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3 Mission Statement 4 Brand Views 5 Logo 6 Colour Scheme 7 Typeface 8 Images 9 Language 11 How to insert margins 12 How to apply a font scheme 13 How to insert images 14 How to insert master page 15 How to apply a colour scheme 16 How to set the background 17 How to edit pictures in Photoshop

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Mission Statement

‘The Local’ is a magazine distributed for free amongst the younger generation. It’s been

described as the best upcoming free magazine by the youth of today. We strive in creating

articles for music, fashion, education, sport, gadgets and TV suited for both men and

women. ‘The Local’ is admired by many because it’s free and because of all the great con-

tent it includes.

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The Local’s brand views

Simplicity Free Interesting

Vivid Fun Unique

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The Local’s logo acts as a masthead on all magazines to establish brand identity. Designed to

aid with the simplistic layout of the magazine and for consumers to recognise what brand the

magazine is.

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Colour Scheme

The Local’s colour scheme is black white and grey. The main colours used throughout are black

and white. Black is used for the mastheads and body text, white is used for the background of

each page of the pull-out magazine. Grey is only used for the captions under the images.

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The fonts used in The Local pull-out magazine are Calibri, Brad-Becker light and Euphemia.

Calibri is used for the body text and image captions as it is simple so that the articles are easy

to read. I have used Brad-Becker light and have made the font bold for my mastheads so that

the text stands out. Euphemia is used for the sub headings. All fonts are similar to one another

and are bold so that they catch the audiences attention. All fonts used in the pull-out maga-

zine are coloured black.

Calibri Brad-Becker light Euphemia

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The images that The Local use are simplistic and natural. All

of the images have a soft edge to them and are related to

the content of the article in the magazine. Some of the im-

ages are cropped for maximum effect. Most of the indi-

viduals in the images are celebrities as a lot of the content

is showbiz related.

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At The Local we believe that the simpler the language of

the article is, the better. It must be suited towards the tar-

get audience of 16-25 year olds so the language must not

be too complex and formal. The purpose of an article is to

inform and entertain therefore relaxed lexis and the use of

colloquialisms is most appropriate.

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Step by step for Publisher

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How to insert margins

1. On the top tool bar click onto ‘arrange’ .

2. Select ‘layout guides’.

3. Then click on the ‘margin guides’ tab to sort out your margins.

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How to apply a font scheme

1. On the format publication menu click ’font schemes’.

2. In the format publication menu when you have clicked onto

’font schemes’ click onto a font scheme to apply it.

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How to insert images

1. On the top tool bar click onto ’insert’.

2. Then scroll down to picture.

3. Once you have clicked on picture, they give you options in which you can choose

where you would like to import your images from.

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How to insert master page

1. In the ‘format publication’ menu, select ‘apply master


2. In the ‘apply master’ page section, click ‘view master


3. In the ‘view master pages’ section click the master page

you would like to apply to the current page.

4. Select the master page that you want to apply and ap-

ply it.

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How to apply a colour scheme

1. Go on the top tool bar and click onto ‘format’.

2. Scroll down to ‘colour scheme’ and click on it.

3. Then it will give you an option of different col-

our schemes.

4. You can either create a new colour scheme or

select one that is already there.

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How to set the background

1. On the top tool bar click ‘format’.

2. Scroll down to ‘background’.

3. Click onto ‘background’

4. Then a selection of background will

appear, apply a background of your


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Edit pictures in Photoshop

1. Open Adobe Photoshop.

2. Insert an image of your choice.

3. Use all the tools on the tool bar

to edit your image.