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Page 1: Peace to… · Peace to You “BRINGING ALL INTO ... I asked folks to submit to me testimonies of how God had answered


Vol. XXXX, Issue No. 4 April 1, 2018 Peace United Methodist Church, Richland Center, WI

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace and Peace in the name of our Risen Savior. He is Risen indeed! I am so happy that we follow a Savior

that brings us new life. The old is gone, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). I pray that this Easter season

brings some new beginnings in your life.

We just finished our sermon series “Draw the Circle.” This series was on prayer, and we looked at how we

need to “draw a circle” around those things that we are led to pray for. We learned we are supposed to pray hard

and pray long, meaning we are to have a long-range outlook when it comes to prayer. In the final message, I

shared how our prayers have a ripple effect in which the lives of those who come after us are touched by them.

Our prayers will be answered by God in the lives of our children and grandchildren long after we are gone.

I asked folks to submit to me testimonies of how God had answered prayer in their own lives. I heard several

stories, and I want to share just a couple short ones with you here.

Here is part of the story from a parishioner who suffered from a terrible illness: “When I started getting sick

from a mysterious illness, I was scared. The doctors couldn’t find the answer as to why I was so sick. I prayed

and prayed that an answer would be found. The final time I was hospitalized, no one could figure out what was

wrong. I had just about lost my faith in God. [After slipping into a coma, the doctors, through a miraculous set

of circumstances, figured out what was wrong] Six days later I came out of the coma. For the next five weeks, I

prayed to God every morning to help me get through the day. All of my doctors were surprised when I walked

out of the hospital five weeks later using a walker. God kept me going. He didn’t let me die as I was so close

several times. He’s helped me live with and overcome the fear. I firmly believe God has plans for me yet.”

Another parishioner writes the following: “We lived on our farm between Gotham and Sextonville. Our

house was a 6-bedroom house. We rented out the farmland. We didn't need such a big house. I had prayed for

a long time, that when the time came for us to move off the farm, God would show us the house we should

move to. I prayed this prayer a long time. [Our son’s family] decided they needed a bigger house and so we

offered our farm if they wanted to buy the farm. They would get the big house. They decided they would buy it

and we started looking for a house. We wanted to stay local. We knew of several that were for sale, but not

exactly what we wanted. The Shopping News arrived one day and there was a house in Sextonville that had the

things we wanted in a house. [My husband] saw it and he said, “Here is the house I want for us”. We called the

Real Estate person and told him we were interested in seeing the house. We went to see it and I told him I had

been praying for the right house for us and he said he had been praying for the right buyer to come along. That

is how God answered my prayer.”

God answers our prayers, in His time, in His way, but always for His glory. What is God laying on your heart

to be praying for? If Jesus were to appear before you and ask, “What do you want me to do for you?” what

would you say? Draw a circle of prayer around that. Please keep your pastor and my family in your prayers and

continue to pray for the ministry of our church. Pray that God would open windows of opportunity to share the

gospel message with others. Pray that God would make His vision for our church clear to our leadership. As


Pastor Wiley

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QUESTIONS FOR A MONEY AUTOBIOGRAPHY, PART 1 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. (Galatians 6:7)

From Writing a Money Autobiography by Dan Dick

A money autobiography is a reflection process on the role and influence of money and material possessions in

our life. It challenges us to explore the past to see how our attitudes, assumptions, and values concerning money

and wealth were formed.

Formative Questions Reflect on these questions relating to how your family treated money when you were growing up:

• What is your earliest memory of money?

• What is your happiest memory in connection with money?

• What is your unhappiest money memory?

• What attitudes about money did your parents and other family members have?

• Did you feel rich, poor, or neither growing up? Did you worry about money when you were a child? A


• Where did your money come from? (Did you work for it, receive an allowance, have your parents buy you

things, etc.?)

• Who governed how you related to money – how you spent money, saved money, gave money to charity or


It is useful to create a money autobiography journal to record your thoughts, reflections, and feelings. Then,

you can return to the money autobiography journal months and years afterward.

Jim Wells, Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation

Asking, Part 1 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house

or town. (Matthew 10:14)

In his book “The God Ask”, Steve Shadrach describes how to ask for ministry support: 1) Meet everyone you

know face-to-face; 2) Share the ministry vision; 3) Ask for support; 4) Quietly wait for an answer.

This month we talk about meeting everyone face-to-face. I remember going on a volunteer in mission trip to

Costa Rica. I met with many people to ask them to support my trip, including not just my travel, but also the

materials we would need for our ministry.

Why should supporting our church budgets be any different? In my church 20 households, give 66 percent of

the annual budget. Certainly, they deserve our thanks (in a handwritten note is considered best). However,

shouldn’t we also meet with them to better understand why they so strongly support the church, what their

passion for ministry is, and what kind of growth they would support in the future?

I believe that people often give the same from year to year because they cannot envision how the church

would productively use a larger contribution. If we have one-on-one conversations that frankly discuss

people’s gifts and the good they might do, we will elicit even more generosity. In addition, what about the next 19 households that accounts for another 22 percent of the budget? Shouldn’t

they be asked the same questions?

Telling our congregations that we need their support without giving them input seems backward. I propose a

new approach to stewardship that has the stewardship team, including the pastor, meeting with top givers at

least annually and outside the normal stewardship campaign. Try this and see if it doesn’t have a positive effect

on giving.

As this becomes the norm, I think our churches will find it easier and more productive to meet regularly with

members at all giving levels.

If you have questions or want to learn more, contact: Jim Wells, Director of Stewardship & Capital Campaigns,

Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation at 608-837-9582

or [email protected].

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MISSION NEWS Honduras Orphanage - City of Refuge

There has been much preparation for school. We have been buying shoes, uniforms, school supplies,

etc. The children were counting the days to go back to school. We began with a wonderful inauguration. Today

was the first time the children led worship in front of their friends and teachers. Diego also preached to teachers

and peers and did a great job. Pastor Julio shared the Word of God and his young disciples presented powerful

testimonies to the students. God is working powerfully in the lives of these wonderful children.

Children’s Mission Project

For the months of April, May and June, the children will be collecting money to help the orphanage purchase

clothing (shoes and clothes) for the older children. People donate clothing to the orphanage but usually they are

small sizes. The older children aren’t so lucky, so we will be helping them out by sending money so the older

children can get some new clothes.

Christmas Child Shoebox Update

(Taken from the February issue of Special Report from Samaritan’s Purse)

In 2017 - 11 million Shoebox gifts were sent to 114 countries and territories!

Here’s where your gifts are going:

Albania, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bosnia

and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African

Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican

republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Gabon, Gamble, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea,

Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Lithuania, Macedonia,

Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nicaragua, Panama,

Papua New guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Republic of the Congo, Romania, ?Rwanda, Saint

Lucia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, south Africa, south Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland,

Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine, Western US (Native Americans), Uruguay,

Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

To give you a heads up: Peace will host Christmas Child Shoeboxes again during the month of October.

Phil & Kris Nelson

Mission Aviation Fellowship, Nampa, Idaho

Phil has reached out to Peace and they will be here on Sunday, June 24th

. Phil & Kris will speak during the

Sunday school hour and then again during our Worship Service.

“We have a busy summer coming up with our travels and the wedding of our son, Tim, on August 10th

, so we

are trying to get our ducks in a row”.

2018 Mission Report Mission: February Year to Date

Phil & Kris Nelson $ 50.00 $ 75.00

Lowell & Claudia Wertz 50.00 105.00

Jason & Deb Shirek 50.00 100.00

Honduras Project 240.00 311.11

Lydia’s House Ministries -0- -0-

Shoe Boxes -0- -0-

Disabled Vets 15.00 20.00

Missions 150.00 160.00

Children’s Mission 10.52 26.02


Sunday offerings 17.00 122.00


Sunday School offerings 7.00 22.00

Total $589.52 $941.13

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Our Giving Allows Native Americans to Encounter, Worship and Serve Jesus One tribe in North America has told this story for centuries: when people “pale as birch” crossed the great

water in large canoes, they brought with them “The Black Book.” However, the bringers of the physical Book

could not have known what it would mean and look like to the Native and a follower of Jesus.

Today Native Americans--with many unique languages, many unique cultures--honor their heritage, and vie

as Jesus-followers, led by a rotation of primarily Native American pastors.

Most Americans today recognize that the history following the arrival of the large canoes bore little

resemblance to the one all Christians identify as Creator. That’s why the people of The United Methodist

Church, Native and non-Native, are creating a new history. Through Native American Ministries Sunday, we’re

able to equip and empower Native American pastors, congregations and seminary students to do what only they

can do: authentically worship and serve Jesus.

As a member of The United Methodist Church, your gift, on this day equips Native congregations--like New

York’s Onondaga Nation UMC and Nebraska’s Native American Sacred Winds congregation--to worship and

serve as only they can.

This work, and hundreds of other ministries, are possible because you give. When you support Native

American Ministries Sunday, you equip seminary students who will honor and celebrate Native American

culture in their ministries. And you empower congregations that are finding fresh new ways to minister to their

communities with the love of Christ.

RAISE YOUR VOICE! With happy voices ringing,

Thy children, Lord, appear,

Their joyous praises bringing

In anthems sweet and clear. For skies of golden splendor,

For Azure rolling sea,

For blossoms sweet and tender,

O Lord, we worship thee.

--William Tarrant

WHY WE NEED EASTER No one is exempt from tragedy or disappointment -- even God was not exempt. Jesus offered no immunity, no

way out of the unfairness, but rather a way through it to the other side. Just as Good Friday demolished the

instinctive belief that this life is supposed to be fair, Easter Sunday followed with its startling clue to the riddle

of the universe. Out of the darkness, a bright light shone.

The cross of Christ may have overcome evil, but it did not overcome unfairness. For that, Easter is required, a

bright clue that someday God will restore all physical reality to its proper place.

--Phillip Yancey,

Disappointment with God

BIRTHDAY PARTY IN APRIL Great news!! We will be combining two well-loved Peace UMC traditions on Sunday,

April 22nd

. We will have a soup lunch along with our All Church Birthday celebration! The

best of both worlds -- lots of wonderful soup and plenty of cake!

This year’s event will take place on April 22nd

, right after our worship service. We will be collecting a free-

will offering which will be donated to our custodian, Gary Johnston, and his family. Gary’s daughter is gravely

ill, and we hope to ease some financial concerns for the family.

Please be on the lookout for sign-up sheets for needed items for the soup lunch (crackers, bread, butter, etc.).

Also, we will ask for volunteers to sign up for a month to decorate a table, provide cake, table service, etc.

We thank you in advance for your efforts in making this a fantastic event!

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Dear Peace Family,

The Family of Marge Wallace wish to thank Pastor Wiley and the Church family for their

participation in Mother’s funeral. The cards, monetary gifts and words of comfort were all


Carolyn Kanable and family

Linda Wallace and family

Dear Peace United Methodist Church,

At the February meeting of the Richland School District Board of Education, the Board accepted your gift of

winter apparel, valued at $30 for Lincoln elementary School.

Thank you for providing this gift to our District. Our elementary students continue to benefit from your

kindness and generosity.


Jarred Burke, District Administrator

Dear Peace UMC,

Thank you for the warm weather gear for Lincoln School. Thank you for thinking of our kids. Thank you for

your generous donation. Thank you so much! Thank you for your thoughtful donation. Thank you for the extra

winter gear for the kids. Thank you for thinking of us with the wonderful donations. We all appreciate your

kindness for our children. Much appreciated. Thanks so much for the winter gear for the kids. Greatly


The above notes of thanks are from the staff at Lincoln Elementary School

Dear Peace United Methodist Church,

It is truly amazing how generous you continue to be to helping our students in need, specially this time at

Lincoln and Doudna.

We appreciate your donations of winter gear. On behalf of the school board, thank you!

Jane Williams

Dear Peace UMC,

Thank you for your generous gifts for our school.

Thank you for the wonderful gloves and supplies! - Rachel

Thank you for the gloves. - Val

Thank you.- Kandee

Thanks for the goodies. - Stacy

Anya Drone & Riverdale Elementary Staff

Hello everyone, Phoebe checking in.

I’m so happy! It’s getting warmer outside! I just love the sun as it makes me feel all warm inside. I

heard Alphonse is enjoying warmer weather too. However, he said it really wouldn’t warm up until right

after the 4th

of July. I wish I was going back there, but I’m not. You know who said I was staying right

here when she goes to pick up Alphonse this summer. I was told he’s going to be locked up in her suitcase as

soon as she gets to Elma. Oh, I don’t want to be in his shoes.

Easter is here as of April 1st. That should mean nice warm weather and good bye to the snow. Oh I can’t wait!

It’s also April Fool’s Day and I know if Alphonse was here, he’d be planning something for Pam Kintz. I’ll bet

she’s glad he isn’t here. I do miss him though. He was lots of fun to play with even if he didn’t think being

chased by a kitten was much fun.

Things are kind of quiet in the office these days. The big rush for Easter is gone and so it’s been quiet around

here. I kind of like that. I like quiet times.

I’ll remind every one of the deadline for the May issue of Peace To You. It will be Monday, April 16th

, at

noon. Please have all articles to the office by that time.

Now since the sun is shining and it’s warm in here, I’ll go find a nice sunny spot on Joan’s file cabinet to take

a nice long nap. See you around.

This is Phoebe checking out.

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VAN DRIVERS 4-01 Joan Wheeler

4-08 Paul Knower

4-15 Rick Jones

4-22 Mona Clarke

4-29 Jordan Jones


4-08 Dave Turk

4-15 Isaac Boomfield

4-22 Paul Knower

4-29 Dave Turk


3-04 82

3-11 71

3-18 68

3-25 72

GENERAL FUND – FEBRUARY $ 786.84 - 2017 Ending Balance

11,031.52 - Revenue for January

-11,174.90 - Expenses for January

643.46 - Balance as of 1-31-2018

HOSPITALITY COORDINATORS 4-01 Maureen Kelsey & Sharon Zales

4-08 Jr. & Beverly Harper

4-15 Paul & Jean McManaway

4-22 Mona Clarke & Judy Shadewald

4-29 Jay & Doris Kanable


1. The Food Pantry is looking for more food

donations. We have a donation box in Peace

Plaza by the chairs for you to place your non-

perishable contributions in. Our main

collection Sunday is the first of every month

but will welcome donations at any time.

2. Praise & Prayer Service is held every 2nd

Sunday at 7:00 p.m. with various churches

taking part in this ministry. We will meet on

April 8th

at 7:00 p.m. at Grand View Family


3. S.O.U.L. Kitchen is once a month at Church of

the Nazarene Outreach Center. Wednesday,

April 18th

will be the next S.O.U.L. Kitchen at

5:00 p.m.

4. The Food Pantry is open every Wednesday

afternoon from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the

Lighthouse Chapel Church on Cairns Avenue

PHOENIX According to ancient legend, the

phoenix lived for 500 to 1,400 years

(depending on the version of the myth), at

which time it would set its nest ablaze and be

consumed in the flames. After three days the bird

would be reborn and was said to repeat this cycle,

‘rising from the ashes’, again and again. Early

Christians saw in the phoenix a symbol of Jesus;

resurrection and of eternal life.

OUR TRUE POWER SOURCE The story is told of someone who plugged a

power strip into itself and then couldn’t understand

why the system wouldn’t turn on! We get a kick out

of such tales, yet how often do we try to “power”

our own lives? We frequently think we need to be

the source of our own strength, joy, peace, energy

and wisdom.

Jesus doesn’t teach us to find life within ourselves

-- or in any human being or earthly circumstance,

object or philosophy. Rather, calling himself the

good shepherd, Jesus says, “I have come that [my

sheep] may have life, and have it abundantly” (John


We don’t access that abundant life by “plugging

into” ourselves. Instead, Jesus invites us to plug into

His power -- and joy, peace, hope, truth -- through

prayer and Scripture, worship and service,

fellowship with other Christians and the beauty of

God’s world.

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Page 8: Peace to… · Peace to You “BRINGING ALL INTO ... I asked folks to submit to me testimonies of how God had answered

Peace United Methodist Church Sunday Mornings:

265 North Church Street Sunday School:

Richland Center, WI 53581 9:15 a.m. - 2nd

- 5th


608-647-4559 9:30 a.m. - 4K - 1st Grade, Adults


- Young Adults

“Our purpose at Peace is to 10:45 a.m. - Worship Service

make disciples of Jesus Christ for 3:30 p.m. - Worship Service on NOVA

the transformation of the world.” 7:00 p.m. - Praise & Prayer Service

April 8th

Pastor’s Office Hours

Monday: Peace - 9:00 a.m. - Noon Easter is April 1st

Tuesday: By Appointment

Wednesday: Peace - 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Thursday: Trinity - 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Fridays: By Appointment

Hospital Chaplain

Saturday: Day Off

Pastor’s cell phone: 920-509-2630

Pastor’s e-mail: [email protected]

New Hours

Pastor: G. Wiley Gladney Joan’s Office Hours: Visit our Website at

Adm. Assistant: Joan Wheeler Monday-Thursday

Choir Accompanist: Sandy Keller 9:00 a.m.- Noon or E-mail us at

Choir director/Pianist: Pam Kintz 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. [email protected]

Custodian: Gary Johnston

Kids 4 Peace directors: Gretchen Kanable, Friday:

Jennifer Hall, Jill Tjossem 9:00 - Noon Worship Service on NOVA:

Minister of Pastoral Care: Tricia Holley 3:30 p.m. - Sunday Afternoons

Nursery: Alicia Brisbois Genuine Telecom - 12

Treasurer: Vic Vlasak Charter (without digital box) - 95

Worship Leader: Pam Peterson-Kintz Charter (with digital box) - 984

OUR MISSION STATEMENT We are called to bring all into the family of God and deepen/mature their faith in Jesus

Christ. Using each of our individual gifts, we envision this happening through P-E-A-C-E.

Praise & celebrative worship.

Evangelism - Inviting all to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Anchored in god and teaching the Word

Compassionate, caring Christian community.

Encompassing Ministries - focusing on the needs of the community and beyond.