Download - (PDPET) - REGARDING BRIDGE COURSE.pdf · III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the

Page 1: (PDPET) - REGARDING BRIDGE COURSE.pdf · III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the
Page 2: (PDPET) - REGARDING BRIDGE COURSE.pdf · III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the
Page 3: (PDPET) - REGARDING BRIDGE COURSE.pdf · III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the

National Institute of Open Schooling 6-Month Professional Development Programme of Elementary Teachers

(PDPET) Programme Implementation Schedule

Tentative (On-Line)

Registration and Admission Completed. Total Admission in PDPET as on date -104496.

SI.No. Activities Date

I Identification of the Study Centres April - May , 2018 II Accreditation of Study Centers April - May , 2018 III Allocation of Learners to the Study Centers May-June, 2018

1. Distribution of Study Materials/I.D.Card to the Teachers/Learners

SI.No. Activities Date I On-Line Identity Cards to learners/teachers May-June , 2018 II Dispatch of SLM along with Assignments to Study Centre by NIOS

for distributing to learners/teachers June-July , 2018

2. Starting of the session : June, 2018

3. Capacity Building Activities for Functionaries

SI.No. Activities Date I One-day orientation of Study Centre Coordinators & Resource

Persons (face to face mode) June 1st Week, 2018

II One-day orientation programme of Supervisors and Mentors at Study Centre level

June 1st Week, 2018

4. Organization of PCP Sessions

SI.No. Activities Date I 10 days( 10AM-5 PM)-Course-521,522,523 &524 June 2nd Week to July

4th Week, 2018

5. Submission of Course Based Assignments

SI.No. Activities Date I Submission of Assignments of Course-521,522,532 and 524

( Learner will submit the assignments to the Study Centre during the PCP)

June to July, 2018

II Evaluation of Assignments on Courses-521,522,532 and 524 by the Study Centre( Evaluation work will be done by RPs during PCP) & Submission of Marks of all for assignments of all the courses to NIOS , Regional Centre --------------------


Page 4: (PDPET) - REGARDING BRIDGE COURSE.pdf · III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the

III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the working days at their Workplace during the PCP)

June 2nd Week to July 4th Week, 2018

IV Online uploading marks of all for Assignments(TMA) of all the courses by Study Centre Coordinators /

August, 2018

6. Commencement of Workshop Based Activities (WBA)/Submission of SBA Records

SI.No. Activities Date I Scheduling of WBA by the Study Centre Coordinators August ,2018 II Commencement of 10-Day WBA at Study Centres September, 2018 III Consolidation and online submission of Marks of WBA by

Study Centre Coordinator September last week, 2018

IV Submission of SBA records by the Mentors & Supervisors to

the Study Centre August 1stWeek, 2018

V Online submission of SBA marks by the Study Centre Coordinators

August last week, 2018

7. Online Exam Fee/Term-End Examination and Certification

SI.No. Activities Date

I Online /Offline payment of Exam Fee ? September 1st Week 2018 2018

II Identification of Examination Centres August, 2018 III Identification of Evaluators August, 2018 IV Identification of Central Evaluation Centres August, 2018 V Dispatch of answer books, question papers and related

guidelines from NIOS(Evaluation Deptt.) to Examination centres


VI Commencement of Term-End Examination October 1st Week ,2018 VII Evaluation of Answer scripts October 2nd Week ,2018 VIII Processing & Declaration of Result 2nd Week of November,

2018 1. Important:- Clearing the back papers: January & March, 2019

Page 5: (PDPET) - REGARDING BRIDGE COURSE.pdf · III Commencement of School Based Activities (SBA)-( Learner will do the SBA in the

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