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Hello world! This is Passionfruit‟s first publication speaking (not really,

don‟t freak out and call all the newspapers).

We‟re excited.

Can‟t you tell?

We thought of this concept while being on a „Creative Communication‟

camp where we learnt many techniques and ways to communicate



Here is the product of what we have learnt to share with everyone who

has an interest in:






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There are many ways to communicate to others, for

example the telephone, media, newspaper but you can also

communicate through performance- acting, singing and


When someone performs, they are willing to impress their

audience with their skills and charisma. Some people like

characters they relate to, so the performer needs to make

their characters believable and show strong emotions.

A production requires a long process before being

performed to a live audience. The writing of the play comes

first, then the production needs a director and once he/she

is found then comes the casting of the characters and

finding those people who just play the character perfectly.

The rehearsals then take place and the final step is to

perform it! The audience completes the final step and they

are the ones who the actors need to communicate with.

The production could be a comedy, drama, romance, or

tragedy, whatever one it may be, the actors need to

communicate the message to their audience and get them

to feel what their character is feeling. A performance can

communicate with their audience by setting the mood

that their audience can connect with emotionally.

A movie or television series also communicates with their

audience as well. Every character in the scene has an

effect on the audience even the non-speaking ones- they

make the scene more realistic, which relates to the

audience to give an affective form of communication.

Movies or television shows that have characters or real-life

situations, the audience may relate to it. They may even

help a viewer with their own real-life situations.

Understanding what motivates different characters helps

people better understand those around them.

Here‟s a link showing 5 tips on how to communicate

effectively to your audience:

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Passion.It's one word with a handful of insightful meanings. Such as: 1. Violent anger 2. The state of being acted upon or affected by something external such as ESP, something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior and 3. A strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything According to some of‟s experts' opinion. For now I think we‟ll discuss number three. Or maybe something alien. No, number three it is. A passion for something is a complex feeling that captures a person‟s imagination, ignites a flame inside of you, defines you and drives you. It's exciting. Passion may come in many forms such as a passion for music, writing, performing – whatever takes your fancy really. My passion is for music, especially the band Coldplay, and I love reading and writing. Whether I am good at it or not it depends on your good opinion, dear reader [in regards to writing] but nevertheless I have a passion for it, an enthusiasm and that is more important than anything else. For no-one has talent; they have practice and experiences - good and bad. If you want something you work hard for it,

that‟s true, but you need passion as a driving force, as motivation.

“ ”

- Yes, even Leonardo da Vinci himself agrees that passion is pure and is moral. It is right and good and true. Passion is important; it is there for a reason. Now, I know you all have heard the tiring expression, „follow your dreams‟ and that „we are all special and we are all leaders and aren‟t we just wonderful?‟ spiel (well, I have) so I am NOT going to preach that you should follow your passion and become an amazing architect/doctor/lawyer/acrobat/fishmonger/insert-profession-here but - yes there is a „but‟ - I do think that you should be true to that passion and acknowledge it. This is so that in ten, twenty years time you are not stuck being in a stuffy office instead of saving the planet or whatever it is you are passionate about. I am also passionate about food. I specialize in eating

chocolate and ice-cream. I am very good at eating it,

not so much cooking or creating it. This guy is


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Mr. Jamie Oliver – Food Revolutionist

Jamie Oliver is a breath of fresh air when it comes to

food and makes it exciting. He was the first famous

person passionate about something I could think of

and has made a difference in the diet of many obese

people and people who have poor diets around the

globe. He become a TV star after people discovered

him and offered him a show after seeing his passion

and enthusiasm for food. He has also changed

canteens and tuck shops all over the place to a

healthier option and campaigning against processed

food in the US and the UK. He teaches people how to

take care of themselves and their families. He is

always so enthusiastic and inspirational. Just watch

him talk for five minutes and you will agree.

He has won numerous awards, including the

prestigious TED award February this year for his

marvellously passionate speech about teaching

children about food.

He deserved this award and many more. Amazing,

powerful, passionate stuff – it‟s a very well spent

twenty minutes of your time.

Now I invite you to think about all the amazing people

in history and the thing that they have in common is

passion, so much passion that they will take all the

risks to put their ideas out there. Martin Luther King is

an example that leaps to mind. He was so passionate,

which is demonstrated fantastically in his „I have a

dream‟ speech that it is one the best, most recognized

and highly quoted speech in the world and put his life

on the line for a cause of absolute importance.

“ ”


In conclusion, your passion is vital. It defines who you

are and it can make others see alternate views or

teach them something new. Your passion can take you

to places you never imagined and many famous people

are famous because of this.

So, what happens now?


Be yourself.

Be remarkable.

Be passionate.

Get excited for the future to come.

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Innovation is the basis of all ideas; whether it is something that has all ready been used but perhaps is altered or refined; resulting in a different outcome. Innovation is a necessity when it comes to creating new revolutionary ideas or products. Innovation seems to come hand in hand with creativity, yet one has to think and often recall that creativity isn‟t a state of mind, nor a person, we‟re all born creative but it has to be amplified through our passions and desires. It would be nearly impossible to give someone a guide to „Think Outside The Box‟ as everyone has their own guidelines to creativity. Often the greatest ideas occur in the most unexpected places, they‟re something that cannot be forcefully triggered or created; it all comes down to the imagination and creativity.

So you may have fathered that creativity plays a big part in innovation and the only real way to become more innovative is to become more creative; see the world in a different light than what you might normally see, take risks or accept opportunities that come your way. Invest in your passions and talents, because this is where majority of your creativity will flow from, pursuing these passions or talents can often be make the difference between just keeping your passions strictly a hobby or furthering it to possibly become a career or great idea. After all, times are changing and new jobs that didn‟t exist within the last few years are now beginning to appear, something the people of today have to realise and utilise.

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