Download - Parts Speech

  • Parts of SpeechIdentify the parts of speech1. Ramu came to my house yesterday?

    a) noun b) pronoun c) preposition d) conjunctionAnswer:noun

    2. We went to market last week.a) pronoun b) noun c) verb d) adjective

    Answer: pronoun

    3. He is the most sincere person that I have ever met.a) verb b) adverb c) adjective d) prepositionAnswer: Adjective

    4. Sita commutes to office by bus.a) adverb b) pronoun c) conjunction d) verbAnswer: Verb

    5. She has been waiting for him since morning.a) preposition b) conjunction c) adverb d) verbAnswer: Preposition

    6. Smoking is injurious to health.a) noun b) adjective c) verb d) adverbAnswer: Noun

    7. Beauty is skin deep.a) adjective b) noun c) pronoun d) prepositionAnswer: Noun



  • 8. It fell from the sky.a) noun b) adverb c) verb d) pronounAnswer: Pronoun

    9. She invited only me. a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) pronounAnswer: Pronoun

    10. People are buying platinum instead of gold.a) pronoun b) adverb c) noun d) adjectiveAnswer: Noun

    11. They are anticipating that there would be a strike.a) adverb b) verb c) adjective d) prepositionAnswer: Verb

    12. She behaves as though she knows everything. a) noun b) pronoun c) conjunction d) prepositionAnswer: onjunction

    13. Mary insulted them in front of all.a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) prepositionAnswer: Pronoun

    14. Most of the people are scared of death.a) noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) adverbAnswer: Noun

    15. There is a hospital in front of my house.a) conjunction b) verb c) preposition d) adverbAnswer: Preposition



  • 16. This milk is pure.a) adverb b) adjective c) noun d) verbAnswer: Adjective

    17. He has ruined his life. a) verb b) adverb c) conjunction d) prepositionAnswer: Verb

    18. Australia is a peace-loving country.a) pronoun b) verb c) conjunction d) nounAnswer: Noun

    19. We are fully equipped for the expedition.a) adjective b) pronoun c) adverb d) prepositionAnswer: Adverb

    20. I don't mean to hurt him in anyway.a) pronoun b) verb c) adverb d) nounAnswer: Pronoun

    21. Mother Teresa was one person who personified kindness.a) pronoun b) noun c) adverb d) adjectiveAnswer: Noun

    22. They have been tolerating this since long.a) noun b) verb c) adverb d) adjectiveAnswer: Verb

    23. She has three flats in Mumbai.a) verb b) noun c) adjective d) pronounAnswer: Adjective



  • 24. They seldom come here.a) adverb b) verb c) adjective d) nounAnswer: Adverb

    25. Many silkworms are killed to make silk.a) pronoun b) adverb c) verb d) nounAnswer: Noun

    26. Many people are still waiting for judgement.a) adjective b) verb c) adverb d) nounAnswer: Noun

    27. Besides the media, there were a lot of people at the venue.a) noun b) adjective c) preposition d) adverbAnswer: Preposition

    28. This is an old movie.a) noun b) adjective c) pronoun d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    29. She wore a beautiful blue sari for the wedding.a) adjective b) adverb c) noun d) verbAnswer: Adjective

    30. Youth should be guided properly.a) pronoun b) noun c) adverb d) adjectiveAnswer: Noun

    31. Ouch! I have hurt my finger.a) adverb b) adjective c) noun d) interjectionAnswer: Interjection



  • 32. The doctor will come in an hour.a) pronoun b) noun c) conjunction d) prepositionAnswer: Noun

    33. He is not only a good dancer, but also a poet. a) preposition b) adverb c) conjunction d) nounAnswer: Conjunction

    34. I took these after taking his permission. a) adjective b) pronoun c) noun d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    35. Wood is used to make furniture.a) noun b) verb c) adverb d) pronounAnswer: Noun

    36. I will not go there unless I am forced.a) adverb b) conjunction c) pronoun d) verbAnswer: Conjunction

    37. That is a very good joke.a) pronoun b) noun c) adjective d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    38. She recommended me for that job.a) preposition b) adverb c) verb d) conjunctionAnswer: Verb

    39. Asia is the largest continent in the world.a) noun b) preposition c) conjunction d) adverbAnswer: Noun



  • 40. Those were just samples.a) noun b) adjective c) pronoun d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    Identify the parts of speech1. He has very little knowledge about computers.

    a) adverb b) pronoun c) preposition d) adjectiveAnswer: Adjective

    2. Their house is in a colony called Rajiv nagar.a) preposition b) noun c) pronoun d) adverbAnswer: Noun

    3. Wow! That is a beautiful dress.a) noun b) adjective c) interjection d) adverbAnswer: Interjection

    4. That skirt is hers.a) pronoun b) verb c) adverb d) nounAnswer: Pronoun

    5. He got the first rank in EAMCET.a) noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) conjunctionAnswer: Adjective

    6. She held his hand lest he should fall.a) adjective b) conjunction c) adverb d) nounAnswer: Conjunction

    7. I used a lot of tomatoes to prepare this curry.a) noun b) verb c) conjunction d) pronounAnswer: Noun



  • 8. You can have all these, they are yours.a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) pronounAnswer: Pronoun

    9. He never lends an ear to what I say.a) verb b) adjective c) adverb d) nounAnswer: Adverb

    10. She seems to have much information about it.a) pronoun b) adjective c) adverb d) conjunctionAnswer: Adjective

    11. They will honour him for his achievement.a) adverb b) noun c) verb d) adjectiveAnswer: Verb

    12. Hyderabad is a happening place.a) preposition b) noun c) adjective d) conjunctionAnswer: Noun

    13. You can't take those things, those are theirs.a) pronoun b) adjective c) noun d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    14. She is humbler than I expected?a) verb b) adverb c) adjective d) nounAnswer: Adjective

    15. Many intelligent students participated in the quiz.a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) prepositionAnswer: Adjective



  • 16. He is person who kidnapped the child.a) noun b) adjective c) pronoun d) prepositionAnswer: Pronoun

    17. Many people visit the Ganga every year.a) pronoun b) adverb c) noun d) prepositionAnswer: Noun

    18. I would like to apologize on behalf of him.a) preposition b) conjunction c) adverb d) verbAnswer: Preposition

    19. This is the gift which I gave him.a) pronoun b) adverb c) noun d) verbAnswer: Pronoun

    20. Many girls wear modern dresses these days.a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) pronounAnswer: Adjective

    21. He is going to college.a) pronoun b) adjective c) noun d) conjunctionAnswer: Noun

    22. They were making a lot of noise while I was teaching.a) preposition b) adverb c) adjective d) conjunctionAnswer: Conjunction

    23. Himalayas are on the northern side of India.a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) adjectiveAnswer: Noun



  • 24. Which movie are you watching?a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) adjectiveAnswer: Adjective

    25. He is working in an MNC now.a) conjunction b) adverb c) preposition d) nounAnswer: Adverb

    26. I hurt myself yesterday.a) noun b) adjective c) pronoun d) verbAnswer: Pronoun

    27. He shot himself as soon as they left.a) pronoun b) verb c) adverb d) adjectiveAnswer: Pronoun

    28. She must learn to mind her own business.a) adverb b) adjective c) noun d) verbAnswer: adjective

    29. She generally leaves home by 8 o' clock.a) adverb b) adjective c) verb d) nounAnswer: Adverb

    30. Whose bike has he taken?a) adjective b) adverb c) verb d) nounAnswer: Adjective

    31. There is a lot of research going on about life on Mars.a) pronoun b) verb c) noun d) adverbAnswer: Noun



  • 32. She burnt herself while cooking. a) noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    33. The girls are playing outside.a) noun b) conjunction c) verb d) adverbAnswer: Noun

    34. There is a lot of dust behind the curtain.a) adverb b) preposition c) conjunction d) nounAnswer: Preposition

    35. I had to do all the work myself.a) verb b) conjunction c) pronoun d) adverbAnswer: Pronoun

    36. The Taj Mahal attracts a lot of tourists every year.a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjectiveAnswer: Noun

    37. They decided everything themselves.a) noun b) adverb c) adjective d) pronounAnswer: Pronoun

    38. I liked the last scene in that movie.a) adverb b) adjective c) pronoun d) conjunctionAnswer: Adjective

    39. Children spend a whole lot of energy in playing.a) pronoun b) preposition c) conjunction d) verbAnswer: Preposition

    40. This is the oldest building in Hyd.a) noun b) adverb c) verb d) adjectiveAnswer: Adjective

