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uk newsIssue 14 MAy

I Feu PEFC uced e

w is pe i e UK

s eced dk iese,

wi e wd is 1,000 Ci

Cusd ceifce.

Fine arts and social stationery publisher

Wdsee became the latest

company to join the PEFC programme,

with its Watord production acility being

awarded a Chain o Custody certifcate.

Founded in 1953, originally as a publisher

o colour slides, amily-run Woodmansterne

introduced its frst greetings cards in 1987,

and its products are now distributed across

some 25 countries worldwide.

The rapidly increasing demand or chain

o custody certifcation within the print

sector demonstrates that environmental

responsibility is clearly o growing

importance to end-users, publishers, printers

and converters. By ensuring that the paper

they use comes rom certifed orests and

undergoing Chain o Custody certifcation,

printers can be confdent in their supply chain

and are able to meet customer expectations

on environmental provenance.

Print Media Management Roundtable discussions

According to a recent survey published

last month (2009 Environment Report) by

PrintWeek 20% o printers in the sample

considered that environmental standards

and policies had been e ip in

winning print contracts while 33% o printers

considered that environmental standards andpolicies had been ip in winning print

contracts. In addition, 19% o printers stated

that more than 50% o their jobs are specifed

on FSC or PEFC paper. So as demand or

certifed paper is rising in the print sector, it

seemed timely to engage with one o the key

trade journals.

So earlier this year, PEFC participated in two

roundtable events hosted by Print Media

Management magazine. The frst in January

sought to bring together representatives rom

print, agency, paper and the certifcation

sectors to exchange views about attitudes to

the environment and its cost to business and

consumers. The output was covered in the

magazine’s February issue.


The ocus o the second discussion was chain

o custody certifcation or the print and paper

sectors. BM TRADA represented the auditing

sector, while PEFC Director Ross Bradshaw

and Charles Thwaites, FSC’s Executive

Director spoke or the certifcation schemes.

Matthew Botfeld o Antalis brought a papermerchant’s perspective to the proceedings

while Print Media Management’s Editor,

Andy Knagg, bravely risked repetitive strain

injury writing it all up or the April issue.

1000 UP

Paul Woodmansterne, Managing Director of Woodmansterne Publications

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William Walker National Secretary,

PEFC UK, Jupiter House, High Street,

Tattenhall, Cheshire CH3 9PX

Tel 01829 770 438

Email [email protected]

For communications and marketing:

Hilary Khawam

Tel 01689 819902

Email [email protected]

P E F C C o n t a C t S


Dera have released a public consultation to

seek views on the drat European Commission

proposal 5036/09: Proposal or a Regulation

o the European Parliament and o the Council

laying down the obligations o operators who

place timber and timber products on the market

(known as the Due Diligence Regulation).

The Proposal was published by the EuropeanCommission in October 2008, and aims to put

in place a new risk-based approach to tackling

the illegal timber trade, through a requirement o 

due diligence to be applied by operators placing

timber or timber products on the EU market or

the frst time. The UK is considering a possible

strengthening o the Regulation to include a

prohibition on the import o illegal timber. Views

would be welcome on this possible approach.

The deadline or this consultation is 8th May

2009. For urther inormation visit:

ChangE to govErmEnt

tImbEr ProCUrEmEnt PolICy

FlEgt (Forest Law Enorcement, Governance

and Trade) is an EU initiative to support

countries to address illegal logging. A central

component o FLEGT will be a licensing

scheme between producer partner countries

and the EU.

The government’s procurement policy

is mandatory or all central government

departments, executive agencies and non

departmental government bodies. It is also

applicable to PFI (Private Finance Initiative)

projects and other public sector bodies such

as local authorities who have voluntarily

adopted the policy. The requirements apply

to all timber and wood-derived products used

on the government estate such as paper

urniture and construction timber, including

temporary site works and material supplied

by contractors.

Government buyers will need evidence rom

contractors that the products they supply

comply with the policy requirements or legal

and sustainable timber. This evidence should

cover both the source o the timber (chain o 

custody) and proo that this source is legally

and sustainably managed. This evidence can

come in two orms:

te ee’s ie pcuee pic s ece

ced. F 1s api e pic w equies ie

d ie pducs sud ce idepede eife

e d susie suces, is FlEgt-icesed.

l Category A evidence - independent

certifcation o the timber and timber products

by any o the orest certifcation schemes that

meet the policy requirements such as PEFC

and FSC.

l Category B evidence - alternative

documentary evidence that provides

assurances that the source is legal and

sustainable. The CPET website provides more

inormation on how Category B evidence can

be collected and evaluated.

l FLEGT-licensed timber will all be accepted

under the policy.

CPEt – the Central Point o Expertise on

Timber Procurement (CPET) is unded by

Dera to provide ree advice and guidance to

all public sector buyers and their suppliers

and contractors to support compliance with

the timber procurement policy.

Further inormation and more detailed

guidance are available at the CPET website:

Dera Consultation on a European Commission Proposal or aRegulation o the European Parliament and o the Council laying

down the obligations o operators who place timber and timber

products on the market

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... e Pi d Puisi secAccording to a recent PrintWeek survey, 73% o print buyers in the survey

sample claim to have specifed certifed paper stock in the past year and

more than a quarter consider the environment s ip s pice when

placing a job. It is thereore no surprise that demand or certifed paper

is on the increase, despite the current challenging economic climate.

In response to growing demand or inormation on PEFC chain o custody

certifcation or the print and publishing sectors, PEFC will be thereore be

hosting a seminar i ld 17 Jue 2009.

The topics covered in this seminar are likely to be o interest to those working in a range o disciplines

within the print and publishing sectors; printers, print buyers and magazine and book publishers.

F o r t h C o m I n g

E v E n t S

m a y

PEFC respsie Pcuee Sei

e Fuiue Idus

12 May 2009

Please register your interest via email:

[email protected]

 J U n E

PEFC respsie Pcuee Sei

e Pi d Puisi Idusies

17 June 2009

Please register your interest via email:

[email protected]

PEFC UK au gee meei d


23 June 2009

Details will be sent out to members very


C huse Ie li Upde

d Skede

Csui nue 14

23-24 June 2009

For details see: http://www.illegal-logging.



Cer tifed Paper -Based Product s or  the Pr int , Pack ag ing  and Publishing Industr ies

rESPonSIblE ProCUrEmEnt


... e Fuiue sec

With consumers, public authorities and corporate procurement proessionals

increasingly seeking assurances on the environmental origin o the goods

they buy, the most eective way to guarantee that the wood-based urniture

products originate rom legal and sustainable sources is by sourcing

rom independently certifed orests. PEFC will be hosting a seminar i

ld 12 m 2009 designed increase understanding o the

PEFC programme, both in the UK and globally and the importance o 

chain o custody certifcation or those manuacturing and trading in wood


The seminar will begin with a buet lunch beore commencing with the frst o our presentations.The

aternoon will conclude with a moderated panel discussion, when delegates will have an opportunity

to put questions to the panel o speakers. The topics covered in this seminar are likely to be o interest

to those working in a range o disciplines within the urniture sector; corporate social responsibility

practitioners, those charged with developing and implementing corporate environmental policies and

those with procurement responsibilities.

I u wud ike ue deis ese ees, pese e-i [email protected]

Engaging with the trade press is one o the most eective routes to spread the

PEFC message to a wider audience. So in February, PEFC hosted a press breakast

or journalists rom the paper, print and publishing trade press at the Institute

o Directors. The seminar aimed to increase journalists’ understanding o the

PEFC programme, both in the UK and globally, gain a better understanding o the

importance o chain o custody or paper purchasers and distributors and PEFC’s

uture plans and challenges. PEFC Director Ross Bradshaw presented the PEFC

programme at national level while Secretary General Ben Gunneberg ocused on the

international picture. Williams Lea, the UK’s largest print management company,

represented by Christopher Rigg and Lee Henderson o James McNaughton talkedabout their companies respective paper procurement policies.

The event was judged a great success and we were grateul that despite the testing weather conditions that prevailed in early February,

 journalists rom ten o the leading trade publications battled through the snow to be there.

PEFC Pess beks

Left to right, Christopher Rigg, Ben Gunnenberg,

 Andy Scott, Ross Bradshaw and Lee Henderson