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Minutes of the Meeting of Tasburgh Parish Council held on Monday 20th

September 2010 at 8pm in Tasburgh Village Hall, Small Hall.

Present: Brian Hill

Geoff Merchant

Dave Moore

John Mann

Deborah Sacks

Tony Lacey

Keith Read

Lenny Thompson

Julie King, Clerk

Also present: 10 members of the public.

1. Apologies

It was resolved to accept apologies from Don Proudfoot – transport mission.

2. Declaration of interest for items on the agenda


3. Minutes of the meeting held on 17th

August 2010

These were agreed as a true record of proceedings with no amendments,

proposed by John Mann, seconded by Geoff Merchant, all in favour.

4. Minutes of the planning meeting held on 7th

September 2010

These were agreed as a true record of proceedings with no amendments,

proposed by Keith Read, seconded by Brian Hill, all in favour.

5. Urgent Items to the raised through the Chair


6. Update on Matters Arising from Minutes

Bus Stops – Church Road

The Clerk had submitted the recommended locations to Norfolk County Council and

had initially received a response indicating that they did not intend to take the Parish

Council’s views into consideration. However, having explained the reasons for the

recommended sites they had agreed to contact the Parishioners concerned. Mr Schug

of 12 Church Road was “unhappy at the prospect of a bus stop outside his property”,

and on the basis that there had been no objection to siting one between 8 and 10

Church Road, Norfolk County Council intended to go ahead with this position,

along with the Parish Council’s suggestion of outside the substation.

The Parish Council had received a letter from Mr and Mrs Schug, which was read


Playbuilder Funding

The Clerk had written to Richard Bacon MP regarding the Council’s disappointment

at the likely ‘pulling’ of the Playbuilder Funding. A response had been received

stating that Mr Bacon had written to Secretary of State for Education, the Minister

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for Children and to the Director of Children’s Services at Norfolk County Council.

It seemed that little more would be known until the Comprehensive Spending

Review in October.

Freedom of Information Request

Payment had not been received from Mr Youngman following the forwarding of the

required information; the Clerk had sent an initial chase by e-mail.


The Clerk was continuing to chase Highways with regard to the cutting of the hedge

at the top of Grove Lane; Dave Moore had cut the overhanging brambles.

The Clerk had reported, to Highways, the damaged fingerposts at the junction of

Church Road, Grove Lane and Church Hill and the top and bottom of Flordon Road.

Highway and Community Rangers

The rollout of this programme was due to commence in September 2010 and the

Clerk was awaiting details of the dates that the Rangers would be visiting Tasburgh.

The scheme was aimed at tackling small ‘street-scene jobs’ that were of priority to

the Parish. The Clerk said that she would begin to compile a list of jobs that needed

doing and invited anyone to feed into the list.

7. Correspondence

Crime Stats

In August there had been three crimes, recorded as ‘theft from a motor vehicle’,

‘theft other’ and ‘other’.

Norfolk County Council – E-planning

Norfolk County Council was moving to an electronic planning service and was

offering to send planning applications to the Council via e-mail instead of the paper

copy. As the Council had previously indicated that they would not find this so

convenient, the Clerk had not taken Norfolk County Council up on their offer.

Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way

A new copy of the definitive map had been received, as there was a change in a

neighbouring parish; the map was passed to the Traffic Solutions Advisory

Committee as it may be helpful in their work with footpaths.


The following publications had been received and would be circulated:

- Clerks and Councils Direct

- Inspire East - REPortage


- Norfolk Police, Ceremonial Parade – Sunday 26th September, 11am, Bethel

Street Police Station to the steps of City Hall.

- SNC, Sustainable Communities Day – Saturday 2nd October, 10am,

Costessey Centre (Dave Moore would be attending).

- Norfolk Waste Partnership, Conference and AGM – Thursday 21st October,

9.30-4.20, John Innes Centre.

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- Norfolk ALC, Think Green…There is no Planet B – Wednesday 10th

November, 2.30-4.30 or 6.30-8.30, Easton College.

8. Reports on Meetings Attended

Geoff Merchant and Brian Hill had attended a meeting hosted by Norfolk Rural

Community Council on engagement with the Youth and the Old. They had been

impressed by a scheme that had just begun in Potter Heigham which aimed to

encourage others to help the elderly and vulnerable with practical tasks.

It was agreed to agenda, for the following meeting, an item to look at

encouraging the community to help each other including increasing the

awareness of Tasburgh United Charities.















It was resolved to pay the following:

Julie King Salary/Expenses(£386.41/£25.39) £411.80

Norfolk Pension Fund Pension Contribution £105.25

Post Office Ltd Tax and NI £84.00

Sky Link Events Cutting of Burrfeld Park £60.00

Norse Commercial Services Ltd Verge Cutting £144.39

Mazars External Audit £334.88

South Norfolk Council Printing of the Quarterly £357.72

Tasburgh PCC Church Rooms £22.00

Norfolk ALC Chairmanship and Engagement Course £45.00

SLCC Regional Conference £37.12

Norfolk ALC Election Training £12.50


Public Participation and Exchange of Information

The meeting was suspended to allow the public and those Councillors with a

prejudicial interest to speak.

A question was raised asking why money was being spent on the grass cutting of

Burrfeld Park when a strimmer had been purchased the previous year for use at the

site. The response included explanation that the contract was for mowing of

Burrfeld Park, something that a strimmer was not the most suitable equipment for,

that volunteers were more suitable for other jobs at the park and that the intention

when the strimmer was purchased was not for the long term mowing of the site.

Questions were raised and answered regarding the insurance and safety of those

using the equipment. The Chairman thanked Parishioners for their comments and

said that the contract for mowing would come up for renewal at the end of the

current mowing season.

A question was asked regarding the terms of the lease for Burrfeld Park, as the

answer was not available at the meeting the Clerk would forward the details to the


Mr Schug of 12 Church Road voiced his concern at the potential siting of a Bus Stop

outside his property and displeasure of not being consulted by the Parish Council.

He also felt that there was no need for a stop on Church Road and that the money


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would be better spent on a bus shelter in Lower Tasburgh. The Chairman explained

that the need for the bus stop was determined by Norfolk County Council and that

the Parish Council had only become aware following an approach from a

Parishioner of Church Road. The bus stops had been discussed on numerous

occasions at Parish Council meetings and the agendas and minutes of such meetings

were publicly available.

A Parishioner said that the previous weekend Watton had hosted a village games

event. Several South Norfolk villages had been involved although it was her

understanding that South Norfolk would be more involved next year. She said that

she raised the subject at this time as decisions regarding the next year’s precept were


A Parishioner voiced their concern at a later agenda item concerning the possible

renaming and renumbering of the section of Woodland Rise beyond the junction

with Chestnut Road. He said that this would create large amount of work not least

for the residents themselves, he suggested that better signage may be a preferable


The meeting was reconvened.





Planning Decisions


Next Planning Meeting

It was agreed that the next planning meeting would be on Tuesday 5th October

Councillors available: John Mann, Geoff Merchant, Dave Moore and Keith Read.

Dave Moore would be the Councillor responsible for receiving the plans prior to the






Advisory Committees

Traffic Solutions

Geoff Merchant said that the Traffic Solutions Advisory Committee had met and

gave an update as follows:

Grove Lane Bends

He said that there had been no progress, Alison Thomas, County Councillor had

offered to approach Highways regarding the awaited survey and that a response

from that approach was awaited.


Following an approach to Peter Read with regard to a footpath on his land on Low

Road, Peter had offered for sale, at current agricultural rate, one or two strips of

land, each of approximately half an acre for allotments and footpath. The conditions

were that the Council undertakes a survey of the land to ascertain the price and that

he retain right of way to the land he was to retain. It was agreed that this would be

investigated by the Traffic Solutions Advisory Committee who would

recommend to the next full Council Meeting the way forward, proposed by

Geoff Merchant, seconded by Brian Hill, all in favour.

A question was asked regarding the approach to the owner of land opposite the





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Village Hall, the Clerk had ascertained the owner’s name but not the address, Keith

Read agreed to supply the address.

Footpath Church Hill

Peter Wade-Martin of Norfolk Archeological Trust had indicated that he had no

objection to a pedestrian entrance at Church Hill to allow access to the Heritage

Site; however there were problems to overcome with changes in levels and disabled

access, this item had been postponed as there were other priorities.

Promotion of Cycle Path to Long Stratton

A request for a cycle path to be included in any future plans for a Long Stratton by-

pass had been submitted and acknowledged, this item was therefore complete.

Bus Shelters

This item was ongoing.

Trees/Shrubs for Church Road

Highways had confirmed their ownership of a strip of land along the roadside of the

land between 60 Church Road and Old Hall Farm. Steve Beckett, as Tree Warden,

had offered to seek approval from Highways for tree planting.

Inconsiderate Parking

A letter, prepared by Norfolk Police, had been delivered to households in Church

Road, Woodland Rise and Chestnut Road.

Community Speedwatch

Geoff Merchant agreed to liaise with the Clerk to progress this.


The Procedural Advisory Committee had not met; this item was therefore adjourned

until the next meeting.

Development / Parish Plan

South Norfolk Council’s Site Specific Policies and Allocations Document had been

received and the Development Advisory Committee (all Councillors had been

invited) had met to recommend the way the Parish Council should respond. It was

agreed that the following timetable be adopted:

Prior to the Parish Council meeting in October – Development Advisory

Committee (all Councillors to attend if possible) to consider the draft

response, as circulated.

October’s Parish Council meeting – to ratify the draft response.

To consult with an officer from the Planning Policy team at South

Norfolk Council.

To hold a public meeting in order to inform Parishioners and to consult

on the draft response.

November’s Parish Council meeting – to ratify the final response.

Submit response prior to deadline of 19th


proposed by Geoff Merchant, seconded by Deborah Sacks, all in favour.








Ongoing Projects

Burrfeld Park

A meeting had been held on 2nd September and notes of the meeting had been

circulated. The bench had been moved and recommendations had been made. In

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particular it was felt that the Advisory Group should be re-established should meet

and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.

Deborah Sacks spoke about asking a group called the Green Light Trust for

management advice. Keith Read apologised for not attending the meeting as he had

received his minutes too late.

Recreation for All

Deborah Sacks said that the most urgent need was for refurbishment of the

toddler/preschool area as it was expected that many of the current items would be

condemned when the latest inspection was received, costings were being obtained

and the funding would be sought.





Ongoing Items

‘Tree Week’ Tree Planting

This had been discussed at the Traffic Solutions Advisory Committee and reported

earlier in the meeting, however it was noted that it was getting rather late for an

application for the current year.

Renaming and numbering of a Section of Woodland Rise

It had been suggested that consideration be given to the renaming and numbering of

the section of Woodland Rise beyond the junction with Chestnut Road. The main

concern was that visitors found it difficult to identify this section of Woodland Rise.

It was agreed that renaming or renumbering would cause too many difficulties

and that what was needed was better signage, proposed by Keith Read,

seconded by Tony Lacey, all in favour. Geoff Merchant, Dave Moore and the

Clerk were due to meet with Robert West from Highways to discuss grit bins on

Valley Road, it was agreed that they would raise it at that time.






New Items

Planning Permission for Additional Storage Containers for the Village Hall

Deborah Sacks, Tony Lacey, Dave Moore, John Mann and Lenny Thompson

declared an interest as they are Trustees of the Village Hall Management

Committee. John Mann explained that the Village Hall Management Committee

were looking at installing additional container/s for storage purposes and would be

required to obtain planning permission. If the Parish Council were to apply on their

behalf, the cost would be half that normally charged. It was agreed that there was

insufficient information upon which to make a decision, however historically

the Parish Council has supported such requests.

Providing of IT facilities at the Village Hall

Tony Lacey explained that, on behalf of the Village Hall Management Committee,

he was looking at securing funding in order to provide IT facilities for those

Parishioners who don’t currently have the benefit of such at home. As a user of the

Village Hall, the Parish Council were being asked for their opinion on the need for

such a facility. It was agreed that Councillors could see a need for both

recreational and educational uses, the Clerk was therefore asked to write

expressing the Council’s support, proposed by Geoff Merchant, seconded by

Keith Read, all in favour.


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Budget and Precept 2011/2012

Fees and Services of the Council

It was agreed to increase the fees charged for advertising in the Quarterly and

the hire of the Father Christmas outfit by 2%, proposed by Tony Lacey,

seconded by Deborah Sacks, carried.

Bus Stops, Church Road

Following the update provided under correspondence and the views expressed

during public participation, it was agreed to speak with the owners of number 8 and

10 Church Road to confirm that they were happy with the proposal to for the stop

between their properties and to feed any views back to Norfolk County Council,

Dave Moore and John Mann to speak with owners.


17. Items for Next Month’s Agenda

- Community Emergency Plan

- Quarterly Articles

18. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting would be Monday 18th October 2010.

The meeting closed at 9.38pm.