Download - PB August 20-21, 2011

  • 8/4/2019 PB August 20-21, 2011


    VOL. 3 AUGUST 20-21, 2011 ISSUEWelcome to

    Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA

    MIKE RIVERA, [email protected]

    BILL HOLT, [email protected]

    LOLA RIVERA, [email protected]

    TINA RABY, FINANCIAL [email protected]

    Roman Missal Collectible InsertsThe Roman Missal changes (prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass) will be

    officially implemented on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011. Starting this weekend

    and for the next several weeks, you will find an insert inside of the weekly bulletin. We ask you

    to collect these inserts as they are a great source of information in our Catholic Faith, and the

    upcoming Roman Missal changes. The first insert is called Ten Questions on the Roman Missal,

    Third Edition.

    Pastor:Fr. Damian Ilokaba(706) 791-4307

    Co-Pastor: Fr. Samuel Aniekwe(706) 791-4307

    Contract Priest: Fr. Michael Rov(706) 791-2945NCOIC: Sgt. Sheronda Williams

    (706) 791-4308Chapel Clerk: Vacant

    (706) 791-2945Deacons:

    - George Foster (706) 860-2379- Mike Marchek (706) 855-210- David Kriegel (706) 869-978

    PLC: VACANTMusic Director: VACANTReligious Education: VACANTMCCW: Kim Besel

    [email protected]

    Knights of Columbus:Al [email protected]

    Youth Ministry: Nisa [email protected]

    EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-97Altar Servers:Alex [email protected], (706) 855-9Lectors: Tom Dean

    (706) 860-6946Ushers: Ron Shannon

    (706) 868-5960Flowers Ministry: Sherry Wodick

    [email protected]: Lola Rivera (443) 223-112

    [email protected]


    when he opens, no one shall shut (and) when he

    shuts, no one shall open. (Isaiah 22:22)

    The LORD is exalted, yet the lowly he sees, and

    the proud he knows from afar. (Psalm 138:6) How inscrutable are his judgments and how

    unsearchable his ways! (Romans 11:33b)

    For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,

    but my heavenly Father. (Matthew 16:17)


    Is God revealed or understood?

    Is faith logical?

    Is faith built on love?

    Is there any rationality in love?

    We cannot put forth signs of unity when obvious

    division still exists. Receiving Communion at thesame altar is not a sign of unity when we do so with

    the intention of separating afterwards to return toour various Churches. In short, the Catholic Churchteaches that we should not pretend to have true

    unity if, in reality, we are separated from other

    Christian bodies.

    Retrieved from

    There is no greater way in which God can communi-cate with us than on the level of pure faith. This

    level does not register directly on our psychic facili-ties because it is too deep. God is incomprehensible

    to our facilities. We cannot name Him in a way thatis adequate. We cannot know Him with our mind;

    we can only know him with our love. That is whatsome mystical writers call unknowing. It is by notknowing Him in the ways that we now know Him,that we do know Him. Visions, locutions or ecsta-

    sies are like frosting on a cake. The substance of thejourney is pure faith.

    Keating, Thomas, Open mind Open Heart, Contin-

    uum: New York, 2003, p. 83,4.

    Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh ParishVision LLC


    Q:Why doesn't the Catholic Church offer com-munion to all Christians?

    A: The official Catholic position holds that holy

    Communion is not only a source of Christian unity,but it is also asign of unityreal unity, existingnow. An authoritative document of Vatican Council

    II puts it, "Strengthened in holy Communion by thebody of Christ, [the faithful] manifest, in a concreteway, the unity of the people of God that this sacra-ment aptly signifies and wondrously causes."

    Orientation for All CCD teachers, 27 Aug 9:00 -12:00 , Bldg 13. We will be going over, curriculum, schedule and expectations

    each teacher for the 2011-2012 CCD year. Lets make this a great year and get a good start. We still need teachers for 1st, 6

    and 7th grades. Please contact Sherry Wodicka 706-592-6478.
  • 8/4/2019 PB August 20-21, 2011


    Looking for Parish Council Executive Members ~~~~~~~ Pag

    St. Michaels Parish is soliciting volunteers to serve as the FY12 Parish Council President, Vice -President, Secretary and Financial Advisor. If you areterested in leading and having an impact on your church, please contact Deacon George Foster at [email protected]. Appointments will be made

    the end of August. You may ask the current Council Members about these positions. The following is a brief job description on these positions. Ple

    check out our bylaws in our website to learn about our Parish Vision and other important information.

    1. President- Be the Pastors Right Hand and strive to meet the PPC Vision.

    - Conduct all meetings of the council.

    - Perform such other duties as the Pastor and Deacons may from time to time direct, consistent with that office.

    - Be responsible for assuring participation of all members in Council deliberations and decision making.

    - Prepare an agenda in conjunction with the Pastor, and send it to Council members no later than one weekprior to the regularly scheduled council meeting.

    - Poll parishioners and update the PPC.- Maintain and submit records to his/her successor

    2. Vice President- Assume all duties of the President in his/her absence.

    - Be fully informed about all Council activities.

    - Perform other such duties as the Pastor, Deacons, or President may direct, consistent with that office.- Poll parishioners and update the PPC.

    3. Financial Advisor- Check and update monthly the fiscal status of Parish.

    - Prepares and submits a monthly financial report to the Parish Council.

    - Yearly report to PPC on NAF/AF expenditures and bottom line.

    - Works closely with the office of the Army Chief of Chaplains.

    - Perform other duties assigned by the Pastor, Deacons, or President may direct, consistent with that office.- Maintain and submit records to his/her successor.

    4. Secretary- Keep an accurate record of all Council correspondence, minutes, and other communications.- Provide a copy of previous meeting minutes to all members at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting.

    - Provide a copy of the minutes to the Parish at large.- Keep an accurate record of all those in attendance.

    - Provide advance notification to all Council members and the ioners of the time and place of regular and regular meetings.

    - Perform such other duties as the Pastor, Deacons, or President may direct, consistent with that office.- Maintain and submit records to his/her successor.

    Nominations and Elected Officer

    Eligibility Requirements

    The President must be an Active Duty Sevice Member. For the remaining positions,no Active Duty Service members are nom

    nated, Active Duty Service Member Spouses, Military Retirees, and DoD emploees and their families can be nominated. BeCatholic in good standing and have the e

    dorsement and support of the Pastor and De

    cons. Be an active parishioner.Support thgoals and objectives of the Parish. Hav

    the ability to perform the duties of th


    Boy Scouts of AmericaBoy Scouts of America is alive and well in our community. The BSAhas been around for over 100 years, instilling in our youth: leadership,

    life and survival skills, respect, faith, and courage. The local BoyScout Troop out of St Mary on the Hill Catholic Church is activelyseeking new membership. Please contact their Scoutmaster, DaveBesel at [email protected]. You can also visit their website


    Pro-Life Mass & RosaryFor your information, there is a Mass the first Saturday ofeach month at Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 am followed by a

    Pro-Life Rosary at Preferred Health Center right after(approximately 10:15am). This activity is not organized byour parish, but you are invited to participate to support the

    Right to Life.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MCCW FT GORDON FOR LIFEO Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, to you do we entrust the cause of life: Look down, O Mother, upon the vnumbers of babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose lives are made difficult, of men and women who are victims of bru tal vio

    lence, of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference our out of misguided mercy. Grant that all who believe in your Son may procla

    the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time. Pope John Paul II, Prayer for Life, Evangelium Vitae.

    Hand-made Pro-Life Rosaries WorkshopWe will start praying the Pro-Life Rosary the first Wednesday of each month startinOctober 5th, before Adoration at 6:10pm. In order to get ready for the first rosary, we

    have a hand-made Pro-life Rosary Workshop on September 17th, 10am-Noon. Wemake the rosaries that we will use for this intention. We are asking you to sign up forworkshop, so we can have an idea of how many supplies we need to purchase. Signsheets will be place on the MCCW table located in the hall. Please take a minute to

    up to make your own Pro-Life Rosary. This is a free workshop!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OUR COMMUNITYWorldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

    A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like Easter Sunday because it's aweekend full of fresh love, rebirth, and new beginnings. All married couples deserve

    a richer, fuller life together! Make a special time of growth for you and your spouse.For more information or to register for October 7 - 9 in Savannah, call 904 821-0773or register on line at

    Send us an email if you are celebrating you

    wedding anniversary next month

    [email protected].[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 8/4/2019 PB August 20-21, 2011



    God and Coffee is Off!!God and Coffee is off for the Summer. Thisgroup will resume on September 11. Contact

    Tom Dean (706) 860-6946 if you have any ques-tion.

    Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW)MCCW is getting ready to start the 2011/2012 year! Our first meeting will be

    Thursday, September 8 (note that this is a change from the previously advertised

    date of September 1). We will have Mass at 6:00 pm and then meet in the RSO

    for food and a "Jeopardy" game on our Catholic faith and traditions. This fun evening will be

    presided over by Father Paul Shuda, a retired priest from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Brush up

    on your Catholic trivia now because there will be prizes!

    MCCW Monthly ProgramsMCCW meets the first Thursday evening of the month for Mass at 6:00 pm followed by food

    and a program. The dates for the 2011/2012 year are as follows: September 8 (change from

    September 1), October 6, November 3, December 1, January 5, February 2, March 1,

    April 5 (Holy Thursday adoration), and May 3.

    MCCW Faith StudyMCCW also meets on Monday mornings (except the first week of the month and on holidays)

    for our faith study. We begin with the rosary at 9:00 am and then do the study until 11:00 am.

    This year we will be reading and discussing "Catholic Customs & Traditions: A Popular

    Guide" by Greg Dues. The dates of the faith study are:

    September 12, 19, 26. October 17, 24. November 7, 14. December 5, 12. January 9,23.February 6, 13. March 5, 12, 19, 26. April 9, 16, 23. May 7, 14. Join us!

    Bible Study is Off!!St. Michaels Bible Study will resume on September 13

    will start a Bible Study on the Books of Hebrews. CoTom Dean (706) 860-6946. Join us!

    Join us

    August 28th, 2011

    at 10 AM Mass.

    Youth are encouraged to do the readings, serve

    as Ushers, sing in the choir, and present thegifts during Mass. Please contact

    the Ministry Coordinator thatyou are interested in partici-


    We will have choir practiceon Wednesday August

    24th, at 6pm. We needsingers and musicians!!!Contact Nisa Vera if you

    have any question @

    [email protected], .

    Altar Servers Training!!!Altar Server Training will be September 10, from

    Noon - 1300 at Good Shepherd Chapel. All cur-

    rent and new servers must attend. A schedule will

    be drawn up and distributed at that time. For moreinformation please contact Alex Besel at [email protected] or (706) 855-9275.

    Knights of Columbus

    Please know that our nextmeeting will be on Tues-

    day September 13, 2011in Bldg. 13 at 1830. So-cial and the meetingstarts at 1900 hours. Con-

    tact the Grand Knight Al Larson at

    [email protected] if youhave any question.

    St. Michaels Day will be celebrated on Septem

    24th after 5pm Mass. We need your help to hav

    successful celebration. If you sing, dance, are a com

    dian, or have any other talent, this is your chance

    share your talent with your Parish. Please con

    Herman Gonzalez (706) 951-7883 if you would lik

    sign up for the entertainment part of the day. Rehe

    als for this event will be on September 23rd at 6

    Please, plan to attend if you are participating.

    Side-Dishes and Desserts NeededThe Parish will provide meats and

    drinks for St. Michaels Day. How-

    ever, we ask our parishioners to bring

    side dishes and/or desserts. The sign

    up sheets are located on the kitchens

    counter in the activity room. Please, take a few m

    utes to sign up today.

    Families WantedOur Parish is looking for families

    who would like to bring up the gifts

    at each mass. Please contact RonShannon if you are interested at

    [email protected]

    Access Parish updates, current newsletters, and mo

    CCD Registration!!CCD begins Sep 11, 2011. We will havesign up for it in the chapel social hall

    every mass until then, starting this week-end. We are also looking for teachers forthe CCD program. If interested pleasec o n t a c t S h e r r y W o d i c k a a t

    [email protected] or (706) 592-6478. There will be an orientation forteachers and also workshops to attend,starting in August. Randy Dillard will be

    instructing the "Seven Laws of theLearner." More info to follow on datesand times.

    Catechists NeededThe future of our church depends on theadults in our parish volunteering to be

    catechists. We are in need of severalCatechists and substitute teachers. Any-one interestedin volunteer-

    ing to teachR e l i g i o u sEducation thisyear, please

    contact SherryWodicka.

    EME and Lectors

    TrainingTraining for Extraordinary Ministersof the Eucharist and Lectors will beconducted on Sep 14, 2011 following

    adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Bulletin Announcements

    Bulletin announcements must be submitted to [email protected] by Sunday 3 PM.

    Page 4

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in batBe our protection against the wickedness a

    snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; an

    do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hostthe Divine Power of God -thrust into hellSatan and all the evil spirits, who roamthroughout the world seeking the ruin of


    Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their fami-

    lies and friends during their deployments. If your love one is one of them,or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or her name, so

    we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to

    [email protected].

    COL Mark Ziemba

    SFC Nathan Varner

    SrA James Varner

    SPC Brendan G. Fitzpatrick

    CW2 Clarence W. Raby, III

    COL William Walker

    Susan Wersal

    SSG Carl W. Thompson

    Col. Michael Apicella

    HM1 Genell Cody

    SPC. David Silva

    A Study on the Book of Ephesians.

    The book of Ephesians was a letter written by the Apostle Paul during the first-century church. Paulwrote this letter to the believers in Ephesus in order to provide them with doctrinal teaching.

    Ephesus was a major city of commerce and trade on the western coast of Asia Minor, situated on theMediterranean Sea. It was a city famous for its Temple of Artemis, also named Diana, a Greek goddess

    of fertility. Much of the trade that took place in Ephesus involved the making and selling of statuettes

    of Artemis. From silversmiths and coppersmiths these tiny idols became a much sought-after house-hold item. However, when Paul spent over two years in Ephesus, his teachings against idolatry sparkedriots within the marketplaces. Tradesmen were angry with him for taking away their method of earninga living.

    Despite the opposition, there was an amazing level of believing among the people of Ephesus. At onepoint during Paul's ministry, aprons and handkerchiefs were brought from Paul's body and taken to thesick who experienced healing as a result of coming in contact with those items. Even evil spirits were

    cast out. These were special miracles that God made available to Paul during his missionary journeybecause the believing was so incredible in Ephesus.

    As a result, Ephesus became the city out of which the movement of the Word of God reached its pin-

    nacle. In less than three years, the message of the gospel had traveled out of Ephesus through the entireregion of Asia Minor.

    The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Ephesians while imprisoned in Rome. Paul's relationship to theEphesians was very close, one of intense love and mutual admiration. This is evident in the book ofEphesians as Paul unfolds the great mystery of the church like no other letter. In this unique book, Paulnstructs the people of Ephesus in some of the most incredible, insightful Christian doctrine in the

    whole of Scripture.

    God's secret is revealed, that those who are united by the blood of Jesus Christ all make up the Body ofChrist, one that expresses the fullness of Christ on earth. While Jesus was no longer present in theflesh, His spirit dwelt among and in the midst of those who believed in Him. And the beauty of the

    Body of Christ is expressed by the spiritual union of both Jews and Gentiles. The remainder of the

    book of Ephesians is to instruct the believers in the Body of Christ how to live an empowered Chris-tian life, and how to conduct themselves within the Body.

    Within its chapters, the book of Ephesians teaches believers to seek after unity, to use their gifts andministries for the benefit of the Church, to conduct all relationships according to God's divine order,

    and more. In closing, Paul reminds believers that their struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with therulers of darkness in the spiritual realm. (6:12) He exhorts them to put on the Armor of God so that

    they will be fully equipped to withstand the evil works of the enemy.

    Paul's love for the Ephesians mirrored the love of Jesus Christ for the Church. His desire was for allbelievers to be united, and to grow and mature in their faith, for the purpose of leading others to Christ.

    No other book in the Bible so clearly communicates this message than the book of Ephesians.

    Written by Amy Miller. Retrieved from


    Weekend MassesSaturday 17:00

    Sunday 08:30 & 10:00

    Daily MassMon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30

    Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45

    Penance/ ReconciliationSaturday 16:00Sunday 08:15

    (Also by Appointment)

    RosarySaturday 16:30Sunday 08:00

    Communion (Sick/Homebound):Deacon George Foster

    WeddingsDeacon George Foster

    BaptismsDeacon Mike Marchek

    LiturgyDeacon David Kriegel

    Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RDeacon Mike Marchek

    AdorationWednesday 18:30

    Religious Education (RE)Sunday 11:30

    (RSO and RE Complex)

    StewardshipAttendance: 375

    Offering: $1,558.03