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BuzzBannerman’s No. 1 student magazine!

…And much more!

Malawi comesto BannermanChildren in Need 2014

Sports success!

Winter Edition

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Dear All,

As we approach the festive season it gives me great pleasure to present to you the second edition of‘Bannerman Buzz’ compiled by our young journalists. The positive response to the magazine has beenfantastic. Mrs Roberts, our former Faculty Head of Social Subjects contacted me to say:‘Just a quick text to say that I got the Bannerman Buzz and was most impressed….what an array ofextra-curricular activities with super staff and student involvement.’

I am really pleased too, that the senior team have now involved some of our younger pupils. It isexciting too to have new ventures covered in the magazine: the Hallowe’en party organised by the S3XL group for S1 and following their example, the St Andrew’s Ceilidh organised for S1 by S6… otheryear groups are now asking when it’s their turn.

Some highlights of the term were welcoming our friends from Malawi to Bannerman (S4 are nowplanning their visit in June), participating in the Scotland China Education Network Conference, theannual Culinary Excellence Banquet and of course Children in Need. We also said goodbye to MrsBelford who left us to take up post as Headteacher in Govan High School. She had a wonderful sendoff, as you will see.

With the sound of Christmas music ringing in my ears as the performing arts department rehearse forour annual conference may I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Christmas and best wishesfor 2015!

Yours sincerely

Ms Purdie

A wordie from ms purdie

Ms Purdie hard at work.

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Welcome back to the Bannerman Buzz, we hope you enjoyed ourfirst issue. Our second edition has just as much exciting news withBannerman gearing up for Christmas. We have the exciting followup to our Malawi story with a visit from our friends from Masalani;updates from our SCEN ambassadors and in case you missed it, areport from Bannerman’s first ever ‘Don’t Forget the Lyrics’ gameshow for Children in Need. 2014 may be ending but there’s stillplenty of exciting events to be reported on next term so be sureto keep reading!

Hope you have great Christmas!

She-Kei Wan (S6)


A note from the ed…Meet theteam

Looking for a chance toshine?

Interested in writing, photography or graphic design?

Join the Bannerman Buzz team!

Speak to Mr de Smith (English) or She-Kei Wan (S6) for moreinformation.


Abbie Chastey

Heather Marshall

Lorna Morrison


Emma Burnside

Christopher Kerr

Ryan Gardiner

Louise McGeachy

Nicola Moore

Toni McVey

Andrew Mulholland

Andrew Small

Craig Smith

She-Kei Wan


Cameron Murdoch

Heather Reid


Eilidh Colquhoun

Rebecca Hyslop

Kirstyn Lawson

Fraser Mckie

Carli Robertson

See Drama Department For more Information

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Goodbye MrsLast month Bannerman said goodbye to Mrs Belford, geography teacher,

head of S6 and someone who is not afraid to dress up when the occasion calls for iit.

She moves onto to Govan High School to becometheir head teacher so our loss is another’s gain.S6 House Captains organised a special morningassembly for Mrs Belford’s last day where werecounted our favourite memories with herincluding the 2013 trip to Malawi and the infamousleather jacket debacle. Many tears were shed bypupils and staff alike but we hope that it won’t bethe last we see of Mrs Belford with a rumouredreturn for the Bannerman Ball next year. Good luckto Mrs Belford in her new job!

Here is the message that she left for S6 pupils:

Dear S6As many of you are aware I am not at good with goodbyes and for this reason I will not be poppinground to say a personal farewell to you all in your tutor classes. I would however like to take thisopportunity to wish each and every one of you all the best for the future.I simply cannot believe how the time has flown. It just seems like yesterday that I was joining theschool and you were just starting S2 and I remember saying to you all at that very first assemblythat the time would just whizz by and before you know it you would be in S6. I certainly feel thatthis has happened. I simply cannot believe how grown up you all are and how you have maturedinto the fantastic young adults that you now are. However, I have to admit that I am a bit freakedout that so many of you are learning to drive and to be totally honest…will be a bit scared aroundthe roads of Baillieston should I venture over this way!Thank you so much for being such a fantastic year group (well most of you :P) and for making myjob interesting and exciting. I have so many good memories to take away with me. From dressingup in chicken outfits, to the laughs we have shared in the corridors and when I visited classes andtutor, my best ever standard grade geography class and our S6 conference where I decided weshould rename Burns House, Belford (house captains get one that one!!!).  So remember folks… work hard, put in 100% effort, engage in as many wider achievementactivities as you can, keep up the uniform standards (no hoodies!!!), make sure you have a studyplan….need I go on???  Seriously though, I wish each and every one of you all the best for the future. You are quitesimply a brilliant group of young people. Enjoy what is left of your S6, work had, get thosequalifications. Enjoy prom and your last day – DO NOT go mental and leave a bad impression (I willhear about it…).

Take care. I will miss you allMrs B!

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The S1 Halloween discoIn the spirit of Halloween, S1 pupils were

treated with a spooky Halloween disco run by thecharity committee with help from the XL group.There were a wide range of disguises fromwerewolves and zombies, to movie stars andangels.

The pupils were joined by our Malawianvisitors who were not shy of dancing, even havinga few ‘dance battles’ with them. Pupils were alsoprovided with face painting and a spooky snack

St andrews ceilidh

On Friday the 28�� of November, one ofBannerman’s many house events took placewith an S1 ceilidh. The ceilidh was for StAndrews Day, which we, as House Captainsbelieved didn’t get enough recognition inschool. The theme was to wear tartan, andshortbread and irn bru were sold at the interval. The ceilidh dances were demonstrated by agroup of talented S6 pupils and then S1 dancedthe afternoon away to traditional Scottish music.There were excellent performances of the GayGordon’s, the Canadian Barn Dance and theDashing White Sergeant. As they twirled andpony-stepped, a group of judges picked winningpupils for different categories, which includedbest girl dancer, best boy dancer and best duo.

To celebrate St Andrews Day, Bannerman’s House captains organised a special Ceilidh for S1 pupils.

Article by Nicola Moore

The ceilidh raised £276.50 for school fund andS1 had a fabulous time.

Thank you to the music department forproviding the music and to the House Captainsfor organising the ceilidh. Also a big thank you toour dancers, charity representatives and all ofthe S6 volunteers for making it a splendidafternoon!

S1 and others celebrated the spooky Holiday with scary costumes (and even scarier dancing)

The XL Group running the tuck shop.

A pupil in a suitablyscary uniform.

station. The eventwas also the sameday as Mrs Belfordleaving whichresulted in anemotional renditionof ‘Loch Lomond’from Mrs Belford andmany of the S6volunteers.

All in all, the discowas enjoyed byeveryone involved.Bannerman’s firstHalloween disco willhopefully not be the last!

Thank you to all those involved inorganising the disco and to the S6 volunteersand staff for lending a hand.

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A day as…a red cross volunteer

The pupils and their hard-earned certificates.

Craig studying along with other volunteers.

The Red Cross cover many aspects in global aid,some of which you already know for example wouldbe first aid or disaster response. But in thisvolunteering project select groups of 6�� years werechosen to deliver presentations to 1�� year tutorgroups in order to pass across the message of bothwhy aid is given and how it is given internationallyand domestically.

During this time the groups were given training onwhat the Red Cross do and how to deliverpresentations. This opportunity was one of the bestthat I can say I have done for the school, it had itsfunny points and bad points but overall was anextremely successful project. Each individual playedtheir part and contributed to their group.

My subject was earthquakes and how to deal withearthquakes which played well to my advantage asI study geography and have a knowledge ofearthquakes.

The S1 pupils who we delivered our presentationto seemed to enjoy it and we hope they took a liking

Bannerman S6 pupils were given the chance to find out what it’s like to work as a british Red Crossvolunteer. Here’s what one pupil thought of the experience.

Article By Criag Cairns (S6)

as its something I personally think will becomebigger in the future. Teachers also showed aninterest in the presentation and helped us well.

A funny point to my groups presentation wouldbe when we had to give our presentation on acomputer screen because the smart board wasn’tworking which made it harder but we managedto overcome it and give our presentation.

In the end I can say this experience has gave mea wider view of just what the Red Cross is andwhat they do, as well as giving me the confidenceto work in a group and speak in front of a class.When you apply yourself you can really doanything.

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SCEN AMBASSADORSAmy Groves (S3), Amy Richardson (S3), AndrewSmall (S6) and She-Kei Wan (S6) are Bannerman’snewly appointed ambassadors for the ‘Scotland-China Education Network’. The four students whoare studying Mandarin attended their firstconference in Edinburgh University where theylearned more about the organisation and howthey could fulfil their roles as ambassadors.The conference was attended by hundreds ofyoung students from across Scotland whodiscussed how to further the teaching of Mandarinin Scotland.They each met and shook hands with Lord Wilson,former governor of Hong Kong and head of SCENto receive their certificates and badges as newambassadors. The experience was enjoyed by thefour pupils and even led to Andrew being invitedto do a speech at the Gleneagles Summit whichyou can read more about that on the next page.

As part of our efforts to make Bannerman a more international school, we sent our first SCEN Ambassadors to aconference in Edinburgh to find out more about their new role.

Clockwise from top: Andrew, Amy, She-Kei and Amy.

Scholarship successBig Congratulations to our S6 pupil, Andrew Small!After his successful interview at the ConfuciusInstitute Scotland for Schools,Andrew secured one of only 12Scholarship places to studyMandarin full time in China nextyear. In the two years thatBannerman has been providingMandarin classes, this is the secondtime a pupil from Bannerman HighSchool secured one of these covetedplaces.

Learning Chinese is becoming verypopular in the school. Andrewstarted learning Mandarin in Augustthis year and he sees language,especially Mandarin as the key to asuccessful career.

SCEN Ambassador Andrew Small follows in the footsteps of previous Bannerman pupil Jamie Lindsay after receiving oneof 13 exclusive scholarships to study at China’s Tianjin University for one year.

His Mandarin teacher, Ms Chang has no doubt thathe is going to do brilliantly in his Mandarin exam

next year and he will continue tosucceed while studying in China. Thereis a bright future ahead of him.

Headteacher, Ms Purdie said, “I amdelighted for Andrew and for theschool. It is wonderful to have a youngperson gain such a scholarship and Iam delighted that this has happenedso soon after our introduction ofMandarin into the curriculum.”

Andrew Small speaking at the SCEN summit at Gleneagles.

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Gleneagles trip 2014On Monday 10 November, a group of Bannermansenior pupils attended the Third SCEN (ScotlandChina Education Network) China Youth Summit,China and Scotland At Home, at the Gleneagles.There were over 300 delegates from acrossScotland attended the Summit, including, LordWilson of Tillyorn,Cabinet Secretaryfor Education andLifelong LearningMr MichaelRussell MSP, andthe ConsulGeneral for the PRof China inEdinburgh, Mr PanXinchun. It is veryexciting toobserve theachievements ofthe friendship,collaboration andm u t u a lunderstanding between China and Scotland'sSchools, Colleges, Universities, Professions andBusinesses.

Our school Mandarin Band, Andrew Small, KyleNolan, She Kei Wan, Toni McVey and RyanGardiner edited and performed a Chinese rocksong ‘My Friend China’ at the event.

Continuing on from the success of last year’s visit, the languages department attended the 2014 SCEN summit atGleneagles to celebrate Scotland and China’s partnership.

As one of Table Chair at the SCEN ambassador’sconference, Andrew Small gave a short speechafter the performance and summarised some keymessages from the ambassadors.

The feedback we received from the delegates wasoverwhelming. Theconvener of SCEN,Judith McClure evensent her personalcongratulation tothe school andpraised the impacttheir performanceand speech made tothe Summit.The SCEN Youthsummit offeredyoung people aplatform toexchange ideas andexperiences, also itis a fantastic

opportunity for our pupils to find out theimportant role China and Chinese language playsin various industries. Our S6 pupils said: ‘It wastruly an amazing experience and we were veryfortunate that we could be part of it.’

P.S The head chef even prepared an amazingbanquette for all of us. We loved the food!

Many thanks to SCEN and Gleneagles Hotel for theamazing experience!

Bannerman’s Mandarin Band.

Bannerman’s Mandarin Team.

Pupils enjoying lunch.

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In October, pupils and teachers from Masalani School in Malawi visited Bannerman, find out more aboutthem below:

Name: BrightFavourite Subject: Drama, it’s interesting being able to show people whatyou are thinking.Ambition: An engineer, because I believe that I have a vision to makesomething new.Best Scottish Memory: I have so many good memories, my favourite is theScottish Parliament.If you could teach Scottish people one word in Chichewa, what would itbe?: ‘Adathokoza’ – it means ‘to be thankful’.

Name: LucyFavourite Subject: Physics and maths, I love them.Ambition: I would like to be an accountant in the future because I lovemaths.Best Scottish Memory: Going to school, education is so different. Also goingto the museums, we saw ice and planets!If you could teach Scottish people one word in Chichewa, what would itbe?: ‘Zodabwitsa’ – it means ‘wonderful’.

Name: AliphFavourite Subject: Maths, because I would like to be an accountant.Ambition: An accountant, I would like to work in a bank and make lots ofmoney!Best Scottish Memory: Playing on the drums and computers in school.If you could teach Scottish people one word in Chichewa, what would itbe?: ‘Zikomo Kwambiri’ – it means ‘thank you very much’.

Name: MaryFavourite Subject: Biology, because I want to be a nurse!Ambition: A nurse, I would like to help people who are suffering fromdiseases and give advice to those who need it.Best Scottish Memory: I loved watching Disney films like Frozen and Brave.If you could teach Scottish people one word in Chichewa, what would itbe?: ‘Ndimakukonda’ – It means ‘I love you’.

Meet our Malawianvisitors

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The Scotland Malawi Partnership keep hearingabout all the great work that Bannerman’s aredoing so they just had to come along and have alook for themselves.

The filming was for a documentary that will showhow strong the relationship between Scotland andMalawi is, why school partnerships are soimportant and examples of partnerships that areworking well (just like Bannerman’s!).In the film there will be students and staff fromMalawi and Scotland telling us what theirpartnership means to them and why they thinkother schools should start partnerships too.The Scotland Malawi Partnership will visitBannerman’s again over the next few months formore filming and the film will be out next year sowatch this space……and get ready to see thebudding movie stars from Bannerman’s on film!

Join the Scotland Malawi Partnership as a YouthMember for FREE! It’s for anyone aged between14 and 24 who has an interest in Malawi and youget:• Weekly bulletins with information aboutScotland-Malawi Links• Youth Newsletters every 3 months withinformation about what our Youth members areup to across Scotland• Invitations to our events (in March this year200 Young Scots from the length and breadth ofScotland attended our Youth Congress and got tomeet others and talk about their exciting links withMalawi)• A chance to be at our Youth forum every 2months and really influence the changes theScotland Malawi Partnership are making tosupport its Youth members• Volunteering opportunities• Information about possible future careers inInternational Development and long-termvolunteering opportunities• ……..and much more to come once we hearfrom our Youth Members about how the ScottishMalawi Partnership can support YOUR Malawijourney.

If you would like more information or would liketo join the SMP please email [email protected].

BANNERMAN’S ON FILMIn October the Scotland Malawi Partnership came to Bannerman’s to film staff and students involved

in the partnership with Masalani School in Malawi.

Congratulations to bannerman’steam malawi 2015

The sucessful pupils who will be travelling to Masalani next year are:

Liam Mortimer 4N2Amy Parker 4T2Lewis Reid 4T1Jordan Tibbett 4W2Keir Valigy 4W1

Ellie Willison 4W2

Nicola Bronsky 4L1Alexandra Compton 4L1

Zach Hiney 4M1Alisha Livingstone 4M2

Megan McLelland 4N2Lyndsay McMath 4T1

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Bannerman on the beatJohn Traynor (S6) took part in the Strathclyde Police work experience programme

where he experienced working on the beat.

John spent a week working with local policeofficers to learn about the ins and outs of thetough job, the officers felt he was worthy of thefirst prize award of the programme. He enjoyedhis time with the organisation and felt h egained valuable skills for hisfuture.

Kate Morrison, PoliceConstable spoke highly ofJohn: “John displayedgreat inter personal skillshe showed honestytreated everyone withfairness and respect, theway he engaged with thePolice Officers in addition tohis peers on the programmewas nothing short of rolemodel behaviours.”

“In my opinion John has a bright future ahead ofhim and myself and the other Officers on the teamall agreed he would make a fabulous Police Officerbut has the personality to do any front facing job as

I have stated previously we constantlytalk about integrity, fairness

and respect within ourorganisation and Johndisplayed high levels ofall of thesehe was a very worthy

winner of first prize whichwas a Tesco Hudl.”

Well done to John we’llhopefully be seeing himkeeping our streets safe inthe future!

Media academy 2014As well as police officers, Bannerman has some budding journalists who spent a

week at Bauer Media Academy at Clyde 1.

Louise and Katelyn in the studio.

Suki practising newsreading.

Last month Louise McGeachy, Katelyn Irvineand She Kei Wan of S6 were students at the BauerMedia Academy. The Academy based at Clyde 1,gave the pupils expert advice from media expertsBilly Briggs, Mark Martin and Courtnay McLeod.

They even got the chance to meet Knoxy,Cassie (travel news) and George Bowie!

T h epupils hadtraining onan array ofm e d i atechniquesand recordedtheir ownr a d i oprogramme.

We asked Louise about her experience: “Asproducer I had responsibility for the smoothrunning, fortunately it all went well. Mindie FMwas created alongside other students fromschools all over Glasgow.”

“It was an amazing experience; all went toschedule with no hiccups.”

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Children in Need 2014

The annual non-uniform day saw both pupils andstaff dawning their spots to raise awareness forthe charity as well as some of our charity repswearing some ridiculous superhero getup in orderto honour the theme of Superheroes this year.

In addition to the non-uniform day, the charityreps organised a show for S1 and S2 pupils. Ourvery own “Don’t Forget The Lyrics” show sawteachers competing against one another in orderto try and remember the lyrics to famous songs,and it was no surprise that some amazing talentwas showcased; at one pointwe even saw the legendary MsShah rapping along to “GoldDigger” whilst lying on theground.

We had time to catch up withour fantastic host, FraserMcKie (S6), who said, “It wassuch a brilliant chance to hosta great show. Trying to hold inlaughter when you haveteachers rapping to KanyeWest and having a massivesing-a-long to Frozen was sucha hard task.”

“I even managed to get all of the other 6th yearson stage to belt out a couple of songs with meand I personally thought we were flawless butI’ve been told otherwise. But I genuinely had agreat time and hope that everyone who got achance to see it thought the same,” what a trulyamazing pupil he really is.


special thanks goes out to all of the staff whoparticipated, the house captains and S6volunteers who assisted and to the charity repsfor organising a great show for a brilliant cause.

Overall, throughout the various fundraisingactivities, we managed to raise an incredible______. Well done Bannerman and thanks againto everyone for getting involved.

On Friday the 14th of November, Bannerman had a fantastic day dedicated to fundraising forChildren In Need.

Mr Morrison showing off his limbo skills

Pupils dressing up for Children in Need

S6 joining in the fun

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Congratuations meritA huge well done to this term’s bronze merit award winners, here we have a selection of them with

their hard-earned awards!




S1 Burns winners. S3 Burns winners.

S6 Mackintosh winner.S4 Mackintosh winners.

S2 Telford winners. S5 Telford winners.

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Award winners




S3 Wallace winners S5 Wallace winners.

S1 Livingstone winners. S4 Livingstone winners.

S6 Napier winnersS2 Napier winners.

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Bannerman goes tofrance* *(Almost)

On the 5�� November, S4 pupils ventured outto the Bistro Beaumartin to sample some Frenchcuisine prepared by Chef Andrew at his restaurantin Hope Street.

All the pupils were keen to try les cuisses degrenouille and les escargots (that’s frogs legs andsnails to you and me) and they were not asdisgusting or as gruesome as they had anticipated.

The dessert seems to have been the clearfavourite among the diners as Natalie Reid tells us:“For me the best part was the dessert!”

“It was the chocolate fondant with loads ofwarm chocolate sauce. It was so delicious that Ibolted up quicker than lightning at the sound of asecond slice.”

The pupils enjoyed the visit with LyndsayMcMath saying: “I thoroughly enjoyed this visit tothe French restaurant. It was an unforgettableexperience.”


S4 Modern Languages pupils got the chance to experience french cuisine inthe heart of Glasgow.

Three of the pupis with delicious-lookingdesserts.

The lunchtime clubThe new lunchtime club run by Mr Pattison has been a huge success with pupils

Thought sporting a similar name to the famous‘Breakfast Club’, the Lunchtime club has nothingto with the cult film.

Every Tuesday at lunchtime, pupils cancome along to E11 to have lunch and socialise ina relaxed atmosphere.

Tutorials from teachers have also beentaking place with Mr Mcdonald, Mr Ogilvie,MrBoyle (Computing) and Mr Gardiner all offerhelp to pupils.

Pupils who have been attending said ithelped them “have more confidence” and“meet new friends.”

Have you joined the Club yet?

Pupils at the Lunchtime Club enjoying a film togetherlast week.

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The war to end allwars

That’s a 100 years since Britain entered the war,not America; they entered in 1916, a year beforeit finished and took all the credit, and it wouldn’tbe the first time they would do it either. But that’senough about America. In 1914 Britain decided tobe a Good Samaritan and entered the war to stickup for our ally Belgium. Germany invaded theneutral country of Belgium to use it as a side-streetinto France, or what was officially known as theSchlieffen Plan. But why was Germany invadingFrance? Not because of their mutual disrespect –although this might have influenced the Germansslightly – the invasion was down to France beingan ally of Russia who was an ally of Serbia whowere being blamed by Austria for assassinatingtheir heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinandand Germany was an ally of Austria. If it wasn’t forthis tangle of treaties then what became knownas “the Great war” could have ended up a smallconflict between between Austria and Serbia. Buthistory paved a different path.

13% of the British army’s recruits in 1914 and 1915hailed from bonnie Scotland. Some authors haveclaimed that our kilted boys who served in theBlack Watch were known among the Germans as,"Die Damen aus der Hölle" which in English is, “TheLadies from Hell” so they definitely went aboveand beyond the call of duty. But that wasn’tScotland’s only contribution to the First WorldWar; we also gave the British army a commander.Field Marshall Douglas Haig, from Edinburgh,ordered the offensive at the River Somme, whichnot only turned into one of the bloodiest battles

This year marks the 100 year anniversary of the start of the First World War. An entire century haspassed since Britain declared war on Germany at 11.00pm on the 4th of August 1914.

of the war but one of the biggest bloodbaths ofhistory. Between the 1�� of July 1916 and the 19��of November 1916 over 1,000,000 men wereinjured or died in that gruesome battle. Just under20,000 British soldiers died on the first day! RoyalEngineer Tom Dewing described the aftermath ofthe battle like this, “The following day's roll-callwas tragic. The colonels were sitting in the frontof what was left of their men, sobbing. There wereso few left." No wonder Haig gained the nickname,“The Butcher of the Somme”. This war was calledthe war to end all wars, but unfortunately it wasnot man’s last conflict. Only 2 decades lateranother world war broke out with its ownSomme’s and we are still continuing to fight inwars today. I recommend that we use thisanniversary not only to remember the brave menwho laid down their lives for our freedom butthose who continue to do so. This brief look at theGreat War has reminded us of the horrors of warand hopefully our world leaders will also bereminded and as a result whatever conflict we arein now may truly be the war to end all wars.

Soldiers in the Trenches, preparing forenemy fire.

Article by Christopher Kerr

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The Christmas Concert

School Show 2015Bannerman’s Performing Arts Department is happy to announce this yearr’s School show


The annual Christmas Concert took place earlier this month, if you miissed theshowcase here are some photos to show you what you missed out on!

The Bannerman Samba Band led by MrKarauda. The String Orchestra led by Mrs Black.

Ryan Gardiner performing anacoustic guitar piece. More talented pupils performing.

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“Santa Baby byEartha Kitt” – MsDonohoe (English)

The Ultimate ChristmasSong

With Christmas quickly approaching, we thought we’d get the teachers of Bannerman into the Christmasspirit by asking them: What is your Christmas song?

“All I Want For ChristmasIs You/Creep mashupby Peace”– Mr Gardiner (PT/English) (Don’tworry, we haven’t heard of iteither)

“Fairytale ofNew York byThe Pogues” – Ms MacDonald(Social Sciences)

“Last Christmas byWham”– Mr Boyle (SocialSciences)

“Little Drummer Boy(Lindstrom Remix)”– Mr Wilson (Maths)

“Merry Xmas (WarIs Over) by JohnLennon”– Mr Ogilvie (Science)

Step into Xmasby Elton John”- Mrs McGowan (FTT)

“Driving Home forChristmas by ChrisRea”– Mr Breen (Technical)

“All I Want forChristmas is Youby MariahCarey”– Mrs Reid (Social Sciences)

“When Santa Got StuckUp the Chimney”

– Ms McGrellis (Science)

“Christmas Wrappingby The Waitresses” -Ms Morin (BITE)

“White Christmasby Bing Crosby”– Mr Boyle (ICT)

“Mr Hankie theChristmas Poofrom South Park”– Mr Morrison (ModernLanguages)

“Adeste Fidelus byPavarotti”- Mr Donnelly (Maths)

“Little DrummerBoy”- Ms Purdie (Headteacher)

“Do They Know It’sChristmas? By Bandaid(Original)” - Mr Reynolds(BITE)

“O Holy Night” -Mrs Kelly (ModernLanguages)

“That ChristmassyFeeling by Johnny Cash”– Ms Scott (Art)

“Merry XmasEverybody bySlade” – Ms McGlinn(Librarian)

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On Sunday 7�� December around 6 thousandpeople turned up for the annual Glasgow SantaDash. Some old, some young, some four leggedand some on a number of wheels includingscooters and prams.

For most Monday morning at work was a bitmore of an ache than usual! (You could say theyare in bad ‘elf’ this morning).*

There were as usual some amazing causes thatpeople were running for. The entrance fee wentto the Sunday Mail Centenary Fund and The Prince& Princess of Wales Hospice Fund but mostparticipants ran for a charity close to theirhearts.

Those teachers and pupils who kindly donatedto Mr Boyle helped raise over £400 for YorkhillTrust for the third year running.

Lots of pupils represented Bannerman Highschool this year and have brilliant memoriesfrom the day.

One of the best bits was the thousandsof Santas waiting at George Square when itstarted to snow prompting a loud cheer from thecrowd. With so many happy and smiley faces ona ‘lazy Sunday morning’ it is difficult to sum upthe experience for any who did not make it thisyear.

So please come next year and while youponder getting up on a Sunday morning to dash5km in a Santa suit, then go online to see thehilarious pictures (Google: Santa Dash Glasgow2014).

*The Bannerman Buzz takes no responsibilityfor any pain caused by bad jokes made by MrBoyle

Santa Dash, It even snowed!Computing’s Mr Boyle along with other teachers took part in the Daily Mail’s Santa Dash,

raising money for charity

By Mr Boyle (Computing)

A massive thank you to all Bannerman staffwho donated to the foodbank collection on FridayDecember 5��!

The local foodbank located in the Calton parishchurch in Parkhead received around 40 bagspacked full of essentials to help those lessfortunate in our local community.

Hopefully we will see more collections like thisin the future and we are grateful to those whodonated!


A pupil with some of the donations.

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Everything was peaceful aboard spacestation 93 as the dogs ate their daily dental stick,fresh from the café. The only exception was thedragon, who preferred a dental rib bone insteadon the star trooper base. The orange sunset alwaysbrought peace to the endless galaxies of space.Station 93 shone metallic, ruby red as the sundrifted over it. The dogs were protected by thereflective windows and yellow window panes thatwere located around each marked constellation,the stars here produced a radiation strong enoughto give the station electricity.

The gargantuan silver launch door opened

and closed every few minutes making a gentleclank as metal contacted with metal. Most dogswere in the middle of their lunch where as somecruised around the station after picking up a chicken taco or some other treat as this was thefirst Sunday of the year, also known as treat day.

All that could be heard was the occasionalcrunch.”Chomp Chomp Chomp Yum these bonesare good”munched Kira.“What do you say we go for a spin in a star cruiserwhen we have finished ?” Suggested Flame. “Great idea Flame” agreed Lady,gnawing absentlyon the end of her half-chewed bone.

Name: Glen J.R BurnsideBreed: Jack RussellJob: LookoutPowers: Sonic MusclesColour: Gingery BrownMarks: Tiny tail with kink at the endPersonality: Sturdy, kind but can be aggressive ifhe feels disrespected

Name: Lady .S.S. BurnsideBreed: Shetland SheepdogJob: LieutenantPowers: Sonic barkColour: Orangey ginger and whiteMarks: White collar around her neckPersonality: Kind, sweet and licky

Name: Holly S.S. BurnsideBreed: Shetland SheepdogJob: Astro IntelligencePowers: Sonic Laser VisionColour: Light brown and whiteMarks: Black flecks on her coatPersonality: Shy, timid and smart

Name: Flame Y.W.D. FlammableBreed: Yellow winged dragon (Rare)Job: AttackerPowers: Sonic FlamesColour: Red with Yellow Wings and a PurpleSpike on the end of his tailMarks: A howling wolf on his wingPersonality: Fierce (only to foes), loving, faithfuland kind

Name: Kira .B.C. BurnsideBreed: Border CollieJob: LeaderPowers: Sonic AttackColour: Mostly black with white tipped paws andbrown patchesMarks: Luna Crescent on the back of her neckand a floppy earPersonality: Loving, sweet and kind butunexpectedly defensive

Killer Dogs vs Astro Fleas

Name: Sam .C.X.A. BurnsideBreed: Collie X AlsationJob: DefenderPowers: Sonic immortalityColour: Dark brown and blackMarks: Pinky brown mark on his nose, a lionsmane and a bushy tailPersonality: Loving gentle giant, loyal,affectionate, obedient and faithful

Together they areAstro Dogs

Defending the galaxy from the forces ofevil

S1’s Emma Burnside is the author of her very own book “Killer Dogs vs Astro Fleas”. She gave us a sneak peakat the first chapter of her work. Could this be the next best seller?.

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The Sports UpdateYour update on this term’s sports successes; upcoming events and newly elected sports


By Mrs Cook and Mr Pattison

In PE at Bannerman, pupil voice and leadership is important to our success. The diagram below showsopportunities throughout all years for you to embrace leadership.

You will get to know all of these people involved within PE so please discuss with them youropportunities and anything you would like within the department!

Steven Bain

Craig Burke

Emma Hamilton

Frazer Kennedy

Toni McVey

Heather Reid

Lauren Kelly

Gary McGeechan

Rachel Young

Daniel Wilhare

Amie Carruthers

Blane Anderson

Ashleigh Carter

Ross ElliotAmber


Elliott Campbell

Eilidh Hughes


Hannah Shiels


Jodie Harrison

Cameron Foy

Eilidh Warnock

Lewis Warnock

Congratulations to the sportshouse captains on their new


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Hannah fulton getsher goal

As well as being a key player of Bannerma’s Girls football team, Hannah Fulton(S5) continues to be a football star outside of school.

Hannah Fulton’s (S5) football team hadhuge success in the Scottish Cup Leagueproving she is the star of the match not only inschool but out of school as well.

Bannerman Buzz found out all about thewinning game played last weekend:

“This year, my team managed to get to theScottish Cup Final to play Glasgow City. Weplayed against many teams to get to the finalincluding Hibernian, Rangers and then CentralFC in the semi-final.

The final itself was played at Toryglen on aSunday and there were many people who cameto watch all three girls’ football finals that wereplayed one after the other. After watching theyounger Celtic team win the cup, we wanted todo the same in our final.

Luckily we managed to beat Glasgow City2-0 and lift the Scottish Cup.

This was the first national trophy that I hadever won so it was a very special moment in myfootballing career. “

“However the weekend after the final, welifted the league trophy after beating rangers 3-0on the final day of the season.

This was my second league trophy I had wonbut my first double trophy winning season as aplayer.

At the end of the season, on December 3��both of these trophies were presented to myteam at half time at the Celtic vs Partick Thistlegame and we took a lap of honour around thepitch.”

Congratulations Hannah, we wish you, yourteam and the Girls Football team all the best infuture matches!

Hannah in action.

The team celebrating their win.

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With money tight the boys in our U16s and U18sfaced having to make do with old kit that had seenbetter days as the kicked off the new football season.

That was until local businessman Robert Glynnowner of The Upper Krust stepped in to kit both  teamsout with brand new strips.

The players from these teams and the staff atBannerman are very grateful for the generosity shownby Mr Glynn who has shown tremendous support forschool sport in Bannerman High.

A big thank you also goes to JJ Travel coaches whoalso agreed to kit out our U14s in brand new kit forseason 2014-15.

The players and coaches are absolutely thrilled tohave new kit and look forward to another successfulseason this year.

Football sponsorsHIPThanks to some very generous sponsors, bannermans boys football team have revamped

their footbball kits.

Calum and Brandon of the football teamkindy modelling the new kit. By Mr Pattison

Upcoming sports eventsBe sure to note these dates down in your calender if you’re an athlete or

simly a sports Fan!







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The Junior boys embarked on their first outing asa team on Wednesday 29�� October to a regional7s tournament at Cartha Queens park Rugby club.Considering the team had never played togetherbefore the tournament could not have gone anybetter for them. They won all their pool A gameand the final game against the winner of pool B.Bannerman High is lucky to have some verytalented rugby players who play for local teamsand some pupils who have only just startedplaying Rugby since the school established theJunior section.Logan had a fantastic game, working well with histeam mates and playing particularly well off ofRuairidh, always there in support & scoring anumber of tries. Theo was consistent in securingthe ball in rucks, Reece, a powerful runner whobrushed off the oppositions attempts to tacklehim with ease, Ross & Fraser used their greatrugby game sense & speed to make a huge impact

in all of the games and Chris was a strong memberof the forwards.Special mention must go to Aaron who only startedplaying Rugby when he joined the school team thisyear. Since joining the school team he has found alocal team near his home to play for and is clearlya natural at this sport, you would honestly think hehas been playing for years.Almost all of the boys scored one (or more) triesthroughout the tournament.Player of the day was very difficult to pick since allboys played extremely well but will go to Ruairidhfor his overall performance but also the number ofturnover balls he created & tries he scored for theteam.Well done to all involved and looking forward tothe next regional tournament on November 12��where we will face St Andrew’s, Shawlands,Holyrood and Jordanhill.

Junior Rugby teamsuccess

The team enjoyed success in their first gane together at Cartha Queens Park.

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Headteacher: Ms Purdie

S1/6: Ms OhldagS2: Miss BlackS3: Ms McConachieS4:  Miss SmallsS5:  Mrs van de Gevel

Burns: Mrs PeoplesLivingstone: Mrs ShahMackintosh: Ms MortonNapier: Mr GardinerTelford: Mr McGillivrayWallace: Mrs Guile

Glasgow RoadG69 7NS

0141 582 0020 @BannermanHigh