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Performance Evaluation Process

Group #6Areij AlnajjarNeda khavari Waleed AhmedKunal SawantRishit Patel

Submitted to:Prof. Vazan


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Performance Review and Planning ProcessAssessment ToolsWhy is the CEO Performance Evaluation so

important?Examples1.Grote Approach software2.CSUN Performance Evaluation Process3.THE HALIFAX BANK


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Performance Review and Planning Process

1. Philosophy and Purpose3

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Performance Review and Planning Process

2. Process4

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Performance Review and Planning Process

3. Policy Directive5

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Performance Review and Planning Process

4. Procedure6

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Assessment Tools7

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Assessment Tools 8

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Why is the CEO Performance Evaluation so important?


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How effective is your organization’s CEO performance management process?  

Is the organization achieving its goals? Is your CEO building on his or her strengths and

improving any deficiencies? Do the CEO performance evaluation criteria reflect your

current strategy and priorities? Do you have the right measures of leadership effectiveness? Are similar criteria used to evaluate the top executive team to facilitate your leadership development and succession planning process?

Are the results of the evaluation consistent with the board’s CEO compensation decisions?

Is the entire board actively engaged in the evaluation process? Do board members all have an opportunity to provide candid and constructive feedback? Have newer board members been briefed on the process? How is the feedback of the executive team being incorporated into the process?


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Purposes of CEO Evaluation

Looking Back:Critical decision about compensationDecision about continuing the positionLooking Forward:Helps CEO & Board in future directionsGoal Setting as well as feedback enhancing

ongoing leadershipBoth process are very critical


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Guiding principles of CEO evaluation

Evaluations differs from company to companyHistory & CultureMarketBoard/CEO relationshipStrategyWhy are we engaging in this evaluation?CompensationPlanning & DevelopmentFeedback


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Guiding principles of CEO evaluation

What will be measured in the evaluation?Financials MetricsOperational resultsCustomer growth & satisfactionPeople developmentLeadership competencies


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Guiding principles of CEO evaluation

Who will be involved in the evaluation process?Compensation committeeBoard membersExecutive TeamCritical customersWhat is the evaluation instrument and how will

the results be communicated? One-on-One with compensation committee Chair


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CEO performance dimensions and measures


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CEO performance dimensions and measures

Leadership effectiveness metrics: Leadership bench strength and diversity Improved retention (reduced unwanted turnover) in

leadership ranks Employee engagement survey results Executive leadership behaviors:Act with integrity and fairness Encourage open discussion and debate Create an inclusive environment Recruit, coach, develop, and retain the best people Foster learning, innovation, and change Build strong customer, board, and other key stakeholder



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Relative Performance evaluation

Comparison with other companiesFactors beyond control


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CSUN Performance Evaluation ProcessECE Department’s Procedures for Evaluation of Faculty

Evaluation Criteria:A. Teaching EffectivenessB. Professional PreparationC. Contributions to the Field of StudyD. Contributions to the University and

Community ServiceE. Professional and Personal



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CSUN Performance Evaluation ProcessECE Department’s Procedures for Evaluation of Faculty:


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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process

ECE Department’s Procedures for Evaluation of Faculty:

1.Frequency of Evaluation normally occur at 5-year interval

2.Identification of Faculty Members Scheduled for Evaluation One-fifth of the affected faculty members will be

evaluated 3.Calendar for Evaluation


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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process(cont)

4. Evidence to be used in Evaluating Instructional Performance

Teaching effectiveness shall be evaluated by: examination of the student evaluation of faculty poll which

is administered at the school level, classroom visitations by the department chair.

conversations with students. discussions with faculty members other than those

designated for classroom visitation. and by the review of materials such as

course outlines explanation of teaching methods exams student evaluations


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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process(cont)

Professional PreparationFor the rank of Associate or Full Professor the

possession of a doctorate is normally required. Faculty member with out doctorate should

functioning at doctorate level.Evidence of this may include,

An examination of publications, Research in progress, Testimonials from colleagues both within and without

the university, Awards and honors by professional societies for



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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process(cont)

Contributions to the Field of Study: All publications of the faculty member under

consideration are evaluated.

Professional and Personal Responsibilities The senior faculty have all been asked to

observe, where possible, the work of probationary faculty and faculty being considered for promotion. The knowledge gained shall be shared and discussed in a closed meeting of the senior tenured faculty.


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Evidence of the faculty members contribution to the university and community such as:

1. The enumeration of accomplishments (active memberships on committees, Boards)

2. Comments from faculty and students concerning the quality of the work performed by the faculty member being evaluated

3. Positions of responsibility held by the faculty member such as chairing committees, subcommittees, ad hoc committees or boards.

4. Any reports, drawings, computer programs, video tapes, prepared by the faculty member pursuant to university or community service.

5. Any letters of commendation that might be received.


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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process(cont)

5.Documents to be Available to Reviewers Personnel Action File Only the department chair shall have access to these files.

6. Selection of Review Committee The Department Chair will be responsible for the

review. The Chair shall appoint at least two tenured faculty to

serve on each review committee, and will chair Them.


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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process(cont)

7.Evaluation Conference Following the evaluation, a meeting will be arranged with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation.

8. Preparation of the Written Evaluation A summary of the evaluation will be given to the

faculty member and a copy will be placed in his/her Personnel Action File.


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CSUN Performance Evaluation Process(cont)

9. Student Participation The student poll shall be used to evaluate teaching

effectiveness (as outlined in Section 4.).

The chair or review committee shall make no other formal solicitation of student input.

This procedure shall be reviewed yearly at the same time as other personnel procedures.


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Student Evaluation of Faculty

ECE Department use a common ratings form and questionnaire, written comments form, and instructions for administration.

The process and its elements have been, and continue to be, established and monitored by the College Personnel Committee.

Although minimum requirements for the frequency of administration of the student evaluation of faculty are set by the University Personnel Planning and Review Committee.


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Student Evaluation of Faculty Sample Questions

The course is well organized The course is properly paced The homework assignments helped in understanding the

course material The instructor comments constructively on students’ work Grading is fair and impartial Classroom presentations are good The instructor stimulates students’ interest in course material The instructor appears to know the subject matter well I understand and can apply the material covered to date by

this course The instructor is willing and available to help students I would recommend this instructor to my friends The instructor is a very good teacher


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Grote Approach software30

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Grote Approach software

The Grote Approach employee performance appraisal system helps organizations:


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The Grote Approach process32

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The Grote Approach form33

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Features & Benefits34

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1. In your opinion what is the performance evaluation system

Process to recruit people  System through which performance is evaluated and future salary

will be managed To choose the right people for the right job Process by which employee performance gap will be analyzed in

order to provide assistance to the employees to use their potential.

RESULT - evaluation system is a measure for objective analysis of employee performance and a means of enabling employees to enhance performance. ( 90%)


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Performance evaluation in your opinion should be conducted after?


RESULT -  There is wide variation for duration preferences. About 50% of respondents prefer half yearly or quarterly evaluation.


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 Do you get feed back of your evaluation?

RESULT - About two thirds of the respondents say that they always receive feedback (Option “a”). One third say that they receive feedback seldom or never.

 How do you feel when you get the results?

RESULT - Only about half of the respondents are satisfied With their evaluation.


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Only a little over half the sample employees are committed to improving their performances in light of their evaluation. A significant minority remains unaffected.

  An equal proportion of employees replied “positive” and

“no” impact” on performance and behavior in response to performance evaluation. Almost a third of the sampled employees confessed to be “easy going” and to take little account of performance evaluation.


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CONCLUSION : The overall conclusion is that the performance

evaluation system at the Bank’s marketing and human resource development department does not positively influence performance and behavior of employees.

The relatively weak findings show that had an objective analysis of the relationship between actual performance and (appropriately lagged) performance evaluation been done we would probably not be able to come up with encouraging results


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CSUN/ECE Department



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