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Using the syllabus for consistency of


© 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training

Page 2: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Teacher judgement

How do you form your expectations of what your students should achieve?

• Sources of information:- syllabus expectations- shared professional expectations and discussion- professional judgement

Page 3: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

What do you use to make judgements?

Criteria– specific examples of the types of things which we look

for when assessing student work

Work samples – examples of the things that students have done in

demonstrating evidence of achievement.

Page 4: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

What do we mean by consistency?

Consistency of teacher professional judgement refers to the degree to which judgements about a student’s performance are independent of which teacher is assessing the student.

Page 5: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Making judgements

We make judgements at:• the end of a Stage e.g. Year 4

• point in time: mid stage Year 3

Page 6: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Workshop activity

Exploring expectations – Physical education• What is the expectation of student achievement

at each stage?

• What does the syllabus say?

• What do the foundation statements say?

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Quality Teaching Assessment Questions

• What do you want the students to learn?

• Why does the learning matter?

• What are you going to get the students to do (or to produce)?

• How well do you expect them to do it?

Page 8: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Discussion timeOutcomes – Stage 2

GSS2.8 Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modified sports.

MOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying skills to a variety of familiar and new situations.

Foundation statement Students apply movement skills in dance, gymnastics, games and sports, and practise manipulative skills in a range of minor games…Students demonstrate proficiency in the fundamental movement skills of … vertical jump, catch… through practice and application in different games and sports. They participate in physical activity…

Context As part of their class physical activity program, students were explicitly taught how to perform a vertical jump and catch. They then applied these skills in different games. The teacher observed students whilst participating in activities and checked for understanding by asking students to record what constitutes a proficient jump and catch.

Criteria• actively participates in the class games (observation)• demonstrates correct catch technique when playing the game (observation and questioning)• demonstrates correct vertical jump technique when playing the game (observation and questioning)• explains the components of a vertical jump (questioning and recording)• explains the components of a catch (questioning and recording)

How well has this student met the criteria?

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Annotated class lists

Annotated observations

A record of student observations over a period of time helps to build the picture to make a judgement

Discussion point

How does this add to the overall judgement?

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Strategy: Peer assessment

Peer assessment provides great feedback to students by allowing them to develop a better understanding of the skill and of themselves as learners.

Discussion point

How could you use peer assessment to help you make judgements?

Page 11: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Making judgementsWhat have students learnt? (Knowledge, skills and understandings)

Stage 2 Syllabus outcomesGSS2.8 Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modified sportsMOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying skills to a variety of familiar and new situations

Stage 2 Foundation StatementsStudents apply movement skills in dance, gymnastics, games and sports, and practisemanipulative skills in a range of minor games…Students demonstrate proficiency in the fundamental movement skills of … vertical jump, catch… through practice and application in different games and sports. They participate in physical activity…

Teaching and learning focusFundamental movement skills – vertical jump and catching through different games and sportsModified games incorporating vertical jump and catch

Assessment strategies• Observing - student participation in games, checklist or record to create a profile• Questioning – asking questions to reinforce student understanding• Analysing – student written works samples, answers to questions, performance during games

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Over to you….Making judgements

How well students have achieved the standard? (How well takes into account the breadth and depth of learning.)

Point in time• What have the students learnt this semester? (reflect on what has been taught)• How well have they learnt it? (against the criteria or standard)

End of Stage• What have the students learnt this semester? (reflect on what has been taught)• How well have they learnt it? (against the criteria or standard – Syllabus, Foundation Statements)

Page 13: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

COG unit: Living land Stage: 3Year: 5, Point-in-time: mid yearLearning experience: Analysing risk in the school environment

PDHPE OutcomesSLS3.13 Describes safe practices that are appropriate to a range of situations and environments• demonstrates ways to improve unsafe environments.DMS3.2 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences• analyses situations and information in order to make an informed decision.PSS3.5 Suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives when resolving problems• enlists the support of appropriate authority.

Criteria• analyses situations and identifies possible risks• makes recommendations in order to improve unsafe environments.

Page 14: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Over to you….Making judgements

How well students have achieved the standard? (How well takes into account the breadth and depth of learning.)

Point in time• What have the students learnt this semester? (reflect on what has been taught)• How well have they learnt it? (against the criteria or standard)

End of Stage• What have the students learnt this semester? (reflect on what has been taught)• How well have they learnt it? (against the criteria or standard – Syllabus, Foundation Statements)

Page 15: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Over to you…Common Grade Scale



The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.



The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.



The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.



The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills.



The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.

Page 16: PDHPE K-6 Using the syllabus for consistency of moderation © 2006 Curriculum K-12 Directorate, NSW Department of Education and Training.

Where to next?With colleagues in your Stage team, workthrough a discussion process of somePDHPE examples.

• What was the criteria?• Has the student met all of the criteria?• How well has the student demonstrated the learning?• Revisit the Syllabus. What judgements can you make

in relation to the outcomes?