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Perceptual and positional saliencies influencechildren’s sequence learning differently with ageand instructions at test

Arnaud Witt & Annie Vinter

To cite this article: Arnaud Witt & Annie Vinter (2016): Perceptual and positional salienciesinfluence children’s sequence learning differently with age and instructions at test, TheQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1230141

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Page 3: Perceptual and positional saliencies influence children s · Received 13 March 2015 Accepted 24 August 2016

Perceptual and positional saliencies influence children’s sequencelearning differently with age and instructions at testArnaud Witt and Annie Vinter

LEAD-CNRS, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France

ABSTRACTThere is growing evidence that, faced with a complex environment, participantssubdivide the incoming information into small perceptual units, called chunks.Although statistical properties have been identified as playing a key role inchunking, we wanted to determine whether perceptual (repetitions) and positional(initial units) features might provide immediate guidance for the parsing ofinformation into chunks. Children aged 5 and 8 years were exposed to sequencesof 3, 4, or 5 colours. Sequence learning was assessed either through an explicitgeneration test (Experiment 1) or through a recognition test (Experiment 2).Experiment 1 showed that perceptual and positional saliencies benefited learningand that sensitivity to repetitions was age dependent and permitted the formationof longer chunks (trigrams) in the oldest children. Experiment 2 suggested thatchildren became sensitive to perceptual and positional saliencies regardless of ageand that the both types of saliencies supported the formation of longer chunks inthe oldest children. The discussion focuses on the multiple factors intervening insequence learning and their differential effects as a function of the instructionsused at test to assess sequence learning.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 13 March 2015Accepted 24 August 2016

KEYWORDSChunks; Development;Parsing; Perceptual andpositional saliencies;Sequence learning

The environment around us is made up of informationthat is usually arranged in continuous form, such asobjects in visual scenes or words in a speech stream.A quick check of one’s own behaviour makes it clearthat we do not directly access all the available infor-mation. Instead of this, we successively allocate ourattention to certain elements. This inherent phenom-enon is due to the limited capacities of our cognitivesystem (Cowan, 2000), with the result that parsingthe world into chunks appears to be a mandatoryprocess (Servan-Schreiber & Anderson, 1990). The lit-erature on implicit learning has indeed repeatedlyshown that information is naturally parsed into seg-ments or chunks. For instance, in the context of theimplicit learning of sequences of visual symbols ortones, Perruchet and Gallego (1997) claimed thattheir participants encoded the material as a successionof disconnected small units (see also Dienes, Broad-bent, & Berry, 1991; Perruchet & Pacteau, 1990). Simi-larly, participants who were asked to write down the

sequences of letters they were presented withduring an incidental exposure phase frequently repro-duced them as distinct chunks made up of groups ofletters (Servan-Schreiber & Anderson, 1990).

We may wonder what the main factors that provideguidance for parsing complex material into chunksactually are. It is generally accepted that fragment-based learning results from the concatenation of fre-quent co-occurring elements (e.g., Dulany, Carlston,& Dewey, 1984; Servan-Schreiber & Anderson, 1990).Indeed, sensitivity to statistical features plays a keyrole in the formation of chunks due to the effects offrequency (Perruchet & Pacteau, 1990; Stadler, 1992),transitional probability (Fiser & Aslin, 2001; Poletiek &Wolters, 2009), and contingency (Perruchet & Peere-man, 2004). However, several learning studies havereported adaptation to structured material followingonly brief exposure (Meulemans, Van der Linden, &Perruchet, 1998), while statistical features necessarilyrequire a minimum amount of exposure to the

© 2016 The Experimental Psychology Society

CONTACT Arnaud Witt [email protected] CNRS 5022, Pôle AAFE, Esplanade Erasme, Université de Bourgogne, BP 26513,21065 Dijon Cedex, France


Page 4: Perceptual and positional saliencies influence children s · Received 13 March 2015 Accepted 24 August 2016

material before they can influence learning. Othersources of information may thus play a more immedi-ate role in the formation of chunks.

The immediate spatial (or temporal) repetition ofone and the same element appears to be a seriouscandidate. According to Gestalt theory (Attneave,1954), the principles of similarity and continuitymake the spatial repetitions of elements salient—that is, likely to capture attention (Kruschke, 2010).Several studies have reported that knowledgeacquired during an incidental learning episodeembeds information about repeated elements (Reber& Allen, 1978; Tunney, 2005, 2010). For instance,sequences of tones containing repeated adjacent ornon-adjacent elements (ABB or ABA) have beenfound to be learned more efficiently than orderedsequences of tones (low–high–medium or medium–high–low; Endress, Dehaene-Lambertz, & Mehler,2007) or than sequences with no repeated tones(Monaghan & Rowson, 2008).

An additional source of information duringsequence learning takes the form of positional cues.Participants develop a particular sensitivity to the frag-ments in the first and last positions within sequences(Mathews et al., 1989; Redington & Chater, 1996). Forinstance, Conway and Christiansen (2005, 2006,2009) observed that the initial and final fragmentscontributed greatly to their participants’ performancein a grammaticality judgement task, and that thisphenomenon was particularly accentuated for theinitial elements of visually displayed sequences, ashad already been observed by Beaman (2002).

In light of the fact that perceptual and positionalsaliencies are very likely to capture attention andprovide early guidance during the parsing process,the present study deals with the question of theearly formation of chunks and their consolidationthrough associative learning (e.g., Mackintosh, 1975).Jones (2012) pointed out that reference to thechunking process is relatively absent from the devel-opmental literature whereas it may account formany aged-related changes in task performance.Indeed, chunking1 permits one to increase theamount of information that one can process simul-taneously despite limitations in attentional andshort-time memory capacities (e.g., Cowan, 2001,2000; Gobet & Clarkson, 2004) or of processingspeed (Kail, 1988, 1991), these functions improvingnotably during childhood and particularly between 5and 8 years of age (Gathercole, 1998). Because seg-mentation of the material is thought to depend on

the effects of interactions between the type ofmaterial used in the learning situation and the con-straints of the human attentional and memorysystems (Perruchet & Vinter, 1998), we aimed at study-ing the respective contributions of perceptual andpositional saliencies during the incidental learning ofcoloured sequences in 5- and 8-year-old children. Inthe present experiment, all sequences contained fre-quent first and second bigrams, as compared to thesuccessive bigrams. The first bigrams benefited, inaddition, from positional salience. Concerning thesecond bigrams, only half of them benefited, inaddition, from perceptual salience through the sys-tematic introduction of an adjacent repetition ofcolours (blue–yellow–yellow for instance). For sake ofsimplification, we labelled this last type of sequence“REP sequences” (blue–yellow–yellow) and theothers “non-REP sequences” (e.g., blue–yellow–green). The participants were randomly assigned toone of these sequences (REP group or non-REPgroup). Importantly, the first and second bigrams ofthe sequences were equally frequent whatever thetype of sequence, and repetitions did not appear atlocations other than the second bigrams of the REPsequences. After an incidental training phase, learningwas assessed by means of an explicit task, asking chil-dren to generate coloured sequences that they werefully certain to have seen during the training phase.

We hypothesized that the REP group should gener-ate more frequent bigrams (those present in the firstand second positions within the training sequences)than the non-REP group. Although frequency was con-stant across all sequences, frequent bigrams in the REPsequences were reinforced by two types of saliencies:positional (first bigram), like the non-REP sequences,and perceptual (repetition at the second bigram). TheREP group should produce more correct (i.e., seenduring training) second bigrams than the non-REP,and children should become more sensitive to firstbigrams than to second bigrams when the latter werenot perceptually salient—that is, in the non-REP group.Sensitivity to repetition information should not be agedependent because the developmental literature con-tains numerous reports of children’s very early sensitivityto repetition effects (Johnson et al., 2009; Gomez &Gerken, 1999; Marcus, Vijayan, Rao, & Vishton, 1999;Witt & Vinter, 2012). By contrast, we expected the 5-and 8-year-old children to learn chunks of differentlengths since the larger attentional capacity of older chil-dren should allow them to form larger chunks (Cowan,2000; Oberauer, 2002; Witt, Puspitawati, & Vinter, 2013).


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Experiment 1


ParticipantsFifty-six kindergarten and second graders (28 femaleand 28 male), aged 5 (N = 28) or 8 years (N = 28), par-ticipated in the experiment. Within each age group,the children were randomly divided into two groups:the REP group (N = 14) and the non-REP group (N =14). Their vision was normal or corrected, and theywere able to name the five colours2 used in thisstudy. None of these children presented any develop-mental or attentional deficits. Written parentalconsent was obtained for each children, and thestudy was approved by an institutional review board.Table 1 presents the characteristics of the participants.

MaterialsWe employed a computer game involving the pres-ence of 3-, 4-, and 5-colour flags during a “tug-of-war” tournament organized by pandas (Figure 1A).All instructions were delivered by a pre-recordedvoice along the task. The flags presented during thetraining phase corresponded to sequences of coloursthat we wished to confront the participants with (5colours in total). For the needs of our experiment,two types of sequences were built. All the serieswere composed of eight sequences: 2 three-coloursequences, 3 four-colour sequences, and 3 five-

colour sequences.3 At test, 25 coloured squares (5blue, B; 5 green, G; 5 red, R; 5 yellow, Y; and 5 tur-quoise, T) were used by children to build a flag(Figure 1B), in order to not limit the participants intheir production.4

Constitution of the REP and non-REP sequences. TheREP and non-REP sequences consisted of 10 or 12 dis-tinct bigrams, which differed in their frequency ofoccurrence. Both the REP and non-REP sequenceshad only two legal bigrams in first position (respect-ively, BY and RG or BY and RB), each of which occurredwith identical frequency. They differed in that the twolegal bigrams in second position contained adjacentrepetitions in the REP sequences (YY and GG) butnot in the non-REP sequences (YG and BT). Theseoccurred with almost identical frequency, with aslight advantage for the non-REP sequences. As a con-sequence, the two legal first trigrams included a rep-etition in the REP sequences (BYY and RGG), but notin the non-REP sequences (BYG and RBT).

The colours were assigned by chance to the variouspositions within the flags so that 14 specimens wereconstructed for each type of sequence (per agegroup). By way of illustration, the items in the REPsequences could be: BYY–RGG–BYYV–BYYR–RGGY–BYYTG–RGGYB–RGGBT; and in the non-REPsequences: BYG–RBT–BYGT–BYGR–RBTG–BYGTR–RBTYG–RBTGY. All the sequences consisted of eight

Table 1. Characteristics of the groups enrolled in Experiment 1.

Age (years)Mean age

(years, months) Sex Group NMean age

(years, months) Sex

5 5,4 (span: 4,11–5,6) 14F, 14M REP 14 5,6 7F, 7Mnon-REP 14 5,2 7F, 7M

8 8,3 (span: 7,9–8,5) 14F, 14M REP 14 8,4 7F, 7Mnon-REP 14 8,2 7F, 7M

Note: REP = repetitions; non-REP = no repetition; F = female; M =male.

Figure 1. Illustrations of the video game (A. Tug of war tournament; B. Coloured squares).


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items: 2 three-colour sequences, and 3 four- and five-colour sequences. The REP and non-REP sequenceswere built in order to make the statistical distributionof their respective bigrams equivalent, especiallythose in first and second positions within thesequences, thus enabling us to question the roleplayed by perceptual or positional saliencies in learn-ing, beyond the contribution of statistical information.Table 2 presents the statistical distribution (frequency,transitional probabilities, and chunk strength) of thebigrams composing the REP and non-REP sequences.

ProcedurePresentation and training. The experimental sessionstarted with a 20-min exposure phase during whichthe child was installed in front of a computer andshown a video-game. A pre-recorded voice displayedthe following instructions to the participant: “Hello,

today the pandas have organized a ‘tug-of-war’ tourna-ment. Each team of pandas will show you its pretty flag.5

Press ‘start’ to see the first team’s flag”. At this stage, thechild shown the colours of the flag appearing sequen-tially from left to right, one at a time every 500 ms,until the flag was complete, then the child heard theinstruction: “Now, press ‘start’ to see another team’sflag”. The eight flags (or sequences) were successivelypresented in a random order. The instructions thencontinued: “Now, the tournament is going to start.Press ‘start’ to see the first team’s flag” (the first flagwas displayed one colour at a time until it was com-plete). “Press ‘start’ to see the second team’s flag” (thesecond flag was displayed). “Now, press ‘start’ to startthe match”. The two teams of pandas came face toface until one of the teams won (see Figure 1A). Thetwo flags remained visible during the match, whichwas concluded with a brief animation. This procedurewas repeated for 16 matches. The children thus sawthe eight flags five times each, one time each duringthe presentation phase and four times each duringthe tug-of-war tournament. In order to prevent poten-tial emotional effects on incidental learning perform-ance due to the winning/losing status of the teams,all the teams (flags) won and lost twice, and the pos-ition (left or right) of the winning team was random.

Test. The training phase was followed by a 5-min testphase, which consisted of an explicit generation taskin which each child was asked to produce a flag thathe or she was completely confident of having seenduring the training phase. After receiving a boxcontaining 25 coloured squares (5 blue, 5 green,5 red, 5 yellow, and 5 turquoise; Figure 1B), the childheard the following instructions:

A short while ago, you saw the pandas taking part in thetug of war tournament with their flags. I’m going to askyou a question about the pandas’ flags, the flags youhave seen. Look at this box, it contains the colours usedby the pandas. Can you make a whole flag that belongedto the pandas and that you are absolutely sure you sawduring the game? Try to remember the pandas’ flags,and make a flag when you are absolutely sure youremember a flag you saw during the game.

No information related to the length of the flag toproduce was indicated to the child in order to notlimit the child during his or her generation. Childrenhad to produce only one flag because preliminaryinvestigations revealed that many children refusedto produce more than one flag, probably becausethe instructions strongly emphasized the need of

Table 2. Statistical distribution of the bigrams in the REP and non-REPsequences.

Sequences UnitsOccurrences

(xy) xTP



REP sequencesFirst bigrams RG 4 5 .80 3.5

BY 4 6 .667 3Repetitions YY 4 10 .40 1

GG 4 10 .40 1Other bigrams BT 1 6 .167 −1.5

GY 2 10 .20 −1.5GB 1 10 .10 −3.5YG 1 10 .10 −3.5YB 1 10 .10 −3.5YT 1 10 .10 −3.5YR 1 10 .10 −3.5TG 1 2 .50 0.5

Non-REP sequencesFirst bigrams BY 4 8 .50 2

RB 4 6 .6667 3Second bigrams YG 5 6 .8333 4.5

BT 4 8 .50 2Other bigrams GR 1 7 .1429 −2

GT 2 7 .2857 −0.5GY 1 7 .1429 −2TG 2 6 .3333 0TR 1 6 .1667 −1.5TY 1 6 .1667 −1.5

Note: REP = repetitions, non-REP = no repetition; TP = transitionalprobability; B = blue; G = green; R = red; Y = yellow; T = turquoise.

aChunk strength: xy − [(x − xy) × 0.5]. We used the calculation methodproposed by Perruchet and Pacton (2006), while taking account ofthe fact that the memorization of chunks (i.e., consolidation and for-getting) depends on interference. Each occurrence of xy strengthensit by 1 unit, and each occurrence of another letter pair beginningwith x decreases the strength of xy, as in the PARSER model (Perru-chet & Vinter, 1998). Student’s t tests showed that bigrams’ fre-quency, transitional probabilities, and chunk strength did notdiffer between the REP and the non-REP sequences (respectively,p = .53, p = .51, p = .19).


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accuracy in their production. In addition, we choose touse an explicit task in order to restrict contaminationof their production by spontaneous generationbiases, especially in young children, like repetitionavoidance, or random or counterbalanced generationstrategies (Witt & Vinter, 2011).

Coding of the data.We coded the presence of correctfrequent bigrams (those present at first and secondpositions in the training sequences) in the flags pro-duced at test. This coding was performed regardlessof the position at which these units appeared withinthe flags built by the participants. We were indeedinterested to test whether incidental learning of aunit was facilitated by its perceptual or positional sal-ience, and not whether its specific location in asequence could also be learned.6 In addition, wecoded the presence of correct first trigrams in the chil-dren’s response at test. We focused our analyses on theinitial part of the training sequences, conforming toprevious findings reporting that participants becamepreferentially sensitive to the beginning of sequences,when displayed visually (Beaman, 2002; Conway &Christiansen, 2005, 2006, 2009). The frequencies ofcorrect units were calculated as a function of theflag’s length within which these units were generated.For example, a correct bigram scored .50 in a three-colour flag (1 occurrence out of 2 possible bigrams),.33 in a four-colour flag (1 out of 3), and so on.

A 2 (group: REP or non-REP) × 2 (age: 5 years or 8years) between-groups analysis of variance (ANOVA)was carried out on the frequencies of production attest of the frequent first bigrams and secondbigrams of the training sequences (grouped togetheror not) and of the first correct trigrams.


Sensitivity to correct frequent bigrams: Anadvantage for the REP group?A 2 (group: REP or non-REP) × 2 (age: 5 years or8 years) ANOVA on the frequencies of correct frequentbigrams revealed that the REP group performed better(23.7%) than the non-REP group (14.3%), F(1, 52) =8.45, p < .01, h2

p = .14, and that the 8-year-olds(25.4%) outperformed the 5-year-olds (12.5%), F(1, 52) = 16.11, p < .001, h2

p = .24. In addition,the Group × Age interaction effect was significant,F(1, 52) = 4.7, p < .05, h2

p = .08, revealing that the per-formance did not differ with age in the non-REP group,t(26) = 1.5, p = .15, while the 8-year-olds outperformed

the 5-year-olds in the REP-group, t(26) = 3.92, p < .001,d = 0.33. Thus, the presence of repetitions in the REPsequences benefited learning, as testified by the com-parison with the non-REP sequences, notably for olderchildren.

Let us examine now separately the respective con-tribution of positional (first bigrams) and perceptual(repetitions, second bigrams) saliencies in the REPgroup performance, as compared with the non-REPgroup.

Sensitivity to correct salient units: Differentialeffects in the two learning groups?Frequencies of production of correct salient units (firstor second bigrams) as a function of group and age arepresented in Figure 2. Student’s t test revealed thatthe bigrams present in second position within theREP sequences (26.7%) were more reproduced attest than those present in the non-REP sequences(8.9%), t(54) = 3.93, p < .001, d = 1.05, while no differ-ence between the REP and non-REP groups wasrevealed for the production of the first bigrams(respectively, 20.5% and 19.6%), t < 1. In the non-REPgroup, correct first bigrams were marginally insertedmore often in the flags at test than the secondbigrams, t(28) = 1.86, p = .07, d = 0.57, while it wasnot the case in the REP group, t(28) =−1.37, p = .18,d = 0.30 . In the REP group, the 8-year-old children pro-duced more correct first bigrams (32.1%) and morerepetitions (35.1%) than the 5-year-olds (respectively,8.9% and 18.4%), t(26) = 3.26, p < .01, d = 1.23, and t(26) = 2.52, p < .05, d = 0.95. By contrast, in the non-REP group, correct first bigrams (5 years: 16.1%; 8years: 23.2%) and second bigrams (5 years: 6.5%; 8years: 11.3%) were produced regardless of age, ts < 1.

Figure 2. Mean frequencies of correct first and second bigrams (in thetraining sequences) produced at test as a function of group (2: REP ornon-REP) and age (2: 5 years or 8 years). REP = repetitions, non-REP =no repetition. The error bars correspond to one standard error.


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These results revealed that the second bigramswere better learned when reinforced by perceptualsalience, giving an advantage to the REP group ascompared to the non-REP group. Moreover, firstbigrams tended to be better learned than secondbigrams only when the latter were not perceptuallysalient, as was the case in the non-REP group as com-pared to the REP group. Furthermore, the above-pointed-out age effect, reported in the REP grouponly, concerned both the production of first and theproduction of second bigrams. The final questionwas whether children learned longer chunks as theygrew up. We thus analysed the production of correctfirst trigrams at test.

Sensitivity to correct first trigrams: An advantagefor older children ?The learning of longer chunks was tested through theproduction of correct first trigrams. As depicted byFigure 3, a 2 (group) × 2 (age) ANOVA showed thatthe REP group produced more correct first trigrams(29.2%) than the non-REP group (3%), F(1, 52) =12.57, p < .01, h2

p = .19, and that the 8-year-old chil-dren (25.6%) outperformed the 5-year-olds (6.5%), F(1, 52) = 6.65, p < .05, h2

p = .11. The Group × Age inter-action was also significant, F(1, 52) = 5.84, p < .05,h2p = .10. In the REP group, the 8-year-olds produced

more correct first trigrams (47.6%) than the 5-year-olds (10.7%), t(26) = 2.61, p < .05, d = 0.98,whereasthe 5- and the 8-year-olds in the non-REP group exhib-ited equal performances (respectively, 2.4% and 3.6%),t < 1.

The 8-year-olds thus developed sensitivity to thefirst trigrams only when they included a salient per-ceptual regularity, even though the second bigramsin the non-REP sequences were very frequent (seeTable 2). We checked that the 8-year-olds in thenon-REP group learned these frequent second

bigrams (11.3%) better than all the other much lessfrequent bigrams present in the non-REP sequences(3.8%), t(13) = 2.17, p < .05, d = 0.65, thus confirmingthe well-known effect of frequency in incidentalsequence learning. This suggests a particular role ofperceptual salience in the early formation of largerchunks.

Provisional discussion

Experiment 1 suggested that perceptual and pos-itional saliencies benefited learning and that rep-etitions permitted the formation of longer units(trigrams) in the oldest children. However, these con-clusions rest on a single production from the partici-pants. In addition, the task used at test, an explicitgeneration task, did not permit us to assess whetherage-related performance resulted from age-depen-dent differences in the influences exerted by percep-tual and positional saliencies or from more efficientintentional retrieval processes in older children thanin younger children. In order to address these issues,a second experiment was run. In Experiment 2, inci-dental learning of the REP and non-REP sequencesin 5- and 8-year-old children was assessed through arecognition task. Because recognition partly rests ona feeling of familiarity relating to implicit memory pro-cesses (Gardiner & Java, 1993), known to be robust toindividual and contextual factors (Reber, 1993), moreage-independent performance should be observedin Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1.

Experiment 2


ParticipantsEighty children (44 female and 36 male) participatedin the experiment. Half of them were kindergartenaged 5 years (N = 40), and the other half weresecond graders aged 8 years (N = 40). Within eachage group, the participants were randomly assignedeither to the REP group (N = 20) or to the non-REPgroup (N = 20). Table 3 presents the characteristics ofthe groups.

MaterialWe employed the same computer game as that usedin Experiment 1. The flags within the REP and thenon-REP series remained the same. However, theincidental exposure phase was followed by a

Figure 3. Mean frequencies of correct first trigrams (in the trainingsequences) produced at test as a function of group (2: REP or non-REP) and age (2: 5 years or 8 years). REP = repetitions, non-REP = norepetition. The error bars correspond to one standard error.


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recognition test instead of a generation test. To thisend, six of the eight flags seen during the learningphase—2 three-colour flags, 2 four-colour flags, and2 five-colour flags—were selected to instantiate“the flags that belonged to the pandas”, and sixnew flags—2 three-colour flags, 2 four-colour flags,and 2 five-colour flags—were generated to instanti-ate “the flags that belonged to other animals”. Thesix already-seen flags as well as the six new flagswere selected as a function of different measures ofassociative chunk strength. These measures con-sidered “the frequency with which the bigrams and tri-grams present in the test strings appeared in thelearning strings” (see Meulemans & Van der Linden,1997, for details), so that test items in the REP andnon-REP group did not differ regarding their associat-ive chunk strength. In addition, the six new test itemswere built in order to test whether false alarms (say“yes” for a flag that did not belong to the pandas)were committed because they shared commonbigrams, at first or second positions, with thelearning items. An example of a test series for theREP-group was: six already-seen flags that belongedto the pandas, BYY–RGG–BYYR–RGGY–BYYTG–RGGBT; three new items sharing common firstbigrams with the pandas’ flags, BYG–RGBT–BYGBT;and three new items sharing common secondbigrams with the pandas’ flags, RYY–BGGY–RYYTG.An example of a test series for the non-REP groupwas: six already-seen flags that belonged to thepandas, BYG–RBT–BYGR–RBTG–BYGTR–RBTGY; threenew items sharing common first bigrams with thepandas’ flags, BYT–BYTG–BYRBT; and three newitems sharing common second bigrams with thepandas’ flags, RYG–RYGT–RYGTR. The characteristicsof the test series for the REP and the non-REP groupsare presented in Table 4.

ProcedureThe same incidental exposure phase as that describedin Experiment 1 was followed by a 10-minute recog-nition phase. The recognition test was introduced

with the picture of puzzled pandas in front of aflags’mound, accompanied with the following instruc-tions: “After the tournament, the pandas’ flags weremixed with those of other animals. Help the pandasfind their own flags!” The children were presentedwith a first flag and listened to the following instruc-tion: “Is this a flag that you have already seen andthat belonged to the pandas?” The experimenterrecorded the answers of the participants by pressingthe keys corresponding to the choice of thechildren (left arrow = yes or right arrow = no), thenthe second flag was displayed automatically,accompanied with the same previous instruction,and remained visible until the child completed thequestion. This procedure repeated until the 12 flagswere successively shown to the children. The orderof appearance of the flags was random. The recog-nition phase ended with a short animation congratu-lating the child at the end of the game.

Coding of the dataWe coded the number of correct responses, and wecomputed the frequencies of correct responses, the fre-quencies of hits (say “yes” for a flag that belonged to thepandas), and the frequencies of false alarms (say “yes”for a flag that did not belong to the pandas). In addition,two types of false alarms were considered: false alarmsfor the new flags (belonging to other animals) thatembedded the same first bigrams as those in thepandas’ flags, and false alarms for those that embeddedthe same second bigrams as those in the pandas’ flags.ANOVAs with group (2: REP and non-REP) and age (2: 5years and 8 years) as inter-subjects factors were carriedout on the frequencies of correct responses, hits,and false alarms. We separated false alarms for testitems that contained legal second bigrams or rep-etitions (FA2ndbig) from false alarms for items thatembedded legal first bigrams (FA1stbig). This permittedus to investigate whether children became sensitiveonly to isolated bigrams seen during the learningphase (many FA for test items containing these units)or whether they formed larger chunks that

Table 3. Characteristics of the groups enrolled in Experiment 2.

Age (years)Mean age

(years, months) Sex Group NMean age

(years, months) Sex

5 5,6 (span: 4,11–5,11) 24F, 16M REP 20 5,5 12F, 8Mnon-REP 20 5,7 12F, 8M

8 8,5 (span : 7,11–9) 20F, 20M REP 20 8,3 10F, 10Mnon-REP 20 8,7 10F, 10M

Note: REP = repetitions; non-REP = no repetition; F = female; M = male.


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Table 4. Characteristics of the test items used in Experiment 2.

Test items

“Panda”’s flags New flags with same first bigrams New flags with same second bigrams


For REP conditionBYY 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 BYG 2.5 0 1.7 4 0 1 0 1RGG 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 RGBT 2 0.5 1.4 4 0 1 1 2BYYR 3 2.5 2.8 4 4 1 1 1 BYGBT 1.8 0.3 1.1 4 0 1 1 2RGGY 3.3 3 3.2 4 4 1 1 1 RYY 2 0 1.3 0 0 1 0 0BYYTG 2.5 2 2.3 4 4 1 1 1 BGGY 2 1 1.6 0 0 1 1 1RGGBT 2.5 2 2.3 4 4 1 1 1 RYYTG 1.5 0.7 1.1 0 0 1 1 1M 3.2 2.9 3.1 4 4 1 1 1 2.1 0.3 1.4 4 0 1 1 1 1.8 0.6 1.4 0 0 1 1 0

For non-REP conditionBYG 4.5 4 4.3 4 4 2 1 2 BYT 2 0 1.3 4 0 0 0 1RBT 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 BYTG 2 0 1.2 4 0 1 0 1BYGR 3.3 2.5 3 4 4 1 1 1 BYRBT 3 1.3 2.3 4 0 1 1 2 RYG 2.5 0 1.7 0 0 1 0 0RBTG 3.3 3 3.2 4 4 1 1 1 RYGT 2.3 1 1.8 0 0 1 1 1BYGTR 3 2.3 2.7 4 4 1 1 1 RYGTR 2 1 1.6 0 0 1 1 1RBTGY 2.8 2.3 2.6 4 4 1 1 1M 3.5 3 3.3 4 4 1 1 1 2.3 0.4 1.6 4 0 1 0 1 2.2 1 1.7 0 0 1 1 1p-value .7 .4 .6 — — 1 — 1 .6 .7 .6 — — 0 1 0 .1 .8 .1 — — — 1 1

Note: GBS = global bigram strength; GTS = global trigram strength; GCS = global chunk strength; IB = initial bigram; IT = initial trigram; FB = final bigram; FT = final trigram; AP = anchor positions; B =blue; G = green; R = red; Y = yellow; T = turquoise.




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concatenated first and second bigrams (few FA sincenew test items never embedded legal first trigrams).We notably expected young children in the REPgroup to produce more FA2ndbig than FA1stbig, andyoung children in the non-REP group to producemore FA1stbig than FA2ndbig, while the older childrenshould produce less FA than the younger ones,especially in the REP condition, which promoted learn-ing of the first trigrams, as observed in Experiment 1.


Recognition performance as a function of groupand ageIncidental learning of the REP and non-REP sequencesas a function of age was assessed through the fre-quencies of correct responses during a recognitiontest. The results are presented in Figure 4.

ANOVA with group (2: REP and non-REP) and age(2: 5 years and 8 years) on the proportion of correctresponses revealed a significant effect of group, F(1,76) = 3.78, p = .05, h2

p = .05, with the non-REP group(63.9%) outperforming the REP group (57.3%), and amarginal effect of age, F(1, 76) = 3.32, p = .07,h2p = .04, with the 8-year-old children tending to

show a better recognition performance (63.7%) thanthe 5-year-old children (57.5%). In addition, weobserved a significant Group × Age interaction effect,F(1, 76) = 3.78, p = .05, h2

p = .05, with the 8-year-olds(63.7%) outperforming the 5-year-olds (50.5%) in theREP group, while the two age groups performedequally in the non-REP group (5 years = 64.2% ; 8years = 63.7%). Analysis on the d′ criteria (hits – false

alarms) confirmed these results (group effect, p = .05,age effect, p = .07, Group × Age, p = .05).

Student’s t tests were carried out to compare thefrequencies of correct responses with chance (50%).As shown by Figure 4, the oldest childrenperformed above chance in the recognition task,whatever the group: REP (63.7%), t(19) = 3.83, p< .01, d = 1.21; non-REP (63.7%), t(19) = 3.83, p < .01,d = 1.21, while only the younger children in thenon-REP group (64.2%) performed significantlyabove chance, t(19) = 4.67, p < .001, d = 1.48. The 5-year-olds performed at chance level in the REPgroup (50.8%), t < 1.

Because quantitative differences of performancedid not systematically emerge between the REPand the non-REP groups, we pursued our analysis totest whether more qualitative differences existedbetween the REP and the non-REP group.

Qualitative differences in the acceptation andrejection of the test itemsA 2(group) × 2(age) ANOVA was run on the frequen-cies of hits in order to assess the children’s propensityto accept the pandas’ flags during the recognitiontask. We failed to show any group, age, or Group ×Age interaction effects, respectively, F < 1, F < 1, andF(1, 76) = 1.36, p = .25. These results suggested thatthe better performance of the non-REP group in theyounger children did not rest on the acceptation ofpreviously seen flags.

Because two types of new flags were built, somecontaining the same first bigrams and others contain-ing the same second bigrams as the pandas’ flags,analyses were run separately on the two types offalse alarms committed on test items: respectively,FA1stbig and FA2ndbig.

A 2 × 2 ANOVA on the frequencies ofFA1stbig revealed a significant effect of age, F(1, 76)= 11, p < .001, h2

p = .13, with more FA1stbig in the 5-year-olds (56.7%) than in the 8-year-old children(34.2%), while the group and the Group × Age inter-action was not significant, Fs < 1. Analysis on the fre-quencies of FA2ndbig reported a significant effect ofgroup, F(1, 76) = 5.33, p < .05, h2

p = .07, with the REPgroup (57.5%) committing more FA2ndbig than thenon-REP group (40.8%). Age failed to yield a significanteffect, F(1, 76) = 2.61, p = .11. However, a just signifi-cant Group × Age interaction effect, F(1, 76) = 3.4,p = .05, h2

p = .04, indicated that the 5- (40%) and the8-year-olds (41.7%) in the non-REP group equally pro-duced FA2ndbig, while the 5-year-olds (70%) produced

Figure 4. Mean frequencies of correct responses produced at test as afunction of group (2: REP or non-REP) and age (2: 5 years or 8 years).REP = repetitions, non-REP = no repetition. The error bars correspondto one standard error, the hatched line represents chance level, andasterisks indicate performance significantly above chance.


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much more FA2ndbig than the 8-year-olds (45%) in theREP group.

In sum, the low performance of the 5-year-old chil-dren in the REP group resulted from the difficulty toreject new flags that embedded the same salient rep-etitions as those contained within the pandas’ flags.This result did not necessary indicate that theyounger children were more sensitive to repetitionsthan the older ones, but rather that they were, atbest, equally sensitive to repetitions while they didnot learn trigrams contrary to their older counterparts,which would have permitted them to reject FA2ndbig.They also committed many FA1stbig, showing thatthey became sensitive to first bigrams and repetitionsbut that they did not learn the trigrams. In the non-REP condition, the 5-year-old children did notcommit many FA2ndbig but they committed moreFA1stbig than the 8-year-old children, indicating thatthey became sensitive to the first bigrams but not tothe second bigrams. Finally, the oldest children com-mitted few FA, less frequently than the younger chil-dren, suggesting that they learned larger units,trigrams, containing both first and second bigrams.

General discussion

The present experiments aimed to investigate the roleof perceptual and positional saliencies in the early for-mation of chunks during incidental learning ofsequences in children of different ages. We testedtheir respective contributions in the learning ofsequences that all embedded positional saliencies(REP and non-REP sequences), but only some ofwhich contained repeated elements (REP sequences).While Experiment 1 assessed performance with anexplicit generation task at test, a recognition taskwas used in Experiment 2. The discussion focused onhow perceptual and positional saliencies affectedthe performance differentially with age as a functionof the instructions used at test.

Perceptual, positional, and statisticalinformation in the initial formation of chunks

Experiment 1 showed that despite equal frequencies,the perceptually (repetitions) or positionally (initialbigrams) salient units were preferentially learned,compared to units devoid of these two saliencies(second bigrams in the non-REP sequences). Using arecognition task, Experiment 2 suggested that chil-dren became sensitive to both perceptually and

positionally salient units, while the younger childrendid not develop sensitivity to units that only benefitedfrom statistical salience (second big in the non-REPcondition).

These results are congruent with our assumptionthat sources of information other than statistical mayinfluence sequence learning. They also corroborateprevious studies that have reported the benefitsderived from the learning of repeated elements (Mon-aghan & Rowson, 2008), as well as of the initial andfinal units of sequences (Conway & Christiansen,2009). Perceptual and positional saliencies thus seemto provide stronger guidance than frequency alonein the early learning of chunks. This is consistentwith Perruchet and Pacton’s (2006) suggestion thatthe formation of chunks may both precede and helpbring about sensitivity to statistical structure.However, the performance based on the formationof initial chunks may differ as a function of age andinstructions used at test.

Generation task versus recognition task toassess incidental initial formation of chunks

Experiment 1 reported that sensitivity to positional sal-ience operated regardless of age in the non-REPgroup, whereas sensitivity to repetitions, as well asto positional salience, was age dependent in the REPgroup. In contrast, Experiment 2 suggested that sensi-tivity to repetitions and positional salience was ageindependent.

In accordance with our predictions, performanceappeared more robust to age when learning wasassessed with a recognition task that partly elicitedimplicit memory processes (Experiment 2), instead ofa generation task that mainly required intentional expli-cit retrieval processes of information (Experiment 1). Inaddition, as mentioned in a footnote (Footnote 4),visual search and selection of the coloured squaresduring the generation task (Experiment 1) may havecaused higher memory demands in the youngerthan in the older children, making this task moreage dependent than the recognition task (Experiment2). Because the learning phase was strictly the samebetween the two experiments, the age-related differ-ences could not be attributed either to differentialcomplexity of the learning material or instructions(e.g., Howard & Howard, 1997), or to differential under-lying knowledge elicited by the task (Murphy, McKone,& Slee, 2003; Perez, Peynirciolu, & Blaxton, 1998). Theycould rather be due to how test instructions made the


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procedure more or less permeable to explicit influ-ences (Meulemans, 1998; Vinter & Perruchet, 1999).This hypothesis was recently tested in an experimentthat reported that age-independent performancewith implicit test instructions turned age dependentwhen more explicit test instructions were employedat test (Witt et al., 2013). The authors also observedthat the oldest children were able to learn trigrams,while younger children failed to learn chunks largerthan bigrams. Similar results were observed in thepresent experiment.

The formation of larger chunks: The role ofindividual factor

Another interesting result concerned the fact that theyoung children did not learn trigrams, while the oldestchildren did. We hypothesized that the greater atten-tional capacities of the 8-year-old children than of the5-year-olds should enable the older children to formlarger chunks (Cowan, 2000; Oberauer, 2002). Thefact that the 8-year-olds built larger chunks than theyounger children is in line with the results reportedby Cowan, Morey, AuBuchon, Zwilling, and Gilchrist(2010). These authors indicated that workingmemory capacity, mediated by attentional resources,increased noticeably from 7 years to adulthood, withthe number of items that participants could storegrowing from 1.5 at 7 years of age to 3 in older chil-dren and adults. Thus, developmental changes wereobserved when performance was assessed throughthe formation of more complex (larger) chunks.Further evidence corroborating these results comesfrom studies reporting the effects of interactionsbetween contextual and individual factors on implicitlearning performance. For instance, effects due to thecomplexity of the material have been reported inadults (Soetens, Melis, & Notebaert, 2004; Stadler,1992) as well as in the elderly, with the oldest partici-pants learning less as complexity increased (Bennett,Howard, & Howard, 2007). Developmental changesin implicit learning performance have also beenobserved and have been attributed to the structuralcomplexity of the material as well as to the age-related evolution of the knowledge base required inorder to cope with the learning task (Murphy et al.,2003; Witt et al., 2013). However, we can also askwhether the younger children might have achievedperformances equal to those of the oldest participantsif they had benefited from additional exposure, as hasbeen reported in a previous study (Thomas et al.,

2004). Indeed, some studies using an artificialgrammar learning paradigm have reported that alonger period of exposure to the material is necessaryin order for participants to learn higher order depen-dencies than for the learning of first- or second-order dependencies (Meulemans & Van der Linden,1997). This empirical question would seem todeserve further investigation.

The formation of larger chunks: The role ofcontextual factors

A last interesting result concerned differential contex-tual effects, REP versus non-REP conditions, as a func-tion of the instructions used at test. The oldestchildren actually learned the initial trigrams whenthey included salient adjacent repetitive information(REP group) in Experiment 1. We consider that thispositive learning of the initial salient trigrams preventsto interpret separately the learning advantage of theREP group over the non-REP group with regard tothe first and second initial bigrams, necessarilyincluded in the trigram. However, Experiment 2suggested that initial trigrams were potentiallylearned regardless of the REP and non-REP conditions.In other words, the oldest children were able to learntrigrams even when they did not include a salientadjacent repetition.

Within the REP sequences, the particular salience ofrepetitive information might have caused the childrento consider repetitions as perceptual primitives thatcould be concatenated with recurrent adjacentelements. Indeed, from an associative viewpoint(Mackintosh, 1975), three elements, of which two aresimilar (e.g., BYY), are more easily connected thanthree distinct elements (e.g., BYG). The participantsmight need longer exposure time to the initial tri-grams in the non-REP conditions for the latter to beconsolidated as chunks. The time used in Experiments1 and 2 might have been sufficient for the emergenceof a fluency heuristic, appropriate in a recognitiontask, but not for eliciting strategic recollection pro-cesses needed in the generation test (e.g., Kinder,Shanks, Cock, & Tunney, 2003). In the same vein aswe can ask whether the younger children mighthave perform equally to the oldest children withadditional exposure (Thomas et al., 2004), we canalso ask whether the non-REP group would benefitfrom extended exposure to learn and generatelarger chunks. Further investigation should addressthis empirical question.


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In conclusion, the present experiment reported evi-dence that initial segmentation and hierarchical learn-ing are influenced by multiple factors, such as therelative salience of the input signal and the individ-ual’s attentional capacities. Kruschke (2010) suggestedthat if attention plays a role in associative learning,then salience should have an effect on this type oflearning, since salience is defined as the ability toattract attention. In this line of reasoning, our resultsconfirm that attention is involved during an incidentallearning episode (Jiménez & Méndez, 1999; Tanaka,Kiyokawa, Yamada, Dienes, & Shigemasu, 2008).More precisely, the presence of amplification andattenuation effects operating on local parts of theinput signal is coherent with the involvement of“selective” attention processes during implicit learning(Larrauri & Schmajuk, 2008; Rowland & Shanks, 2006).The more salient a feature is, the more likely it is toattract attention and consequently to create a cogni-tive unit (Perruchet & Vinter, 2002). Salience effects(especially those related to adjacent repetitions)appear to influence the incidental discovery of thelearning material during its early segmentation andat some stages during the formation of morecomplex units, although the effects appear to differwith age and as a function of the procedure used toassess sequence learning. The role of other types ofperceptual salience in sequence learning should beinvestigated in further studies, in particular withregard to non-adjacent repetitions or symmetry (Porn-stein & Krinsky, 1985; Wenderoth, 1994), or by using acombination of perceptual and positional cues(Endress, Scholl, & Mehler, 2005).


1. If chunking generally refers to a strategy that we inten-tionally use in daily situations for reducing cognitivedemands in various tasks (to concatenate digits in aseries of numbers to learn and remember a phonenumber, for instance), chunking is also considered as amechanism of implicit learning. As claimed by Perruchet(2008, p. 608), “the fact that implicit learning leads to theformation of chunks is largely consensual”. However,there are two ways to consider chunking in the domainof implicit learning (see Perruchet & Pacton, 2006, for adiscussion). First, chunks could be inferred from the stat-istical distribution of the material (e.g., Saffan & Wilson,2008). Second, chunks could emerge without prior stat-istical computations. The initial formation of chunkscould be guided by prior knowledge or sensitivity tosalient features, for instance, but only chunks consistent

with the statistical structure of the environment are con-solidated and become relevant cognitive units (Perruchet& Vinter, 2002; Servan-Schreiber & Anderson, 1990). Thepresent paper thus aimed to investigate the sources ofinformation that contributed to the incidental formationof chunks.

2. The choice of the fifth colour, turquoise, may seemcurious. However, preliminary investigations revealedthat turquoise was a good candidate compared withother alternatives. Black and white colours were rejectedbecause these colours within the sequences were inter-preted as errors or omissions of colours by the childrenand thus elicited their attention in a problematicmanner. Other secondary colours were judged less attrac-tive than primary colours by children and potentially“under-selected” in consequence during the generationtask. As a precaution, we limited the possibility topresent blue and turquoise as consecutive/adjacentcolours within the sequences, especially at the beginningof the flags. However, this case could not be totallyexcluded since we aimed to present each child with adifferent instantiation of the series to prevent any ordereffect of colour presentation.

3. The number of flags of three, four, and five colours wasestimated in order to compose a 20-minute learningphase with some repetitions of each flag. The length ofthe flags was inspired by previous studies in adults andchildren using letter strings that contained generallytwo to five letters. However, three-colour strings werethe minimal length for investigating competitive chunk-ing between the first and second bigrams of thesequences. In addition, only two legal first bigrams andtwo legal second bigrams were authorized in the REP orin the non-REP sequences. So it was possible to generateonly 2 three-colour strings for each condition, REP andnon-REP, while more possibilities were offered in the pro-duction of the four- and five-colour strings.

4. An anonymous reviewer pointed out the possibility thatthe use of 25 coloured squares during the generationtask might have disadvantaged the younger children,increasing visual search demands and the time neededto reproduce flags, thus imposing higher memorydemands to young children during the generation task.For this reason, and others mentioned latter in the manu-script, Experiment 2 introduced a recognition task, lessdemanding in cognitive resources and therefore moreage independent.

5. Readers may wonder whether this task can be truly con-sidered as “incidental” since the attention of the partici-pant is drawn to the flags by the following instructions:“the pandas will show you their pretty flags”. Becauseimplicit learning was first defined as an automatic learn-ing process, in opposition with controlled processes ofexplicit learning, “implicit” and “attention” are usuallyconsidered mutually exclusive terms. However, agrowing body of evidence shows that selective attentionis involved, and is necessary, during an implicit learningepisode (e.g., Hoffmann & Sebald, 2005; Hsiao & Reber,1998; Jiménez & Méndez, 1999; Pacton & Perruchet,2008). The fact that the instructions referred to the flagswas not a problem per se. The only characteristic to


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meet is that “implicit learning proceeds without partici-pants’ intention to learn” (Perruchet, 2008).

6. The scoring procedure did not take positional constraintsinto account mainly because positional information maynot be learned in the case of micro-rules learning, incom-plete exemplars (possible in a brief exposition), or frag-ments/chunks learning. Position is therefore not adecisive argument to assess implicit learning of chunks,which is what we precisely investigated in our study. Inaddition, a fragmentarist view would predict that frag-ments in salient positions (at the beginning of thesequences, for instance), which intrinsically embed pos-itional information, would be advantaged by a scoringprocedure with positional constraints, while the frag-ments in non-salient positions (second bigrams forinstance) would be disadvantaged (e.g., Perruchet,1994), making unfair the evaluation of competitivechunking between these units. Though the scoring pro-cedure did not consider positional constraints, sequenceswith positional constraints were, however, preferredbecause positional salience was one of the type of salien-cies we aimed to study. It is indeed very likely that fixedpositions favour the detection of regularities and facilitateimplicit learning processes (e.g., Mathews et al., 1989).


The authors are very grateful to Stéphane Argon, Patrick Bard,Laurent Bergerot, and Philippe Pfister, who designed and pro-grammed the video game. We also thank Tim Pownall for hisvery careful correction of the English of the manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This research was supported by a grant from the ConseilRégional de Bourgogne Franche-Comté.


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