affiliates, including Agip, Arco, Chevron, Exxon,JNOC, Mobil, Phillips, Shell, Statoil, Texaco, and Tri-ton. We also acknowledge funding from the GraduateSchool at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Weare grateful for the insightful advice and assistance ofS. A. Graham. We thank A. Hessler and Yongjun Yuefor their valuable field assistance. This paper benefitedfrom reviews by K. Kelts and J. Parnell.

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