Download - Patternapplication

Page 1: Patternapplication

Spiral Application

Advantage goes toThe right-handed defender comingdown the stairs, Rather than the right-handed invadercoming up.


Page 3: Patternapplication

Lobed Application

Lobed Application

The better to hear


The better to hear


Page 4: Patternapplication

Web or Net ApplicationWeb or Net Application

For collecting.

In time I imagine that hedge to be filled with little birds.

For collecting.

In time I imagine that hedge to be filled with little birds.

Page 5: Patternapplication

To slow downthe chickens eating and competing for food.


Scatter ApplicationScatter Application

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Wave Pattern ApplicationWave Pattern Application

• Slowing down the traffic in the garden.

• Slowing down the traffic in the garden.


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Holon ApplicationHolon Application

The holon pattern is the same pattern nested into a bigger one.

It is used as a growth pattern--it spreads. I couldn’t find a better picture----I hope BOA doesn’t spread!

The holon pattern is the same pattern nested into a bigger one.

It is used as a growth pattern--it spreads. I couldn’t find a better picture----I hope BOA doesn’t spread!


Page 8: Patternapplication

Overbeck Jet ApplicationOverbeck Jet ApplicationSnow Fence Theory - The theory

behind snow fence is really pretty simple. A properly designed and

built snow fence will cause snow to drift down wind of it. An eddy will

form behind the fence line whenever the wind passes over it, causing a rolling wind current that

flows downward and to the back side of the fence. This formation

will cause fast and slow places to develop in the wind which makes a

drift form in front of the fence on the windward side. A well designed snow fence can both prevent snow from drifting where it is not wanted and retain snow where it is desired.

Snow Fence Theory - The theory behind snow fence is really pretty

simple. A properly designed and built snow fence will cause snow to

drift down wind of it. An eddy will form behind the fence line

whenever the wind passes over it, causing a rolling wind current that

flows downward and to the back side of the fence. This formation

will cause fast and slow places to develop in the wind which makes a

drift form in front of the fence on the windward side. A well designed snow fence can both prevent snow from drifting where it is not wanted and retain snow where it is desired.Barrow

SourceNote: if you DON’T want drifts to develop, make sure your fence is permeability, make sure there is 2/3 space in your fence.

Page 9: Patternapplication

General Core ModelGeneral Core Model

• Traffic slows here and then speeds up again after the narrowing.

• Traffic slows here and then speeds up again after the narrowing.

Side note: Some say humanity is entering the narrow partof the general core model. Why do you think they believe that?
