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  • 7/30/2019 PCI survey Index


    S. VIJAY KUMARJoint Secretary & DG, NRRDA

    : 23389432: 23388191

    : [email protected]

    DO # P-14012/58/2004-NRRDA April 30, 2004

    Sub: Determining of a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Guidelines for upgradation and routinemaintenance of Rural Roads.


    In the meeting held on 25.2.2004 with State Secretaries for PMGSY, decision of which were conveyed videletter no. 17026/1/2004-RC dated 5.3.2004, it was decided, inter alia, that a Simple Pavement Condition Index (PCI)based on Visual Inspection or Driving Speed or riding comfort, already in use in many States, would be applied andprioritisation methodologies developed for determining Upgradation as well as maintenance priorities.

    2. Accordingly, details of the procedure for determination of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) are given in theaccompanyingAnnexure-1. Methodologies for determining upgradation and routine maintenance prioritisation based onthe Pavement Condition Index are given inAnnexure-2andAnnexure-3respectively.

    3. The PCI data is an integral part of the Online Management & Monitoring System (OMMS) and the data will beincluded in the Road Master for each kilometre. The PCI data after collection in the manner described in Annexure-1will be entered into the OMMS database by the PIU and a District-wise output generated, copy of which will be furnishedto the State Rural Roads Development Agency. Another copy will be supplied to the STAs for record. The proforma ofthe output will be as follows:-

    District: _________________ Block: _________________Nameofroad

    TR /LR/




    Length Name ofhabitationsConnected


    Year ofconstruction

    Year of lastperiodicrenewal(PR)

    Amount spenton routinemaintenancesince PR

    Type ofpavement

    km # AADT** PCI DateofPCI

    * (MRL- main rural link (in case TR is not a rural road)** if already done (can be done separately)

    4. The OMMS software will be incorporating provisions which enable selection of roads for upgradation from theshortlist on the basis of the PCI. It will also be incorporating provisions for routine maintenance management based onPCI.

    5. You are accordingly requested to get the PCI survey of the Core Network conducted by 31st

    May, 2004 and dataentry done in the OMMS by 15

    thJune, 2004. Costs not exceeding Rs. 50 per km (except road lengths constructed

    under PMGSY for which PCI of 5 will be used) will be allowed for getting the PCI data done and Rs. 10 per road forcompleting the Road Master in the OMMS (including surface nature, surface condition, population and facilities linked,etc.). The PCI Survey will be repeated every 2 Years and prioritisation of roads for upgradation and / or maintenance willbe redrawn accordingly.

    6. The cost may be met out of the Programme Fund and claimed as an item alongwith the next batch of proposals.

    with regards, Yours sincerely,

    State Nodal Secys(S Vijay Kumar)

    copy to:

    1. Director (RC) / DS (SA) / DS (SS)2. Director (Tech) / Director (P-I) / Director (P-II) / PSA, NRRDA

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  • 7/30/2019 PCI survey Index



    Methodology for determining the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

    1. Background

    The measurement of the condition rating of Rural Roads can be done by several methods. Automatedequipment like Bump Integrator are perhaps more accurate but given the huge length of the network and thefact that the condition rating is used as a qualitative and relativistic parameter as rather than as a quantitativeparameter in the context of the investment resource scarcity, simple and low cost methods may be used toinitiate a Pavement Management System. Once the system stabilises and the utility of the condition rating

    becomes more important, it may be appropriate to switch over to more intensive and accurate measurementmethods. Accordingly 3 simple, low cost methods are suggested for the present, which can be done by thePIU staff without much equipment.

    2. Methods suggested(i) Measurement based on Visual Inspection only

    An experienced engineer can rate the PCI by visual inspection of the pavement for each kilometre, aPavement Condition Index (PCI) of 1 to 5 is adopted, as under:

    Description of Surface Condition PCI

    Very Good 5

    Good 4

    Fair 3

    Poor 2

    Very Poor 1

    (ii) Based on Riding ComfortA jeep or car is driven at 50 km/hr. and the riding comfort noted for each kilometre. Based on Riding

    Comfort while driving at the design speed of 50 km/hr, the PCI is assessed as under:

    Riding Comfort @ 50 km/hr. PCI

    Smooth and Pleasant Ride 5

    Comfortable 4

    Slightly Uncomfortable 3

    Rough and Bumpy 2

    -Dangerous 1

    (iii) Based on comfortable Driving Speed possibleThe driver is instructed to drive at the most comfortable and safe speed possible on the road. The PCI

    then assessed for each kilometre based on the Normal Driving Speed, as under

    Normal Driving Speed PCI

    Over 40 km/hr 5

    30 to 40 km/hr 4

    20 to 30 km/hr 3

    10 to 20 km/hr 2

    Less than 10 km/hr 1

    3. Determination of PCI for a Road

    In order to get the PCI of the road, the arithmetic mean of the condition assessed for each km is takenif the kilometre-wise PCI is varying within a small range. However, if the variation of PCI is large from sectionto section of the road under consideration, the road is to be divided into homogeneous sections and thearithmetic mean of PCI is taken for each section.


    Guidelines for Preparation of Comprehensive Upgradation Priority List (CUPL) usingPavement Condition Index

    1. Use of PCI

    PMGSY Guidelines specify priority for taking up works. All roads, whether for new connectivity or upgradation, need to be apart of the Core Network. As per Para 3 of clarifications sent vide letter no. 17017/3/2002-RC dated 7

    thAugust, 2003, guidelines were

    to be issued separately with regard to road condition survey, selection criteria for upgradation and integration with Core Networkmaintenance plan, etc. The matter was further discussed in the meeting of State Secretaries for PMGSY on 25.2.2004 and decisionstaken in the meeting were conveyed vide letter no. P-17026/1/2004-RC dated 5.3.2004. As decided, the selection of roads for

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    upgradation will be done on the basis of a Road Condition Survey of the Core Network of the District which will establish a PavementCondition Index (PCI) on 1 to 5 point scale. The procedure is such that it can be done at PIU level routinely, and will be based onVisual Parameters, Riding Comfort or Normal Driving Speed Indicators (Annexure-1 gives the methodology)

    2. Prioritisation for CUPL

    After the Pavement Road Condition Survey results have been entered into the Road Master, the PIU will prepare theComprehensive Upgradation Priority List (CUPL) for the District (whether such a list is required) based on the following:-

    (i) The roads to be included in the CUPL will necessarily be Through Routes already included in theCore Network. Presently sealed-surface all-weather roads with PCI more than 2 and sealed-surface all-weather roads which are less than 10 years old (even if PCI is less than 2) will not be

    taken up for upgradation.

    (ii) Priority-I will be Through Routes which are presently WBM roads. In such cases, upgradation willcomprise of bringing the existing profile to good condition (along with improvement in geometriesnecessary drainage works and road signages) and providing the appropriate crust and surface asper design requirement.

    (iii) Priority-II are other fair weather through routes or gravel through routes or through routes withmissing links or lacking cross drainage. In such a case upgradation will consist of converting theroad into an all-weather one with appropriate geometries and all necessary provisions.

    (iv) Priority-III will be other through routes which are at the end of their design life, whose PCI is 2 orless, i.e., are poor or very poor. In such cases, upgradation will include improvement ingeometric design where necessary, with width, surfacing, etc., as per normal projected trafficrequirements.

    (v) Within each priority class, qualifying roads will be arranged in order of population served (directlyand through population served in link routes), as a rough indication of traffic expected. However,States are advised to conduct an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Survey at the earliest. Based on thetime at which the traffic survey is carried out (such as Peak or Lean Seasons) the same is to beadjusted for seasonality in order to arrive at Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), which is thebasis for the prioritization as well as the design. (An axle load survey may also be carried out, onselective basis, on the roads where heavy traffic is expected with wide variations in the Axle LoadSpectrum. Proposals for this purpose approved by NRRDA will be eligible for reimbursement ofexpenses).

    (vi) In case, in any District, the Through Roads defined in the Core Network do not belong to the RuralRoads category, the main rural links (emanating from the Through Route) will be considered forupgradation on similar lines indicated above. The basis for Prioritisation will be, in addition to PCI,the population served by the link in each category. In such cases the selection will be validated bythe STAs and data entry made in OMMS Road Master accordingly after categorising them asmain rural links (MRL).

    3. Preparation of CUPL

    The work of preparing the CUPL will be taken up only in those districts which are likely to completenew connectivity to eligible habitations within the next 1 year. The list will be prepared District-wise for each

    Priority class on the following proforma (where only a homogenous portion of the road is to be taken underupgradation, only that portion needs to be mentioned by chainage):-

    District __________ Priority Class _____________Block Road



    Name ofthroughroute /MRL*

    Year ofconstruction

    Year oflast




    PCI TotalPopulation

    of thehabitationsserved bythe road


    * where TR is not a rural road

    4. Verification

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    The CUPL will be got verified on the ground on sample basis through the STAs and the NQM systembefore it is processed for further approvals. The STAs will do 100% verification on the basis of the PCI datagiven by the District and sample ground checking.

    5. Approval

    After the CUPL is prepared and verified, it shall be placed before the District Panchayat for approvalwhereafter it shall be vetted by the State level Standing Committee (SLSC). After the District is eligible totake up upgradation works, annual proposals will be made for upgradation in the same manner out of theCUPL, as new connectivity proposals are made out of the Comprehensive New Connectivity Priority List

    (CNCPL) as mentioned in letter No. 17017/3/2002-RC dated 7th August, 2003. Upgradation works will bedone under the Standard Bidding Document and will provide for 5 year subsequent maintenance contract forthe entire upgraded stretch of the road (not merely for the items of work of upgradation). As such,upgradation works shall be taken up only after responsibility for subsequent maintenance is vested in theExecuting Agency.

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    Guidelines for preparation of priority list for routine maintenance of Core Network

    1. PMGSY provisions

    As per Para 17 of the PMGSY Guidelines, the State Government is required to undertake the maintenance of the entireCore Network particularly the road works constructed / upgraded under the Programme. The State Governments will developsustainable sources of funding for undertaking the maintenance functions.

    2. Why Maintenance?

    In respect of roads constructed / upgraded under the PMGSY, as per the Standard Bidding Document, the 5-year routinemaintenance is contracted out to the same contractor who constructed the road. In order to provide for routine maintenance beyondthis 5-year period and also to prioritise maintenance of other roads of the Core Network, the following Guidelines are issued pursuantto the meeting with State nodal Secretaries for PMGSY on 23.2.2004 (which were conveyed vide letter no. P-17026/1/2004-RC dated5.3.2004). To place the issue in its context it must be stated that:-

    Costs of maintenance activities are very small compared with other costs. Maintenance significantly reduces the rate ofdeterioration of the Pavement and thereby postpones expenditure on expensive investment in renewal or upgradation.

    Deterioration of the pavement takes place not only due to climatic and environmental factors but due to the axle loading.From road management point of view, axle load is often the more damaging factor, especially in conditions of frequentoverloading. Maintenance (not merely routine but also periodic maintenance) of roads with heavy axle load traffic shouldtherefore be prioritised (and axle loading regulated)

    3. Maintenance Prioritisations

    Given the scarcity of maintenance funds, the basic principle governing the application of routine maintenance funds is thatthese should be applied to those roads whose maintenance is in the greater public interest (Core Network Through Routes whichgenerally have much more traffic) and which are manageable at relatively low cost i.e., which are presently in good condition.Accordingly, Routine Maintenance Priority List (RMPL) will be prepared at District level based on the following.

    (i) the roads to be included will necessarily be Through Routes already included in the Core Network.

    (ii) the roads in each District will be ranked according to the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Subject to the overallavailability of funds, roads of progressively lower PCI will be uniformly taken up in all Districts for inclusion in the list. Forthis purpose abstract of District-wise length of roads of each PCI will be prepared and fund allotment done generally inratio of the roads length of the PCI classes to which maintenance funding is to be applied. For this purpose, eachDistrict may compile and make available to the budgeting centre the information as follows:-

    PCI class Total length ofTR/MRL

    Amount required for routinemaintenance


    (iii) In case it is necessary a further sub-prioritisation will be done as follows on the basis of Average Annual Daily Traffic(AADT) which will need to be applied only in case if all roads of a particular class cannot be taken up for maintenancegiven the scarcity of resources.

    PCI class Name of road Length AADT Amount required for routine maintenance

    Sub total for PCI

    (iv) Subject to earmarking of maintenance funds on project basis e.g., World Bank aided projects, PMGSY maintenancecontracts, etc., the divisible pool of maintenance fund will be distributed among the Districts in ratio of the total length ofroads of the priority classes being taken up for maintenance. For example, if the maintenance funds allow roads uptoPCI 3 and above to be taken up (though the funds may not be adequate to take care of all roads of that PCI value andfurther categorisation on basis of ADT may need to be done) the total length of roads in each District upto value of PCI3 would be worked out from the Core Network and maintenance funds would be divided in that ratio.

    3. Verification

    The District RMPL will be got verified on the ground on sample basis through the STAs and the NQM

    system before it is processed for further approvals.

    4 Approval

    After the District RMPL is prepared and verified, it shall be placed before the District Panchayat forapproval whereafter it shall be vetted by the State level Standing Committee (SLSC).

    5. State Maintenance Fund

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    The approved and vetted RMPL List would be basis for undertaking routine maintenance. In order to operationalise thesystem, routine maintenance funds will need to be placed in a separate Maintenance Fund with the State Autonomous Agency andthe PIUs responsible for rural road construction activities would operate the Fund in a manner identical to the PMGSY programmefund.

    6. IRC:SP:20:2002

    Routine maintenance operations will be as given in the Rural Roads Manual IRC:SP:20:2002. States with comprehensiverural road maintenance systems already in place may continue with the present practice in consultation with NRRDA.