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User permissions for PerformancePoint dashboard usersApplies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010

PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer 2010 is more tightly integrated with SharePoint Server than what we had in Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007, making it easier to save, organize, and manage all your dashboard content in SharePoint Server 2010. For example, as you work in Dashboard Designer, you automatically save all your dashboard items to designated SharePoint lists and document libraries. There, you can organize your dashboard content in SharePoint folders. User permissions for dashboard content are now more streamlined. If you used PerformancePoint Server 2007, you might recall working with several sets of permissions. For example, you had to think about PerformancePoint Monitoring Server roles and permissions, user roles that were assigned to individual dashboard items in Dashboard Designer, and other kinds of permissions such as those in SharePoint Server and other servers used for your dashboard content.  In PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, user permissions are far more streamlined. If you have Full Control permissions, you can easily view, edit, or assign permissions for your dashboard items. You use the SharePoint Permissions screen to assign or change user permissions for a dashboard item. The SharePoint Permissions screen resembles the following image: 

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 In the SharePoint Permissions screen, you can see all the different user roles and permissions that have been assigned to an individual dashboard item. Two ways to view/edit SharePoint permissions You can open the SharePoint Permissions dialog box from Dashboard Designer or from the SharePoint list or document library that contains the dashboard item. The following sections describe both methods. Edit user permissions in Dashboard Designer

1. In the Workspace Browser, click PerformancePoint Content or Data Connections, depending on the item that you want to modify. 

2. In the center pane, double-click the dashboard item to open it for editing.3. In the ribbon, click the Home tab, locate the Item group, and then

click Permissions. 

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The SharePoint Permissions dialog box opens, which enables you to view or change the SharePoint permissions for the dashboard item that you opened. 

4. Use the SharePoint permissions dialog box to modify the user permissions for your dashboard item, and then save your changes.


Edit user permissions in a SharePoint list or document library

1. Locate the dashboard item that you want to modify in its SharePoint list or document library. 

2. Select the check box that is next to the name of the dashboard item. 

At first glance, you might not see a check box next to your dashboard item. The check box is visible when you put your cursor next to the Title column, which is located next to the name of the dashboard item. 

The ribbon appears in the SharePoint site.

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3. In the SharePoint ribbon, click List Tools (or Library Tools), and then click Items. 4. Locate the Manage section, and then click Document Permissions. A SharePoint

Permissions dialog box opens, which enables you to view and change the user permissions for the item that you selected.

5. Use the SharePoint Permissions dialog box to modify user permissions for your dashboard item, and then save your changes.

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