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Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 (402)489-0386 Attention: Tennis Coaches and Athletic Directors are expected to read this Manual and keep it for reference purposes. It contains essential information regarding the operation of tennis competitions. This Tennis Manual has been prepared and designed to provide general information for use in the administration of NSAA tennis competition. It will serve as a guide to participating schools. All information will be included in the Manual except such supplementary information, which may be found on the NSAA website. The regulations in this Manual shall be considered official unless the schools are notified of a change. Associate Director, Debra Velder, is the NSAA staff member responsible for administering tennis and would be the person inquiries regarding this activity should be directed to. She may be contacted at [email protected].


Changes for 2018-19

1. NSAA Policy on Comments and Negative Actions Against Officials and Judges 2. Classification is based on girl only enrollment, grades 9-11 from enrollment figures submitted the

school year which immediately precedes the one-year classification period. 3. Opting Up – a school may opt up one classification. The deadline for submitting a request to the

NSAA is one week from when classifications are released. 4. Medical Personnel at Regular Season Contests 5. 7th & 8th place matches added to the State Championship format. 6. State Championship schedule and match format revised. 7. Expected Behaviors at Awards Ceremonies

Start of Practice: Monday, February 25 Date of First Contest: Thursday, March 14

State Entries Due: May 9 Seeding: Monday, May 13

State Championships: Thursday-Friday, May 16-17 (Class A Potential Inclement Weather Date: Wednesday, May 15)


INDEX KEY DATES ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 CHANGES FOR 2018-2019 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 NSAA MISSION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 NSAA POLICY ON COMMENTS AND NEGATIVE ACTIONS AGAINST OFFICIALS & JUDGES ........................................................ 4 SPORTSMANSHIP BYLAWS AND APPROVED RULINGS ..................................................................................................................... 5-6 NSAA SPORTSMANSHIP GUIDELINES & EJECTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6-7 BYLAWS GOVERNING TENNIS ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Electronic Devices ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 End of Season for Outside Participation....................................................................................................................................... 8 Organized Practice ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Clinics. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Participation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Amateur Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Non-School Participation ........................................................................................................................................................... 9-10 Eligibility for District/State Competition ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Individualized Instruction ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Supervision .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities .......................................................................................................................... 11 APPROVED RULINGS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Official Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Match Limit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Tie-Breaker.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Rotation of Service ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Inclement Weather Procedure – Regular Season ..................................................................................................................... 12 Classification ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Season Records ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 STATE ENTRY INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Alternate Players ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Seeding ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 STATE INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Dates ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Match Format for the State Championship ................................................................................................................................ 14 Location ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Travel Instructions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Entries ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Inclement Weather ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Schedule/Format ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Warm-Up ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Time Between Matches .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Meet Director ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Coaches ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Conduct Rule .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Spectator Conduct ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Injury Time Out ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Default Rule ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Scorekeeper ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Balls ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Meals ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Team Scoring .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Team Championship Tiebreaker ................................................................................................................................................ 18 State Awards ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Expected Behaviors at Awards Ceremonies .............................................................................................................................. 18 Dress Code ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 NSAA Statement on Steroids ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Prayer .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Media ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Unmanned Arial Vehicle (Drone) Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Fan/Spectator Support Items ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Classifications ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21



The public and non-public high schools of Nebraska voluntarily agreed to form the Nebraska School Activities Association for the following purposes:

To formulate and make policies which will cultivate high ideals of citizenship, fair competition, sportsmanship and teamwork which will complement the member schools' curriculum programs.

To foster uniformity of standards in interscholastic activity competition.

To organize, develop, direct and regulate an interscholastic activity program which is equitable and will protect and promote the health and physical welfare of all participants.

NSAA Policy on Comments and Negative Actions Against Officials and Judges.

The National Federation of State High School Associations has devised Code of Ethics guidelines for high school coaches. The function of a coach is to educate students through participation in interscholastic competition. The coach or sponsor shall respect and support contest officials and judges. The coach or sponsor shall not indulge in conduct that would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials, judges or players is unethical. The Nebraska School Activities Association has embraced that Coaches Code of Ethics and has established policies and standards that will cultivate the ideals of good sportsmanship, professionalism and conduct. It shall be the responsibility of each member school to ensure that all individuals directly associated with the interscholastic program conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike and professional manner. The high school coach or director is a representative of the school at interscholastic activity events. It is the responsibility of all coaches and directors to serve as role models for students and the public. It is the expectation that all coaches, directors, administrators and student participants shall refrain from negative criticism of NSAA member institutions, officials, adjudicators, judges, etc. in public statements before, during or after interscholastic events. The appropriate public response to media questions at all venues regarding officiating/judging is “per NSAA policy, I am unable to comment.” Any other response is a violation of this board policy and is subject to penalty. It would be considered a violation of this NSAA policy to include, but are not limited to the following:

a. Making degrading and/or critical remarks about officials or adjudicators or the officiating or judging before, during or after an event either on or off-site, via social media, or through any public means.

b. Detaining the officials/adjudicators/judges during or following the event to request a ruling or explanation of actions or evaluation by the official(s)/adjudicator(s)/judges.

c. Entering the officials dressing area following the contest.

Negative actions by an individual directly associated with the program shall be reported to the NSAA office by the school and/or by the head contest official, adjudicator, judge, or manager. The school shall document the results of their investigation and actions taken, where necessary and appropriate. The NSAA Executive Director shall determine the appropriate penalties for violation of this board policy.


Sportsmanship Bylaws & Approved Rulings 2.11 Penalties 2.11.3 Participant Ejections from Athletic Contests. Any participant ejected from a contest for

unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next athletic contest at that level of competition and all other athletic contests at any level during the interim, in addition to the other penalties the NSAA or the school may assess.

Approved Ruling 2.11.3 Any participant ejected a second time during a season from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next two contests at that level of competition and all other athletic contests at any level during the interim, in addition to other penalties the NSAA or school may assess. Any participant ejected a third time shall be ineligible for the next three contests at that level of competition and all other athletic contests at any level during the interim, in addition to other penalties the NSAA or school may assess. When schools have students or coaches with multiple ejections, the school shall submit to the NSAA a written management plan on how they plan to remediate the problem. 2.11.4 Coach Ejections from Athletic Contests. Any coach ejected from a contest for

unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible to coach the next athletic contest at that level of competition and all other athletic contests at any level during the interim, in addition to the other penalties the NSAA or the school may assess.

Approved Ruling 2.11.4 Coaches who are ejected will be required to successfully complete the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior online course within 10 days of the ejection at the coaches' expense. Failure by an ejected coach to successfully complete the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior online course within 10 days of the ejection will result in the coach being suspended from coaching in any further competition in that activity for the remainder of the season, including all NSAA end-of-season play (sub-districts, districts, playoffs, and state competition.) In those situations in which the ejection of the coach occurs near the end of the season or during the NSAA end-of-season play, the coach will be required to successfully complete the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior online course before being able to coach the following season or year. Coaches who are ejected a second time will be required to sit-out the next two contests at that level, plus all other contests at other levels during the interim and successfully complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching online course within 10 days of the ejection at the coaches' expense. Failure to successfully complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching online course within 10 days of the ejection will result in the coach being suspended from coaching in any further competition in that activity for the remainder of the season, including all NSAA end-of-season play (sub-districts, districts, playoffs, and state competition.) In those situations in which the ejection of the coach occurs near the end of the season or during the NSAA end-of-season play, the coach will be required to successfully complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching online course before being able to coach the following season or year.

2.12 AR Concussion in Sports, Heat Illness Prevention, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Education All coaches and volunteers are required to complete the NFHS Concussion in Sports, Heat Illness Prevention, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training courses annually. These courses should be taken prior to any pre-season or regular season physical workouts that the respective coach would be present for or involved in administering. Any course taken after May 1 would be considered valid for the following school year. Note: The courses can be accessed at


APPROVED RULINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS FOR 2.1.2 Medical Personnel at Regular Season Contests. Severe injuries, sudden illnesses and other critical incidents do not often occur during school activities, but it is important for every school to have an emergency action plan (EAP) for administrators, faculty, coaches and staff members to follow should emergencies occur. Due to lack of universal availability of medical coverage and other logistical reasons, NSAA does not require that schools have a physician, trainer or ambulance on-site at regular season activities; however, each school should have a plan in place should there be an emergency involving students, coaches, officials or spectators requiring medical attention. 3.3 General Regulations Governing Competition 3.3.11 Conduct and Sportsmanship. Member schools shall maintain proper crowd control and

enforce the principles of good sportsmanship and ethics during all interscholastic contests. Failure to fulfill this obligation shall subject the school to penalties as provided in Article 2, Section 2.11, NSAA Bylaws Governing All Activities. Conduct of Coaches and Athletes. Coaches and athletes shall conduct themselves in

accordance with the playing rules of the sport contest and refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct during interscholastic competition. Failure to fulfill this obligation will subject the individual(s) to the penalties as provided in Article 2, Section 2.11, NSAA Bylaws Governing All Activities. Definition of Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Unsportsmanlike conduct shall include the

following: fighting, verbal abuse or dissent directed toward an official or opponent, racial or ethnic slurs, inappropriate comments or actions that may be construed as sexual harassment, profanity, obscene gestures, flagrant and violent fouls, taunting, trash talk, baiting, cheating, throwing or abusing equipment, inappropriate posters, physical intimidation or abuse of an official or opponent, and unauthorized leaving of a team bench area.

NSAA Sportsmanship Guidelines and Ejections

1. Enforcement of the “sit-out rule” for ejections from high school contests for unsportsmanlike conduct is a responsibility of the member school. Failure to properly enforce this rule could result in other sanctions by the NSAA.

2. Administrators will be expected to promptly file a report with the NSAA whenever a participant or coach from their school has been ejected from any high school contest. Such filing must be done online under the AD login section of the NSAA webpage.

3. A participant or coach ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next athletic contest at that level of competition and any other athletic contest at any level during the interim.

4. Enforcement of the “sit-out rule” is expected to begin immediately, regardless whether it is regular-season or tournament play.

5. Any participant ejected a second time during a season from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next two contests at that level of competition and all other athletic contests at any level during the interim, in addition to other penalties the NSAA or school may assess.


6. Any participant ejected a third time during a season from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next three contests at that level of competition and all other athletic contests at any level during the interim, in addition to other penalties the NSAA or school may assess.

7. During the time of their “sit-out” suspension, athletes who are ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct may not suit up or participate, but it is the school’s discretion whether such athlete is able to travel with the team or sit on the team bench.

8. Coaches who are ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct may not coach in any contest or be present at the contest site during the time of their “sit-out” suspension. Coaches who are ejected will also be required to successfully complete the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior online course within 10 days of the ejection. Failure to successfully complete the course will result in a suspension from coaching for the remainder of the season. In those situations in which the ejection of the coach occurs near the end of the season or during the NSAA end-of-season play, the coach will be required to successfully complete the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior online course before being able to coach the following season or year.

9. Coaches who are ejected a second time in a season will be required to sit-out the next two contests at that level, plus all other contests at other levels during the interim. Coaches may not be present at the contest site during the time of their “sit-out” suspension. Any coach ejected a second time will also be required to successfully complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching online course within 10 days of the ejection. Failure to successfully complete the course will result in a suspension from coaching for the remainder of the season. In those situations in which the ejection of the coach occurs near the end of the season or during the NSAA end-of-season play, the coach will be required to successfully complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching online course before being able to coach the following season or year.

10. If the ejection takes place in the final game of the season, the suspension will carry over to the following season.

11. When schools have students or coaches with multiple ejections, the school shall submit to the NSAA a written management plan on how they plan to remediate the problem.

12. Officials will be expected to file with the NSAA an ejection report for any ejection of a player or coach from a contest online. Any unusual situation that occurs prior to, during, or after a contest should also be reported.

13. Prompt reporting to the NSAA office by the official is necessary. Officials are asked to submit their electronic report or call the NSAA office by the day following the ejection.

14. Officials are asked to be specific in listing the reason(s) for an ejection. 15. Affiliated officials (officials registered from contiguous states) will also be required to

perform this reporting function. 16. There is no appeal process for ejections for unsportsmanlike conduct. 17. The Executive Director shall reserve the right to consider the length of suspensions when

some levels of competition are scheduled on an irregular basis (e.g., three weeks between regularly scheduled non-varsity contests).


Electronic Devices. USTA regulations are very specific that no electronic devices may be in operation on the court. A cell phone must be turned off and out of sight. (USTA Rule 30) End of Season for Outside Participation Approved Ruling 3.1.1 A season begins on the first day of allowable practices for that sport, as designated in below. The season officially ends with the conclusion of the State Championship in that sport. Students may not participate in outside group instruction or competition once the season officially begins, and outside group instruction or competition may not commence until the school team has been completely eliminated from further participation in the sport. 3.2.3 Organized Practice. Organized practice for any sport shall not be held during the school year between the close of a sports season and the opening day of practice for that sport the following school year. An organized practice in tennis shall mean more than four players under the direct supervision of

a sponsor. 3.2.6 Clinics. During the season of a sport, student participation in a sports clinic, camp, or school shall not be permitted if the student is a member of the school's sport team in which instruction is being offered. Participation. Approved Ruling 3.3.7 1. In all athletic activities, teams wishing to enter a sub-district, district, or state contest shall have

participated in a minimum of five interschool varsity contests prior to the sub-district, district, or state contest.

(a) Exceptions to the requirements for a team that has not participated in at least five interschool varsity contests would be considered if the team was unable to participate if weather conditions forced a cancellation of scheduled contests. Other extenuating circumstances would be considered by the Executive Director on a case-by-case basis.

2. In order to participate in a district or state tournament, a student is required to have been a member of the school’s team for at least twenty school days prior to the first day of the sub-district, district, or state tournament.

(a) Exceptions to the requirements for a student who is not a member of the school team for twenty school days would be considered if an individual was unable to participate because of illness, injury, or transfer from another high school. School, team, or game suspensions, regardless of the underlying cause, shall not be considered as exceptions to this participation rule.

3. In all athletic activities, students wishing to enter a sub-district, district, or state contest shall have been available to participate in at least 30% of the school’s varsity interschool contests prior to the sub-district, district, or state contest.

(a) Exceptions to the requirements for a student who has not been available to participate in at least 30% of the school’s varsity interschool contests would be considered if an individual was unable to participate because of illness, injury, transfer from another high school, or if weather conditions forced a cancellation of scheduled contests. School, team, or game suspensions, regardless of the underlying cause, shall not be considered as exceptions to this participation rule.

(b) When determining whether a student has been available for 30% of the school’s varsity interschool contests, one would divide the number of varsity interschool contests for which


the student was available by the school’s total number of varsity interschool contests; all decimals .1 or above would be rounded up to the next higher whole number.

(c) The term “available to participate” means that the student was a bona fide member of the team, eligible to participate for the school at some level of competition in the sport, not suspended from participation in activities for violation of school, team, or NSAA rules, and not involved in outside participation activities (exception: Olympic Development Program or national team activities as approved by the NSAA.)

4. For situations pertaining to eligibility to participate in district or state contests that are not specifically addressed by these guidelines, the Executive Director shall have the authority to waive membership and participation requirements on a case-by-case basis.

Amateur Guidelines 1. Cash Prizes Not Permitted. Cash prizes may not be given to amateurs for participation in

tennis events. A prize cannot be cash or any award which may be surrendered for cash. 2. Merchandize Prizes. Value of prizes for amateurs in non-school events may not exceed $250

per event. If an amateur were to participate in both the single and doubles event in a particular tournament, the amateur could accept a prize having a maximum value of $250 for participation in the singles event and another prize having a maximum value of $250 for participation in the doubles event.

3. Allowable Awards. Examples of allowable awards include, but are not limited to the following: a. trophy or medal; b. merchandise; c. gift certificate; d. membership or playing privileges at a tennis club; e. tennis lessons; f. scholarship; g. tax deductible contribution by the Tournament Committee, with the amateur having the right

to designate the recipient of the contribution. 4. Donation of Prize Money to School or Tennis Organization by Tournament Committee. If a

player cannot accept prize money or a prize because the player is an amateur, then the Tournament Committee or sponsor has the discretion to give the prize money or prize to a high school, college, or the athletic department of a high school or college.

3.5.1 Non-School Participation. Any student, who participates in an athletic contest other than as a representative of his/her school during the season of the sport involved, becomes ineligible to represent his/her school in that sport for the remainder of its season.

(AR) A student may participate as an individual, without loss of interscholastic eligibility under thefollowing conditions:

(a) As a member of a national team (and the actuals direct tryouts) which is defined as one selected by the National Governing Body of the sport on a national qualification basis, either through a defined selective process of actual tryout for the purpose of international competition which requires entries to officially represent their respective nations. (b) In an Olympic Developmental Program, which is defined as a training program or competition. (1) Conducted or sponsored by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), or (2) Directly funded and conducted by the USOC member national governing body on a national level (e.g. NGB national championship and direct qualification therefore); or (3) Specifically authorized by a national governing body involving only athletes previously identified by some qualifying procedure by the national governing body as having


potential for future participation in regional, national, or international competition in the sport involved. (4) Coaches from schools involved with an Olympic Development Program must adhere to the organized practice rule. (c) While representing the National Federation as a member of its United States national entry in an International School Sport Federation event. (d) In an athletic contest sponsored by a non-high school organization, provided the individual has qualified prior to the sports season through actual competition in a meet or series of meets which were designated in advance by the sponsoring organization as qualifying meets. Times, distances, placement, or performance in high school competition shall not be considered as qualifying criteria. (e) Provided in a, b, c, and d, such participation has been approved by the high school principal and the Nebraska School Activities Association. The high school principal and the coach of the sport involved must approve the request for a waiver of Section 3.5. The school then may request a waiver from the Nebraska School Activities Association, including documentation on how prequalification was met, with a maximum of one (1) non-school event per season for an individual student. If the student(s) has not qualified for the competition through actual competition in a meet or series of meets which were designate din advance by the sponsoring organization as qualifying meets, or the competition is not a part of the United States Olympic Development Program, a waiver may be granted provided the student(s) does not represent his/her school in varsity competition of the sport involved for the same number of days in which he/she participated in the non-school competition. Students must miss the school events(s) immediately following the outside participation activity unless there are not the required number of regularly scheduled school events remaining; in which case, the additional events would need to be made up in advance of the outside participation. Request for the certification of distances or times attained in state meet competition shall besubmitted by the individual along with information on how these marks are to be used. In order to be considered, the use of such marks must meet established minimum qualifying standards and competition must be open to any athlete meeting such standards. Certification of times or distances will not be given if qualification is based upon placement in a contest sponsored by themembership of the Nebraska School Activities Association.

Eligibility for District/State Competition - Approved Ruling 3.3.7 To be eligible to participate in a district and/or state contest a student shall have been a member of the school’s team and shall have been available to participate in at least eighty percent (80%) of the school's scheduled interschool contests and not have missed more than twenty percent (20%) of the school's scheduled contests because of participating in non-high school competition. (a) The term “available to participate” means that the student was a bona fide member of the team,

eligible to participate for the school at some level of competition in the sport, and not involved in outside participation activities (exception: Olympic Development Program or national team activities as approved by the NSAA.)

(b) The term, "school's scheduled interschool contests," is defined as those contests which appear on the school's varsity schedule at the beginning of the season. An exception to this requirement will be considered if a student was unable to participate because of injury, illness, or had transferred from another high school.


3.5.2 Individualized Instruction During the season of a sport, a student is permitted to take instruction from a person other than the high school coach at times other than scheduled high school practice sessions. However, such instructions shall not interfere with, nor be substituted for high school coaching, practice sessions, or contests. Approved Ruling: During a season of a sport, a student is permitted to take individual instruction from a person other than the high school coach. Group instruction, practices with outside teams, and tryouts for outside teams other than as a part of a college or university recruiting visit, however, are not permitted. Approved Ruling 3.11.—3:11.12 During the season of the sport, a school shall not permit a student who is not a member of the high school team, an adult, a college student, or alumni to participate in any practice session, drill, scrimmage, game, or contest in which a school team or an individual who is a member of a school team is involved. This does not prevent a coach from being involved for the primary purposes of teaching and demonstrating skills, methods, or techniques. 3.3.10 Supervision. The superintendent, principal, or an authorized representative of the faculty shall accompany and supervise the team or individuals to all contests. Neither a team nor an individual shall be permitted to compete in a district tournament, playoff contest, or state contest unless the head coach, school administrator, or certified faculty member accompanies the team or individual(s). Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Each state association may, in keeping with applicable laws, authorize exceptions to NFHS playing rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual participants with disabilities and/or special needs, as well as those individuals with unique and extenuating circumstances. In order to determine if the NSAA can authorize such an accommodation, the school administration shall submit the appropriate form to the NSAA.

APPROVED RULINGS Official Rules. USTA Tennis Rules shall govern all NSAA-sponsored competition unless otherwise noted. Match Limit. No tennis team representing a member school shall participate in more than 16 regular season tennis contests. Participation in any tennis tournament/engagement shall count as one of the 16 permitted, including city and conference tournaments. Tiebreaker. In compliance with the USTA, the NSAA shall authorize the 7-of-12 tiebreaker for sets one and two if needed. This tie-breaker will go into effect when the set score reaches 6-all, and the procedure is as follows: Singles A player, who first wins seven points shall win the game and the set, provided she leads by a margin

of two points.


If the score reaches six points all, the game shall be extended until this margin has been achieved. Numerical scoring shall be used throughout the tiebreak game. From the first point, each service shall be delivered alternately from the right and left courts, beginning

from the right court. If service from a wrong half of the court occurs and is undetected, all play resulting from such wrong

service or services shall stand, but the inaccuracy of station shall be corrected immediately when it is discovered.

Players shall change ends after every six points and at the conclusion of the tiebreak game. The tie-break game shall count as one game for the ball change, except that, if the balls are due to be

changed at the beginning of the tie-break, the change shall be delayed until the second game of the following set.

Doubles In doubles the procedure for singles shall apply. The player whose turn it is to serve shall be the server for the first point. There after each player shall serve in rotation for two points, in the same order as previously in that

set, until the winners of the game and set have been decided. Rotation of Service The player (or pair in the case of doubles) who served first in the tiebreak game shall receive service

in the first game of the following set. Inclement Weather Procedures – Regular Season Delays caused by inclement weather shall result in either cancellation of the match or in a postponement of the match as mutually agreed upon by the participating schools. An incomplete match refers to a match that was started but not completed. A cancellation will result in neither opponent recording a win/loss. If a match is postponed, the time and score shall be recorded when the match was stopped, who was serving and from which side. The postponed match shall be resumed at the point of suspension. Players shall not leave the facility until a decision has been made as to whether the match is to be cancelled or postponed. In the event of a postponement, agreement shall be reached as to the time and place for the suspended match to resume. Classification. NSAA member schools shall be divided into two classes. Schools registered for girls tennis will be divided equally representing Class A and Class B. If the division of schools is unequal, the larger number of schools will be placed in Class A with the remaining schools placed in Class B. Tie-Breaker If schools are tied in enrollment for the last position or positions of a class, the following tie-breaker will be applied:

1. The first tie-breaker will be a three-year average of enrollment which includes the year on which the current year’s classification is based and the two previous years. The higher three-year average will be in the larger class.

2. If the tie still exists, then the school with the higher immediate previous year’s enrollment will be placed in the larger class.

3. If a tie still exists, it will be decided by a coin flip in the NSAA office. Season Records.


A coach will need to enter every match for every player on their team, varsity or junior varsity, whether the coach intends to enter the student(s) in the district/state meet or not. Coaches should plan to maintain the records for each of their players daily as matches are completed. To do this,

1) Login to the NSAA website using your coach’s passcode. You will enter results for each meet as they occur during the season.

a. Select and/or enter the meet and date for each match, b. Choose the division at which your player competed via the drop down list, c. Mark the match as a varsity or junior varsity match for your player, d. Select your player’s name via the drop down list, e. Select the opponent’s team via the drop down list, f. Select the opponent(s) name(s) via the drop down list, g. Type in the match score, h. Click on Add Match.

When you submit this information for your player’s matches, it will also appear on the opponent’s schedules as well. If either coach edits the information posted, the change will appear in green to alert the other coach that a change has been made. Coaches need to communicate in regard to any changes made on an entry to ensure the accuracy of the entry. When it is time to submit your entries for the District/State Tournament, you will login and indicate your entries for each division via the student drop down list. When students are selected, their season information will be electronically inserted to include all matches in which they participated (singles/doubles/varsity/junior varsity) this season. State Entry Information. NSAA Entry forms are accessed and submitted on-line. The Athletic/Activities director will give

the certified coach the login for this activity. Go to the NSAA web site ( and click on “School Login”. Enter your login and go to “View/Edit your Form” to complete your entry form (detailed instructions can be obtained from the web site).

Alternates must be listed. These alternates may compete in either singles or doubles competition. Coaches must complete the record information requested on the NSAA Entry Form for each singles

player, doubles team and substitutes. Coaches need to maintain individual match records throughout the season to meet the seeding form

requirements. Be sure to give accurate information for each specific player. If deceit is used in completing these season records, all team information will be disregarded for a

seed. The tournament director may approve substitutions only. Schools may enter a competitor in either a doubles or singles division, but not both. Any player that moves down a division (from #1 to #2) and enters the district/state tournament

at #2 singles or #2 doubles, must have played at least 8 interschool contests in the division that they enter prior to the district/state tournament.

Each school may enter one individual in number one singles, one individual in number two singles, two individuals in number one doubles and two individuals in number two doubles.

Entries must be identified as first singles, first doubles, second singles, and second doubles. Individuals may not be changed from singles to doubles, or visa versa, after entries have been

received in the NSAA office. Alternate Players. If an alternate player(s) is used, the NSAA must be notified before the seeding

committee meeting. Exception to this ruling:


If a player is injured or becomes ill immediately preceding his first match of the tournament and the tournament director receives notification of this illness/injury via a physician.

If a player is withdrawn due to disciplinary action immediately preceding his first match and the tournament director receives notification by the school administration in writing.

The school shall notify the NSAA immediately if a substitution is to be made. A copy of the administrator's letter to the tournament director shall also be sent to the NSAA. Seeding. The high school season summary, as submitted as the entry, will be used to determine seeding. Premise-The purpose of seeding is to separate top players from meeting each other in early rounds of a tournament. Evidence of potential for success underlies all seeding. This evidence consists of the following items or any other criteria that will help in evaluating the potential the player has for winning the tournament: The most current results are given the most weight. Head-to-head encounters are more significant than indirect wins. Who a player defeats and loses to is more important than the length of win/loss percentages of a

record (the quality of the opposition is the most important factor). On the other hand, exposure must also be taken into account. Players with short records have not given other players an opportunity to possibly defeat them.

An upset loss of a top player should have a greater impact on raising the lower player than it does on lowering the top player.

All matches, being of either a proset of eight games or more or two-out-of-three sets will carry equal weight for seeding.

An individual must have played in a minimum of eight matches in singles to be considered for a singles seed.

Individuals must have played in a minimum of eight matches in doubles to be considered for a doubles seed.


Dates: Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17. (Class A Potential Inclement Weather Date: Wednesday, May 15) Match Format for the State Championships: Thursday – Single Elimination All matches will be played 2-out-of-3, 10 point tie-break replacing the final set. When the score in a match is one set all, one tie-break game shall be played to decide the match. This tie-break game replaces the deciding final set. The player/team who first wins ten points shall win this match tie-break and the match provided there is a margin of two points over the opponents. When using the match tie-break to replace the final set: *the original order of service continues.

*in doubles the order of serving and receiving within the team may be altered, as in the beginning of each set.

*before the start of the match tie-break there shall be a three minute set break. *balls should not be changed before the start of the match tie-break even if a ball change is due.

Friday –


Play-in matches, matches for 5th & 6th and 7th and 8th will be played 8 game pro-set. Championship Finals, Semi-finals and 3rd & 4th matches will be played 2-out-of-3 sets. Location: Class A: Harry & Gail Koch Family Tennis Center at Tranquility Park, 124th & Maple. Omaha. Class B: Woods Tennis Center, 401 S. 33rd St, Lincoln, NE.

Travel Instructions to Tranquility Park. If traveling by interstate, take the Maple Street exit off of Interstate 680. Go west to 124th street, turn right to Tranquility Park. Travel Instructions to Woods Tennis Center. If traveling by interstate, Interstate 1-80 to the 27th Street Exit, go south and take a left hand turn east on “O” Street. Turn south onto 33rd Street. Woods Tennis Center is on the right side of the street. Entries. Due Date – Thursday, May 9. TWELVE players MAY be seeded in each of the four divisions. The remaining players will be entered into a blind draw. A seeding committee will meet the Monday morning prior to the state meet. The committee will be composed as follows: Three coaches representing Class A. Three coaches representing Class B. NSAA Tournament Director Inclement Weather. In case of inclement weather: Class A MAY begin the Class A State Championship on Wednesday. Class A shall check the NSAA website for the most current information in the event of a change in schedule, venue or postponement. Schools will be kept apprised of possible weather plans in regard to a change in schedule in the days leading up to the tournament. Class B schools shall report to the Woods Tennis Center at 8:00 A.M.



(Class A Potential Inclement Weather Date – Wednesday, May 15)

Class A - Thursday, May 16 8:30 a.m. Check-in at Koch 9:00 a.m. First Round Matches at Koch - all matches 2-out-of 3; 10 point tie-breaker replacing final set.

Class A - Friday, May 17

8:30 a.m. Check-in at Koch 9:00 a.m. Play-in for 5th/6th Place Matches – 8 game pro-set 9:00 a.m. Semi-Final Matches – 2-out-of-3 sets 11:00 a.m. 5th/6th-7th/8th Place Matches – 8 game pro-set 1:00 p.m. Championships & 3rd/4th Place Matches – 2-out-of-3 sets

Class B - Thursday, May 16

7:30 a.m. Check-in at Woods 8:00 a.m. First Round Matches at Woods – all matches 2-out-of-3; 10 point tie-breaker replacing final set

Class B – Friday, May 17 7:30 a.m. Check in at Woods 8:00 a.m. – Play-in 5th/6th Place Matches – 8 game pro-set

9:00 a.m. – Semi-Final Matches – 2-out-of-3 sets 11:00 a.m. – 5th/6th- 7th/8th Place Matches – 8 game pro-set 1:00 p.m. – Championships & 3rd/4th Place Matches – 2-out-of-3 sets

Note: When matches are moved indoors due to inclement weather, matches may be moved outdoors as outdoor courts become playable. Specific instructions for the tournament will be sent to schools the week prior to the state championship. The entire schedule of matches will appear on the NSAA homepage immediately following the seed meeting at Warm-up. A ten-minute warm-up for each match will be provided. Time Between Matches. A maximum of twenty minutes between first-day rounds will be provided. Meet Director. The meet director is responsible for the conduct and management of the meet. The meet director shall make decisions regarding matters not specifically covered by the rules, in addition to having general supervision of other officials. The meet director's decision is final. Coaches. Coaching is considered to be communication, advice or instruction of any kind, audible or visible to a player.


In dual competition, invitational, conference tournaments and the district and state meets, coaching shall be permitted during a match with the following guidelines: Only the head coach and one assistant coach of the high school as designated by that

school's administration is allowed to coach. (Note: NSAA Bylaw 2.12.2 Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Sponsor. In order to serve as a head or assistant coach or sponsor of any activity sponsored by the Nebraska School Activities Association, the individual must possess a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate or Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory Certificate and have a written contract of employment as a coach or sponsor with the school in which he/she is to perform these duties.)

Coaching occurs at the "odd" game switch. Limited to sixty seconds. Player does not leave the court. Coach does not enter the court. No coaching is allowed on change-over during a tie-breaker. A player(s) may be coached during a set break and when the player(s) change ends at the end of a

game, but not when the player(s) change ends after the first game of each set and not during a tie-break game.

Penalty: One game loss for infraction. Enforcement: Opposing coaches are responsible. Conduct Rule. The tournament director has the authority to disqualify any player for any type of unsportsmanlike conduct in accordance with NSAA Sportsmanship Bylaws, on or off the court (at the entire tournament site). If a player is disqualified from a semifinal, final or 3rd/4th; 5th/6th, 7th/8th place match, he/she will also

forfeit any medal earned. Spectator Conduct. A player shall not be harassed. If a player is harassed (excessive yelling, noise makers, visual distractions) the player(s) shall notify the on-site official. The player(s) shall not leave the court. The on-site official shall instruct those spectators creating the distraction to cease. The administrator/coach of that team of which the spectators are identified shall be informed to assist in handling the situation. If the harassment continues, the spectators creating the disturbance will be asked to leave the facility. Injury Time Out – 3-minute when trainer arrives on the court, maximum total time is 15 minutes. After the 3-minutes of treatment, the player must play or retire. It is called a retirement not a default when it is because of illness or injury. A player may get only one medical time out per injury. (Please refer to your USTA Rule Book for full details.) Default Rule. The tournament director has the authority to default a player for tardiness. The following default rule shall apply during an NSAA state tennis tournament: A player, who finds that he will be delayed in arriving at the state tournament, through no fault of his

own, must notify the tournament director. The director may delay the match starting time if prior arrangements can be made to assure the player’s arrival.

If a player has an unexcused tardiness and has not contacted the tournament director, he shall be penalized one game for each five minutes delay for the first fifteen minutes absence from the time the match is called to begin and both the court and opponent are ready. After fifteen minutes, the tournament director will default the absent player.

A defaulted match will be scored 6-0, 6-0. Scorekeeper. A scorecard will be provided.


At the completion of each match, the players will be required to review and sign their scorecard. The scorecard must then be turned in to the head scorer's table. If available, an official will be assigned to the finals of all matches if available. Balls. Balls will be provided at the start of each match and shall be used for the first two sets. New balls will be provided for the third set of matches. Meals. Time will not be taken from the tournament schedule to allow all players to eat at the same time. Team Scoring. First singles and first doubles. Team points will be awarded as follows: --Four points for each advancement. --An entry, which wins a second-round match after drawing a first-round bye, will receive eight points. --Play-in winner, 3rd place winner, 5th place winner, 7th place winner—one-half (0.5) point Second singles and second doubles. Team points will be awarded as follows: --Two points for each advancement. --An entry winning a second-round match after drawing a first-round bye will receive four points. --Play-in winner, 3rd place winner, 5th place winner, 7th place winner --one-quarter (0.25) point Team Championship Tiebreaker. First, the total number of sets played will be divided into the total number of sets won for the team's total entries, which determines each team's winning percentage. The best percentage will be declared champion. If a tie still exists, the total number of games played will be divided into the total number of games won for the team's total entries. The highest percentage will be declared champion. State Awards. Championship and runner-up team trophies and medals will be awarded in each class.

Individual medals will be presented to the winner, runner-up, third place, fourth place, fifth place sixth place, seventh place and eighth place players for each class in each division of play.

Championship team head coaches will receive an award. Expected Behaviors at Awards Ceremonies It shall be the expectation that both teams shall accept their medals, plaques and trophies at sub-districts, districts and state contests in a sporting and willing manner. The executive director or the NSAA Board of Directors shall determine the type and severity of sanctions to schools that do not comply with these expectations. Dress Code. Your team represents you and your school, so please see that your players are dressed in appropriate tennis attire (shorts, shirt, and tennis shoes). Participants must keep their uniforms on while in the competition area. The tournament director has the authority to require a competitor who is wearing inappropriate attire to change before being allowed to compete.

NSAA Statement on Steroids. The Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), strongly oppose the abuse of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing substances by high school


student-athletes. Such use violates legal, ethical and competitive equity standards, and imposes unreasonable long-term health risks. The NSAA and the NFHS support prohibitions by educational institutions, amateur and professional organizations and governmental regulators on the use of anabolic steroids and other controlled substances, except as specifically prescribed by physicians for therapeutic purposes.

Prayer. The NSAA requests all member schools refrain from publicly led prayer at activities in which the NSAA has substantial involvement. For additional information visit the NSAA website Media – Student Media, Media Credentials & Broadcasting All media operations (admission, access and accommodations) for Regular Season contests are at the Host School discretion. The NSAA Media Manual outlines policies for Media Credentials, Student Media, Broadcasting Policies and other specifics surrounding NSAA post-season contests. Post-season contests include: Districts, Sub-Districts, Sub-State, Playoffs and State Championships. The Media Manual is posted on the NSAA website’s Media Page.


The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, is prohibited for any purpose by any person at any NSAA post-season tournament venues. For purposes of this policy, a UAV is any aircraft without a human pilot aboard this device. This prohibition applies to all fields of play, courts, arena, mats, gym floor or

pool, and includes a ban on the entire facility being used as part of the NSAA event, including the spectator areas and parking areas. Tournament management shall refuse admission or entry to anyone attempting to us a UAV; and if necessary, Tournament management shall remove anyone attempting to use a UAV and/or confiscate the UAV. An exception to this policy, in writing, may be made in specific cases for NSAA broadcast partners, provided the Management of the tournament facility permits the presence of UAVs for broadcast purposes under the control of the NSAA.


Fan/Spectator Support Items In the Chart below, ONLY those items marked “Yes” will be allowed as fan/spectator support items at all NSAA Sub-District, District, State Playoffs and State Championships. Sportsmanlike vocal cheering and support from the team bench area are encouraged. The items indicated on this page are for use by fans/spectators. Prohibited items: Confetti/shredded paper, powder (baby, talc, etc.), Laser light/pointer, flashing objects, miniature sports balls, objects or candy thrown into the crowd, Artificial noise makers, (included but not limited to horns, cow bells, bells, buzzers, clickers, thunder sticks, rattles, instruments not part of a band), whistles, air horns, sirens, cannons/muskets/guns/fireworks, live animals

Regulations listed are subject to facility restrictions.

Balloons Yes

One School Banner per school Yes

Hand held signs Yes

Megaphones (school recognized cheerleaders only) Yes

Shirts on student spectators (required) AR 3.3.11 Yes

Shirts on general spectators Yes

Team Introduction Run-throughs or Break Away Banners Yes

Pompoms, spirit towels Yes

Prerecorded music that has been approved by the Host Administration may be played during pre-contest warm ups provided that a high school band is not available to play during that time.


School bands Yes

Carried school flags (Running/taunting prohibited) Yes

Key: BA-Baseball, BB-Basketball, CC-Cross Country, FB-Football, GO-Golf, SO-Soccer, SB-Softball, SW- Swimming & Diving, TE-Tennis, TR-Track & Field, VB-Volleyball, WR-Wrestling, NA-Not Apply


2019 Girls Tennis Classification Classification is based on girl only enrollment, grades 9-11 from the NDE enrollment numbers compiled

the school year which immediately precedes the one-year classification period. Opting Up – a school may opt up one classification. The deadline for submitting a request to the NSAA is one week from

when classifications are released.


1. Omaha Central 1043 2. Millard North 975 3. Omaha South 946 4. Millard West 921 5. Millard South 891 6. Grand Island 880 7. Lincoln High 809 8. Lincoln Southeast 794 9. Lincoln North Star 754 10. Lincoln East 753 11. Papillion-La Vista South 712 12. Omaha Westside 704 13. Omaha Burke 699 14. Lincoln Southwest 687 15. Omaha Bryan 686 16. Omaha North 666 17. Papillion-La Vista 651 18. Omaha Northwest 638 19. Bellevue West 611 20. Lincoln Northeast 595 21. Fremont coop Bergan 554 22. Columbus coop Scotus 546 23. Omaha Marian 541 24. Kearney 534 25. Omaha Benson 519 26. Bellevue East 509 27. Norfolk 487 28. Gretna 485 29. Lincoln Pius X 480 30. North Platte 469 31. Elkhorn South 459


1. Elkhorn 441 2. South Sioux City 418 3. Hastings 393 4. Ralston 391 5. Omaha Roncalli coop Mercy 380 6. Scottsbluff 363 7. GI Central Catholic coop NW 349 8. Lexington 300 9. Omaha Skutt 280 10. Omaha Duchesne Academy 250 11. Norris 250 12. Blair 249 13. Beatrice 234 14. Waverly 226 15. Gering 221 16. Crete 215 17. Nebraska City coop Lourdes 202 18. Brownell-Talbot coop Concordia 181 19. Alliance 170 20. McCook 161 21. York 161 22. Omaha Gross 146 23. Holdrege 144 24. Adams Central 120 25. Ogallala 91 26. Lincoln Christian 73 27. Wilber-Clatonia 72 28. Kearney Catholic 66 29. Hershey 60 30. Hastings St. Cecilia 49