Download - PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

Page 1: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


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General Population Characteristics

(This series consists of 52 reports-number 1 for the United States and numbers 2 through 52 for the States and the District of Columbia in alphabetical order rather than order of publi'catlon.)

This report presents 1970 census statistics on the basic demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. Data on age, sex, race, and relationship to head of household are shown for the State, each standard metropolitan statistical area, each place of 10,000 inhabitants or more, and each county or comparable area.

The data presented here are being issued in advance of their publication in Final Report Series PC( 1)-B, which will provide additional information on the population characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. The final report for this State will be published in about 2 months.

Statistics on selected housing characteristics for the areas shown in this report are currently being issued in Advance Report Series HC(V1). An outline of the publication program for the 1970 Census of Popula­tion and Housing can be obtained free of charge from the Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233, or any U.S. Department of Commerce Field Office.

Page 2: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


Standard metropolitan statistical areas.-The Bureau of the Census recognizes approximately 250 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) in the 1970 census. These include the 231 SMSA's (including three in Puerto Rico) as defined and named in the Bureau of the Budget publication, Standatrl Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 1967, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Also included are two SMSA's as defined by the Bureau of the Budget in January 1968. In addition, a number of SMSA's are being defined on the basis of the resu Its from the 19 70 census.

Except in the New England States, a standard metropolitan statistical area is a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or "twin cities" with a combined population of at least 50,000. In addition to the county, or counties, containing such a city or cities, contiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they are socially and economically integrated with the central city. In a few cities where portions of counties outside the SMSA as defined in 1967 were annexed to the central city, the population living in those counties is not considered part of the central city. In the New England States, SMSA's consist of towns and cities instead of counties. For a complete description of the criteria used in defining SMSA's, see the Bureau of the Budget publication cited above.

Places.-Two types of places are recognized in the census reports, incorporated places and unincorporated places. Incorporated places are political units incorporated as cities, boroughs, towns, and villages except for (a) boroughs in Alaska and (b) towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin. Unincorporated places are closely settled population centers without corporate limits for which the Census Bureau has delineated boundaries. Each place so delineated possesses a definite nucleus of residences and has its boundaries drawn to include, if feasible, all the surrounding closely settled area. Unincorporated places are identified with the letter "U,"

Towns.-1 n this series of reports, data for towns of 10,000 inhabitants or more are shown in the reports for the New England States. In these States, towns are the primary political subdivision of the county, unlike most other States where towns are generally incorporated places.

Race.-The concept of race as used by the Census Bureau does not denote clear-cut scientific definitions of biological stock. Rather it reflects self-identification by respondents. Since the 1970 census obtained the information on race principally through self-enumeration, the data represent essentially self-classification by people according to the race with which they identify themselves. For persons of mixed parentage who are in doubt as to their classification, the race of the person's father is used. Persons of Mexican or Puerto Rican birth or ancestry who do not identify themselves as of a race other than white (e.g., American Indian, Negro, etc.), are classified as white. in the 3-category grouping shown in this report, the "other" category consists of all races except white or Negro, i.e., American I ndlan, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Eskimo, etc.

Age.-The age classification is based on the age of the person in completed years as of April 1, 1970.

Households and· group quarters.-All persons are classified as living in either a household or group quarters.

A household consists of all the persons who occupy a housing unit. A house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room is regarded as a housing unit when it is occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants do not live and eat with any other persons in the structure and which quarters have either ( 1) direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall or (2) complete kitchen facilities for the exclusive use of the occupants. A household may, therefore, consist of a single family, one person living atone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or nonrelated persons who share living arrangements (except as described in the next paragraph on group quarters).

Group quarters are living arrangements for institutional inmates or for other groups containing five or more persons not related to the person in charge. Group quarters are located most frequently in institutions, boarding houses, military barracks, college dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, hospitals, monasteries, convents, and ships. A house or apartment is considered group quarters if it is shared by the person in charge and five or more persons unrelated to him, or if there is no person in charge, by six or more unrelated persons.

Persons in group quarters are subdivided here into "inmate of institution" and "other." The former are persons for whom care or custody is provided in such places as homes and schools for the mentally or physically handicapped, places providing long-term medical care for persons with mental disorders or chronic diseases, homes for dependent children, prisons, etc. Staff members living in group quarters in such places, as well as persons in all the other types of group quarters, are classified as "other."

Relationship to head of household.-One person in each household is designated as the "head,"that is, the person who is regarded as the head by the members of the household. Two types of head of household are recognized here-the head of a family and a primary individual. A family head is a person living with one or more relatives (persons related to him by blood, marriage, or adoption). A primary individual is a household head living alone or with nonrelatives only.

In this report, all household members other than the head are shown in one of the following three categories: ( 1) "wife of head"-a woman married (either by formal or common law marriage) to the household head; (2) "other relative of head"-all persons related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption (excluding wife of head); or (3) "not related to head"-ali persons not related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Symbols.-A dash "-" represents zero. The symbol "U" means that the place is unincorporated. Threa dots " ... " indicate that the data are being withheld to avoid dis· closure of information for individuals.

For sale by the Bureau of the Census, Washington D.C. 20233, fmd U.S. Department of Commerce Field Offices, 30 cents.

-~ -~

Page 3: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

Portland, Oreg.-Wash. SMSA-Data shown in this report relate onl.y to the portion of this SMSA in Washington; the data for the portion of this SMSA in Oregon appear in advance report PC(V2)-39 for Oregon.

Page 4: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970. (for meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Standard metropolitan statistical areas

Places of 10,000 or More


RACE All races ___ _

While - J

Negro ----------­Other_


AGE Total male, all ages

Under 5 yeors_ ________ _ "l 5 and 6 years _____ _ 7 lo 9 years-----10 to 13 years--···-----------14years ------ -----15 years_ _ ____ _ 16 ond 17 years_ ____ . 1ll and 19 years_ _____ ---------20yoars ---------- ---------

H rg~l vecirs-::::::. 25 lo 34 years . __ . 35 to 44 years __ _


45 to54 years _______________ _

55 to 59 years __ ---·------- __ _ 60 and 61 years. 62 to 64 yeoT> _____ •• -------. 65 lo 74 years __________ _

75yllllrsundovcr ··-··----

lotol female, all ages ___ _ Under 5 years._ .. __ 5 and 6 years _. _. - . _. 7 to 9 years ---- ..... 10to13 years ____ ------------14 years---------------------15 years--·-···--------16 and 17 years_ _____ _ 18 and 19 years _____ -----------20 years·----------------------21 years __ -- . -----22 to 24 years---------------25 lo 34 years ____ _ 35 to 44 years _____ ... 45 to54years ______________ _

~5 6~ltr"v":ii'r•:::::::::::::: 62 ta 64 veors ----------------65 ta 74 years ·---·---------75 years and over-------

Negro male, all ag4U ___ _ Under 5 years _________ --------5 la 14 years----------------15 lo 24 yeors ---------------25 to 34 years---------------35 to 44 years---------------45 to 54 years---------------55 to 64 years----------------65 years and over------------

Negro femole, all ages __ Under 5 years_• ______________ _

5 to 14 years----------------15 to24 years ______________ _ 25 to34 years ______ "" _______ _

35 lo 44 years---------------45 lo 54 years---------------55 lo 64 years---------------65 years and aver------------


------.. --~ ----------------------------------1



1n ~:~~1.rord~a'.1~~ _::::::: -- 3 -- 3

Head ----------------------- -- l ---Primary individual-------- __

Family head: Male----------. Female --------


---Wife of head-----------·---­Otherrelotive of head __ . __ . __ Not related to head ·----------

--- l --,

In group quarters __ .. " __ _ Inmate of institution ---------Other----------------------

Negro populotien _____ • In households----------

Head ----------------·-----Primary individual_ ________ _ Family head, Mole---------

Female ------­Wife of head---------------­Other relative of head -------­Not related to head ----------

fn group quarters------­Inmate of instituHon ---~-----Other----------------------


-----· -----------------------------------


The State Oreg.-Wasl1.


409 169 128 4511 251 055 126 965

71 308 569 86 B06 920

693 747 62 96B 1'12 966 5 9'10 63 599 2 57'1

Hl'I 345 'I 328 143 116 5 717

35 253 l Q25 3'1 779 l 363 66 525 2 6'16 65 524 1 832 32 631 725 30 520 623 85 495 2. 710!

218 091 8 3116 185 792 6 921 193 989 7 167 62 726 3 141 29 539 1 070 37 834 l 4JO 86 588 3 217 52 1135 1 791

715 422 65 1186 137 476 5 688 60 1151 2 1153

100 002 4 119 136 632 5 260 33 BQI l 297 33 452 1 305 65 287 2 559 62 '36 2 125 31 190 968 30 1111 922 86 014 3 22J

214 01! 8 526 188 056 7 ooe 198 665 7 509 8'1 152 3 230 30 '125 I 139 '10 2JO l 512

10'1 755 37)3 78 263 2 930

37 B37 309 J 905 3B B 322 52. 9 080 59 5 050 qJ II 098 :H 3 751 112 2 249 2B I 382 16

JJ 471 21>0 3 866 30 8 llJ6 56 6 621 59 " 192 26 J 617 28 3 36B 27 1 905 20 1 ll66 l'I

1109 169 128 1\511 291 147 126 683 105 587 Ill 06'1 2<1J 898 7 1\78 766 454 JO 848

75 235 2 738 76!! 097 JO 259 351\ 561 SJ 772

62. 902 l SSS 118 022 1 771 38 152 l 533 79 870 2JB

71 308 569 65 1\87 541 20 900 166

5 540 2.5 11 816 127

J 5114 14 9 906 105

32 534 2.5'l 2 1'17 11 5 821 28 I 484 19 4 ~37 9

1 Da.ta. refer only to l'le:rt of SMSA; see note on 3,

Sentlle-E verntt Spokane

1 1121 869 287 407 I 336 979 280 lH

'll 609 2 969 4J 281 4 324

697 506 139 926 61 555 ll 638 27 213 5 180 '13 989 a 5'16 59 l\06 12 1)2 l'I 157 2 958 lJ 782 2 981 26 4S3 5 807 22 394 5 297 10 243 2 693 10 080 2 526

'" 31\l 7 052 101 659 15 940

Bl 754 l'I 660 82 710 15 949 32 658 7 0111 11 313 2 559 IQ 098 '3 403 30 6JB 8 082 IB 833 s 1180

724 363 1117 561 58 '192 ll 222 2.5 581 4 823 H 995 8 277 5b 925 11 452 13 873 2 889 13 503 2 866 2.6 090 5 695 24 OBS 6 21J 12 969 3 044 13 076 2 723 110 926 6 791 99 196 16 540 Bo 928 15 552 Bii 082 17 1311 33 6'19 7 404 11 826 2 818 15 273 3 726 110 393 10 050 JI 501 B 322

20 849 l 621 2 383 161 11 856 36(1 3 715 4011 2 822 205 2 302 158 2 JBS 136 I '172 113

909 00

20 760 1 368 2 JOO 168

" 901 337 !\ 075 296 2 635 145 2 254 132 2 314 1J8 l 306 76

975 76

1 1\21 81>9 287 1167 1 393 319 ;a74 902

'173 222 93 661 113 188 21 998 326 7'7 64 336 '3 297 7 347

318 7011 62 902 569 40'1 113 360 n 989 4 959 28 550 12 585 10 960 " 799 17 690 7 786

41 609 2 989 QO 62.6 2 65, IJ 503 855 3 864 240 7 166 492 2 '173 12, 6 105 393

19 558 I 318 l 1160 87

983 336 1107 71 576 265

Places of 10,000 or more

Tacoma Aberdeen Auburn Bellevue Bellingham Bremerton

411 027 18 469 21 617 61 102 39 J75 JS 307 382 '129 17 982 2.1 073 59 768 36 461 J3 q56

IS 501 14 211 348 135 9'15 10 097 493 720 966 779 906

Zl5 056 9 0117 10 667 JO 258 10 607 18 7JJ 17 064 772 1 036 2 828 l 1118 l 382 7 505 3'5 Q09 l '169 5qq 567

12 172 519 708 2 379 792 829 16 629 702 942 3 216 1 121 1 078 Q 077 172 197 798 280 266 3 983 159 206 7'11 31'1 ;!;71 8 559 370 '125 I 3J7 5!;5 591

13 1\50 344 385 897 l 307 919 6 721 1'7 150 JOO 757 835 7 790 97 129 249 712 9111

15 '127 311 587 9a3 1 432 2 086 26 108 1 012 l 572 4 253 2 296 2 516 22 140 893 I 242 4 76J l 514 l 615 21 7'10 1 111 I 188 3 8611 l 6J9 I 882

B 531 548 1\29 98'1 82.9 8111 2 961 196 1110 267 315 311 3 801 258 164 266 435 394 8 882 590 Q32 490 l 2113 941 5 1196 401 306 2311 904 1195

195 971 9 '1'12 ll 150 JO 01111 20 768 16 5711 16 523 758 l 012 2 70Q l 3011 I 379 7 196 335 Ql2 l 35!\ 5'7 529

11 722 487 655 2 319 799 78'1 15 962 660 929 3 llJ l 127 I 091 J 829 166 227 771 295 ;!;71 3 812 !Bii 229 712 283 ;!;76 7 %8 387 1157 1 313 612 565 7 4115 316 1155 760 l 905 659 J 824 1111 198 310 97' 377 3 B!O 1112 199 328 806 :ll\6

10 282 1110 707 l 2<111 l 316 999 2Q 236 983 I '156 q 966 l 96'1 l 8115 22 361 895 l 229 4 766 I 665 l 5111 21 638 1 160 l 1119 3 5(13 I 9811 l 981 a s21 600 !\62 875 l 012 891

' 208 176 147 251 400 36B II 273 278 195 298 590 1178

11 470 753 5'5 702 l 660 l :1.B7 a 061 609 497 515 l 536 907

10 743 8 16 192 70 553 954 - l 17 9 60

2 218 l I 62 B 92 J 582 6 3 25 n 202 1 495 l 4 28 10 75 1 2111 - II 3'1 s 50

796 - 2 17 2 36 324 - I " l 21 160 - - 5 3 17

7 75B 6 8 156 o5 392 961 1 l 20 7 411

2 286 2 2 39 6 107 1 526 l I 21\ 39 Bl.I l 035 - I 27 s 6'1

899 l 2 29 2 28 570 l l 9 l 31 252 - - a 3 23 229 - - - 2 11

'Ill 027 18 489 21 817 61 102 39 375 35 307 37) 019 18 182 21 526 60 845 36 155 31 SJB 12J '121 6 652 7 128 17 547 lJ 762 11 694

211 1196 l 949 l 1155 2 093 4 435 3 101 89 5011 4 193 5 124 l'I 507 8 449 7 686

9 '121 510 549 947 878 907 87 601 " 081 4 998 Ill 282 a 2JJ 7 522

156 604 7 1011 9 030 28 268 12 045 11 719 5 393 3115 370 7!18 2 115 603

36 008 307 291 257 3 220 3 '1'69 7 5111 240 271 179 569 329

30 '167 67 20 79 2 651 3 qqo

18 501 IQ 24 346 135 91.15 15 227 14 23 348 102 75'1

4 415 4 10 91 34 2.23 801 3 5 11 21 43

2 955 1 5 75 lJ lJ8 659 - - 5 - 112

2 327 - 4 63 l l l25 8 168 5 7 177 36 377

317 5 2 17 21 29 ' 274 - l - 3' 191

q93 - l - 2. 5 2 781 - - - 31 166

Page 5: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (For meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All ram

While ____ .... Negro _____ .. Olher ..

AGE Total mole, all ages ...

Under 5 years . .. _ ..... 5 ond 6 years .. _ .... 7 to 9 years ___ ... 10 to 13 years .. 14 years IS years_ .......... 16 and 17 years_ .... _ .. I Bond 19 years_._ 20 years ___ .... _ ....

~~ ri¥J years--: : --25 10 34 years _ .. JS ta 44 years ..... 4S to 54 years _ 5S to 59 years _ 60 and 61 years 62 ta 64 years 65 lo 74 years ....... 7S years and over .

Total female, all ages Under5 years ..... _. __ . .. .. 5 and 6 years 7 to 9 years ...... 10 to 1 3 years l ·~ veor!i 15 years --- .... -- .. 16 and 17 years . 18 nnd 19 years 20 yeors 21 years 22 lo 24 yeors .. _ 25 10 34 years .... 3S lo 44 years 45 lo 54 years SS 10 59 years 60 and 61 yeors 62 lo 64 vears 65 lo 74 years ....... .. 75 years and over .. ..

Negro mole, all ag11 __ UnderS yearn-- .. --- .. -----·­Sta 14 years-· .. ··-------15to24 years_ ___________ _ 25 10 34 years .. __ 35 lo44years__ ...... 45 lo 54 years __ -----------55 lo 64 years------------65 years and over __ ..

Negro female, all ages Under 5 years _____ ,. ___ _ 5 Jo 14 years ....... ___ .. 15 lo 24 years ___ -------·. __ . 25 10 34 years--·---------. 35 lo 44 years_ .... ____ .. ____ _ 45 lo 54 years------------·-· 55 to 64 years--------------65 veers and over ___ -----·-


In ~:~~~~:~u~a'.I~~ : : : : : Heud _ ---------- ----- --·---




----·---~ -~.

... ,,. -. ~-


"""" ""••


~. ""

··«-.. ~ ~~ ~ w ... ,


"""'" _., ... Primary individual ____ • __ ·- ..... Fomily head, Male ............ ..

Female ........ __ -·-Wife of head _______ .. ______ _ Other relative of head __ .. ____ _ -- ---

·--Not rcloled to hood ________ .. 'H H »

In group quarters __ - ,. __ Inmate of insmution -·----- .. Other ___ .. ____ _

In ~:~~h~r:1~~'.~::::: lleod ----- ______ ... ___ ----·- _

Primary individual ________ _ Family head, Male--------

female ------­Wife of head----·- --------­Other relative of head------­Not rcloled 10 head ---------

In group quarters ____ . _ h1mpte of institution __ _ Other_ -· ---------- ........ .


---· -- ~-



-- -·-.. __

------··--- .. --·--~ ---


Cenlrolia Edmonds

10 054 2J 998 9 955 2J 755

4 JO 95 213

4 697 11 755 393 91J 191 49q 261 8116 3J9 I 275

91 275 82 310

171 545 166 361 53 116 49 lJJ

212 390 507 1 426 390 I 647 540 l 527 259 466 108 !JI IJ9 201 392 4'7 3'4 262

5 J57 12 24J 385 886 1q;i 4JB 263 811 367 1 228

82 255 BB 264

162 551 188 357 91 !JO 68 168

195 qq6 499 l 630 q49 l 741 610 1 4q2 327 478 128 160 179 208 585 617 549 403

2 17 ... 4 ... 2 ... 3 ... 7 ... -... -... -... 1

2 lJ ... 2 ... 6 ... 2 ... 2 ... 1 ... -... -... -10 054 23 998

9 880 23 891 J 792 7 277 I 167 1 003 2 347 5 807

278 467 2 292 5 712 ' 576 10 572

220 JJO 174 107 161 71

13 36

q JO ... 30 ... 9 ... 2 ... 7 ... -... 4 ... 14 ... J ... -... -... -

Places of 10,000 or more--Contiouod ~-

Ellensburg Everelt Fort Lewis (U) Hoquiam

13 568 SJ 622 J8 054 10 466 lJ 239 52 454 Jl 913 10 258

57 J80 4 630 4 272 788 1 511 204

6 587 25 a1q JI OBO 5 19ij 471 2 ;?75 I 232 q42 156 881 4J8 183 234 1 4Q9 604 325 276 2 026 577 ij65 70 515 105 105 84 516 Bl 104

lij6 l 004 I OSO 229 620 581 7 358 156 517 385 5 360 59 6J;? 372 q 279 45 949 1 '126 5 423 223 899 J 264 ' 111 580 391 2 646 l 160 482 ijQ6 3 Oil 237 618 222 I 406 22 346

74 523 2 105 82 688 l 156

215 l 539 IJ JJ4 14J I 067 27 237

6 981 27 7QB 6 974 5 272 425 2 LBJ I 165 J96 148 923 459 177 24S 1 1149 569 254 274 l 938 576 431

70 516 !OJ 112 72 504 89 104

156 I oqo 148 214 I 069 l 0111 290 174

725 535 213 87 565 523 2'7 66 764 1 427 724 234 659 2 955 1 563 5'9 374 2 767 6311 533 456 3 260 152 6QS 211 l 573 20 293

70 552 2 108 96 736 6 147

322 2 075 14 414 277 I 7q9 10 JIQ

JS 198 J 539 2 2 19 205 . .. 3 sv 306 ...

23 31 2 141 ... 3 22 578 ... 2 32 266 . .. l 16 35 ... 1 15 5 ... - 6 3 ...

22 182 1 091 2 l 24 192 ... 4 58 JI! ...

IJ 26 231 ... 2 22 245 ... - 22 91 ... - a 14 ... I 12 4 ... l 10 J ...

I) 568 53 622 38 054 10 466 10 764 52 596 13 335 10 364

II 058 16 875 ' 479 3 589 I 399 4 968 26 879 2 qs1 12 403 J 436 2 441

208 1 soq 17 269 2 397 12 064 ' 413 2 360 J 282 20 6JO 6 q13 4 255 1 027 1 027 JO 160 2 aoq 1 026 24 719 102

90 795 19 80 2 714 231 2q 700 22

57 JBO 4 630 q JB J72 2 137 ... u 115 546 ...

5 n 5 ... 7 71 540 ... l 12 1 ... 6 61 456 ...

11 186 I 127 ... e 10 8 ...

19 8 2 49J ... - 4 3 ... 19 4 2 490 ...


Kelso Kennewick Kent Kirkland

10 296 ts a12 21 510 15 249 10 207 15 055 21 073 15 004

2 6 73 BO 87 151 J6ij 165

s oq4 7 J96 10 716 7 JB7 498 709 I 178 595 198 281 507 285 296 49J 76J q56 J95 651 1 067 628

94 168 221 156 IOJ 176 250 157 172 J51 J44 287 177 2q7 292 282 77 107 109 127 86 85 122 106

250 277 Q98 437 622 909 l 795 l 103 529 839 l Q07 837 559 888 l 114 894 258 JBO 394 JJ4 110 154 105 107 116 175 127 140 J26 3'4 279 283 178 1n 14q 173

5 252 7 816 10 794 7 862 499 669 1 082 589 183 321 496 265 282 51'1 753 429 377 6q5 1 012 585, 66 175 218 145 90 156 208 1111

19J 300 366 2eo 2011 301 326 362

96 95 !Sq 182 llJ U9 166 151 244 355 672 '179 630 997 l 78J l 119 SOB 856 l 225 BIS 5211 924 l 06ij 9U 266 379 371 376 117 )q6 9J 122 lJq 171 127 145 408 394 405 1128 298 289 223 J2~

l 3 110 41 ... 1 6 4 ... l 7 13 ... - 6 6 . .. l 7 4 ... - 5 4 ... - " 5 . .. - . 3 . .. - 5 2

l J " 39 .. . 2 6 3 . .. I 3 14 ... - 7 2 ... - 9 6 ... - - 5 ... - 5 5 .... - J 3 .. . - - I

10 296 15 212 21 510 15 249 10 183 rn 069 2.1 439 14 8JJ

J 6q0 11 849 6 67ij 5 063 932, 860 l 191 l 105

2 417 J 582 5 043 3 615 291 407 qqo :543

2 339 3 502 4 917 3 SJJ 4 061 6 526 9 502 5 919

1113 192 346 318 11' 1q3 71 416 96 102 45 119 17 41 26 297

' 2 6 7J i BO . .. 6 73 80 .. . I 29 22 ... - 10 5 .. . I 17 15 ... - 2 z ... - 15 IJ ... s 26 43 ... - 3 z ... - - -... - - - ' ... - - -

Page 6: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (for meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races_

White. •. Negro __ __ Other ...

AGE Total malet oll ages

Under 5 years. _____ .... __ 5 and 6 yeors _. 7 to 9 years .... 10 ta 13 years .. 14 ye<1rs .. 15 years ..... . 16 and 1 7 years ....... . 18 and 19 years ... . 20 years .............. .

5.~ imycars:::::: 25 lo 34 years ....... . 35 to 44 years ..... . 45 ta 54 years.,. ... . 55 ta 59 years ------------··-60and 61 years. ---·--------62 to 64 years ............... . 65 lo 74 years--------·---···· 75 years and aver····-····--·-

Toto! female, all ages __ Under 5 years . _. 5 and 6 years ... 7 to 9 yenrs 10 to 13 years .. 14 years 15 years ......... . 16 and 17 years ...... . 18 and 19 years ...... . 20yeors ........... . 21 years ........ . 22 ta 24 years .. . 25 ta 34 years ............. . 35 ta 44 years .. 45 ta 54 years .. 55 to 59years ... 60 and 61 years .. 62 to 64 vears .. . 65 lo 74 years ................ . 75 years and over ........... .

Negro male, all ages_ __ _ Under 5 years ......••..•.•... 5 to 14 years-·-·-···--------15 to 24 years---------------25 to 34 years ............. .. 35 ta 44 years---------------45 ta 54 years ....•...•.•.... 55 to 64 years ...........•..•. 65 years ond over------------

Negro female, oil ages __ Under 5 years ...............• 5 to 14 years----------------15 ta 24 years ..........•.... 25 ta 34 years···-------------35 ta 44 years---------------45 to 54 years···------------55 to 64 years---------·-----65 years and aver .•...••.....


1n ~:~~1ehord1i:a~,~~ .. :~===== Head .•........•............

Primary individual .......... . Family head, Mole .......••.

Female ....... . Wife of head ................ . Other relative of head ...•.•... Not related ta head ....•.•....

In group quarters -------­Inmate of Institution .•....••.. Other .•.......•. ,. ......... .


.. .. .. ..




.. -----· .. ..




.. --·-·-.. ..



.. ----.. .. .. --.. ----

In ~:~::h~J:I~~'.~: : : : : : : --.. Head ........................• -· Primary individual .......... .

Family head, Male ....•..... -· ·-

Female ......•. Wife of head···---·-····-··· Other relative of head ........ . Not related ta head ......... .

.. ---..

... In group quarters ...... .

Inmate of institution ---------Other ..................... .

... -·-,, __

Lakes District (U) Longview

48 195 28 373 44 '170 27 941

l 724 99 2 001 333

23 582 13 84'1 2 0'13 I 286

759 573 I )124 851 2 088 l 099

494 279 530 291 994 559 718 454 623 188 764 173

2 1112 685 2 905 1 806 2 733 l 503 2 963 I 681

895 739 249 279 333 359 658 667 367 372

24 613 14 529 2 017 l 351

772 522 I 299 815 I 905 1 074

513 267 466 277

I 052 555 I 136 505

743 234 772 250

l 758 eos 2 906 I 715 J 283 l 56J J 025 1 733

888 763 286 289 386 390 906 813 499 608

942 50 101 5 238 8 2:1.1 18 133 J 1:1.8 4 93 3 20 6

8 3

782 49 85 4

237 11 204 10

99 l 94 7 q6 4

9 4 8 8

48 195 28 373 46 801 28 084 15 766 9 512

2 SQ6 I 882 11 792 7 ,0!3

l '128 617 11 603 6 877 18 675 11 327

757 368 I 394 289 1 355 222

:S9 67

1 724 99 l 678 99

533 35 76 12

qoo 18 57 5

260 15 855 44

30 s 46 -45 -

l -

Places of 10,000 or more-Continued

Mountlake Lynwood Mercer Island Moses Lake Terrace

16 919 19 047 10 310 16 600 16 661 18 524 9 853 16 303

5'1 128 167 96 20'1 395 290 201

8 545 9 511 5 079 8 288 940 762 469 I 031 429 422 218 468 681 700 375 812 822 I 046 493 879 194 296 118 215 183 267 118 185 301 469 261 319 245 262 20;! 224 104 92 69 64 105 67 46 79 512 209 217 J67

l 604 945 616 I 451 l 070 l 408 582 l 070

eoo I 535 584 685 216 414 239 179

47 111 96 53 73 146 99 49

151 2J6 181 106 66 104 107 52

8 J74 9 536 5 231 8 Jl2 854 671 49J 966 338 J57 210 484 622 587 390 736 772 l 022 495 880 171 276 127 172 178 232 139 173 292 497 215 292 267 215 182 220 166 SJ 78 121 172 68 93 121 598 224 263 488

l 488 I 109: 598 I 550 l 028 I 590 620 971

699 I 378 604 584 212 369 242 163

86 114 74 51 BO 126 96 71

174 Jl9 186 155 157 199 136 94

34 58 78 55 9 4 13 5 7 14 9 18 Q 8 4 11 e 5 6 11 Q 12 11 5 l 11 15 4 1 3 10 -- I 10 l

20 70 89 41 2 6 9 6 lj 18 20 6 4 13 9 10 s 8 5 8 3 10 12 5 2 11 13 3 - 3 13 -- I a 3

16 919 19 047 10 JIO 16 600 16 826 19 039 10 2J6 16 542 s 147 5 541 ' 090 4 J28

863 635 533 346 3 911 4 633 2 325 3 668

J73 273 23<! 314 3 851 4 571 2 284 ) 604 7 477 a 746 4 7'1 8 392

351 181 131 216 93 8 74 58 92 - 61 35

1 8 lJ 23

54 128 167 96 54 128 165 96 14 35 68 26

2 3 25 l 11 JI 34 24

l I 9 l 12 31 29 20 23 54 62 49

5 8 6 I - - 2 -- - 2 -- - - -


Opportunity Olympia (Li) Pmkland (lf) Posco

23 111 16 604 21 012 D no 22 753 16 485 20 209 12 332

Si 2 365 I 334 307 117 438 254

10 844 8 167 10 249 6 777 967 753 I 033 569 389 360 438 273 609 666 636 397 857 648 895 590 224 187 193 148 203 204 200 160 432 402 390 310 342 248 568 274 124 99 309 105 136 83 360 90 52J 267 7;!5 JlO

I 289 I 06q l 316 709 I 080 I 044 1 091 666 I 369 I 010 l 001 911

611 305 J46 J75 249 107 107 142 J09 !15 156 182 692 257 J24 J68 447 148 161 196

12 267 9 437 10 763 7 143 887 742 947 597 393 J24 J98' 236 599 619 626 378 796 607 824 569 205 227 192 174 228 215 200 143 479 J87 J93 302 391 256 667 283 231 104 4011 135 205 87 400 91 584 J24 707 330

I 291 I 168 l 304 745 l 268 I 123 l 232 818 l 460 I 013 938 919

684 299 377 J67 29J 93 120 D5 386 126 177 188

I 043 312 423 427 8J4 209 234 316

31 2 184 645 4 ... 23 66 5 ... S4 160 J ... J5 11) 7 ... 19 43 Q ... 29 4) 2 ... 18 88 - ... 4 69 6 ... 2 LIJ

20 - 181 689 2 - 16 84 5 - 59 184 I - 38 125 3 - 25 SJ 7 - 28 67 2 - 6 81 - - 5 60 - - LI 35

23 111 16 604 21 012 13 920 22 892 16 583 19 452 IJ ?62

8 551 4 769 6 183 4 748 2 397 SJ! 996 I 220 5 472 3 933 4 663 3 080

682 J05 SOI! 448 5 350 3 086 4 600 2 999 8 637 7 757 a 387 5 721

354 171 282 2911 219 21 I 560 158 154 - 43 136 65 21 l 517 22

51 2 365 1 334 48 ... 356 1 324 22 ... 91 380 II ... 4 113 10 ... 76 196

I ... 11 71 4 ... 56 187

21 ... 205 713 I ... 4 44 3 ... 9 10 2 ... - 10 I ... 9 -.. -

Page 7: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

:. General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All race$ __ -·

While Nenrn -Oilier.

AGE Total mole, all ages

Undcr5 years·-····--·--5ond6years ___ _ 7 to 9 years 10 to 13 years_-·· 14 yeors ----------15 years ••• ··-····· 16and17years ... . 18 and 19 years .. . 20 years . _

~~ r~~J years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years . _ 45 to 54 years . 55 to 59 years_. 60 and 61 years 62 to 64 years .. . 65 to 74years ..... . 75 Y""" ond aver

Total fomole, all ages Under S years 5 and 6 years 7 to 9 years .... 10 1013 years .. 14 years . 15 years . _ •. 16 and 17 years. 18cmd19yeors 20 years-··· 21 years .... 22 to 24 years 25 to 34 years 35 10 44 years ...

Ill 45 lo 54 years •.. j!I 55 10 59 years .. _

60 and 61 years 62 10 64 vears .... 65 to 74 years 75 years and over

Negro molt, oil agu Under 5 years .. . . . ........... . 5 to 14 years ...... 15 lo 24 years··-··--25 to 34 years __ .. 35 to 44 years···-· 45 to 54 years ..... .. 55 to 64 years ... . 65 yoors ond over

Negro female, all ages Under 5 years ............ . 5 to 14 years .. . 15 lo 24 yoars 25 la 34 years ... . 35 lo 44 years ......... .. 45 lo 54 years _______ ........ . 55 to 64 years ............. . 65 years and over .... ..


Total populollon ... ,, In households---- ..... ..

lieod --------. ........ . Primary individual. family head, Mole ..

Female Wifoofhead ......... .. Oihor relolive of head Nol related to head .... ..

In group quortors ... . lnmole of inslilulion .... .. Olher ..................... .

1. ~:~;:h~iS:1~·~~~::: : : ltead ------- ........... ____ _

Primary individual. w .. w u u u u ~ Family head, Male ........ .

Female .. Wife of head ............... ,, __ Other relative al hood ....... .. Nol relaled 10 head .......... .

In group quarters fnmate of institution u. _ ••••• ~ _

Oilier ...................... ..

(For meoning of symbols, see text)

-•"u-·w~---~-"·~ .~,·--~·-~- ---

Port Angeles Pullman Puyallup

16 367 20 509 14 H2 16 ooq 19 652 14 569

16 156 15 Jq7 701 158

7 981 10 895 6 962 566 673 582 285 190 271 477 306 444 706 371 545 176 97 153 17!1 80 148 332 171 295 292 2 099 204 l2J l 205 7q 106 I 170 68 JOB I 401 282 8J9 I 511 910 8J6 5Q6 75q 978 1173 BIJ 1165 19'1 J82 168 69 126 196 98 185 591 147 '101 360 9q 325

8 386 9 61Q 7 780 625 622 595 26J 192 2QJ 486 JIJ 396 623 JJ7' 580 161 as 181 153 66 167 319 161 271 293 2 120 24J 121 I 044 103 10:1. 8eo 104 J02 955 3117 881 l 057 6J7 899 524 820

I 089 501 863 48Q 216 4117 171 86 1118 206 90 193 695 1ae 595 513 177 647

10 110 6 •.. I 6 -.. 2 s -q 76 I ' ' "~ 2 19 -- J -.... I - 1 ~ ~ 'c > - - 2

" - l 2

6 46 9 1 5 l . 3 l ... 1 26 J - 7 -l 2 "

''" R ~ l 2 I ••R-R - " J .... 2 I -

16 367 20 509 14 7112 ... 16 061 !J 401 14 263

5 619 q 820 4 93:S 1 251 1 489 I 11'1

... q 013 J 210 3 Q69 " 355 121 347

.... ) 910 3 152 J 403 '"' 6 281 4 032 5 7311

251 l 397 191 . " 306 7 106 117'1

---- 182 72 416 •"" 124 7 036 63

.... ~ 16 156 15 ~ ... " 111 83 13 H ~. ~ 5 J7 q. -~ .. ~ l 18 " -··"• 2 16 q. ··-·- - 3 -~ .. -.. 2 9 l " .. "" 5 211 5 """" 2 13 l •••e 2 73 2 .... - l I! . " ~ - 2 n .

Places of 10,000 or more--Cont1011od

·~.---"-~ .. --- ... -.-·~-- ~--. -------lledmon Renton Richland Seattle Spokane ...

u 031 25 256 26 290 5JO 631 170 516 10 826 24 600 25 706 'l6J 870 165 339

q2 201 335 37 668 2 161 163 457 249 29 093 ' 016

5 546 12 366 12 989 25'1 J'IJ 80 926 727 I 267 I 162 17 949 6 625 265 525 5qq 7 115 2 776 446 748 978 11 422 4 505 489 961 1 220 1!1 982 6 563 103 216 331 q 074 1 664 113 211 287 ' 973 I 657 155 429 6J9 e 261 3 309 11! 325 392 9 670 2 990

51 179 1'7 5 299 1 '127 Q2 157 109 5 5!J l '32

212 65'1 QJ4 16 0811 II 06J I 175 2 087 I 66Q JS Siii 8 51J

748 I Q26 1 480 25 097 7 587 1191 I 419 1 6J8 Jl 970 9 5'11 14\) 611 BOO 15 531 q 547 38 186 242 5 908 I 700 52 2J5 J12 7 '180 2 JJ7 96 QJ2 468 16 9q9 5 718 90 298 152 10 602 q 070

s qes 12 802 lJ JO! 276 436 89 590 ~J6 1 216 1 ll~J 17 045 6 JBO 245 467 570 6 BJ7 2 624 J57 7JO 8QB 11 02!1 4 'Ill 1153 90!1 1 150 15 QJJ 6 213 118 206 307 3 971 l 579 96 221\ J20 4 071 1 627

164 1139 606 8 318 3 258 127 418 l59 II OJ7 3 706 63 229 176 6 7'15 1 seq 59 269 15'1 6 565" 1 703

309 857 559 18 321 4 235 I 208 1 904 I 738 31 BO! 8 877

618 l 356 I 540 25 558 a 6S$ q43 l 11:'1 I 810 JS 422 10 780 139 59!! 768 17 091 4 973

45 202 as2 6 513 1 988 53 2'12 275 a sa11 2 659

155 61'1 491 23 626 7 510 197 589 255 18 '17!1 6 528

18 107 1611 18 806 l 101 2 111 J4 2 157 127 5 21 30 4 '39 265

' 18 35 3 322 202 2 111 " 2 509 IDS 3 13 111 2 048 100 2 111 9 2 192 122 I 7 4 I '88 105 . 6 5 851 75

2Q 911 171 19 062 1 060 2 Ill 29 2 079 121 7 18 38 4 1119 25' 4 18 47 3 817 2JO 4 IJ 27 2 371 86 q e 18 2 057 104 2 10 8 2 173 128 - II J 1 22!1 66 I 2 I 921 72

11 OJI 25 258 26 :<90 530 8'1 170 516 10 664 '!4 850 26 18) 511 482 164 966

J 239 a ses 8 156 206 092 60 512 Q02 1 912 1 229 72 792 17 198

2 69J 5 9911 6 1138 116 268 37 914 144 679 1189 17 032 5 1100

2 658 5 665 6 Jqo 112 1150 J6 976 4 781 9 9'7 11 1137 174 149 64 171

186 46J 250 18 791 3 )05 167 q.oa 107 19 349 5 550 167 374 89 3 9117 2 185 - 311 lS 15 Q02 J 365

42 201 JJ5 J7 866 2 161 111 196 3311 n 126 2 076 9 62 96 12 5U 699 " 7 16 ' 6911 224 8 q6 67 6 426 l67 1 9 13 2 391 !OB 9 39 611 s 492 287

21 92 165 17 795 l 022 2 ' 9 I JlO 68 I 5 l 7qo 85 l 5 l IBO JB - . - 560 q7


Takoma University, Pl.~c~.(~)

l!l4 561 13 230 1410 301 13 088

10 436 63 3 844 79

73 939 6 415 6 514 551 2' 867 278 4 513 '150 6 123 620 l '195 146 1 498 154 2 89,'I 304 2 QJJ 187' 1 2'15 ·60 l 2QI 54 J 7'6 215 e 789 909 7 4'13 912 8,1166 815' J 797 2611 l 407 114 1.P~5 108 4 4 0 210 2 9611 92

ao M2 6 815 6 J65 575 2 665 '288 4 JQQ 520-5 986 645 I .q19 1112 i qu 161 2 869 3011 ' 007 173 I 515 73 I 539 •66 q 029 254 e 1111 998 e 193 931 9 2q5 839 q 168 267 I 6118 79 2 183 103' 6 415 249' 4 925 146

s 12'1 31'

i 583 q. 489 7 909 6 560 2 610 7 570 ' 265 l 1)8 1

5 )12 ;s2 623 4

I 5117 10 970 4 609 ' 642 6' 1186 2 227 2 208 1

154 581 13 230 151 l:SI 1J 182

54 200 ' 886 l~ 802 333 34 )82 J 316

5 016 237· " 438 3 267 60 6117 5 927

2 846 102 3 4~0 qe I 446 118 2 00'1 "

10 Q36 63 10 3H 63 J 056 16

702 -1 778 15

576 1 l #32 13 5 569 34

2Sll -11~s -7S -so -

Page 8: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued !For meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races

White ____ _ Negro ___ _ Other ____ _

AGE Total mole, oll ogos

Under 5 years ___ _ 5 ond 6 years ___ _ 7 to 9 years _ 10 ta 13 years 14 yeurs __ 15 years _______ _ 16and l7yeors __ 18 and 19 years 20yeors ______ _

~~ 15CJJJ years : : 25 to 34 years __ _ 35 to 44 years





45 to 54 years _______________ _ --

55 to 59 years ____ ------------60 and 61 yeors _ .. ___ ---------- --62 ta 64 years-------------65 to 74 years ___________ _ 75yeorsondovcr -------·

Total female, all ages Undor 5 years __ 5 ond 6 years __ 7 lo 9 years JD to 13 years __ _ 14 years __ _ 15 years--------16ond17 years _______ _ 18ond 19yeors ________ _ 20 years __





21 years--------------------- --22 to 24 years __ _ 25 lo 34 ye<irs _ 35 to 44 yeors 45 to 54 years __ _ 55 ta 59 years __ _ 60 and 61 years __ 62 to 64 years ___ . _ 65 to 74 years __ 75 years oncl over _. _

----------.. ------

Negro malo, all cges ~ __ Under 5 years ______________ _ ------5 to 14 years---------------15 lo 24 years--------------

------25 to 34 years_ _____________ _

35 to 44 years _____________ _ ------45 to 54 years ____ ---------- ---55 to 64 years--------------65 years and over -----------


Negro fem.u.1&, all ages ~ Under 5 yeors ---------------5 to 14 years---------------15 to 24 years---------------25 ta 34 years--------------35 to 44 years--------------45 to 54 years--------------55 to 64 years--------------65 years and over-----------



1n ~:~~~~:r.1~·~1~~ _::::: Head ------- ___ -----------

Primary individual_ -- -- - __ _ Family head, Mole --------Female _____ _

Wife of head--------------­Other relative of head _ -----­Not related to head ---------

In group quarters .. ___ _ Inmate of institution ·-------Oiiier ------- __ ------------

Negro populotlon _ -__ _ In households ---------

Heod ---------------------Primary individual ________ _ Family head, Mole--------

Female -----­Wife of head---------------Other relative of head ______ _ Not related to head ---------

In group quarters _____ _ Inmate of instit-utiO!l - - - ____ _


Other-------------------- -----

Places of 10,000 or more-Co"''""'d

Vancouver Walla Wallo Wenatchee

'12 Q93 23 619 16 912 '11 732. 22 871 16 664

Q28 '128 31 333 320 217

19 973 11 916 7 945 1 860 BJ? 590

71'1 3Q8 296 1 09'1 596 '186 I q95 755 605

386 221 179 381 238 171 781 '109 3J2 632 59q 368 292 2q4 131 2'l4 230 77

l 169 590 306 2 576 l '183 796 1 996 l 292 819 2 41'1 l 4112 926 1 059 6Jij 457

402 282 190 535 312 249

l 231 876 57J 712 553 39q

22 520 11 703 e 967 l 766 793 629

704 328 28J 1 155 5JJ 396 l 512 8111 650

365 222 166 379 166 169 774 386 3q9 822 549 392 lltJ'I 257 151 '117 2)2 136

1 335 507 39q 2 528 l lqB 858 2 098 l 085 913 2 702 l 361 l 051 l 256 6q? 485

q5q 287 172 615 360 283

1 706 1 09'l 831 l 488 907 659

231 310 17 32 8 3 37 n l 118 52 3 30 59 l 22 89 l 26 Ill 2 25 2q 3 11 5 J

197 !18 !ti 19 12 -Ql 33 4 47 l7 -20 11 l 21 11 -23 20 q 15 8 3 11 6 2

'12 '193 23 619 16 912 '11 q25 20 992 16 55q 15 352 1 936 6 153

4 03!1 2 327 I 790 9 996 4 979 3 863 l 322 630 500 9 773 q 860 3 779

15 561 7 858 6 318 739 338 3Qq

l 068 2 627 358 896 l 669 253 172 958 105

q2a 428 31 41 l 199 30 126 62 13

18 27 7 96 29 3 12 6 3 83 27 q

194 102 10 8 8 3

17 229 l a 218 l 9 ll -

Yakima ·Adams

45 SSS 12 014 43 692 ll soo

1 oss 46 Sil 168

21 4Q4 6 049 l 7111 542

679 264 l 309 414 l 706 629

458 156 '152 149 858 202 853 181 311 66 276 57 96Q 218

2 389 686 2 001 712 2 qs0 7qo l 209 292

455 109 603 126

l 575 291 l 117 125

24 l4'l 5 965 l 675 546

806 zqo l 217 'lJ2 l 697 579

452 13' '135 145 886 271 932 191 %1 68 q11 69

l 083 249 2 q34 728 2 29q 711 2 77q 69ij l 391 273

501 73 715 119

2 186 261 1 794 183

sqo 26 46 -

136 J 110 3

52 -43 4 58 10 53 6 q2 -

545 20 59 l

153 q 9q 7 q9 l q7 2 58 q 51 -311 l

45 588 12 01q q4 396 11 951 16 q75 3 553 q 02q 560

10 103 2 816 l 5q0 177 9 850 2 758

17 175 5 511 896 129

l 192 63 755 53 q37 lo

l "085 46 l 060 qq

325 19 98 15

175 q 52 -157 6

549 18 29 l 25 2 11 l 14 l


Asotin Benton Chelan Clallorn Clark

!} 799 67 540 41 355 34 770 128 q54 lJ 6SQ 66 456 40 BQ4 33 128 126 965

lQ 437 Q2 53 569 101 647 Q69 l 589 920

6 650 33 358 20 204 !7 '112 62 968 565 2 920 1 '109 l 331 5 940 286 1 368 705 615 2 57'1 '146 2 474 l ;u4 l 039 'I 320 601 3 195 1 631 l sos 5 717 148 8lq %7 q10 l '125 151 816 1i63 365 l 363 325 l 677 943 699 2 6<16 198 1 059 73<1 586 l 832

66 37J 263 229 725 48 29q 179 201 62J

212 l 032 ?OJ 652 2 712 663 3 958 2 086 l 921 8 346 75J 3 9116 2 133 l 799 6 921 752 4 098 2 5Q7 2 023 7 167 336 1 885 1 219 l 012 3 1111 134 639 492 JBO 1 070 165 770 642 498 1 1130 1151 l q2q l 520 l q16 J 217 350 616 854 731 l 791

7 1119 J4 182 21 151 '17 358 65 'l86 511 2 794 l q53 l 3JB 5 688 249 l 418 677 592 2 '15J 398 2 339 l 061 l 062 .. 119 625 J 135 l 660 1 35q 5 260 15ij 9q5 1130 Jij3 l 297 155 82l '122 311 l 305 281 l 526 876 691 2 559 196 l 017 765 5q3 2 125 86 q1a 297 226 968 BS q22 261 188 922

251 l 295 797 65ij 3 223 757 4 320 2 193 l 903 a 526 765 q 088 2 351 1 839 7 008 795 4 292 2 628 2 159 7 509 366 l 764 l 23'l l 035 3 ;?JO 133 595 1158 )95 1 139 201 736 69'l 501 I 51'! 620 1 486 1 720 l 362 3 713 521 871 l l?ij 862 2 930

8 2l7 22 32 309 l Ql 3 q JO 4 50 2 8 52 - % 3 10 59 - 37 l 6 43 2 20 2 l 31 - lJ 3 l !12 - 5 5 2 28 l 5 3 - 16

6 220 20 21 260 l 38 - 7 30 2 58 5 2 56 l 57 I 3 59 - 29 • I 26 l 25 - 2 28 - 9 5 3 27 - 3 4 l 20 l l 3 2 lll

13 799 67 5qo 41 355 34 770 128 115q 13 605 67 052 40 833 3q 200 126 683

q 615 20 520 14 396 11 681 111 0611 l 01q J 010 3 331 2 362 7 ~i10 3 247 16 263 10 183 8 685 30 848

35!1 l 2q7 882 6Jq 2 738 3 161 15 963 9 967 8 q53 30 259 5 67ij 29 893 15 842 13 q99 53 772

155 676 628 567 l 588 19q q00 522 570 1 771 l5'l J49 377 295 1 5J3

40 139 1~5 ~75 236

jij 437 q2 53 51>9 14 43q qO qq 541

3 111 17 12 166 l 19 9 3 25 2 79 4 9 127 - 13 4 - lij 2 74 6 9 105 9 238 1q 18 259 - 11 3 5 11 - 3 2 9 28 - ~ ~ - \<} - - - 9 9 ---

Page 9: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

~ General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (for f11eoning of symbols, sec text)

The State SMSA's Places of 1 0,000

or More Counties


Wliile Ne.•gro. Other


All races_

Tatal male, oil ages Under 5 years·-~·-5 and 6 years .. 7 to 9 years _ 10 10 13 years 14 yours __ . l5 Yi:!OfS ____ ·-lb and I 7 years_ lS and 19 years 20 years ___ _

2~ yg~~ years 25 la 34 years 35 lo 44 years 45 lo 5·1 years 55 la 59 years _ 60 and 61 yeors _ 62 lo 64 years . 65 to 7"1 yeors 75 years and over

latal female, Qll ages lloder 5 years .• _ .. . 5 and 6 yeurs 7 to 9 yours 10 to 13 years 14 yeo1·s 15yeurs __ .. 16 rmd 17 years . 18 ond 19 years_ 20 yenrs 21 yeors ·-· 22 to 2•1 years 25 la 34 years 35 lo 44 years _ 45 lo 54 years 55 to 59 vears . 60 and 6 I years 62 lo 64 veors 65 lo 74 yeors .. 75 yecirs ond ove'r

Negro mole, all ages U11der 5 years. .. .. _ 5 fo I ti yt!ors ~, 15 to 24 years. 25 to 34 years . 35 lo •14 yearn 45 to 54 years


55 to 64 years _ _ 65 years ond over

Negro female, all ages Under 5 yeor·s _ 5 to l 4 years 15 to 24 years 25 In 34 years 35 10 44 vears 45 lo 54 years 55 Jo 64 years 65 years and over ~


lot al population ______ _ In housoholds

HeorJ -----------------------f'riinory individual ___ . _______ _ family head, Mole----------

Female __ ........ -Wifo of hrod ·---------------­Other relative of head---------­Nol relaled to heod ---------- .. -

Inmate ';f~~s~ftJ~~~e~-~~~~~:~~ 01her ----------

Negro population ______ _ In lloasoholds ____ ·------

Head ___ --------------Priinory i11dividual .. Family l1eod, Male .

Female Wife of head _______ _ Qlher relative of head----------­Not related to head -----------

'" group quarter$ _ h1mate of institution ----------Other ___ .. ------------------





Coluf11bio Cowlitz

q q)9 68 616 q 418 67 819

q 109 17 688

2 289 Jq 136 lqJ 3 177 7q l QQB 97 2 254

!76 J 010 36 1q2 112 766

116 I q35 7q l 074 le 11117 29 385 69 l 1161

ZJS q 317 262 3 819 J3i! 3 866 1112 l 611

59 648 86 817

184 1 711 115 968

2 150 '" 480 11111 ) 1'1 61 l 253

120 2 129 J7l/ 2 783 38 665 110 702 73 l llJS 55 I 1112 2.8 507 15 525 61 1 697

207 " 276 219 ) 798 278 3 9n lij6 1 686 52 639 66 8ijlf

223 l 963 l4B l 353

3 56 ... 6 ... 9 ... 20 ... II ... 5 ... 3 ... 6 ... 3

l 53 ... 5 ... 11 ... 13 ... l ... 7 ... 4 ... 4 ... 8

II 439 68 616 ll HI 68 080 I 467 22 1110

326 II 067 l 070 16 798

71 l 275 l 0116 16 qqo l 545 28 637

53 863 328 5;36

88 398 240 DB

II 109 ... 107 ... 35 ... 1a ... !B ... 5 ... 17 ... qs ... 7 ... 2 ... I - . ... '


Douglas ferry Franklin Garfield

!6 787 ' 65' 25 816 2 911 16 080 2 92) 2q 005 2 904

16 sq 1 )88 -191 6<18 42J 1

e J61 l 988 12 97' I 11117 6J5 151 1 117 B9 n1 65 527 WI 062 123 830 90 7B5 1811 I 27' 1WI 213 )7 350 qz 192 117 347 47 405 170 647 BS 249 97 504 )I

75 211 196 7 75 22 189 12

2q9 qe 551 20 977 230 1 336 125

I 029 193 1 ijJl· 16ij l 012. 21l 1 7QJ 218

1177 1111 &67 102 151 38 226 '" 239 59 281 ;:12 469 119 Q9) 95 2110 56 265 58

8 1126 l 667 12 81/J I 11611 6sca 150 I 136 72 327 68 1177 45 520 110 802 92 7119 1117 l 168 129 182 JS '39 :n 159 39 284 39 1100 77 603 71 248 )8 SH " 102 20 206 10 103 111 157 12 316 68 515 25

1 069 212 l qqq 1115 I 019 160 l 601 l?S

989 222 1 628 2.Q7 ll:'6 89 594 103 139 29 202 28 217 45 237 32 ll72 87 553 95 321 57 366 us

7 82 679 -3 l 68 -- 1 163 -- 79 125 -l l 119 -- - ll7 -2 - 90 -I - 73 -- . llll -9 2 709 -4 - 89 -- - 188 -I - 128 -l 2 56 I - 69

- - 81 l - 63 I - 35

16 787 ' 655 25 816 16 656 ' ll91 25 515 5 268 l 113 7 879

737 217 I 521 ll ~97 8110 5 809

2311 56 5113 II 216 605 5 668 7 041 l 528 ll 507

131 45 Q6l 1'1 !6Q 301

89 6 !36 42 158 165

16 84 l 388 15 5 1 367

6 2 39~

3 l 120

' l 203

- - 71 a I 19~

7 2 729 - - so 1 79 21 - 10

' ~o II


Gran I Groys Ho rbor Island. Jefferson

111 881 59 55) 27 OU l() 6&1 4Q 2811 57 658 26 IQ9 10 258

656 ,6 272 2B 941 1 6,9 590 l75

21 152 29 7q1 111 079 s 1150 l aq2 2 526 l lS7 359

887 I OBJ 511 167 I 539 l 852 BS! J26 2 143 2 q~1 l 103 .qu

550 628 2'7 157 521 629 2J9 165

l 147 l 250 472 245 639 I 022 501 151 252 1114 q96 52 208 296 586 qz n<1 1 165 I 167 21)

2 248 ' 342 l 687 553 2 )22 J 062 l 272 565 2 563 ) 522 I "l 628 l 097 l 601 5q1 JJll

363 6119 2oq 126 1137 8115 296 213 991 1 912 817 500 1179 I ;l;Jl!. 381 2113

20 729 29 Bil?. ~a 9J2 s 2H l 852 2 llSB l lQ7 375

816 l 054 529 152 l 1186 l 660 838 285 2 075 2 353 l Of>1 1108

520 585 270 127 5211 653 221 136 916 1 210 1135 223 657 952 )72 1119 260 411 222 60 269 )89 238 llJ• 826 1 220 6117 162

2 370 ' 283 I 711 53J 2 SOii ' 104 1 277 5118 ;a ll90 ' 600 1 4ll0 62ll

999 1 01s 607 ,61 317 619 235 l64 llCl' 789 3111 189 917 2 135 802 Q38 5;1.2. l 522 473 2)q

qo11 19 157 17 30 1 16 -67 2 34 2

170 6 55 12 13 ll 112 1 28 l !I -43 2 2 l 29 l 1 -211 2 2 1

252 17 us 11 36 ;i 22 I 75 6 39 3 25 l 12 s -- -

Page 10: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (for meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races~.

White ___ ., __ _ Negro ____ _ Other ___ _

AGE Total male, cU ages

Under 5 years__ 5 and 6 years __ _ 7to9years ____ _ 10 to 13 years


- ~ ""

---. -~ ----

14 years _ _ _ ___ -------- __ ---15 years ________ _ 16and 17years __ _ 18 and 19 years .. 20yeors --------21 Years _ _ _ ___ _ 22 lo 24 years ___ _ 25 to 34 years .. 35 to 44 yeors _ . 45 to 54 years . 55 to 59 years . 60 and 61 years 62 to 64 yeors --------65 to 74 yenrs --------- __ _ 75 years and over---------

----- "~ ------



lutol female, oil egos _ Under 5 years ~ _ 5 <md 6 years


7 to 9 years __ _ 10 to 13 yours 14 years 15ycors __ _ 16 nnd 17 years __ 18 and 19 years 20 years __ 21 years __ . ____ _ 22 to 24 years __ _ 25 to 34 YO<llS - -35 to 44 years ___ _ 45 to 54 years 55 lo 59 years __ 60 and 61 yeMs 62 to 64 years . 65 to 74 years _____ _ 75 years and over __

, Negro male, oll ages _ Under 5 years-------------5 to 14 years--------------15 to 24 years------------25 to 34 years------------35 to 44 years------------45 t~ 54 years------------55 to 64 years------------65 years and over----------

-----------·-· --·· ------------

- -- ~ --- -.. ------·---·-----------

-----·-------· -----------------------~ ----·-------------

Negro female, •II age s ____ Under 5 years_. ____ -------5 ta 14 years-------------15 to 24 years------------25 to 34 years ___________ _ 35 to 44 years _____ -------45 lo 54 years------------55 lo 64 years------------65 years and over ---------



1 1

tn i!~~.~:r;~"'.1~~-=:= ----- - l

Head _____ -------- ------Primary individual _______ _ Family head, Male ------

Female ___ _ Wife ol head-------------­Other relative of head ----­Not related to hood -------

In group quarter.s ___ ~ Inmate of institution _. ___ _ Other-------------------

In ~:~;:h~s:1~~~~::: Head _____ ------- --------

Primary individual ______ _ Family head, Mole------

Female ___ _ Wife of hood-------------Other relative of head _. __ _ Nat related lo head -------

In g:roup quarters ---~ Inmate of institution ------

----- - l - --- --------------------------_____ ,,

----- -------------------------_____ ,.

----------- .. -··----------------------------------

Other ___________ --------------------

King Kitsap

-156 633 IOI 732 076 216 97 695

'10 597 1 451 39 820 2 566

565 427 52 149 118 600 4 089 21 367 l 869 34 627 2 965 '16 679 3 997 11 21'1 981 10 909 l 013 21 267 2 026 19 577 2 018

B 715 l 2•10 9 1108 1 3l?

28 '198 3 324 Bl! )B9 6 1145 65 610 5 'llJ 68 '180 b 074 27 '1'15 a 6'71

9 510 I 017 11 684 l 236 25 316 2 91'1 15 512 1 534

5'11 206 '19 563 46 2'13 4 030 20 083 1 743 3;5 014 2 736 411 964 3 641 11 045 950 10 71\J 946 20 919 1 686 w 049 l 622 11 032 BOB 11 012 n11 311 235 2 311 ao 212 5 B22 65 553 5 1110 70 269 6 17'1 2B 219 2 701

9 901 l 020 12 8111 l 317 J3 970 3 325 26 909 2 207

20 252 826 2 326 Bl II 736 152 3 5110 279 2 712 101 2 235 71 2 352 65 I '152 46

899 31

20 3115 625 2 2'10 69 'I 771 165 II 013 D7 2 574 83 2 210 119 2 269 60 1 290 40

958 22

156 63J 101 732 !JO 950 96 858 39l 759 32- 856 99 696 6 466

263 770 24 355 28 293 2 035

257 058 23 BOO 1153 936 38 783

28 197 l 419 25 683 4 874

8 '1'17 l 09J 17 236 3 781

40 597 l 451 39 769 1 223 13 255 3119

3 810 71 6 991 227 2 '1511 51 5 956 205

19 121 620 1 4::S7 49

828 228 256 19 572 209


Kittitas Klickitat lewis Lincoln

25 039 12 DB 45 467 9 572 24 621 11 75B 45 076 9 469

71 10 J9 l 347 370 J52 102

12 511 6 074 22 500 4 779 900 495 l 814 J65 347 206 829 ll!J 5&9 37& 1 298 241 e11 539 l 955 382 217 134 510 107 225 179 533 100 400 253 l 091 238 810 167 723 107 608 46 253 ,, 701 47 235 26

l 197 194 781 12B 1 517 648 2 369 473

999 655 2 213 502 1 1 lB 697 2 729 613

589 384 l 245 330 2lb 131 490 130 250 212 631 189 632 451 l 687 399 405 260 1 114 273

12. 528 6 064 22 967 'I 793 777 448 1 697 JOO 327 219 752 153 547 414 l 342 281 731 563 1 833 369 193 135 '173 9Q 207 121 449 101 385 283 931 211

l 223 171 709 78 808 49 304 3Q 646 66 290 46 964 197 786 140

l 272 667 2 370 507 986 6'19 2 409 506

l 174 710 2 7JJ 639 566 366 l 337 JIB 200 122 Q66 l2J 284 187 688 158 703 390 l 915 429 535 287 l QBl JOO

44 7 30 1 3 - 2 ... s l q ...

26 2 21 ... 4 2 1 ... 2 1 - ... 1 - - ... l l l ... 2 - 1 ...

27 3 9 -1 - - -6 - l -13 - 3 -2 - - -- I - -- l 2 -2 - 2 -3 l l -25 039 12 l3B Q5 467 9 572 22 138 ll 997 114 768 9 474

7 8'16 3 970 15 282 3 356 2 134 802 3 320 677 5 333 2 987 11 095 2 554

379 181 867 125 5 196 2 911 10 820 2 '190 7 873 q 959 17 970 3 557 l 223 157 696 71 2 901 1111 699 98

155 90 646 56 2 746 51 53 '12

71 10 39 l 51 6 18 ... 17 2 5 ...

7 . 4 ... 8 2 I ... 2 - - ... 7 2 5 ...

17 l 8 ... 10 l . ... 20 4 21 ...

1 2 21 ... 19 2 . ...

r -~··--

Mason Okanogan Pncffic Pend Oreille

ao 9le 25 867 15 796 6 025 20 220 2J 701 15 530 5 861

95 7J 20 1 603 2 093 <!.% l(,J

10 B48 lJ 052 7 902 3 OJI B20 996 564 220 348 458 215 95 614 Bl2 :lB7 leq 877 l 227 616 283 208 311 173 67 252 332 198 66 480 616 418 lJQ 393 377 2'16 74 205 110 '12. 2'1 156 93 60 18 500 382 287 7J

1 179 1 JOO 766 289 l 096 I 527 7:33 323 l 280 1 542 905 :no

6:l2. 806 5'18 Ul6 2J4 294 220 69 327 459 27J 103 8Ql 878 746 293 406 532 447 156

10 070 12 815 7 69'1 2 9'l'I 757 944 5117 216 361 479 2~5 109 565 752 370 in BIS l 124 576 257 195 305 148 64 2\l 219 l5'1 69 395 517 )JO 122 2Q2 :'l79 252 60 12B 132 86 16 129 141 102 27 3'8 446 272 BQ

l 102 l 378 739 310 l 110 l 521 777 )'10 l 285 1 502 I 043 J79

585 745 sa1 180 253 289 221 75 349 379 293 9q 801 938 ?al 24~ 449 565 '167 149

91 JS 13 -l 6 - -- 6 - -63 6 6 -

12 5 l -9 6 - -3 4 l -3 2 l -- 3 4 -4 35 7 I 2 9 - ... l 10 2 ... - 6 - ... - 4 - ... - 2 l ... l l - ... - 2 2 ... - l 2 ...

20 91B 25 867 15 796 6 025 20 016 25 536 15 472 5 986

6 768 8 '186 5 598 2 030 l 223 l 722 1 21>7 '114 5 235 6 278 II 049 1 537

310 '186 282 '79 5 139 6 099 3 93' l 11911 7 837 10 678 5 752 2 'Ill

2711 273 189 51 900 331 324 39 869 261 282 30 Jj 70 42 9

95 73 20 I 7 69 13 ... 2 20 7 ... - 7 1 ... 2 12 5 ... - l l ... 1 10 4 ... q 39 l ... - - l ...

BB 4 7 ... as 3 7 ... - l - ...

Page 11: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties RACE

While tlegro Othor


All races_

Tatut maier all ages Under 5 years .. _ 5 mid 6 •1ears .. 7 10 9 years _. _. 10 to 13 years_ 14 years ... 15 years _ _ _ _. _. 16 <md 17 years ... 18 <md 19 years 20 years __

~~ i~'!Di years 25 to 34 years 35 lo 44 years _. 45 to 54 years .. _ 55 to 59 years __ _ 60 ond 61 years _ 62 lo 64 years_ ..... 65 10 74 years·---· 75 ycurs and over __

Total female, all ages Under 5 years_. ·- ~--5 and 6 years __ 7 to 9 years . IOlo 13 yearL •. -14 yeors ------··-­t5 yeurs ---·-----16 and 17 years_ IB and 19 years .... 20 years 21 yeors __ _ 22 to 24 yeors __ 25 to 34 years __ 35 lo 44 years .. 45 to 54 years _ .. 55 ta 59 years _. 60 and 61 years. 62 la 64 v•ors . 65 lo 74 years-· _ .... 75 yl'ars und over--··-·

Ne~ro mole, oU ages •. Under 5 year> •.•........... 5 lo 14 years-----·--··--·--15 lo 24 years-·----··-···--25 lo 34 years ............. . 35 lo 44 years. ···-------45 to 54 years····-··-···-----5510 64 years .............. . 65 years and over _________ .,,.

Negro female, all oges Und-0r 5 year•-------···--·-5 to 14 years--·-----------15 to 24 years--------·----25 to 34 yeors ----·----····· 35 to 44 yeors ------------· 45 to 54 years-------------55 lo 64 years __ .·---------65 years and over


'" i~~~.ror;:·n·~ ::::: Hrod ----··--------------·--

Primary individual ...... . Family head, Mole ....... ..

Female ..•••• Wife of head--·---·-----·-­Oihor relative of head ..•...• Not rola1ed to head ---------

In group q,uarters -----­Inmate of institution --------Other --------·--·····--·----

N ogre population_ •. _ .. In household• --------­

Ho~d ---··c·c·.·----·------­nmory rnd1v1dua! - - n - - - - - -

Fam·11y head, Male --------female-----­

Wile al head----------------01her rela1ive of head ...... . Not related to head ..•••....•

In group quarters _____ _ Inmate of institution --------Other ·- ___ ...• ------·-----

ff or meaning of symbols, sec text)


Pierce San Juan

411 027 , 856 382 429 , 809

18 501 l ·- 10 097 46

-- 215 056 l 890 .... 17 06'1 99

7 505 64 ... 12 172 ao

16 629 116 'I 077 )3 J 9BJ 32 8 559 65

lJ '150 26 """"

8 721 10 7 790 JS

15 '127 51 26 !OB 166 22 1'10 161 :u 740 242

8 531 152 ~ u u ,. 2 981 60

-· ' 801 101 8 882 271 5 496 119

195 971 1 966 16 523 106

7 198 52 11 722 86 15 982 120

' 829 JS J 812 33

-~ 7 468 53 7 '145 37

-· 3 824 13 J 810 15

10 282 59 - ~ .. 2'1 238 1% -···· 22 J61 169

21 6,8 259 0 a21 189 3 208 69 q 273 107

11 470 248 ' . ' ~

8 061 130

--.. 10 743 . ~ .. -- 95'1 . -- -- 2 218 . "·- -- J 562 ----- 1 495 . ---- l 214 ----- 796 . ---- 324 -__ .,_ 160 -HM"ff 7 758 1 ---- 961 ... ---- 2 286 ... ---- 1 526 ... ---- 1 035 ... ···•-4 899 ... ---- 570 ... ---- 252 ... ---- 229 ... --"" 411 027 J 856

---- 37' 019 J 814

-··-- 123 421 l 514

---- 24 496 345

---- 89 504 1 105 9 •121 64 ---- B1 601 l 080

" -... 156 60'1 l 152 -w--

5 393 68 ---- JB 008 42 ---- 7 541 42 .. --- JO '167 -----__ .,_ 18 501 l ---~ 15 227 ... ---- 4 415 ... ---- 801 ... ---- 2 955 ... ---- 659 ... ---- 2 327 ... ----' 8 168 ... ·--- 317 ...

3 -- -~ 274 ... '193 ... ----

---- 2 781 ...

Counties- Conrinued

Skagit Skamania Snohomish Spokane

52 JBl 5 845 265 2:i6 267 487 51 '70 5 726 260 763 280 174

45 12 1 012 2 989 966 107 3 %1 'I J2'1

25 736 2 979 1'2 079 139 926 1 917 232 12 955 11 638

697 125 5 826 5 180 l 568 228 9 362 e 5'16 2 197 279 12 527 12 132

509 61 2 943 2 958 5'10 55 2 873 2 981

1 090 1J9 5 216 5 807 63J 90 J 617 5 297 338 25 l 528 2 693 257 25 1 472 2 526 992 ea 5 843 7 052

J 011 357 19 270 15 9'10 2 703 316 15 94'1 H 660 3 056 317 iq 230 15 949 1 487 183 5 413 7 0'11

596 77 l 803 2 559 Hl 104 2 414 " 403

I 845 196 5 322 8 082 1 159 82 3 321 5 480

26 6q5 2 866 1'3 JS7 1'17 561 1 945 230 12 2'19 11 222

878 109 5 498 q 823 1 515 195 8 981 e 277 2 160 284 ll 9'11 11 452

516 70 2 828 2 889 565 71 2 760 2 886

1 040 114 5 171 5 695 760 69 4 036 6 213 '70 27 -.1 937 ' 04'1 301 26 2 064 2 723

l 016 101 6 691 6 791 2 992 367 18 984 16 540 2 942 290 15 375 l!> 552 3 291 JaB 1' 813 17 134 l 504 182 s 430 7 404

577 71 l 925 2 SIS 790 101 2 q59 J 726

2 03' 140 6 423 10 050 l '150 91 4 592 8 J22

29 !I 597 I 621 1 - 57 161 5 - 122 364 7 2 175 '104 2 3 llO 205 1 3 67 158 5 J 36 136 5 " zo l!)

J - 10 so 16 l 415 l 368

1 - 60 168 l - !JO n1 2 " 62 296 l - 61 145 1 - 44 132

' l 25 l;J8 2 - 16 76 5 - 17 76

52 381 5 845 265 236 287 '187 so 735 5 765 262 369 274 902 17 149 l 841 81 463 93 681

3 400 301 13 492 21 998 12 710 1 4'3 62 967 64 336

1 039 107 5 004 7 347 12 426 l 391 61 646 62 902 20 4Se 2 46, 115 468 113 360

702 70 3 792 4 959 l 6'16 BO 2 867 12 585 I 4'3 65 2 41J 4 799

213 15 454 7 786

45 12 l 012 2 969 16 l 857 2 65J

3 - 246 855 - - 54 240 3 - 175 492 - - 19 !2J 4 1 149 393 7 - 437 I 318 2 - 23 87

29 ll 155 336 22 11 151 71

7 - 4 265


S1evens Thurston Wahkiakum Wallo Walla

17 405 76 694 , 592 42 176 16 520 75 485 3 535 41 165

.16 207. - 481 869 1 202 57 'sjo

5 778 37 49J l B6B 20 965 67J J 299 15'1 l '156 370 1 SU 67 626 574 2 '175 125 1 123 811 J J48 177 1 557 200 89'1 '18 'IJO 206 B!B 'll 4;51 'I'll l 604 B' B3'1 227 1 235 so l 08'1

70 446 19 '170 68 '154 l'I 428

196 1 592 63 1 035 852 'I 587 197 2 359 962 'I 189 !BS 2 251 969 ll '171 216 2 487 556 1 759 100 1 101 198 625 43 438 281 864 63 550 6B9 2 052 127 1 402 '135 1 238 96 904

a 627 39 'IOI I 72q 21 208 681> J 14'1 1'17 l 422 311 l 409 60 623 529 2 357 106 1 045 779 J 192 132 l 573 217 BOO 32 '136 201 825 4'1 J8l 36J l 662 52 8117 202 1 226 43 1 095

62 607 24 498 69 6'15 23 43'

259 1 H6 55 901 943 q 7'6 200 2 139 922 4 494 175 2 117

1 040 4 595 219 2 443 486 1 868 97 1 091 197 700 28 '164 2'18 962 54 S19 656 2 594 121 1 699 455 l 799 112 1 '119

12 us - JJ9 1 15 - 9 6 23 . JS J 32 - 65 - 14 - 65 - 19 - 9l - 3 - 43 - 2 - 24 2 7 - 5

4 92 - 142 - 11 - 14 l 17 . J9 - 28 - 24 - 9 - 16 - 16 - 13 1 6 - 21 - 2 - 8 2 ' - 7

17 405 76 894 ' 592 42 176 17 167 75 742 3 536 36 321

5 580 25 156 1 150 13 'l38 1 043 5 044 223 J 211 4 292 18 42'1 888 9 288

245 1 718 J9 939 4 166 18 Oq5 S60 9 083 7 232 JI 524 I 477 15 120

159 987 49 6BO 2JS l 152 56 J 855 157 634 49 1 947

51 516 7 l 90B

1<> 207 - Q51 !)I 162 - 2'4

2 5'1 - 73 - 1'1 - 29 2 31 - 38 - 9 - 6 l 21 - 35

10 B4 " 115

- J - 11 3 45 - 247 3 J7 - 220 - 8 - 27

Page 12: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties


Whito. Negro. Other .


All races.

Total mole, oil ages Li'1der 5 years ..... . 5 aml 6 years __ 7 to 9 yeurs .... 10 lo 13 yeurs . 14 years··-·_ 15 years ......... . 16 and 17 years. 18 and 19 years. 20 years .

~~ r.f ~J ye<irs . 25 10 34 years . 35 to 4•1 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 and 61 years 62 to 64 years 65 to 7•1 ycurs ___ _ 7 5 yenrs o nd over _






Total female, all ages. ¥ .. ~ Under 5 yen rs 5 and 6 years


7 to 9 years ... IQ to 13 yours 14 years .... 15 years . . . 16 ond 17 yeors. l B cmd 19 yeors 20 years .. 21 years ..... . 22 to 24 years 25 lo 34 years . 35 to 11'1 years _ 45 to 54 years 55 to 59 years .. 60 w1d 61 years 62 to 64 years 65 to 74 years 75 years 011d over.

Negro mcle, all ages Under 5 yer1r5 .. _ 5 to 14 yenrs 15 to 24 years . 25 to 34 years .. 3 5 to 4·1 yeai·s 45 to 54 years 55 lo 64 years . . 65 years and over

Negro female, all ages Under 5 yenrs . 5to14yoars 15 to 24 years 25 to 34 yours . 35 to 44 yeCJrs •15 to 54 ycmrs ____ . 55 to 64 years 65 years ond over


.. ... ..









... ""•


1. ~:~~1.~~rd'~"11'" _: .: : : : : ------

Head ----- .. Primary individual ______ _ Family head, Mole ..... _

Femt1le Wife of head ..•..•.. Olher relative of head Not related to head ..

In group quarters fnmale of instllutian _






··-Other.---·-----··········-· .. -~

Negro populallon ____ _ In households •.......

Head . ___ .... Primary individual __ _ Family head, Male ..

Female Wife of head···----­Other relative of head Not relaled ta head

In grou~ quarters _ Inmate of institution ______ _ Other ..


--------·-----------~ -- . ... ...


tf.or meaning of symbols, see text)

Counlles--Con1inued ,.__

Whatcom Whitman Yakima

Bl 950 37 900 144 971 79 257 36 939 137 861

201 164 l 5£,7 2 492 797 5 543

40 069 19 528 70 847 3 253 l 289 6 141 I 389 '176 2 754 2 183 791 4 599 3 150 l 135 6 469

791 305 l 670 825 268 1 617

l 489 578 3 143 l 994 2 309 2 486 l 063 l 292 921

990 1 239 732 2 312 1 663 2 621 ,, 821 2 469 7 647 3 803 I 492 7 312 4 216 l 5113 7 972 I 920 710 3 936

715 280 I 524 954 358 I 900

2 570 792 4 591 I 631 539 2 792

41 881 18 372 H 124 3 150 1 263 5 977 l 368 499 2 751 2 202 831 4 490 2 945 l 035 6 278

767 266 I 588 760 254 I 614

I 532 527 3 ll5 2 540 2 314 2 566 l 256 l 119 I 123 1 074 966 1 060 2 157 I 293 2 884 4 393 1 993 8 144 4 028 1 456 7 747 4 354 1 579 B 577 2 069 721 4 008

771 252 I 456 j l 12 329 I 999 2 969 899 5 129 2 434 776 3 618

115 115 BOO 13 6 57 15 7 204 45 76 157 19 19 78 12 4 57

5 2 84 1 - 95 5 l 68

86 49 767 11 5 78 12 5 203 42 26 130 ll 7 61

4 3 69 1 2 84 3 - 86 2 l 56

Bl 950 37 900 144 971 78 170 30 627 142 889 26 720 10 728 46 482

6 509 2 711 9 687 18 770 7 666 33 370

I 441 351 3 425 18 350 7 491 32 500 30 417 10 7<8 62 070

2 683 1 680 l 837 3 780 7 273 2 082

868 182 l 417 2 912 7 091 665

201 164 I 567 157 91 l 523

52 39 479 27 18 156 24 18 257

I 3 66 18 10 233 63 28 761 24 14 so 44 73 44

2 1 16 42 72 28

Page 13: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics





1970 E SUS OF


Population Characteristics

(This series consists of 52 reports-number 1 for the United States and numbers 2 through 52 for the States and the District of Co/umble In alphebetlcel order rather than order of pub/lcatlon.J

This report presents 1970 census statistics on the basic demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. Data on age, sex, race, and relationship to head of household are shown for the State, each standard metropolitan statistical area, each place of 10,000 inhabitants or more, and each county or comparable area.

The data presented here are being issued in advance of their publication in Final Report Series PC(1)-B, which will provide additional information on the population characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. The final report for this State will be published in about 2 months.

Statistics on selected housing characteristics for the areas shown in this report are currently being issued in Advance Report Series HC(V1). An outline of the publication program for the 1970 Census of Popula· tion and Housing can be obtained free of charge from the Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233, or any U.S. Department of Commerce Field Office.

Page 14: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


Standard metropolitan statistical areas. - The Bureau of the Census recognizes approximately 250 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) in the 1970 census. These include the 231 SMSA's (including three in Puerto Rico) as defined and named in the Bureau of the Budget publication, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 196.J, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Also included are two SMSA's as defined by the Bureau of the Budget in January 1968. In addition, a number of SMSA's are being defined on the basis of the results from the 1970 census.

Except in the New England States, a standard metropolitan statistical area is a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or "twin cities" with a combined population of at least 50,000. In addition to the county, or counties, containing such a city or cities, contiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they are socially and economically integrated with the central city. In a few cities where portions of counties outside the SMSA as defined in 1967 were annexed to the central city, the population living in those counties is not considered part of the central city. In the New England States, SMSA's consist of towns and cities instead of counties. For a complete description of the criteria used in defining SMSA's, see the Bureau of the Budget publication cited above.

Places.-Two types of places are recognized in the census reports, incorporated places and unincorporated places. Incorporated places are political units incorporated as cities, boroughs, towns, and villages except for (a) boroughs in Alaska and (b) towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin. Unincorporated places are closely settled population centers without corporate limits for which the Census Bureau has delineated boundaries. Each place so delineated possesses a definite nucleus of residences and has its boundaries drawn to include, if feasible, all the surrounding closely settled area. Unincorporated places are identified with the letter "U."

Towns.- In :this series of reports, data for towns of 10,000 inhabitants or more are shown in the reports for the New England States. In these States, towns are the primary political subdivision of the county, unlike most other States where towns are generally incorporated places.

Race.-The concept of race as used by the Census Bureau does not denote clear-cut scientific definitions of biological stock. Rather it reflects self-identification by respondents. Since the 1970 census obtained the information on race principally through self-enumeration, the data represent essentially self-classification by people according to the race with which they identify themselves. For persons of mixed parentage who are in doubt as to their classification, the race of the person's father is used. Persons of Mexican or Puerto Rican birth or ancestry who do not identify themselves as of a race other than white (e.g .. American Indian, Negro, etc.). are classified as white. In the 3-category grouping shown in this report, the "other" category consists of all races except white or Negro, i.e., American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Eskimo, etc.

Age.-The age classification is based on the age of the person in completed years as of April 1, 1970.

Households and· group quarters.-All persons are classified as living in either a household or group quarters.

A household consists of all the persons who occupy a housing unit. A house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room is regarded as a housing unit when it is occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants do not live and eat with any other persons in the structure and which quarters have either ( 1) direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall or (2) complete kitchen facilities for the exclusive use of the occupants. A household may, therefore, consist of a single family, one person living alone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or nonrelated persons who share living arrangements (except as described in the next paragraph on group quarters).

Group quarters are living arrangements for institutional inmates or tor other groups containing five or more persons not related to the person in charge. Group quarters are located most frequently in institutions, boarding houses, military barracks, college dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, hospitals, monasteries, convents, and ships. A house or apartment is considered group quarters if it is shared by the person in charge and five or more persons unrelated to him, or if there is no person in charge, by six or more unrelated persons.

Persons in group quarters are subdivided here into "inmate of institution" and "other." The former are persons for whom care or custody is provided in such places as homes and schools for the mentally or physically handicapped, places providing long-term medical care for persons with mental disorders or chronic diseases, homes for dependent children, prisons, etc. Staff members living in group ~quarters in such places, as wel I as persons in all the other types of group quarters, are classified as "other."

Relationship to head of household.-One person in each household is designated as the "head,"that is, the person who is regarded as the head by the members of the household. Two types of head of household are recognized here-the head of a family and a primary individual. A family head is a person living with one or more relatives (persons related to him by blood, marriage, or adoption). A primary individual is a household head living alone or with nonrelatives only.

In this report, all household members other than the head are shown in one of the following three categories: ( 1) "wife of head"-a woman married (either by formal or common law marriage) to the household head; (2) "other relative of head" -all persons related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption (excluding wife of head); or (3) "not related to head"-all persons not related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Symbols.-A dash "-" represents zero. The symbol "U" means that the place is unincorporated. Three dots " ... " indicate that the data are being withheld to avoid dis· closure of information for individuals.

For sale by the Bureau of the Census, Washington D. C. 20233, and U.S. Department of Commerce Field Offices, 30 cents.

l ...


Page 15: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

Huntington-Ashland, W. Va.-Ky.·Ohio SMSA-Data shown in this report relate only to the portion. of this SMSA in West Virginia; the data for the portions of this SMSA in Kentucky and in Ohio appear in advance reports PC(V2) -19 for Kentucky and PC( V2)~37 for Ohio, respectively.

Steubenville-Weirton, Ohio-W. Va. SMSA-Data shown in this report relate only to the portion of this SMSA in West Virginia; the data for the portion of this SMSA in Ohio appear in advance report PCN2)-37 for Ohio.

Wheeling, W. Va.-Ohio SMSA-Data shown in this report relate only to the portion of this SMSA in West Virginia; the data for the portion of this SMSA in Ohio appear in advance report PC(V2)-37 for Ohio.

Page 16: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970 (For rneanin~ of symbols. see tex:t)

The State SMSA's Standard metropolitan statistical areas

Places of l 0,000 or More



White Ne~ro _. Other


All races

Totot male, alf ages Under 5 years __ ._,, ... 5 and 6 years 7 io 9 years _ 10 10 13 years ___ 14 years ···----15 years _____ ... 16 and l 7 years. .. . 10 and 19 years .. . 20 years ....... .

~~ riCJJJ yiiiis-- -25 1o 34 years 35 lo 44 years ... _ 45 io 54 years ,, 55 la 59 years oO and 61 ycars 62 lo 64 ycors 65 to 74 ycars . ___ 75 yr.ors (]Jld over r --

T otol f.ema le1 all ages __ _ Undcr 5 years .. __ 5 and 6 years ,, ... 710 9 ycars ..... IO to 13 years_ l4yoars ·-···


15 years ...... 16 and 17 years 18 and 19 years 20 years 21 years ... ,,_. 22 to 24 years ___ ...... 25 to 34 years _______ _ 35 to 44 years .. ------45to54 yeors ....... 55 to 59 years ... 60 and 6 I ycctrs _ . 62 ta 64 veors 65 to 74 years . 75 years and over __



-· ..



·---Negro mole, all ttge-s - -- .

Under 5yeor;.. _______ ,, ... .. 5 to 14 years,,_, . ·---· ... . 15 io 24 years----·-········· --25 lo 34 years ______ _ 35 lo 44 years----·-· 45 to 54 years 55 ta 64 years··--65 years and over _


.. ·-----

... ..

Negro fomole, oll ages . Under 5 years _______________ _ 510 14 years __ ............ ,,. 15 to 24 years··--··-----·-· 25 lo 34years ----- .. --·---· 35 to 44 years .. ·---···----45 to 54years ··--·······-·· 55 to 64 years----·-···-----65 years aod aver-····--····


1. ~~':;.~:rd"~0 '. 1~" Head ·-------------­

Primary iodividuol.. ----· -·. Family head, Mole _ ... __ •..

Female -·--·--Wife of hood_ ...... __ ...... . Other relative of head-··---·­Not related to head --······-

-·-·-------· ----·-...




In group qunrtefs ____ - _ ··---Inmate of institution ___ . ___ _ Other--·---- .. ------------

Negr'1 pc.pulation ___ . _ ln households __ ..... _.

Head ___ ·--··----- ·--- ... . Primary individual .. _______ _ Family head, Male ..... _ ..

Female ···-·­Wife of head·--------·-·---Other rolative of head ... . Not related lo head .... .

In group quarters Inmate of instflution Other _______ ...... __ __

--·· --------------~ ------------

------ ------------------

1 1

I 1

Tire Stole Clrnrleston

7L!LI 237 229 5!5 666 870 21LI 526

73 931 14 3q7 3 Ll36 6L!2

811LI 282 109 107 70 854 a 555 31 637 " oeo q9 095 6 289 72 285 9 Ll52 18 186 2 qq7 18 518 2 ,q96 35 86LI " 799 32 LIB? 3 743 1' 201 1 575 11 816 1 318 35 232 II 1142 91 423 12 e0q 91 177 12 856

100 329 111 !LIO q6 oeq 6 175 17 090 2 187 23 051 2 689 5q 366 5 878 31 387 3 102

899 955 120 1108 68 167 e 590 30 511 3 8)9 q7 399 6 266 68 890 9 118 17 630 2 '159 17 722 2 1160 3q "61 " 787 33 Ll2LI " 177 15 825 I 999 15 158 l 993 37 521 5 323 97 Ll25 1'1 069

IOJ 176 l'I 999 109 6B3 1$ 690

'19 BBB 6 5B5 lB 646 2 357 26 062 J 169 66 358 7 839 42 009 4 709

34 516 6 Ll38 3 111 565 a 158 1 LISS 6 303 I 259 2 528 676 2 1183 447 3 355 625 3 667 637

" 911 '774

39 '115 7 909 3 SB! 867 7 996 1 L1!9 6 877 1 618 3 349 798 3 616 698

" 24LI 7BB " 3111 770 5 1111 951

7qq 237 229 515 1oq ass 226 399 5"6 488 74 257

95 266 12 969 402 292 54 ,591

48 930 6 697 3BB 762 53 057 7Ll7 B?:l 96 456

21 762 2 629 39 352 3 116 13 761 851 25 591 2 265

73 931 14 3q7 71 370 13 7qq 21 52:l 4 215

5 569 1 055 11 995 2 LIQ1

3 959 759 11 130 2 2q5 36 631 6 9QO

1 886 384 2 561 603 1 LISS 220 1 106 3B3 ro!cr only to Jl:lrt of SMSA; see not(l on pnge 3.

·-Hunt Inf ton- Steubenville·

Ash and, Weirton, Wlieeling, W. Va.-Ky,·Ohio Ohio·W. Va. W. Va.·Chro

(pilrl)' (part)' (part)'

jijlj L!99 69 qjq 101 795 139 315 67 700

99 '"" LI 9Ll5 l 586 2 22LI 2.'.l9 !LIB 227

66 676 33 826 48 LIO? 5 762 2 BLILI 3 661 2 511 1 2LILI I 69LI 3 757 2 168 2 5L!B 5 373 3 052 3 763 1 338 698 929 1 35q 701 9q7 2 601 1 q2q I 831 2 779 990 I 995 I 238 430 B4LI 1 115 426 767 3 165 1 35LI 2 OBLI 8 0111 3 651 5 152 7 789 " 21LI 5 503 8 189 q 392 5 996 3 512 1 878 2 839 1 LIOO 679 998 1 887 827 1 338 " Ll25 1 803 3 3115 2 11110 971 1 973

75 823 35 606 53 388 5 338 2 716 3 687 2 365 l 2Ll8 1 651 3 797 2 107 2 553 5 121 3 026 3 6L!7 1 351 730 891 1 3Lll 6B5 925 2 599 1 306 I 088 3 226 1 098 2 q57 1 576 53q 1 091 1 L!6LI 502 1 055 3 L!07 1 q37 2 156 B 5B2 " 1:i5 5 259 B 110 " 5q9 s 91 J 9 1110 " 668 6 759 " 109 1 933 3 217 1 633 699 I !BB 2 239 87LI l 5B4 5 914 1 999 " 496 3 911 1 282 2 97'

2 248 753 1 082 197 53 106 532 183 227 L!Ol 127 230 190 66 110 20'1 92 98 228 BL! 92 231 70 102 265 78 117

2 697 833 1 1L!2 19LI 79 110 528 203 240 Ll36 !LIO 200 253 94 106 263 75 113 313 103 116 300 73 110 L!!O 66 1L!7

14'1 499 69 qjq 101 795 !LIO 037 69 053 97 37B '17 085 21 124 32 969

9 170 2 BB! 6 B84 33 558 16 765 23 217

" 357 I L!7B 2 868 32 53LI 16 246 22 3q7 58 L!26 31 055 41 002

1 990 626 1 060 'I L!62 381 " Lil 7 2 047 191 I 195 2 Ll15 190 3 222

" 945 1 586 2 2211 4 696 I 57' 2 067 l 570 qq9 670

517 06 190 736 301 323 317 62 157 672 269 286

2 296 819 1 059 !SB 36 52 249 13 157 126 1 110 121 12 39


Places of I 0,000 inhabitants or more

Beckley BluefiehJ Charleston Clarksburg Fairmont ---19 8BLI 15 921 71 505 24 864 26 09l 15 85LI 12 204 63 562 2, 910 2LI 476

3 884 3 689 7 617 915 1 967 lLj6 28 326 39 50

9 257 7 232 32 728 11 28L! 11 975 669 ij?J 2 353 821 821 279 207 I 076 358 356 Ll76 365 I 699 534 531 700 620 2 609 761 772 178 166 686 222 231 195 177 693 201 219 364 318 J 366 389 435 461 268 l 157 277 70l 181 91 545 133 269 107 108 Ll36 1115 287 322 281 1 331 548 525 782 589 3 533 1 191 1 176 962 725 3 6n I 141 1 169

l 201 985 II 393 l 559 1 573 583 L!61 1 996 767 7q6 238 185 7811 255 277 316 238 988 380 355 776 650 2 2L!LI 97' 976 qq7 325 1 208 629 5511

10 627 8 669 3B 777 13 580 111 118 638 1178 2 2Ll9 799 851 285 236 989 319 3511 qqo 375 1 635 560 SOii 683 594 2 qq9 7q7 783 177' 150 698 220 185 197 155 695 206 199 3q3 318 1 4q9 1103 ll!l 363 287 l q77 331 788 J 157 !SL! 727 218 358 180 llB 690 198 3111 393 306 1 676 5511 597 939 717 3 976 1 2113 1 283

1 276 963 " 523 1 3B7 l LISI 1 Ll82 1 22q 5 290 1 976 1 977

712 56L! 2 475 1 001 9J5 207' 225 922 3q5 37J 414 34B 1 JILi 556 515

1 OLIS 960 J 431 1 q79 1 JJO 616 517 2 112 I 036 a1a

1 758 1 6B8 3 426 441 727 1L!7 117 33q 115 ea 373 357 816 95 148 302 32L! 588 59 1112

sq 99 318 55 q9 llLI 112 25B 36 'II 182 !BS 320 115 55 235 223 3ij6 '14 69 321 271 "'16 62 135

2 126 2 001 " 191 117LI 8L!O 158 140 317 32 66 395 369 755 93 167 291 343 B77 67 121 152 133 396 39 87 19LI 17B 36L! 38 63 247 232 """ 62 B3 299 275 Ll41 SB 109 390 331 597 85 144

19 88'1 15 921 71 505 24 BM 26 093 19 26i 15 Biii 69 738 24 575 25 028 6 954 5 616 25 1170 9 298 9 2B9 1 623 1 363 6 536 2 376 2 301

" 514 3 579 16 130 5 970 6 022 B17 67q 2 BOLi 952 966

4 366 3 Ll62 15 571 5 766 5 B32 7 563 6 Lill 27 '152 9 137 9 J37

376 325 1 2L!5 37L! 570 623 107 1 767 289 1 065 JOLI Ill 266 139 85 319 66 l 501 150 980

3 BBL! 3 689 7 617 915 1 567 3 820 3 647 7 263 907 1 53' 1 273 1 159 2 358 308 5111

359 310 682 100 146 666 659 1 210 !LIB 264 2L!B 190 Ll66 60 104 619 627 1 llLI 130 2•16

1 795 1 724 3 567 LILIO 726 133 137 22LI 29 47

64 42 354 a 311 29 3 32 1 10 35 39 322 7 24 ----------

Page 17: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties


White Negro O!hor


All races

Total male, all ages Under 5 years ----- .. 5 and 6 years 7 lo 9 yeC1rs _ 10 to 13 years .. 14 yeors 15 ycors __ -··- _ 16 and 17 years. 18 and 19 yoors 20 years __

~~ ri'2'.1 yoars-2 5 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 la 59 years 60 and 61 years. 62 la 64 years _. __ .. _ .. 65 lo 74 years ... 7 5 years and ovor

Total femule, all ages Under 5 yeors 5 ond 6 ycnrs __ 7 to9years ·---­l01013yeors 1 i1. vcors 15 yeors __ . 16 onrl 17 yr.ors_ 18 onrl 19 yeors_ 20 years _ 21 years __ . 2 2 to 24 yeurs 25 lo 34 yeors 35 10 44 years _ ·15 to 54 years 5 5 to 59 years 60 ond Id years 62 lo 64 years . 65 lo 74 yeors ___ _ 75 years onrl ovor

Negro male, all agas Under 5 years ----·--··--5 t-0 14 years 15 lo 24 years. 25 to 34 years 35 lo 44 years 45 to 54 years ___ _ 55 to M years ..... . 65 years and over

Negro female, all ages __ Under 5 years______ .... _ 5 ta 14 years ____ _ 15 la 24 years "'· 25 la 34 years _ 35 10 44 year> __ _ 45 lo 54 years ___ _ 55 lo 64 years ___ _ 65 ycor5 and over


Total FQpulatlon . _ . In haus•holds __ . ___ •.

Heed __ ··---------------Primory individual __________ _ Fornily head, Mole.·-------·

Female ••• , ,. __ _ Wife of head Olher relalive of head Not related to hood

In group quarters lnmoto of institution .. _ .. _ Olher .

Nag:ro population._ In households . ___ _

Head __ . ______ ·----···-. _____ _ Primury individual_ _________ _ family head, Mole _

r:ernale Wife of head __ .. ------------· Olher relative of head _ Not related lo head __ _

In group quarters .. ___ " tnmate of institution Olher ..

(for meaning of symbols, see text]

Huntington Martinsb111g

74 315 14 626 69 759 13 666

4 383 917 173 43

34 035 6 785 2 487 590' l 055 254 l 635 359 2 367 532

602 11B 586 128

l 194 288 l 724 194

802 BS 7JJ 6B

•.. l 794 270 3 612 779 J 612 750 4 273 8SB l 897 JB4

781 152 994 224

2 48B 501 -- l J99 251

40 280 7 841 2 389 574 1 031 249 l 635 JSB 2 281 5JB

-- 619 !OB 631 IJB

I 270 2J9 2 115 248 l 041 105

B87 lll 1 865 J4I 3 B35 779 4 222 834 5 203 988 2 442 522

- 98B 229 l 363 275 3 B63 72B

... 2 600 477

l 996 453 -·- 172 54 -- 470 104 -- 368 67

164 50 179 51 207 44

-- 201 JS 235 4B

2 387 464 -- 161 51 -- 464 lOJ -- 3B7 76 -- 221 40 -- 237 47 ·- 26B 44

2B5 41 -- 361! 62

-- 74 315 14 626 70 571 14 512 26 047 s 159

6 781 l 273 -- 16 3B4 j 341

2 882 545 -- 15 83' 3 225 ... 27 202 5 B73

-- l 489 255 -- 3 744 114

I 437 .. 17 2 307 97 -·

-- 4 383 917 -- 4 159 903 ·- l 382 277 -- 459 90 -- 650 141 -- 273 46 --- 599 126 -- 2 024 467

-- 154 33 -- 224 14

109 -- l

-- 115 13

Places of 10,000 or more-Conllnu•d

Moundsville Morgantown Parkersburg St. Albans

29 431 13 560 44 208 14 356 28 565 13 :136 43 320 14 !J4

618 208 811 182 248 16 77 40

14 877 6 783 20 712 6 783 788 559 l B52 501 329 229 751 258 463 292 l 271 388 708 484 l 718 586 136 111 424 17l !B9 116 415 167· 361 225 Bl6 331

2 34J 197 638 173 l 269 105 239 9l 1 041 124 250 61 1 6JB 395 977 253 l 534 931 2 498 BOS l 011 834 2 210 8BB l 191 B45 2 441 I OJO

510 J63 l 079 40B 145 129 436 126 216 158 591 123 584 417 I '23 263 421 269 783 154

14 554 6 777 23 496 7 57J 789 526 I 720 497 286 220 779 217' 460 309 I 136 421 637 1165 1 604 646 147 BB 1115 157 !6B 105 )97 174 J25 247 763 JJ2

l 945 229 794 208 96J 121 )92 97 B70 104 428 105

l 163 J24 1 122 JJO l 359 719 2 549 B56 l 206 733 2 571 I 059 l 360 902 2 919 1 117

635 402 1 370 408 215 127 535 121 340 201 696 160 979 573 1 943 407· 707 3B2 l 363 261

316 157 410 78 24 9 41 7 55 10 117 23

100 llB 77 15 40 42 32 19 27 19 45 2 lB 10 31 2 14 13 2Z 7 3B 6 45 3

302 51 401 104 17 8 37 27 54 3 76 10 79 15 66 7· 30 J 48 21 37 4 48 7 28 5 32 3 19 J 25 6 3B 10 69 23

29 431 13 560 44 208 14 356 23 552 12 755 43 775 14 J56

B 745 4 349 15 lOB 4 647' 2 B52 850 3 326 586 5 252 3 092 10 360 3 722

641 407 l 422 339 5 090 J 001 10 040 J 668 7 863 5 219 17 836 5 966 l 854 186 791 7S 5 879 BOS 433 -

110 789 113 -5 769 16 320 -61B 20B Bl! 1B2 561 98 BOS lB4 '2 2J9 62 5 65 90 21 135 32 6 39 B4 lB 124

251 48 427 42 - 15 57 110 6

2 110 4 55 - 2


Soulh Vienna Charleston Weirton Wheel I ne

16 '33 11 549 27 131 48 188 15 772. 11 441 25 800 46 263

503 97 I 254 1 790 58 11 77 1'5

7 591 5 533 l3 154 22 050 568 563 1 054 l 675 271 247 462 752 428 378 840 1 118 622 520 l 145 I 702 168 123 275 409 172 106 276 452 305 222 562 8J8 2ll 1114 JSS B51

97 44 156 J6J 79 J6 145 287

3'2 221 519 959 l oos 811 l 346 2 142

B94 714 I 644 2 355 l 05J 631 l 870 2 807

520 22J B'7 I '6'1 156 84 2B6 500 213 91 JJ5 669 347 244 680 1 752 150 !JI 367 l ose

B 742 6 016 13 977 26 UB 689 529 94J I 639 244 2J6 459 691 391 362 BO! I 115 545 480 I 201 1 674 169 117 29J 430 142 128 280 436 JJJ 229 946 872 249 156 424 I 057 140 81 189 1189 !JS 85 IB9 1180 410 282 551 l 044

I 064 B74 l 521 2 JIJ I 128 756 I 782 2 718 I 282 657 2 113 3 437

542 270 B55 1 722 185 91 286 671 248 144 349 907 539 334 729 2 682 307 205 466 l 761

172 47 596 807 9 B 41 92

;1.9 11 151 203 12 9 99 146 90 s 54 62

7 3 74 78 LI 4 66 69

9 2 55 74 s 5 56 BJ

:!131 50 65B 9BJ L66 6 59 90

13 B 163 226 19 12 llJ 155 90 6 78 100 16 q 58 93 11 6 84 96 7 2 55 98 9 6 48 125

16 JJJ 11 549 27 131 48 LaB 16 ;!JOI 11 478 27 087 46 631

5 673 J 531 B 310 16 a10 I 017 435 991 4 370 I! 13B 2 BSO 6 677 10 619

518 216 642 l 821 4 064 2 831 6 463 10 146 6 JB7 5 037 12 047 19 095

177 79 267 580 32 71 qq 1 557 - 56 20 356 32 15 24 l 201

503 97 ! 254 l 790 "'11'1!. ' 7?0

Page 18: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (For meaning of symbols see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 1 0,000

or More Counties

RACE All races-------------- -White _______________________ _


AGE Total male, all ages ____ _

Under 5 years_ _______________ _ 5 and 6 years ________________ _ -7 to 9 years------------------10 to 13 years----------------14 years---------------------15 years---------------------16 and 17 years ______________ _ 10 and 19 years ______________ _

20 years---------------------21 years----------------------22 to 24 years----------------25 lo 34 years----------------35 lo 44 years----------------45 lo 54 years----------------55 to 59 years _________ .. ____ _ 60 and 61 years ______________ _

62 to 64 years----------------65 to 74 years----------------75 years and over-------------

Total female, all uges ___ _ Under 5 years _______________ _ --5 and 6 years _________________ _

7 to 9 years------------------10 to 13 years----------------14 years--------------------15 years--------------------

----16 and 17 years _____________ _

18 and 19years _____________ _

20 years------------·-···----21 years--------------------22 to 24 years---------------25 ta 34 years---------------35 to 44 years---------------45 ta 54 years---------------55 to 59 years---------------60 and 61 years. ____________ _ 62 to 64 years---------------65 to 74 years---------------75 years and over ___ : _______ _

Negro male, all ages ___ _ Under 5 years _______________ _

5 to 14 years----------------15 to 24 years---------------25 to 34 years---------------35 lo 44 years ___ ., _________ _

45 to 54 years---------------55 to 64 years---------------65 years and over------------

Negro female, eill ages __ Under 5 years _______________ _

5 to 14 years----------------15 to 24 years---------------25 to 34 years---------------35 to 44 years---------------45 to 54 years ______________ _

55 to 64 years---------------65 years and over------------



In l:~~~r.~~0'.1~" _:::::: ---Head ----------------------Primary individual _________ _

family head, Male---------Female ------­

Wife of head---------------­Other relative of head -------­Nol related lo head ----------

In group quarters ------­lnrnote of institution ---------Other----------------------

Negro populotion _____ _ In households ----------

Head ----------------------Primary in<lividual _________ _ Family head, Mole---------

Female ------­Wife of head----------------Other relative of head _______ _ Nat related to head ----------

In group quarters ------­Inmate of instftution ---------Other------------------ ___ _


Barbour Berkeley

14 030 36 356 13 841 34 857

145 I .Qll 44 88

6 812 18 037 481 1 626 255 686 391 1 041 540 I 504 149 JQ9 137 346 274 656 304 473 IJO 194 147 185 281 766 671 2 !OB 635 2 065 742 2 240 J76 997 176 395 212 516 538 1 226 J7J 704

7 218 18 319 490 1 589 246 727 366 l 018 509 1 400 145 339 123 323 278 sea 312 586 150 279 151 267 259 8l!l 707 2 102 701 2 088 BJ9 2 107 441 l 047 170 425 237 512 666 I 321 448 780

71 750 9 69

1J 142 20 95

5 70 9 82 1 lJO 5 75

' 107

7q 661 3 61

14 143 18 109

5 56 7 67 6 65

12 63 9 97

14 OJO 36 356 13 355 35 127

4 333 ll J35 767 2 060

3 186 a 331 JBO 911!1

3 021 B 081 5 BJ 7 15 208

184 503 675 I 229

8 l 071 667 158

145 I 411 125 I 268 JS 382

8 113 19 199 11 70 20 161 64 660

J '15 20 l!IJ - 127 20 16


Boone Broxton Brooke

25 118 12 666 29 685 24 651 12 463 29 337

427 184 292 40 19 56

12 463 6 202 14 469 I 104 518 I 223

509 224 516 737 333 895

l 162 526 I 267 )27 124 287 2BJ 140 355 612 271 592 400 210 453 !51 67 203 145 61 218 46t1 230 589

I 264 594 I 567 l 276 579 I 774 1 544 689 I 872

682 367 746 251 147 286 J57 224 J68 7J4 569 787 461 329 471

12 655 6 464 15 216 I 058 444 I 204

437 235 533 699 329 837

I 063 5'!2 I 248 316 141 JOB 284 138 287 563 259 579 434 197 485 194 86 256 193 108 219 516 220 619

I 305 595 I 772 I 455 633 I 965 l 57J 787 I 908

656 393 633 227 177 299 339 209 354 858 585 921 485 416 589

207 106 137 19 7 12 53 13 26 40 40 23

a J 1J 10 16 14 IB 7 15 20 4 14 39 16 20

220 78 155 17 4 20 51 20 JI 44 12 23 18 5 16 16 8 16 21 a 16 22 2 17 JI 19 16

25 118 12 666 29 685 25 047 12 619 29 445

7 555 4 000 9 057 1 042 717 l 263 5 822 2 883 7 162

691 400 632 5 634 2 752 6 947

II 660 5 685 IJ 175 198 182 266 71 47 240 - 22 85 71 25 155

427 184 292 427 184 291 106 47 94 17 10 24 64 27 61 25 10 9 64 23 56

248 111 !JS 9 3 6 - - I - - I - - -


--- "----·-----·~ ·-

Cobell Calhoun Cloy Doddridge fayoffe - ·-

106 918 7 046 9 JJO 6 389 49 332 102 065 6 975 9 296 6 373 qq 030

4 655 67 24 3 5 198 198 q 10 13 104

so 314 J 499 4 718 3 161 23 946 q 053 275 429 232 l 836 I 755 117 220 129 897 2 627 203 309 173 I 380 3 729 293 489 268 2 213

947' 85 144 64 608 939 78 125 67 60-0

I 826 157 244 138 I 157 2 210 128 137 88 I 097 I 021 40 54 26 41'

926 52 49 40 319 2 410 132 136 95 799 5 839 344 449 286 l 753 5 644 304 qq6 JOO 2 22J 6 111· J62 4QO 357 2 924 2 661 190 254 195 1 535 l 068 8'1 101 76 602 l 445 118 150 9q 604 3 286 316 '29 JJO l 842 I 809 201 211 20J 944

56 604 J 547 " 612 ) 228 25 366 J 752 259 399 239 l 666 l 681 124 192 123 795 2 627' 210 305 161 l 290 ) 574 267 q10 260 2 122

9q7 66 JIJ 62 553 957' 70 114 70 616

l 859 149 232 119 l 120 2 584 Ill 157 85 897 1 286 46 62 J9 407 I 164 54 65 J3 339

\, ., 2 570 116 139 115 755 6 251 J40 444 283 2 139 6 J20 386 491 297 2 816 6 894 411 477 417 3 297 3 237 234 2113 193 l 616 I 302 94 107 7J 652 I 701 127 13J 119 924 4 726 290 JIJ JOJ 2 128 J 172 193 216 2J7 l 25'1

2 123 32 lJ 3 2 429 189 6 l ... 243 498 5 I ... 662 378 J 4 ... 1129 181 B 2 ... 82 194 - l ... Dl 217 J - ... 206 218 2 4 ... 295 248 5 - ... 381

2 532 JS 11 - 2 769 175 5 2 - 200 497 a I - 679 410 9 5 - '176 239 J - - 156 250 1 I - 235 290 3 I - 294 288 4 I - 3'16 3BJ 2 - - J83

106 918 7 0% 9 330 6 389 49 332 102 561 7 025 9 293 6 317 48 401

JS 606 2 178 2 639 2 049 15 2'12 7 650 301 386 1114 2 656

24 579 l 648 l 949 1 458 10 89!1 J 377' 229 304 177 l 692

23 829 l 564 1 854 1 381 10 !176 41 J77 J 197 'I 699 2 757 22 !'16

l 749 86 101 130 537 4 357 21 37 72 931 I 974 7 - 32 169 2 383 l'I J7 40 762

4 655 67 24 3 5 196 4 409 67 24 ... 5 145 I 473 18 9 ... I '11'1

485 J 2 ... J31 697 13 7 ... 775 291 2 - ... JCS 637 11 7 ... 710

2 144 J2 a ... 2 929 155 6 - ... 92 246 - - ... 53 127 - - ... 12 119 - - ... 'I!


Page 19: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Countie5

RACE All races._ White _____________ _

Negro ____ ----·------·-Other_ ----- .. ------·

AGE Total mole, all ages

Under5yeors ____ . --···--.- ... 5 and 6 years ........ . 7 to 9 years------·---·_. 10 ta 13 years-------····-- .. 14 yoars -------· ------ ·----15 ywrs ----------- ---·--16 ond 17 years _____ ·-·-·· 18 and 19 years. ......... . 20 years ----------------~~ {~'lJl yeiirs·::::::· 25 to 34 years ______ _ 35 lo 44 years·------45to54 yeors .. ----· 55to59yeors -·-----60 and 61 years .......... .. 62 to 64 years _ .. _ . _. ___ _ 65 to 74 years--·--------75 years and over ·-----------

Total female, all ages .. _ .. Under 5 years. ______ . ________ _ 5 ond 6 years··-------7 to 9 years-----------···-- .. ··-10 lo 13 years ................ . 14 years ----- ...... . 15 years ________ .. 16 and 17 years ..• ·----lB cod 19 years _________ , 20 yeors ____ ----- ________ .. 21 years -------- .. ···-------····

~~ :g 5~ ~~~~~ :::::::·:::::::: 35 to 44 years .............. ----45 to 54 years----··-- ... ., ... ..

~g ~~nr:;i:;,;::::::::::::::: %~ :~ ~1 ~:~~: ::::::.:: " - .. 75 years and aver .. ----··---·-·

Negro male, all age• •••• _ Under 5 years. ________________ _ 5 lo 14 years ................. . 15 ta 24 years----------------25 to 34 years _____ .. ________ _ 35 to 44 years··---------.-----45 to 54 years-------------.--55 fo 64 years·---------------65 yeors and over-----------·-

Negro femole, oll ages ~ __ Under 5 years ________________ _ 5 ta 14 years-------·----·----15 to 24 years _______________ _

(For meaning of symbols, see text)


Gilmer Grant

7 762 8 607 7 1qe 0 21s

28 3211 6 8

3 793 & 263 2BO 415 )Jq 171 231 268 257 347

611 77 66 !OJ

133 170 377 123 137 52 103 57 175 HB 320 507 336 450 329 %6 !Bl 226 Bl 67

103 115 277 297 207 194

J 989 4 JUI! 260 3911 129 182 200 2511 2511 355

711 Bl 6:1. 72

)Qlj 185 1109 118 178 51 109 52 153 .1911 )64 Q63 347 1167 369 1193 191 228 94 92

112 uo 326 3'2 214 191

17 155 - 17 a 47

12 20 - 2 I 9 1 27 l 20 - 13

11 169 - 15 2 36 7 29 - 7 2 16 - 17

25 lo 34 years-----------------35 to 44 years-----------------45 to 54 years-----------·----55 to 64 years-----------------65 years ond over ----------.---

- - 17


Total population -------­In households ------------

Head "'- ··--------------------Primary individual ••.•.• _____ _ Family head, Mole------------

Wife of head .. :~~a!~.::::::::: Other relalive of head -----·----­Nat related to head -----··-----

Inmate 1~f,~0s~ft~ti~~er~-==::::=~= Other------·------------------

Negro population. ______ _

Head _1~ -~·-·-·~~~I~~_:::::::::::: Primary individuol---~·--- .. ---­Fornily head, Mole-----------

Female --------­Wife of head-----------------­Other relative of head ---------­NM related to head -·----------

In qroupquorters --------­Inmate of institution -----------Olhor ------------------------





- 32

7 782 a 601 7 01q e 591 2 290 2 593

463 383 1 616 1 999

191 211 1 554 I 921 3 000 3 981

170 96 768 16 - 9 768 7

28 32q 13 324

J 91 l 19 2 53 - 19 ) 49 7 181 - 3

15 -- -15 -


Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy

32 090 ll 7l0 39 7119 8 855 JO JSJ 11 SSJ :lB 363 6 625

l 718 148 l 2911 214 19 9 92 16

15 5'2 5 195 19 357 " 4'3 l 307 1186 I 621 359 S80 213 728 175 910 369 I 273 2116

1 Jllll 499 l 785 301 J75 115 411 80 JlO 141 426 91 660 243 832 206 525 191\ 537 137 1118 65 227 49 155 6, 206 611 563 279 765 163

1 611 562 2 0811 l!SJ l 690 609 2 440 469 1 794 663 2 52.0 5'3

091 314 1 132 254 361\ 128 393 97 SIJ 186 l\59 IJB

I 165 423 l 016 32B 627 2113 soo 210

16 558 5 915 20 392 ll 422 I 178 492 l 512 '30

563 223 715 149 B54 310 l 270 228

1 255 llBJ l 778 3'6 3q1 129 1122 103 325 125 396 H 636 2Q9 BO? 170 508 162 613 128 230 83 278 115 230 68 283 59 616 248 BIB !Bl>

1 721 618 2 363 468 l 9117 648 2 Sall 526 l 9116 659 2 760 515

986 350 I 100 259 369 125 1100 95 571 239 520 169

1 364 qj6 l 078 355 9lB 268 693 227

SJO 78 616 uo 91 11 111 5

217 111 157 24 ll;l 19 104 20

70 2 53 12 75 6 78 5 9J ll 69 12 80 B 56 11 91 7 sa 21

SSS 70 676 10'1 n b S9 6

193 12 172 18 137 12 117 22 79 'I 78 9 98 5 59 12

102 13 87 e 83 12 56 15

122 6 50 1q

J2 090 11 710 J9 H9 8 855 31 71\8 II 376 J9 608 8 793 10 249 3 639 12 067 2 790

1 737 577 I 618 !\SS 7 5110 2 678 9 603 2 090

972 384 846 2#5 7 266 2 569 9 JOI 2 014

13 900 5 048 17 880 J B27' 3JJ 122 36() 162 342 332 141 62

76 317 106 3 266 15 35 59

1 718 146 1 2911 2111 I 67' u:s I 282 210

48J q'I 355 65 112 l:?I 62 11 275 19 2110 q2

96 12. SJ 12 254 18 213 )9 901 66 664 104 JS 5 JO 2 115 15 12 4

9 15 - 1 36 - 12 3


Harrison Jackso" Jefferson Kanawha

73 028 20 903 2~ 280 229 !HS 71 686 20 815 18 382 2111 526

1 asq 7' 2 859 Ill Jij7 88 15 39 64~

34 852 JO J49 10 421 109 107 2 71\7 8711 971 a sss I 261 l\50 4111 ll 060 l 972 731\ &02 6 289 2 735 1 109 BOJ 9 l\52

678 251 206 2 447 701 246 212 2 496

1 ;5110 458 376 4 799 1 252 262 1187 ' 7113

l\7b BJ 2.2.S l 575 4411 92 201 1 ,16

l 1122 3)5 505 " 4112 3 689 1 230 1 293 12 aaq J 7115 l 4'7 I 070 12 856 I\ 1132 l 122 I 205 lll 1qo 2 150 4911 5117 6 175

727 161 203 2 187 l 005 197 279 a ¢aq 2 ij)J 538 549 5 878 l 623 296 271 3 102

38 176 10 ss11 10 859 120 408 2 598 622 956 8 590 1 230 426 436 3 819 1 902 676 571 6 266 2 665 l on 810 9 118

719 2qa 195 2 U59 70B 217 187 2 460

I '7'!J 433 3611 4 787 I 077 284 1193 q 177

58' 110 262 I 999 538 140 241 l 99'!J

l 4H 357 523 5 '23 3 694 1 446 I 275 14 069 4 325 l l\00 I 161 14 999 5 127 l 099 l 202 15 690 2 369 1116 565 6 585

88B lSB 211 2 357 1 2111 214 311 3 !"69 J 163 656 656 7 639 2 265 413 4110 4 709

598 :'1 l 35' 6 <IJB 56 2 1511 565

121 11 359 l '155 102 4 2,q l 259

611 2 118 676 45 3 1111 4117 6J - 132 60!5 6() 7 uq oH 87 2 128 774

656 42 I 506 1 909 112. 7 172 $67

125 9 388 1 419 116 9 245 I 618 50 2 155 798 52 i 139 698 81 , lqO 788 76 ' 115 770

114 7 152 951

73 028 20 903 2'1 280 229 515 71 706 20 B61 20 460 226 399 211 236 6 187 '6' 386 74 257

q 692 7'18 1 069 12 969 17 422 5 OBJ 4 782 511 591

2 1.22 356 5'5 6 697 16 SOJ q 932 4 6~2 SJ 057 29 689 9 565 9 115 96 456

978 177 367 2 629 1 322 q2 800 3 116

338 1ij 97 a51 9aq 28 703 2 265

I 2sq 7) 2 859 1q Jll7 l 212 73 2 824 13 7114

'Ill 19 72) 4 2lS 13' 5 148 1 055 2oq 10 qJq 2 401

74 4 141 759 179 9 391 2 2115 see qq 1 636 6 900

34 I 74 J8ll q~ - :SS 60) 16 - 9 220 i!6 - 26 30)

Page 20: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (For mooning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races ____ _

Whil•--------·------Ncgro ___________ ·- __ -··- __ _ Other--------- ·-··--- _____ _

AGE Toto! niafe1 all ages

Under 5 years __________ _ 5 and 6 years _____ ··---7 to 9 years-------·------10to13 years---·------------14 years··------------------15 years---·----------16 and 17 years ___ _ 18 and 19yeors ___ _ 20 years -------· __

~~ r;'!JJ years-::::: 25 to 34 years __ -------------35 to 44 years 45 lo 54 years ------------55 lo 59 years---------------_ 60 mid 61 years •. ____________ _ 62 to 64 years _______________ _ 65 to 74 years _________ _ 75 years and over------·------

Total female, ell ages ___ _ Under 5 years ___ _ 5 and 6 yeurs __ . __ 7 to 9 years ____ _ 10 lo 13 years __ -------------14 years.---------------15 years ________ .. ___ _ 16 and 17 years.. ___ . 18 and 19 years 20 years ______ _ 21 years ____ _ 22 to 24 years ___________ _ 25 to 34 years __ _ 35 to 44 years __ .. 45 to 54 years __ 55 lo 59 years---------------60 and 61 years ______ _ 62 to 64 years ______ _ 65 to 74 years ________ _ 75 years and over--------

Negro male, all .ages ___ _ Under 5 years. ______________ _

5 fo 14 years----------------15 to 24 years---------------25 to 34 years---------------35 lo 44 years ______________ _

45 to 54 years-··-------------55 to 64 years---------------65 years on.dover------------

Negro female, all <1ges __ Under 5 years _______________ _

5to14years ----------------15 to 24 years_ _____________ _

25 to 34 years---------------35 to 44 years---------------45 lo 54 years--------------·-55 to 64 years---------------65 years and over------------


'" !:~~1.~:r;:•'.1~~-::::::: Head -----------------------Primary individual __________ _

Family hood, Mole ----------Female -------­

Wife af head---------·-------­Dlher relative af head --------­Not related ta head -----------

In group quarters -------~ Inmate of institution ---------~

-----·· --------

----------------.. ------------------


Other---------------------·- ---N•gro populotlon- ___ .. _

In housohold• ----------Head-·--------------------

Primary individual _________ _ family head, Mole---------

Female ------­Wife of head---------------­Dlher relative of heod -------­Not related to hea<I ----------

In group .quarters ___ . __ , _ Inmate of tnstitution ---------Other------------ __ --------


Lewis Lincoln

17 847 18 ·912 17 705 18 737

100 166 42 9

8 462 9 1171 680 879 305 407 410 594 616 907 1S3 254 140 246 314 444 229 '41

B3 116 86 120

309 ,37 902 l OJO 911 924

l 027 968 566 518 208 184 275 241 73q 575 51q ·'86

9 385 .9 '141 59q 807 301 '70 450 %3 628 aq3 139 263 1115 208 267 1107 2117 296 131 154 135 151 n5 no 946 1 031

l 021 1 033 l 156 958

644 482 211 10•1 J33 259 971 658 Hl 414

50 7'1 3 11 5 24 9 6 5 7

10 4 5 7 6 7 7 B

50 92 1 13 4 24

11 9 5 9 7 9 5 12 4 7

13 9

17 6117 18 912 15 950 18 8•10

5 336 5 '170 1 043 737 3 729 4 216

567 ·s11 3 587 q 050 6 714 9 134

311 166 l 697 n 1 763 33

D4 39

100 166 5q 166 19 55 10 21

5 21 4 13 5 19

28 90 2 2

q6 -'13 -

3 -


Logan McDowell Marion Marshall

46 269 so 666 61 JS6 37 S98 43 235 41 223 58 8S9 37 J06

2 894 9 373 2 391 226 140 70 106 66

22 449 24 742 29 !JS 18 S44 2 049 2 325 2 340 1 6J3

918 1 018 I 046 699 1 392 I 620 I 409 I 013 2 284 2 589 2 144 I 4S2

593 647 S73 354 611 638 554 357·

l 216 I 281 I 159 672 831 B99 1 243 SJ5 260 343 455 232 2q2 276 q90 263 776 889 1 211 B27

l 919 2 113 3 019 2 25B 2 489 2 29ij 2 996 2 266 2 739 2 9J9 J 769 2 293 1 157 I 1110 1 768 l 051

389 512 641 J119 568 706 B53 470

I 3B9 I 551 2 lB4 I !JS 627 692 1 291 6B5

23 820 25 92q 32 221 19 054 I e8s 2 2J9 2 270 I 539

85q I 009 962 711 1 400 I 578 1 456 I oq3 2 256 2 393 2 090 I 4J3

566 62J 511 JOB 545 699 542 JJ3

I 156 I 266 I OJ? 713 844 992 1 J24 622 J54 J66 632 2Bq 341 359 549 285 857 986 I J48 B23

2 363 2 J48 J 241 2 ISO 2 972 2 912 3 628 2 234 2 967 3 284 4 284 2 370 1 188 I 413 2 027 I 071

451 523 763 364 628 722 l 013 490

1 471 1 600 2 763 I JS! 722 712 1 791 9JO

1 375 4 511 I 132 166 117 399 !JS 9 366 I 207 236 10 228 B18 199 52

42 160 65 q2 68 280 60 20

120 490 92 12 153 519 118 13 2BI 6J8 227 8

l 519 4 B62 1 259 60 BB 345 99 12

339 I 109 249 3 248 B63 lBl 17·

BO 263 119 3 160 4B1 96 5 !Bl 622 128 7 191 598 155 3 232 561 232 10

46 269 50 666 61 356 37 59B q6 !BB 50 SJ6 60 071 36 6B3 l3 4B2 14 4Jl 20 692 11 7Bl

2 03J 2 056 4 1J6 1 912 10 028 10 737 14 785 9 026

1 q21 1 6J6 1 771 9q3 9 650 10 Jl5 14 316 8 749

22 639 25 J07 24 226 15 778 417 q93 8J7 375

Bl 130 1 285 915 25 46 226 811 56 82 1 059 104

2 B94 9 373 2 391 226 2 890 9 304 2 Jn 114

B7B 2 609 777 36 2'14 590 218 7 '181 I 551 425 23 153 468 1J4 6 442 I q55 394 19

I 492 5 021 1 09B 57 76 219 63 2

4 69 59 112 3 23 25 111 l ij6 Jq 1

Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo

24 306 63 206 23 109 J2 780 23 944 57 680 22 38J 31 1611

310 s 460 715 I 567 S2 66 11 49

11 92L 29 959 11 295 16 164 957 2 486 1 077 I S82 481 1 036 494 690 7S4 1 701 677 I 078

I l!J 2 471 863 I 745 276 640 235 456 254 707 213 471 502 I 217 447 820 35J I 239 527 5711 IJB 501 175 228 137 505 112 187 466 1 336 396 583

l 422 J 069 I 352 I 37;! l 1186 3 176 I 207 1 593 l J17 3 660 1 311 I 789

590 I 664 582 76'1 205 6J4 232 255 295 B66 '37 422 739 1 988 697 953 436 I 063 361 600

12 385 33· 247 11 B1q 16 616 1 004 2 qj9 957 I %7

436 l 06B 417 664 741 I 573 658 I 026

1 05J 2 419 894 I 596 279 608 200 410 257 630 212 41:!1 480 l 2115 421 8211 J66 I 440 qq5 574 171 649 lBq 236 196 592 163 251 512 1 41B 500 59;!1

1 487 ' 289 I 381 I 579 1 517 3 757 l 307 I 930 1 373 4 2J6 1 q95 I 907

604 l 896 676 B02 202 700 2112 308 3J4 1 016 337 412 835 2 778 B32 I 091 538 I 514 503 53:5

150 2 461 353 771 9 195 51 71

21 511 91 193 l3 462 55 126 IB 1q4 33 32 IB 163 32 50 19 265 29 611 23 32B 28 82 29 J93 34 151

160 2 999 362 796 6 21J 36 59

19 587 B7 157 9 526 6B 127

IJ 196 45 46 20 258 37 70 15 341 J2 82 29 386 28 106 47 492 29 1'19

24 J06 6~ 206 2~ 109 32 780 2J 819 61 882 22 710 32 712

7 423 20 279 7 270 9 253 I 138 3 625 1 223 I J87 5 751 14 507 5 q~6 6 840

534 2 147 5BI l 026 5 561 14 023 5 285 6 578

10 690 26 858 9 919 16 538 145 722 236 3'13 467 1 324 J99 68 423 180 52 20

64 1 1q4 J47 ll8

310 5 460 715 l 567 168 5 J59 696 I 566

5B l 701 !BS 500 22 476 40 1112 29 937 112 279

7 2BB 3' 79 27 8B7 106 260 79 2 600 396 776

4 171 9 30 142 101 19 l 134 22 1 I

Jl l.__. __ __12_ '----~-.J_!!_ -----=-

Page 21: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (For meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 1 0,000

or More Counties

____ ,. __ . RACE

All races _. White ________ __ Negro Other

AGE lolol mole, all ages

Under 5 years_·------. 5 and 6 years-----7 lo 9 years _____ _ 101013 years._ 14 years ____ __ 15 years------··-16 and 17 years 18 and 19 years 20 years ___ _

~~ ra"°1J years 25 to 34 years . __ 35 to 44 years 45 lo 54 years



-· --

55 to 59 years • _ -~ .. 60 and 61 veors _____ _ 62 lo 64 years ____ _ --

.-65 to 74 years---··· 75 years and over _. --·

Tota{ female, all ages , . Under 5 years ······-··· __ _ 5 and 6 years_ __ 7 la 9 years-----···· 10 ta 13 years------14 years ________ . 15 years _____ _ 16 and 17 years 18and 19years. 2Dyears --------


21 '{eGrs _,. ____ _ ~ L"

22 to 24 years _ 25 lo 34 years ... 35 lo 44 years __ _ 45 ta 54 years ___ . 55 ta 59 vears 60 ond 61 years 62 to 64 vears _. 65 to 7 4 years 75 years and over ·•"

Negro male, all age$ ~ ~ . -· Under 5 yearL. _____________ _ ··-·

5 lo 14years -----------------1510 24 years---------

------25 to 34 years-----------···. 35 to44 years ---------·

·---45 lo 54 years __ _ ---55 la 64 yeor>--------------- ---65 years and over __________ .. ---

Negro female, oil ages. ---Under5years ... ________ .. 5 to 14 V!10rs ------ ___ :: __ 15 10 24 years---------·------25 to 34 years-··----- ... 35 to 44 years--------. 45 to 54 years-------------·· 55 to 64 years--------··----· 65 years and over------··----


1n i:~'.r.r::·'.10~ _ : : : : : : Hood ------------· __ _

Primary individual __ .. Family head, Male ___ _

Female Wife of head _______________ _ Other relo!Lve of head -------­Not related lo head ----------

In group quarters -------Inmate of lnstilution __ . _. ___ _ Oth<>r ----------------------

Hegro populotlon •• __ - • In households ----------

Heotl ----------------------Primary individuaL _____ .. __ _ Family head: Male---------

Female ------­Wife of head-----­Other relative of head _ _ _ Notrelatedtaheod ______ ··-

In group quarters ____ .. __ lnmole of institution ---------Other----------------- ____ _

--· ---------------~ -.. ---

---------"' - ~

---~ ... -· ------,,_. ------··---·· ------------------------------


6, 7l4 62 117

l 258 ,,9

J2 075 2 306

99'1 l 346 1 9n

450 506

1 055 3 0'16 1 603 l JQ3 2 SQ? ' 845 2 s12 ' 020 1 311

'117 593

1 593 991\

31 639 2 298

837 l ,32 1 826

427 '146 941

2 582 l '12 l 163 2 24J 3 609 3 131 3 30'1 1 '190

515 S42

2 009 l 3!2

684 57

120 215

62 54 '17 35 9'1

SH qo 98

131 53 62 60 52 78

63 714 57 502 19 700

4 see 13 636

1 476 13 201 22 200

2 401 6 212

372 5 840

1 258 1 13'

35!1 lU 186 57

179 527

7"!> 125 70 55


Jl 272 10 714

546 10

5 223 '117 l9'1 279 '108 109 101 211 141

48 46

197 55'1 '197 648 ))0

95 195 q42 311

6 049 371 172 287 ns 116 103 201 176 95

111 307 •756 667 '767 J)O 117 190 497 391

130 q

16 20 10 7

11 22 40

'118 6

15 112 119


" 26 32

ll 272 10 1112 3 357

534 2 547

276 <. 441 II Sol

1!3 860 584 276

548 247 86 22 so 111 46

110 5

Jol 285


Counties ... Con1lnued

Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton

B 547 22 ,552 M l97 7 0,1 B )82 22 480 62 0,8 6 879

!45 37 1 998 141 20 35 161 Ii

4 .,q 1l L35 29 863 ' 518 396 1 035 2 228 261 !63 '173 995 122 258 712 l 535 176 3n 1 058 2 '11 285

9'1 21\) 575 73 95 258 590 78

175 552 l 159 1116 !08 352 l %0 100

'11 116 612 61 QI\ 103 SOI\ S'I

175 409 l 257 130 Q62 1 11\5 2 891\ 31\8 '197 1 152 ' 237 Jes 501 1 )21 3 703 '12.3 230 603 l 788 207

73 205 61\9 SQ 112 'Oll 868 106 278 691 2 210 286 !59 40, 1 288 193

4 :HJ 11 417 )q '34 3 SlJ 363 982 2 lq8 254 156 4'15 940 11' 218 672 l 51() 156 330 990 2 214 266 15 269 Sa~ 65 BB 253 592 80

!110 1177 l 175 122. 127 353 1 835 91 7a 168 eo1 57 61 141 170 411

166 1106 l '33 132 !182 l 218 3 109 :110 53B l )60 J 617 381 473 l J57 4 3B9 420 23'1 596 2 146 206

93 236 824 87 131 292 1 09'1 128 Jn 743 3 lqs 321 229 459 2 043 220

81 17 916 70 8 l 97 10

19 8 217 16 15 3 178 17·

5 2 68 6 10 1 76 'I 11 2 so 5

5 - 69 l a - 109 'I

64 20 l os2 ?1 s 'I 9B 3

14 e 237 20 10 2 LBJ 17 s 2 103 7 8 l lOB 7 6 - 109 6 5 2 107 7

11 l 137 'I

8 547 22 552 64 197 ? 031 a 520 22 460 60 695 6 973 2 766 6 717 21 Jee 2 161

509 926 q 97:a 339 2 069 5 202 14 191 1 6211

!BB 569 2 O:a5 198 2 008 5 02) 13 596 I 535 3 647 10 516 25 224 J 16'1

99 202 685 11) 27 92 3 502 sa 18 30 384 -9 62 J llB 58

145 37 1 998 I'll 145 36 1 953 11\1

'11 6 634 30 6 l 183 J

29 q JOO 17· 6 1 151 10

25 q 267 p 7'1 25 I 002 95

5 l 50 ' - 1 45 -- 1 7 -- - )8 --- ------1-----·~"


~- _,_,.,,, __ ,___._.

Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putm0t1

7 214 8 870 25 45, 27 ~25 7 1911 e 726 25 171 27 505

6$ 135 2S6 103 10 9 22 17

' 551! I\ 352 12 1190 13 691 308 321 1 09) l 239 lH 157 461\ 586 25J 264 761\ ee2 391\ ,,, 1 10& 1 22e

s< 97 28'1 316 9'1 SJ 256 ;l07

17J 156 557 567 1L5 134 '1111 '157 •n 115 163 lSB

'~ '7 1:50 lJ'I 1'19 121 '170 517 1109 '120 l '521 l 760 3q9 429 1 273 1 66) '91 526 1 '1'11 1 5'12 15'1 29'1 711 717 51 125 2:?15 l!28 89 157 ''" 306

210 qQ2 876 691 120 251 596 37)

J 716 ll 516 12 965 1) 9311 310 n2 1 us l 120 1'9 164 1169 ''' 21,8 2J9 7'9 857 325 316 1 100 ) 1116 110 79 250 295 85 105 2!Sll 2911

1117 161 5115 545 122 100 .)SJ 1122 59 49 166 2111 59 511 ~5& 2011

155 142 1188 595 1112 4,9 l .)75 l 913 1105 1176 1 '73 1 7611 '120 sse l 530 1 605 1'18 299 676 628 51 1'1 l!5B 235

l15 173 )1>7 301 262 'Ill 9118 762 174 '10 733 1175

39 73 117 50 1 a 6 l

1' 13 30 211 10 6 22 4

4 J 6 ' 2 2 10 4 - 7 9 ' l 9 18 6 8 31 12 '

26 62 139 53 II 4 11 'I 7 ' :l6 16

10 ' 23 11 2 5 q 4 l ) 14 II 1 a 14 'I - 17 16 s l 19 21 5

7 274 8 870 25 '15S 27 625 6 697 8 671 25 1:52 27 561 2. 108 2 8,o 7 681 e 362

351 532 1 1'11 929 l 589 2 026 5 92.6 6 646

168 272 614 587 l SJ4 1 929 5 722 6 055 2 971 ' 756 11 443 12 360

84 156 286 1&4 577 199 -'23 64 54b 164 2'18 37

31 35 75 27

65 !JS 256 !OJ 31 124 251 103 13 56 71 27 10 26 18 5 2 22 41 19 1 6 u :)

2 24 38 16 18 JS 138 57 q 9 4 ' 28 ll 5 "

28 9 4 . - 2 1 -

Page 22: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Cha racterist ics: (For meaning o f symbols, sec text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All mes .. _

White ___ ·-·-------Negro Other--------------

AGE Total male, all [lges

Under 5 years ....... _ 5 and 6 years-. ____ _


---------7 to 9 years------· ________ _ --

10 to 13 years ___ ----------14 ycors ····-·-·--·--··-------15 years--------·----- ---16 and 17 years_ ______ _ 18 and 19 years _____ _ 20 years---------21 vears -----------22 to 24 years _____ _ 25 la 34 years ..... __ _ 35 to 44 years .. . 45 lo 54 years .. 55 to 59 years 60 and 61 years .. 62 to 64 years ..

-----------------------· ---------

65 to 74 years·····-----··---75 years and over _ .. __ . __ . _. -·-

---Total female, ell ages_.

Under 5 years. .... __ ......... . ---5 and 6 years---------------


7to9 years .......... ·----- ------10 to 13 years---·--·-------

14 years-·····--------···--15 years-····---------··

--·--16 and 17 years _______ _

18 and 19 years. ......... . -------

20 years--------------··---- ---21 years ................ __ _ -------22 to 24 years--------------

25 to 34 years·····---------35 to 44 years ....•...

---. ----

45 to 54 years ........ . 55 to 59 years-------------60 and 61 years. .......... .. 62 la 64 vcars ..... _ .. 65 to 74 years . 75 yoars and over

Nogro mole, all ages .. Undor 5 years _____________ _

5to14years ···------------15 to 24 years-------------25 to 34 years-------------35 to 44 years-------------45 to 54 years-------------55 to 64 years-------------65 yoors and over----------

Negro female, oil ages Under 5 years--------------5 to 14 years-----------··--15 to 24 years-------···----25 to 34 years-------------35 lo 44 years-------------45 lo 54 years-------------55 lo 64 years-------------65 years and over------··---





----1r1 ~:~~~ror;s"t~i~~ _ =:: =------Head _____ ---- _____ ------- ----Primary individual ________ _ ----Family head, Male-------- ----Female ____ _

Wife of head···----------­Other relotivo of head ----··­Nol rela od to hood --------

In group quarters __ --­Inmate of institution -----·--Other .... ----------------

Negro p<1pulation ___ _ In ha.sehold• --------

Head --------------------Primary individual_ ______ _ Family head, Mole-------

Female ____ _ Wife of head-------------­Other relative of head --·--­Nol related lo head --------

In group quarters _ - __ _ lnmalr;? of institution -------Other --·· __ ---------------


Raleigh Randolph

70 080 24 596 61 769 24 290

8 078 258 233 48

):;!; 647 1~ 227 2 743 995 1 223 463 l 959 740 3 039 990

749 250 820 280

1 578 502 1 '78 485

500 212 390 205

1 207 559 3 249 I 375 3 480 1 145 4 130 1 341 1 668 622

7115 3o3 998 386

2 331 831 1 260 543

36 lf33 12 369 2 983 924 I 119 l\45 1 821 671 2 880 928

7'6 228 790 219

I 449 459 l 243 477

541 21e 556 234

1 343 .1197 3 682 I 326 4 246 I 263 4 646 1 453 2 152 727

823 255 1 093 4o2 2 831 981 1 499 662

3 590 124 286 e 823 27 600 JO no 15 220 9 311 B 412 11 608 16

4 488 134 644 6 805 26 593 37 443 9 352 11 461 13 532 17 658 15

70 080 24 596 69 153 23 373 21 647 7 475

::s 602 1 334 15 957 5 462

2 288 679 15 1112 5 2611 :H 190 10 315

704 319 927 1 223 354 489 573 7311

B 078 258 8 005 196 2 447 61

590 17 l 424 30

4n 111 I 33Q 27 4 036 106

186 2 73 62 36 29 :n 33



Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor

10 145 14 lll 13 213 13 878 10 067 13 976 12 599 13 714

63 102 575 150 15 33 39 14

4 97) 6 940 6 309 6 733 390 485 431 557 187 211 231 208 29b 366 338 389 420 542 563 520

99 143 148 148 114 164 148 207 211 287 285 357 143 216 211 196 52 83 95 65 55 72 67 60

153 251 192 228 529 703 509 708 466 724 642 705 493 825 BOS 755 276 445 366 387 !09 180 156 149 189 234 223 204 460 607 556 530 309 402 318 360

5 172 7 171 6 904 7 145 389 502 453 523 156 231 199 241 231 337 368 350 432 502 503 504

69 136 139 136 100 123 183 123 166 268 281 238 147 !BB 184 182

63 93 104 88 63 97 102 95

193 227 161 285 525 738 638 726 471 754 762 781 621 914 853 842 284 455 413 413 118 178 174 170 191 283 244 261 541 706 699 716 412 439 444 471

35 54 269 75 3 4 29 2 9 4 55 12 5 7 50 21 4 10 9 4 2 4 18 7 l 9 32 7 5 9 28 9 6 7 48 13

28 48 306 75 3 3 24 4 6 5 77 5 6 a 45 9 I Q 16 8 1 6 24 a 5 3 32 10 4 9 J3 15 2 10 55 16

10 145 IQ 111 13 213 13 878 10 019 13 170 13 148 13 642

3 346 4 319 4 299 4 591 631 750 652 915

2 1102 3 234 2 977 3 221 313 335 470 455

2 293 3 116 2 ·026 3 100 4 279 5 590 5 859 5 740

101 145 164 211 126 941 65 236

91 915 12 221 35 26 53 15

63 102 575 150 63 51 556 127' IB 15 170 54 5 2 50 19 6 11 83 23 5 2 37 12 4 11 75 23

40 211 298 44 1 I 13 6 - 51 19 23 - SI 1 22 - - 18 !

~ ;

_ ...

Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne

7 447 9 929 19 092 37 581 7 406 9 869 18 934 37 250

35 49 116 290 6 11 42 41

3 709 4 746 9 271 18 362 322 454 719 1 709 127 211 311 756 215 291 517 1 130 307 387 768 l 644

72 96 194 J91 69 98 200 415

189 200 368 775 121 119 598 569

57 50 274 217 38 35 245 189

109 156 418 755 1116 563 944 2 202 346 516 623 2 1115 402 481 949 2 072 226 240 447 851

70 101 184 :332 118 163 217 '142 292 345 697 1 137 213 240 398 6;ll

3 738 5 183 9 821 19 219 297 441 705 1 586 131 212 343 684 183 281 449 I 170 263 432 676 1 5'17

72 93 173 404 72 66 !Bl J84

127 186 365 7'10 100 120 644 6112 36 74 330 290 52 72 279 :300

145 215 416 a:n 387 586 956 2 331 )76 552 955 2 J90 1141 503 1 003 2 2116 242 :303 502 872 106 106 180 J31 136 149 298 ·5JB '39 423 804 1 186 233 349 562 7J9

22 19 52 125 1 2 6 8 2 3 6 :34

10 4 21 23 3 2 3 9 - - 1 10 - 4 6 11 3 2 4 13 3 2 5 17

13 30 64 165 2 3 5 19 1 10 10 31 2 B 15 26 3 I 2 14 - l 5 1J 2 4 9 2J 1 1 7 12 2 2 11 27

7 447 9 929 19 092 37 581 7 302 9 848 17 723 37 1176 2 422 3· 131 5 795 11 479

462 536 l 122 I 520 1 727 2 :573 4 189 B 979

233 222 4811 960 1 659 2 300 4 070 8 705 3 123 4 290 7 591 17 051

98 127 267 2111 145 81 l 369 105 108 57 24 73

37 24 l 345 3Z

35 49 116 290 28 49 106 287

9 10 32 97 2 2 a n 5 5 16 39

,.") 2 3 a 26 6 5 17 35

13 33 49 152 - l a 3 7 - 10 3 7 - - I - - 10 2

Page 23: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The StQte SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties



""'I'" -Other



Tolol malo, oil ages Uodtir !) reors :i omlh\·t!Cll'!i l to 9 l't:nrr:. I() to 1:1 vcrirs 14 y1~uri; 15 yc'(lrS 1/, ()llli 11 yO(trS 1ll nmt 19 yours ~o vt~m'.S :!l won; ... :l~ tn ~M ytrnrs :>~ ro :1.1 ve11rs :is 10 •M v<>ors 4!; tu ~)•1 YClll'!i !15 In ~,Q Yt~Ors 60 urnl Iii VCC1r5 62 to 6·1 ycurs 6'l 1u '/.s yecirs . 1~} )'!!lit·~ rmrl over

lolol fomalo, all ugu llitdt~f S ycnrs :> nml 6 venrs 7 lo 9 yf!nrs 10 10 1:1 yerirs )4 'it':i'lrS 1 S y1•nrn lh mut l'l yt.mrs 1!1oml19 yaors W yeq.,, 21 y1:;,r5 1:! h1 ~l.1 2~1 to :M veors :15 liJ J~ yUlllS 45 w ~·,.1 yoors ~5 10 ~.1'} VllClfS f,,(J (111'1 Iii yr.ors 6'l rn 6-1 VCll'-6) !(I /.I vecirs /fi 'fCW (i muJ ewer

Negro male, all ages tJ11<1er 5 ycors S IO 14 VC<lrS • 1.'i 10 ?4 yeors 25 10 ;14 years 35 lo •M years 4.'i to .~4 ycors 5S to b4 years 6!i Y'~urs attcl ever

Negro femola, all agos UndN ~' ycors . .. 5 ro 14 years .. l ~ rn 24 years 25 ro 34 yeurs 3~1 10 .14 yours 4.1 lo 54 years 55 10 6'I vccirs ., M y~orn and over


In ~~~~h.ld",tollon lieod .... .

Pnmary individual fomily head, Male ..

Female Wife of head . . . . . Orher relolive of head . Nor relaled lo

In group quarters lnmnte of institulion {llher

In ~~~~h~lf~latlon . flcu<I ................ ..

Primary individual~ __ . Fomily hood, Male ..

Female Wifo or head . . .. .. Ollwr mini ive of hood Nol rolotod 10 head

In group quarters lnmu1-e of ins1itution _ .. .- , Other ......... ..

(fol' meuning of symbols, see tcx.t}

Counties··· Continued ,, .... ""· ··~-~··· .... -.------ --~~--.-

Webster Woltel Wirt

9 809 20 J(q q 15Q 9 761 20 205 q 1Q2

26 87 10 16 22 2

q BQ6 9 926 2 107 '117 959 182 lBO 392 100 306 60Q 137 QSO 878 171 IOI 213 QJ 117 l9q '18 :i!'ll Q15 72 144 256 6J 74 loq 22 '19 110 19

16'1 J0q 79 462 1 166 22'1 410 l ISJ 184 513 1 120 216 278 '159 123 122 199 q5 160 257 73 393 6q7 182 235 416 122

4 963 10 388 2 047 QJl 9ql 149 175 l!19 80 262 62q 117 l\14 806 177 lll 153 JJ llO 208 38 226 Jes 84 169 286 50

69 139 22 55 132 23

165 qlq 71 471 1 250 232 5J!l l 174 191 565 1 lJQ 237 299 568 132 ua 167 36 160 305 67 366 764 182 231> 1196 126

11 44 5 - q -" !B l 3 5 . - 1 2 1 1 -1 6 I 2 6 -- 3 l

15 43 5 1 2 1 e 17 -2 4 l 1 6 -2 s -l - 2 - 3 -- 6 l

9 609 20 314 4 15'1 9 772 20 22Q 4 117 J 003 6 Ql6 l n2

516 l 065 242 2 157 4 876 978

;i;io 47S 102 2 065 4 726 931 4 5q3 8 857 1 627

161 22, J7 37 90 J7 10 40 14 27 50 23

.... 26 87 10 .... 26 67 10 ~ ., - 6 20 ' I 6 1

J 12 2 .... ;a 2 -·- 2 )J 2 -'"~

18 54 4 ··- - - 1

- - -~ ... - - -...... - - -····i......-.-·--

Wood Wvoming

86 818 30 095 85 6J9 29 576

l 062 q77 117 Q2

Ql 688 IQ 99q q OOJ 1 Q86 l 726 60'1 2 729 976 J 65J I 526

87J QIO 833 390

l 612 805 l 227 526

q26 207 405 168

1 863 621 5 658 l 573 4 723 1 729 4 658 l 725 l 9q2 750

771 239 l 025 293 2 216 661 l JQ3 265

45 130 15 101 3 7Ql 1 '116 l 749 602 2 530 696 3 '162 I Q25

831 379 Sql J70

l 557 763 l 388 558

699 275 753 2'2

2 158 646 5 616 l 616 5 157 l 910 5 070 l 762 2 340 686

852 202 l IJO 301 2 976 681 2 080 379

549 225 53 17

lQJ 55 117 28 37 8 72 16 JB 25 27 Ql 62 35

513 252 53 2J 95 50 BS 37 67 11 57 21 :!9 31 27 JI! 90 45

86 818 30 095 86 079 JO 058 27 6Q7 e q19

q 752 867 20 827 6 877

2 066 675 20 264 6 661 J7 023 14 606

l 124 152 740 37 210 -530 '7

I 062 q77 l OS;! 476

303 150 76 qB

178 BO 49 22

163 76 567 2'1

20 19 9 l 4 -5 l


Page 24: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


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1 ii IJ ~[:" . Ii;~,. • ·1· .... u ... ,!

f£B /8 /2 ~: ;,; ENSU F PULATION

Llt11iARy .

General Population Characteristics

(Thlsser/asaonslsts of 52 reports-number 1 for the United States and numbers 2 through 52 for the States and the District of Columbia In a/phabetlcal order rather than order of publfcatlon.)

Th is report presents 1970 census statistics on the basic demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. Data on age, sex, race, and relationship to head of household are shown for the State, each standard metropolitan statistical area, each place of 10,000 inhabitants or more, and each county or comparable area.

The data presented here are being issued in advance of their publication in Final Report Series PC( 1 )-8, which will provide additional information on the population characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. The final report for this State will be published in about 2 months.

Statistics on selected housing characteristics for the areas shown in this report are currently being issued in Advance Report Series HC(V1). An outline of the publication program for the 1970 Census of Popula­tion and Housing can be obtained free of charge from the Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233, or any U.S. Department of Commerce Field Office.

Page 25: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


Standard metropolitan statistical areas.-The Bureau of the Census recognizes approximately 250 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) in the 1970 census. These include the 231 SMSA's (including three in Puerto Rico) as defined and named in the Bureau of the Budget publication, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 196,7, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Also included are two SMSA's as defined by the Bureau of the Budget in January 1968. In addition, a number of SMSA's are being defined on the basis of the results from the 1970 census.

Except in the New England States, a standard metropolitan statistical area is a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or "twin cities" with a combined population of at least 50,000. In addition to the county, or counties, containing such a city or cities, contiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they are socially and economically integrated with the central city. In a few cities where portions of counties outside the SMSA as defined in 1967 were annexed to the central city, the population living in those counties is not considered part of the central city. In the New England States, SMSA's consist of towns and cities instead of counties. For a complete description of the criteria used in defining SMSA's, see the Bureau of the Budget publication cited above.

Places.-Two types of places are recognized in the census reports, incorporated places and unincorporated places. Incorporated places are political units incorporated as cities, boroughs, towns, and villages except for (a) boroughs in Alaska and (b) towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin. Unincorporated places are closely settled population centers without corporate limits for which the Census Bureau has delineated boundaries. Each place so delineated possesses a definite nucleus of residences and has its boundaries drawn to include, if feasible, all the surrounding closely settled area. Unincorporated places are identified with the letter "U."

Towns.-! n :this series of reports, data for towns of 1O000 inhabitants or more are shown in the reports for the New England States. In these States, towns are the primary political subdivision of the county, unlike most other States where towns are generally incorporated places.

Race.-The concept of race as used by the Census Bureau does not denote clear-cut scientific definitions of biological stock. Rather it reflects self-identification by respondents. Since the 1970 census obtained the information on race principally through self-enumeration, the data represent essentially self-classification by people according to the race with which they identify themselves. For persons of mixed parentage who are in doubt as to their classification, the race of the person's father is used. Persons of Mexican or Puerto Rican birth or ancestry who do not identify themselves as of a race other than white (e.g., American Indian, Negro, etc.). are classified as white. In the 3-category grouping shown in this report, the "other" category consists of all races except white or Negro, i.e., American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Eskimo, etc.

Age.-The age classification is based on the age of the person in completed years as of April 1, 1970.

Households and· group quarters.-All persons are classified as living in either a household or group quarters.

A household consists of all the persons who occupy a housing unit. A house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room is regarded as a housing unit when it is occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants do not live and eat with any other persons in the structure and which quarters have either ( 1) direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall or (2) complete kitchen facilities for the exclusive use of the occupants. A household may, therefore, consist of a single family, one person living alone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or nonrelated persons who share living arrangements (except as described in the next paragraph on group quarters).

Group quarters are living arrangements for institutional inmates or for other groups containing five or more persons not related to the person in charge. Group quarters are located most frequently in institutions, boarding houses, military barracks, college dormitories, fratem ity and sorority houses, hospitals, monasteries, convents, and ships. A house or apartment is considered group quarters if it is shared by the person in charge and five or more persons unrelated to him, or if there is no person in charge, by six or more unrelated persons.

Persons in group quarters are subdivided here into "inmate of institution" and "other." The former are persons for whom care or custody is provided in such places as homes and schools for the mentally or physically handicapped, places providing long-term medical care for persons with mental disorders or chronic diseases, homes for dependent children, prisons, etc. Staff members living in group quarters in such places, as well as persons in all the other types of group quarters, are classified as "other."

Relationship to head of household.-One person in each household is designated as the "head,"that is, the person who is regarded as the head by the members of the household. Two types of head of household are recognized here-the head of a family and a primary individual. A family head is a person living with one or more relatives (persons related to him by blood, marriage, or adoption). A primary individual is a household head living alone or with nonrelatives only.

In this report, all household members other than the head are shown in one of the following three categories: ( 1) "wife of head"-a woman married (either by formal or common law marriage) to the household head; (2) "other relative of head" -all persons related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption (excluding wife of head); or (3) "not related to head"-all persons not related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Symbols.-A dash "-" represents zero. The symbol "U" means that the place is unincorporated. Three dots" ... " indicate that the data are being withheld to avoid dis­closure of information for individuals.

For sale by the Bureau of the Census, Washington D. C. 20233, and U.S. Department of Commerce Field Offices, 30 cents.

Page 26: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


The corrected 1970 population count for the State is 4,417,933. The detailed distributions shown in this report have not been revised to reflect this correction because the errors were discovered after the tabulations were made. Further information will be provided in the PC( 1 )·A final report for this State.

Duluth-Superior, Minn.-Wis. SMSA-Data shown in this report relate only to the portion of this SMSA in Wisconsin; the data for the portion of this SMSA in Minnesota appear in advance report PC(V2)-25 for Minnesota.

Page 27: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970 {For meaning of symbols, see 1e•1)

Places ol The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

Appl In

Oututli-_Su~eri.m, Standardmetrnpoilton>1ohst1~culureas -~-d--- --- droi~~fL e o - M11111.-W1s.

l---T_h_e_s_tn_te--+--o-s_hk_o_sh-+-~-(_1J<1_rl_)_'-1--G-re_e_n_B_ay+--Ke_n_o_s1_10+_l_a_c_ro an -~~oukee _ RCJc1110 Allouez (U)


White_ Negro. Other

All ra:c:es _ -211 417 731

11 258 959 128 <!24 30 548

AGE TotaJ male, ell ages

Under 5 years_ ___ _ 5 and 6 years_ __ _ 7to9years __ _ 10 to 13 years. __ 14 years------------15 years _______ __ 16 and 17 years. .. 18 and 19 years_ 20 years _____ -----------21 vears __ .. ______ _ 22 ta 24 yours ___ _ 25 to 34 years __ 35 lo 44 years 45 to 54 yeurs .. 55 lo 59 years . __ 60ond 61 years _________ _ 62 to 64 years---··-··· 65 to 74 years _______ _ 75 years und over __ _

lotol femolo, all oges. . _ Under 5 years _ 5 and 6 years _ 7 to 9yeors __ _ 10 to 13 years 14 years __ 15 years .. ·-----·· 16 and 17 years. __ 18 and 19 years. __ 20 years __ 21 years ____ _ 22 to 24 years-----·----25 lo 34 years _ .. 35 to 44 years _ .. 45 to 54 years ____ _ 55 to 59 years __ .. 60nnd61 years __ _ 62 to 64 veors __ 65 ta 74 years _____ .. .. 75 years and ovor ----------·-·

Negro male, all ogu __ • __ _ Under 5 years_ _______________ _

5 ta 14 yeors --------------- .. 15 to 24 years··-········------25 ta 34 years---··--------·-··· 35 lo 44 years _____ _ 45 to 54 years------55 to 64 years . __ 65 years and over .. -······--···

Negro femo1e, 1111 ages T--­Under 5 years··········--------5 to 14 years·····--· ·------15 to 24 years··--··-··-··--25 to 34 years·····--------···· 35 to 44 years-----------·-···· 45 to 54 years----·--·-·······-55 to 64 years----------------·· 65 years and over ----·---·-··-··


Total population __ . ___ ·--In hou,.holds - ---- --. -~ ... Head ··-rrini"~,-v-in(i;;;;;iuai- ::::::~:: ---

Family head, Malo--------- .... _ Fomole ... ...

Wilo of head ____ ·------· ---Other relative of head . "" ... Not relo led lo head

In gr.oup qui11rters Inmate of instit'lltion Other --- .

, ________________ ...

In ~::,~h~fJ."1~~on:::::: ... ·-· Head ____ ...... ····--------- ..

Prlma ry individual ____ . _____ ---Family head, Mole--------- -··

Femalo ·--- .... ---Wife of hcod .... ···--·······-- ---Other relative of heod . ___ . ___ ·--Nol related to head ---------- --1n group quarters _______ .. Inmate of ins1\lution _________ ---Other __ ----- ______ --------- ·--

2 167 373 195 389 90 1157

1114 645 195 060

117 39(> 47 020 se 970 B2 158 33 '193 30 951 93 702

25{) 971 232 854 232 289 IOI! B36 38 165 52 314

129 620 77 083

2 250 356 186 8:18 86 770

139 312 186 747

44 975 44 585 85 479 84 941 40 478 37 557

100 917 255 476 237 392 243 6U2 111 0B2

41 353 56 652

154 450 Ill 712

62 1!6 B 676

17 693 12 358

7 587 6 555 JI 622 2 670 I 955

66 108 B 638

17 662 13 480

9 193 7 524 4 585 2 792 2 23'1

'4 417 7'1 4 28:3 702 l 328 B04

256 456 983 984

88 364 95& 30)

I 925 016 73 579

134 029 59 537 74 492

12B 224 124 082

32 863 6 1459

!B 26B 6 136

16 B43 70 971

3 405 4 1112 2 1177 1 6~5

276 89! 2711 8!5

206 I 870

135 663 12 946

6 144 9 860

12 6n 3 016 2 914 5 75! 5 7311 2 435 2 209 6 210

16 081 111 3119 13 3411 6 017 2 156 2 8B9 6 902 4 034

llll 228 12 314

5 797 9 338

12 216 2 948 2 961 5 1179 6 %9 2 983 2 797 6 586

16 170 14 577 14 260

6 270 2 368 3 151 8 443 6 102

112 6 9

60 15 9 6 2 5

94 a 6

52 6 7 2 6 7

276 891 267 483

78 39B 13 377 oO 443

4 57B 59 077

125 436 q 572 9 408 2 725 0 683

206 711 24 l() 12

2 12 27 ii

132 35 97

1Dato.. rafor only ta pni•t nf SMSA; aeo nntu on pngc 3,

158 244 117 917 155 992 115 623

36B l 930 I 884 364

22 217 I 689

77 536 57 727 8 115 5 240

798 3 889 2 673 I 3119 5 969 ij 0911 I 842 7 5'2 5 152

479 l 816 l 225 '182 I 761 I 208 878 3 358 2 308

I 007 429

3 144 2 109 l 255 865

1118 l 0•11 2 21>0

l 043 731 3 375 2 319 9 681 7 135

2 llO 2 496

8 1'7 6 359 7 249 6 553

I 307 3 167 2 685 461 l DO 960 653 I 456 l 192

1 5111 977

3 539 3 065 l 920 l a5q

22 440 BO 708 60 190 1 620

7'18 7 720 5 239 3 616 2 553

l 255 5 696 3 960 I 766 7 260 5 112

434 I 711 I 17' 409 l 721 I !37 BUB 3 264 2 205 951 :3 395 2 138 453 l 500 1 Oil 410 1 351 885 9117 , 821 2 682

2 208 9 704 7 331 2 l2J 6 257 6 371 2 631 7 793 6 81' l 390 3 1182 2 797

527 l 211 I 027 665 I 718 I 457

I 777 q 358 3 691 l 258 :i 130 2 608

63 307 962 1

12 11 1q1 11 303

23 23q 160 9 36 99 7 5 111 II 2 88 4 I :l2 3 7 28

21> 61 968 2 13 118 6 12 2B2 8 14 193

" 7 141 2 2 115 I 3 60 I 4 26 - 6 33

44 657 158 244 117 917 42 '161 153 787 115 710 14 168 '13 560 35 %8

3 275 7 3811 6 223 9 750 33 495 26 708 j 143 2 681 2 537 9 411 32 B02 26 017

18 200 75 194 52 778 682 2 231 I 447

2 196 4 457 2 201 79:3 2 247 924

I 403 2 210 l 283

89 368 I 930 59 111 l B78 19 17 4B4

5 9 IOJ 10 7 280

4 1 101 5 10 259

27 69 l 105 8 15 30

30 257 52 2 252 12

28 5 110

!!see corl'ection noto on page 3.

so 468 so 1111

70 284

38 486 3 377 1 486 2 347 3 299

BOS 759

l 507

q~~ 632

I 844 4 323 3 937 4 007 l 768

724 928

2 352 I 424

41 982 3 126 1 433 2 266 3 085

786 BOO

1 540 2 672 l 206 l 016 2 005 4 261 11 040 4 284 2 117

790 1 098 3 046 2 411

38 2 l

29 II 1 --1

32 2 -22 3 --2 3

BO 408 75 751 24 26B

5 321 17 394

1 553 16 921 32 605

I 957 4 717 l 211 3 506

70 41 15 7 a -B

10 B

29 2


290 272 2011 587

3 124 2 561

142 139 12 972

5 624 B 770

II 610 2 691 2 704 5 074 7 613 4 12.0 4 147

10 1111 21 140 14 446 12 945 5 075 l 783 2 424 5 492 3 393

!4B 133 12 300

5 37B 8 516

10 913 2 573 2 735 5 168 8 281 4 857 4 791

10 792 20 313 14 711 13 429

5 573 2 010 2 764 7 483 5 546

I 574 191 306 462 305 127 75 65 113

I 550 1811 299 536 203 139 71 61 57

290 272 273 584

BB 574 22 461 60 616

5 497 59 1141

112 275 13 294 16 688

4 596 12 092

3 124 2 670

889 29b 443 150 365

l 203 213 454 162

l 1403 68B l 286 043

106 532 9 113

679 ij lj t~

61 994 28 220 45 033 60 n6 14 555 14 44B 26 837 22 929

9 269 9 043

29 869 62 666 79 976 77 !lO 33 213 11 681 15 674 36 309 19 662

724 244 59 900 27 473 l\J 601 58 723 13 990 13 760 26 021 2.4 705 12 252 ll 652 34 077 87 1711 82 355 Bl 74B 36 115 p 377 17 964 47 592 31 765

50 890 7 313

14 BBB 9 501 6 021 5 435 3 BBB 2. 221 I 623

55 642 7 325

14 989 11 022

7 794 6 427 3 946 2 328 I Bil

I '103 6B8 1 372 979

432 678 87 102

310 194 35 3B2

301 455 616 247

22 599 30 709 15 878 14 831

106 sn 104 832

27 721 5 351

15 277 7 093

14 086 60 315

2 710 I 700 l 073

292 627 ---.i..-_ __ .,

170 838 159 511

ID 57?. 755

63 510 B 171 3 856 6 121 8 !36 1 985 1 840 3 487 2 717 l 002

952 ;l 329

10 145 9 593 8 853 3 692 1 297 l 782 q 073 2 •179

87 328 7 810 3 652 5 939 7 853 1 90B I BOB 3 456 2 7114 I 2BB I 236 3 971

10 707 9 589 9 318 3 927 l 377 I 856 5 134 3 755

5 186 732

I 650 96! 650 5'7 360 193 103

5 386 725

I 582 I 026

769 592 J28 219 1115

170 83B 166 977

49 796 8 501

37 739 3 556

36 817 78 382

1 982 3 861 2 558 I 303

10 572 10 393

2 5B6 431

I 553 602

I 1151 6 131

225 179 120

!:S 753 l::S 1136

248 69

7 186 6'5 352 537 786 1s::s 164 :!92 ::S35 159 !29 351 643 845 662 254 -78 99

271 111

6 567 596 323 554 671 164 154 281 185

61 62

179 862 868 657 l!35

B9 120 :l-32 172

247 --213

::sa 2 ---I ------I -

13 753 12 795

3 348 297

2 907 1414

2 858 6 518

71 958 916


246 1 ----1 --

247 247

59 ---------L----.-lr'



Page 28: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics:

The State SMSA's Places of 1 0,000

or More Counties

RACE Alt races

While Negro 01her

AGE Total mole, oil ages

U11d~r 5 ycnrs 5 and 6 yr.nrs 7 to 9 yeurs 101,, 1:1 ye11rs 14 ycurs 15 ye11rs 16 mu! 17 ycnrs 10 (Jlld 19 yums 20 yours 21 venrs 2?. to 24 yeors 25 to 34 yunrs 35 to 44 y1wrs t15 to 54 ycur ~i 55 10 59 YNll'S 60 and bl yeor~\ 62 to 6,\ yeurs 65 to 74 yrmrs 75 ycrll's und CM:r

lotnl female, all 0901 U11der 5 yenrs 5 and 6 yenrs 7 to C) yeur~1 10 to 13 yeur!i 1'1 yums 15 yenrs 16 (lllfi 17 YIJJll'S 1 B und 19 y1!ors 20 yems 21 ycnrs 22 to 24 yeurri 25 to :M yeurs 35 10 •M yunrn 45 to 54 ycurn 55 lo 59 VClll 5 60 Wlti 61 Yett!'~; 62 to 64 ve11r~1 65 to 711 ycurs 75 ycurs mid ovnr

Negro nrnle, oll ages tinder 5 5 to 14 ye11rs 15 to 24 yuur:; 25 to 34 y1!nrS 35 to 44 yeor~ 45 lo 5·1 yems 55 to 64 ynnrs 65 yenrs mill over

Negro fomole, all ugos Under 5 yours S to 14 yenrs 1 5 to 24 ycnrs 25 to 34 yem·5 35 to o\4 yeurs . 45 lo 5'1 yr.OJ'5 . 55 to 114 yuurs 65 yenrs ond ovr.r


In !~~1.~:f;~•tl•n Heud

Primnry i11dtviduul Fomily heml: Mnlo

Femule Wife of head Other rn!olive of lwnd Nm 10 hend

In group quarters Inmate of institution . Other


Nenro populntion In households .

Primory individual Fnrnily heod, Mule

fcmulr. Wife of heud ... Other rcllllivt! of hend Not rcluted lo h1md

In grou1, quarters Inmate of instilulion Other

(For meaning of symbols, see text)

I-· ··~-~·-

Auulelon Beaver Dom

57 lijJ lij 265 56 631 14 228

q5 2 267 35

27 333 6 022 2 453 584 l 202 262 2 026 475 2 627 6Q5

635 1ij0 561 1q7

l 256 282 1 103 187

1185 63 1136 74

l 198 235 3 223 75ij 2 991 709 2 80'1 766 I 217 '78

1115 120 see 188

l 3q4 519 769 334

21' 810 7 4q3 2 J57 530 1 135 266 l 695 416 2 545 564

605 149 630 lJij

1 128 299 I 349 171

6'15 79 590 69

I 381 287 J 373 BM 3 167 744 ) 131 863 1 295 409

557 161 679 265

I 973 665 1 375 548

26 I 1 ... 1 ...

20 ... - ... l ... 2 . " " ". l ...

19 l . ... - ". 17 ... . . .. - ... I ... 1 ... - ...

57 143 14 265 55 560 14 086 16 939 q 74'1

J 262 I 031 12 q97 3 ijj9

l 180 294 12 285 3 327 25 309 5 881

l 035 134 l 575 179

283 159 1 292 20

q5 2 !II ... q ... 2 ... 2 ... . ... l ... 5 ... ij ...

31 ... - ... 31 ...



Places of 1 0,000 or more-ConMued

Beloit Brookfield Chippewa

Brown Doer Falls Cudahy De Pere Eau Claire Fond du lac

" 729 32 1qo 12 622 12 351 22 078 13 309 44 619 35 515 32 9q9 32 010 12 476 12 326 21 1'7l 13 :w1 4q 3ij8 35 378

2 606 33 86 3 5 7 91 12 l7ij 97 60 22 102 88 180 125

17 165 16 Qij2 6 27ij 5 827 11 068 6 598 20 758 16 567 1 673 1 280 sqq 6;!J 1 153 625 1 606 i sqq

697 768 290 2:51 524 303 673 676 l 152 1 27ij 552 357 7ij6 qqq 1 uq I 090 I 507 l 917 680 SOii l 018 639 1 611 l 502 351 qq5 )ij9 !18 220 138 366 )57

366 '"5 ll!S 161 21'1 1'19 383 )56 688 819 256 280 398 302 832 688 785 56ij 160 208 315 523 1 580 595 239 160 46 87 121 241 723 197 252 129 6ij 71 1'12 189 591 187 809 251 171 253 508 261 I 252 719

2 1'19 1 276 780 595 l 532 689 2 206 1 980 l 867 2 578 I 115 582 I 353 615 1 895 I 781 1 722 2 322 709 631 l 251 598 2 171 1 735

790 700 223 276 528 268 95q 801 279 196 79 94 169 79 366 262 J9ij 267 79 142 237 12::! 492 379 977 450 156 :ns 419 269 J. 25' 1 046 ij66 211 76 2)9 220 lij:l 660 672

16 56'1 J.6 096 6 346 6 524 11 010 6 711 a:i 661 18 9'18 1 596 l 219 518 528 1 06'1 562 l 567 I 515 7q9 71'1 JOO 2ij2 469 J03 6)2 747 l 121 1 242 462 381 707 471 I 048 1 039 I 1167 1 7'19 648 530 ee1 597 I 513 l 452

324 453 166 150 199 144 358 319 3'1 f.lijl IJ6 122 204 152 371 366 699 790 255 260 379 ase 760 713 805 504 156 2JB J)ij 495 2 298 768 345 18() 74 104 194 239 I 000 321

"' 118 64 90 162 161 804 )42 966 270 219 259 602 261 I 366 872

2 167 I 700 907 590 1 544 658 2 128 2 074 1 926 2 7111 l 101 631 l 276 632 2 077 I 852 I 890 2 210 669 705 1 21'1 636 2 545 2 026

847 626 19J 330 54J 291 I 16q 88J Jl3 204 78 1J2 186 103 436 :i68 q73 219 83 IS3 237 1ij3 601 ~04 1 271 "'6 150 !188 SIB 328 I 825 I 41 921 285 149 461 295 257 I JijB I 246

1 239 11 '17 2 3 4 qe 5 179 l 7 ... I I l . 312 2 13 ". . 1 9 2 233 2 J . .. - 2 28 -152 1 8 ... 2 - 7 1 128 2 9 ... - - I -102 I 7 ... - - . 1

7q - . ... - - - " 59 2 - ... . " 2 1

l 367 22 J9 1 2 ' 43 7 175 2 7 ... . - . 1 3la 5 10 . .. - - 8 l 291 6 2 ... . 3 28 3 167 4 12 ... 1 . l I 143 2 4 ... 1 . 2 -!lJ - J ... . - I . 83 I l ... - - l -83 2 - ... - - 2 l

35 729 32 1110 12 622 12 J51 22 078 13 309 44 619 )5 !15 34 7119 31 982 12 483 u 100 2:1. 012 12 126 '10 sqe 34 625 11 302 8 185 )I %5 J 913 6 807 3 332 13 772 11 075

2 352 J58 315 928 1 2'17 599 J 450 2 J83 8 118 7 558 J 019 2 665 5 117 2 5:1.l 9 371 7 847

032 269 Ul :!20 qq3 212 951 M5 7 90ij 7 l!Sl 2 976 2 582 ij 995 2 470 9 168 7 652

lq 952 16 1qe 5 944' 9 46) 9 97) 6 178 16 093 15 371 591 168 98 142 237 1•16 1 515 !27 980 158 139 251 66 1 !SJ " 071 890

5ij 128 120 11'1 . . 517 485 926 30 19 60 66 I !SJ 3 55q qos

2 606 3:5 86 3 5 7 91 1:1. a 569 25 66 . .. 5 2 4J 9 694 6 27 ... 2 . 14 2 llB 1 ' ... l - 7 . q27 4 22 ... 1 . 4 2 149 1 2 .. . - - J . 393 4 17 ... 1 . l 2

1 391 l:l ij2 ... 2 2 13 2 91 2 - ... . - 15 J 37 B . ... . 5 46 3

ij 8 - ... - . 13 " 33 . - .. . - 8 ---··-'' 3

-·· ··-·-"·"·-·->"•--· -·---\ ... - ,. __ , "• ---·~~·'-"''"'-- -----· -----

Page 29: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All ram .

White_ Negro ____ ··---Other----····-

AGE Total mate, all ages

Under 5 years_ _________ _ 5 and 6 years 7 to 9 years _ 10 lo 13 years 14 years . _ 15 years -·---·

.. ,.


--.. ----.. -· l6and 17 years_ ____________ _ --

18 and 19 years .. --20yeors ____ ------------··- ·-

~~ ri02J years:::::::: ::: -: .. --25 to 34 yeurs ------···--·----35 to 44 years---------·-----45 to 54 years----------------

--.. ..

55 to 59 years ___ ·----------- -· 60and61 years .... _________ _ ·-62 to 64 years .. _ ... _ .• _ .. - __ -- --651o 74 years----------·-·· 75 years and over------·· ...

Total female, all agos _ Under 5 years _ . 5 and 6 years _ 7 to 9 years 10 to 13 years. 14yeors ----------15 years ....... . 16 ond l 7 years 10 ond 19 years 20 yeors 21 years ·-·----22 ta 24 years ... 25 la 34 years _ 35 lo 44 years_ ..... -----45 to 54 years .. _ -





---·--· ·---55 to 59 vcars .....

60ond61 year•-------'---·---·· -·· 62 ta 64 vears -··- ..... __ .. ____ _ 65 lo 74 years 75 years on<l over ---


..• Negro male1 all ages~~ Under 5 years.---·--··---- .. _. 5 to 14 years------··--·------

--·--· 15 to 24 years __ .

25 to 34 years··--35 to 44 years . _ . 45 to 54 years. __ 55 to 64 years .... _ . _. _ ... 65 years and over •.

Negro f•m•lo, oil ogos Under 5 years . __ "" _ .. ~ .. __ .... __ 5to14 years .. ··--··-····-15 to 24 years·------25 to 34 years_. ________ .....• 35 lo 44 years. __ ... ____ -----45to54 years .............. . 55 to64years ----·------··--65 years and over ••••• _


In ~:~~'.~:r:;•'.l•n _:::::: Head __________ --------- .

Primary individual ..... Family heud, Male . . ____ ...

Female ------Wifeof heod ______ ·-·----·--Other relotivo of head . _. _ ..•. Not related to heod _____ .

In group quarters .... Inmate of institution ____ "_ Other-·-··._ .•.

Negro populol/on __ In households _

Head _ _ __ Primary individual. Family head, Mole_ ........ .

Female ·-·-·--Wife of hcmL ____ .. __ Other relative of hood _. Not rolated to head . __ _

In grovp quorte-rs Inmate of institul\on Other


-· ---·


--· ·-· ---··-·-· ····-----··-

------~ . ._.

----··· -··

.. -----


(For meaning of symbols, see rext)

Franklin Glenda/e Green Bay

12 247 IJ 436 67 809 12 012 13 302 66 865

167 62 65 68 7a 679

6 465 6 '132 '11 9'14 51!'1 438 4 27'1 322 221 l 9'11 587 J92 3 021 no 60'1 3 795 140 160 949 159 169 9'13 296 301 l 725 229 189 I 570 BJ 72 614 65 q3 539

203 157 2 007 785 521 5 282 967 seq 4 303 745 9110 I\ 192 235 1106 1 8113

BO 131 703 75 158 905

172 393 2 176 66 253 l 162

5 782 7 004 45 865 519 420 4 017 280 235 l 804 1172 431 2 en 645 671 J 660 157 1110 910 139 144 9)9 279 269 1 B'3 196 160 2 0116

61 74 9111 49 69 866

ISO 153 2 475 782 657 5 206 a8o 975 q 567 616 984 " 688 197 '78 2 221

53 113 756 59 17) l 159

146 440 2 901 a2 520 2 086

154 32 35 2 2 J - 9 4

60 6 17 'IS 2 " 18 7 " 19 3 2 6 2 I II 1 q

1J ,0 JO q 2 6 - B 3 1 5 10 3 3 3 - 7 I 4 q l - - 2 l l 11

12 247 13 436 97 809 u 633 12 723 86 036

2 9111 ' 710 26 336 182 ~20 5 '127

2 6110 3 207 19 011 ll9 183 I 898

2 580 J l5l 18 6311 6 203 5 764 39 1119

109 9B l 647 'Ill! 71J 1 773 352 710 997

62 3 776

167 62 65 24 58 63

4 12 15 - - 9 4 12 5 - - l 5 12 7

ll JI 30 4 3 II

1113 4 2 142 'I 2

1 - -- ---~·--- -··-----·-·· -

Places of l 0,000 or more-- Continued

Greendale Greenfield Janesville Kaukauna

15 089 24 1124 46 426 11 292 14 990 2q 359 % 2n 11 220

6 20 51 J 93 q5 103 69

7 SOL 12 133 22 666 5 505 852 l 0'19 2 506 567 460 539 I 09'1 251 665 625 1 718 419 795 1 216 2 203 555 188 256 520 163 176 274 503 113 310 513 874 251 156 378 667 195

49 159 279 57 45 1!0 243 61

201 479 976 240 1 036 I 513 3 166 616 I 218 I 56'1 2 7110 556

740 1 513 2 146 510 213 607 826 277 73 183 J18 98 95 227 llJB 1311

167 492 982 203 62 236 467 159

1 see 12. 291 23 740 5 787 793 I 010 2 261 560 4J3 %3 I 073 273 658 860 I 6511 401 764 1 113 2 OSJ 508 150 2qe 521 119 1611 256 <175 1311 284 479 859 251 17' 355 655 188

68 175 :JM H 72 170 324 81

268 568 I 165 267 I 206 l 561 3 242 644 l 132 I 611 2 634 '73

688 I 564 2 094 611 247 5711 967 247

BO 194 JM 101 96 250 5J9 118

195 503 I 1114 360 97 JJ7 I 062 277

" 7 36 1 - 2 J ... ' I " ... - - IS ... - 1 " ... . l 2 ... 1 - 2 ... - l 2 ... - I I ... 2 D 15 a - 1 - ... - 2 I.\ ... - I J ... - 1 I ... 2 3 3 ... - I I ... " 2 2 ... - 2 l ...

15 089 211 42'1 46 1126 11 292 15 077 24 023 46 000 II 198 3 939 6 897 l'I 031 J 187

263 714 2 57J 516 J 535 s 857 10 508 2 492

1111 326 950 179 J q9J 5 75q 10 293 2 qq5 7 579 11 157 21 106 5 476

66 215 570 90 12 401 426 911 - 401 344 51 12 - 82 43

6 20 51 J 6 16 31 ... I II IJ ... - - 5 ... 1 4 7 ... - - I ... 2 11 s ... ' 7 13 ... - l - ... - q 20 ... - I.\ 20 ... - - - ...

·-· ~--·----···--""-- -- '

Kc:~,:1 -~~:.~:~ ---

Madison r-----"-

78 805 51 153 173 258 76 625 So B9J 168 467

l 921 6ij 2 607 259 196 2 ieq

38 163 2J 632 BJ 607 J 507 1 622 7 058 l 751 801 2 958 2 629 1 292 q 5'11 3 271 l 915 6 053

765 477 1 379 731 456 l 369

1 491 903 2 685 I 483 l 683 5 789

631 675 J J6ij 537 '178 J 1100

l 571 l 216 7 368 4 747 2 JBO l;<! 921 4 OBS 2 267 7 832 II 442 2 511 7 1119 I 810 I 151 2 796

6:ll llB2 954 761 615 l 343

l 968 I 559 2 9JJ 1 349 947 L 715

40 M2 27 Sil 89 651 3 5112 I 715 6 9q3 1 655 776 2 975 2 5'6 I 2BJ II 509 3 272 I 803 5 631

761 463 1 ,.~ 7113 519 I 362

1 443 995 2 715 1 61l 2 260 6 568

758 I 009 II 056 6110 819 J 945

l S71 I :3113 7 701 4 864 2 :iaa 12 081.\ q 170 2 473 8 261 4 647 2 aao 7 792 l 9lJ l 1178 J 273

688 551 I 228 959 776 l 684

2 622 2 256 4 5111 l 9<17 I 7'4 3 260

956 35 I 347 140 I 1M 303 - l!SO 156 28 415

98 4 262 1ll l 101 ea - 57 30 - 59 28 l :19

965 29 I 260 118 2 157 282 - 221 193 21 1129 1110 J 175 ll5 - !OS

60 - 64 211 2 56 33 l 53

78 805 51 153 173 258 76 861 47 J:lO 158 899 24 2115 16 159 55 098

4 756 4 302 17 JB9 17 529 10 625 JQ OJI

l 960 I 2;!2 3 678 17 045 10 3~4 '' 3()8 34 5Q3 19 178 59 2411

1 028 l 669 II 189 1 94'1 J 823 l'I :J59

738 1\78 2 608 1 206 J 345 II 751

l 921 bl\ a 607 I 870 J7 2 267

482 15 77J 102 7 266 279 a J82 101 - 12~ 258 8 318

l LOO 6 984 30 a 1911 51 27 ;!40 12 - 49 39 27 291 .... ~.--.-~. "-----~·-

Page 30: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


t General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued ~

!For meaning of symbols, sec text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000 or rnore·-Conlinued

Places of 10,000 ------ -~ ----- ------~ Muskego,

or More Menomonee Counties Manilowoc Murinctto Marshfield Menasha Fulls Menomonie Mequon Milwn11koo

"----~·----· ---- ----- - ------RACE

33 '130 12 696 15 619 Ill 905 31 697 11 275 12 110 717 099 10 '120 11 573 White. 33 267 12 671 15 580 Ill 852 31 610 II 128 12 00'1 605 372 10 368 11 55'1 Negro •. 2 2 2 23 5'1 76 105 osa II " Other 161 25 37 51 M 93 JO 6 639 'II 15 A(;E

Total mole, all ogos 15 673 5 9)7 1115 20'1 15 891 5 '182 6 105 3'11 910 152 5 BSJ Under 5 years I :no .518 735 675 I 505 317 '167 31 710 397 605 5 and 6 years 6'13 220 30'1 32'/ 879 108 251 1J 098 223 3211 7 to 9 years --k• 928 360 502 532 '178 189 'ISO 20 592 J39 '192 10 lo 13 years 36'1 528 652 687 887 257 67'1 27 '13'1 526 650 14 yours .. 338 132 170 180 '15'1 66 165 6 613 116 125 15 years_.. . 352 l'IS 185 139 381 66 !'18 6 677 1)6 1'12 16 and I 7 years. 681 275 322 332 7'11 1'7 280 12 396 2'17 263 18 and 19 yeurs .. 503 203 259 248 525 823 198 12 JB7 161 166 20 years 215 97 82 B5 134 1163 55 5 '139 76 51 21 years ···" _ .. 185 54 72 79 lJ'I 386 119 5 512 69 56 22 to 24 ycors • 651 215 337 306 362 510 21'1 18 379 252 !SO 25 to 34 years 657 616 851 6'11 l 8116 '179 sea '12 973 684 659 JS to 44 years 618 537 716 740 2 5'17 J75 656 36 150 671 860 45 to 54 years 830 632 770 762 l 696 372 806 37 570 670 6111\ 55 to 59 yeurs 905 367 366 367 '182 188 JOO 17 526 190 250 60 and 61 years 324 125 135 135 150 6'1 8'1 6 5'15 65 59 62 to 64 years . 451 163 156 173 160 120 121 0 6oe 71 107 65 10 74 years 176 'l~O 506 '105 320 302 251 20 91'1 !Bl 158 15 years and over 722 260 293 191 195 260 llB 11 379 78 92

Total fomolo, all oges 17 557 759 20'1 7 701 15 806 5 793 6 005 375 189 5 260 5 720 Under 5 years I 257 '197 678 675 1 1113 29'1 '1'17 30 996 362 !IJ2 5 ond 6 yems 613 202 297 28B 857 115 2J'I 13 007 161 276 7 to 9 yeors 9'13 341 '161 1188 JB5 1911 '115 19 991 JO'I •172 10 to 13 yeors 300 505 626 661 827 277 629 27 066 119'1 633 14 years JJS 149 132 160 397 55 153 6 524 122 L36 15 yams 351 129 142 165 368 65 150 6 '162 132 1112 16 mtd 17 years 676 279 296 290 679 154 262 12 323 241 241 18 ond 19 ycors 620 217 3911 275 '1411 911 17) 13 996 162 !61 20 years 283 109 182 137 167 1152 85 7 '166 76 56 21 yenrs . 258 84 150 136 139 '78 '19 7 394 9'1 58 22 to 24 ycurs 77'1 2119 1138 '107 1136 3'15 103 21 075 291 162

J 25 to 34 yeors 667 6'12 85'1 8211 2 288 4113 663 '13 986 720 800 35 to ,14 year's I 726 580 763 761 2 1133 393 922 38 '150 710 776 45 to 54 years 2 OJ6 793 886 873 l 5211 'IJB 791 '11 480 668 MB 55 to 59 years .. 979 1122. 3911 386 '158 218 278 20 008 236 222 60 ond 61 years .. 379 169 151 !117 161 98 117 7 610 61 61 62 to 64 veors 555 203 2J8 207 1'17 lJQ 61 10 '117 96 8'1 65 to 7•1 yours 617 6'16 6J5 5,5 '118 '131 295 28 1168 220 139 75 years one! over 18'1 SqJ 1185 286 265 J98 158 18 '150 118 101

Nagro male, all oge1 13 39 qo 50 006 Under 5 years I 5 7 263 ... 5 to 14 years. l 10 111 720 ... 15 to 24 years ... 27 5 9 212 ... 25 to 34 years . 6 6 5 BBS ... 35 to 44 yenrs 3 7 5 J50 ... 45 to 54 years _ 5 3 811 55 to 64 years 2 2 162 65 years and over. - I 583

Negro fomalo, nll ages .. 2 10 15 36 55 082 J Un~er 5 years 7 27'1 ... S to 14 years 10 l'I 893 ... 15 to 24 years 14 q JO 876 ... 25 lo 34 years ... l 7 7 716 ... 35 to 44 years ... 9 6 J55 45 to 54 years 5 J 886 55 ta 64 yeors ... 2 298 . .. 65 yeors and over ... 1 78'1 ... RELATIONSHIPTO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD

717 099 111 ~~~~1.~~rd~atlon

JJ 'IJO 12 696 15 619 14 905 31 697 11 275 12 110 10 '120 11 573 32 M4 12 510 15 125 !Ii 808 )! 552 8 279 11 882 700 '7J 10 JSJ ll 5Jl

Heud 10 905 4 167 " 792 II 1190 7 95'1 3 002 J 163 236 981 J 272 2 9qq f>ri11rn_r_Y i~,·(iivid~,-,;1- 2 'IJl 9112 I 065 826 555 809 195 60 779 598 202 family head, Malo 7 788 863 J 1121 3211 7 092 2 OJ5 2 875 151 187 2 QB9 2 623

Female 686 362 J06 340 307 ise 93 25 015 185 119 Wifo of hend 7 635 2 770 JS9 J 239 7 032 l 990 2 819 1'15 '183 2 '157 2 57'1 ·Other relative of iie()ci 13 770 5 '122 606 6 899 16 379 2 828 5 822 JOI 676 q '156 5 941 Nol relotcd to hetHI '"" 151 368 160 107 1159 1a 16 0,, 168 72

In group quarters 776 186 49'1 97 1'15 2 996 228 16 726 67 42 In mule of ins Htution 512 1119 28'1 26 93 140 l 6 553 25 42 011mr 264 37 210 69 52 2 856 227 10 173 112

2 23 54 76 105 088 11 'I 22 18 76 10'1 120 11 ...

7 6 20 27 540 l ... J 5 331 3 20 15 121

7 OBS ... W•fe of head ...... 5 " 21 13 938 ... Other relotive of heud 10 l 33 59 980 ... Not related to heod 7 2 2 662

In group quarters 36 968 ... inmate of i1rntilution .. "" Other J6 5J5 ··-·-·--,..-- ··----------··· ---·~-----.. - -··----··-- •-·-·-·-•~n•••~m

Page 31: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (for mooning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All nices

White ____ _ Negro ____________ -Other _____ ------.

AGE Total male, o!I ages

Under5 years __ , ____ _ 5 and 6 years ___ ., -7to9yeors ______ _ 10to13 yeors _____ _ 14 years __ ------ -----15 years __ --------------- -16 and 17 years 18 and 19 years __ -20 years--------

§~ ri'lf 1 yeiir"s: · 25 ta 34 years _ 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years _____ _ 55 to 59 years _______ _ 60 and 61 years _______ -62 to 64 years _________ _ 65 to 74 years-----------75 years and over------------

Total female1 all ages __ Under 5 years ________ ------_ 5 and 6 years ___________ _ 7 to 9 years-----------10 to 13 years _______ _ 14 years _ 15 years __ _ ___ -----16 and 17 years_ ___________ _ 18 and 19 years _________ _ 20 years---------------21 years -------- ---- .. 22 to 24 years------------25 ta 34 years ___ ---- ____ .. _ 35 to 44 years--------------45 to 54 years--------------55 to 59 years--------60and61 years ____________ _ 62 to 64 veors -------··-------. 651o74years __ _ __ 75 years and over __________ _

Negro male, all ages __ _ Under 5 years ______________ _ 5 ta 14 years--------15 to 24 yeors ______ ._ ______ _ 25 to 34 yeors __ ------------35 to 44 yeors --------------45 to 54 years--------------55 to 64 years--------------65 years and over-----------

Negro female, all ages _ Under 5 years ______________ _ 5 to 14 years---------------15 to 24 years--------------25 to 34 years-------------· 35 to 44 years---------------45 to 54 years--------------55 to 64 years--------------65 years and over-----------






-· ----



---~ .. ~ ----·------·--------·-------------------·

--------· --------------· --

----1. 1~~~1.~~r:~0 '.1~~ _: :: : : _

Head _______ ------------- _ Primary individual. _______ _ Family head, Male--------

Female _____ _ Wife of head---------------­Other reloliva of head ------­Not related to head ----------

In group quarter:S -----­lnm£Jte of instilution --------Other __________ ----------

Negro population _____ _ In households ------·---

Head _____ ----------------Primary individual_ ___ ,. ___ _ Family head, Male --------

Female-----­Wife of head------·--------Other relative of head ______ _ Not related to head --------

In group quarters __ lnmote of institution --------Other---------------- ____ _




Neenah New Br.din

22 892 26 937 22 776 26 837

7 17 109 83

11 073 13 399 l 101 1 228

536 698 873 1 185

1 083 1 663 240 351 258 324 473 583 335 398 121 132 116 95 •122 262

l 435 1 6111 1 352 2 174 1 112 l '160

445 453 171 126 211 164 512 315 277 121

11 819 13 538 1 034 1 263

503 732 822 I 208

1 069 1 507 266 335 258 325 450 577 394 387 157 135 1511 95 513 ;i.q9

1 494 1 995 1 399 2 072 1 174 1 385

488 382 202 13q 274 164 680 323 •188 170

2 8 - 2 - 1 - -- 3 - 1 l 1 - -1 -5 9 - 4 1 -l 2 - 2 - l - -- -3 -

22 892 26 937 22 682 26 905

6 740 6 768 1 146 375 5 218 6 160

376 233 5 127 6 077

10 455 13 886 360 174 210 32 150 9

60 23

7 17 5 17 2 5 - -2 s - -- 3 l 9 2 -2 -2 -- -

Oak Creek

13 901 13 743

47 Ill

7 017 769 399 606 740 164 167 291 202

65 61

220 972 999 736 253 58 81

155 77

6 884 701 387 578 736 159 146 268 174 86

100 264

I 102 946 6'16 189 69 74

179 60

25 6 3 8 3 l II --

22 6 5 6 1 3 l --

D 901 13 895

3 505 308

3 124 153

3 072 7 097

141 6 -6

47 47 10 -10 -10 26

I ---

Places of 10,000 or more-·Continuud -••"""-~-•-•""""""""-----·-•no m .. ·•••••-•

Oshkosh Rncine St. Francis Sheboyuon South

Shorewood Milwouker. ---- --- ---- ---- _'" _______ - ··---- -~·-·---·-····- ·-·--- -·-- -----·-

53 221 95 162 10 489 48 484 15 576 23 297 52 889 84 667 10 435 48 293 15 458 23 175

103 10 008 4 111 35 5 229 487 50 177 83 117

25 '155 45 835 5 311 23 280 6 797 ll 498 l 905 4 623 381 2 099 501 l 007

840 2 037 201 934 244 517 l 335 3 161 315 l 432 368 831 l 612. 4 185 454 l 889 sos l DB

4Ul l 016 138 496 U9 286 491 961 98 463 ll!J 275 679 I s20 231 874 257 512

2 025 l 499 261 750 192 351 l 007 591 118 288 74 1<?9

839 543 126 277 68 126 1 621 2 007 328 978 271 463 2 800 5 579 645 2 539 872 l 3115 • 315 4 926 656 2 1177 721 I 428 2 395 4 911 699 2 648 733 l 359 l 156 2 148 218 1 289 367 541

404 774 67 476 179 177 620 l Oil 95 667 216 223

l 471 2 519 195 I 646 583 1151 699 l 524 85 l 058 364 259

27 766 '19 327 5 178 25 204 8 779 11 799 l 796 4 381 3113 l 903 497 l OBJ

799 l 949 163 899 224 467 l 276 3 032 302 l 349 3111 766 1 777 4 094 457 l 903 527 1 092

445 994 111 455 147 284 440 960 115 4411 D7 256 849 l Bil 210 834 270 1rnii

2 333 l 557 186 836 215 395 l 195 753 101 390 111 185 l 019 750 101 367 115 175 I 600 2 443 229 1 070 386 481 2 671 5 833 557 2 622 980 l 377 2 513 5 087 689 2 491 864 I 490 2 732 5 379 691 2 9M I 002 l 353 l 381 2 408 2<19 I 491 550 559

511 845 69 560 an 172 756 l 189 124 794 3311 232

2 024 3 421 269 2 296 l 124 577 l 649 2 '141 192 l 536 723 371

56 4 91'1 4 9 17 J q 705 ... II 3 l 2 I 560 ... - 3 -30 907 ... 2 6 l

13 625 ... 2 4 I 3 510 ... I - -l 337 ... - - -- 179 ... - - -3 91 ... . l -

47 5 094 - 5 18 2 6 694 - - 2 1 3 l 499 - - 2 -29 956 - 3 6 l 5 741 . - 4 -l 569 - - I -- 306 - l I -1 201 - l 2 -2 128 . - - -

53 221 95 162 10 489 48 484 15 576 23 297 q1 957 94 268 9 822 117 806 15 446 23 113 16 126 29 851 2 952 16 011 5 913 6 650

4 055 6 174 500 3 408 1 782 909 10 858 21 043 2 292 11 529 3 648 5 325

1 213 2 634 160 1 0711 483 1116 10 582 20 467 2 243 11 2711 3 559 5 212 19 266 42 694 4 539 19 976 5 658 11 043

I 9BJ l 236 88 545 316 208 5 264 894 667 676 130 184

qoJ 428 98 544 49 94 4 86) 466 569 13'1 81 90

103 10 ooa 4 14 35 5 35 9 959 ... 111 29 q 13 2 476 ... 6 9 -8 Ql6 ... 5 2 -q l 481 ... l 6 -l 579 ... - 1 -J l 388 ... I 8 l 14 5 885 ... 5 10 3

5 210 ... 2 2 -68 49 ... - 6 1 2 1 ... - - -66 48 ... - 6 l -----"-------·--------- --- .... _____

Stevens Poin1 ------

23 479 ·23 356

24 99

11 503 812 3114 602 784 !Bl \7l 3117

l 692 655 505 826

1 096 890 902 434 161 222 537 340

11 976 727 342 558 735 192 176 403

I 667 673 486 687

I 003 956

l 067 496 201 265 784 550

18 --10 6 2 -. -6 2 l l I --l -

23 479 19 001

5 938 l 379 4 125

434 4 007 8 10

95 4 478

14 4 33

2 l


l --- ·-·-·------

Page 32: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Co<Jnties

RACE All rotes

Whito N-cgro Olher

AGE Total male, all ages

Undor 5 yours 5 ond 6 ycms 7 to CJ yenrs 10 to 13 ye11rs 14 your!. 15 yeors 16 and 17 ye11rs 18 ond 19 years 20 years 21 vcors 2210 24 YClll'S 2 5 to 34 yl!mr) 35 to .14 y1wrn 45 10 5·1 ycms 55 lo 59 yenr!i. 60 ond 61 YL'Ul'S 62 to M yc11r!1 65 to '/•I ycnrn 75 ycmr, mul Ov!!r

Total female, all ages Under 5 yr.nn1 5 and 6 yeurs 7 fu 9 yeors 10 In I'.! yem·s 14 years 15 ycors 16 cuul I 7 yenrs 10 and 19 yHU(5

20 yNlf!i 21 ycurs 22 to 2•1 yenr~ 25 lo 34 ytlors 35 to ·1'1 yeors 45 tu 54 ynor~1 5 5 lo 59 ~·1mrs 60 ond 61 yc<ini 62 lo 64 vonrr, 65 to 74 yeorr. 75 ycors uncl over

Negro malo, all ages Under 5 yem5 5 to 14 yeut'!l 15 IO 24 yC<ll's 25 to :14 ytmrr. 35 to 44 yimrs 45 to .5i1 yours .~5 lo 6•1 yoorn 65 y!!Orn ond over'

Negro female, all ayes Undor 5 ycors 5 to 14 yenn; 15 to 24 y1:0ts 25 lo 3'1 yenrs 35 10 44 yc:ur:: 45 lo 5·1 yuurs 55 to li4 yonrs 65 WOI'!> und OYl.)r


1n 1:~~~rordu~ouan Heod

Prirnury indivlduol fom1ly twnd: Mole

Fcmulo Wife of hend Other rr.lutive ol hrmd Not rnluf(!d to lwml

In graup quarten Inmate of in&tilution Other

Negro populotlon In household•

Heod , , Prlmury 1ndividuul Family hem], Mnh>

hmm Ir. Wife ol hood , Olher rnlativc.1 of hemJ Nol rclolcd to heucl

In ~roup quarters lnmnte of mstilution Olhcr


(for me(rnmg of symbols sec text)

~--··----·--·-~·- -~-·---·-.. ·~ ~

Superior Two Rivers Watertown --

3<! 237 13 553 15 663 31 655 1' 5~3 15 6q2

79 l I 303 29 40

15 026 6 589 7 1197 l 195 561 623

521 279 29q 909 400 407

1 229 598 581 ,,2 147 157 324 140 131 590 295 276 614 215 354 369 <ll 15$ J69 80 133 851 232 382

I 632 730 854 ! 450 770 752 l 024 729 792

923 309 372 319 !JO 136 ijij6 182 203

l 063 q59 551 666 222 31111

16 1111 6 96q 8 166 I 129 562 579

q97 268 251 862 431 qs8

l 190 550 566 308 155 136 281 lq6 1q5 591 269 288 784 2)2 298 396 105 1311 31111 98 127 767 277 Jq8

I 568 740 882 I 1189 769 786 1 93) 761 919 l 015 ,42 '167

:l89 13' 168 502 225 2sq

I J90 527 793 976 3511 587

56 l . . ... . II ... . 23 ... .

8 ... . 6 ... . l ... . l ... . 2 ... -

2l . I 2 . ... 6 . ... 7 . ... 6 . . .. 2 . ... . . ... . . ... . . ...

32. 237 ll 553 15 683 JO 1189 13 ll59 14 qa6 10 577 4 281 4 675

2 ·11s aoe 979 6 927 l 219 3 511

935 254 385 6 691 3 145 3 ij25

12 676 5 9110 ' 9q1 5115 93 18,

I 7q5 9'1 I 257 367 114 7'0

I 361 50 507

79 l I 50 ... ... 15 ... ...

5 ... ... 6 ... ... 4 ... ... II ... . " 25 ... ... 6 ... ...

29 ... ... I ... ...

28 ... ... -·-·· --.. -· .. -----·-""

Places of l 0,000 or more-Conllnuod

Waukesha Waosou Wauwatosa

110 258 32 B06 SB 676 39 692 32 726 58 012

126 q 397 240 76 207

19 563 15 q17 27 5611 2 O!J l 233 l 858

876 514 946 1 J44 94q l 624 1 7q4 l 308 2 331

389 323 603 407 309 590 701 649 l 064 864 690 198 365 217 280 362 177 275 994 629 800

a 101 I 657 2 e18 2 237 l 618 3 22'1 l 941 l 870 3 574

71:S 821 I 652 271 306 663 366 q32 968 799 I Oq9 2 :ass 1130 671 1 :<41

20 695 17 389 31 112 I 931 1 115 1 ae9

869 528 930 l 34q 799 l 633 1 731 I 258 2 22S

:S18 324 552 :57' 325 522 7'1 635 I 130 999 768 992 118q 302 q19 4110 270 Jel

I 120 7q5 977 2 7111 1 720 3 150 2 227 1 83e :s ;iq8 I 968 2 126 4 06l

806 9al 1 96lS 3'10 376 7711 398 5q9 l 1)9

I 102 1 sa1> 2 918 713 I 142 2 IO!I

55 2 2211 l ... a

' ... !;17 ll ... 117

9 ... ,, J .. . 22 2 ... 22

' .. . 20 l ... 21

71 2 17J 7 .. . 3 3 ... JI

qq .. . 118 8 ... :u

" ... 22

' . .. 21 l ... 14 l ... j3

110 258 32 801, 58 676 38 662 31 961 5'1 759 u 7116 10 9'18 17 927

2 056 2 613 l !Ill 8 891 7 539 13 6a2

801 796 I 162 a 102 7 376 l3 371

17 582 12 990 22 922 6JO 667 539

I 596 aas l 917 2qJ q68 l 429

l 35' 357 498

126 II 397 5J ... 56 16 ... 18

4 ... 2 11 . .. 16

1 ... . 9 ... 14

24 ... 21 4 ... 3

7l ... 341 14 ... :s:n 59 ... 10

~·---- ----·-


Whitonsh Whi!OW0(6! West Allis Wost Bend Boy

·-·~~·· ~'""""""-~'"'""·"--·-

7l 723 16 55$ 17 39q 12 038 71 4119 16 520 17 291 11 BH

19 :s 29 011 255 :?12 74 U;Q

34 Wil a 126 8 298 6 OllO 2 e:sa 882 6:SJ :!!19 1 2ie 1106 :SU uo l 9011 611 580 187 2 703 7511 7q9 ;iq7

690 189 213 611 671 162 207 66

1 310 329 :no 1a 1 067 ;.>;66 244 1 11'2

4611 B2 71 u~ 4118 76 78 I 7110 )108 21a 696 4 2119 1 OBJ 816 Ull 3 837 896 l 056 .11911 II ll:SS 776 1 078 :SO!S 2 076 355 q&7 llUll

7117 107 163 q6 9'1 162 25!1 63

l 941 1105 ll?l 111.9 1 087 277 aoo ll'

37 354 8 1129 9 096 11 990 2 819 818 61!1 ;u7 1 199 3119 300 lll 1 992 !153 536 1611 2 70:S 694 770 IHO

687 161 206 ,56 636 165 177 60

I 30;.! :S16 392 Ull I U7 261 .229 1 601

638 111a 90 a"'' 587 1211 eo 11 I 94q 1137 2117 11111 " 11>0 1 063 962 3'18 3 907 ee1 I 158 ))9 II 891 878 1 1128 ;a(IB 2 2!.12 JllQ .!l'l(l ~:'10

776 l!JJ 191 '11 I 08!1 1811 l!.711 "11 2 6115 !$04 779 11116 1 94'1 397 )jq ll'118

u it 17 110 2 ... I l l ... 6 -4 .. . .!l ,,, 2 ... i II . ... . ~ - . .. :s -- .. . - L - ... " . 8 1 a qq 3 . .. l 1 - ... l 8

l ... a •11 . . .. l ~ - ... 1 ~ - . .. 2 l 1 ... . 1 3 ... . -

71 723 16 ::15!5 1'1 l9Q a o::ie 70 645 16 197 17 ))8 6 7152 2l 546 ij 807 ' :S91 2 .11!)'1

4 599 BOl 701 710 17 375 J 71;!1 4 ll8 1 11111

1 572 293 J52 t):I 16 961 l 632 II 259 I 3711 29 2'15 7 562 7 5'ij a 4 l!I

893 )96 IJll '106 1 0'78 ;?158 56 5 l!:llO 864 335 . 196

214 23 !16 ~ O\lO

19 ) 29 811 IS .. . 29 8

5 . .. 6 II :a . .. - ' ' . .. 6 1 - ... - N

3 ... 6 1 a ... 16 a 2 . .. I 1 1 ... - 76 1 .. . - ~ - ... - 76 ···--- --·----~ . ..,- "'--"""""'"''""

Page 33: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (for meaning of symbols, see text)

The State SMSA's Places of 1 0,000

or More Counties RACE

White ___ An ~~~~s_:::::::::::::: g;,~~~ ::::::::: ::::::::::-AG~

Ta-tal mole, all ages ____ _ Under 5 Yenrs ------· ----------5 and 6 Years _______ . _________ _

7to9years -------·-··-·---10 lo 13 years-------------·· 14 years----------------15 years··----------·--···· 16 and 17 years _____ ---------18 and 19 years __ ,. ___________ _

~? ~:~~; ::::::::::::::::::::~ 22 to 24 years----------------25 to 34 yeors -----------·-·-· 3510 44 yeors ---------··------45 to 54 years __ --····--·----·· 5510 59 years·------------


60 and 61 years ______________ _

62 lo 64 years------------··· .. 65 to 74 years----------------75 years and over-------------

Total female, all ages ___ _ Under 5 years ________ ., -- .. --5 ond 6 years----·-·----------7to 9 years------------------10to13 years----------------14 yeors -----·· -----·--------15years ··--------------16ond 17 years ________ .. 18 and 19 yeors ______ ,__ 20yeors .. ------------------21 years ---------------------

--22 ta 24 years ___ .. -------- __ _ 25 to 34 years--------------·-35 lo 44 years----------···---45 ta 54 years---------------55 to 59 vcors __ -------------


60 and 61 years_ ____________ _

62 to 64 vears ----------··· __ _


65 lo 74 years---------------75 years and over------------


Negro male, all ages----Under 5 years _______________ _ ----

5 lo 14 years----------------15 la 24 years---------------25 to 34 years---------------35 to 44 years---------------45 to 54 years---------------55 to 64 years----------------65 years and over ------------


Negro female, all ciges __ Under 5 years _______________ _ ----5 to 14 years----------------15 to 24 years---------------25 to 34 years---------------35 to 44 yeors ---------------45 to 54 years---------------55 10 64 years---------------65 years and over ------------



Total population -----­In households ··---------

Heod ----------------------Primary individual _________ _ Family head, Male -------··-

Female ------­Wife of head---------------­Otherrelotive of head -------­Not related to head ----------

In group quarters ------­Inmate of institution ---------Other.··--------------------

Negro population. ____ _ In households ----------

lleod ----------------------Primary individuof _________ _ family head, Male ---------

Female ------­Wife of head---------------­Other relative of head -------­Nol related to head ----------

In igraup quartel'1 ------­Inmate of institu1ioo ---------Other----------------------

------------------------------------,, __


Places of

"r ~~;~~~on. Wlsco~si11

Rapids Adams

18 587 9 2Jij 18 q94 9 139

2 28 IOI 67

a 95'1 'I 66'1 825 350 JSS IM 6q2 276 886 '130 208 105 206 ll5 375 180 253 133 101 40

93 36 3111 116 948 l!OI 983 1151

I 055 507 '171 289 157 99 2511 182 519 q93 279 297

9 6J;l " 570 78;l 31) ,54 178 562 298 870 389 204 90 210 75 367 184 27;l 97 127 55 14;5 32 37' )q5 989 4q1

l OBJ 459 l 131 541

509 277 1711 112 262 162 680 421 539 301

l 7 ... 2 ... -... 2 ... . ... 2 ... -... l ... -I 21 ... 2 ... ll ... 2 ... I ... 3 ... -... l ... l

18 587 9 z3q 18 315 9 )6q

5 79~ J 02B l 107 578 q 339 2 316

350 13q q 253 2 :!JO a 064 3 785

202 121 272 70 205 66

67 q

2 2B ... 2B ... q ... l ... 2 ... I ... q ... 20 ... -... -... -... -

Ashland Bari~ BaiHelti

16 7QJ 33 955 11 683 15 972 33 95q 11 071

2J 9 J 7Q8 92 609

8 266 16 786 5 968 705 I 269 qq9 3'19 581 21s 501 I 062 338 682 l 575 515 173 398 1)9 179 Q09 137 329 819 2'17 352 5Bll 153 120 185 54 150 12.S 55 308 '199 185 70'1 l 551 518 705 l 630 507 880 l 877 693 ij61 930 379 192 380 170 2qq 502 250 690 l Q2S 6•19 sq2 979 336

a q77 17 169 5 715 661 1 21:i 'Ill! 290 6)6 200 465 I o'q 331 642 l 527 q96 146 351 1)9 189 377 117 365 7q5 241 305 515 127 166 199 60 118 178 38 262 5711 178 727 l 590 5)1 809 l 767 q77 876 2 006 755 510 965 '102 212 372 161 299 531 211 787 I 55q 521 628 I 053 3'9

11 5 -l 2 -- I -7 1 " - - -2 - -- l -1 . -- " "

12 " ' l I ... - - ... 10 I . .. - - ... - I ... - - ... - 1 ...

1 - ... 16 743 33 955 II 683 16 076 33 472 II 587

S 301 10 606 J 765 l 257 I 972 776 3 606 a 01e 2 793

q39 556 216 3 LISS 7 797 2 652 7 061 IQ 563 q 982

256 506 168 667 QB' 96 260 J1Q 6Q Q07 169 32

2JI 9 3 7 9 ... 3 l ... 2 - ... 1 I ... - - ... I 2 ... 1 6 . .. 2 - ...

lo - ... - - ... 16 - ...


--Brown Bulla lo Burnell CJlumel Chlpp-0wa


158 2qq IJ 7q3 9 276 27 6Qq q7 717 155 992 13 726 9 010 27 51q 47 606

368 " 9 2 9 I asq 17 257 88 102

77 536 6 915 q 70J 13 817 23 797 8 115 594 3q5 I 532. 2 2.91 3 889 255 136 708 I 092 5 969 463 28ll l !Oll l 679 7 532 610 357 I 360 2 2li0 l 816 159 95 334 521 l 761 179 118 306 589 3 358 296 203 615 I 06ll 3 lll'I 191 102 462 805 l 255 62 28 15;>. 307 l Oll3 62 q1 lllll 286 3 ns 252 113 508 90ll 9 681 662 385 I 590 2 '167 8 137 717 q37 1 4;?.5 2 435 7 zq9 739 516 I '38 2 517 3 167 365 303 598 l l7J l 130 129 113 213 Q3l l '156 23Q 179 293 S7B 3 539 600 596 690 l 506 I 920 3"6 352 qq5 912

ao 100 6 828 ll 573 13 787 23 '120 7 720 551 282 I '160 2 146 3 616 266 lllO 690 1 001 5 696 q57 2'14 I 059 l 586 7 260 626 354 l J<a 2 221 l 711 146 99 329 534 l 721 159 84 335 505 ' 26q 2611 l 7e 608 I OJ'll 3 395 161 84 458 722 I 500 62 38 !BS 341 l 351 87 50 189 314 3 821 225 106 5114 937 9 704 684 407 l 583 2 q89 8 257 703 '130 l 366 2 11211 7 793 700 578 1 351 2 S60 3 482 371 33q 581 l 155 I 211 1117 125 199 451 l 718 196 201 263 612 q 358 562 520 7qo l 627 3 130 ij6! Jal 522 I 261

307 - 'I l 4 11 - I ... I 11 - - ... l

234 - 2 ... -36 - - ... -5 - - ... -2 - - ... l l - I ... 1 7 - - ... -

61 - 5 l 5 13 - - ... -12 - " ... 2 )ij - - ... l 7 - I ... l 2 " - ... -3 - l ... -4 - - . .. -6 - 3 . .. l

158 244 13 7q3 9 276 27 6oq 117 717 153 787 13 531 9 2.12 27 3911 115 46~ '13 560 q IQ6 ' 2lB 7 3q2 13 3811

7 38'1 706 639 9BQ 2 289 33 q95 J 225 2 Q08 6 OQS 10 :lJ!

2 691 215 171 JlJ 7M 32 602 ' 110 2 291 5 ass 9 980 75 19Q 6 138 ' 565 13 963 21 SJ!

2 2Jl 137 138 2)1 571 ll q57 212 M 210 2. 251 2 2q7 166 55 )26 2 129 2 210 q5 9 84 122

368 - 9 2 9 Ill - 9 ... 7

17 - If .. . -9 - 3 . .. -7 - l ... ~

l - - ... -10 - I . .. 1 69 - " ... ,. 15 - - ... 2

257 - - ... 2 252 - - ... ~

5 - - ... -------- -·---··--------

Page 34: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of l 0,000

or More Counties


While No9ro Olher

All races

AGE Total mole, all ages

Under 5 yeors 5 and 6 yenrs 7 lo 9 ycnrs 10 lo 13 ycors. 111 veors 15 ycurs 16 mid 17 years 18 nnd 19 yeors 20 years 21 veors 22 to 2•1 ycors 25 lo 34 Y""'''• 35 lo 44 yonr~ 45 to 5·1 ycnrs 55 to 59 yonrn 60 and (ii ycmrs 62 lo 64 years 65 lo 74 yenrs 75 ycm·s ond ovrir

Tolol femoln, oil ugos Undor S yf~m·r. 5 and 6 yr.on• 7 lo 9 ym1rn 10 lo 13 years 14 Yl!flfS 15 ymirs , 16 uml 17 ycurr, 18 oml 19 ycurs 20 yeors 21 years 22 lo 24 ycurs 25 lo 34 ycurs 35 to 44 yt•Uf5 45 to 54 yonrn 55 Io 59 yuors 60 cmd 61 ycora 62 lo 64 ycors 65 la 74 ycnrs 75 yeurs ornl over

Negro male, all ages Under 5 years 5 lo l•I ycnrs 15 lu 24 yeurs 25 Io 34 years 35 lo 44 years 45 io 54 yr.ors 55 lo 64 yonrs 65 years and over

Negro female, all ogos . Under 5 years .. 5 lo 14 yenrs 15 1o 24 yeors 25 to 3•1 YiHlrS 3~i to 44 45 lo 5•1 yours 55 to 64 yunrn 65 ycors nnd over


In ~:~~t:fd";0110" Heod ...... .

Primary individuul Fomily hood, Mole

Female Wife of hood Olher rnlolive of hood Nol rnloled lo hood

In group quarters Inmate of instltulion Olher

Nogro populollon. In households Hood ....... .

Primnry individuul " Family heud, Mole ...

Fcrnuln Wife of head ... Olher relolive of heod Nol reloled lo heod .

In group quarters lnrnnte of institution O!her



(For meaning of symbols, see texl)

--- -Clark Columbia Crawford Dllne

,0 361 110 150 15 252 290 272 JO 263 110 007 15 219 2811 587

17 30 10 ' aq 81 113 23 2 561

15 326 19 797 7 6611 1112 139 1 n6 1 673 67l 12 972

635 767 315 ' 624 l 0118 1 2118 566 e 110 l 501 1 a12 6S6 11 610

386 1191 175 2 691 395 1140 169 2 7oq 712 863 3112 5 074 4111 595 2U 7 613 118 200 73 4 120 120 169 SLI II 1Q7 '132 699 201.l 10 114

l 329 2 153 698 21 140 l 466 2 136 7113 Ill !1118 l 669 2 IQ3 857 la 9115

860 l 011 11!10 5 0'5 335 J79 172 I 783 50'1 51$ 2'13 2 112'1

l 208 l 448 630 '1.192 868 l 035 39!! 3 393

15 0'5 20 353 7 588 !LIB 13' l 2.119 l 6311 62.11 12 JOO

597 697 298 5 378 1 009 l 266 1185 6 516 l 432 1 738 677 10 913

321 364 171 2 57;'5 334 1122 175 2 7'5 66:1 8511 373 s 166 314 1192 166 e 281 1110 220 70 II B57 132 240 76 II 791 396 762 228 10 792

1 430 2 197 709 20 313 1 526 2 119 766 111 711 l 602 2 237 1!115 13 1129

B73 1 0211 1110 5 573 321 3711 166 2 010 420 576 205 2 76q

1 265 1 662 698 7 1163 I 009 l '135 1126 5 5116

9 15 7 l 5711 - l " 191 2 1 l 306 - 3 II 1162 l l 1 305 l I - in - 3 l 75 2 l - 65

' II - 113

a 15 ' 1 550 - 2 - 184 - l . 299 2 2 2 536 2 l - 203 " J - 139 - - . 71 II II - 61 - 2 1 57

30 361 110 150 15 252 290 272 29 632 39 316 15 022 273 564

8 851 12 1164 4 610 86 574 l 523 2 1138 BllJ 22 461 6 885 9 '109 3 1196 60 616

1143 617 271 5 1197 6 612 9 082 ' 3118 !:19 11111

13 830 17 239 6 8711 112 275 339 531 190 1J 2911 729 634 230 16 689 627 746 1111 lj 5116 102 BB Bil 12 092

17 30 10 3 12'1 16 20 II 2 070

6 5 l 889 2 - l 296 4 5 - 11113 - - - 150 5 5 1 365 5 9 l l 203 - l 1 213 l 10 6 '154 - 10 - 162 l - 6 292 M----- ----- .__ __ ~_M_...._ ___ ,,__


Oooge Door

69 0011 20 106 66 319 19 962

484 6 201 138

35 138 10 0112 3 028 831 l 11118 ,,6 2 221 610 J 222 a2e

BOO 217 7'14 211

l 376 '152 l OBJ 279

1134 135 il09 112

l i131 330 LI 185 91.10 3 919 969 J 963 1 1111 l 781 661

608 255 910 319

2 256 922 l 320 501

'' 1166 10 0611 2 ea8 676 I 304 345 2 124 563 2 932 651

67' 211 681 196

l 321 418 972 2611 1112 113 1116 1111

l 230 287 3 7'5 926 J 6211 959 J BOO l 11,9q I 763 681

6118 258 9110 J116

2 528 9511 1 935 606

1168 4

" -3 l 165 l 1112 . 105 l 29 . 111 1 10 -16 2

2 -5 -l -. . 2 -. " - 2 6 "

69 00'1 ao 106 66 313 19 794 20 1911 6 526

' 325 l 2911 15 BBl II 862

988 370 IS 11311 II 709 30 068 8 396

617 163 2 691 312 a 549 50

1112 262

484 6 27 6

9 II

" J ) 1 2 -" 1

13 l l -1157 -457 -- -


Douglas Ouim Eau Claire Flo1ence


1111 657 29 1511 67 219 J 298 1111 20;5 28 976 ~6 665 J 270 a• 57 100 111

J65 121 2511 111

22 217 111 663 32 105 1 701 l 689 l 067 2 7:32 153

798 11711 1 1115 66 l ,119 7110 1 691 112. I 8112 1 0511 26Ja X611

1179 268 6J6 35 1182 273 6'18 Jl 876 509 I JOI 71

1 007 l 116 1 981 49 1129 571 897 u 1118 5111 726 15

l 041 883 1 711 ,45 2 260 1 1138 3 509 1119 2 110 l 305 3 076 !55 2 496 1 '74 3 4211 !Bil 1 307 702 I 506 97

'161 221 556 112 653 389 7116 65

l 5111 l 082 l 896 1!13 977 683 l 092 103

22 qqo 111 1191 " 111.l 1 597 1 620 999 2 6119 12~

7116 1166 I 121 69 l 255 7110 l 833 98 1 766 1 052 2 1181 15~

11311 2118 600 39 1109 270 608 38 8116 523 1 260 56 951 1 1117 2 681 30 1153 565 1 176 16 410 11811 987 15 9117 683 l 834 50

2 208 l 3113 ' 381 lq7 2 123 1 320

3 "'' 180

2 631 l 1120 3 771 187 1 390 690 1 657 94

527 277 60:!1 39 665 366 811.B 1111

l 777 l 066 2 1129 147 1 2!58 B,2 1 6116 69

63 110 50 9 l 1 1 ' 12 1 10 2

2' 27 28 ' 9 6 7 " 7 3 1 . II - 1 1 II l - -' 1 2 .

26 17 50 5 2 - 2 " 6 - 8 II a 111 29 -6 1 l . 2 - :; l 1 2 2 . l - 2 -- - 3 .

411 657 29 154 67 l!l9 ' 298 42 q61 25 891 62 657 3 27) 111 168 8. 311 20 101 l 021

3 275 1 577 q 2.83 180 9 7'0 6 362 11.l 5;!111 783 l 143 372 l 2811 se 9 llll 6 166 111 195 7511

18 200 10 67l\ 26 5;!12 l 1157 682 7112 1 829 111

2 196 ' 263 " 562 25 793 372 930 1

1 1103 2 891 , 6;52 2Q

89 57 100 111 59 21 51 1q 19 7 15 2

5 , 7 . 10 II 5 2

" - ' -5 s 5 1 27 1 16 11 e a 15 ~

30 36 119 ~

2 - 13 -28 36 36 -

Page 35: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's

(For meaning of symbols, see text)

Counties-Conlinued Places of 10,000

or More Counties 1-F_o_n_d_D_u_L_ac_,_~~F_o_re_s_t+-~~-G_ra_n_t+-~~-G_re_e1_11-_G_re_e_u_L_a_ke~-~·~~Jo_w_n-1-~~~Jr_o_n~------~Jac~s~1-- Je~e-~_o_:~~~--~---~-:_ne_-a_~, RACE

All rdces ___ ------------White---------------------·--­Negro------------------------0\her ------------------

AGE Total male, all ages Under 5 years __________________ _

5 and 6 years_ _______________ _ 7 to 9 years------------------10 to 13 years----------------14 years---------------------15 years ---------------------16 and 17 years. ______________ _ 18 ond 19 years ________________ _

20 years ---------------------§~ rg'l]j years-:::::::::::::::: 25 to 34 yeurs ----------------35 to 44 years-------------- ... 45 to 54 years----------------55 to 59 years----------------60 and 61 years ______________ _ 62 lo 64 years----------------65 lo 74 years----------------75 years and aver-------------

Totol female, all og., ___ _ Under 5 years.. __ -- __________ _ 5 and 6 years ________________ _ 7 to 9 years------------------10 to 13 years------------- __ 14 years--·------------------15 years---------------------16 and 17 years. _______________ _ 18 and 19 year•---------------20years ----------------------21 years ---------------------22 to 24 years-----------------25 lo 34 years-----------------35 to 44 years------------------45to 54 years-----------------55 to 59 years-----------------60ond 61 years _______________ _ 62 to 64 years-------.---------65 to 74 years------------------75 years and over------ -------

Negro ma.le, all ages _____ _ Under 5 yeors------------------5 to 14 years------------------15 to 24 years-----------------25to 34 years ______ -----------35 to 44 years _____ ------------45 to 54 years ________________ _ 55 to 64 years-----------------65 years and over--------------

Nogro female, oil oges ---­Under 5 yeors .-----------------5 lo 14 years------------------15 to 24 years-----------------25 to 34 years-----------------35 to 44 years ________________ _ 45 to 54 years-----------------55 to 64 years-----------------65 years and aver--------------


In ~:~~1.Cld'~"'.1~~-::::::::: Head --------------------------

Primary individual__----- _____ _ Family head, Mole------------

Female ---------­Wife of head------------------­Other relative of head ----------­Not related to head -------------

Jn group qu.arters ---------­Inmate of institulian ------------Other-------------------------

Negro population ____ • ___ _ In hou•eholds -------------

Head -------------------------Primary individual ____________ _ Family head, Male------------

Female ---------­Wife of head------------------­Other relative of head ----------­Nol related to head ----- --------

In group quarters ---------­Inmate of institutia.n ------------

sq 567 sq 195

132 2'10

40 987 J 819 1 688 2 692 J 764

978 1 018 1 828 1n1

590 560

1 65<1 " 561 4 J27 " 277 I 926

660 927

2 425 I 552

43 580 J 692 l 702 2 65J J 581

869 875

1 728 I 810

749 7)1

1 890 4 656 4 445 4 66'1 1 967

811 1 055 J 092 2 610

47 1 5

38 l

65 J 2

42 21 12


84 567 81 205 2<1 406

4 222 18 718

1 "68 18 219 37 679

899 3 362 I 226 2 136

132 lB

J l 2

J e 4

7 691 7 291

107 29J

4 026 :538 168 268 341

87 92

327 125

4J 22

116 350 330 384 265

BO lJl 3117 212

J 665 30J 185 225 331

77 89

150 89 35 24

105 330 374 llJJ 226

85 105 296 203


89 2 3 1

12 2 5 l 2 2

7 691 7 365 2 269

428 l 705

136 1 6117 J 37J

76 326 l 10 216

107 20

6 l 'I I 3 9 2


72 1112

24 276 2 ll6 1 Ol 7 l 578 2 212

555 559 976

1 557 668 58,

l 150 2 389 2 270 2 271 l 026

392 562

l 450 947

211 120 2 067

930 l 546 2 181

512 500 94)

1 101 see 1151 973

2 336 2 290 2 292 1 023

4Jl 590

I 817 1 547


25 7


34 3 7

IS 4 1 1

48 398 45 144 13 355

2 562 10 050

74J 9 749

21 137 903

3 254 648

2 606

72 53 18 ll 4 3

' 11 21 19

26 7M 26 622

13 79

n 041 1 016

544 856

1 155 298 286 516 406 162 122 476

1 403 1 291 1 559

6~0 259 356 918 668

13 673 l 046

1197 BJ!

1 142 263 28J 546 J79 166 177 505

1 J98 l 'IJ7 1 570

661 248 370

1 114 1 040


1 2

26 714 26 070

8 387 l 646 6 302

439 6 152

11 l 77 354 644 5J7 107

16 878 16 856

7 15

8 342 727 314 506 636 182 174 298 228 101 111 315 832 900 926 45J 208 266 733 432

8 536 674 JOO 450 661 131 167 324 199 117 114 2B8 854 875 996 519 2Jl 296 7<11 599

4 l

16 878 J6 728

5 '181 999

4 224 258

4 !OB 6 935

204 150 11' 37

7 6


19 J06 19 270

15 21

9 634 860 465 683 961 246 240 447 270 119 a0

36'1 SBJ 960

I 065 444 190 231 705 413

9 672 838 418 654 937 249 233 442 217 112

98 333 B98

1 02'1 1 001

455 162 246 774 581


J 2

1 2


3 2

19 306 18 975

5 548 I 017 4 230

JOI 4 054 9 115

258 331 265


15 15

3 1 2

2 9 1

6 5JJ 6 5111

2 17

J 269 199 102 171 253

64 73

147 89 26 34

101 236 291 409 272

84 !3•1 353 231

3 2611 177 ea

154 277

50 66

120 75 35 29 80

253 350 443 261 86

127 360 233

... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 533 6 1139 2 :ms

55J l 577

155 1 516 2 557

Bl 9'1 66 28

2 ... ... ... ... ...

15 Ja5 111 855

21 4q9

7 844 582 308 518 756 183 192 365 250

75 69

235 721 707 889 475 177 248 687 407

7 '181 56B 273 1142 638 157 166 331 199

86 84

233 742 773 895 478 143 2111 587 445


1 15

l 1

15 325 14 993

4 753 BSJ

3 576 294

3 453 6 567

220 332 285


21 6 2


1 J

114 57 57

67 I


2 l

10 10

... ... ... ... 15 15 2

17 Other------------------------- ... 1 • , • '-----'----'------'-------'------=-'-----'----'-"---------'--

60 060 59 820

84 156

29 721 2 463 1 206 j 836 2 422

642 590

1 173 l 531

593 486

I 321 ' 515 3 057 3 116 I 450

503 7J9

1 926 1 152

30 339 2 472 1 084 I 732 2 JSO

571 585

I 097 I 396

562 448

I JJO J 490 3 0"6 ' 193 1 5J4

568 798

2 272 I 7Bl

113 2 5

16 7 2 2 2 5

41 3 4

20 J 4 3 2 2

60 060 56 059 11 eoo J 189

13 606 1 005

lJ 229 2Q 367

663 4 001 I 635 2 J66

B4 43 10

J 7

18 455 18 lQJ

sq 258

9 226 716 377 641 079 216 206 437 237

82 95

:S06 887 957 967 4sq 200 378 778 463

9 229 733 354 58J 79~ 186 198 356 2Q5

98 !13 299 935 929

1 022 512 192 280 795 605

35 l

10 9 J 5 3 q

19 2 5 5 3 4

18 455 18 1Q6

5 787 l 168 'I 236

j93 4 067 B 091

2.01 309 205 104

54 44 u

J 10

10 0 22 22

l I 41 10 12 -29 10 ------

Page 36: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

Genera I Population Characteristics: 1970-Conti n ued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties


White Negro . Other .


All races

Toto! male, all 119es Under 5 y1mrs 5 nnd 6 ynors 7 to 9 yeors .. lO to 13 yeurs 14 yeurs 15 yours ... 16 ond 17 year> 18 and 19 yeors 20 yeors 21 years . , 22 to 24 years 2!; lo 34 yeurs 35 1u 44 yenrs 45 to 54 ycnrs 55 to 59 yuors 60 and 61 y~wrs 62 to M yeors 65 to 74 yours 75 years ond over _

Total female, all ages Under 5 yrmrs 5 nnd 6 yeors 7 to 9 yours 10 lo 13 ycnrs 14 yeurs 15 ycmn; 16 (md 17 ytrnrs 18 and 1'1 ycnrs 20 years 21 yeors 22 tn 24 ymirs 25 to :M yeurs 35 to 4,1 ycnrs 45 to 54 ycnrs 55 to 59 ycnrs 60 oncl 61 yeors 62 to 64 veurs 65 to 7 4 yen rs 75 yeors on~ ovel'

Negro malo, all ages Under 5 yonrs 510 14 yeors 15 to 2.1 yours 25 to 34 ycnrs 35 to 44 years 45 lo 54 yeurs . 55 10 6,l years 65 years oml over

Wife of hcml _ Other relntlve of heod Not rnlotcd to hend

In group quarters lnmoto of institution Other

Wife of hood . . . . Olher rclntivn of hood Not related to hoocl ..

In group quarters tnrnulc of institution __ Other

(for meaning of symbols, see text)


Ke_riosltn~1100 117 917 18 961 80 Q69 us 623 18 92q 80 114

l 930 J 70 36q Jq 2811

57 727 517 38 •186 5 240 893 3 377 2 673 379 1 Q86 11 094 626 2 347 5 152 919 3 299 I 225 236 805 l 208 20J 759 2 JOB %1 507 2 109 341 112

865 in 855 731 112 632 319 359 1 844

7 135 940 q 323 6 359 897 3 937 6 553 022 4 007 2 685 5!6 l 768

960 189 724 l 192 251 928 J 065 6115 352 l 854 394 424

60 190 9 444 41 982 5 239 812 3 126 2 553 391 1 433 3 960 658 2 266 5 112 830 3 065 I 173 193 786 1 137 209 800 2 205 •121 I 540 2 136 348 2 672 I Oil 138 I 206

oes 109 I 016 2 682 3~5 2 005 7 331 926 4 261 6 371 920 4 040 6 613 038 4 284 2 797 523 2 117 1 027 178 790 I 457 245 I 098 3 691 673 3 046 2 608 507 2 4ll

962 36 141 2 303 l 160 29

99 4 1 ll I

88 32 28

966 3 32 118 2 282 193 22 141 ... 3 llS 60 ... 26 2 33 3

117 917 18 961 80 466 115 710 18 842 7S 751 35 468 5 493 24 268

6 223 936 5 Jal 26 706 4 296 17 3911

2 537 261 l 553 26 017 4 167 16 921 52 778 9 085 32 605

I 447 97 I 957 2 207 119 4 717

924 72 I 211 283 47 3 506

930 70 878 41 484 ... IS IOJ 7 260 0 101 259 a 105 10

30 8 52 29 12 ... 2 40 ... 27


Countir.s-· Continued

Lnfnycttc Lnnglnilc Lincoln --

17 QS6 19 220 2J 499 17 •123 19 0115 23 432

6 10 16 21 165 51

773 9 QJl 11 557 752 828 I 014 3e9 382 472 631 662 775 945 915 227 223

I 068 255

;lll 212 258 395 4J9 %5 290 315 310 106 102 100

87 92 97 305 270 346 789 843 I 219 935 867 I 226 925 000 1 241 •127 516 641 150 189 224 <!19 284 333 590 773 949 400 5!9 564

683 9 789 11 942 709 782 968 359 348 476 624 636 745 860 084 I 017 231 206 256 200 238 2115 397 387 444 218 311 292 101 112 117 es 118 108

251 27B 43' 633 aao 1 257 887 930 1 259 689 063 1 319 1143 oSO 695 164 252 248 197 302 399 660 670 986 575 642 678

II a 3 3

2 1 I . -1 -

2 8 l 1 1 l I I --

17 •156 19 220 n 499 17 276 19 000 2J 145

5 00(> 5 889 7 296 BH I 209 I 262 8118 4 332 5 602 287 348 432

3 680 'I 192 5 4JO 0 376 8 733 10 196

21'1 186 223 100 220 J54 151 10 240 29 210 114

6 10 16 6 9 16 2 2 2 I . I 2 -

3 2 11 'I 12 -

" " -

·~ -~·····-·· -· -·-·- ---------·



Monltowoc Marntlion Marinotlo Mntquottc ~. -

82 294 97 457 35 BIO 8 865 82 006 97 246 35 718 0 842

5 19 q 2 283 192 BB 21

40 J55 48 29J 17 634 456 3 708 4 500 I 422 315 1 799 2 !OB 692 141 2 694 3 426 113 266 J 795 4 591 578 428

902 I 100 Jae 90 893 I 070 )9ij 107

1 762 2 OBS 761 100 1 289 1 697 54) 109

506 580 205 46 426 510 IJS Jll

I 498 I 817 541 79 4 370 5 614 707 385 4 247 5 IJJ 669 q45 4 367 5 286 919 471 2 093 2 410 110 2M

778 640 1102 91 1 OJ7 l 067 60:5 159 2 64J 2 738 564 537 l 526 1 698 oao )II

41 939 49 1611 16 176 I! 407 3 577 4 278 1 1100 274 1 726 l 935 64J !:Sl 2 711 J 167 066 255 J 1173 4 1103 437 :SJll

672 1 130 405 BJ 893 l 020 361! 100

1 694 2 022 740 !BO I 4D l 712 1187 91

619 703 231 36 555 623 182 JO

I 705 l 926 573 126 4 339 5 639 751 401 II Jl2 5 261 1 685 442 4 640 5 1196 2 201 517 2 151 2 424 l 170 2BB

7514 874 462 114 I 149 I 150 572 176 J 133 3 1J9 639 !'.102 2 223 2 242 168 ;527

1 a 2 - 1 1 2 . - . " - 2 - 2 - 1 - . - -11 II 2 2 - J ... ... I J ... I I ... . - ". ... - l I I ... - 2 I - ...

82 294 97 457 35 BlO a 865 80 695 96 184 35 074 0 737 24 J57 26 379 II 252 2 956

ll J67 4 5311 2 167 562 IB 696 22 295 0 J6a 2 256

I 294 1 550 723 138 IB 226 21 665 8 OBI 2 150 37 415 44 913 15 393 3 527

697 1 227 346 lM 1 599 l 27J 736 128

897 693 666 90 702 580 70 JB

5 19 4 2 4 16 - II ... . I • •• ... . 2 ... ". - I I 2 ... 3 10 ... . .. . - ... 1 J 1 - ... ... " 3

-----·~· ·-···--·-···'- ... ·-·-••<-•·· ·-·- -.. ·------···-·-- -

Page 37: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (For meaning of symbols, sec text)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races ..

White _____ _ Negro __ _ Other

AGE To1al male, all ages ~ _

Under 5 years 5 and 6 years 7 la 9 years -----------------10 lo 13 years----------- ·-14 years ------------- -15 years __ -- - __ _ _ ----16 and 17 years_ __________ _ 16 and 19 years ___________ _ 20 years------------------~~ ri011 years·:::::::::::: __ _ 25 lo34yenrs ---------------35 to 44 years---------- ·-45 to 54 years ______ _ 55 to 59 years ______ _ 60 and 61 years ____ _ 62 to 64 years ____ _ 65 to 74 years ____ _ 75 years and over __

Total female, cill ages __ . Under 5 years ________ -·-·---- __ 5 and 6 years----------·------7 to 9 years----------10 to 13 years_ 14 years ____ _ 15 years ____________ --------16 and 17 years _______________ _ 18 and 19 years ______________ _ 20 years------------------21 years _ ------ ___ _ 22 to 24 years ________ __ 25 to 34 years _____ _ 35 to 44 years--------·-·-----45 lo 54 years-------55 to 59 years--------60 and 61 years_----------62 to 64 years-----------65 to 74 years-··--··--------75 years and over---------

Negro male, all ages ___ _ Under 5 years _________ -------5 to 14 years----------------15 to 24 years---------------25 ta 34 years--------------35 to 44 years--------------45 to 54 years---------------55 to 64 years---------------65 years and over------------

Negro femolet 1111 oges __ Under 5 years _______________ _







5 to 14 years----------------15 to 24 years---------------25 to 34 years----------------35 la 44 years._·------------45 to 54 years---------------55 to 64 years---------------65 years and over-------------


In ~:~~1.h~rdu~utto~ _: :: : : : Head ------- -------- ______ _

Primary individual ________ .. Family head, Mole------·--

Female _ ---- __ Wife of head---------------­Other relative of heod -------­Nat related to head ---------

In group q_uarters ___ . __ _ Inmate of institution ---------Other------------- ________ _

Negro population _____ _ In households --·-------

Head ----------------------Primary individual _________ _ Family head, Male---------

Female _____ . _ Wifeofhead _______________ _ Olher relative of head ______ _ Not related to head _________ _

In group quart-ers . __ . __ _ l11mote of institution ---------Other_------- ___ -----------


--------------------------------· ··--

-----------·· ------------------------

Menominee Milwaukee

2 607 1 05Q 06! 292 939 989

1 106 033 2 314 B 041

1 3lQ 505 169 169 45 206

Bl 19 726 150 31 345 148 42 283

49 10 274 !2 10 301 62 19 107 37 17 284 10 7 309 11 7 295 34 24 530

113 62 022 1011 56 744 116 57 995

66 26 082 19 9 599 29 12 597 55 29 573 29 15 897

1 293 548 894 191 44 148

84 19 359 109 !O 468 183 41 443 !9 10 010 26 9 799 63 18 936 !2 19 152 16 9 929 10 9 681 44 28 045

123 64 261 113 59 590 104 63 092

54 29 252 12 10 909 28 14 952 45 39 793 17 26 075

l 50 582 ... 7 295 ... 14 826 ... 9 364 ... 5 990 ... 5 411 ... 3 87q ... 2 211 ... l 611

- 55 451 - ? 307 . 14 955 - 10 958 - 7 768 - 6 403 - 3 932 - 2 323 - l 805

2 607 1 054 06! 2 596 1 029 104

519 338 605 63 76 890

37q 230 699 82 31 016

346 22! 417 l 669 447 610

62 19 472 ll 24 959 - 12 769 II 12 190

1 106 033 ... 104 551 ... 27 646 ... 5 341 ... 15 214 ... 7 091 ... 14 029 ... 60 183 ... 2 693 ... l 482 ... 916 ... 566


. Monroe Oconto Oneida Oulagamie

31 610 25 553 2Q Q27 119 356 31 374 25 qq3 24 272 118 035

74 12 q SB 162 9B 151 l 263

16 072 12 789 11 991 56 q59 1 287 993 914 5 911

623 522 qq1 2 869 l 021 621 764 q 627 1 515 1 286 1 lM 5 926

375 293 258 1 399 405 286 261 1 327 696 616 529 2 63Q 372 3q5 354 2 100 147 124 116 B39 137 llB 77 819 571 417 296 2 429

l 531 1 161 1 169 6 950 l 676 l 196 1 282 6 184 2 059 l 3B5 1 384 5 593

861 769 731 2 515 298 280 287 885 425 443 390 1 147

1 229 1 085 1 052 2 753 844 649 502 1 551

15 538 12 764 12 436 60 898 1 289 1 041 902 5 709

5911 514 490 2 660 964 826 795 q 431

1 '10 l 165 1 054 5 641 365 307 278 I 346 347 277 248 l 369 698 552 510 2 507 414 310 351 2 396 )BB 123 1)7 1 056 165 114 128 1 044 524 384 365 2 773

1 !lOl 1 15Q I 241 7 091 1 602 1 219 1 2B5 6 276 I 854 I 495 l 523 6 015

789 762 766 2 523 279 277 313 9BO 415 !98 416 l 247

l 214 l 061 1 032 3 441 l 006 765 602 2 393

61 4 2 31 2 - ... 1

20 2 ... 3 5 1 . .. 22 9 - . .. -10 - . .. 2 4 1 ... 2 ! . ... -8 - ... 1

13 8 2 27 l l ... 2 6 3 ... 1 . l ... 18 2 - ... -1 - ... l 1 1 ... 2 - 1 ... 2 2 I ... 1

31 610 25 553 24 427 119 356 30 040 25 334 24 042 117 Ill

9 280 7 785 7 757 32 807 I 708 I 437 1 410 5 089 6 957 5 963 5 923 25 817

615 385 1124 I 901 6 694 5 728 5 745 25 291

D 697 ll 561 10 276 57 546 369 240 264 l 467

l 570 219 385 2 245 I 1146 172 312 716

124 47 7! I 529

74 12 ij 5e 17 12 ... 24 3 1 ... 5 - - ... 2 ! l ... 3 - - ... -4 ! ... 6

10 8 ... 9 - - ... q 57 - ... 34 53 - ... 3

4 - ... Jl

.. __ ·-'"·

Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk - -----~---· f-------

5q 421 7 319 26 652 26 666 54 197 7 313 26 526 26 496

92 - 44 2B 132 6 82 142

27 161 J 727 13 518 13 508 2 636 322 I 113 l 075 1 249 163 537 564 2 182 299 911 834 2 829 386 l 120 l 214

671 102 265 290 632 89 265 318

1 214 163 516 562 7B3 105 961 359 268 36 394 168 246 38 337 147 903 127 753 445

3 229 303 l 425 1 304 3 496 358 I 222 1 246 3 038 3311 l 207 1 Q42 1 167 184 550 797

344 77 204 JOI 501 107 312 452

1 127 330 830 I 196 626 204 594 772

27 260 3 592 D D4 13 150 2 438 285 I 128 972 1 260 149 509 S10 1 9B3 257 811 886 2 724 337 1 059 1 103

619 87 259 265 676 65 258 277

l 126 lQ6 q77 sos 7911 92 832 )28 353 44 370 123 294 46 347 1n 912 109 619 447

3 1188 na l 3311 l 2911 3 502 313 I 175 1 317 2 919 367 I 21.12 I 478 l 113 212 561 703

396 80 197 291 447 98 326 400

l 342 334 8118 1 214 874 243 782 en

51 - 20 19 e - I 1

12 - - J 5 - 12 10 7 - 5 3 a . l I 6 - - -2 - - -3 - I 1

41 - 211 9 - - l -II - 5 2 7 - 16 -7 - - If 9 - I -5 - - I - - - . 2 - 1 2

54 421 7 319 26 652 26 666 53 951 ? 191 211 5114 26 178 14 753 2 130 7 ,,, 8 3'7

l 575 372 I 273 I 417 12 547 1 652 5 703 6 541

631 106 !61 379 12 285 l 593 5 509 6 314 26 505 3 389 11 123 11 269

408 79 575 258 470 128 2 108 488 160 106 297 3115 JlO 22 1 Bil 143

92 - 114 28 91 - 15 18 22 - 4 6 - - 2 I 22 - 2 4 - - - I 22 - 2 5 44 - 6 7

3 - 3 -I - 29 10 - - - . l - 29 10 - -·-··-··- ...... -~ o••~"'""~~~ ... -··-· ·-···· ~ .....

Page 38: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races

White Negro Other

AGE Total male, all qges

Under 5 yeors 5 and 6 yuurs 7 lo 9 ycors 10 to 13 yeors 14 years 15 years . "" . 16and17 years 18 and 19 years 20 years . . 2 l years 22 to 24 yec1rs 25 to :l4 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 yeors 55 to 59 yems 60 and 6 l years 62 to 64 years 65 to 74 yours 75 years nnd over

Total femolo, all ogos Under 5 yenrs 5 and 6 yenrs 7 to 9 ycmrs 10 to 13 yeurs 14 y{)nrs 15 years 16 and 17 yenrs 18 nnd 19 yeon; 20 ycnrs 21 yuurs 22 to 2,1 yenrs 25 to 34 , 35 to 44 yours 45 to 54 yenrr, 55 to 59 veors 60 and 61 yeors 62 to 64 yr.ors 65 to 74 yeurn 75 yenrs nnd ov1~r

Nogro mole, oll 0911 Under 5 ycors 5 to 14 y1!ars l 5 to 24 years 25 to 34 yours 35 to 44 yectrs "15 to 54 years 55 to /J4 y1mrs 65 yeors und ovor

Negro fomalo, all ages . Under 5 years .. 5 lo 14 yeC1rS .. 15 to 24 yeurs 25 to 34 yeors 35 to '14 years 45 to 54 years . 55 to 64 years 65 yeurs and over


1n 1:~~1.~~rd·~•tl•n Head .. .. ...... .

Primary individual_ . Fc1mily head! Male .

Fomato Wife of heod . . Olher relative of head Nat related to head

In group quarters _ lnmolc of institution ,. , Other

tn ~:~;:h:IS:10110" · · Hood ............ .

Primary individual Fomily hcud: Male

Fr.male Wife of hood . . . Other relative of hood Not rcloted to hood

In group quarters lnrmite of institution Other

(For meaning of symbols, sco text)

Counties-Continued ----·~----·--~--- ~

f\ltlage Pt ice Racine Richland Rock

q1 541 14 520 110 a:ie 17 079 1'1 970 14 47 283 14 485 159 511 17 044 128 399 14

75 I 10 572 15 3 165 183 34 755 20 406

2:l 675 7 401 83 510 8 q)l 64 920 7 2 !OJ 6~5 8 171 693 6 392

967 277 3 856 JOB 2 BS! I 527 466 6 121 555 4 69J I 870 67J 0 136 780 6 138

439 158 1 985 2oq 1 489 455 174 I 840 202 1 422 863 299 3 487 374 2 6811

2 077 149 2 717 333 2 297 BIB 71 1 002 103 837 674 52 952 BJ 788

l J85 180 J 329 296 2 759 2 611 627 10 145 786 e 21J 2 119 668 9 593 BOO 7 421 2 136 B29 B 85J 986 6 5JJ

.. 956 486 3 692 1172 2 Sqq 371 188 1 297 171 1 060 536 278 l 782 234 1 3B2

l 194 68J 4 073 6J2 3 26J 774 518 2 479 •119 l B54

23 666 7 119 87 na B 6118 67 050 7 1 975 550 7 810 658 5 972

9111 272 J 652 JOB 2 sos I 1154 402 5 939 5J7 4 544 I 791 556 7 BSJ 697 5 797

440 147 1 908 !Bl! 1 369 434 166 1 BOB 186 1 JIB 861 282 J 456 ,92 2 534

2 02B 148 2 744 298 2 195 8JO BJ 1 288 93 l 052 649 ~4 I 236 84 980

1 215 202 3 971 28S J 119 2 457 62Q 10 707 776 8 391 2 118 698 9 SB9 899 7 J3q 2 169 84J 9 318 990 6 606 l 020 478 3 927 462 3 006

395 200 1 377 ;\00 l 108 509 224 1 856 261 l 538

1 412 6B8 5 134 718 q 123 968 492 3 755 620 3 251

QB - 5 !B6 7 l 520 4 - n2 - 217 .. 7 - l 650 2 '78

19 - 961 l 290 7 . 650 - 202 5 - 537 - 159

' - 360 1 121 J - 19J l B8 - " !OJ 2 65

27 I 5 386 8 l 645 5 ... 725 - 211 .. 7 . .. 1 582 - J75 4 ... I 026 J 360 3 ... 769 - 197 3 ... 592 - 177

.. l ... :l2B 2 134 .. 2 ... 219 . 91 .. 2 ... 1Q5 ' 100

•17 541 14 520 170 8J8 17 079 131 970 14 42 965 14 J26 166 977 16 BB! 129 277 l:l

... 12 512 4 718 49 796 5 JQB 39 622 4 2 2Q7 997 8 501 l 0911 6 967

.. 9 551 J 472 '7 739 J 955 JO 201 J •.. 714 249 J 556 299 2 q5q

9 218 J 296 36 Bl7 3 834 29 482 J 19 997 6 149 78 382 7 q211 58 1159 6

1 238 163 1 982 275 1 714 4 576 1911 3 861 198 2 69J

.. ~ .. !BJ 177 2 55B 96 1 278 .... 4 393 17 l 303 102 l 415

75 1 10 572 15 3 165 61 ... 10 ,93 15 3 089

9 ... 2 5B6 6 629 2 ... QJI 2 lJB

... 7 ... 1 553 J 529 .. - ... 602 1 162

... 7 ... 1 '151 2 494 JS ... 6 131 7 l 669 10 ... 225 " 97

.. - ~ 14 ... 179 - 76

... - ... 120 - J4

... 14 ... 59 - 42 ·----1------- ·---"-·>-• -·-···- -·--·--~·~ .. --~"- ... ----- ""


--·-·~ -··-·-··----··- -·-·-

Uusk SI. Cruix Sank Sawyer Shawano

238 :l4 354 39 057 9 670 32 650 182 3q 2411 38 858 a Bo:i 31 64q

8 22 25 3 2 48 BB 1711 B611 1 004

086 17 182 19 192 q B'3 16 410 576 1 627 I 772 321 I 402 274 811 750 !BS 654 485 l 295 1 197 313 I 111 667 l 731 1 7J6 395 1 400 152 q29 4J4 95 347 169 q4J 417 IJ5 366 371 784 812 217 ?:36 226 478 543 9J 1171

65 168 179 32 134 59 174 176 38 141

214 687 721 100 481 5B7 l 965 2 083 396 1 r 617 l 873 1 990 447 1 82 844 l 693 2 1115 527 I 889 437 686 1 020 JJO 969 14B 263 399 IJ7 386 234 376 529 196 531 572 990 l 427 590 1 351 JB9 711 862 286 BB6

152 17 172 19 865 q 837 16 240 5•19 l 559 I 612 392 1 290 259 742 742 182 658 •192 1 30J l 166 293 I 002 662 I 6J2 l 664 37' l 413 !BJ 401 112B Bl 365 156 344 406 98 355 294 720 824 192 614 210 1161 534 82 J71

98 223 264 '19 17B eo 226 250 35 157

194 705 779 114 ,05 620 2 012 2 035 1135 I 606 670 I 836 2 019 11% l 623 811B 1 657 2 264 601 l 930 Qll 696 1 0117 JB7 966 174 291 Qll 128 338 189 359 509 205 499 597 l 045 1 617 476 I 358 Q66 960 1 294 268 I 012

6 14 10 ' l - 3 2 ... ... - . - ... . .. q 1 1 ... . .. ---I 1

2 --2 -----

Page 39: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued (For meaning of symbols, see texl)

The State SMSA's Places of 10,000

or More Counties

RACE All races_ --White ___________ ----------- _,_

Negro ___ ---- -- - ----------- -- --Other-------··----------··---- --AGE

---Total male, all ages ---· Under 5 yeors -_ ---- ___ -------

~ ~~~ ~l~~;s_:::::::::::::::: 10 to 13 years---------------

------14 years-------------·------15 years--------------------16 and 17 years ____________ _


---18 and 19 years _____________ _

~~ ;;~J ;~~,~=:~::::::::~:::: --------

---25 to 34 years_-------------35 to 44 years-----------·-- __ 45 lo 54 years--------------55 lo 59 years-------- ------

-------60 and bl years _______ ., ____ _

62 lo 64 years------··-------65 lo 74 years--------------75 years and over-----------

Total femal-e, all ages u.

Under 5 years_ _____________ _ 5 and 6 years ______ ,, ______ _ 7 to 9 years-····------·-------10 lo 13 years _____________ _

l~ ~~~~~ :::::::::: --------16 and 17 yearn ____________ _ 18 and 19 years ____________ ., 20 years-------------------21 years--··----------------22 lo 24 years---------- __ _ 25 to 34 years-·------------35 lo 44 years--------------45 to 54 years-------------55 to 59 years--------------60 and 61 years_ ___________ _ 62 to 64 years -----------65 lo 74 yearn--------------75 years and over·----------

Negro male, all ages ~ __ Under5 years_ _____________ _ 5 to 14 years---------------15 to 24 years--------------25 lo 34 years--------------35 to 44 years--------------45 to 54 years--------------55 to 64 years--------------65 years and over-----------



---------------... ---... --------------------------------------------

Nogro female, all ages _ Under 5 years---------------5 to 14 years-------'-------15 to 24 years-------------25 to 34 years __ .. ---------35 to 44yeors -------------

------------45 to 54 years ____________ ,,_ ---

55 to 64 years-------------65 years and over----------


••~:~~~&:rd~''.'~~-::::: llead ___________ ----------

Primary individual ________ _ Family head, Mole--------

Female -----­Wife of head--------------­Other relative of head ··-----­Not related to heed ---------

lr1 group quarters ----~­Inmate of institution --------Other---------------------

Negro population ____ _ In households ---------

Head ___ ·- __ --------------Primary individual ________ _ Family head, Mole --------

Female -----­Wile of head---··----------­Other relative of head ------­Not related to head ---------

In group quarters _____ _ Inmate of institution --------Other---------------------



Sheboygan Taylor Trempealeau

96 660 16 956 23 344 96 169 16 926 23 298

150 4 5 341 26 41

47 495 6 6M 11 832 4 307 BOB l 041 1 943 360 452 3 048 609 724 4 130 879 l 025 l 030 245 261 1 059 207 245 2 008 4o7 468 1 685 266 333

642 82 113 566 85 89

1 873 25'1 365 5 277 10.;. 1 135 5 059 825 1 135 5 175 916 1 401 2 '157 '182 66•1

891 162 261 l 271 238 360 3 1112 58'1 1 043 l 932 486' 717

49 165 0 354 l l 512 4 020 728 984 l 829 385 445 2 90.:l 619 688 4 019 843 941

934 193 222 926 210 223

1 778 386 441 l 642 247 298

728 79 137 711 75 100

l 996 221 351 5 Jl78 804 1 128 5 064 aoe l 121 5 578 911 l 314 2 671 '129 645

957 160 222 l 401 217 338 3 942 573 991 2 686 466 923

DO 4 3 5 ... .

2~ ... 2 95 ... .

2 ... -2 ... . I ... 1 - ... -- ... -

20 . 2 - - -- - -15 . -2 - -1 - l I - -1 - l - - .

96 660 16 958 23 344 94 736 16 750 22 694 30 003 4 771 7 099

5 542 820 1 309 22 79'1 3 72' 5 413

l 667 228 377 22 273 3 575 5 128 41 577 e 252 10 181

883 152 286 l 924 20B 650 1 312 171 541

612 37 109

150 4 5 24 ... 4 10 ... -6 ... .

4 ... . - ... -3 ... 2 8 ... 2 3 ... -

126 ... 1 98 ... l 28 ... -


Vernon Vi/as. Walworlh

2# 557 10 956 63 444 2ij 522 10 041 62 879

4 l 287 31 916 278

12 291 5 472 31 417 936 37' 2 563 434 192 l 230 705 331 l 921

1 123 •126 2 617 288 120 640 278 !;" 651 528 219 l 281 332 !JO 1 648 109 4, Bil 93 30 720

363 13'1 1 598 l 149 •163 3 523 1 205 555 3 095 l 561 629 3 128

688 35'1 l 406 259 1J2 517 407 245 809

1 122 710 l 997 711 263 l 262

12 266 5 486 32 027 864 364 2 326 428 200 l 122 718 303 1 835

1 053 440 2 487 275 107 573 261 96 593 513 180 l 154 262 93 l 849 130 52 881 112 49 758 351 142 l 471

1 130 504 3 362 l 292 529 3 150 l 478 706 3 331

691 418 1 589 243 160 61'1 413 250 783

1 163 633 2 344 889 260 l 805

2 - 159 ... - 16 ... - 9 ... - 43 ... - 27 ... - ll . .. - 12 ... - 16 ... - 25

2 l 128 ... ... B ... . .. 111 ... ... 37 ... ... 5 ... ... 7 ... ... 12 ... ... 18 ... ... 27

24 557 10 958 63 444 24 089 10 837 58 534

7 751 3 712 la 544 l '186 723 3 657 5 842 2 828 13 730

'123 161 1 157 5 595 2 752 13 369

10 '106 4 249 25 157 337 124 l 464 468 121 'I 910 '104 97 1 258

64 24 3 652

4 l 287 ... .. . 190 ... ... 79 ... ... 34 ... ... 39 ... ... 6 ... . .. JS ... . .. 69 ... ... 7 ... ... 97 ... . .. 48 ... ... 49

·- ' I

Vlas1tb11111 Washinglon Waukesha Wau1<1ca -·--·-- --

10 601 63 839 231 365 37 760 10 518 63 652 230 205 37 642

14 45 362 2 69 142 798 136

5 206 31 906 115 206 18 687 '76 3 450 10 702 I 4•19 174 1 648 5 597 655 303 2 466 9 040 1 178 441 3 221 12 403 l 559 127 742 2 868 400 12•1 686 2 829 431 236 l 278 5 238 745 136 960 ' 902 !il:l

47 357 l 315 156 40 29Q 1 208 169

145 1 128 ' 308 618 '178 4 ll'I 1' 301 1 875 '165 3 699 16 037 I 774 607 3 1'15 12 932 2 036 330 1 339 4 625 l 04'1 117 413 1 525 427 200 576 2 coo 633 559 1 489 4 120 l 722 301 903 2 256 1 303

5 395 31 931 116 159 19 09;l 344 3 177 10 137 l 461 191 l 574 5 280 657 347 2 357 8 793 1 123 455 2 980 11 576 l 428 107 686 2 675 363 112 669 2 616 372 223 1 218 4 741 759 134 970 3 789 455

43 443 l 527 206 53 411 l 266 190

129 1 316 3 804 615 496 4 233 15 192 l 805 496 3 570 15 693 I 826 711 3 114 12 623 2 161 331 l 265 4 485 l lll 137 483 1 589 429 210 610 l 955 599 536 l 609 4 848 l 918 340 1 246 3 570 l 595

9 21 236 -l 1 9 -6 8 112. -- 2 130 -- 3 21 -- 6 lO -- 1 7 -2 - e -- - 9 -5 24 126 2 l l 17 ... . 8 15 ... 3 2 55 ... - 4 15 ... - 4 ll ... - 4 5 ... I - 5 ... - 1 3 ...

10 601 63 839 231 365 37 780 10 505 63 135 226 789 36 170

J 548 17 JBS 61 935 ll 7811 790 2 243 6 394 2 208

2 5'15 14 274 52 674 a 968 213 868 2 867 608

2 452 13 927 51 826 8 652 4 351 31 163 110 969 15 326

154 660 2 059 408 96 704 4 576 l 610 54 610 2 339 l 483 42 94 2 237 127

14 45 362 2 14 '14 146 ...

2 7 '16 . .. - - 10 .. . 2 7 34 ... - - 2 . .. l 11 24 ...

11 22 66 . .. - 4 10 . .. - l 216 . .. - 1 156 ... - - 60 ... -·-~-'-------··- -----

Page 40: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State SMSA's Places of l 0,000

or More Counties

RACE All race$

Whitt! Negro Orhor

AGE Tolol molo, •II oges

Und1ir 5 yeurr. 5 and 6 ymirs 7 to 9 yeor~i 10 lo 1:1 yerns 14 yoors 15 ycurs 1 IJ cmd I 7 y1mrs Hl and 19 yeurr, 20 yeors 21 vcors :n to 24 YCU1'5 25 10 34 y1mr5 35 to •14 Y!.Wl'f> 45 tn 54 yem!; 55 lo 5 1~ Yl!Ul'S ·60 um! 61 yeors 62 to M yeurs 6~ lo 74 years 75 yrmn; om\ OVPI'

T olol fomola, oll •9•• Untfor S ynors 5 cmd 6 yt~(lfS 7 lo 9 yenr!\ I 0 10 13 yenrs 14 yeors 15 years 16 uml 17 ye11n1 Hl mid 1 IJ yenr5 20 YN11'5 21 ycurs 22 1~) 24 Vl!Of5 25 to ~M yvur~ 3!i !() 44 yPm~i 45 10 54 yeort; 55 tlJ t19 y(!llr5 60 oml 61 yenr~, (12 to b4 vPnr~1 65 lo 74 yi~tlf'!l 7 5 ycnn; und over mule. all agu Under 5 ycms 5 lo 1•1 ycors 15 10 24 yCW'S . 25 to ~4 yeurs . 35 to 44 yeorr. 45 to 54 yonn; 55 to 64 yours 65 ycurs und ovur

Negro fomola, all ft9H Undor 5 ycors 5 IO 14 YC01'5 15 to 24 yuurs 25 10 :14 y1Jors 35 Io 4•1 yc<m; ·15 to 54 yom5 55 lo 64 y(~llf'S 65 yt>tirs nnd over

Wife of hNtd ..... Other relntivr. of he!od Not rcloted to lu:md

In grou~ quarters lnmulr. of inst1tutic111 Other

Hcud Prirnury individuul Fomily ltocl(\, Mole ..

femulc Wife of hem! ..... Other rnlotive of head Not rnlotcd to houri

In group quarter$ lnmale of instilulion Other

tFor meaning of symbols, see text)

COlmticS·· Cont1nuod

Waushara Wlnneb._aa_o+-__ w_ood--i

lU 795 111 752

a 35

7 355 593 251 Q26 605 lJ7 1511 3'2 205

60 Bll

2116 700 70J 77' q11 !BB 255 822 1110

11110 535 2U3 ij56 566 155 132 290 166 70 75

229 720 737 BIO qq11 208 JO!l 785 5111


111 795 Ill 720 II 910

92J 3 730

257 J 602 6 0611

lllll 75 67


a a 6 5 l

129 9Jl 129 266

lU6 519

6J Jae 5 503 2 567 q 129 5 386 l 283 1 281 2 502 3 172 I 111111 1 2q6 3 273 7 541 6 740 6 ijjJ 2 90Q I 058 I q49 3 q59 2 OJa

66 51t3 s lqs 2 q117 3 8qB s 2s3 1 273 1 257 2 363 3 615 1 739 1 56q 3 269 7 q96 6 935 6 a9q 3 166 1 189 l 6qj q 262 3 187

so 5 6

J7 15 7 q 2 q

66 6 5

34 6 6

129 931 122 978

JS 2q9 7 JQij

28 SB! 2 36Q

'2.1 928 !IJ 927

2 a7q 6 953 l 88J 5 070

lQ6 ua 19 8 9 2 5

17 7

98 J2 M

65 J62 65 021

a J33

32 122 3 24q l q99 2 1112 3 127

7q7 760 q11 969 323 310

1 l7Q 3 652 ) 366 3 ijQ6 1 q99

'32 739

1 8119 1 1oq

J3 aqo 3 038 l q31 2 203 3 066

752 707

1 312 I 069

493 ij61

I 371 3 7lJ J 492 J 551 l 576

573 e:iq

2 oqa 1 548

65 362 6ll 352 lB 888 ' 120

14 7J7 I OJ!

1q 405 JO 233

826 010 680 ,,0

l 5


Page 41: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics



I ; .. t OF~a.. .. ~ "L 'l-'1' : 1'J : \ .... ~ . ~~ .,.,."tu o~ ,:/"



1 EN F

p PU I N

General (' '.

Population Characteristics

(This series consists of 52 reports-number 1 for the United States and numbers 2 through 52 for the States and the District of Columbia in alphabet/ca/ order rather than order of publication.) '

t. ·~

This report presents 1970 census statistics C>f'l1

, the ·" · basic demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. Data on age, sex, race, and relationship to head of household are shown for the State, each standard metropolitan statistical area, each place of 10,000 inhabitants or more, and each county or comparable area.

The data presented here are being issued in advance of their publication in Final Report Series PC(1)-B, which will provide additional information on the population characteristics of the inhabitants of the State. The final report for this State will be published in about 2 months.

Statistics on selected housing characteristics for the areas shown in this report are currently being issued in Advance Report Series HC(V1 ). An outline of the publication program for the 1970 Census of Popula­tion and Housing can be obtained free of charge from the Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233, or any U.S. Department of Commerce Field Office.

Page 42: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


Standard metropolitan statistical areas.·-The Bureau of the Census recognizes approximately 250 standard metropolitan statistical areas (,SM?A' s) i~ the 197_D census. These include the 231 SMSAs (including three 1n Puerto Rico) as defined and named in the Bureau of the Budget publication, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 1967, U.S. Government Printing Offic,e, Washi~gton, D.C. 20402. Also included are two SMSA s as defined by the Bureau of the Budget in January 1968. In addition, a number of SMSA's are being defined on the basis of the results from the 1970 census.

Except in the New England States, a standard metropolitan statistical area is a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50 000 inhabitants or more, or "twin cities" with a co;.,bined population of at least 50,000. In addition to the county, or counties, containing such a city or cities, contiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they are socially and economically integrated with the central city. In a few cities where portions of counties outside the SMSA as defined in 1967 were annexed to the central city, the population living in those counties is not considered part of the central city. In the New England States, SMSA's consist of towns and cities instead of counties. For a complete description of the criteria used in defining SMSA's, see the Bureau of the Budget publication cited above.

Places.-Two types of places are recognized in the census reports, incorporated places and unincorporated places. Incorporated places are political units incorporated as cities, boroughs, towns, and villages except for (a) boroughs in Alaska and (b) towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin. Unincorporated places are closely settled population centers without corporate limits for which the Census Bureau has delineated boundaries. Each place so delineated possesses a definite nucleus of residences and has its boundaries drawn to include, if feasible, all the surrounding closely settled area. Unincorporated places are identified with the letter "U."

Towns.-1 n this series of reports, data for towns of 10,000 inhabitants or more are shown in the reports for the New England States. In these States, towns are the primary political subdivision of the county, unlike most other States where towns are generally incorporated places.

Race.-The concept of race as used by the Census Bureau does not denote clear-cut scientific definitions of biological stock. Rather it reflects self-identification by respondents. Since the 1970 census obtained the information on race principally through self-enumeration, the data represent essentially self-classification by people according to the race with which they identify themselves. For persons of mixed parentage who are in doubt as to their classification, the race of the person's father is used. Persons of Mexican or Puerto Rican birth or ancestry who do not identify themselves as of a race other than white (e.g., American Indian, Negro, etc.), are classified as white. In the 3-category grouping shown in this report, the "other" category consists of all races except white or Negro, i.e., American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Eskimo, etc.

Age.-The age classification is based on the age of the person in completed years as of April 1, 1970.

Households and group quarters.-All persons are classified as living in either a household or group quarters.

A household consists of all the persons who occupy a housing unit. A house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room is regarded as a housing unit when it is occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants do not live and eat with any other persons in the structure and which quarters have either ( 1) direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall or (2) complete kitchen facilities for the exclusive use of the occupants. A household may, therefore, consist of a single family, one person living alone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or nonrelated persons who share living arrangements (except as described in the next paragraph on group quarters).

Group quarters are living arrangements for institutional inmates or for other groups containing five or more persons not related to the person in charge. Group quarters are located most frequently in institutions, boarding houses, military barracks, college dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, hospitals, monasteries, convents, and ships. A house or apartment is considered group quarters if it is shared by the person in charge and five or more persons unrelated to him, or if there is no person in charge, by six or more unrelated persons.

Persons in group quarters are subdivided here into "inmate of institution" and "other." The former are persons for'"' whom care or custody is provided in such places as homes and schools for the mentally or physically handicapped, places providing long-term medical care for persons with mental disorders or chronic diseases, homes for dependent children, prisons, etc. Staff members living in group quarters in such places, as well as persons in all the other types of group quarters, are classified as "other."

Relationship to head of household.-One person in each household is designated as the "head,"that is, the person who is regarded as the head by the members of the household. Two types of head of household are recognized here-the head of a family and a primary individual. A family head is a person living with one or more relatives (persons related to him by blood, marriage, or adoption). A primary individual is a household head living alone or with nonrelatives only.

In this report, all household members other than the head are shown in one of the following three categories: ( 1) "wife of head"-a woman married (either by formal or common law marriage) to the household head; ( 2) "other relative of head" -all persons related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption (excluding wife of head); or ( 3) "not related to head" -all persons not related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Symbols.-A dash "-" represents zero. The symbol "U" means that the place is unincorporated. Three dots " ... " indicate that the data are being withheld to avoid dis­closure of information for individuals.

For sale by the Bureau of the Census, Washington D. C. 20233, and U.S. Department of Commerce Field Offices, 30 cents.

Page 43: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970

The State Places of 10,000

or More Counties


Whih~ Nt'\JIO Other


AH races

Toto! mola, all ages Under 5 yt~un; 5 nml 6 yi!oi·s 7 to 9 yenn; 10 lo l'.I ye<Us 14 yeur~ 15 yeurs 16 mid 1 7 yt~urs l B cmd 19 y1mr s 20 Y"lll'S 21 veur!i 22 to 2·1 yeur!i 25 lo :34 yeurs :J5 to •t.1 yenl's 45 to 54 yeor:-; 55 to 59 yeors (,Q lllld {i 1 VNll'S

62 to 6·1 yeor ~i 65 to 7.1 yeur~; 75 yt!Uf!i mid 0Vf11'

Tola! female, all oges tinder 5 ycm~·, 5 ond 6 Yt!OI'!) J tu 9 yenrs 10 to 13 yeur~; I ·1 yem·~, 15 yeurr. 16 ond 1 / YNH'~ 18 nnd 19 yem~; 20 yeors 21 yvur~, 22 to 2·1 ynnn; 25 In ~M ymirs :\5 In 1\.1 y1~ur~ '-...;to .~·I y1.1nrs 5~1 tu ~9 venr~i liO nnd (ii YfHff!i 62 to tJ.I veur~) 65 10 7•\ Yf~IU'S 75 yuur·~, ond owr

Nogro malo, all ages Under :i y1~m ~1 5 lo l.J Y"""' 15 to ~~.\ yeo1 .~ 7!l In ~iii y11r11·:·, ~J5 to .:11\ yeun; 45 lo !i·I yt:Ur!!. 5 5 to f1·I ye uni 6.') yeuf,'i und ov1.1r

Negro femole 1 oil ages limier 5 yi:ms 5 to 14 yeilf'~; 15 IO 2·1 YIH115 2 5 lo ]•1 Yl!Ut'S 35 lo .M y1ic1n; 45 10 !14 yems 55 to 6.11 y1~11r~; 65 yf?on; und nver



Tolul populullon In housoholds

Primory 11Hliv1d11ul fomily lmud: Moh!

r11molo Wifo of lwnd Other nilolivr. of lwnd Not rn101ed 10 heud

In group quarters hu11ol1! of i1rn111utiun 01l11>r


Negro populallon In housoholds

Pru1rnry i1ulivi1hmt Fnrnily heml. Mule

ft1n111lo Wife of hN1d Othor rn!utiv1! ut ht:ml

~ot n:!(lted to ht~od

'. ~ 1t~f 1~~~~11J:\~1~:crs 1111!1'

(For 111ecrni11u of &ymbols, sec text)

·-~- ·---··--·-·-- ...---

The Slain Casper

332 4 L6 39 361 323 024 38 651

2 568 404 6 824 306

166 775 19 276 111 641 l 642

6 462 689 10 663 1 241 14 976 l 867

J B16 514 3 647 452 7 182 897 6 043 811 2 548 310 2 477 250 7 349 620

19 956 2 196 19 IRJ 2 501 lA 678 2 277 A DB BOB 2 934 262 II 011 '72 R 768 861 5 30J 486

165 6111 20 OBS 13 7Jl I 587 n JOO 705

10 432 1 266 14 267 l 749

' 506 458 3 535 446 6 866 851 s 956 en 2 768 331 2 529 306 7 136 878

20 172 2 337 19 Ill 2 620 lR 559 2 260

A 059 9114 ~ 883 294 3 698 368 q 531 1 061 6 602 712

I 369 206 128 19 318 43 386 58 155 15 129 18

94 21 92 23 67 9

l 199 198 117 23 335 37 22A 40 150 16 119 27 117 29 55 12 70 14

~32 1116 J9 361 323 409 38 780 104 600 12 672 20 423 2 662 78 282 9 177

5 895 833 76 407 8 972

137 934 16 702 Q 1168 434 9 007 561 1 470 1J4 5 SJ7 447

2 568 404 2 295 393

693 122 190 J4 392 69 lll 19 355 63

l 190 2011 57 4

273 11 49 1

224 10

Plnces or 10,000 inlmbitants or more ·-···~~-·· .. ~r-··-·---·"-· --~-··~----

Cheyenne Laramie Rock Springs !--"'-

40 914 23 143 ll 657 39 506 22 569 11 299

1 025 176 176 383 398 182

19 647 12 005 5 841 1 801 1 009 479

797 381 250 l 291 546 380 1 801 664 481

448 1511 133 418 162 lJl 868 314 226 506 1 250 177 215 689 61 270 692 65 904 1 275 202

2 JJ4 1 826 67J 2 J60 942 670 2 204 854 722

961 347 331 361 146 115 448 176 135

l 081 374 J82 579 202 228

21 267 11 DB 5 816 1 719 970 475

833 339 215 l 306 521 332 1 788 657 1167

'I'll 146 110 423 156 127 906 303 221 650 1 1119 1611 J:l?. 650 80 322 544 68 951 950 211

2 599 l l!Jl 664 2 1121 9119 663 2 480 686 726 1 053 402 341

11011 126 109 513 175 155

l J56 llJ7 416 870 347 250

476 101 66 67 I 7

148 14 21 89 53 IS 44 15 9 44 4 7 36 4 12 28 5 9 20 5 6

547 75 90 49 3 9

173 21 25 107 21 10 70 9 11 47 4 9 47 6 13 20 5 5 311 6 8

40 9111 2J 143 11 657 40 ssa 20 015 11 510 13 649 6 919 3 852

2 76"1 1 166 856 9 792 q 791 2 70 I 1 068 362 215 9 607 4 687 2 674

16 922 7 454 4 877 380 955 107 J56 3 126 lq7 274 109 B2

82 3 019 65

1 025 176 176 1 Oll 146 171

309 45 51 89 14 18

148 25 31 n 6 2

137 21 30 550 61 87

15 19 ;, 14 30 5

I'> 1 l B 29 4


Counties ------

Sheridan Al bony Biq Horn Campbell Carbon

10 856 26 431 10 202 12 957 1' 354 10 762 25 839 10 147 12 633 1' 155

17 179 2 2 100 77 413 53 122 99

5 103 1J 7a8 5 1% 6 712 6 883 343 1 182 1134 769 572 176 447 213 295 257 291 6l!8 311 486 428 402 801 490 607 626 114 193 107 129 146 118 184 123 130 128 208 378 236 259 265 170 1 294 162 184 157 67 709 38 106 57 55 717 35 89 71

155 1 358 149 341 265 442 2 074 490 1 104 815 508 I 126 501 9116 785 689 1 050 590 606 856 298 4J9 328 208 1149 108 179 1113 70 1114 167 241 161 92 2111 401 1184 1105 178 427 391 2411 230 113 221

5 753 12 703 5 056 6 2115 6 1171 '11 l 101 '75 787 511•1 161 1109 189 277 241 253 620 295 486 39q 401 756 458 5BJ 535 1111 178 122 127 1'3 111 186 112 131 157 2.08 364 2112 256 287 161 l 200 119 208 1M 71 685 116 119 78 56 567 44 114 75

156 1 038 1113 363 2'5 512 1 6116 524 989 766 571 l 131 506 701 743 726 1 068 599 1168 616 391 1176 305 189 382 1J4 151 136 48 128 224 223 158 74 111q 622 517 1106 168 368 566 365 277 157 241

9 102 2 2 52 - l ... ... a 2 14 ... ... 12 3 53 ... ... 4 - 15 ... ... 7 - 4 ... ... 4 1 5 ... . .. 5 I 5 ... ... 5 2 5 ... ... 7

B 77 - - 46 - 3 - - J l 21 - - 10 - 21 - - ll - 9 - - 2 1 4 - - 6 1 6 - - 5 - 6 - - 4 5 7 - - 7

10 856 26 431 10 202 12 957 13 3511 10 704 23 30J 10 134 12 794 13 021

II 111 8 001 3 268 3 729 q JOB I 217 l 955 619 610 895 2 577 5 649 2 521 2 99J 3 194

317 397 148 126 219 2 516 5 52J 2 459 2 923 3 107 3 947 8 765 q J13 5 SJ:<, 5 432

DO 994 7q 310 174 152 J 128 68 163 3J3 111 109 52 102 J02

q1 J 019 )6 61 31

17 179 2 2 100 15 149 ... ... 93

9 47 "' ... 32 6 15 ... ... 11 3 26 ... ... 12 - 6 ... ... 9 2 22 ... ... 10 4 61 ... ... 48 - 19 ... ... J 2 30 ... ... 7 - 1 ... ... 7 2 ,_29 ... ... -

Page 44: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics


General Population Characteristics:

The State Places of l 0,000

or More Counties

RACE All mes

While Negrn Olh1ff

AGE Total male, all ages

Under 5 years 5 und 6 yeur~1 7 lo 9 years 10 to 13 yetirs . 14 yeors 15 yeors 16 and 17 years 18 aml 19 years 20 yeors 21 vears _, . ~ 22 lo 24 years 25 to 34 yem·s 35 to 44 yeor& 45 to 54 yeurn 55 lo 59 yeors 60 and 61 years 62 to 64 years 65 to 74 years 75 years cmd over

Total female, all ages Under 5 years 5 ond 6 yeors 7 lo 9 years 10 to 13 years 14 ycnrs 15 yenrs 16 and 17 years 18 ond 19 yenrs 20 years 21 veurs ... 22 to 2·1 y1mrs 25 lo 34 yeors 35 to 44 yeurr, 45 lo 54 yeor> • 55 10 59 ve(lrs 60 ond 61 y1111rs 62 lo 64 yen" 65 to 74 years 75 years cmd ov!~r

Negro mnle 1 all aiges Under 5 ycurs 5 to 14 yeors 15 lo 24 years 25 lo 34 years 35 lo iM ycurs 45 lo 54 yr.ors 55 la 64 yoors 65 ycors ond ov1!r

Nogro fomale, all ages Under 5 yafl!'s 51ol<lynnrs 15 to 24 yoors 25 to 3,1 yeors 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 lo 64 ytmrs 65 yr.ors and over


Talnl population In households

Helld , Prim(lry indivldunl family he<1'L Mnle

Femolr. Wife of heud . . Olher relotive of head Not rn!ntud lo he-ud

In group q'LIClrters lnn10tr. of institution Other

Negro population .. In households

Head ......... .. Prin1ory individual Family head, Mole .

fomole Wife of head .. . ... Other relolivc of hood Nol relore.d lo hood

In group quarters Inmate of inslilulion Olher


(for meaning of symbols, see lext) ~


Converse Croak

5 938 4 535 5 608 4 523

" -so l2

2 969 2 271 231 207 117 107 189 140 274 193

87 49 72 54

148 Ill 78 58 22 15 20 26 89 96

315 246 359 271 3JJ 267 147 121 47 42 89 76

193 llB 159 72

2 969 2 2611 187 185 101 104 187 !BJ 282 197

61 61 69 49

128 96 SJ 58 JJ 28 31 27 96 75

J47 282 350 250 J5J 262 145 99

56 36 82 72

2ll 111 195 69

- -- -- -- -- -- -" -" -" -" -. -" -- -- -" -- -- -- -

5 938 4 535 5 0811 II 535 1 958 I 410

419 221 1 11110 I 132

91 57 1 1115 1 098 2 447 I 976

64 51 54 -51 -

3 -- -" -- -" -- -" -" -- -- -" -- -" -



Fremont Goshen Hot Springs Johnson

28 352 10 805 4 952 5 587 24 418 10 802 4 802 5 550

20 9 14 3 3 914 74 136 34

14 278 5 389 2 1158 2 803 l 418 427 183 231

621 195 79 93 l 055 345 138 154 l 450 464 224 239

336 123 62 65 361 132 48 57

m 257 122 1~$ 183 54 170 69 17 24 144 46 21 26 514 185 6) 82

1 799 532 219 314 l 640 569 245 291 I 546 6oJ 281 375

674 321 146 152 201 115 60 52 298 168 89 94 561 :n4 220 196 JJ4 281 187 159

14 074 5 1196 2 494 2 784 1 Jlll J64 154 227

619 179 72 93 l 015 312 125 144 1 :me 440 195 259

J04 127 51 68 297 113 54 62 595 246 106 113 460 184 67 73 197 59 24 Jl 198 66 23 26 558 179 76 101

1 896 5511 226 307 1 679 601 297 307 1 443 677 319 335

614 J2ll 162 129 222 135 60 63 253 15) 71 77 6211 418 229 220 398 365 183 149

10 5 0 2 " 1 2 ... 3 3 4 ... 1 - - ... " 1 - ... l - - ... I - 1 ... I - I ... 3 - " ...

10 4 6 l I 1 - ... 4 1 - ... 3 l J ... " 1 - ... I - 1 ... l - 2 ... " - - ... " - - ...

28 352 10 805 4 952 5 507 27 490 10 680 4 785 5 533

8 050 J 607 I 708 I 882 l 254 722 428 427 6 263 2 689 l 182 l 366

533 196 96 89 6 071 2 6211 I 163 I 327

12 943 4 337 1 853 2 225 1126 112 61 99 862 205 167 54 709 123 149 54 153 82 18 -

20 9 14 3 17 4 14 ... 4 - 5 ... I - l ... 3 - 2 ... " - 2 ... 2 l 2 ...

11 2 7 ... " l - ... 3 5 " ... 3 5 " ... " - " ...

Laramie Lincoln N<1lrono Niobrorn

56 360 a 640 51 264 2 924 54 239 8 595 50 419 2 917

1 481 5 410 " MO 40 435 7

27 964 4 287 25 285 l 429 2 561 377 2 224 102 I 153 165 956 38 I 834 306 l 664 86 2 574 431 2 454 103

618 102 652 37 577 139 587 32

l 1311 216 I 165 56 780 85 991 32 1124 43 389 12 523 JB 304 10

1 560 130 I 049 J2 J 556 452 2 96) 141 3 358 1127 J 266 177 2 929 508 J 011 184 l 246 253 l 058 lM

1178 91 J61 Jl 599 131 4811 49

1 360 251 1 115 Ill 712 142 592 92

28 J76 4 353 25 979 l 495 2 404 429 2 128 SJ l 1811 196 9% 51 1 846 326 1 ?al 80 2 457 1110 2 J04 Ill

592 lOJ 589 29 579 102 583 27

l 066 229 1 121 69 830 100 1 075 25 425 50 398 19 408 38 413 IS

1 312 147 1 121 4J J 722 432 3 202 147 J 304 459 3 370 166 • 3 186 507 2 899 19:;' I 293 250 l 169 111

501 711 J6J 25 631 94 1162 so

I 618 249 I 279 143 1 018 156 836 106

787 2 208 . 87 . 19 .

201 1 43 -227 - 56 . 98 - 16 . Bl " 10 -42 - 21 -29 1 23 . 22 - 10 -

6911 3 202 " 72 - 24 .

225 - J8 -128 - 41 . 107 1 16 -60 " 27 . 48 l 30 -20 - 12 " J4 l 14 -

56 360 8 640 51 264 2 924 54 883 a 6110 50 572 2 923 17 866 2 57J 16 193 1 075

3 263 419 J 132 271 13 348 2 035 12 073 755

l 255 119 968 49 lJ 095 2 001 11 802 728 23 1110 3 996 22 043 1 085

512 70 534 35 l 477 - 692 I

2711 - 224 1 1 203 - 468 -l 481 5 410 -l 308 5 398 -380 2 123 .

91 I 34 " 217 l 70 -72 " 19 "

195 2 64 " 711 l 207 -

22 - II -173 - 12 "

6 - 2 ~$ 167 " 10 -~·

Page 45: PC(V2)-49 WASHINGTON General Population Characteristics

General Population Characteristics: 1970-Continued

The State Places of l 0,000

or More Counties


White Negro Other


All races

Total male, all ages Under 5 ymirs 5 and 6 ynnrs 7 to 9 yc"rs . 10 to 13 yenrs 14 yC(ll'S 15 yours . . 16 and I 7 years 18 nnd 19 ye"rs 20 ycors 21 years . . . 22 to 24 yours 25 to 34 ycurs 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 ycurs 55 to 59 ycnrs . 60 and 61 yearn 62 lo 6'l yours 65 to 74 yenrs .. 75 ycms nnd over

Tolol fcmolo, oil ages . Under 5 ycnrs 5 and 6 ym1ni 7 to 9 ycnrs . 10 to 13 yeors 14 years 15 years 16 and 17 yonrs 18 und 19 yenrs 20 yeors 21 yeors 22 to 24 yem·s 25 10 34 yo{lrs 35 to 44 yeors 45 Jo 54 ye11rs 55 to 5'J veors 60 ond 6 I ycors _ 62 to 6o1 veors 65 to 74 yours 7 5 y1?ar·s curd ovet

Negro mole, all ages Under 5 yenrs 5 lo 14 yours .. 15 to 24 yours 25 to 34 ycors 35 to 44 yours 45 lo 54 ynors 55 to 6··1 ye111·s 65 ycnrs uml over

Negro femele, all ages Under 5 yenrs 5 to 14 years .. 15 to 24 yours 25 to 34 years 35 lo 4•t yenrs 45 to 54 years 55 to 64 yeurs . 65 yeun; uml over·


10 ~:~~~~:rd~alion Heud . . ...

Prinrnry individual" Family heod, Mule

fernole Wife of head . .. . ... Other relotive of houd Nol reloled to head

In group quarters lnmole of inslilu1ion _ Other

Nogro populotlon. In households . _

Head . .. . .. .. . ..... Primary individual~ ~ family hood, Mole _____ _

Fcniole Wife of lir.<1d _ . __ ... _ Other relutivo of huud

·-.. Not rolotud lo heod •

1 In group quarters Inmate of institution OJher _





·-""" .

- --·--· -------

---" ---~


(for meuning of symbols, see texl)

Pork Platte

17 752 6 ij66 17 597 6 427

29 q 126 5$

8 778 3 216 735 2111 340 117 586 196 834 260 231 94 186 62 438 135 342 76 104 26

77 26 274 85 998 365

I 013 327 1 050 372

4qa 219 173 so 234 108 449 241 266 186

8 974 3 270 695 250 J22 106 see 184 855 255 190 55 205 69 407 135 Jl7 65 148 23 88 33

JJ6 J26 I OJ6 3711 I 108 JOO l 042 44:;1

436 205 179 76 210 91> 495 257 337 206

19 2 - ... - ... 5 ... 6 ... 2 ... 2 ... 4 ... - ...

10 2 - ... - ... J ... l ... I ... 4 ... I ... - ...

17 752 6 1186 11 soq 6 '164

5 534 2 247 9115 41>0

4 295 I 680 294 107

4 197 I 6411 7 621 2 482

152 Ill 248 ;52

63 19 185 13

29 q 24 ... 12 ...

l ... 11 ... - ...

8 ... 4 ... - ... 5 ... - ... 5 ...

Counlies--Contlmmil ______ .. '" .. _______ Sheridon Sublette Sweetwater Tel on

17 852 J 755 18 J91 4 B2;5 17 662 J 7q6 17 9)1 q 795

39 - 236 -151 9 224 28

e 886 I 930 9 261 2 436 582 177 Bl 7 223 278 85 402 87 483 137 616 161 707 194 788 2J2 215 ;!!5 206 59 217 28 205 63 363 76 362 103 313 55 283 60 114 19 90 J5 92 17 90 24

247 711 326 98 776 253 I 090 329 960 257 I 081 J:S4

I 199 234 I 097 Hll 561 109 507 100 190 31 184 s:s 269 41 241 38 710 84 570 110 608 24 306 33

a 966 l B25 9 130 2 387 513 151 794 203 264 91 363 Sii 421 133 559 11!>3 682 176 707 195 l92 41 168 60 185 53 21) 40 373 67 364 1011 2811 40 279 70 101 21 128 :SI 86 15 104 25

260 85 362 J28 853 255 l 068 37' 986 222 1 0611 338

I !69 202 1 !05 255 57q 70 1188 107 187 34 176 26 315 42 213 44 8113 76 579 91 676 51 314 so

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