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Permanent Ice(Polar Ice)

Emma, Megan, Sierra

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LocationsThis biome is located in the far north and south. The Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica are where this biome is mostly found.

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Strong winds, freezing temperatures and little fresh water due to cold conditions

Physical Features

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Many moss species are able to survive in the arctic.

Lichen can easily grow here because they can absorb more sunlight and retain it longer.

Arctic Plants

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Very few moss species survive in Antarctica, and only to species of flowering plants can grow.

Antarctic Plants

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The Arctic has many animals, most of which are only found in the arctic. The animals in the arctic include, polar bears, seals, arctic foxes and a few insects.

Polar bears, seals and walruses have thick coats and layers of fat to keep them warm in the cold climate.

Arctic Animals

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Antarctica has mainly marine life and penguins. Penguin’s have layers of fat and packed feathers

to keep in heat.

Antarctic Animals

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Climate This region usually receives less then 50cm,

and most falls as snow. In the Arctic average summer temps range

from 3°C to 14°C, while winter can be as low as -30 °C.

In Antarctica summers vary from 9°C at the coast and -30°C towards inland. Winter can be as low as -89°C.