Download - PepTalk Issue 02

Page 1: PepTalk Issue 02

Issue 02

Local Property. Local Knowledge. Local Experts.

Help to Buy ISA

Explaining the greater protection house buyers now have

All you need to know about the government scheme

No More Smoke & Mirrors

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to Issue 2 of Peptalk

Welcome to the latest edition of PEPTalk our community communication which we

trust you will find both informative and interesting to read.

2015 has started in positive fashion at Anthony Pepe and following on from our major award successes last year we were delighted to have been selected as shortlisted finalists at the ESTAS, a prominent and important set of awards where the results are entirely dependent upon feedback from customers and clients.

The team and myself would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and clients who took the time and trouble to complete the questionnaires that the awards organisers then collated.

Unfortunately our hopes for a unique hat-trick of achievement was thwarted but we are still very proud of having won awards as the best estate agency in London at two of the industry’s leading award events and being finalists in the third.

Our website at goes from strength to strength and feedback from our customers and clients has been fantastic. The large imagery, ease of use and volume of quality content has been very well received.

Communication is at the heart of everything we do at Anthony Pepe and our use of social media (Twitter and Facebook) together with regular email newsletters and PEPtalk looks to keep everyone up to date with relevant and local news and views in the property market.

Earlier this year we were delighted to be able to support Constantinos Regas’s fight against the blanket licensing of rental property by Enfield Council. Of course, we support the requirement for landlords to provide a decent quality of accommodation to tenants but a punitive, one size fits all, licensing scheme is not the answer and Constantinos’s fight was rightly won.

2015 is being dominated by the General Election and irrespective of your political views, housing and the property market are important issues. At the time of writing, the outcome of the election is unknown and too close to call.

Finally, the team and myself at Anthony Pepe are here to assist with all property matters and look forward to having the opportunity of discussing your plans with you.

Enjoy PEPTalk!

Charlie Perdios



Charlie PerdiosAnthony Pepe’s

Managing Director gives us his market review.

Ari TheodorouAnthony Pepe’s Sales Director gives top tips for first time buyers.

Iain WhiteMeet Iain, Anthony

Pepe’s Non-Executive Director.

Sam AshdownThe owner & founder of

HomeTruths delivers the right advice to sell your house.

Charlie Perdios


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Market Viewby Charlie Perdios

The property market has been sensibly buoyant with major property portal

Rightmove reporting record levels of enquiries in January. Levels of stock in the market is however fluctuating with uncertainty around the General Election result leading to a certain amount of “sitting on hands” and “wait and see”. This will be a temporary situation as the overall economic picture and balance of supply and demand dictates that the market is likely to remain strong in both sales and lettings well into the future.The last Government Budget before the dissolution of Parliament saw an upbeat George Osborne understandably play up the Government’s economic record and he talked about the growing strength of the economy and, in particular, low interest rates, low inflation, growing prosperity, debt and deficit reduction and reduced unemployment. Anyone would think there was going to be a General Election just around the corner!

The only new announcement in the Budget that will directly affect property was the introduction of a Help to Buy ISA which can be used by first time buyers to fund a deposit on a property purchase.

This will allow first-time buyers to get a government top-up of a maximum of £3,000 on £12,000 of savings if they put this money into a Help to Buy Individual Savings Account (ISA).

These are earmarked to start in the autumn, allowing first-time buyers to save up to £200 a month in this ISA, plus £1,000 in the first month. This can be used to buy homes of up to £250,000 outside of London and up to £450,000 in London.

Housing and housing issues are currently high on the political agenda, as a growing population, affordability and shortage of supply affects everybody.

Successive Governments of all colours have failed to oversee adequate levels of house building and this trend, whilst improving marginally year on year, continues. In addition,

a huge proportion of the properties being built are being bought by investors and then let in the private rental sector. Whilst rented accommodation is vital as part of a mixture of tenures, this situation is exasperating the shortfall of property to buy and also closes one of the opportunities to “close chains” and help enable others to transact in the market. This has the effect of helping force prices upwards through the simple laws of supply and demand.

It is this balance (or lack of) in the supply and demand equation that means that house prices, in all but the most economically deprived parts of the UK, are likely to continue to creep upwards, restrained only by the ability of buyers to afford to buy.

The Government’s Help to Buy scheme has now helped 80,000 people buy their own home and the Tories have just announced plans to build an additional 100,000 starter homes a year (200,000 in total) by 2020 if they are elected.

As well as the aforementioned ISA, a 20% discount scheme on the purchase of a new home has been announced which will apparently be paid for by developers saving costs on planning and administration costs.

These schemes are all very well but can create an artificial market, are largely a sop to developers, and the impact that occurs when the schemes cease operating has not been quantified.

The Government has recently released figures showing that owner occupation has fallen to just 63% of households with the private rental sector at 19% and social housing 18%. It is likely that there will continue to be pressure on social housing and that this will reduce further as the private sector continues to grow over the next few years.

The Buy to Let market has actually grown by 32% per annum for the last two years.

In regards election manifestos, the Tories are proposing to extend the Right to Buy scheme to allow those renting from Housing Associations to purchase with the same discounts as those buying directly off of Local Authorities. They also propose increased housebuilding and a change in property inheritance tax, raising the exemption limit to £1 million.

Labour and the Lib Dems are proposing the

introduction of an annual “Mansion Tax” on properties valued at £2 million or above. This is proposed to operate on a sliding scale and be payable per annum. This will clearly impact on properties at and above that price and the ability to collect such a tax from potentially asset rich but cash poor owners is another issue.

Labour and the Greens are also proposing much greater regulation of the private rental sector including reintroducing rent controls and limiting the level of rents. They also want to introduce longer tenancies. This would prove to be misguided in my opinion as it would be likely to lead to many landlords pulling out of the sector in search of better investments and potentially reducing the amount of property available to rent. Mortgage lenders also have reservations on longer tenancies due to potential issues of possession in the event of mortgage default.

In addition they propose to remove the ability to charge tenants any fees. This will simply put the cost onus on landlords who will seek to recover through higher rents. Again this is likely to actually hurt the very sectors of the population they supposedly wish to assist.

Labour and the Greens also want to remove tax relief from allowable business expenses such as buy to let mortgages, thus making the cost of owning an investment property much higher. This would definitely result in the simple outcome of seeing many landlord investors withdraw from the market in search of better investments and would reduce the supply of rental property which in turn would see rents increase.

As always, I believe that the politicians should largely stay out of the market, which, in my opinion, is perfectly capable of adjusting and finding its own levels.

Competition certainly helps ensure choice and, whilst there is a need to ensure a strong and fair legal framework, it is not time to throw the “baby out with the bath water” in the search for an “instant fix” or “vote winning” solution.

With the outcome of the election too close to call and the possibility of subsequent negotiations needing to take place in “smoke filled rooms” in order to form a Government, it remains to be seen which of the promises and policies proposed become reality.


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However, the government have recently recognised the need for greater protection for house buyers and so in October 2013 repealed The Property Misdescription Act 1991, along with the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 now being extended to cover Estate Agents and Letting Agents.

Gone are the days of ’Smoke & Mirrors’ when selling your home; where a seller or agent could gloss over the defects of a property and just focus on its best aspects.

What does this mean for buyers? If you’re looking to purchase property you can get a much fairer deal now, as the seller must disclose to the estate agent any drawbacks to the property that they’re aware of, as well as its positives.

Whether the information has been provided to you in writing, in pictures or given verbally it must be completely accurate.

Breaches of these new regulations can include falsely claiming to be a member of a professional body, incorrectly describing a property for sale, not disclosing a previous sale falling through due to a bad survey, making unfair comparisons with competitors, putting undue pressure on you to act quickly or even leaving out information on previous disputes with neighbours.

As a buyer it is extremely important for you to be aware of this key change in property legislation, because if any form of information has been held back (that, in essence, would have prevented you from making an offer) you can take the necessary action against your estate agent and/or the seller.

What does this mean for sellers? If you have a property on the market you now have a legal duty to disclose important and potentially detrimental information on the structural quality of your property for sale to your estate agent, who can then pass this onto your prospective buyer.

You must be completely up front and honest, just as you expect your buyer to be. However irrelevant a defect may seem it must be disclosed, as all information is relevant to the property’s

next owner. This includes structural problems, damp concerns, subsidence questions, invasive plants, neighbour disputes as well as anti-social behaviour issues in the area.

Let the Seller Beware

If it transpires that you have failed to disclose all pertinent information to your agent then you could face criminal charges, a fine of up to £5,000 and/or up to two years in prison.

What does this mean for Estate Agents? At Anthony Pepe we have always undertaken extra due diligence to ensure our buyers particulars of sale are accurate and always ask our vendors to review and approve these in writing before publication and distribution.

We acknowledge that the law hasn’t always been clear on this subject, but as trusted and experienced agents we totally appreciate and whole-heartedly support this newest legislation for UK agents; and will always endeavour to disclose the drawbacks of a property for sale as well as its key selling features, by working closely with our vendors through the entirety of the selling process.

These extra safeguards for buyers should mean much less chance of a purchase falling through at the last minute, as you will be thoroughly informed. This policy should also save more time and waste less money for all parties involved.

If you wish to discuss how this change could affect you and your home, call one of our team today.

For years property buyers have had to adhere to the common law principle of ‘Caveat Emptor’; aka ‘Let the Buyer Beware’. This meant that if you were looking to sell your home, you were solely responsible for properly inspecting your property to ensure its

quality and condition. Failure to do so offered no option of recourse if the property fell below the buyers expectations post-purchase.

when selling your home

No MoreSmoke & Mirrors


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what makes a neighbourhoodPEPGems

High streets are now bursting with fascinating independent stores; in essence they are reverting back. The way that we shop is changing; the big shop is becoming a thing of the past, now we are shopping daily, selecting the fresh produce we wish to at that evening. These brave independents are giving us a more ‘human’ way to shop and the high street is part of our neighbourhood once again.

In Harringay, one shop is certainly bucking this trend and giving our community delicious produce with a quirky twist. Harringay Local Store is busy, there is a great atmosphere when you enter that you can’t help but smile. We managed to grab a quick chat with the owners, Paul and Ebony Harding, I asked Ebony:

What makes a local store? “We have lived in Harringay for 8 years. We started the store because we were a bit frustrated with the lack of organic and British produce on Green Lanes, and also that we had to travel to our neighbouring towns Crouch End and Stoke Newington to find the health and whole foods we wanted to eat and cook with. There is an astonishing array of fresh produce available on Green Lanes of course, but we like to do what we can to support organic farming and local producers and suppliers. A lot of the products in our store are actually made in Haringey, along with products made in Hackney, Stoke Newington, Hackney Wick etc - from all around London and the UK. Our staff all live in the area, with Paul and I living only a few streets away. I always hoped that someone would open a store like this on Green Lanes, eventually I realized that maybe it was up to us to give it a go!”

What makes Harringay feel like home? “We haven’t lived anywhere else in London that has the sense of community you feel in Harringay. We have made great friends with our neighbours, local business people, and now customers, I just can’t imagine happening elsewhere in London. As two Aussies living in London, its friends that are our family here, and to have

such a great support system in our own little pocket of London really makes it possible to live away from our families back home.”

We couldn’t leave without asking Paul, what made you think of putting records with food? “As a DJ, I always dreamt of owning a record store. I own more records than I’ll ever be able to play and my love for vinyl runs very deep. If I was ever going to start any kind of business, it had to include records somehow. This venture is perfect for that and I’ve got dibs on a corner of the shop where we have a great range of vinyl and cd’s, hand picked by yours truly. There has been a great resurgence in vinyl as a medium and for those of us who never stopped buying it, it’s an awesome thing to see. At some stage we might even go so far as to having in-store performances but for now I’m just excited to be able to select a great range of music for the shop to sell.”

Being part of this fantastic community is extremely important to all of us at Anthony Pepe. We know how special this area is; if you would like to discover if living here is for you, why not contact our team today.

It’s funny how with our fast paced lives and reliance on the digital world, that we crave a piece of the past. Instead of wanting the bright lights, we now seek to live in an area that has a real community feel. We know how to make a house a home, but a home is warmer when

the place we live also gives us a sense of belonging.


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what’s that smell?

What prevents your home from selling?

While your home might be flawless in your own eyes, there are certain things that can instantly put buyers off. We aren’t talking furniture or dodgy décor (although, try to modernise if possible), but aspects of

the house that can turn a nose up in a second. With this in mind, we have put together our tips- six things to look out for, before the buyers descend…

Bad Smells Even if your home resembles something from Good Housekeeping’s most desirable homes pages, if there’s a whiff in the air, the buyers are going to care. House smells are top of the list when it comes to putting buyers off. Smells range from cigarette smoke and pets, to mould and mildew lingering in the air. Unfortunately, noses become accustomed to certain smells over time, so ask someone who doesn’t live in your home to smell the air. Don’t be offended if you don’t like the answer; they’re helping you out. Get rid of any bed smells so potential buyers come in to a fresh and clean atmosphere, not one that is filled with spray to cover the smells.

Unclean Bathrooms The bathroom is one of the most important rooms that people like to keep clean. A bathroom can make people dislike your home immediately if it isn’t spotless; if the bathroom is grubby and has mildew, they will wonder what other dirt lurks beneath the surface of your property. Extra cleaning is a must if you want to sell your home. Scrub your bathroom to perfection, paint the chipped walls, put in a new rug and fresh towels, and buy a clean shower curtain. Open the windows when buyers are looking around to let in some fresh air.

Damp Rooms If you have a basement and don’t use it as a functioning room, you may experience some damp issues. Often it is caused by rainwater seeping into the foundations, and doesn’t necessarily mean you have a fault within the grounds. However, buyers won’t see it like this. If they smell damp, they think cost, or a delay in moving in while the damp is removed. Or even worse, recurring damp problems. This is a red light. To remove damp smells, determine where any water from outside

is going. The smell could be caused by the drains being clogged, or rain gutters full of leaves. Investigate and resolve, or lose a sale.

Kerb Appeal Your house needs to look good from the outside. The front needs to be edging on picture-perfect; not only does it paint a good impression of the owners, it puts potential buyers in positive spirits before they have stepped in the door.

The Stalker Seller When people come to have a good look around your home, they often prefer to have a good old mosey around without you following them. Yes, it makes sense to be at least a few rooms away in case they have questions, but leave them be while they wander. They need personal space to chat things through with their partner or agent, and if you’re there, they might not feel comfortable. Let them nit-pick at details with you out of the room. If you hear them talking about changing ‘this, that and the other’, this means they like your home and are already considering how to add their stamp.

Lighting Even if your rooms are tidied to each corner and crevice, if they’re dark and unlit, they can be a turnoff and give the wrong impression of the room. Remove heavy curtains that prevent light getting into your rooms, and turn on lamps that give the room a homely feel. If a room has dark wallpaper or paint, consider giving it a repaint to make it feel fresh; white works wonders.

By making such small simple steps, you will be presenting your potential buyers with a home that will delight them from start to finish. Look at your home before any viewings begin, and see what you can change; it will be worth it when a new family are signing on the dotted line.

Sam Ashdown The owner & founder of

HomeTruths delivers the right advice to sell your house.


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in your areaStats That Matter

House prices have seen an increase in Harringay of over 35% in last 3 years

House prices have seen an increase in Palmers Green of over 12% in last year

97.4% of our customers would recommend us to friends and family

28% of the properties we sell failed to sell with another agent first time around

98.4% of asking prices are achieved

Buyer are looking at 8 properties on average before purchase

Rents have increased by 5.5% compared to this time last year

Average house sold prices on the “Ladder” Harringay is £817,500


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T. 020 8341 9999

Avondale Road, N15 £515,000 OIEO

An absolutely stunning two bedroom, Victorian mid-terrace, located on a quiet tree lined residential road. The property is presented to an exceptional standard, offering a contemporary and sophisticated feel throughout. Benefits include a through lounge, double bedrooms, rear garden and loft access.

Mattison Road, N4 £425,000An attractive two bedroom, bay fronted conversion arranged over the first floor of a Victorian property on one of Harringay’s premier roads. This splendid period home is offered in excellent decorative condition; perfect for a professional couple looking to buy in this vibrant area.

Norman Avenue, N22 £410,000 OIEO

An exceptional two bedroom end of terrace house located on a desirable road on the Scotch estate. The property features a spacious reception room leading to a stylish kitchen/diner, 40ft rear garden, as well as two double bedrooms and a contemporary bathroom.

Solar House, N22 £295,000Stunning one bedroom apartment set on the third floor of a modern private development, in the heart of Wood Green. The property offers a high quality finish throughout, and is the perfect base for the busy professional or buy to let investor.






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Wilmot Road, N17 £799,950 A gorgeous four bedroom end of terrace family home occupying a corner plot overlooking the ever popular Downhill’s Park. The property has been tastefully decorated by the current owner offering an exciting blend of contemporary and urban chic.

Etherley Road, N15 £485,000 OIEO

A gorgeous three bedroom Victorian half house located on a popular and sought after road, moments away from Green Lanes, Harringay. Arranged over two floors, the property boasts a bay fronted reception room, dining room, integrated kitchen, modern bathroom and private rear garden.

Graham Road, N15 £500,000 OIEO

An absolutely stunning two bedroom, bay fronted Victorian mid-terrace with views of the picturesque Graham Road green. The property is presented to an exceptional standard, with stripped wooden flooring throughout, original features and tessellated tiles.

Warham Road, N4 £415,000An attractive two bedroom, bay fronted conversion arranged over the first floor of a Victorian property on one of Harringay’s premier roads. This splendid period home boasts a south facing reception room, fully integrated kitchen, two generous size bedrooms, fitted bathroom and loft room.

T. 020 8341 9999







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Sales|Harringay T. 020 8341 9999

John Campbell Road, N16, £1,250,000. A stunning, mid terrace, Victorian property located moments away from the trendy shops, bars and amenities of Stoke Newington High Street. This three storey house has been refurbished to a high spec to provide beautiful, contemporary accommodation over 1586 sq ft.

Mountgrove Road, N5 £415,000 OIEO

A gorgeous one bedroom first floor period conversion, located on a desirable tree lined road moments away from the open space of Clissold Park. The property has been tastefully designed offering a modern chique feel, perfect for a professional purchaser.

Norman Avenue, N22 £599,995An absolutely stunning three bedroom end of terrace house located on one of the most desirable roads on the Scotch estate. It has been tastefully restored and refurbished to an exceptional standard, offering a contemporary style whilst keeping the period charm of the Victorian property.

Hermitage Road, N4 £539,995 OIEO

A stunning three bedroom bay fronted Victorian terrace with a south facing rear garden. The property has recently been refurbished to an exceptional standard, perfect for a professional couple. Features two reception rooms, contemporary kitchen/diner, three bedrooms and a state of the art bathroom.




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Effingham Road, N8 £750,000 OIEO

An exceptional three bedroom, bay fronted property on the ‘Harringay Ladder’, offering an exciting blend of contem-porary urban chic. The property is in excellent condition, oozing style and sophistication. Located moments away from Green Lanes, Harringay with its superb selection of shops and restaurants.

Seymour Road £800,000 OIEO

A beautiful three bedroom, bay fronted Victorian mid-terrace situated on the desirable ‘Harringay Ladder’. Offered in excellent condition with an exciting blend of contemporary and original period features, including Victorian tessellated flooring, feature fireplaces and coving. Located moments away from Green Lanes, Harringay.

Myddleton Road, N22 £409,995An exceptional three bedroom, split level maisonette forming part of a Victorian end of terrace building. Occupying 1364 Sq Ft of living space with an abundance of period features, including stripped wooden flooring, high ceilings and feature fireplaces with a flare of individual design.

Tancred Road, N4 £535,000Exceptional two bedroom, split level period conversion, located on one of Harringay’s most desirable roads, with stunning views of the New River. Offering access to the open spaces of Finsbury Park, as well as the shops and restaurants of Green Lanes and Stroud Green.

Harringay|SalesT. 020 8341 9999





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Lettings|Harringay T. 020 8341 9999

Chesterfield Gardens, N4 £1200 PCMA fantastic split level one bedroom flat over the top floors of this period house. The property consists of; a double bedroom, modern bathroom, a good sized reception room and a separate kitchen.

Seymour Road, N8 £1500 PCMA delightful two bedroom ground floor period style conversion on the sought after ‘Harringay Ladder’ in good decorative order. The property comprises reception room, kitchen, bathroom, cellar and sole use of rear garden. Seymour Road offers access to Manor House Underground station and Harringay Rail.

Carlingford Road, N15 £1150 PCMA fantastic one bedroom ground floor flat on a tree-lined residential road within a short distance of Turnpike Lane Underground station. Comprises a large reception room with period fire place, bedroom with ample storage, large kitchen/diner with access to rear garden and a contemporary bathroom.

Terront Road, N15 £1550 PCMA superb two bedroom half house property located close to Turnpike Lane Underground. The property offers a fantastic through reception / dining room with feature spiral staircase, a separate fitted kitchen leading to the garden, modern bathroom, a large master bedroom and further guest bedroom.

Abbotsford Avenue, N15 £1350 PCMA superb two double bedroom first floor flat located within close proximity of Turnpike Lane Underground station and seven sisters Underground station. The property benefits from spacious reception, a separate fully fitted kitchen, modern bathroom and two double bedrooms.

Raleigh Road, N8 £2500 PCMA newly refurbished four double bedroom house, ideally located on the popular ‘Harringay Ladder’. Retaining many period features throughout, the property offers spacious accommodation comprising reception room, newly fitted kitchen, utility room, downstairs WC, four double bedrooms, newly fitted bathroom & rear garden.


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let us take the stress out of managing your propertyProperty Management

As rents rise in London so do tenants’ expectations and as such both private and corporate tenants are demanding professionally managed lets. In our opinion offering a prospective tenant a professionally managed property speaks volumes. The best tenants will expect the

best service and as an award winning agency you can be safe in the knowledge that we’ll deliver a high quality service.

At Anthony Pepe we understand that running a tenanted property yourself can take up more of your time than anticipated. Our tailor made, comprehensive Property Management service ensures that the letting of your property runs both smoothly and stress free. From the moment you instruct us, we’ll manage every aspect of letting your property beginning with finding you the very best tenants, negotiating the best price on your behalf, and for the duration of the tenancy, our experienced team will be available to deal with any issues that arise, ensuring your property and tenants are well looked after.

At the start of the tenancy, tenants may want things added, removed, painted, repaired or replaced. We’ll see to it that this is taken care of and that your tenancy begins smoothly. You will be dedicated your own experienced Property Manager who will take care of the frequent phone calls, requests for work or repairs, appointing contractors and third parties and simply reporting back to you as little as you personally choose. Property Management cannot be carried out from the office alone, therefore our team will visit your property and manage any maintenance issues before they have a chance to escalate.

So whether it’s about ending a tenancy, negotiating the deposit or dealing with a demanding tenant, our property management team have the experience to deal with any issues that arise.

For what’s included in our property management service please see our check list below. Bespoke services are also available, all you need to do is ask one of our experienced Letting managers and they can create a service specifically designed for you.

*Minimum contract term applies *5% +V.A.T monthly management fee after the initial 5 month period *A renewal fee of 5%+vat will be applied at the point of contract renewal *£50 deposit protection fee applicable

Visit property and advise on potential rents

Market the property to the widest audience

Arrange appointments and accompany viewings

Conduct references and ID checks on tenants

Draw up a legally correct Tenancy Agreement

Negotiate tenancy renewals on the best possible terms

Carry out the duties of an agent according to the service level selected and listed in the Terms of Business for Landlords

Arrange gas safety

Help identify furnishing that comply with Fire Safety legislation

Receipt rent and chase late payment

Arrange for an inventory and Schedule of Condition of the property and its contents to be drawn up

Collect and register the deposit (where legislation dictates)

Manage the transfer of utilities

Act as Stakeholder/Agent in any damage disputes

Conduct management visits and manage tenancy issues

Handle maintenance issues using approved contractors

Payment of property specific bill

Check out the tenant and check the inventory and Schedule of Condition and identify any potential Security Deposit claims

Services Fully Managed Rent Collect Only Let

5MOnthS free *

property management when

you move your existing tenants

to Anthony Pepe


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We had an unprecedented 2014; we scooped two of the finest property awards in a single year. - GOLD, Best Estate Agency London, Times/Sunday Times Best Estate Agency 2014- GOLD, London Estate Agency of the Year, The Negotiator Awards 2014

“In a highly competitive marketplace this agency really is one to watch.”Sunday Times: Best Small London Agency

“All the classic service ethics make this London’s winning agency.”The Negotiator: London Agency Of The Year


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At Anthony Pepe, we have worked hard to create a refreshing and innovative approach to property. We are proud that such prestigious and esteemed judges have recognised this.

As wonderful as it is to have this recognition from our peers and colleagues, the opinion that continuously drives us is that of our clients. You have told us again and again that our attention to detail, the way we communicate and how we go above and beyond the usual is what sets us apart.

We’re excited about 2015 and eager to build on the success of our recent achievements.

If you are looking to buy or sell property in 2015, or would like to see for yourself what makes us a winning choice of property partner, we’d love to hear from you.


Harringay020 8341 9999407 Green LanesLondon N4 1EY

Palmers Green 020 8882 6567301 Green LanesLondon N13 4XS

[email protected]

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We believe it is extremely important to invest in our team with experienced

and talented professionals who can compliment and enhance our service to you. With this in mind we have recently appointed Iain White as a Non-Executive Director.

“It’s great to be part of such an award winning and dynamic team. I wanted to introduce myself so you know my credentials and I am not just a name you see on documentation.

I have been an estate agent all my working life from the age of 16; I started with a small independent firm called Bancroft Groves and quickly became a branch manager. The market, whilst very different then, was still about service and delivery of your promises, something I am passionate about.

In the late 1980s Bancroft Groves was sold to General Accident Insurance Group, around this time I decided to move on and joined some old colleagues, to the then little known business called Romans Estate Agents. Romans grew at an incredible rate with customer service at the core of its success and a policy of innovation and recruiting only the best in the industry.

During my time there I became shareholder and Managing Director. After a fantastic and hugely successful 23 years, I was offered the opportunity to

become a subsidiary M.D. for Countrywide looking after multiple brands and income streams. It was a privilege to work within the largest estate agency chain in the UK; it also provided new elements to my skill set and knowledge base. One of the most rewarding parts of this role was successfully returning loss-making brands to producing substantial profits.

In November 2014 I made the decision to branch out on my own, utilizing my wealth of experience to provide consultancy and training services to Estate Agents. In addition I act as a Non-Executive Director for 8 businesses, all very different and distinctive in their own right.

Each time I visit the Anthony Pepe team I enjoy their energy and desire to be the best. This friendly family orientated business, knows what it wants and has a plan to deliver it. I am particularly pleased that they’ve placed their customer and staff at the forefront of their plans, evident from the many thank you letters and positive online reviews for the manner in which they go about their business. They also continuously achieve extraordinary results for sellers and landlords.

I am looking forward to delivering the Anthony Pepe expansion plans to the business as well as helping to encourage their innovation. Together we will continue to ensure you our customers, have the best of everything at our disposal and that our dealings are always transparent, honest and friendly.”

Iain White

an introductionIain White

Iain WhiteMeet Iain, Anthony Pepe’s Non-Executive Director.


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Palmers Green|LettingsT. 020 8882 6567

Ellena Court, N14 £1450 PCMA two bedroom luxury apartment set within a private development. The property is located within walking distance to Broomfield Park and close to both Southgate and Palmers Green shopping and transport facilities.

Ulster Gardens, N13 £1700 PCMA newly redecorated four bedroom family home located on a popular residential street, within close proximity to the shopping and transport facilities of Palmers Green. The property comprises spacious reception room, galley style kitchen,), four generously sized bedrooms, bathroom with separate WC and rear garden.

Grovelands Road, N13 £1700 PCMA stunning and very spacious three bedroom first floor flat set within an Edwardian Conversion on a sought after turning, just moments from the local transport links of Palmers Green Mainline Station, the green open spaces of Broomfield Park and the ample shopping facilities of Green Lanes.

Crestbrook Place, N13 £1650 PCMA spacious three bedroom apartment situated on the second floor of an Art Deco mansion block in Palmers Green. Located along Green Lanes, within close proximity to Palmers Green BR station, a selection of shops, restaurants and bars and within catchment of St.Monicas Primary School.

Chequers Way, N13 £1500 PCMAnthony Pepe are pleased to offer this immaculately presented 3 bedroom family house, ideally located in the catchment area of Oakthorpe School and within easy reach of Wood Green Underground Station along with local shopping and recreational amenities.

Maple Leaf Court, N13 £1275 PCMA stunning two double bedroom ground floor apartment set within a popular gated development, moments from the shopping facilities, transport links of Palmers Green and the green open spaces of Broomfield Park. Available now on a furnished/unfurnished basis. Internal viewing highly recommended.


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Sales|Palmers Green T. 020 8882 6567

Lodge Drive, N13 £985,000An elegant four bedroom Edwardian corner residence situated in the heart of Palmers Green and within walking distance to transport links and amenities. The property boasts 1968 sq ft of beautifully presented accommodation with an abundance of period features to include ceilings, fireplaces and windows.

Amberley Road, N13 £849,995A stunning five bedroom Edwardian family home located off the ever popular Fox Lane and Bourne Hill Roads. The property has retained many period features to include original doors, flooring and fireplaces throughout, whilst also managing to offer a modern feel.

Greenway, N14 £750,000A very well presented three bedroom semi-detached family home offering exceptional living space and boasts approx.1146 Sq feet. Situated on the desirable Meadway Estate, the property is within walking distance to the ever popular Grovelands Park and within close proximity to Southgate Underground station.

Merryhills, EN2 £750,000A very desirable four bedroom purpose built semi-detached property situated on a popular residential road in Oakwood. The property benefits from a spacious through lounge, separate kitchen/diner, 85’ rear garden, attached garage to the side and off street parking for more than one vehicle.


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Cranley Gardens, N13 £799,995 OIEO

Character filled four bedroom Edwardian home in the heart of Palmers Green, close to local transport links and amenities. The property boasts approximately 1717 Sq Ft of beautifully presented living accommodation offering a wealth of features including panelled ceilings, stained glass, stripped flooring and fireplaces.

Sidney Road, N22 £399,995A beautifully presented two bedroom ground floor Edwardian conversion situated on a residential turning directly off Green Lanes. The property is located within easy reach of both Wood Green Underground and Bowes Park Station (offering direct links to Moorgate) alongside bus routes and local shops.

Empire Avenue, N18 £499,950A rare opportunity to acquire this four bedroom detached family home located on the borders of Palmers Green. This deceptively spacious property benefits from a stunning through lounge, open plan kitchen, off street parking for two cars and a rear garage.

Hamilton Crescent, N13 £580,000A very well presented, three bedroom semi-detached property situated on a residential turning off Hazelwood Lane in Palmers Green. Advantages include period features such as tessellated flooring and stained glass windows, in addition to a large loft room, and rear garden in excess of 80ft.

Palmers Green|SalesT. 020 8882 6567


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T. 020 8882 6567

Bramley Road, N14 £840,000A deceptively spacious, four bedroom semi-detached house boasting 1782 sq ft of exceptional living accommodation comprising three reception rooms, luxury kitchen/breakfast room and four generously sized bedrooms. Benefits include double glazing, gas central heating, 60’ rear garden and off street parking for several vehicles.

Kingsley Road, N13 £369,995A generously sized two bedroom first floor Edwardian conversion offering an approximate internal area of 652 sq ft. Accommodation comprises a spacious upper landing leading to all rooms, reception room with character fireplace, modern kitchen, two bedrooms with feature fireplaces and a family bathroom.

Devonshire Road, N13 £379,995A beautifully presented one bedroom ground floor period conversion located minutes away from Palmers Green transport links. The property is light and spacious with original features including sash windows, and benefits a private front and rear garden and direct access to an underground cellar.

Davey Close, N13 £305,000A modern and spacious two double bedroom ground floor apartment, within walking distance along to the ever popular Broomfield Park. The property offers generous living accommodation occupying approx. 663 sq ft, with benefits including double glazing, gas central heating, communal gardens and parking facilities.






Sales|Palmers Green


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T. 020 8882 6567

Broomfield Lane, N13 £485,000A beautifully presented three double bedroom first floor Edwardian conversion split over two floors overlooking Broomfield park. The property, located within the heart of Palmers Green, offers bright and spacious living accommodation and has maintained some of its period features.

Russell Road, N13 £425,000A beautifully presented two bedroom ground floor Edwardian conversion, with great transport links into the City of London, and local shops. The property is in excellent decorative order, benefitting from double glazing, gas central heating and a large rear garden.

Stanley House, N13 £485,000Fantastic two bedroom ground floor apartment set within a secure modern development, and is ideally located for the shops and amenities of Palmers Green and Broomfield Park. Further benefits include double glazing, private balcony overlooking communal gardens, secure gated off-street parking and video entryphone system.

Connaught Gardens, N13 £549,950A very well presented, three bedroom semi-detached property situated on a residential turning off Hazelwood Lane in Palmers Green. Advantages include period features such as tessellated flooring and stained glass windows, in addition to a large loft room, and rear garden in excess of 80ft.




Palmers Green|Sales


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George Osborne’s last budget before the election didn’t have much to say on housing bar more ‘help to buy’ for those that can afford to save.

Help to Buy ISA key information:-

• Only first time buyers are eligible, over 16 years

• You can make an initial deposit of up to £1,000 when you open an account

• There is no minimum monthly deposit, but you can save up to £200 a month

• One person = one account, so two people can have an account and ‘gift’ each

• The ‘gift’ or ‘bonus’ is a minimum of £400 to a maximum of £3,000

• In London you can have support on a property up to £450,000 and £250,000 outside of London

Question and Answers on the Help to Buy ISA:

How much help with the government give? If you save £12,000 then the government will give you £3,000 on completion of your property purchase

When does it start? The plan is to start the savings schemes in Autumn 2015, but you can start saving now to put up to £1,000 into the plan from the day they open

Will the support on property values be enough? The average FTB in London spends just under £300,000 and those outside less than £135,000 according to the CML, so the offer of support at this level is very generous and should capture most buyers

Help to Buy ISA with £3,000

government gift

Ari TheodorouAnthony Pepe’s Sales

Director gives top tips for first time buyers.


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What property types can you use the deposit towards? There is no mention of whether this is restricted to any property type. The information just says ‘bonus is available to first time buyers purchasing UK properties’.

Can you use the deposit together with other government First time buyer schemes? This could mean first time buyers investing in the new Help to Buy ISA end up getting a ‘double’ bonus where they have help towards savings and then help with a Help to Buy free loan of up to 20% for the first five years of purchase on new builds.

The information from the Treasury says “the scheme can be used in conjunction with any of the other ways the government is helping people achieve their home-owning aspirations, including the other elements of Help to Buy and shared ownership schemes.” Will this drive up property prices? Unlikely. This was a massive issue when Help to Buy was announced and it never impacted. To date Help to Buy has supported 80,000 people onto the housing ladder. Out of over a 1 million sales, the amount is too small.

For Londoners, they tend to put down a deposit of around £70,000, so they will be helped up to 10% of their savings and for Northern Ireland deposits tend to be just under £15,000 so they will be helped with up to 25% of their deposit.

The savings plan will take time to kick in though, so as an incentive it is not an ‘instant’ hit on the market.

The table below shows the average (median) level of deposit by first-time buyers across all regions within the UK from the Council of Mortgage Lenders.

How long will it take for people to save now? The Halifax have done some work on this and estimate “it could reduce the amount of time you have to save by just under a year.” This is based on the first-time buyer house price based on latest Halifax House Price Index.

Is this just another giveaway? To some extent yes, but it is helping those in the private rented sector without the help of mum and dad to get on the ladder.

Ray Boulger made a good point in that FTBs are effectively getting the money towards their deposit as a ‘tax free sum’ now. That’s exactly the same as someone would who is saving for a pension.

Will it work? The last Help to Buy initiative effectively turned the market from being in the doldrums to getting back to normal. Although often accused of causing house price rises, it didn’t. London where house price rises were the highest few people bought under the Help to Buy scheme, in fact London was the 5th region in terms of volume of take up on Help to Buy new build.

What may really work is currently many first time buyers aren’t really bothering to save as they don’t believe they can afford to buy – and few are even bothering to check as the media is so full of stories saying ‘it is impossible’ to get on the ladder.

A huge bonus of this could be that savvy first time buyers realise they can save £200 a month which would be £2,400, so for the average of £135,000 purchase, a 5% deposit of £6,750, this would take just under 3 years to save for and then the government would put their 25% extra in – which would either take the deposit up to £8,437 or would mean you would only need to save £5,000 for a deposit.

For a couple, that means saving up to £2,500 each which at £200 a month would mean a 5% deposit in just over a year with the government scheme.


Source: CML RMS

Northern £16,400Yorkshire and Humberside £17,500East Midlands £18,700East Anglia £26,200Greater London £69,600South East £32,100South West £30,000West Midlands £19,800North West £18,000England £26,600Wales £17,600Scotland £20,100Northern Ireland £14,600UK £25,200

Background Illustration

Average First-Time Buyer Feb 2015 £146, 580

5% Deposit £7,329

Number of Months it would take to save for a 5% deposit (£200)


Number of Months it would take to save for a 5% deposit (£250)


In their example:- Total Government contribution of £1,466 based on £50 x 29 monthsTotal personal contribution of £5,863 based on £200 x 37 months


6014 Anthony Pepe Peptalk.indd 23 01/05/2015 10:03

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Dish Brush The White Company £5.00The perfect washing-up tool, this new Dish Brush is soft enough for delicate dinnerware, with 100% horsehair bristle head, contoured beech wood handle and handy wire hanging loop.

spring clean with stylePEPTrend

Housekeeper Wanted Cleaning Materials Storage Tin Amazon £18.18This Classic Cleaning Materials Storage Tin is the ideal companion for all your polishes, bottles and cloths.

Common Good All Purpose Cleaner Another Country, from£11.00The perfect washing-up tool, this new Dish Brush is soft enough for delicate dinnerware, with 100% horsehair bristle head, contoured beech wood handle and handy wire hanging loop.

Perigot Broom Luang Mamtha Occa-Home £10.00This is the ideal accessory for dusting down storage units and cabinets or reaching those troublesome areas behind console tables and media stands.

OXO Good Grips® Compact Dustpan and Brush Lakeland £6.99This nifty set with its really slim profile makes it easy to store, even in a drawer or car glove compartment. Its soft lip hugs surfaces so no dirt escapes whilst the premium bristles ensure maximum pick-up.

The sun has been shining and the freshness of spring has been filling the air. As we start to dust away the cobwebs of the autumn months, we think about getting our homes ready for the summer. Whether you’re preparing your home for sale or not, this time of year seems to drive

us to spring clean. Let us show you, with these chic products, how you can spring clean with style.


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meet the local communityLocal People

Shef and Rob are the two key officers of HTA who have been the driving force behind much

of the recent regeneration and the long journey of transformation of Green Lanes for the last decade. HTA were also members of the Green Lanes Strategy Group (GLSG) which organised the Harringay Food Festival in 2009 and 2011. The group won over £2m from The Mayor of London Outer London Fund for high street regeneration of Green Lanes.

Q. As owners of long established businesses in Green Lanes, Harringay what are the main changes you have seen in the area since you set up your businesses? A. Our early recollection of Green Lanes in the 80s was quite different to what it is now. There used to be a TV rental shop, an Army & Navy store called Kerwin, a video rental, a record shop, lots of Fruit & Veg shops, a nightclub which was above the Tesco express, a Wimpy, a Woolworths and a number of banks! We even had the Harringay Stadium famous for Speedways and Dog racing.

Q. You are both very involved in the community, can you tell me your proudest achievements have been to date? A. Rob: It would be winning the £2m from the Mayor of London. Our bid was the only one that was submitted by a community group whilst the rest were all Council bids. This meant that all the interventions proposed where what the community wanted rather than the other way round.

A Shef: It was the Harringay Food Festival. This single biennial event was enjoyed by thousands of visitors, defined and established Green Lanes into the Mediterranean Food Mecca for North London.

Q. What are your hopes for the future of the area, specifically the high street? A. Our defining USP is being London’s main cluster for the best Mediterranean Food, and we have to ensure that we can maintain that edge. We have focused on creating public realm space outside the Salisbury, but we’re also focused on our ‘gateways’. These are demarcation acts of Green Lanes tell visitors that they have arrived at their destination. To the North of Green Lanes, we’ve lit up The Salisbury pub façade, and to the South is the new signage installed on the Bridge. One of the other big ambitions is to build our own multi-story car park.

Q. Harringay’s property prices over the last few years have been amongst the fastest rising in London. Why do you think that is the case? A. We feel that much of this is due to the success of London being London. Having said that, each high street or town centre mustn’t get complacent because they will inevitably compete with one another. So if we have a successful high street, the knock on affects the whole community. It’s now where investments is pouring into the neighbourhood, and vacancy rate is at its lowest ever.

Q. The area has changed a lot over the last few decades, however is there something you believe has stayed constant in the area? A. We believe the one thing that hasn’t changed in Green Lanes is its diversity. It is just as diverse now as it was back then.

Q. What’s your favourite thing about Harringay? A. There are two that we like to mention. First is the Salisbury Hotel, which is a beautiful Grade II listed Victorian building, and the film location of 1980s film Chaplin, starring Robert Downey Jnr. And the other is the community spirit. There is a real sense of community between traders and residents, working together to make it a great place to visit, to work and hopefully to live.

Rob ChauBorn in HK, and came to the UK in 1970. Lived in Sunderland, Bristol and

Bournemouth, Rob eventually settled in London and started Tao Sports in 1988 which is

now an embroidery and t-shirt print shop, but also specializes

in Martial Arts clothing and workwear. Rob is also the Hon secretary of Harringay Traders

Assoc since 1992

Shef MehmetBorn in Cyprus, and came to the UK in the early Sixties and

opened Cherie Hair Salon in 1967.

Chair and Founder of Harringay Traders Assoc

(HTA) in 1986

Governor of CHENEL (College of Haringey, Enfield

and Northeast London)

Governor of SHJC (South Harringay Junior School)

Committee member of Met’ Police Haringey Community

Boxing Club

Member of IAG (Independent Advisory Panel) for Met Police

in Haringey and Enfield


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Our Staff|Harringay T. 020 8341 9999

Charlie Perdios Director

[email protected]

James HainesSales Negotiator


Dina AbaziLettings Negotiator


Julio EleftheriouCommercial Director

[email protected]

Ben Tootill-BorrillBranch Manager

[email protected]

Andrew SeemungalSales Negotiator


Laura AllamPA/Office Administrator


Martin Arlington arlaLettings Manager


Lauren BenhamLettings Negotiator


Tel 020 8341 9999Fax 020 8340 5999Email [email protected]

Anthony Pepe Harringay, 407 Green Lanes, London, N4 1EY

Harringay is a residential area of North London, part of the London Borough of Harringay. It is centred on the section of Green Lanes running between the northern boundary of Finsbury Park up to the southern boundary of Duckett’s Common, not far from Turnpike Lane.

Whilst the main road feels definitely cosmopolitan, the population of the surrounding streets is somewhat more homogeneous. The streets to the west of Green Lanes are known as the ‘Harringay Ladder’ (due to their similarity to a ladder when seen on a map). The streets to the east behind Grand Parade are known as ‘Harringay Gardens’.


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Palmers Green|Our Staff

Ari TheodorouDirector

[email protected]

Mina GadelrabSales Negotiator

[email protected]

Andreea DixonLettings Negotiator


George Nicou mnaeaBranch Manager

[email protected]

Maria ZorlakkisSales Negotiator


Maria EvagorouProperty Manager

[email protected]

Catherine Holt Lettings Manager

[email protected]

Nicholas MarshSales Negotiator


Jayne SmithProperty Manager

[email protected]

Tel 020 8882 6567Fax 020 8882 8164

Email [email protected]

301 Green Lanes, London, N13 4XS

The Edwardian estates of Old Lakes, Minchenden and Monkfrith remain the zenith of housing here, and original features can be accordingly thick on the ground. The added attraction here is the presence of Broomfield Park, and this with the undulating terrain can make for some particularly fine views.

East of Green Lanes, many of the Edwardian villas have been long spilt into flats, although some of this process has been reversed.

By the time we get to the eastern edge of N13 the air is far more Edmonton than Palmers Green, with some housing in the shadow of the great junction of the A10 and the A406. Here we find rows of inter-war semis and terraces, nearly all with sizeable gardens.


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Harringay Branch407 Green Lanes, HarringayLondon N4 1EYtel 020 8341 9999 fax 020 8340 5999email [email protected]

Palmers Green Branch301 Green Lanes, Palmers GreenLondon N13 4XStel 020 8882 6567 fax 020 8882 8164email [email protected]

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